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Ill ft jJVIlUlJUU i"J ll'J fliOGAL AND PERSONAL jctsltnl the contract for tile sale of i It n ml rcnaileft to tlie treasury .ileinrttnant for the nurtKiu1 of Ojwr llrntkwrll. an olil frituri ,ciiiirrtin lliem Intu Imuil Of ilie Ngw was over Veilnf!y lri'imik' bunks. Tmc lunik ffniii iNirl Stuiiion, ! were ordered by the local I'lrxt .VH munlr u..irl uiinrrfittrril at I Natloiidl Hank. Jtllv M. I'M'l, Qrad udxtt or . ffiEWSY NEWS FROM OSCURO Knights or iJytmus The late raitu have urcatly Mrs. 3-Htf Weltoffl (!nrat!. (J, II, '1'lnirnUiii, one ' Oimro's f uUlfiliti(il .citizen, wan lter WefliiMtlay. Olil llouiiHiuuil" Hour r. SO. "Dhiintmil" Hour $0.25 per uwt. tit Humphrey llrin. S-tf. A euril ruevivril from (). 'I'. Nye this morning Mntet that lit is still In New York. lie exuvcta to reach home next week. Norwalk Inner Tubes ami Kt" mifilic Casings. Holh Kiinruntunl western GaniKe. It is ruportril from Capltuu that sla'epimii arc losing considerable stnek liy coyotes ami wolves. We meet all competition. Write fnrntir price. Western llariifje. Hen Leslie ami J. II. Hurcli, ilieepmen from the Capituu Mis trlBt, Were ill CarriidiO this week (in business. Try a Spirclln corset O. T. Mcjjuillen, phone I. U. S. Marshal Hudspeth of Santa Ke was a visitor in Carri z'uzii this week. Oars washed at Western (jar age, Hubert A. Iliiunlcut was over from his Oa pilau ranch this week. Jim Nabnurs, an olil friend of the News, was up from his Three Hiveis ranch this week, ami look ing well. Dr. (!. Kannigar was here yes terday from Oscuro. The doctor reports renewed activities in oil operations near his town, Urant Gaylord, of 1CI Paso, a brother ot Amostiaylord of Nugul Cation, has been in Carrizuzo the past week. William M. Ferguson, of the Mesa, was in Carriao.o this veek uiarketinn a portion of his fruit crop late penches. He has sold his winter apple nop on the trees at l good price. M. U. I'aden left Sunday for Chicago and Cincinnati. After witnessing the world's series he will visit his old haunts In Louis ville. Kentucky, and will be absent a month or more. The annual convention of the Oiark Trails association will ii held in Koswcll, October 1, 2 ami 3, Among the delegates ap pointed by the governor from Lincoln county, we noticed Kobt II. Taylor of Carriitozo and K. L Motilton of Corona. Six Live llathitig (iirls will thow at the Crystal Theatre to morrow night (Saturday,) in con neetion with McSennctt's live-reel comedy "Yankee Doodle in lierliii." This attraction at the Crystal, we believe, should pack the home, especially the front row, F. .M Cocketl, formerly rancher on the Uoilltu, but now tanning near Duncan, Arizona stopped oH here a few days tin Week while enroiite to Corpus Christie, Texas on a visit. II had heard of the damage dour I the tidal wave there some v ks ago, but said he would gu .xn way, and enjoy a few weeks' lMilhg on the waters lie tiMi. d mi when n boy. Charles Stimm I, on i Mi and Mrs. Hen Stumm-I. uimeil Sunday from Walla alU, Wash ington. He was Uivhargeil Ir. m till itavy about Ihree weeks a(i". went to his former home in Wash ington and is now here, as stated, with hit parents. He was in the traitaport service and crossed the Atlantic about a score of times, iaty of which were during the daitgorou submarine period in wlttoh many a good ship was sent tli the bottuttt. The First National Hank, Car rli07.D, has been advised by the ttlfctjtor of War Savings Stamps iiiii War Savings Certificates, tliai the War department has can- Magdnleiia. N. M., Sept. 26. The Grand Lodge of the Knights of I'ythliis opened its annual con vention in this city this morning with more than lid 'delegates ill ,n. .mi. ,,... I'.i'itv huli'i' in the state was represented except I (Mtii'iti Mini I'ortaleti. Mrs. W. II . Oilmrii left Tues-j A t,1L, (Jraml ,0(1(u ,)nlecrs day on No. 3 for Los Angeles, r,.i,tii ni the convention. ,..ur .i ..i.- ... 