Newspaper Page Text
THE GAItRIZOZO NEWS. i Submarine Invades the Mississippi Fint Craft of the Kind to Ever Appear in Thii Hirtoric Stream An unusual photograph of the United States naval submarine K-5, "full speed ahead" on the aurface of the historic Mlnlulppl. The navy aent the K.5 for a trip of exploration and navigation under Lieut. Commander Thomaa 0. nerrlan, U. 8. N. The K-S la the first submarine to ever dis appear beneath the placid waters of the famous old Mississippi. Somo Don'ts (or All Who Would Toll 365 Days tho Year and Taking No Rost. Don't work 3V dnya year, not withstanding Hint snmo other trojnns did thnt yenr nfter year In their days or struggle. Tnke mention. Don't, however, let pIrnsure-seckInK aupplnnt success-seeking, Don't heroine wholly self-centered. Don't succumb to tho tcmptntlon to tin too busy to hnve nw tlmo to bo rn tlonnlly sociable. Don't cultivate cxclrmlvt'ticn Don't forget Hint there nre no ex press trains to tlio summit nf success. Don't look for nny escnlntnr to do your climbing for you, Don't depend npnn others to push you nliiiiir. Don't ("mint upon nny "pull" which you yourself illil not rrpntr. Don't fntiry thnt others succeeded i because nf mere lurk, nnd Hint you nre when1 you nre solely hcrnttso folk dlil not poino your wny. Don't expect to lipnr Opportunity knocking nt your door until you linvo trained yourself to rprognlieliorwhcn she mine. Don't put inorp Hinii you feel yoo 1 1 II vp to. Don't oversleep. Ami finally) Don't forget Hint thine nro npt to bo right If wo do. Torhex Mngnzlne. Clearing Away the Wreckage Belgium's Activity After the War Ilcforp Hip wnr IIpIkIuiii wn noted for density of populntlon anil Hip high Mund.ird of ronifort among Its Itihiib limits, nil enjoying piiippful cnnill tliuiH. nnil tookliiK funviiril to tlii'ir Kctiprnl rniilliiiiiinco. It whs Indus- trial elllelpnoy mid u piiIiii, linppful spirit Hint iiiiiiIp llclgluiu ko populous. thrifty mid legitimately nmbltlou In business. No country wn ovrr morp inoffensive. I.lvp wpII nod contented- ly, mid let others live IlkewlKP, wiih the evident tnottn of llclgliim. Hut hUtorrnry liml Hpprplly niiipppil It to tip suddenly ovprruu mid crushed whrn Hip niiiHt powerful nriiiy In hi tory swept forward lo rmiqupr Hip world. lli'U'linn met Hip llrst linpac't. mid lookN II todny. It wiih tnilnmltiiMe through four yeiirx of cnlmulty mid rnptlvlly. Hut It ItiiH Iippii saved. It la clearing nwiiy tho wreckage, 'i'liprii will Iip a grcnter IIpIkIuiii iiiip irlpd tiy Hip fire of minimis of hotll sol diers mid HiiiiisniidM of rniiliou. It Ih might, not rlitht Hint In n Kiipillnnt for term. What IIpIkIuiii represented In eco nomic, licforp Hip wnr I an Inst rue Hvp example for Hip rent of tlio world. Ilclglum'H old prosperity will return to her, nnil inure nliiindiintly. An Irish Poetess, Born In County Cavan, Author of "Kathleen Mavourneen" The words of Hip famous song, "Kathleen Mnvournceii." weru wrltlen by Mr. Julia M. Cruwforil, an Irish poetess, uliii was horn In County Cn mhi, toward the close of the eighteenth century, lly tnklinx tii her iiliodo In n small town In Wiltshire, Kugluml, mid where hIip resided for niiiny yenrs, her MoKmpherx have liven led Into I tut error of supposing Hint she wiih of Ktigllsh birth. IlcMdex "Knthteeu Ma vouriippii," she wrote ovit u hundrvd lyrleM, mostly Irish In t-cntlmcnt, anil published, with I'. N. Crouch as the composer of tho music, In u volutiip of "Irish Hongs" In 181(1. Mi. Crawford iiIko contributed n great drill of verso fur Hip Metropolitan Mnguxlnc, edited by Captain Morryut, In London be tween 1S.