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TI1R CATiJMO.O SF.Vt LOCAL AND PERSONAL I Rtfnr Crockett, fnruifrlv .1 Ifnrmer nntl stockman on the iNoiful Mesa, was in from his Mrs. A. T. Cliannoll anil sister, ranch WMt of Mall,as tlii week. Mlu I'Veuieecr. lell Sunday for Mis cuttle wintered well and are a Visit tn their old home at West , tyl)y ronndlnK into ihape. he PI sine, Missouri. ,mm Gar wnshed at Western flnr- The ini'iiilicrs of the ISpworth, I,en(;up hail n wclnerwnrst roast in the cottonwool! j;rnve on t lie . liar V ranch Tuesday evening. (Jnlte a tare nntnlier of the litem hers ntletidcd, anil an enjoyable afternoon wan spent. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Schufler anil Attorney (Sen. Spenre left Sun day (or fistttncln to attend the. Torrance county court. II -In counsel In a stilt that is to tie heard this week nt listiineia. We meet all competition, Write lor our prices. Western ()uniK.. 1 - .. ... .;... Mrs. W. N. Kennedy and twoj,,p,imini wl(rP ev win make daughters left the first of the ,ioir ritture home. Mr. SchalTer week for l?l Paso, where they will I wlM r,MI,0M1l(.m as an ex visit with friends several week-. ri,jr(MI ,,, wi, waK permanent- Try a Splrello cnrsel. Mrs. v injured in a railroad wreck G. T. McQtiilleu, phone 1, .VI Hf several years a;o. S. J. Illistser, of Capitnu, was, All repair work Ktiaranteeil at a visitor In the couillv .oat this Western t'.arage. week, I John J. Ilrown, our enial Mr. and Mrs. S. Raymond, of friend at Kort Stanton, was n Tlnnle, were business visitor In visitor toour town Sunday. John UarrWoio for a few days Ihls.savs the Kort is making ureal 3E no 3E Week. Norwalk Inner Tithes and Re public Casings. Itoth (tiarauteed. Western Garage. W. M, I'Vr(usnu was in Carrl stowt this week on business, re turning the same day. Prof, Conway loft Saturday for Clayton, from which point, after a two weeks' stay, he will tf" to preparation for a Mg celehration on the Fourth. That is one of the most delightful places in the county to spend the Day of In- 'dependence, 1 1 You may talk about Spring lin gering in the lap of Winter, hut Monday morning made us feel as if Summer had sliddcu 011 an ice lierg and dropped hack into the Kspannla for a like period. Atjicy entbi.ioe of Winter, without ttuth places he will lie engaged in lingering a uiouu-itt It was just county institute work. the last dying kink of Winter. THI2SI: CAKES look so good that they cannot he resisted, They are just as good as they look, lor wei are very careful about every operation and stage through which they pass. Our mic snss lies in making them (jond so good that von will like Ihetii. Pure Food Bakery I:. Groom's Sanitary Store Two Doors North or O. We are Headquarters for all kinds Fresh Vegetables and CHOICE NATIVE BEEF If you like good, tender, juicy Steaks. CUT TENDER Visit our Store A complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES The Store of Service Two Doors North of P. O. Classified Advertisements Now about ulllntr that ooai. bin for next winter ? W are ad- viied by very good authority tba.: chances are greater for the price of coal being higher, than far It Being lower, taier on. nt wawm be pleased to quote you atorif prices on coal delivered in tali month, Humphrey Mroi, 4-91! For Rent Furnished Iwhm. See J S. Ron. 34Stf Stockmenl Insareyour cH agalitt Blackleg. Ut, Parky Blackleg Vasclnu M. B. PmImi; Agent, CarrUoio, N, M. 5-Mti Koomi For Ient.--Clean,.Bet ly furnished room in. the, Luc Building, 4-4 tf JUST RECEIVED Car Galvanized nd Painted Steal Roofiiig:: 1 UANNON I'HOI'KIKTClK The Puiwuial Attention RENDERED by the omcers of this bank to the intlivithinl rctulrements of each customer is the foundation of the efficient service which we rentier to our depositors. Unquestioned safety and judicious con servatism characterize our methods. Member Federal Reierve Syttein Stockmen s State Bank COHONA, NEW MEXICO A Splendid Offering; or Wo m e n Dresses w 1 (Sco. Wclshar, the father of the Jicnrilla mining district, wm a visitor In farrUozo this week. He staled that the Jicnrilla ills 1 trict has (jot Hi second wind, and ! it one ot the 1 1 vest and busiest I camps in the county, and will he 1 heard from one of these days. If jCnrrizoxti Is serious about build ing a custom smeller here, the people of his district aie readr to help, he sa?s, The iHtiallv met r v iltouth of1 June wns ushered in dressed In the frosted mantle of winter. Killing frosts nre reported from tunny