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- Tiro OAiwizozo neyhj 3 1 Carrizozo News OMut mil Ldlnrf Ntwtptptr in Clc tuUlion in Lincoln County. New Htalco Subscription, In Jncf, $2.00 ptr Vr Ai.iill.U, tilt, iil.W U tUi farikWJ mm IM...I Sat'talM HwiihI 1 ! Mtl ' tlif IWntllf tCurriintn. Nw UmImi, Jut I, IW JNO. A. HALEY EdiUr 4 Pukliiliii l'KI!)A, Jl'NH 0, WW It l mil so many yoat ago iliice hors'-stunliug was a popular paitlllie, among some people, In (lili wmteru country, notwith standing tlint the iuttishincnt meted out to a captttreit horse thief was swift. Hut that time has passed, as the horse ha lu'cn discarded a too slow a medium Of traiuportalinn. The M)pulnr pastime of the ptcscnt lay ' with some people we mean t to Step Into some other fellow's automohile, throw the lever into high, anil let her go. A couple of hundred miles may separate the owner from his machine by the following morning. If the thief in the meantime should happen to trailu or sell the machine, the chances of his hciug captured is about 1 to 25, or if he should chance the number, the ahanccs would be 1 to So or better, as oflicers looking for a stolen machine could not tell one from another except by the number The time is coming when the automobile thief will be plaucd in the same class as the horse thief of former days, and, maybe, treated accordingly. Hut it is hoped thnt the courts will inter vene by making the punishment tit the crime, when the guilt of an accused auto thief is established boyond perailventure. Organized. 189a EXCHANGE BANK Carrizozo, New Hexico The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Lincoln County Solicits your patronage President Wilson has had his way about distribution of seized enemy shipping ami all (ierman cargoand passenger vessels whirh sought refuge in American ports on or after the outbreak of hostilities and whirh sulisriucutly were sei'.ed l ilo 1'tnt.d States!.. 1.. , n ated to this i-ounlrv by tin- peace con ference. The president contended for that kind of settlement. He said each country which had seised 1 ierman shipping ought to be allowed to retain it as part compensation for losses Many of the steamships which will now cmue permanently into the pos session of the United States are of the high speed, large displace ment passenger clas so much needed to round out our new commercial licet and they con stitute, therefore, most important units in the oversea traffic for which the maritime nations are competing. The number of ships which the United States teceives from the enemy is said to be 10.1 and their tonnage reaches an aggregate of 700,000, the larger part of which, 52.1,001) Ions, for merly belonged to the Hamburg- 1 American and the North (ierman Movd lines. Among these is the Leviathan, formerly the V.tter-' laud, of 54,282 tons gross audi valued at about $8,000,(101). The Titsworth Company WHOLESA1J: AND R ETA ft We carry in stoclt ' " , ' Mowing Machines Dynamite Hay Rakes Cement Corn Planters Lime Riding Cultivators Screen Doors, Blackleaf 40 Etc. Kansas Black Leg Serum Blasting Caps and Fuse Our prices are reasonable The Titsworth Company CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO FEED YARD HAY AND GRAIN INAR LOTS All Competition Met in Prices on These Commodities Roomy Yard Stalls Water Coal and Wood Wm. Barnett paso avunuh Phone 86 The principal cause of the delay in signing the peace protocol is that William's former subjects, not being from Missouri, have to be shown where they Conflicting reports concerning come in, or rather where they i Hi" military situation in Mexico don't come in. They now claim ! continue to come across the bor- damages from u and our nlliesjder. Travelers from Torreon who in the sum of about fourteen I crossed the line this week declare billion dollars for blockading 1 Villa forces attacked Chihuaha their