-U) mid 1 8 iO. tt wiih In till la.iguxlne that "Kathleen Mavourneen" llrst iiipeiirpd. Edgar Allan Poc Hungry as He Wrote Somo of His Masterpieces Died 1849 When Kdgur Allan Poo was n inapt r.lne cdltoV hi snlnry wn $10 a wppk. Tow left Hip New Vork Quarterly He view In or nbnut 1KHI because It, nnil he mid Ills family, were Retting hun grier with each Issue mid removed to I'hllndelplilii, accepting n position with Hip (leiitleuimi'H Mngualne. After III '"I'lile of Hip Arabesque imd Oro tpmiup" weru published, mid when his fame ns a poet was frowInK, lip Ik ennip a member of Hip dtuff of flrn ham's Mncuilnp. Ill contribution mid Mr. (Indium's business head Increased tbu circulation of the miiKiirlnp ten fold within two year. Hut hp re KlKiied Hip editorship of (Irnhnm'H lie eiiusn of hi rpHiles temperament mid returned to New York in 1S42. Up lipver regained III fiiotlnc. Mrn. I'oo died In 1HI7. mid he drlflpil furlber from hi inoorlni:. Up wiih In such straits In 1848 Hint bp might huvp uniilrlipil tit nny oppor tunity, lie died In October, 181(1. Braddock Scorning Advice of Americans, Was Licked by French and Indians In 1770, on thp ninth of July, Hip llnttlo of Hip Mononciiheln, commonly known it Ilrnddock' Defeat, took plncp, Mnjor (leneral Ilrnddock wn Hip eiiuiinander of the llrltlsh force In Amerlcn durlim the Krrncli and Indian wnr. llo wn Kent over from IIiiKlnnd lo rxpcl Hip Krrncli from their en cronclimciitH wi-st of Hip Allegheny moiiutnln. SnirnlUK the nilvlce of Hip Amerlcnns, who were nccustomed to Hip Indians' tactics, Ilrnddock inarched hi nrmy of U'lHI llrltlsh rcKUlnrH mid 1.000 Colonial mllltln openly townrd Kurt Du Qucmic mid wiih ambuscaded mid totnlly routpd liy a force of INK) l'rncli and 000 Indians. tIip lmnlc stricken troops were Miveil from cotn plpp destruction by WnsIdnKton, who with Hip milk of inllltln colonel wiih kitvIiii; iih mi ulil to llruildock, Ilrnd dock himself nml f.U of Ills olliccni were klllvil, Tree Juice and Seeds From Which Candles Aro Made In Other Lands Thrrr nro Hirpp kind of tree from which tnlluw candles can lie tunde. Ono I a native of China, and I called by botanists stllllnulii Hehlfrru. The Herd In It fruit lire covered by it wnxllko substance used by the native for mnk f tit; candles. Another tallow tree crow In Hie Western (Ihauts nf India, nbout 4,000 feet nbovp hpu level. Tim llPlullt of Hie trre, which I an evergreen, la nbout CO feet. It Is culled the Valeria Inillcu. It Heed yield n pnlo yellow ish rut, hoIIiI nnil voncrptp. lly bolb liiK Hip fruit Hip fnt If easily procurn IiIp, mid Ih then cither Hindu Into cnudlcH or soap, or It may be burnt In lamps, A third tree from which tallow enn die mny bp made I the Afrlcnn but' ter tree, or Hhen tree. It fruit exudp n yellow, ureiiHy Juice, which is munli ulnted In n similar manner to those already described nnil with equally useful results. Snako Purlolncr Snared By Swallowing Nest-Egg "I had Iippii loslni; prk for Homo time, and hud been ItiyliiK the loss to kiiiip hounds of n iielRhhor wblcli were frequently iiround," wrltm 1,. II. Holmes In Hoy' I.lfp. "Perhaps mine of Hip Ioh wiih Justly Inld to them. One nlitht I found only one vge In house where I HiouKht thrre should be quite it number, nml wiih Just Iwnlnc the iiousp when I discovered n blnck nnUr iih'iul six feet Ioiir. with s knot or bunch In lit middle Hut looked ss If It mlsht he nn prr. 1 killed him snil rurrled bltn to the dwelling Ikum, -ulicre I oiened him to mt the other ecK. It provsd to be n Rlsss HMt-!f. It liflll tvrnbflbly preventMl his eilli: HirtMJHll the hole lie rnterml the lien houit) by nml so provwt h snare for lillil," Prepared Wax Will Keep Varnish From Wearing Off It Tsrertsheil Imrdwood Hours are mbbsd with prewired wn It will pre vtsM the TsrnUh from wcurlnu orr. Hub Us vmx on with Hip balls of the tin ners, as It tskes leu wax Hint way. lit It dry for in or 0 minutes, then piillfb Willi s jpitvy itnnnel cloth. This ill up Unito only once In live or six Hwhs Mcept to platpH where there I sjmit ilml of Hour. In Hioho plui-w ub It nil very week. All crsftsmnu, liniid'lHiliiilK-il furniture In kept lu line coiiUUlou by Uic una ot wax. Catnip Is Found to Be Cure for Ivy Poisoning, Says Clergyman's Wife. Mrs. Ilvelyn