1 . ... lilllllll lllil, WIIL'IU TIIIL' Will ,11 mil the (allure to send them is a matter of keen disappointment to 'In- bntik. beueilted the range here, which must assures us with plenty of feed for tli,. winter. future reside. Mrs. Osboru hns a lucrative position in the "Land of the Sunset," and her accom plishments, which arc recognized .mil appreciated hy a legion of friends, produces the firm belief that her services will coiuinand early attention ami receive due reward. The best wishes of a host of friends attend Mrs, Osbnrn in her new home. W, C. llradley, an ex-service man, who has a mild touch of tubercular trouble, has filed on some lauds in the Audio district in the hope of combating the disease, He spoke highly of Mr. l'itts, of the Lincoln SUtc Hank, who showed himmauy kindnesses among which was giving him the use of a team of horses and wagon. He believes he will give the "old con." a hard light. Reds Win First Two The Cincinnati Kds, pennant winners in the National league, defeated the Chicago White Sox, winners in the American league, the first two games in the world's scries. The first. Wednesday, was won by the Keds ') to 1, and the second, yesterday, the Keds again triumphed by a score of to 2. The next three games, beginning today will be played at Chicago. The past scries this year calls for nine games, pro viding neither team wins live be fore that number is played. Hugh 11. Williams delivered an eulogy on the late supreme repre sentative, W, W. llowers of Albuquerque. It was followed with much interest by the lodge ami was ordered adopted as a re solution of respect. State Representative McCrary of Magdalena. who has been over seas mid just returned, was wel comed hack with individual speeches by the members and with much cheering. W. T. Sterling went to Kl i'aso iTurnday. The Canadiau-Atnerli'iiii Oil Leasing company has not started drilling yet, but will probably finish putting in their repairs to dny. Then we hope to have some speed. Judge and Mrs. S. F. Crews, son Floyd and daughter Miss Cora left Monday for Fairfield, Illinois, to spend the winter and be with old friends of their youth, They have a home there ami I has been refurnished and mailt ready to receive them. The com imitiity will miss the royal, good ricuple, but we trust they will be That the Knights of Pythla-J, ijac, '" t,,L' sl"ri,,- Notice have made a remarkable growth in the state in the last year was shown from reports which showed an increase of H00 members in the year with a total of 1,(0U in the state now. Among others present at the meeting were! Past Supreme Re presentative W. M. Merger, Santa Fe Past Grand Chancellor Howell Krnest, Clayton; Past (Iraud Chancellor George llradford, Daw sou; Past Gram! Chancellor Waller A. Fawcett, Uoswell; Past Supreme Representative John A. Haley, Carrizozo. Hugh II. Williams of Santa Fe was elected representative to the supreme lodge. The "Bathing Qirls' Manager Dingwall of the Crystal has received word from the manager of the Mack Senuett "Hathing Girls" that the com jinny will be here tomorrow night, Oct. 4, instead of tonight, This is not a 'movie," under stand, but the actors will appear in person on a real singe and its cast contains the most attractive persouel that ever faced an audience. New Drilling Outfit At Tularosa The holders of Second Liberty Loan bonds and First Liberty Loan bonds converted, should present them to their banks at once for conversion into bonds bearing interest at 4 if, The .... , . i . . nrsi auove mentioned uotuis must Sant!l jrCi n. Mi( Sept. 30. The oc in vasinngion ny Nov. 15. c..,i .'i..u,D.. n..0i mi " ' oiJ.i tunwntuiir 4 miui uau wuniu un I'M') and the second above men- Iiml Keunitl(r company, according tiimc.i uv wee. i.i, iin. All WHO ( n ronnrt received here him ro have bonds in this hank for safe- cc1tc(1 staniiarii drilling outfit keejung or otherwise of the issues . Tularosa. Two drilling sites ineutioneil can Have them con- l,aVe been selected, one In Town " ,J '"'visiiigusinuuciitne. ship 13 south, Range 7 cast, and mere in nut one coupon