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AN) il 111 In 1 AMERICA'S CREED Worth Committing to Memory nnd Repeating in Unison at All Gatherings Do you know "America's Creed?" Tho quotation marks nro used becauso It hna never been officially promulgated; but il was prepared In Washington for tho Americaniza tion program of last Flag day Juno 14th and is therefore at least somi official. It is worth learning by heart, and worth saying in unison at all sorts of gatherings. And hero it is: "I hollove in tho United States of America as a government of tho people, kj tho people, for tho people ; whoso just powers aro derived from the conntnt of tho governed, a democracy in a republic; o sovereign nation of man ovoroign statos; a perfect union, ouo aud inseparable, established upoii thfcso principles of freedom, equality, justice nnd humanity for which Asiorirnn patriots sacrificed their lives nnd fortunes. "I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to lovo it; to sup port its Constitution; obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to dofend it ngninst all enemies. "Believing in the above crcod, "I pledge allegiance to tho Stars and Stripes and to tho rcpublio for which thoy stand. Ono language, ono country and ono flag, and "In tho presenco of Almighty God I sincerely plcdgo mysolf to aid my government with all tho power I possess in tho great world strugglo now in progress for tho democracy of tho world for tho independence of the small nations as well as tho larger ones, and "I further plcdgo my life aud all my worldly jootls to aid tho presi dent of our nation in directing tho American forces with our allies in their grim and determined fight for freedom, patriotism and humanity." FOR THE POULTRY GROWER Corn, when It Ih Just ripening nnl passim; thrmmh tlui dowdi staim Into the moro liurilcncd condition, If fed to chickens pauses n Iooho condition nf tho bowels, and If no otlier food Ih Riven, the lilrds nro forced to eat this kind of feed and dlKostlvo trim hies will follow. Tho llock In Its miiKlnc about tho farm at this time of year inny, un beknown to you, not koiiio of this corn, nnd inny show tho symptoms at present. Tho llrst Indications should ho n warning nnd tho birds, If neces itnry, should ho conflncd. If a good rntlon Is fed. however, twlco per dny Hint Is, mornlnc and nlRht. nnd In sutllclem quantities, tho birds will not cnt enotiRli to do them nny hnrm. Hither ono of tho nliovo methods will help to keep tho lloclc out of trouble nf this kind. Tho easiest way Is to bIvo them Niilllclcut hard uruln morn Inn nnd nlpbt to satisfy their appetite. 1823, and wns thus ablo to sny, "I hnd a slstor who was burled 17.1 years iiro I" When Wllllnm Krest of Itlpon wns Inld to rest In 1789, nt tho uro of ono hundred nnd right, ho wns followed to his ernvo by bis oldest son, a vctcrnn of clRhty-elRbt, nnd by his youngest boy, iiRcd fifteen, who nindo his ap pearance when his father was within slRht of his ninety-second birthday nnd when his eldest brother wns seventy two. Thomas neatly of Drumcondrn, nenr Dublin, celebrated his ono hun dred nnd second birthday on tho very dny on which his youiiRcst born en tered tho world, nnd when his eldest son had nlrendy seen soventy-two years. Thonins 1'iirs mado his llrst trip to tho nltnr nt clRbty nnd becurao tho fa ther of two children; mid ho wns so full of visor that ho mado n second matrimonial venture 42 years later, when his years numbered ono hundred nnd twenty-two. Bumper Crop of Babies In United States During 1917 According to Statistics tnfnnt mortality statistics compiled by tho New 'York milk committee re veal the fnct that them wns a bumper linby crop throughout the United Htntes In 1017. Hnsliig Its conclusions nu the llguri") cleaned (rum Kl.'l of tho largest rltlcs In tin country, tho com mittee estimates Hint the number of births throughout tho nation totaled 2,078.000 and the number of denths 1,. (VIR.tKM), leav'tiR a national Increase In population of over 1,000.