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OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO VOLUMK l' CARRIZOZO. LINCOLN COUNTY. NI5W MUX1CO, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1018. NUMliKR 29 To Camp Travis Civic League Till! following imiii ordered to report In Local Board nt Cnrri zoxo, Nuw Mexico, July 24, 1918, lor etilraiuineiit to Camp Truvis, Texas: Jose Palo Aguilar.Mounlainuir Barney W. Wilson, Audio Juan K'oinero. Arabola Roy Vickers. San Diego, Cal. Tlieodor Peru., Arabeltt ICI(ilo Rodelu, Picacho Iguacio Mill, " r4a Toy Nlekles Doll, JlcnriHa IJucarlo Lujan, White Oaks Kusablo Sedillo, Lincoln Kearney Strickland, Bradshav, Texas Manuel Sais, Oscura Aiiinnuitc Lttcuro, Arabufa"' Curtis Henry Lambert, Arabola Albert Calvin Stuart, Blbbcu, Ariz, A lvin Dutsan, Linculu Jim Weaver, Jicarill Kniquiel Giistaiuoute, Arabola Ysidoro Gonzalesf Carrizozo Felipe Vigil, Picacho Nicudumo Chavez, Tinnie Kinilio Fresquuz, Arabola Anast.ieio Martinez, Picacho Pedro Gallugos, Carrizozo Juan Jose Moutano, Lincoln Salomon Lucuro, Arabela 1M want C. Meiigcs.Pinos Altos Luther P. Hare, Uesco Howard Dean Spillcrs, Carrizozo Fiaiiclseo Garcia, Lincoln Hurl II. Doydslou, J icari llu Rafael Gutierrez, Hondo Catidelario Samora, Capitau Thomas Jackson price, Capitau Joe Willie Sand for, Tinnie Trinidad Cordon, Picacho Robert James Hague, Alto Louis Moya, Arabela George Torres, Sail Patricio Kzra A. Kemper, " Lorenzo L. Tipton, Corona Rafael (iuticrrvz, Lincoln Kdward L. Yolt, Albuquerque Claud llraiiiiuiu, Carrizozo Bias Doniinguez, Carrizozo L. P. Sauibrlano, Roswoll , Deiuctro P.idilla, Lincoln. 1. H. SCIIAICKF1CU, Chief Clerk. Uood Oil News There will be a special meet ing of the Civic League Monday afternoon, 4 o'clock, at the Crs tal Theater, and all members are urgently requested to be present. The annual election of o flic cm will be taken up at this meeting and ulsu the disposition of the fluids on hand in to be considered. Pending a meeting, it has been i suggested by many of the mom-iIr'I- that the funds be turned over to the Ked Cross. The League has done a very inori tori jus work since its organiza tion, but has not been ho active the past year because its mem bers have been busily engaged in war work. In fact, the big thing before all is the winning of the war and the members feel that the contributors to the Civic League will heartily approve the proponed action to devote the funds on hand to the Red Cross, which needs the money and which is doing such great work. Eighth Uruders To the list of pupils whose names appeared in the N i:vs a few weeks ago, graduates in the State Highlit Grade Promotion Examinations,. another name de serves to be added making thirty- live in all who were successful this year in this county. Includ ing the total number who were promoted to the ninth grade in Hie entire county, the eighteen in Carrizozo, raises the number to llftyoiie. Lincoln county is not thu most backward county in the state, by far, in this matter, There seems to Im a forward movement over the entire state along educational lines. Let the good woik continue. Overseas NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is huruby given that, under and in accordance with Sec, 2, Chapter 80 of the Laws of 1917, relating to the collection of de linquent taxes, I, the tuitlcralifilril, have posted a cony of such de linquent tax list, at the front door us. ol the court house, at CatrUozn, 1 Lincoln County, N. M j Now, therefore, I itive notice ' the 13th day ol Cards have been received by relatives and friedds announcing the safe arrival of the following soldier boysi Jeff J. Clatiuch, Morifitu Welly, William Uallnclinr and Marelal St. John, Carrixoito; Lee Roeves, ..u Patricio, mid Kolln Pnrkcr, N'otfxl. Naturally, there are others trom Lincoln county, but their name have not been given The following was handed the Nitws by a gentleman who had visited the Oscuro oil well, and we are pleased to give it space: "We are drilling for oil right here at home, and we belfeve we will find both oil and gas and we know if cither or both is found it will help every property owner in Lincoln county. We arc prop erty owners here and know