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4? TUB OAIUUZOZO NEWS. a SDELIGftTS m Are Worry and Overwork Killing Our Congressmen? WAHIIINdTON. Why nro member of congress dying off no fnst? Tho morinllty rnto In both the senate and the hmiso linn recently Incrnased so remnrknhly Unit Ihu cnpllol statesman lire niithi'iislvcly xi-archliii: (or tlio answer. Within u yenr thu si'mite ilium- hun lost seven of Its members, or nliout 7 per cent. Thu house has Inst almost n tunny. What's thu most disquieting nliout It, from 11 member's point of view, Is that death hits taken few of thi' oldest members, Its heaviest toll being uiiiiiiik thotu of iiihhllu ago and supposedly Ihu limit vigorous. Is fust living responsible for fust dying among congressmen? It iiinnot hu. With turn exceptions, thu imtloiml lawmaker an sober, serious turn. They ilr not OlsMipnte They nro not devotees of thu cabaret, and. though Washington In now dry, thuy seldom go to lliilllmoro. Congressman Arthur W. Overmycr of Ohio bus mini to tint conclusion, from personal observation, thut too rent miswer Is worry mid overwork. A member of congress In nlw.iys n busy limn, If he voiKeleiitloiixly looks ufler tlio business of Ills district, hut when n wnr eoinus along his work Is multiplied mill iniigiillled. Tho Ktniln Is iileiislud nnd thu weight of cures often becomes perilously oppressive. Overmyer Is nil active nnd' rolmst nmn. Ilo Is still less tlinii forty yenrs old nnd hns nothing tho uppeiirmicu of n corpse, hut ho Ims felt tho Inert using stress of work nnd, being up to ditto, 1ms iiimlu un elllclency survey of Id own tlmo for ono week. Tho result Is sut forth In tho following letter to n friend: "I'or n nunilier of months I Imvu heon wondering wherti oil my tlmo went, tlio tmys nlwnys being too short to ncconiplli.h whut hud to ho done. I knuw 1 wns busy, but wondered If I wns not wasting lime somewhoru by luck of system or somutlilng. Ho I determined to keep mi iiccount of my tlmo nnd wlint I did from n certnln Monday morning to Hie following Knturduy night, nnd at Ihu end of thu week found I hud put In 70 hours of work." Flag Made for Tuscania Burial Placed in Museum PHIJHII'UNT WILSON hns deposited In thu United States Nnlloiinl museum n ling which will excite In thu henrts of tho people feelings of the deepest gratltudo toward our nllles. It Is the t'nlted Slate ting used nt thu burial of American soldiers who wero lost with thu sinking of Ihu Tuseiinln. Thu Hug wns Hindu hy four Scotchwomen mid n Scotchmun of Isluy Ilotisu Jesslu Me Lellnn, Mary Cuunliighuiii, Ciithcrlno McOregor, Slnry Armour nnd John Me Dougnll In order Hint over tho United States soldiers when Inld lit rest there might wuvo Ihu Hlnra mid Stripes for which they hnd given their nil. Frank M. Amerlcu of Ilia Loudon staff of the Assoclntcd I', who wns tno nrst American to nrrlvo nt Islny nfter tho tllsiiRter of tho Tuscnnln, wns nsked hy Hugh Morrison, the Scotch landowner at whosu residence, Islny House, the ling wns mnde, to send this In tcrestlng relic to President Wilson with tho request Hint It he plnced In soma musoum or Institution to bo selected by him. Mr. Morrison took n prominent pnrt In tho Tuscuiiln relief work nnd donated .the limil for two cemeteries In which American soldiers now Ilo. District Is Doing Its Duty in Housing Workers THAT Washington Is going to do moro than wns expected of It In housing tho government's wnr workers Is Indicated hy tho fact that tho room registra tion olllco of tho District council of defense has hundreds of more rooms listed thnn It had six weeks ago. Hnrly In April fear wns expressed b govern ment oltlclals that the supply of rooms nt tho registration olllcu would ho ex- Imiistcd hy Mny 1, nnd Hint It would lit suvernl months before housing nccoin modiitlons would bu built by tho gov ernment. Despite theso fears thcru have been now rooms listed