(XX). Amour; tho cities of the honor class i Omaha claims llrst place with n death rate of only fll).2, nnd Seattle emtio second with a rntii of ISO.I. Nualivlllo, Trim., bad the highest rate, 182 2 Chi cago's rate wns 100.1. Tho llvo honor roll cities boasting death rates undor 50 per 1,000 are Iterkele.v, Oil., with ii population of M.l.'ll. i;Mi Hvurrtt. Mass., with u Liopulatlon of JW.IS4, AM: llmnkllue. Must!., with a SKiilatto" of S7702. li.3; Alameda. Oil., with s popula tion of SR.tiiH, tlVT; Hint I. a Crosxe, VIm with m impiilHtloii of :I0,417, -12.2. Distance Wireless Can Reach. There, Is practically no limit to tho dlstanco that tho wireless station nt Arlington, Vn can talk. Not only can It reach nil parts of tho Atlantic, hut tins tnlkcd directly with tho llnwnllan Islands In tho 1'nclHc and can reach moro distant parts of tho world by relays. Timely Thoughts. The renson some mini get more fun out of llfo than others Is because they don't wiint to get nil tho money too. buck mid perseverance often go band In hand. Tho otlier fellow Is the tunn we all think ought to help out when we got Into trouble. Mighty few people believe what n man tolls about himself. That Is tho renson tho courts Insist upon the testimony of ( harnoter witnesses. Bcoamo a Father at Ago of 102, When Eldest Son Had Already Lived 73 Years. A fflther nt eighty-four such Is tho -ocMt record of Mr. Jackson, n north wtry funuer, nays London Tit -lilts. Man more patriarchal still have tig oral In tho rank of fathers. Such a robust veteran was Sir William Nich olson of (i'lenbcrvy, n grand old Scots man who Ihed to nurso an Infant ilfltighter 'Jtcr ho had passed his nltio-tjr-nHoiul Mrthday. Sir Wllllnm then lisd ft dniiKtiter alive of his llrst mar riage, aged sixty-six. Ho married his Inst wife when ho was eighty-two, and ttfld six children. Sir Stephen Fox's last child was era tiled when tho father was within n few months of completing his hundredth year I Sir Stephen wns horn In 1027, MuljMil by his llit wife a daughter wtin died In lufiiliey tn HUVi. Tho child nf niit nn survived to tho year Mother's Cook Book A eweet temper U to the household what aunshlne Is to treoa and nowers, Tho homti of a nation are tta itronirtit fort, Qood Things Mother May Make. , Turnips make a very good dish, treat ed as ono does potatoes for nn escnl loped dish. Oamtsh tho dish with fresh pnrslcy and servo from tho bak ing dish. Chill Con Came. Cut two pounds of round steak Into small square pieces. Melt two tnblo spoonfuls of butter suhstltuto In n saucepan and when hot brown the steak, then ndd ono cupful of wntcr nnd four tuhlospoonfuls of rlco. Cover and cook until tender. Now ndd threo canned red peppers cut In slices, ono cupful of cooked benns, two parboiled aud sliced onions, ono tablespooiiful of corn Hour, four cloves, a clovo of gar lic chopped, a teaspoonfitl of salt; cook nil together until well blended nnd tho gravy Is of tho right consistency. Servo gnrnlshed with pnrslcy. A spoonful or two of grated chceso added to tho creamed toast wilt mako of It milto another dish nnd ono which nil mny cnt except thu two-ycnr-olds nnd younger. Plum Pudding Jelly. Cover hnlf n box of gelatin with one half cupful of cold wntcr nnd let stnnd for nn hour. Mix ono cupful of mis Ins, one-fourth cupful of sliced citron, and one-fourth cupful of currants; ndd u tablospoonful of ornngo or grnpo Juice. Scald n pint of milk nnd a cup ful of strained honey nnd nn ounco of melted chocolate. Mix nil the In gredients nnd when It Is slightly Arm, ndd tho fruit so It will not sink to tl)o