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TUB 0AUR1K0B0 NBWH. FIVE FRIDAYS By FRANK R. ADAMS Indeed a Cheerful Tale (Oov;rlht, frank A. ICnnr Oat) Prologue 5 FRIDAYS 5 F R I D A Y S F R I D A Y S 5 FRIDAYS 5 Humor heaped up and running over, Rood, whole some, (Ida splitting, cars destroying fun; people who oro Junt the kind you know, In amusing sltunllona Into which any ono might have tumbled, and a rapidity of action that keepii the render's Interest perpet ually on tho Jump tho kind of etory which when dramatized make a two year run on the stage. "W CHAPTflH I. Fait Athore. rK cut ton nitirli," stated Lu clle dcllnltcly whllo wo were having ton on tliu front porch. "Wo certainly do," t assented Idly. "Why not give our dlgcstlvo appa ratus a rest?" tdio iroiottndcd, "Why not?" I rushed to my doom, 1 wan IiiivIiik my two weeks' vacation mid wag too happy nt being able to spend It on tlio Island to euro any thing nliout uti argument. "I suggest tlmt wo fast for a week," A suggestion llko tbnt mt mo In a nice fix. I don't mind Hinting that at that time I wiih nliout 210 pounds ot cllRllile bachelor, ugod thirty-live, com fortably In lore with Luclle, bat too old and net In tho complacent selfish ncss of slnglo blcBscducss ever to pre tend to bo a Itomco. Tho Idea of fast tng gavo tno a sinking sensation right whoro there was the most room to sink. "WhntT" I cjtculntcd, forgetting for tho moment that I had a reputation for ready repartee. "I said, 'Why not fast for n wockJ I read an article, by Llptou 8. Clair about It Just this morning, llo claims that fnnilng thoroiiKhly rebuilds tho system, gets rid of all toxins and In creases tho mcntnl elllcleney 00 per cent." 8ho picked up a magazine which was propiicd open faro downwnrd on tho lower shelf of tho porch table, "Listen to this," sbo continued. " 'Eat Ins three tncnls n day Is simply a hab it. We haro miido tyrants of our stom ucbs. They demand to bo fed every fow hours, and If wo answer that de mand wo aro slaves.' There, that sounds llko the reasoning of a thinker, doesn't Itl" "It sounds mora llko the reasoning of a thinker than of nn eater." Luclle reproved my flippancy. "I think It would do us all good." "But I feel all light now." I called bar attention to nn obvious fact. Hlio dismissed my objection. "You can't bo healthy unless you fast for a week at least once a year. Lip ton S. (Jlulr says bo. Mother, you'll try It, won't your "Try what?" "Fasting for a week." "Why, yes, If you wont to." Her mother picked up a book as If she had decided nothing more momentous than a question as to whether sho preferred cream or lemon In her tea, Klie had been used ns an experiment station for no ninny years that nothing surprised hor. I got up casually ami tried to slip In door, but I.ucllo stopped mo. "lon't you think It will bo lovely, Montmo rency?" 1 collapsed Into a rbalr, which col lapsed Immediately after 1 dtd. Sho had called me by my llrnt name! Yus; Montmorency Is my first name. It omuls llko several names, but It Is only my first. That nm name thing mnrto It tory hard to refuse. As I sat Ihoru on the poreh surrounded by logs, Mllig and oil i or parts of n eliulr a ter rific Ktrliuitlc went mi In my being be tween my heart and my stomach, and tho weaker party won. Possibly my mind was stunned by tuy fall, although 1 hate itt recollection of hitting my hiwd. 1 folt that I.ucllo was putting til to tho teat. From the look In her Wii 1 knew that sho was asking mo to efcocwo between lovo and beefsteak. 