H, Treiilmth, wife of llev. Hobrrl V. Trenliutli. roctor nf Ht. .Inmes' Kplscopnl cliurcli of Mont clnlr, N. J., has conferred n Uwn on snirprrr from iHilson Ivy by untHittli clnK n remedy which those who hnve tried It sny I a most ttlllrnelous rein. cdy. It I Klmpiy the ureen leavos of comnion cntDlp rnhbeil on tho nffect' ed purl until the Juice run. This never fulls. Mrs. Treiilmth sny, nn matter how sdVHiiml tho oihp mny he. mid is simple to nsp, es ppelilly In the ens of children. The plant trows usually in crent nbuiidsnrp behlml old Iwrns,, mid Is sain io u ho autiiKonlstle to the Ivy Hint If plnntwl neitr It the Ivy dump. pesrs. With the Jokesmiths Smart Sayings. The nlm of Home people nro of the cyclone pattern. The milk of human kindness often IhhIp of the run. The thicker the letter a wom an writes Hip less there In lu It, When u sailor falls out of Ids Hhli he feels us If he were nil In. It's Hitter to knock some men down Ufore lurnlnc the other cheek. The only wny you cnu hnve fun with wime people Ih to make them uiiKry. One's Natlvo Flower. KlndlllK line's tintlvo flower llinn. winds ot miles from borne seem to annihilate dlsiuiicu. . . . Kxlle Is not Mile, If It be lo n country where the Willi rose cull crew .I)i.mi Hunt Jucksou. Duslneas and 8chnlarahln. "Do you think u coIIpku education neip n mini in luistni'SHT" "Not rlcht iinnv." miHwered Mr DtiHtlu .Slur, "Hut lifter n man Rets rich enough to Indulge lu lltlgntlon, school trnlnlni,- will heli n greut deal In iiiiHHeriiiR the lawyer 'i questions," Not a Lift Saver. "I naked the I bos for nn In- . crene In salary, Told him 1 IHCVs ,'"ulill,t "vo on uie sum i was getting." "Whnt did lie ny?" "Told me It was n business not u life-Having Institu tion ho wus running." Why He 8tayed Away. "Wo missed you nt the family pic nic the other dnv." "Yep. I decided It was better to no inisstsi imin mussed." Dolno It Early and Late. "Mr. Ilarclns Is forever on tho go," "1 should nny ho. Why, homo for her Is merely u temporary shelter be tween shopping tours." Firm Dellever, 8lie Do you lirllevp Igiiflrnuco Ik bliss? 111- Why? She Vou accia so happy. Primitive Independene. "Weill Weill Here's n quesr old codger driving mi ox tenm. It's the first time 1'te seen nn outfit like Hint In yenrH." "I suspect Hie driver I n philosophy mnn," "Why ho?" "I noticed lie wore a superior smile Just now when ho rumbled past a gasoline station." Secret of Success Is Doing Work Right Way The secret of Hitccrs Is not n Hccret. Nor Is It something new. Nor Is It sometl'i'is hard to secure. To becomu more successful, become morn elllrlent. Do the little thlngH better. Ko work Hint you will require less supervision. The lent supervision I needed by tho person who makes the fewest nils lakes. Do what you ran do and what you should do for the Institution for which you nr working, and du It lu the right way, si tit) tho site of jour In come will taka cure of Itself, I,tt your ului orer bo to better the work you art dolug. Thomas Ureter. A. E. F. WAGON TRUCKS JUNKED IN FRANCE All inti-,.,,.,. ,,ii,iogriili of wagon trucks of the A. h. I- in I rmiee dis, mileii imi lor luriiii . n. met pliieed III Hip blind of Hit) "llqindiitloii commission," A minimum vuUie fes i.p . ed on Hie Mifr. nd tl i- . dvcrlUcd for sulu by 111" COIIIIIllHslOII, SCOTS DO HONOR TO YANKEE DEAD Glasgow Islay Association Issues Photographic Album of Tus cania Graves. OFFERED TO NEXT OF KIN Labor of Lova to Show Relatives How Last nesting Places of Heroes Aro Csred For Otranto Qraves on Same Island, flhisuow. Sr.ltlllllil. NVti r kin nf toe United Ktnte soldier wiio went uetvn with Ihe Tiiscnnbi mny now se cure Hip 'Thnlogrnphlc Album of tho American .Soldier' (Irnve :n Islny," which has been forwarded for ill trloutlnn to llm AmerliMiit (Vnwu bureau of communications, Washing- ion, u. v. Thl allium is dedleuted "tO the inelllorv of tin, hrnvi, itu.n u-ltn perished through Hie