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Win-,-, pff mar,, run OAnnizuzo nbws, ISIectlon Proclamation til accordance with the Ht.iHitc in such ease inaile ami provided, wo, the undersigned Cnuntv Colli inlssioncrs, within and for tllO County of Lincoln. Stole o( New Mexico, hereby proclaim nml give notice ot an election to be held' In the several prccitu K of itic snirt county, "it Tuesday, tin- Stti tltiy tif November, A. I) l'M8, tile oh- iect ami purpose nt which in to elect person-, to the various offices hereinaftei named, ami to vote upon the tiesliuh "I a Two Hun dred Thousand Dollar 20n,om)) Bond issue, luiown at the Capitol Aildition Bond Issue, which is to be voted upon umler and in ac cordance with Chapter KM of this Third Slate Legislative Session Laws ol New Mexico, PJI7. The nflkors to be voted for, null the names of the wmous eatidl dales lor each of the oMces, as the same are on tile in the office of the County Clerk in thin Coun ty, and the postulncc address of each of said candidates, where known, are as follows : VOi UN1TIII) STATUS sKNATOK Republican Candidate Albert Bacon Fall, Three Wivers, N. M. Deinocratlc Candiilate W. II. Walton, Silver City, N. M. Roftinlist Candidate- W. P. Metcalf, All uiiueriiu, N. M. I'OU H HI'HICSItNTATl VU IN CONOUIiSB Weptibli, an Camlldale Beiiitfiio C. Hernandez, Caiijilou, N. M. Democratic Candidate 0. A, Kichardsou, Woswell, N. M. Socialist Candidate Walter II. Dillon, Alliuueniue, N. M. rol( fiOVKKNOK Uepublicau Candidate Octav iuuo A. Larnuola, Las Vejjas, N. M. Democratic CandidateFelix Unrein, Luuibertou, N. M. Socialist Candidate Allan II. Moulton, Miigollon, N. M. I OK l.lltUTUNANT (IOVHHNOK Wupublioati Candidate Ben jamin 1''. l'aukcy, Santa Fe, N M. Democratic Candidate- Klmer E. V eeiler, Las Vegas, N. M. Socialist Candidate - Ai'uslin Lucero, Nolan, N. M. I'OK BKCKIiTAHY 01' STATU Ueptibliciiu Caiulidate-- Manuel Marlines'., Loan, N. M. Democratic Candidate -Juan J. Duran, Clayton, N. M. Socialist Candidate-S. Parks, Las Crucos, N. M. I'OK STATU At iilTKH K'Opulilinin Candidate ICdward 0. Saru.uut, Cliaina, N. M. Democratic Candidate Marcos C. de llaca, lleriialillo, N. M. Socialist Candidate -Larkin L. Dauiuls, liny, N M . I'OK STATU THFASrm H Kepiiblican Caudulate 1'h.irli U. Strong, Mom, N M. Democratic Carididau T. W Medley, MaHilulena, X. M Socialist Candidate Walter Cook, Mafjdaleua, N- M KOK AI'TOKMO ,.l-.NI'RAI. Wepublkan Candidate U. l. Aakreu. Moswi'll, N M. Dentin. rath Candidate Thotna- J. jdabry, Albuquerque, N. M. Socialist Candidate K. W. Iff 1, Keutta, N. M. IHitt HI IMilllTI-NII NT IIP I'l'HI.IC mrmrcTioN Bipublicau Caudulate Jotla Hut 11. Wagner, Sunt Fe, N. M. democratic Candidate J. S. ijatfg. Portalea, N M. Socialist Candidate -Mr. U ,Vt. D. O'Neil. Corona, N M. I OS CUMMIBStnMKK III tMMt.lC I. AM iS Republican Candidate Nets field, Socorro, N. M. Democratic Candidate fleorge A. Uaviasoti, Itoswell, N. M. Socialist Cailillflalt--Tailita A. iMJflirw, linrley, N. M. van jvvttcn o Tim statk ypmiMn COURT Republican Caudulate Herbert 1'. UayiiohK Atbuquoripie, N M Democratic Coiididnte - Mellaril II, ttaiiua, Rnittit Fo, N. M. Sn.iallat Cniididato A. James McDonald, Clayton, N,, M. I'OH MltMMKK aTATK CORI-OHATIOK ClUIHISSIOH Uepiihlicnli Cniididnto Jean