6ft rising phoenix like I answered briivoly. "Yes; 1 think fasting would tie delightful." So that was how wo begnn. As you can easily see, the cause ot tho trouble was that Luclle Is ouo of tlioie persons who tnko the magazlno health and hygienic writers In good flllth. It Is Impossible to convince her (lilt those fellows have to make u Uv liig by their pens tho sanio ns other lijfinaii Authors and that every blzarro ideii iliny ran pounce on mentis Just So mnoli moro copy at n regular rate per Wtjrd, No, I.ucllo must needs try by oriliMKit every now theory, using herself or any convenient relative or friend ns a laboratory. The absurdity of Lucllo's attempt to Improve upon her health and looks Is npparent to any ono who has ever been blessed with a sight of her. You can't tvako n slim young bo'ly llko hers by simply rolling on tho floor for an hour every day, nor aro soft brown eyes with long, curly lashes tho result of chewing nny particular number of limes upon n plcco of stca'-, Nnturo must have been experimenting a good many centuries i of oro sho got Just that particular texture for hair nnd that peculiar shade of cream velvet for complexions. it this particular tlmo for nearly twetity-flvo years she and nature had been uninterrupted by matrimony In their Job of decorating, so that It Is not to bo wondered nt that they hnd turned out u well nigh perfect product. There Is nothing unfinished nbout hci Onu of her early spasms was I'lctch- prism; then sho struck tho nuts nnd berries Idea. I wus n guest nt her homo tho Rummer lIio tried both of theso things out. If you are goli'g to I'letcht erlze, n piece of old hoot tastes Just as good as a steak, nnd It Is moro econom ical. Tho adherents of tho nuts and lierrk-B diet claim that It Is a good food schcdulo becauso grizzly bears live on It. As far as I am concerned, being like n grizzly henr Is a doubtful advan tage nnd, besides, I don't bcllcvo It Is possible for u bear to shell enough pea nuts t" lire on. Luclle called n meeting to discuss ways and menus. "First of all," sho said, "when the supply boat comes today we'll make them tnko hack every cdlblo thing they have brought, together with what wo have on hand, so that wo won't bo tempted. Isn't It lucky our cottage Is on an Island all by Itself so that It The Chair Collapsed Immediately After I Did. won't be possllile for ouo ot us to cheat hy going to a hotel somewhere," "Don't you think It would ho a great er victory for us If wo conriuered tho demon food with some supplies within easy reach?" 1 suggested, with n pain ful recollection of the supply boat which came twice n week, but car ried delicacies of which Lucullua never dreamed, "No, It's bent to take no chances." "There's tho motor boat anyway. Wo could run over to tho malnlund." "No, we couldn't" Luclle smiled. "Father Is tho only one who can run It, mid he won't be here until Sunday." Thus another ray ot sunlight flicker ed out A man nt my build docs not crank up a murliio cngluo located near tho floor ot a boat. I might say ho could not, but It Is truer tu say that ho does not If ho Is tho least bit wlso he docs not even try It "I'll glvo the maid u week off," Lu- cllo continued gayly. "As wu'ro not go ing to cat anything wo bliall not really need her, and tdic has been wanting to go homo for some tlmo, I'll let her go back with tho supply boat We'll begin our fasting tomorrow by going without breakfast." She consulted the magazlno again. "Wo havo to dritk plenty of good, puro water and think high thoughts all tho tlmo, and wo'll hardly notlco the nb Hence of fowl at oil. Then next Mon day wo'll break our fast by drinking the Julco of an orange and rating a handful of popcorn, Just ono handful so ss not to shock our dlgestlvo ap paratus by Introducing anything solid Into It Uut why barrow tho reader with tho rules, and regulations which Luctlo framed for us. Rufflco It to say that they went Into effect tho next morning according to schcdulo. Wo mu nt breakfast I am novcr at my best boforo I drink my first cup of coffco In tho morning and tho thought of tho Inhuman way 1 was about to treat ray "tummlo " depressed mo more than usual. Tho table was ghastly white, unbroken by the uiual cheerful army ot steaming hot dishes. At carl) placo was a largo glass of water and n napkin. What the napkin was for I foiled to discover. 