bottom. Turn Into n mold nnd when rendy to servo, garnish with whipped nnd sweetened crenm. Fig Pudding. Wnsh, pick over and chop ono pound of figs. Heat threo eggs very light, put n cupful of suet through thu meat chop per, add two cupfuls of breadcrumbs, three-quarters of a cupful of milk nnd a cupful of strained honey. Mix all together and turn Into n wcll-grcnsed mold. Stcnm threo hours. Servo hot with nn egg snuco or with hard sauce. Desserts. Ices, sherbets mid lco creams aro ntl enslly digested nnd most wholcsomo for all members of tho family, mien nuts nnd fruits nro used In crenras they should ho put through tho mcnt chop per. Tho flavor Is better and tho cream smoother. Leftovers ot enko, creams, Jelly and fresh ns well ns preserved fruits may be used for desserts. Stnlo spongo enko with a bit of fruit Juice, n spoon ful of nuts nnd whipped crenm, makes n most pnlntnhlo nnd sntlsfylng dessert. THE KITCHEN CABINET Deeplne not thou email thins. Tin .oul that lonm for wins To dour to some great height of aao rlflce too oft Forget the daily round Where dully enree abound, Anil ihalice off little dutlea. while eh looke aloft. '-arm M III I .i.Jg f.(.siwumw(ir4filn W .Qmm' t DANANA A8 FOOD. ANANAS nro n most wholpfioine. nourish- V- Wtim&si '"R foml np,nB ,l0" LKCTctI "e'en' I" flavor It- n53Li Kt',f' ,liu lm,mnn JM-mSy Korbs flavors read ily and presents a good medium by which such flavors mny tio brought Into notlco. thus iitTord- lug n great variety of comblnntlons. Hecuuxo of tho luck of ncld tn Its composition It should bo n populur breukfast fruit. Tho cooked bnnann. oven slightly cooked, Is more enslly digested thnn the raw fruit. Simply covering tho rlpo, thinly sliced frutt with hot cercnl will cook It sulllclcnt- ly. Danann Croquettes With Lamb Chops. ltemovo tho peeling und coarso threads from Hvu firm bananas s cut tho fruit In halves crosswise, trim oil tho ends to mako tho halves nyin metrical nt tho ends; roll In egg which has been beaten with n table spoonful of water, then roll In sifted crumbs nnd fry In deep fnt until brown. Drain on soft paper. Two minutes will bo long enough for cook ing. Servo with broiled lamb chops. Orange Sirup. Hnll v cupful of tho Julco und pulp of ornngo, tho Julco of half a lemon, ono cupful of sugar and ono-quurter of n cupful of wntcr six minutes or until sllghtely thickened. Oaked Dananat. l'ull down n sec tion of tho skin of each banana. loaen t tho pulp, remove tho course thrends ! und return tho pulp to tho skin, lay tho fruit thus prepared In u saucepan nnd hnko In n hot oven until the skins aro blackened. Hcmovu tho pulp from tho skins, bond In n half circle nnd plnco on n sorvlng dish. Sprlnklo with powdered sugnr nnd chopped nuts ns ii dessert; or pour over n Jelly siiucc. Melt lflf n cupful of currunt Jelly, add a half-cupful ot sugar and cook llvo minutes, then stir In n tea spoonful of cornstarch, mado smooth with n Itttlo wntcr; cook llvo minutes nnd ndd n tnblcspoonful of butter nnd a tenspoonful of lemon Julco. Fruit Cocktails. To six tablespoon tuls of fruit Julco ndd two tnblespoon tuls of honey, the pulp of two oranges, threo diced hnnunns, nnd four rlpu peaches, diced, Dlvldo Into cocktnll llnsscs und serve. This mny bo used tiso as n dessert. Bure they of miiny Meeting! ehould cutter bleulng round, Ae laden bousha In autumn lllng their ripe fruit to thn ground. Birds and Animals Protend Violence In Play, but They Stop Short In Exercising It. Small birds chnso each other about In piny, but perhaps tho conduct of the crnno and tho trumpeter Is tho most extraordinary. The latter stands ou ono leg, hops about In tho most ec centric mnnner nnd throws somer BaultB. Sotno call It "tho mad bird," on nccouut of its singularities. Wntcr birds, such us ducks nnd geese, dlvo ntter ench