nt tho registra tion c 111 co nt u rnto thut bus more than kept pncoivlth thu Inltiix of now work ers seeking room. No Wnshliigtonlan who hns a room available, howovor, should fall to list It beciiuso of the knowl edge that tho registration olllco Is nt present keeping pneo with tho deinnnd. It Is understood thnt Otto M. Kldlltz, who has charge of tho government's building program, Is expecting tho homes of Washington to provide for n largo proportion of tho l.'O.OOO or moro workers who nro expected to come, hero dur ing tho reuinludcr of this year. In splto of tho now dormitories mid tho remodollng of tho Mnltby building nnd other lnrgo buildings now used ns olllces, ollleluls of tho housing bureau of tho department of labor expect the room registration olllco to find accomhiodn tlons for possibly moro than R.OOO wnr workers. In nddltlon to tho lnrgo num ber thut already has boen placed by thnt olllco. LOOM LIKE TH' U.WR I VWHK wujs i cet Mr. Burleson Prdmptly Restored Old John's Salary T 11131113 Is nn old colored messenger In the post olllco department building on tho southwest corner of Hleventh street nnd Ivuniylvnniii nvenuu. Ilo Is one of many messengers, hut his clnlm to distinction rests on the fact that ho has been In tho service for 30 or 45 years or some such term of yearn. Boverul month ago ho suddenly found himself reduced In salary from $1)00 to $720 and tho only cnuse ghen wns that the department hnd to out oxptiiHi'H. Tho old man thought It pretty liurd ihnt he should have been among those hit and he wondered nt gush n reward for his long service but tie Nkl nothing. Nobody hoard him complain. Then ou day ho huppeiicd to ho Wt UP to the house olllco bull. ling with n message fur one of thu members of the Ixmee post ntllco committee. Now, It happened that I'ostmustcr General Ilurleson himself wns visiting tlio nwuber that morning nnd wns present when tho messenger enmo In. it ulio happened that thu messenger hnd never seen tho postmaster gen- Ml. "Jehu." twld tho member of congress, "how do you like your Job nt tin pott olllco department?" "1 llhu It all right." tamo the reply. "I nln't got no kick. Only " "Only whatr asked tho representative. "Only I don't understand some things," replied tho messenger. "After I been working there for nil theso years, to git reduced, that scenw a funny way is alvo a mail reward." gtilt llie postinnstcr general remained Impassive nnd unknown. liut fho next dny nn order wns Issued nttho post olllco department. It wns signed by I'ostmasUr Genera! Ilurleson and called for tin reinstatement of thu Old messenger In tho $1X10 grade. Why Spalding It Flyer. Albert Spalding of New York, son of tho Intu A. 0. Bpnldlng nnd lieutenant In tho American aviation service, played tho violin nt n tea given re cently by Slgnorn Diaz, wlfo of tho Italian ambassador In Homo. Ilo mndo an extraordinary success, caus ing an enthusiastic demonstration to America by a distinguished audience Whon asked why ho risked his ex ceptional talent In tho aviation serv ice, whoro nn accident might cnslly In capacitate him for Ufo, ho replied: "Simply becnuso It Is not plnylng tho violin that will win tho war." New York Tlmce. Did All the Talking. "Confound tho luck I" cxclnlmod Professor Dlggs. "Whnt's tho matter, professor" asked Mrs. Dlggs. "I wasted nearly an hour discussing tho Kltznbothan poets with nn Igno ramus who thought I hnd refcrenco to nilznboth, N. J." "Well, I suspect It wns your own fault," replied Mrs. Dlggs. "If you had let tho poor fellow got In a word or two during tho 'discussion' ho would hnvo exposed his lgnornnco nnd en abled you to got homo sooner." Red Cross Dag Blue bu Ices tbe handrail hippy, nukes clothes whiter than snow. All good grocers, Adv. Diamond Buyers In War Time. Tho wnr hns Incrcnsed tho buying of diamonds nnd other precious stones moro thnn BO per cont over any year during tho past