1 Imagine It was what tho anthropologists would call "a survival of culture" Wo havo fifty-eight flvo gallon bot tles of distilled water," Luclle In formed us. "I wonder If that will bo enough. It amounts to nearly a bun- dred gallons apiece." I mado n hasty calculation and de cided that a hundred gallons of drink ing water would last mo tho rest of my life. Mrs. urccn, Luctlo s mother, was pa tiently cheerful and drank three glasses of water llko a sponge. 1 didn't enro much for mine. I had previously had no Idea that water was so Hat nnd taste less. It Is also an extraordinarily clus- lvo and clammy thing to put Into an empty stomach which Is eagerly ex pecting bacon and cgrn, muffins and coffee. "I feel better already," Luclto said gayly as wo left tho table. "My mind Is clear I have wasted none of my vital energy In merely digesting food." I knew that sbo was quoting Llpton S. Clair, whom I was beginning to re gard with disfavor, to say tho least but I refrained from voicing my onln Ion of a man who will help women to get oven moro fool Ideas than they can think up by themselves. I took a cigar from my pocket cat tho tip off carefully with n silver cut ter Luclle had given mo tho previous Christmas and was about to 'Ight It when sho stopped me. "No, no, no; you mustn't Did I for get to tell you that while wo aro fast Ing wo have to give up all stimulants and narcotics, such as alcohol and to bacco?" "What cut out smoking for a week?" "Certainly," she replied firmly. "In tho first place, If you don't you will bo deathly 111; In tho second place, tho wholo object of tho fast Is to rid the body ot all toxic poisons, such ns nlco tine, alcohol and so forth. Hy tho tlmo you havo dono without tobacco for yck I should not ho surprised if you iiuVcr smoked again." "Nor mo cither," I reflected gloomly out loud. "I'll bo dead." "Of course If you don't care to make tho experiment," Lurilo said Icily, "I'll put off tho fasting for unothcr week until Frank llopp Ls hero. I'm suro ho will bo willing to try it" TMs was wuvlng a red flag at mo, Frank llopp was my rival. After hor reference to him I would havo gone without breathing for a week If sho had suggested It, llopp Is a thin, con versatloual Insect who can perch on tho aim of a girl's chg'r and chirp by tho hour. Hometlmes I regret that for architectural and educational reasons I can't do that, and then I remember what other men would think ot mo If I could, aad I tm solaced. I refrain from saying what I think ot tho natno "Hopp." Thus through my love and Jealousy I was led Into deeper water or, slmll I say, moro water becauso somebody hr tided tue a glass of the stuff every few minutes. I drank It In the vain hopo that I could drown tho Inner man, who seemed to ho yelling for help nil tho time nnd kicking mo Just below tho belt bueklo when be didn't got It. That morning wo went for n walk. "Walking Is tho best excrclso In tho world," Luclle stated. "It is excellent for reducing surplus flesh around tho abdominal region," Invariably she bad a little stinger for mo concealed In nny remark she might make, I havo slnco learned that this is a sign that n woman takes a propria tary Intcrrst In a man. Ileforu we went sho ted Tootles, her long hnlred pup. Tootles Is ouo of those dogs so constructed hy uaturo tha when you want to look them In the face ytm don't know where to look. I often wonder If Tootles herself isn't in doubt as to which end to wag. "Isn't Tootles going to fast, too?' protested. "Can't sho stnnd It ns well ns I can?" "Possibly she could do It" Luclle said as sbo gave her a dog bUcult, "but she hasn't intelligence enough to understand why sho should go without food." "I'm not far above Tootles in Intelli gence, then," I remarked, but under ray breath this time, so sbo could not hear. After watching Tootles cat wo went walking. Whenever I go walking in tho city I hire a toxical). If I want to see nature In all her grandeur do I gn tramping through tho woods? I do not I buy a Beat at a moving picture show where they aro running a west ern outlaw