left on another in Township 13 south eacll 01 Hie above mentioned Katun; H east, northwest from bonds and in order to save trouble Tularosa. It has not been de- aud exjiense this bank will make Hn'teW determined which site but one shipment. Si" '"' S,'ltl UmI fr t,H' "iV we!'' ,,, ., ' . The company is composed largely 1 iik I'Ikht National Hank, ()f vmvoye f the lil Paso and Carrizozo, New Mexico. Southwestern railway, 4 I'wenly jieojile from Oscuro went to Carrizozo, Saturday even ing to see the picture, "The Shepherd of the Hills." They all jioke of enjoying the film very much. It was also Mrs. Ratlety's ami Mrs, Raunlger's birthday. Mrs. Thornton and daughter Gladys will spend the winter in Kl Paso. Miss Gl idys is taking the High School curse at that place. Mr. Hrooks, wife and his brother-in-law and wife, of Haiti more, Maryland, will occupy Judge Crews' house, during his nbseiice. Mr. Queenaii from Oklahoma City was here for several days this week looking at the country In t lie Interest of an oil company in Oklahoma. He said, this was the best he ever saw ami was the best place he knew of for a large company to secure holdings for development work. Mr. James brought him here, Mrs, Ricliarilsou, who is now residing In Carrizozo, was down for a day, attending to some bus! ticss, and meeting old friends. Mr. Uuuyon and Mr, Tiller left for Roswell Wednesday morning, Chas. II. Thornton is now putting on the market a lot of nice peaches, Remember when you said : "It's simply impossible for tne to save money the wuy things ure going these days." Hut you saved your Liberty Bonds. Which proves again If there's a will there's a way. And you haven't suffered particularly, Have you? You can "repeat" if you leally want to. 4 per ct. paid on Snvintfs, compounded semi-knnually The Lincoln State Bank CAHIIUUZU, N- M. BANK WITH US GROW WITH US Sow for your future with war savings stamps, They are seeds of assured success. Did You Ever Count What the loss would be if certain of your important papers were stolen or destroyed? Do so sometime. Then compare the re sult with the low cost of Safe Deposit pro tection in our vaults. The question is too important to delay considering and acting upon. We will gladly explain this branch of our service to you. EXCHANGE BANK CAUKl'.OZO. N. M. IS 3E The Sanitary Market Tun door luiti H I) l Reily & LiUAN. Proprietors Having purchaBuil the Groom Sanitary Store, wo are now prepared to supply the people of Carrizozo with the host of Everything (or the Table Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Emits and Vegetables at live-and-let-live j)riees Phonei 46-65 NOW FOR THE FINISH! It'll be all off SATURDAY NIGHT! '8 Thsc Ciftai- Qilft f 1 K 1 VJ Jl VLl I- iruiv CARRIZOZO TRADING COMPANY, carrizozo, k. h, The Sanitary Market iTwo doom from I'. D.i Rkily & Lujan, Proprietors ni jeiipi ii MEN'S sua HOYS CLOTHING I.AUir.S' KlAOV.IO.Wr.AH DRY GOODS SHOES lor (lit wholi liinllr MILLINERY l.tmilriliu A Cuiitfulcuiu RUGS TRUNKS, HAGS SUIT CASES HATS ind CAPS, Etc On the Altar ol Sacrifice Savings 30c (o 60c on the dollar NOTICE TO THE PUULIC VtIS WISH TO THANK all the ood ' " people of this community for the liberal anil steadfast patronage. The response was simply overwhelming. People from Carrizozo, Alamogonlo. Tularosa, Oscuro, Ancho, Corona, White Oaki, Roswell, Capitan, Lincoln, Hondo, San Patricia, etc., were here in throngs, Wc expect you all here for Hie Glorious Windup, Superhuman efforts were made to make it worth while to come again, and you will be amazed at the splendid bar gains we are offering for the finish. Let no inclement weather or little errands at home keep you away. Huy for future needs, a prices sure ly will he still higher. Our entire stuck of Staple ami Fancy GROCERIES CLOSING OUT at prices never iuuted before. We urrfe early attend ance, a.s lines, ntdur ally, ivre ftellintf liroken tow&rils the end. COME ! SAVE 1 bmeilta: SALE (LOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, 0(U8 . 9, t ' ;