M. I,uua, I,o I.uims, N. M. Democratic Caiidhlnte D. J. Fiuenaii, Tucuincarl, N. M. rod !TATK ttltl'HHHR.N'TATIVIt, HiTII IlISTKICT Weiiublican Candidate Wil liam U. inaiichnid, Spindle, N. M. Deuiocrnlic Candida toI'rnnk Santnna, Plcucho, N. M. I'OH STATU HI'.l'HItSliNTATlVIt, 30TII IlISTKICT K'eptiblicau Candida to Oliver M. Lee, Alniuot'ordo. N. M. Democratic Candidate W. 11. liuiitou, Socorro, N. M. I'OK IHSTWICT Jl llllH Ol' TIM! 3HI JflllCIAI. IlISTKICT K'epublican Candida tu I'M win Meehoin, AlaiuoKorilo, N. M. Democratic Candidate K U. Voune;, Ias Cruces, N. M. I I'OK COUNTV l OMMIRSIONHK, 1 ST IlISTKICT Republican Candidate Wil liam 11. Sevier, Lincoln, N. M. Democratic Candidate John L. Ilryan, Jr., Lincoln, N. M. VllH COI NTV COMMISSION'UK, 2 Nil IlISTKICT Republican Candidate- - Harl L. Moulton, Corona, N. M. Democratic Candidate A. S. McCaitiaut, Corona, N. M. I'OK COUNTV C0M.MISS10NHK, 3H1I IlISTKICT Republican Candidate--Harold P. Clarke, (iloncoe, N. M. Democratic Candidate Robert II. Taylor, Carriziv.o, N. M. I'OK I'KOIIATU JUIlfilt Republican Candida te Doroteo Lucero. Arabela, N. M. Democratic Candidate Onre Iviuibrell, Picacho, N. M. I'OK COUN . V CI.HRIC Republican Candidate H. W. Iliilbert, Carrizozo, N. M. Democratic Candidate--(Jeoree C. Clements, Corona, Is. M. I'OK SlIItKIl'l' K'epublican Caiididate--R. A. Duran, Kucimwa, N. M. Democratic Candidate- -John II, Ilaird, Carrizouo, N. M. I'OK A8SHSSOW Republican Candidate -Alfredo Gonxales, Sail Patricio, N. M Democratic Candiilate Frank R. Miller, Carriuozo, N. M. I'OK COUNTV TKKA8URBR Republican Candidate- A. J. Holland, Cnrriiouo, N. M. Democratic Candidate- Wayne Van Schoyck. While Oak. K. M. l illl MH'KKINTI.NIIKNT OF KttOUI.R Republkau Candidate- Mrs Maude L. Hliiuev. Oscuro, N. M. Deuiocratii. I'andidHte -Mias L H. Spelhuati, Canizoio, N. M. I OK COI NTS SUKVKVOK Republican Candidate A. II. Harvey. Carnaoao, N. M. Deinocratlc Candidate - 11. K. Mobinson, Parsona, N. M. CAPITOL ADDITION UUND 1 HSU IS Synopsis of Chapter 103, Laws of 1917 : An Act AMtuariaiiitf the Con struction of n Two Story AittH tiou to the Capitol Hiillilinu at Snnta Fe, New Mexiiu, Craal injf a Coiiuniulon AlithoriiQil to Caitatrtict tils Snniu, Appro iirinUug $200,00fj 'i'herofor, Provlitillu for Hid Usiuinco of Honda, 2(f0 in number, for 1,000 IBach, Tor Paymuut of Said Btttn, ItDttdi lionriau. In tereat at 4 "l'er Contuiu Pur Aitmini, Principal Payable Within Thirty Ytara Aftor la no i ice of lloiiils. Tin following Judges of I!lu0' tint! far the several Prtctuateamri Polling I'laces therein were ler tail by the Hoard The rlrst named jtnlije in each Precinct to rcceire the ballot box, poll hooka nliil ballots for that Pre cinct. Precinct No 1, Lincoln: Judges J. M. Penlield Sipin rtalaanr Francisco (iume.. Pollinu; place, Old Court House Precinct No. 2. San Patticio: Judges John C. Wet (leorne F. Strouu Frank Raiuloif. j Pulling pliu e, Hondo S. hool House. Precinct No. 3, rabela: Judges- Leopoldo P.icheco tleore Htuiiilloii NiJi Brill. Polling place, (iarcia's Saloon lluilditi!,'. Product No. , Picacho: Judges- R. C. Soder .Joe Talley PerfectoSiuuloval. Polliii( place, School House. Preciucl No. 5, Rabcutnii: Judgea C. H. Scott F,. C. Starkey Ai;ulin ChavcK. PoltiiiK place, School House. Precinct