points in the state, grow Inn crop have been greatly retarded, mid in some places damaged by the low temperature prevailing during May. Hut as there ii more moisture in the soil than usual at this time of years, the warm weather front now on will start a fast growth, and the farmer will, more than likely, reap a laige harvest. The range is covered with an emerald mantle that pleases the eve, and which will put Hesh on lie slock. The fruit orchards weathered the ley blasts of winter, only to be knocked by a hail storm towards the end of May. Hut there will bo perhaps half crops or better. Carritoto Lodge, No. 41, A. F. & A. M. tl-Kiilr I inimnulrftllolil uH'ftrrlluto Lody No. (I, A K A A U.,r..rll' Jusaur II. t'tlirmrr k, Jlirrh IS, Aill I. II nr ID, Jan '. Jnl I!, Aimuit . Hittmbr il.ltatiititr 4 NniftiittMr t. l)omlr tfnn1 11 iUIIVIN Itllltril.N. W II, H. K Ull.l.i:it,Hcrilif. I. O.O. F. Uifloio Lodie NO. 30 Cnrrizozo, N. M. W. R. KEAB - KW RCA. CITY Garage Capitan,. A Repair Work of all kiwis. Full line of Ford SuppliM. GASOLINE Mi OILS. VULCANIZING fTUMl' Charging Station. Regular inset- tig nights, 1st and ird Friday u each month. Austjn Pattv, N. fi. Wu. J. Imnoston, Sec'y. R. L. Ransom Plasterer & Contractor K.iIiuIm FubIiUiI m ll kU4t of U4tMlc aad Haul ak ' UAUMIZOZO . . . NEW MMiCO. " i i ' NOW ON DISPLAY WllimiHK you expect to spend the summer in the city or in the coun try, you should not fail to shave in litis offering. W ..cum iiluiiiiini; vimilloiiK c PPL-Iiilly will do well In obtulu .it li'iiHt two or tin ce of ther uhi'liil, dainty ill rune-is. Their t)lr In inuit) cuhvh um uh miiurt n the new aiiiiuiier niiHlel Hlltt ort'lolh ifuruiritlH. I'unhlnnttl of Cllnuhiutl. I. In em), Cbutnbruy, Uhtik, I'tr i ue uml VuIIcd, hi eftertlve unit allrniittvr ntylf. Ziegler Bros. END OF MAY SPECIALS Besides the many items listed below, we will save you money on other groceries. Bring your order, get our prices, then compare Mrs. R. Ii, Lemon Vlilla Her Pntlter, Capt. Lee Mrs. U. K. (.union returned from Douglas, Arlionu, the first nl the week, where she had been on a visit to her father, Capt. John, formerly of While Oaks and Carrltoio. The captain lias been in pour health for tome time, and underwent treatment in the Douglas hospital for some of the ailments which accompany old aire he is iiassed 8-1 Tears. Mrs. Lemon found her Father , much better, nttd he in now at the home of his ion, John, of that city. Capt. is known to all the old Hitters in Lincoln ! county, hnriiiK been In business in I White Oaks, which brought ltim In contact with many, since the ; early eighties, prcvlnui to which lie sailed the seven seas, when the old saillug ships were the best there was, When in the proper mood the captain liked to relate thrilling itorien of lilt life at sea stories which would dis count "Jack's Yarn." W. K. White, was In town from the Meia district this week. Glance over this Hit, figure your saving, and let ui fill your staler tedaf. These prices are good for the next ten day. Coffee Fancy l'ea-Herry Coffee, per lb. 35c VVdlill IV toilu). Manor House Coffee . . 15c Win th Ma toilit) . Taruet Steel Cut Coffee . . 40c Worth ftoo today. White House Coffee . . 50c Worth Mc toduy. Coffee will be higher Lard Compound Lard, large pails, neb $2.50 Compound Lard, medium " tttfi 1.25 Swift's Premium Pure Lnrd.l'ge pails, each .... 3.50 Swift's Premium Pure l.urd, me dium pails, eadi . . . 1.75 Pickles Dill Pickles, full tjuart cans, each 25c Sour Plekltts, bulk, per doz. . 15c Sweet Pickles, hulk, per do, . 20c Pork and Beans Van Camp's Pot k and lieans, can 15c Standard Kraut, large can . 15c Standard Hominy, can . . 15c Soap Swift's White Laundry Soap, 9 bars for . . . .50 Crystal White Laundry Sotp, 9 bars for . . . .50 Pearl White Laundry Soap, 9 bars for .... 50c Cream Oil Toilet Soap, per cake 10c Wild, Rose Glycerine Soap, cake 10c Colgate's Toilet Soap, per cake 10e. Colgate's Talcum Powder, can 19c Colgate's Tooth Paste, each . 19c Colgate's Shaving Creiaa, each 19c Colgate's Shaving Stick, each . 19c Cefaata's Cathmere. Mevqutt Stm? par ex 6Mt Olivei Pull Quart Queen Olives, Special 60c Club House Pimento Stuffed Olives, Special ... 25c CanvUto tin efHein ' 57 VmrltM Syrup Karo Syrup, gallons, each . $1.00. Karo Syrup, 5 lb., eck . . .35 Mary Jane Syrup, large . . 1.15 Mary June Syrup, medium . .60 Fancy Cream Cheese, per pound . . 45c We have a Cempltle Lifts ef fruit Jar' Carrizozo Trading Co. Quality First P h O n e. 21 Thin Price