other and clenr the surface of tho wntcr with outstretched neck nnd (hipping wings, throwing abundant spray nrotind. Doer often engage In a trlnl ot strength by twisting their horns to gether nnd pushing for tho mastery. All animals pretending violence In their play stop short ot exercising It) tho dog takes the greatest precaution not to tnjuro by his bite, nnd tho ornngutung, In wrestling with Ids keeper, pretends to throw hint, nnd makes feints of biting him. Somo ani mals enrry out In their play a scm hlnnco of cntchtng their prey; young ents, for Instniice, lenp nftcr every siniill und moving object, oven to leaves strewn by the utttutnn wind. Tney crouch und stent forward, ready for the spring; with tho body quiver ing nnd toll ttiiiititig with emotion i lie' bound ou the moving lour mid again tqirlug forward to iinother. More Than 55,000 Soldiers Totally Blinded in France As Rosult of World War. Krnnco bus moro than nn.OOO men who have been nindo totally blind In battle. To euro for theso unfortunates Is ouo of the most serious problems In thnt country. Since tho war began Uugeno llrleur, tho French writer, has devoted nearly all his tlino and energies to caring for tho blind soldiers sent hack from tho trenches, und the following npponl In their bebnlf tn from his llttlo paper, Le Joumnl des lilesscs mix Ycuxi "Within a year, If wo do not recelvo sutllclctit aid, wo shall huvu to cense, all our distributions of help. It Is serious. Wo have sent monthly to 871 families ot the blind assistance amounting to from 20 to 40 francs. "Wo hnvo pnld tho cost ot civilian clothes for somo ot them, cnnblcd a particularly utlltcted victim (both blind nnd nrmlcss) to enjoy a "'Inter season on tho milder shores ot the Mediterranean sea. And now I shall have to cut out many a stricken family from our lists If moro nsslstnnce tn funds bo not forthcoming. And this at u lime when tho cost of living bus ex ceeded nil reasonable limits." Lemon Juice For Freckles atrial Mike beauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try Itl Squeezo tho Julco of two lemons Intv a bottlo containing threo ounces of orchard white, shuku well, and you hnvo ii qunrtcr pint of tho best freckle, sunburn nnd tnn lotion, und complet ion whltener, at very, very smull cowl. Your grocer has tho lemons and any drug storo or toilet counter will supply threo ounces of orchard white , for n few cents. Mnssago this sweetly fragrant lotion Into tho face, neck, arms nnd hands and seo how freckles, sunburn nnd tnn dlsnppear and how clenr, soft nnd whtto the skill becomes, 1'cst It Is linrmless. Adv. Colored Scavengers In Parle. 1'nrls strcots hnvo recently gained In plcturesqucness by tho employment of colored scavengers, snys n writer In London Datly Chronicle. Ktiony titled Senegalese aud copper-colored Arabs from Algeria and Morocco, whoso terra cotta contrast so dcllclously with tho pulo hluo soldiers' uniform, clean, or affect to clean, met ropolitan thoroughfares. In the boule vard there Is a giant negro, with tho lordly gait ot an African prince, who trails his broom behind him ns tnnjes ttcally as If It wcro u peacock feather fan. Cultivation of Music According to historical researches, music was first cultivated In Egypt, but no vestlgo of prltnltlvo Rgyptlun music now exists. All our present-day formation comes from pictorial and sculptural representations of Instru ments and players and u fuw Instru ments exhumed In cities hurled under thu sand of centuries. A New Way to Shave Tender skins twlco a day without Irri tation by using Cutlctirn Soap the "CuUcnrn Way." No slimy mug, germs, waste of tlmo or money. For freo snra pics address, "Cutlctirn, Dept. X, llos ton." At druggists and by mall. Sonp 25, Ointment 25 mid CO. Adv. Meant "Two Down," of Course. An Hngllsh newspaper