film. "Nature for a nickel" ls my motto. Fatigue Is eliminated, nd tho sum total of knowledgo is ad vanced several thousand feet After wo bad covered several miles, as It seemed to me, i suggested mat wo bad better not go much farther away from home. "Why not?" Lucllo queried. "Wo might not got back In time lor lunch." "I brought our lunch," sho said and produced a flask of water. cro nn CONTINUED.) SAYS SHARK MEAT IS GOOD Writer Declares Flesh Looks and Tastes Much tike That of Young Pig, but Is Not as Juicy. A good many people do not know how shark's meat tastes when It Is rooked. There Is soma talk of n gov ernment Investigation of this matter, observes tho Hartford Coiirnnt, so tho everybody may get the taste as second hntid. Tho writer of this paragraph, owing to tho fnct tbnt ho wan a good dent of n seashore man nt the time, has tasted cooked shark for himself. The flesh of tho shark, when n South ern cook presides over the kitchen, looks very much llko tho meat of n young pig, nnd tastes very much llko that meat. Tho main (HITercuco in that tho llesh ot tho Infant hog Is n trltla moro Juicy. When ono reflects that part of tho shark fnmlly was created with n relish for human llesh, or has been brou.'.H to this liking by somo millions c years of evolution, It seems add thut man, when ha gets tho chance, should also llko to cat tho shark. It goes to show that In tho general schcuip of ex Istcnco nothing Is wasted. Tho shark can get it good dinner out ot n man. and thn, man can get n good dinner out of a shark. It all depends on which ono gets tho other first In cither ciiso It Is fair eating for tho ono who gets tho dinner. Speeding Up Lumber Business. From log to lumber Is n rnpld trans formation after tho log Is fished from the pond, hauled up the log slip nnd thrown on tho skid, off which It rolls on to tho carriage, where It Is turn ed Into correct position hy tho "steam nigger," fnstened on tho car riage, nnd cut Into sliapo nnd form for use by tho big saws, of which there nro thrco kinds, band, circular and gang, n process which requires but n few minute. Half an hour Inter tho lumber Is In tho dry kiln, or, If timbers hnvc been cut, they are waiting on the timber docks, ready for loading on freight cars. Reports received at the offices of the Southern I'lne nssoclatlon show that n majority of mills aro now handling tho government's wnr business on n six-day schedule. This Is, within n week from the time u government or der Is received, tho trees hnvo been cut from tho forest, hauled tn tho mill, manufactured, klln-drlcd If neces sary, placed on freight enrs nnd de livered to points of destination. How a Woman Oot a Pumpkin. Shn Is n dainty little madam, relates the Indianapolis News, nnd docs not look ns If sho could lift more than ten or fifteen pounds, When sho ac companied her husband to tho country recently and suw n Held dotted with pumpkins sho said; "Let's stop hero nnd buy n pumpkin for pies." Pumpkins seemed to bo n drug with tho farmer, nnd bo told tho llttlo madam : "If you climb that fence," pointing to the field, "you can havo the biggest pumpkin you can carry." "I'll accept tbnt nlTer," sho replied with alacrity, with visions ot Thanks giving pics galore. Ten minutes Inter she returned with a pumpkin that weighed !tfl pounds nnd put it down triumphantly In front ot tho farmer. Why Dread Old Age? It doem t matter how old you are. It you keep well and active. Lot ot folk are youngor at 70 than other are at 00, Lame, bent backs; (tiff, achy, rheu. matio joint) bad eyealght and iirafneat are too often due to nnjeclcd kiilncy trouble and not to advancing year. Don't let weak kidney age you. Um Doan't Kidney r(lU. , .Tlicy have tnide life moro comfortable for thou sands of elderly folk. A Colorado Case Mr. Daele Drum ley, lit Twelfth St., Clreeley, Colo., aayat "I had a steady, ml arable ache tn my back and dragged alone day after day feeling too tired and discouraged to do my housework. I had