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TUB QAKIU20Z0 NEWS When You Need ' Ring up H, Carrizozo News The stuntliriK of a business mun is estimated hy the char ncter of his printed .atutiunery, whether it is uood, had, or the rubber stomp hind. It therefore pays the business man to have his stationery as neutly and artistically printed as his big city cortespnntkntc. The best is always the cheapest. 'Phis office is equipped to do all kinds of pfrinlinp;, plain or in colors We make a specialty of liOUnrhtauU i&nvolopei Hlllheudi Stutemenia Urograms Folders Cards fall hinds) Receipt Hooks Bank Woik Stock Certificates- Car yvioio Ke,s Established 20 Years Reaches Every Home in Lincoln County Kteammamm WW TALK nbout smokes, Prince Albert is ueured to a iovhundout MtnniWil thut just lavishes sinokehappines's on every mnn gnme enough to muke a bee line for a tidy red tin and u jimmy pipe old or new! Get it straight that what you've hankered for In pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has thn nunlitv I .j... , You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water 1 Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process I You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in srimhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepusture longer than you care to remember buck I Buy Print Albtrt tvtrywhir lofcacco Ii told. Tappy rtd bag; tidy ltd tint, handtomt pound and half pound tin humldortand thai tttvtr, practical pound cryttal guu humidor with sponge moitttntr top that Apt IA fobucru fn iucA perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobrcco Co., Wlnston.Slra N. C COAST TO COAST . 0. S. FOR LEAGUE MILLIONS ACCLAIM WILSON AS HE 8PEED8 ACROSS THE LANO, FEW ASK FOR CHANGES Majority Fuel That President's Quid- net 8hould Da Hsld He Regard! Pact At Sura to Com Boon. (Dy ML Clomons News J3urenu) Aboard fireildoiit Wilsons Special Train toom tlio CnplUl nt Washing Ion to tho far I'acMo ooaat tha I'resl ient of Iho United fltntoa ha Jour neyed on thu moat unusual expedition ever undcrtnkon by a chief oxecutlvo of tho nutlon. To discuss nutlonnl questions, many presidents have toured the land: but Mr, Wilson la laying beforo America a question yrhleh affects tha wholo world tho quoKtluii of whethor or nut wo aro to join In the Loaguo of No tlonaj whotbur we aro to forgot our formor Isolation and shorn with the other peoplus of tho earth tho roapon albllttloa of tnulntululng civilization bad preventing, aa ho says wo can do, future warfare. netwocn tho capital and tho const tho proaldent mudo tlttoun Hpoochoa and halt a dozen brief talks, All of 100,000 fellow citizens listened to him. Boveral mllliona had tho chnnco to aco him, und apparently averyunn wuntod to seo him, from thoso who thronged thu atreeta of thu cltloa and towns Wtiere hn Stonnod. ta thrum whn innm to tho rallaldn or stood at llttlo Hug atutlona In remote pluccs, knowing thalr only reward could bu u Hooting gltinpse and n wnvn of the hand. I Jlo haa mot and talked to all typoa 1 of citizens to men blg In tho bush i neaa, financial and professional worlds, I to farmers and mechanical workers, 1 to Indians und cowboys and foreign born herders and rangors, to aoMlitra and to mothers who lost Boldlor-sona In tho late war. What do thoy all lull him? unani mously thoy say thoy want pcaco definitely settled, they want no more wart, they want the League of Na tions, and most of tho American poo pie, It may bo fairly suld, tell tho President they want tho League just as It Is, without the reservations or amendments which certuln senators have Insisted upon. Tho majority of citizens say to those who Interview them on thlt tour: "Woodrow Wlliiou guided us rightly before and during tho war with Ger many. Wo entered that war, every one ugroos, to end all wars, Ho says the liaguo can do that. IVs want to do that, ao 1st ua koop on trusting htm and get the lenguo Into operation as soon as posslblo. forgot politics," Most Americans encountered on tho tour hnvo forgotten politics, Ttepub. Ucan Governors and Mayors have lu. Iroducod tLu (resident to his audi enco; tho Major part of tho local com-mllleee-which huvo met him huv boon Hepubtlcans. They hare all aaidt "We are noUitng but Americans, Mr. I'resldont." Mr Wilson's arguments for th league, brletlysummurtred, are thoso: There ran bo no peace, either now or In tho future, without It Thoru cun only bo n regrouping of nations and a new "llsliutrn of I'owor," which Is certain to lend to war Thern cun ba Ao war In the future, with tho leuguo lu existence, beeuuto no single. 