sen ports, and thus prevent- Saturday night, and the lighting iug them importing copper, lead, was continued Sunday. The cotton, foodstuffs and other com-1 J""" VultU' wMW l" ....,1 l.. ,i N? l't Villa forces were in the "" """"" neighborhood ol UniiitRliua, satu the lack of which they belicvs' n,... i,nd no knowledge of an at- tntericred wiin inem playing tin" war game on equal terms with the allies. We won the game, mil to the vii'inrs belong tlici privilege of dictating who shall pay for the music. While we al ways did believed we would win, , we had no idea they would ' try to bring us in debt, How- ever, tltcy will learn that tltey have no power to dictate, and will have to abide by our system of reckoning the costs. Special Facilities For Haniuet and Dinner Parties. Carrizozo Eating House P. V. (1UHNHY. Manager. Table Supplied with tilt lleit the market atloriU. Buick and Dodge Agency All Cars Demonstrated Attractive Bargains in Used Cars Complete Stock of Accessories TIRES and TUBES (JOQ13VKAR KMSDlQltAJj KOKONO IISPECIALLY PRI2PAKI2I) FOR WHLDINU AND MACIIINH WORK Give us it slwre of jour work. No job too small to receive attention, none too large to complete. Garrard & Corn Oarage tack on that city. NEW MEXICO PASSENGER LINE "The White Line" HOSWHM.-CAMHIZOZO ST A OK CO lOh S. Main, K'oswell, N. M. Phone .151 Carriscoiio Office: Western (Jarage Phone R0 NUN DAII.V AND 8UNI1AV Methodist Church 1111" 11.11'r.l..l,..D. Ill Short gospel sermons at 11 a. in. and H p. ui Special music. Sunday school at 10 a. in. A graded school. hnworlh League at 7 p. in.. Miss ICIsic Hall, leader. Come see how vnu tike the new appearances of the church. I.,ST HOUNII 3:15.. ., 12(30.. ., U:s5.. ., 11:15 . ., HI )() ... 111:15 '1:45 8:45 8:00 hound , . Koswoll . . . , . Picacho. . . ,. Tinnio .. . . Hondo . . . . . Lincoln . Ft. Stanton . . L'apiUn . . . Nogal . . . Carrizozo 7 M0 10:00 10:25 10:50 11:20 1 1 :S0 12:20 1:20 , 2:00 THE UNIVERSAL CAH. It is important when your Ford car re quire tuning up or repairlngtliat you place it in charge of an authorized Ford lUnler. Thtn you are sure of having repairs and replacements made with genuine 1' ord-made material by men who know all about Ford cars. Hilng your Ford car to us. Satis faction it sure and you will recciva prompt attcntiou and right prices. OUR MOTTO: . . PROMPT inJ EFFICIENT SERVICE ii TERMS CASH HEADQUARTERS FOR Crriioi..Roiw,ll Whit. Lint Sttf t LimlC WESTERN GARAGE WE SELL EXCHANGE PAYABLE IN NEW YORK, KANSAS CITY, TUCUMCARI, N. M., AND AT THE EL PASO BRANCH OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE RANK,' Of DALLAS. WE SELL A. D. A. CHECKS PAYABLE TN ANY PART OF THE WORLD WITH THE EXCEPTIONS OF THE COUNTRIES NOW IN A STATE OF WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES. WE TAKE CARE OF LIBERTY BONDS AND CLIP THE COU PONS WHEN .DUE AND PLACE THHM TO THE CREDIT OF THE CUSTOMER. . WE RECEIVE DAILY QUOTATIONS OF THE LIBERTY BONO SALES ON THE N. Y. MARKET. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS AND COMPOUND IT SEMI-ANNUALLY. ' "TRY FIRST NATIONAL SERVICE." THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Carrizozo, New Mexico $ $ $ Building Material Lumber has made an aver- age advance of 25 since the beginning of the war. With an abundance of employment at high wages ami the recent stimulus to economy caused by the war, there is more money that could be utilized for home building than there has been for many years. Lumber is relatively low in price, the advance not havih'g. kept pace with the increases in wages, freight rates and other commtidi ties from 35 to SO per cent and over. Now. therefore, while oilier commodities arc higher in proportion, and Lumber is lower, is the time to do your building CALL ON US FOR BEST SERVICE r: Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Company : : Carrizozo, New Mexico