torpedoing of tho n. a. i uscmiin on Hip nils of Kehruury, litis 'Their mi MviI, v,,i-mi. A stntement by Diignld Chirk. II, D., honornry president, and other olllcer of tlio rihiSL'ow Islnv iissoclnlloii. Ihllll III pttrt explnln Hip nlbittn: n. Ill I ml bet c heurtH nml tin In r- bands were not wanting to pay due terlr nt Port Chnrloilr, ICIIiiaucliInn, Kllinbii mid In numerous home In America Islny will now be n linusehold word mid lo many of our kinsmen across tin is It will be thp scene of loving pilgrimages In the com ing yeur. llm there will be many who. though the name of Islny will lulch the deepest chords In tlielr heart, will never be able to visit It nml Hep Hip place where their beloved rest. It may afford them some com fort nod sullsfiietlon, howevpr. In pos sess photograph of Hip grave which will in some measure vlstiitllao to tlielr minds Hie bentllirul Hpot where their ilenr ones 'He nleeplng. With Mils end In view Ihe (llnsgow Islny nssorlntlon, composed of natives of' Islny resident Ir. Hip Second City of the Umpire, prepares thlr allium mid we offer It now wllh every murk of profound sor row nnil respectful sympathy for nc ceptnnce by the next of kin of the bereuved whose remains mingle wllh the dust of our beloved Island." The frontispiece of the alhum Ih a drawing In color of the monument, de signed ly Itohert 3. Wnlker of (llns gow, which tho American lied Cross will erect nt .Mull, Islny. There nro seven rcpreilitcll'in of photograph of tin American graves lu the four cem eterle. Numbered list nml diagrams make It easy In locate piieh of Hip Hill gravps; VJ. however, contain "un known dead," The burial plots are In "Hitch in Side" Was Nine BroVen Ribs Ml. Lniila. -Thomn Morale. M, walked Into the city dispen sary nml alied doctors to Inko it look nt hi side. "I've got II hitch there nml It' making mo nervous," he told thp doctor, They found he bad nine frac tured rIbH mid Internal hurt mid ordered III ni scut to Hie hos pital. "A nqgon ran over nip In Must Ht. I.otil." Morgan snld, "bill I didn't pay nny attention to a lit tle thing like Hint. Todny lily side got to hurting mo ponslder alile mid I thought I bad il little touch of rheiiiuiitlsin that needed tiling up-" beautiful order mid the association Is pledged to their opkcip. The motiumeiit at Mult will nlsc serve it ii memorial to Hie Aluerlcrn soldier who perished lu Hip Olrnlito disaster mid lire hurled lit Kllclioninn, Ilny. The transport Olrnntn nml the transport Kashmir, both currying American troop to Trance, collided oil Islny October U, liilS, in u gnlc nml thick weather. The lltrmito drifted nshore mid wiih wrecked with tho loss of ,'IIU1 American soldier. Tills rocky Island off the southwest coast of Kcotlmul wn thus the scene of Hie only considerable disasters In tin transportation of the millions ot American soldier to Trance. Its Amer ican graves make it ncred ground Tile work of the (llnsgow Istny usso elation bus been a labor of love. Plot World Revolt Documents Found In Germany Reveal Complete Plans. Islay Monument. honor ti the giillunt dead. Large crowds itnthorpd from nil imrts nf Hip Island to pay their tribute of re spect to the memory of the fallen ; unit after solemn service the tioilli.u wete reverently Inlil to rest In four dlnYren. mid specially selected ceme- Seeret Spartacan Circular Urges Agi tation Among the Nosk Home Guards. llerlln. A complete mid carefully drawn plan lo overthrow the present government and further world revolu tion Is contained In a secret Hpartiiciiu circular to II agents mid district chiefs. The document, which was secured by Hie "general bureau for llm study of bolshelsm," begins by regretting hut the government signed the pence trenlj. thereby delaying the luc liable crisis, The document speculates iln various possible developments nnd then sets forth ii concrete plan, the llrst step of which would bo to liasien an Internal (lertiiun crisis by