CO, It was announced nt tho annunl convention of tho Illi nois Jewelers' association. Precious stones wero bought during tho last year by moro porsens thnn formerly bought hlgh-grndo watches, It wan stated, nnd tho nnlo of brooches, brace let nnd pins rundo nn unprecedented spurt. According to Col. John L. Shep herd of Now York thcro Is to bo a blggor rush to Invest In diamonds nnd precious stonos during the noxt yenr. Tho Difference. "A pessimist likes a thing ho enn't enjoy, nnd nn optimist enjoys a thing bo can't llko." Tho Canadian government has passed a law to flno or Imprison pert sons who rcfuso to work. Why Swift & Company Has Grown The fact that a business organ ization has grown steadily for forty years proves that it has kept continually meeting a vital business demand. It must havo kept "fit" or it could not have stood the strain of ever shifting conditions. Swift & Company has been trained in the school of experience. Every day of its forty years of service has solved some now problem of value to its customers. Every year has proved its ability to learn by experience, and to use this knowledge (of the benefit of those with whom it deals. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Middle Aged Womeiv Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. lTreemont, 0. "I tras paaalng through tho critical period of life, being forty-six years of ago and had all ins symptoms incident to mat cningo neat uasnea, , nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, ao it n as hard for mo to do mr work. Lvdla. E. Plnk.N himV, Vegetable Compound was recommended to mo aa the beat remedy for my troubles, Tfhlch It surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger In every way alnco taking It, and the annoying' symptoms nave dlsap. rie&red," Mrs. II. Qooosv, 92S Hapoleoa St, Fremont, Horth Daren, Connv "Lydla E. FlnUsam'a Vcgett ble Compound restored my health after everything else In Such Cases LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND fuui tk grtt9t record for tht fftst good LYDIA E.HHKHAH MEDICINE CO. LYMN.HAVt. u AL1AM HAIR AUIl.t ronll .t Mill iMltdae CoUr mmA MtlH W wiuIImU duluff. rrnMUClr4 W. N. U DENVER, NO. 2B-1B18. Jewelry or Munitions. A high ofllclal In tho Urltlsh min istry of munitions says that thcro are several rcasas why peoplo should not bay platinum Jowelry. In tho first place, It is very cxpenslvoj then the world supply has almost been exhaust ed, and also tho raon at the front ncod moro munitions, and platinum Is ro Qulrcd for tho manufacture of expio lives wherewith to win tho war. This world contains an orcrsupply of average men. Wfwn Your Eves NccdCirt cy Remedy l KM lUtkUBUX CO., CIU0AOO Rabbit Pest In New Zealand. As u fair illustration of tlio rabbit post in cortatn portions of Now Zea land, and especially In tho drier sec tions of tho South island, it 1b stated that on an estato lately taken over by tho Now Zealand g rernmcnt compris ing 12,440 acres of froehold and a pas toral run of 10,250 acres thcro were kilted or captured about 120,000 rab blU in order to clear up tho property so as to tnako It suitable for tho loca tion of returned soldiers. Too Much to ask. Tho Lady Can I have this sent on approval? Clerk Yes, madam, but you'll have to return It In seven days. Tho Lady Oodncss gracious I IIow can I raako up my mind In seven days? Judge. Bomo girts give up a kiss as If they wore having a tooth pulled. Over a million tons of food were shipped to our allies In March. 8anie Kind of Flo.h The light Is tho eamo tlio pool Egyptians put up against tho grass hoppers and lice. Itching Rashes Soothed With Guticura Sp 2Bc. OI.ImhI 29 d flOc. Kill All FIIa! rTlJ"5"?' ly KIIUrHtiwU.rMlMui tklBIM. Wl, aw, enumwUI,aout.nlalDd chMp. f Doley Fly Killer HMOUi tOMCSt, lit CI KAU AVt MOCUTK, H. V, C. J. Musiion Wool Commission Co. 16tk & Liberty Sit, Stock Yard SUties KANSAS CITY. MO.