inun, report ing thnt famous baseball game before royalty, wroto that In the sixth In ning tho score ugnlnnt the nnny was "two-lovo." Ttnston Transcript Over 70.000 alumni of American col leges nro now In wnr service, mostly In tho nnny or nnvy. IN MISERY FOR YEARS "'TIS PICKLIN' TIME." J (JURAT Is tho va riety of relishes that sho Is Indeed hard to suit who cannot find sotno which her fam ily enn enjoy. Sliced Cucumber and Onion Pickle. Take threo dozen Inrgo cucumbers, peel and slice thin und cover with u sprinkling ot salt over night. I'eel nud sllco ono dozen small onions und trout In tho sumo way, hut do not mix them. Tho next dny drain und squeeze dry. Scnld tho vegetables In ii pint ench ot wnter und vinegar, then drain dry again. Now take a quart of vinegar, ono cup of sugar, ono ounco ot eclory sued, threo teiispooufuls of mustard seed, two teaspoonfuls ot white pepper; when boiling hot put In tho vegetables. Just let them scald, but do not cook, then seal In Jars whllo hot Chutney. Chop one dozen apples, two green peppers, one onion nnd ono cup of raisins; ndd two cups ot vine gar, ono cup of sugar, tho Julco of ono lemon und n half tablespoonful each of ginger and salt Cook all together two hours. Marlon Harland'e Relish. Cut the corn from twelve cobs ; break Into flow erets one head of cauliflower, cut Into half-Inch lengths one bunch ot colery, seed and chop ftno two green peppers, add three tablespoonfuls of salt ono and one-half pounds of brown sugar and threo pints of vinegar. Add the sugar to the vinegar and when scalding hot pour over tho vegetables. Now cover closely and cook ten minutes. Add a tablespoonful of mustard and eat In Jar. Wrap In papers to keep the mixture a good color. Tomato Conserve- Cook unUt thick five pounds of rlpo tomatoes, throe lemons. Juice, pulp and rind; two pounds of sugnr, one cup at shroddsd citron; when thick add one and one half cupfuls of seeded rnlBlns und one cupful of walnut moats. Mr. Courtney1 Tells How She Was Curea by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Oakaloosa, Iowa." For yenrs I vras Imply In misery from a weakness and bwiui pains ana nounng socmea to do mo any Rood. A friend nuvlied me to tako Lydla E. rinkhnm'o Voce table Compound. I did so and cot re lief right away. I can cortalnly re commend this volu nblo medicine to other women who suffer, for It has done such pood work for me and 1 know It will help others If they will clvo It a folr trial' Mrs. Lizzii: Courtney, 103 8th Ave., West, Oskalooss, Iowa. Why will women drsg alonft from day to day, year In and year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this aro continually being published, fa Every woman who sudors from displacements. Irregularities, In flammation, ulceration, backache, ner vousness, or who Is pnsslng through the Change of Life should clvo this famous root and horb remedy, Lydla E. 1'lnlc bam's Vegetablo Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co, Lynn, Moss. "Tho result of its Ions expsrlenco Is at your service. NEW TIRES 40 LESS A gg,.n (HUM Ml (mm IQCn tl ,IUII. jrillKHTlini; Mir.; !! 25f Is 1,111111111111111111111111 aopniuuii, B i I ,EB Kl MM ti ta 4 in BbiDBa a. u. il ... Vfc?EAJi,wi HOUHU CO, . SIT lath bUet lleuter, Colo. I0 All SilM THE SCHOOL OF EXPERIENCE" I THE ABORN MINIATURE 1 Keep Your Teeth ! Moredlieain remit from oeglected, decayed teeth Una from all other causes combined. Uood teeth mean good beallh without good he'.h nothing elto matters. An exbiuitlre booklet on the care ot teeth entitled, "Health and Efilolenor la Prerentlre Dcnllitrj" hu beea prepared by Dr. MoMlllea aud II should be lb etery home. It will save ererr family many timet IU ootk Bent prepaid every where tor 00c, Write H. w. McMillan, p.p. a, roseville. ax. W. tl, U., DENVER, NO. 39-1918.