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THE OARRIZOZO MEWS, Can You Afford That Bad Back ? Nowadaye, to In bait crippled with a lame, aching back la mighty eipen tvv. If you aulTtr with comtant back eeke, feel lame, ircak aiid ail played Out have dltiy, nervoue epetU and flti ef "bluee" look to your kidneys, You .. .I . .li.'i .ntlf .HUI ...11 il a aoun I, tronf, hi tan t Mdnera and a aoun Joan's Kidney helped tlimiaands your ntighvorl ...... i . , . . Pills, iioan'i have ol workerf. AtK A Colorado Caie Andrew R. John eon, cabinet maker, Knetsn 6L, Port M o r t n, Cola., aye; "My kidneys were tnltamed anil aore. Hharp palna want through Ids amail of my ba'k when I irini to uri anything. My kid neye nned Irreuu larly am) ami.yeil ma until I uaed Iioan'a Kidney fills. I had ueil Doan'a but a abort my ki.r- tlme when back waa rreo fmm pain and my neva In iooil order. I credit Doan Kidney l'lila with curlni; me perma nently. Oet Deaa'e at Any Stare. OOe a Boa DOAN'S F0STER-M1LBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. INDIGESTION Caused by Acid-Stomach Million of poplfr tn ftet tbout f out of ll-Hiurrtr mora or (rom indtf atloa, cut or chronic Natrljr ovtrjr cut l otnaad bv AliI.HIOfnaveiL. Tbr r other dliordtn which ! r iurt ign or AciaoiomD dico In, hanrthurn. bloat ,ftr AiliD,. faod t pttttog, tour, gr ttomash. Ttw art maar attmcnU which, wniit Ihaj ao not ca much dlatr In tht tomeh Itttlf, r. nvrthlt, traocabU to an ae!4 atnmkfih. irnanf thai tra narvouanaa. fclllouioiH, olrrhoila of tha llrtr. rhiuma turn, impovrina diooo, wnaaa, lnaonv tnalftAflhAll. ind lona train of thr leal and mental mlrlt that kp tha Tlatlma In mlrbl haalth yr after year. The right Ihlog to do ! to attaek theie ailment at their eouree let rid f the td Umaeh. A wonderful modern remedr culled iTHMin mi militi tt aaav to da fall. One of hundred of thousand of grateful uera of EATON 10 wrlteat "I have been troubled with Inteetlnal tndlreitlon for about in yean and have epent quite n mm for medtolne, but without relief After uelng BATONIO for a few daya the taa and palna la my bowel dlaappearad. BATONIO la Juit the remedy I needed.' We hay thoucaod of Utter llllng of the marvelou benefit. Trr BATONIQ and Fu, too, will b Juat aa nthulatIo tn tta '"our droggtit ha BATONIC Oet a big to boi from him today. II will refund roar money If you are not aatirnta. War Veterans Line Up for Morgan Home-Loan WASHINGTON. Post of tho Amerlcnn Legion In several purts or inn coun try nrn lining up behind a tilll recently Introduced In congress by Ili-pre- eentotlve Dick T. MnrKiin of Oklahoma, by which any honorably discharged soldier, nnllor or murine inny borrow $1,001) from tho government to buy or build n liomi', repayment to be made within a period of 00 yearn, with In terim Interest on the principal of avt per cent per year. Congressman Morgan's bill pro poses to creato n government corpora tion with $100,000,000 cnpltnl, sub scribed by tho federal government. The corporation In to be authorised tn moku n loan up to $1,000 to nny hon orably discharged soldier, seaman or marine, to bo unci In tho purchase of n homo. Loans may run for tho cntlro tlmo limit of 00 years, or token up In whatever payments tho soldier can make. Tiie interest is to bo !l4 per cent on tho unpaid principal, with umortlziitlon puymcnts on that, made annually. tiic man may bo tnada to tho full appraised vnluo of tho homo nnd Its improvements. The $100,000,000 capital to b furnished by the government under tho hill will bo used as n working or rovolvlng fund. Tha chief funds for llnunclng the proposition will bo obtained through tho Issuo and xalo of bonds, limited by tho amount of mortgages held by tha corporation. To Insure tho sale of theso bonds at a low rate of Interest, the hill pro vides that the government shall guurnntco payment of both principal and the Interest. To meet any losses the corporation may sustain, tho bill provides for tho accumulation of an umplo reserve or guarantee fund. Soldiers wilt not have to break homo ties, lenvn their friends, give up their present employment nnd business, nnd go