pell . ot dlailnea and felt weak and confused for hours. My kldneya were weak and cauied me a Kreat deal ot dWi tritae. Atv hanila Anil feet swelled nnd my whole body be came bloated. Doan's Kidney Pill were recommended and I trlett tnem and soon tho (welling had all gone and I folt a well as over." Cl Don' t Any Store, 60e Ho DOAN'S'TA FOSTCR-MILDURN CO, HUFFALO, N. Y. Mm For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Doie, Small Prlco Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron In tho blood, as most pale-faced pcoplo do. Tobacco, Natural Leaf fKWiKSK, I lb.. (Oct 1 lb., ttlOt 10 lti., f.tO, JHiMpala. HUM ibklnil wntd-iulld oratrongi ebowln or iniok. U, TUB lUNUOU'U TOUACCO (X)., IUUUCAU, U.Y. DATCUTQ ovation K.'OoUman, SW ).o. Adflei!o4bootM. lUUa leuotubltt. Ill bill reUitnoe. UMtMmeM. Ready to Celebrate, I hnd it brother In training In Camp Tnylor for several months. Whllo there, when n bunch of rookies came tn, ono was assigned to his barracks, with u number ot Instructions, ono of which was Hint ho had to bo up for revelllo at 6:80, Ills watch was .10 minutes tnst, so the next morning at ho woke all tho boys yelling, "Hurry, fcllors, It's tlmo for Jubilee." Exchange. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Dc Cured by local niipllcutlon n they cannot reach the dlseaiad portion of the ear. There Is only one way to euro Catarrhal Denfne, and that I by n constitutional remedy, HALl8 CATAimil MI3DICINI3 net through the Wood on the Mucous Hurfaces of the Hystcm. Catarrhal Dcatnei I cauaed by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Kuitachlan Tube. When this tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling ound or Imperfect hearing, and when ft I entirely clnaed, llcafnea Is the result. Unices the Inflammation can be re duced and thi tube reatored to It nor mal condition, hearing may be deatroyed forever. Many cae of rjeafnea are cauaed by Catarrh, which I nn Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONW HUNDRED DOM.A118 tor any caa of Catarrhal Denfneai that ennnot be cured by HALL'S CATAHUII UEniClNfJ. All DrugRlata "c. Circulars freo. F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. After Deep Thought. A young man had been put on sen try duty for the first tlmo and wns sta tioned near tho hnrrncks. It was not long beforo tin officer eniiio along. The young mini suddenly forgot the chal lenge, "Who goes thcro?" nnd after a moment of deep thought, thinking ho hnd remembered, called out loudly: "Look what's hero I" Johnny on tho Spot" Farmer. A western farmer dropped In upon ttiu liberty loan committee In his town, tnwnrd tho close of the subscription pe riod, placed a milk can on tho table, removed tho cover nnd emptied tho contents. That milk can coutnlned the savings of wnrs, In copper, silver and gold coins and bunk notes. When counted, the rush wns found to amount to n goodly sum. "I never put my money In bank." wild the farmer, "but I've been thlnkln' It over, an' I guess I can trust Undo Ham." No doubt h wus typical of n much larger element of tho population than Is actually known. Christian Science Monitor. fie happy, ties lied Crna Hag Bine much better than liquid blue. Delighte the lauQureas. All grocer. Adv. He Knew Differently. "A man runndt servo two masters" "Tho dickens ho can't I" Interrupted Gap Johnson of Ilumptis Itldge, Ark., who Is blessed with a helpmate and 14 children, "I'm serving fifteen of 'em, and doing u mighty fair Job of it." I'eoplo's Homo Journal. Undor tho now high rates sleeping car business on most of tho railroads hna decreased 23 per cont. Tho superstitious man would ns soon hnvo bin niituu curved on u tombstone us ou u flvo-ccnt clgur. Vrtiiw Granulated Eyelids. M Ulir1 inflamed by eipo lure to Sun. Dull and WM t7rA0 quickly relieved by Hnrule jC V Cj3 CyeHemed. No Smarting, ssW Juit Eye Comfort. At Your Druggliti or by mill 60c per Bottle. For Dtik el tat Eye free write a-a Murino Eye Remedy CoH Chicago, 1