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i Si1" Carr 15030 A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Uncoln County, VOLUME 12, CARRIZOZO. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, JANUARY 5, I'UJ?. ,' Absolutely Complete Election Figures. The following gives the exact result on fit a to officers at the No vember election: For Governor: McDonald 31,030 Burxum 28,019 McDonald's maj. 3017 For Lieutenant Gov. IS. C. De Haca 29. M2 Martinez 28,900 De Baca's maj. 730 Fur Secretary of State: Lticcro ' 2,092 Romero 28.932 r Lucero's maj. 700 State Auditor: Sargent 29.574 Delgado 20,133 Sargent's maj. 441 For Treasurer: , O. N. Marrow 29.807 Mirabal 28,977 Marrou's maj. 8'tO For Atty. General: Clancy 30,102 ' McGill 23,721 Clancv's maj. 1441 4I?pr Superintendent of Public Instruction A. N. White 29,521 Stronp 29,410 White's maj. Ill For Land Commissioner: Ervien 29,704 Emerson 29,242 ' Ervien's maj. 538 For Judges Supreme Court Elect Roberts 29,081 Ilanna 29.074 Parker 29,583 Wright 29,541 Burkhart 29.453 Dunn 29,423 ewe. , ft k& mu 1 u ni mm umiumi inn iwii'mw iwmm . 1 11 m 11 t i"i'jr ." 'iSgJI NUMBER M -''"PP f BEGIN ' 1 (i int i If ;; I I I ' RIGHT. 8 ; u - 8 8 g TRADE WITH WELCH & TITSWORTH. W 4 8 5 J -Very Truly Yours, g 8 WELCH &TITSWOHTH. 8 : m CAP AT AN, N. M. f) 'V I HIT 1 '. " f- a a v 1 Fbr Corporation Commissioners 3 to elect Williams 29,835 Groves 29.783 Van Stone 29,451, Arm! jo 29.108 Martinez 28,5f7 O. L. Owen 28.509 Sol, Owen 1.032 . For Congressmen: 2 to elect . Curry 30,102 Fergusson 29.999 Baca 28030 Valverde 38,353 Taft in Race to Stay. With this statement as .'i ;.. i.t. - ..... , . 1-, i.. 1 lnsiJiraiiun, 11 is aaiu Wasmngion, u. , j.m, , . -Nothing but death can keep ,, supporter will at once begin an out of the light now." President Taft is reported to have made this statement to white house callers today and to have added that he had no ob- statement beitig Ii" is impossible to give gCfy county officer's Vote but if jljtj reader wants the fi particular race, he ieciion to the made publii . The pre5iletit is suid to be thoroughly aroused to the grav ity of the s-tuatiou in the Repub 1 lii-au party and determined to let his attitude be generaly under stood. He has declared that nntltir no circumstances will he withdraw his name fron considcr aton by the Chicago convention tinxt June, and has asserted that hcrc' his position with respect to the uomiuatiMi has not cnau geu 111 narticular since he hrst. active campaign in his behalf. It was said today that some of Mr. Tuft's friends have gone so far lately as to advise him openly to break with colonel Roosevelt and to challenge the latter to make plain his intentions. The president has declined to do this. The white house has been fairly Hooded with with callers lately who have brought word to presi dent Taft that colonel Roosevelt so far has declined to say that he would not accept the nomtnatioa if it were tendered to him. The president has been urged for weeks to make a more aggres sive campaign in his own behalf. He has replied that he did not think political activity comported with 0residenti.1l dignity. He now has consented that his friends carry forward the fight as n..i1f TtM.tita flirt ficriir nil lJ5 0 .1... 1. ft., tit llMMCO can ob-;uulu,tu , . , Pem by asiaug Inumlr of his closest friends to mm : .. "vt x, !make a delinite statement as to I vigorously as they desire and he r. n lllenoBitinu and agreed to do so will iw b ii 'agu emoted above. 'properly can lend what assistance he Teackers' ExamimtMR. The regular mid-winter exami nation of teachers will be held at Carrizozo, New Mexico, on Fri- , day and Saturday, January 12th and 13th, 1912. All permits ex pire on the date'of the examina tion, as do, also, all third grade certificates issued in January. 1911, and all teachers who hold these classes of certificates, and who expect to continue teaching, are required to secure a certificate at this examination. The issu ance of tno successive permits is prohibited by law: hence the necessity for holders, of permits 10 accuru curuncaics in oracr 10 receive salaries from the public school fund. The Territorial Board has planned to furnish questions for first, second and third grade certificates. The examination will begin at eight o'clock Friday morning, and a specially allotted time will be given each subject until the ex amination is completed. Jno. A., Supt of Schools Garrizozo, N. M., Jan, 2 1912. . .1. -1 , ;ft'- .1 , 4: 1 - jry ; .4 o .W-UV t : . , '? 1 ' '-