that our only hope for this country lies in the development of her national resources of which we have an abundance but they arc all under the ground and we must dig if we nre to win. "Let's all put in our might in this otic test, where a noted oil geologist has located the well. The chances for oil he testifies upon oath in his opinion arc 99 for oil to one against it. . "Our country in war needs more fuel oil in order to win. A few dollars invested rigli at home may make you happy all through life. "The manager of the well drilling tells me they were down 000 feet Monday evening, showed up the log of well, the Bhale, shells, sand stone they went through. The oil experts hav ing examined it say indications couldn't be better for oil. The machinery is running fine, boiler 82-horsu power, steam engine 30-horse power, string of tools welgliB over 4,000 pounds, This drilling outfit is good tp go down 4,000 feet. Thousands of acres of laud is leased for oil. Mr. RalTerty, the owner of the well, would be pleased to have all parties that arc interested hold ing leases, anil others that are interested in seeing tuis part of the country have a good oil well, to call and sec what thu pros pects are, for oil anil gas. ALLIES STOP THIRD GERMAN DRIVE If it were not for incurring the risk of being accused of vainglo riousuess, this heading might read "The Hun Turned Back. Crumpled Up and Demoralized by Americans." Hut there is enough glory for all, even if tin Americans did do the trick at the crucial poittf, and Hid it so thoroughly that the Kaiser's soldiers, those left to tell the tale, will never forget the Sammy and his capacity for fighting, Well, the third big German drive of the year started, after the Uuu fashion, by massing an overwhelming force in a given sector. This sector, evidently by design, was that occupied by the Americans, who were sup ported on both sides by the heroic Trench. The Germans launched a division across the Manic, in face of a murderous lire from the Americans. The south bank of the stream was reached and for a time held fast. The Americans counter attacked, and what Ger mans reached the north bank consisted of those who swam the stream; the others had boon killed, wounded, captured or drowned. The French about the same time drove the German back in a smashing offensive and captured many prisoners. It was tlie second time, this year, the Germans had li-'eti stopped in the third drive for Paris, and it was the second time that the Americans occupied the post of honor and met the responsibility as every American knew they would. Good old U. S. A. 5 U'a glorious to be an American. A wire came in last evening announcing a smashing advance of combined French and Amer icans, in which a large number of guns and thousands of prison ers were captured and the Huns sent scauiperiug-for a distance of 3 to 5 miles. This attack was along a line of 25 miles in length and the rivalry of the French and Americans sent cacli beyond his objective. Wowl Isn't it grand to be an American. Pine Rains Unit I will, oil the 13th .lay ol (ood rai,m f(f Sllluay night T W.;. .will.?. . , . Z l M- d over most, .1 not all. ,nlu C.Mintv, New Mexico. Ion of Lincoln county Uxprcssloils judgment aifuinttt the lands, real irotp citixens from every portion estate and piopci ty, i l( the coiintr were unanimously to the effect that it was the bust r i in for two acinous. More anil still more iH needed, but we have a magnificent start and stock men iind farmers fuel elated over the outlook. Lieutenant hi Engineers upon winch taxes aie ueiinqueni iii id unpaid, in satd county, anfl loruuoulii to sell the same to sails! Mu-h jiuiKtneiit. (Vinl I. tin uiilciMned. do fur ther i-1 . until e that 1 will, within tbiriv (ias, 1 1 ter the rendition of -.ut b ju.liMiient, offer (or sale, at Pub.n u. turn for cash, at the tiuiit door ot the court house, at i iitu.izo, Lincoln County, New Mencn, separately and in eon se iitiw order, each parcel of pro peris, upon which any taxes arc deliiiqiout and unpaid, and against which judgment lias beetl i. ml, reil lor the milium! of taxes penalties, interest, and coats due! years uo and for fire years tlureou, or as much thereof, at held the time position with .... 