tampering with Hie home guards of (litstav N'oske, minis ter of defense, which are declared to bp less reliable than formerly. The circular urges Kpiirtucmi organ izations lu agitate among the soldiers by leaflets mid verbally. The railroad men, Ihe document ), can he counted as won for revo lution. The postal workers are depressed, according to (ho circular, which gm on to my that the program wllh re gard to the pensiint In complete. The winning over of the peuMints I de clared to be Important, for without their Hyiupiith) or with tlielr enmity revolution would lie dlllleult, If not lm possible. Delay In provoking the revolution Is rather welcomed, "n It will enable further education or the prolotiirliit j hut every moment nml every sltiintlini must lie nt 1 1 isrt-a toward the llmil goal." Want Original Tune, New llm en, ('mm. To obtain n new nlr for Hip Yolo song "llrlght Col. lege Veur." which I now snug n "The Watch (In the Hlilne," Ihe rla$s of INK), through Murray Dodge, iln secretary, lias offered 91 .(MM) j n prlr.e. The prudential cniumlltro n " orpomllnu received tho notice mid selection of a tune Is to rest with Ihe nlumnl advisory board. Must All De 8lck. New York.-Dr. I.ouls Wclim,.r f the Y. M, C A. has discovered Dint microbe roused tin 1 1 nlniem ti, kMti ut IJie umpire. I'lnyer In good hcftllu i, in i hick, ne ennuis, TURKISH BATH WEAPON Greeks "Parboiled" and Sent Out Into Cold. Then Charges of Frightful Atrocities by Turkish Officials Made by Doctor White. Charges that Turkish utlleluls dec imated the tlreck population along Hie Illnck sea const, -s),(s)0 men, wom en mid children living between Hlnope tilid Ordoit, Without the shedding of blood but by "pnrbolilng" the victims In Turkish baths mid turning them hnlf-clud nut lo die of piieumouln or other 111 in the snow of mi Anatolian winter, nre iiinde In n letter from Dr. (leorge K. White, representative of Ihe American committee fcr relief In the near Iit. rllnepp ivns Hi birthplace nf the jiMliwopher D!or4iet, Ihwinr While n- " mid kih.iii is just 'xsjrond L'iiio ! Jason, which I still preserved In mem ory of Hie Argonauts mid tlio (lolden I leece. The letter, written to I'rof. J. I'. Xcnldes, secretary of the (Ireek relief committee here, described the new method of ridding Hie html of Its Its habitants which. It Is snld, wus some what different from that employed by the Turks ugiilnst the Armenians. The worst of the crimes laid to the Turk, according to Doctor H'lilte, were committed lu tho winter oi' 11)1(1 and 10IT, when on'ore were Issued for Hie deportation of the (Ireeks along the Illnck sen coast. The people, he wrote, were crowded Into the steam rooms ot Hie bath In Chorum unilei the pro toiiso of "siinltnry regulations," nnd ufler being tortured for hours were turned out of doors Into snow utmost knee-deep, nnd wllleout lodging or food, Tlielr gfirineiits, which hud been taken from Ibwn fer fumigation, were losti ruined or stolen. Most of the victims. Ill-cliid mid shUerltig, con. traded tuberculosis unit other piil moiinry disease mid "died In swilrtni" on the wny to exile. Hie Idler ili rlured. Doctor While sold Hint In the pruv luce of Hnfrn, where there went more tluin '.'tl.tKHI vlllnge (Ireeks. now less than 13.IXXI survive nml erry (Ireek settlement bus been burned. The inuii her of orphan, Including m,uiu Armeii. Inn nnd Turkish rhlldrcn, in . ,.. lire district, it wn snld, uggregnttd 110.000. Hlnce the nnulstlce, the ,0r lor wrote, many of the deportees him, luen reluming to their rulmsl h()Iln.H. An Egg Oddity, I'otlsvllle. I'ii. T. W0M rllrI) egg over sren In this ,....ii..n . , hlhlleil liy Deputy Clerk of Hip Courta Clmiles Hawk and Dpiuty ttrcortSfir Ung. i It six Inches in dlameler iiflil when opened wn found to contain titli j oiks mid two shell, a perfect egg be ing found within the outer shell, The egg was laid by it Plymouth Hock lien owned bT William Ilaksr. a fimS near Tower City.