No. o, Kticitmso: Judges - Victorio Martinez John lloilo Charles Thompson. Polling- place, School House, Hncinoso. Prucitict No. 7, Jicarilla: Judges- A. II. Norton Hd. F. llaskins Tomas Maes. Polling place, School House. Precinct No. 8, White Oaks: Judges Ralph Treat John Townseiid Atwood Littell. Polling place, Maker's Livery Stable. Precinct No. , Capilan: Judges Neil II. Digger W. S. N irmaii Melcor Chavea. Polling place, Saloon lluildillg. Precinct No. 10, Knidoso: Judges- George W. Coe J. 11. Jackson F. A. Miller. Polling place, Suiichei! School Hc-tiBQl Proeiuct No. 11, tfogal: Judges - J. C. UetHler ld. C. Pftugsteti Lute SttillUer. Polling place, Nogal Hall. Precinct No. 12. Holtito: Judges W. K. While Bruce Stuart Roland Itox. Polling place, Angus School House. Precinct No. 13, Corona: Judaea - A. J. Atkinson James T. Davidson j Palilo Chaves. , Polling plnce. Stepp's Building. Precinct No. U, Carrisozo: Judges F. J. Ssger Manuel (lonsales J. H. Freuch. Polling place. Court Precinct No. 16, Oscuro: Judgea Uuido ltanmgcr Charles V. llrey Selli F. Crews. Polling place, School Hoiwe. Pfochlet fto. 10, Alielio: jtulgw -Sabltio Goitantaa Sunt Wood J tia n Iteltrau. Polling place, School House. Precinct No. 17, Pine Lodge: Jildgoa II. F. Pockrey J. P. Pendergrass James A. Lafferly. Polling place, Spindle Store. Done at Carriaoao, New Meaico, , this 23ril day or Oetotir. 1'ilg. (Slguoil) J. L. BRYAN, Acting Chalriiian of the Board or County Coitiiliisiouer. Altotti 0. T.NYI8. OOtlHly Clork. 9 Do You Tliinli There is No Competition? If anyonn thinks there is no competition amongst the big packern he to go through a daB work with Swift ft Con, -. iiy. Let l..m begin at th )ens wlvn the live stock comes In;, let h.m tiy to boy a nice bunch of fat Bteera qui-tly and ai his ovii price without uome body'a biddin . ' him. Let him reulue the scmpulous enro taken at the plint that not ot." t'.' 1 - l.p.t or ...,ted in order that coats may be lu-id to a minimum. Let him go up into the i-fiue where mnrkr-t reports are cominj in, and rejiorts of what other concerns are doing. Let him watch the dlrrctor of the Swift Refrig erator fleet, nian-.-uverlng it ovtr xhr face ol the country like a fleet ol battle!,;p.i at t.ea. Let him ttke a trip with a Swui it Company snlsaman and try to i.ell a few orders of mtat. Let him atay at a branch house for on hour or two and see the retail meat d. jl a drive tlwir bargains to the last ijenny as ilvy hop arotu.d nmong the packers' branch houses, ttie whok&ulc dealers, and tii" local pat' mi; plnma. And then, wjifti the (I v is o i, It-t him hnve half an luur in the ik-cc ,j , im'it.ti, win re lie can see t"r h'.n. . If h'it 'in I proiits the business is done. (Lew . a u l tents on each dollar of sales.) If h: still thinks there ia no competition In the meat bus., ia it will be because he wants to think so. Swift & Company, U. & A. RBtUAR VISIT to our receiving t'-ll. t's wind.iv are those Who an' nine to pnis per. Km there is mi prospenU Attbnul Mini'ii and the tst to save is to m ike a oisit ev r pay ilav. Any reaaog hy mu -houWH begin? BANK WITH US, CROW WITH US The Lincoln State Bank N. B. TAYLOR & SONS Blacksmith & Auto SJiop Heavy Forging a Specialty Oils, Gasoline, VulcmiiJng Opposite Barnatt's Feacl Store