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TiiltrOyvimtzOMO Rkjv CctlTizOZO NGWS I Republican Announcements Published Friday at Cnrrizozo, Lincoln County, New Mexico. UfltMrvl M Hiim! 1'ln.i. Mittlfi ' llif l'ttiiHtr nt t'nti note New M''xtnt. June '1 hni Sulncrlptlon Rnlea, $2.00 Per Yenr) Six Month, $1.00 JNO. A. HALEY Edilor nnJ Pnbliilitr DEMOCRATIC TICKET I'filHOII.VtYOOMMISHIO.NHK 1 hay limit i..iiilntil lit ili lUpiililliMtt puny nf Ifttfuln rnnlr Inrt iiiiiiilhtur fimn Ukirlrt N . I, nnl rrMawtfiillt li." rap- Mrl tif Tiilivm if (hli iSiiiliiy nt tin hU ihi Ntivcii.tMr !V. wiu.Hst ii.hkviuh. ioii Hiiiiinri' I wink I" uniiiiiiiin) inj rniiillifiier fr Hlwrlll nl Llnrotn fiiUBi). tutting Iwi iiiimlull fnt mill imniifi Uy llm llffimlillfiBM enmity cwiiypn llun I Unit, mi IntMtltfMlim of inj tMmd it imlilie iiltlrlil ami will uiimr(iiln III mipft i,f I tin v.ilfM uf thlt mutitr nl t lie enaalutr Km i'IiiImm nltclioti. II A UUIt A.N STATE Ko r United Stud's Senator, V. II. WAIPON. Fr Congressman, 0. A. RICHARDSON. For Governor, " F13UX (1ARCIA. For Liuntunnnt (JoVornor, 13UI13K li. VISHDI5K. For Sliircnio Court Justice, RICIIARIJ II. JIANNA. For Secretary of State, JUAN J. DUKAN. For Slate Treasurer, T. W. MI5IJU5Y. For Attorney llrneral, T. J. MAURY. For Stipt. of Public Instruction, J. S. I.ONO. I'orConiulissio'uerof Public hands GICOR1115 A. UAYISSON. For Stato Auditor, M. C. Die HACA. For Corporation Cniunitatiiouur, 1J. J. F1NNUGAN. DISTRICT For District Juilj-e, Sil District, R. L. YOUNG. Fur Uupresentative. 10th District, FRANK SANTANA. For Representative, 3()tli District, W. 11. 11UNTON. COUNTY For SlmrifT, JOHN 11. HAIKU. Kor County Clerk, GKORGH C. CU5M13NTS. For County Treasurer, WAYNK VAfc SCI10YCK. For County Assessor, FRANK R. MILIAR. For Probate Jude, GEORGIA KIMIJM5M,. For Superintendent of Schools, MISS I. 11. SI'liU,MAN. For County Surveyor, H. R. R011INSON. For Coiiiiiiibsiiinur, 1st District) . JOHN I,. HKYAN. l'ur Commissioner, 2d District, A. . MiCAMANT. For Coininissioner, Ml District. ROH13KT 11. TAYLOK. Gotinty Commissioners The Democratic c-juuty conven tion nominated a splendid let ol tuuti for the board ol county coin iniitioncrs tor l,nMln In the first distiict Johu I. Itrun, who lias served the past year, was re' nominated. Mr. Bryan has uiveu close attention to county affairs while a member ot the boa'd, at tended all its meetings, conferred with the state authorities at Sunt. i Ke, going there at any tunc the beat in terrain of the muuty required bis services, still has never n eg Ire led,, in any ior pect. any duty; ami his two years' sirvue well fit him for the posi tion lor which he Has been re nominated Uy UU party. A S. MeCaiitant, Csrotia, was nominated from the second dis trict. Mr. McCdUHUU is one of the leading iiiili d( Ui section mill of Lincoln county, lie to a vory successful rnuchiuau and stock grower, a well known banker of his locality and a solid, substan tial citizen with all the qualifica tions needed for a useful member of the hoard of county coin utmmoners. It is such man as. A. S. McCiituattt that build up com munities and than protect thetu; and that is what he will do as ,n member of thu board of county commissioners. Robert II. Taylor, Qarriaozo, was nominated from the third district. Mr. Taylor is not a m w man in the official life of Lincoln county, having served this county ana nietnberof the board of county commissioners from 1907 to I'M 2, and during the greater part of that time was chairman thereof. It is well known throughout Lin coln county and the expression is common, that "Hob Taylor made one of the best commissioners Hint Lincoln county ever had." That is about the highest com pliment that could be paid to an official; for Lincoln county has beau represented on the board of county commissioners by as good men as could be found in any country. Therefore, with such a record, the friends of Mr Taylor believe he will receive the support of the substantial men of the county, irrespective of politics; fur thu voters feel that the job of couimifisipuer is a business and not a political one. Ma The Tits worth Camp WHOLESALE AND RETAIL miy Kansas Blackleg: Blackleaf 4t4G" Studebaker Wagons Hog Fence -Steel Roofing Dynamite, Etc. The Tits worth Company CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO Norwnlk Inner Tubes and Re public Casings. 1 lot It (fiiaratitteil. Western Garage. We pay the highest market prices for hides, pells, etc. The Carriz'i.o Trading Co. We are making special prices on Groceries for Cash . Asfe trs about Jt Carrizozo Trading Co. cnw'm M-O-N-U-M-E-N-T-S Wr carry the largest sti k in the Kmithwett. Freight pre paid, every job guaranteed. Write for designs and estimates. Uowurs nouument Company 215 Kat Central A ll)iiiioftu M. M. Building Material The Wur Industries Hoard on September 26th decided l lnit It U nut iic' I'hmih y In me n iet iiiit li'oni nil) uovern Itlell I (illleinl to iliiike In nil iniH u piiieillH mil to ( Ml'i c-il $t,iNM TblH rnlitiu tliereluir. ill allow Iiuiui-ih anil iiineliilieii lit niiike 4 lie 1 1 iniprux I'Mit'iitx iih lire ihi m iiiiliiinieu'(l. HnviiiK a l.iilfi- Hliuk o( 1 hi i li 1 1 ii lt iiKitei'iiilH uf all kind, we can Kill Mill utioit Hervue Foxworth-Qalbraith Lumber Co. CAUIUZOIU), N. M. Special h'ai-ililies I' (it ll.iinjuet am! Ihiiini Parties Carrizozo Eating House I W iillRNtlV. Mnnawr. T.ili'e Slipplieil vvilll tile Host the market .illnriK. BUY YOUR FORD NOW Ctirs ttre lmrd to obtain at present, so come in and figure with ub while we have them on hand Iking your repair work to ub. We are better equipped than ever to do your work. No delays, prompt service. All Worht Absolutely Guaranteed and prices are standard authorized by the iord Co. Wo curry at all iimes a complete line of Ford parts and accessories Mail Orders Promptly Killed Western Garage Our Terms Cash When you plant corn ym row corn your money in Our Bank and Grow rich WHEN YOU PLAMT (SOMETHING, YOU GET SOME THING. WHEN YOU PLRMT NOTHING. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GET. IF YOU SHOULD SOW A FEW DOLLARS YOU'D GET A CROP IN PROPORTION TO ANY OTHER CROP. YOU CAN SPARE H PIW DOLLARS NOW AND THEN WHY NOT FIX FOR YOUR OLD AOE WITH THE MONEY YOU WILL HARDLY MISS NOW. START A BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. WE ADD n PER CENT INTEREST. COME TO OUR DANK. THE FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF CAAIUIOZO