1 nation would dofy tho uultod rost of j mankind, and If It did, It could be brought to tomis by an economic , boycott, und without thu use of arms. There cau be no reduction In thu ooat of living until tho louguo It os- tubllsbed, for nations will not go I ahead with peace tlmu production un. j til they know that peaco Is definitely assured and tbnt production of wur material Is no lunger necessary. I Thore can bu wnttderful prosperity, with louguo lu exlstenoo, tor lol titlons of labor and capital all ovor tho world will bo uiado closer and mnro friendly, und t)iu worker will ro i t lie a fairer share of what hu pio ductts Theto declaration of tho piesldent, logically and eloquently put, huvu left his hearers tlilnklng and thinking devply. And then Mr. Wilton has pointed out, tho people thomtflves, as differentiated from senators and politi cians, seem to want juit what tho president wants, which Is America for ieadershlp UuUe as unusual us tho purpuao of thu cross country tour Is tho manner In which It U being carried out und tho completeness of the arrange ments on tho nine oar train which Li bearing tho party. At Iho rear It tho private car May doner, occupied by tho President and Mrs, Wilson. Next U a compartment car for tho secretary Tumulty, Ad inlral Orayson, Mr. Wilson's I'hysl cluti, four stenographers, the chief oxocutlvt '.lerk and .even secret tor lce men. Uyond are throu compurt meut cars which house twenty-ong corrospoudenla, live movlo mon, and a telegraphlo and a railroad export. Then thora It a dinner, a club car, and two bsnag coxa, one of them can. yerted Into a business offloe. The train wis exactly on Urn at every stop between Washington and the Dnnlcert Declare These Very Deit Securities That Money Can Buy Iluntlretla of lianks over the Kiev cntli I ederul Ulslrlct have already invested in thu ni-w $1,000 lleirldte..-,l Treamiiy t .vlnir fertiflctes and mure orders for them are t, ; it eenul 'trj i!n by tin- f-'idrral II -servo Dank at Uull.n. Uanki-i i a re liraetii-ully iinuiiimous in !i- 'unnlr these n .v SlOii und fl.i- 0 K. ,-i n I Tri-urv SmiiM t' f if, l-?t H-,-llHtil H the (luMIII ., lit ll.i i r nffvreil. Indivldtiuli", crpnrn! )ot.n, o'.ilfeu und "i htn .hs'r' t . ' , Ini,, ng tie e I Ifjj I nt red t'eit ' , t -in lurir' imniliers The Ht4,e nl i' was one of tlie fust pur hun-rs, S. ' Vi e f.itfr .lihil iv . iiuK- i i'i ! t Wi ill f"l ei h of two Slu'.i- fu The law due iml u-i n,u m, n ii I o Hi (wnrtli, i.uiti.- , valu-t, ' i clil In ui y i "i ii A i , lull I er of n f.urJy or f -ti, " in a I. 'i' '. or rurpiMa'l. n mv 1 .hat mm ii -it. 'I lie l' i Ceitlfienti'" nuy In t liiited lit ull f t -I ninl i .r. I . I . V .f f !l ei ll il fi ,iin n I t I i . nil tu nes, Y, 1 i t I lit ''"'Ii ' In e n'ltlll ' i ' ' 1 i I trUH 1 1 lllpill ' ' U' I 1 ., -Ii i , i i .liiUC in ll-i'.i T I III I i nil ... ne w I.- ii , i i i I I i- I me ! ui' i m i i i,i ,1 oil 1 ... . I'i i life ..te. I!er, ; latere ! :( I v i cent, .,- . ili. y I"' i .. , a I 1 1 . 1, 1.' I the V , ; t, , l I'li-Ui-, yUVll, t'el I, Kill - fin .11 'eul ii' e.-' i-.'it. T'"' un' e from t.iMition. Insured by tlio taiv nurei't ii"aitist I' i mill nuy ' hN- I on t I '1 iv i . At ,i ,' . i'i" . Vuo'l a i l' I I ' i ii in . 1 mi" i "led intu thi iO i-ei'tificuU.- i (lenred. I 111' I'll't pei.'n fur the "'tl 1?" P"ei Cer'iii. ,' hi f li'.iH! Ust fR t.Kll ' i 'i r tfl H ij f er fM.'.'tl; '.jvei .iiur 4, .-li': li -i , her $R4.00. The cost of tl' f i r ': Oil :'l"iite In n !y t. s l ; September J8,ll;'uii " l; .Ju vemlier fill! Hi . '"I -, TI.e Huv riiiiieni v l i the full fine vulue .if i'i, , K.i'i i I'.t.n. my Silting - "it in . i Janu. 1. 10.M, ne th, i a"it . I .1 urrrtiwl liiti'ifH, r I. e I ii s . .1 to cash till III I. .i' I' , lie win-, lti- i t . ..It i-i i end Ireujuy Sui .j-. ( I e.iu , . ;.. r- Get a Hand Gronnds; Is Rarest Souvenl- f i1 "j World Wur fillip 1 linn lint mm! 1 it Tal:! Active Part In !!!, Against Hifih Liv'mi; Coat. 1'lKht the high rn-t of I'vini' Lj rvimIIuk wait, imylii;! ennfiilu. 