1 I... H..,iUUUfH ll, t'MUlIMM llm reapei tiv : altlUIIUUl due, A. J. ROLLAN1), Treasurer and Collector. 7-13-5t. lieef One Day A Week MH Harry Dixnn returned Wednesday from Douglas, Ariz ona, where she had gone to visit her husband. Mr. Dixon who .was chief dispatcher here some has the cumpauy nt Douglas, has received hit coiiiiitisaioit ub first lieutenant in an eiigliiaer corps and is ax ptcliug uii wtrlyeall to the colors Albuquerque, N, M July 15, 1918 To All Public Eating Places: - Plie Foodjldtniiiistratlou rules permit the use of beef at otic meal each day. In order to secure uniformity, a committee of pro priotors' meeting with us have fixed on certain meals and hours at which the beef may be served, and we, therefore, acting with authority and at the suggestion of Washington, instruct you to follow the following schedule: Monday, 11:30 a. m. to 3: JO p. m., Roast or Hoiled llecf, Tuesday, 11:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. in., Koast.or Boiled lieef, Wednesday, 5:00 p. m. to 12:00 :i. m. i Steak, Thursday, 11:30 u. in. to 3:30 p. tu., Koast or lioticu ueei, Friday, Fish and other meat than beef, Saturday, 5:00 p. m. to 12:00 p. m., Steak, Sunday, 5:00 p. in. to 12:00 p. m.iiStuak. Yours very truly, RALPH 0. 15LY, Food Administrator. Kimbells to Leave T Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kunbell went to HI Paso Wednesday, Mr. KiiubelUhaviug been called there by the company. Mr. Kimbell was notified by the company that he had been promoted to the position of master mechanic of the western division, between 101 Paso and Douglas, and Mr. Kim bell will go to Douglas to go over the division and will taue charge of the work the first of August. The Kimbells have been here for ten years during which puriod Mr. Kimbell has held the position of division fore man, and how well and satisfac torily he has performed his duty in that capacity is evidenced by his promotion to the responsible position of master mechanic. When the Kimbell family leave, Carrizozo will suffer a distinct loss; they are estimable people, ami have hosts of friends who, while wishing them thu best of everything, keenly regret their departure. W. I). Gray Dies Word reached here this week of the death of W. I). Gray, which occurred in McCulioch county, Texas, lust week. Mr. Gray and family, after several years residence in Carrizozo, re turned to Texas two years ago. Mr. Gray had stilfered a paralytic stroke during his residence here and never fully recovered from its elfects. The deceased leaves a wife and two younger children, Uessle and Floyd, and three grown sons, Urviu, Frank and jFred, All members of the fain ! ily arc well known here although none of them live here at this ! time. An Opportunity Up to date Confectionery splendidly equipped can make attractive ofTer to right party. Hest location in the state for luncheonette. Address, Oasis Confectionary, Box H5,Currizozo, N. Mex. 7-19 If Miss Ruth Kdiuiston accom panied Mr. Ben Ilortou on an auto trip to Las Vegas this week, making the trip in Mr. ilnrtun's car. To Work Koads W. C. Davidson, county high way superintendent, arrived Tues day from Roswell and got busy oti roads following the recent rains. He brought thu cheering information that the stutu high way commission had set aside $4,000.00 for Lincoln county roads, half to be expended on thu Carrizozo-Coroua road and half on the Capitau-Llucolu road, Gradually we arc coming into our own. lOmticl-Aiidcrsoii has accepted a splendid position at Dawson, New Mexico, he left Wednesday night for that place, his wife also luavus immediately for Dawson where they will make their future liutnc. The Ntuvs wishes them all happiness ami gnod luck in the new home. Mrs. Jumes Johnson will have charge of the Oasis Confectionary, she returned Wednesday from Roswell, Mr. and Mrs. C. 12, Smith uotincc the arrival of a fine at their home. an- boy Methodist Church II. l.twllltiK, I'aitor Sunday school 9(45 a. m. Preaching services 11 a. lilt and B p. in. Junior League 4 p. nt, Senior Kpwarth Le;igue7:15 p.m. If the canned goods you buy are Club House you will be satis Dud. The Carrizozo Trading Go, handles this line in Qarrizuzo.