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CARRIZOZO NEWS CAMUZOZO NEW MEXICO ACHIEVEMENTS IN IGNORANCE. Qoenral Barry's report concerning tho dcflclont education of many can dldatcs examined for admission to WoBt Point Military Acadomy Is In teresting from tnoro than one point of view. ThcBo young men wore not ta ken at hazard from tho mass of their follows, nor woro thoy merely young men of averago ability. Each of thorn had been selected and chosen as a nominee for a cadotship. Each of thorn had presumably prepared for tho examination ho know awaited him. ays tho Now York World. Yet many of them disclosod a dogrco of lgnor anco concerning history and 1 1 tc ma ture that could hardly bo surpassed among illiterates. Ono of thoso as pirants for West Point stated that Leo and Stonowall Jackson had fought at Princeton and Trenton, anothor that tho battlo of Waterloo was fought between "Nopollcan" and "Welling ford." Of Mason and Dixon's lino it was said It "dividos Maryland from Georgia." Among the "most import ant writers of tht nineteenth century" woro included "Ellor Whoolor Wilcox, Elbert Huggard, Jack London and Dorothy Dlx." Those young men aro graduates of American schools. To tbem havo been open from their boy hood all tho advantages of public li braries and an Incessant and well nigh countlcbu stream of magazines and newspapers. Thoy surely aro not dull boys nor unambitious. Their Ig norance, therefore, 1b as discroditablo to their teachers as to themselves. Tho idea of reclaiming Russian swamp lands is not new. Liko many other valuablo ideas it sprung up in tho fertilo mind of Peter tho Great, who built his capital In a swamp, be cause it was tho only place ho could And affording access to tho sea. Peter selected tho Ilolmogorl district in the province of Archangel for raising Dutch cattlo becauso ho noticed tho resemblance between tho grass of Holland and that of tho Ilolmogorl district. It Is now pointed out that at small expense the vast swamps In tho province of Archangel can bo turned into lands covered with tho Ilolmogorl graBs, and that after n few years a largo portion of it will bo lit for raising cereals and vegetables. A systematic reclamation movement is now planned by tho Russian depart ment of agriculture Germany is fast becoming Ameri canized, according to the reports of tho British coiibuI at Munich, who notes tho symptoms in altered trade methods, tho greater uso of advertis ing by business houses and tho growth of luxury and restlessness In private life, says tho Now York World. Rut what will strike Americans thorn solves ttB the best evldonco of Ameri can tendencies In Germany Is con tained In the mounting cost of living in Germany nnd in tho Imperial chan cellor's suggestion that it must bo ac cepted as part of tho new conditions. Geologists aro claiming that tho greatest underground rlvor In the world Hows from tho Rooky moun tains undorncath Now Mexico and Tcxhb, emptying itself In tho Gulf of Mexico. This river Is thought to ba in pluaos several mlloB wide, and It is bolloved that It foods rivors that (low upon tho surface. Tho artesian well bolt of Toxns Is pointed to no tho up lifting of the water from this rlvor, often from eight hundred foot bctow, UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THE NORTHWE8T. T. A. Ireland, Rifle 8hot of Colfax, Wash., Tells a Story. Mr. Ireland is tho holder of four World records and has yet to loso his first match Bays he: "Kldnoy trou bio so affected my vision as to Inter- foro with my shoot ing I bocamo so nervous I could hard ly hold a gun. Thoro was sovero pain in my back and head and my kidneys wero terribly disordered. Doan's Kldnoy Pills cured mo after I had doctored and taken nearly every remedy imaginable -without relief. I will glvo further details of my caso to anyono en closing Btamp." "When Your Back Is Lame, Rcmeffl bortho Name DOAN'S." GOc.allstoreB. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Business Instinct Strong. A photographer tells, as a Joke on almself that a woman, accompanied by a little boy, como into his studio tho other day. "I want my pickcher took," sho said. "I soo that you tako plckchers for four dollars a dozon this week, bo I como for mine. And I want tills little boy took In the samo pickers with me." "Yes, madam but, of course, wo muko an extra charge outsldo this special rato when two pictures nro taken at onco." "Oh," sayB tho lady, "but I'll keep tho boy In my lap. That'B the way I do In tho street cars, and nobody ever says anything." PHYSICIAN ADVISES CUTICURA REMEDIES "Four years ugo I had places break out on my wrist and on my Bhln which would itch and burn by spells, and scratching thorn would not seem to glvo any relief. When tho trouble first began, my wrist and shin itched liko poison. I would scratch thoso placos until they would bleed beforo I could got any relief. Afterwards tho places would Rcalo over, and tho flesh un derneath would look red and feverish. Sometimes It would begin to itch until It would waken mo from my sleep, and I would liavo to go through tho scratching ordeal again. Our physician pronounced it "dry eczema." I used an ointment which tho doctor gavo mo, but it did no good. Then ho advised mo to try tho Cutl cura Remedies. As this trouble has been in our family for years, and is considered hereditary, I felt anxious to try to head it off. I got tho Cutl cura Soap, Olntmont nnd Pills, and thoy seemed to bo JuBt what I nocdod. "Tho dUeaso was making grent headway on my system until I got tho Cutlctira Remedies which havo cleared my skin of tho groat post. From the tlmo tho eczema healed four years ago, until now, I havo novor felt any of Its post, and I am thankful to tho Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont which certainly cured mo. I always uso tho Cutlcura Soap for toilet, and I hopo other sufferers from skin diseases will uso tho Cutlcura Soap und Olntmont." (Signed) Irven Hutchison, Throe Riv ers, Mich., Mar. 10. 