'v iiiK what nu "mi and "ii-tm ,'i, s.ning: in He"' tnh-d 'i i i try '' iv nifs I'eitlfii-me,, or ,r 8-ivntv-H'linpii. , Work 'i.iu l T dn-jlily wise ul th " Lln.e us ihi "nl Ik 1 1 iii moiH'V helm. kiim-iI h.-'I p' t vork iii.iI. ih' mtei t, Km , ,, Willi low IHII'I'llHSillK i-' " n , beititf Ire n-d with u cei-u v t'a v will lni iiinri1 later on, The doll ii- t-nluy will bu i RriueiieK, and other re i t tliun ul any tune i-ln.-e tin- i i War. Theieisi-Mij in.luiitii , ' , ever, tl"it jirleen will In- n, m- n. Ill a few yiiuiit. The do luis nm I ill tl.esu new Ui ritered Treu-i r .Siiwiik Certifieatea ulueh hlivi- jn been iaauod by the I.' ,8. (lovui niii'en' or War 8hvims Stumps will nm e I., huv mote jiim from nnut, I, it v it bring the interest earn , w il them whin relunieil to til, r .mn. Save i. II :iii an m , pul i ,n I ,' i you "-mi- in work for u oi, il find y u lire muk.i . , ,1 pui i 1 1 w wuy In glvillK olu "II. V. I." lux ileutll blow. W. S. 'I' :'" Cent isjunl I Thrill liiiini. It III l l.iifl SlaiaiiK muul I W.J).S. J- '.Ml W.H.S, eiiilal I tlOT f-irllfl- ' TOte, 1 10 SltlU (Vrtlflrates equal 1 t jl.ouo i eiiiniaie. !; 1 $ l.tlOO Cerlirii-sle uiuals A SI It I' IN I II K llunmier'nir llm hellt lin.l lo,,l,i-. li. ,ii ii' , i -, H ' bin elans down to ri . ,j d, . the Aliieriiiin Hiildieii u . i one we ,. un in gii'iiter tiumliern t' an an ot! -r. It wu ii wvip'i i lh"y i 1 1 tiev r uu j before, one Unit I ml -en nl, i,1 for centuries thu liainl ki'enmle 'wt when the liruwtiy lad f-iini fie 1'. S. A. sent the old "vgH," at t i w ifo called, splniiln;' Into uir nut nnd '!! Imx, thu otilj I'oelies ren- , iltig; mi ihi l.roUMil unie thosi- riaily in So hu.-.nd, (irenailes were known In have U-eli Hied flo ecnturieH niro. In t the bIcri' nf the Pii-te, of I', in. g-inre on the Kiv. r To in t.ily, I lie ,e fenilers used a' vo ki h made of a i;las hnttli fitlej h powder. I 'or n time, K:inil were mnile out of heavy paper, then out ot ITla is ami then out of i n tul ' With thu eloiie of the i'l!iti'i nth i tntuiy, thu irreiuide Ik'kiiii to :io ilisenrdetl and llttlo use hail Item mailu of it un til the Ilusao-JnimneKe m- In lllnl It remiillied for Uir Hit at Wnilll War In tee Hid hi "mule daveloiei Inlo lis present efficiency. The erenudes ustil by Hie Atlleilcnn douglilioys wtru us carefully nmmifactun'd .is tli.'li rifles. Hut the onil of fan ml u limited supply on Imud nnil tliemi were tunleil over to the Sav ihk' DMsloti of Ihe Treaiury Itepuit-nn-nt. the exploivH e'ji-led it ad they have been mailt- ovci Into aavln,: banks. 'Thus n weapon nf yitr lias been transformed into u "wenpon uf pea. . Insteml of being Uxcd to hattle -im linn, il U now beiiiK u-''il In the filit aifttinst thit HU'h ( o-t of t.Kilis- und the arch enemy, Thriftleasrit"' i. Any buy or girl can secure a grenade by puri'hMsiiiK n S5 War Savliitfa Stamp; any uditlt by inveatlnu; in taiit or moiu War Suvinga SUin..-,, In . laeto mul Imve heen bouithf nfU'i- July in, 1010. These liuinl gi nudes will he distributed lliciuh loial bunks Klill by a few mtrehanls. . If you wuut a irreiiiiiie, i-et busy. Muke urrttHgemcnUt with yoni bunker lniniediatel. Only u limit "I nuniber of timsi- rare und unlqu.i . o if the U'orlil Wur tould Iv .-"iim. i nnd when they are g-i iie thi te will hne chunce of obtaln'iiK one. You don't 'iave to wait until tho or"n 1 Is Te olv.'d to iMffln savliii". lio tha' now, Then when the grenm!" rr, yati will have that much of fa n'Tt to ward uwtilnr It. Ahu your banker about It taday. Huv War Bavmiis f lamps riuhir- .A fur you set you mi vine. uui t oeiice" ItHUllI gi mil I't your "w Idle. ..Keeo tri 'I'll HI SAW'l'A I'M' NISW M ISX1.CJAN Publishing Uorijonilion I'uhlishurs of The Santa Fe New Mexican Ihe (ilileel ninl litel Unix I'ttpet in the Slate All the ciiiiti,l, Stale ninl NuIiiiiihI NV El Nuevo Mexicano ianisli Wceklj Santa Fe New Mexican I.IH'll.ll W e-kl) Out' of the hest equipimd Job and Bindery Departmnts In the Southwest Our Solicitor. i " Kvety Joh or Unok with OUr liiiml0iiM , Ionj Dlitance l'honu 5IS0 Stmta Kg, N. M.