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4 " , THE CARRIZOZO NEWS I'libllHliwI nvcry Friday nt Cakkizozo - Nkw Mkxico Hntcnil ax apcimiiI cIiwh tnultiT .lunn Vi, 11HM, at inn ponmiuco ni i 11rr1r117.11, nw .tiuzico, untinr thonct ofMiiroli 3. I Kill, SUIMCKIPTION HATIC8 Otw Yinr .... f,r.o Hlx .Month (ly mull) . . . l.( II A L 137. DINdWAIili I'llllMHIIHIH. LOCAL NEWS A Happy New Year to all our readers. Henry Corn, assessor-elect, is in town today. Frank Curry was in town Saturday from Tularosa. Dr. Guido Rnnnigcr arrived last night from Oscura. Governor W. C. McDonald Jcft Tuesday night for Santa Fe. J. J. Saunders, of Tularosa, was here on business yesterday. A. II. Hudspeth returned yesterday morning- from Santa Fe. Rev. R. B. Evans, the Method ist pastor, visited El Paso this week. Judge G. J3. Greer came over yesterday from his home near Parsons. Marshal Neil, of Iowa, is visit ing the Spencc family during the holidays. Mesdamcs Ulrick and Holland went to El Paso yesterday to be absent two or three days. Dr. M.G. Padcn has gone to the Capitan Mountains on a turkey hunt, the last of the season. A. V. Rogers and wife came up frojn El Paso Tuesday night, on their return to Fort Stanton. Miss Abbie Meeks came up from Tularosa Wednesday and is the guest of Mrs. W. P. Lough ery. Dr. F.S. Rrandles left Wednes day night for Las Cruccs, where he goes to look into some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gurney and little son returned Tuesday from El Paso, where they had spent the holidays. L. U. Morris, assistant super intendent, came down from Tuoumcari Tuesday, and re mained until the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Daw son left last week for Aurelia, Iowa, to spend the holidays with Mr. Dawson's parents. They expect to return by January 10th. Miss Jane Brockway went to Fort Stanton Thursday to visit hor parents She will return at the and of the holiday vacation and resume her duties in the galiool. Probate Court will be in session here the coming week. Here's hoping that 1912 will be a much better year than 11 1 . District attorney elect H. B. Hamilton and family arrived last night from El Paso. T. W. Stoncroad, of Jicarilla, spent the week in town wilh his daughter, Mr. George Oderbolz. Engineer John Harris is again on his run after spending the holidays with his family in El Paso. A. T. Blair, of the Carrizozo Trading Co., left Sunday morn ing for a week's holiday in El Paso. Mrs. II. II. Boyer came up Monday night from Cloudcroft to join her husband, who is em ployed at the depot. The Reily family drove over to Capitan in their auto yesterday, to take dinner with Mrs Reily's parents Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Gray. Colonel Stavton, who left here several days ago for the home of j . " his daughter in California, has, "Mane" Henry on 1912. reached his destination in safety. I Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 25. -Hon. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCourt Horny Wattcrsnn, vctran editor of and children came up rrom El i tnu Louisville Courier Journal Paso, and are spending the HHt s:itl to day that the republican days with Governor McDonald's p(,rty was hopelessly split over family. j lnlJ 1912 nomination, ..nd gave as Sttnuel Kelscy, wife and baby ' i,js opinion Hint Tuft could not are down from White Oaks this ; win. Watterson in his 72nd year week, visiting Mrs. Kclsey's js jn fitJC health and as vigorous parents, Mr. aud Mrs. P. M. ; as a man at 50. Johnson. - j "The republican party is hope- The Commissioners Court will ,cssly spllt over the noUon convene here next Monday. Tbe,at lhe m2 convention," said the old board will conduct the meet- C( ntnr. ..Taft cannot be elected; ing, as the time for the new mem-1 H(loseveit lay be called on at the bers to take office has not been iiirt moinent to save the party. nxe(1- I Roosevelt wuold never leave the Dr. L. O. Martin and wife i White House, e.scept feet fore came up Wednesday night from 1 most." El Paso. Dr. Martin will look . afler Dr. Paden's practice for a j netlcra Keyi!8t lhe Revolution few days while the latter is ist( ,)!IS 1h,c e,iptumi, and the absent. ; insurrection has collapsed. J. R. Middlctou aud family; Wlmt it ,nciins to (.enerni UcVcs, have gone to Tucumcari, Mr. it is ,)ot (imcuit to'guess-an tMKuiieion naving neeu trans feree! from the shops here to Tu cumcari. The best wishes of many Carrizozo friends accom- ur tljauks arc Ijcrcliy ieubmifc tn all for tljcir liberal ijlfatriumgc biumtg flje past year, anb foisljinrj, all $Iappy imh Pruspcrnns Jfofti TBcat, Ic remain, ROLLAND BROS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJEWITT & HUDSI'ETH A TTO UN)1! YS- A T L A W White Oaks . : New Mexico QEORGE SPENCE Attohnky-at- Law Ollli'c In Durlllnu. Carrizozo New Mexico DR. F. S. HANDLES DENTIST -Office in Bank Building Carrizozo, - - New Mexico adobe wall behind aud a plat toon of loaded rilles in front. pany the family. ?RANK J. SAGEW FIRIi INSURANCE Notnry I'ubltc. Olhee in ItxcliMiiul' Hunk Oiirrlznii), JJARRY LITTLE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER I'lnutt ml ltlinnli'H 1111 nil iilnHhcn nf IdildliiiuH niiHliuri in it lie, Carrizo'o, New Mexico. foxwottli-Oilliraitti LUMBER COMPANY. The American, who lias been llin niH lnliiilfl Mm t hrnttft 1 tl Fayette E. Jones, a mining , , 1 1 , engineer, of Albuquerque, was in , . , . ,1M r, , , x, . demand of Russia. The Bear our town 1 uesday. Mr. Jones is . , , , , e iwMilil Hnt nullum flli nv!itifili n I interested in some iron property occi(leutal thrift in ,u orlental Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mouldings near Corona, and left Tuesday . ... . ; country-the example would1 Huildinn Pshmt Ac night to arrange for some work ., V, . . .. 1 uuuoinn i.i)ir, yl. ., . spoil Russia s hold in Asiatic on the property. , 1 ' 1 1 nrnuinmic C5 - 111,. II.. A.. .1. .. .. i Rev. M, T. Dve came in 1 aKWV' ,.B 1 V: . . V,,."U,M' , anu evt'iyiiiiuv! in me line , "I had been troubled with con-1 of Huildu.y Material. stipation for two years tried all Carrizozo : : New Mexico , the best physicians of Bristol, ' . , Tenn., and they coulb do nothing Every family has need of a for me" writes Thos. E. Williams good, reliable liniment. For Mibdleboro, Ky. "Two packages sprains, bruises, soreness of the came in Wednesday from llachita, Grant county, where he is engaged in teaching school. He is here to attend to some land matters, and will return to llachita to con clude hi term of school. Bring your hides, pelts and furs of Chamberlain's Stomach and muscles and rheumatic painsthere to ieglcr Bros. Highest mar- Liver Tablets cured me." For is none better than Chamberlain, s kel paid all the time. sale by all dealers. Sold by all dealers. 4 .-6