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by drugglstB and dealers ovorywhero, a sample of each, with 32-pago book, will bo mallod froo on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. 17 K, BoBton. Surprised. "Do you moan to toll mo you really Ilvo In Chicago?" "Yes. You speak as If you thought It remarkable for mo todo so." "Why, I supposed people merely Btayod In Chlcngo until thoy got money onough to live In Now York." No man will havo any trouble about understanding ub much of the Bible as ho Is willing to live. TAPIOCA AND RICE PUDDINGS Two Ways of Prnpar'ng Each of These Wholesome and Easily Di gested Desserts. Tapioca Cream. Two lovol tea spoons tapioca, throe eggs, thrco ta blespoons sugar, ono quart milk, and salt to taste. Soak tapioca In one-half cup cold water ovor night. Put milk and tapioca In doublo boiler. Whon tnploca rlBos to tho top of milk add tho yolks, sugar and salt boaton to gether, and cook till It thickens. Whon cool flavor with vanlla. Doat tho whites to a slff froth, add thrco ta blespoons confectioners' sugar, frost and placo In Blow oyen to brown slightly. Sorvo cold. Indian Tapioca. Soak ono pint tap ioca In ono pint of cold wator ovor night. In tho morning bring ono quart milk to tho boiling point, then stir In slowly seven tablespoons In dian menl and add ono cup mohiBsos, Then add tnploca and a small piece of buttor. Whon well mixed stir In 1 pint of cold milk and bake about 2 hours In modornto ov&n. Rico Pudding. This roclpo for rico pudding was sont in by some ono sign ing hersolf Mrs. D nnd i'vo never found any that suited my taBto any bottor. Tako throe-fourths cup of cooked rice, ono quart milk, ono-half cup sugar, thrco eggs, reserving whites of two for froBtlng, grated rind of ono lemon, pinch of snlt. If the rice Is lumpy soparato with a fork and stir well, then bake as you would a custard. When dono boat tho whites of remaining eggs to a stiff froth, add one-half cup of confectioners' BUgar and Julco of lemon, pour over top and return to oven to brown. Anothor recipe wo liko much Is, ono quart of milk, two tablespoons of rico, throo tablespoons sugnr, but ter" slzo of walnut, salt and nutmeg to taste. Bako slowly for two hours, or until thick and creamy. You can, If you wish, add raisins and rosorvo tho whites of two eggs and frost Just 8uccotash. No man living ovor said a word agalnBt succotnsh, says a western pir per. Ho may discard chicken pie, sweet potatoes, tomato bisque, or clam chowder, but succotash ho novel tuniB from. Thero is u romance in tho name. It dwells in tho smile of tho great spirit, and Is, too, tho lovo ly relic of Indian llfo. A man whe eats succotush rovels in tho chase and tho sunlit Joys of tho prnirlo. Succo tnsh is mado up of dreams and good things beans nnd corn romping to gether nnd tensing you with a bantoi to Join tho melee. Of course, you will 8wIsb Eggs. Cut quarter of a pound of rich cheese In thin shavings. Buttor nc egg dish or a sranll stono china plat tor and sprend tho cheese on It; upon tho cIiocbo distribute n little buttoi brokon Into bits, a little salt, cayenne, mustard and cream. Break egga intc a dUh and stir together until mixed; then pour over tho other materials and placo In tho oven. Bako eight minutes. ajfAaAROUND UrnousE In putting down linoleum or oil cloth have strips of molding nailed or. tho edges next to tho baseboard. This prevents dust from gottlng uudor and preserves tho edgos. Holding tomatoes ovor tho gas flamo will causo skin to burst and come off easier thnn whon scaldod aud the tomato will bo less mushy than when scalded. Neglected braBs mny be polished with a pnsto of powdored bath brick and oil. Tako two pieces of tho brick and rub together. This mnkes a fin er powder thnn If scraped with n knife. ' ma0 i J When Buying g Bziking i Powder I 1 For this is 1 (f tho baking g powder that g 'makes tho j -g baking better." g It leavens tliefood f 'm evenly throughout; puffs it up to airy lightness, makes ft ( J dcligutfullyappetiz- m g Ing and wholesome. g Remember, Calumet S is moderate in price S highest in quality. J Ask your grocer for J Calumet. Don't take 1 g a substitute. g (BAKING POWDEgy mm Hi Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble net surely out gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure 1 indlncstlon. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL FILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must hear Signature W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 47-1911;