to dlstnnt states to obtain the benefits of tho act. Tho henellts wilt bo vilillably distributed to nvcry stnte. Under tho plan proposed by Secretary I.une, embodied In tho Mondcll bill, only farm homes will be provided. Er ATONIC J CrCirV6UK7refiafoMATK) One Treatment One Treatment with Cuticura Clears Dandruff AtldraffftiUt BoeptS, Qlattrtnt fJ A W. Talrtaatt. nimm r-ri irt ci nun's. vryi , mhi. CHEAPEST and BEST TRUCKS Mad out of old cara with IOWA truete attachment. AH ilie for all oar In tock. Htat make of your oar. Writ for prlo! catalog. Upeclal attaohraent for podge. Tha Arm Truck Co.. Dcnrar. Colo, Winter Garments Dyed Now Much Cheaper Tlio Model Cleaners and Dyors 1317 BROADWAY, DENVER, COLO, . I'AltKliK'S ilAJIi BALSAM Atalltt cr.tHu.tloa oCincrlk lUlMleerodlrfct duidnitr. Foe Rtort C.lor and . Beauty toCfeyeeilr'ad.d Hale. ioq i.nd It OB l rirnna. It NUERUURNBHi.Hll,.U .o.M. itAp. all ln. ,nnrH wtrnfurt to ttie (mi, inkkM wklklnr Ha. or mkll er el )fir D1TCHTC TVal.on IS. Ililinii, rAltrilo Lte:Dsp BauareuoDeble. Illabeilretereacet. IJMIlerrlett lioo.CM) WILL jlUV YOU AN INTKUKHT IN a new rl.vade Ull r.uort and all ttartl PANT. Wrlle HuMEIt I'OWEII, rallen. Nee. aila Ull Field. Hand (or oloilit ind all rartiouuro. mu cum W. N. Um DENVER, NO. 36--1919. mHINQfQN CITY rTTv "x. m llltsA.MIII a. J Blrdleii Prslrtei of tht Northweit. Those of us who have lived In tho Knit among the feathered songsters that make their summer homes among the leafy bowers of forest trees rcnllr.o how fow and far between arc the bird notes of tho West. Ono may travel tho prairies for dnys and meet with less than half n dozen variolic. Espe cially In this purl of the country Is It deitrablo that we should conserve what wo have left of tho feathered tribes and seek to Induco others to visit us. A hlrdlcss country Is some thing difficult to picture; It Is not an I Impossibility should wo fnll to respect the laws now provided for the perpet uation of tho migratory nnd other spe cies. Calgary Herald. WRIGLEYS Cutteura 8eio for tho Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap dally and Ointment now nnd then ai needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and wnite. Add to this tho fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum and you have tho Outlcnra Toilet Trio. Adr. Will Preserve Hlstorlo Spots. The western front Is to retain some of Its hnttlellelds, at least, ns war memorials. The decision of tho French government to preserv in their pres ent conOlt on selected alter), and to pro hibit nny alteration will ho welcomed by many who feared that tha illsllgur- Ing nnd mercenary hands of tho enfe proprietors, the souvenir sellers, the restaurants and tho hotel keepers would obliterate historic spots In their efforts to provide attractions for tho coming throngs of tourists. Among the places already decided upon are tho forts at Vordun, tho trenches of Sols sons, the underground mazes of Mou- quct farm, tho ruins of Ilupuume, and tho mangled remains of I'ozlcres. ft Elmer Swann of J II W T TME TO PLAY VCT Contrabass Sarrusophone Stumps Army Officers i SlMrl.H and a civil question can mi army teach a man to play tho con- rfc trnhass sarrusnphnuu? almost lost a recruit to the military establish' moat and caused some trepidation at tlio wur department, Ilogerstown, Mil., who has "rendered" musical pieces with the home hand, en tered tho army recruiting olllco ut 600 Tenth street nnd said ho would enlist In tho army If ho could be taught to play tho contrabass sarrusophone. Tho sergeant seemed undecided as to whether to throw him out or tako htm seriously. Then ho asked tho cap tain. Tho captain assumed un uttltudu of deep thought and, murmuring somo inaudible plea, retired to his back room, where ho telephoned tho major at tho war department. "Jnat hold tho wlro," tho major unswercu nnu rushed to the colonel. "That," Buld the colonel, "U it matter which requires some deliberation, I will send you tho desired Information In a moment." When the major had departed ho frnntlcnlly called up a hand leader at Washington bnrrttcks and learned that the uforo-mcntloncd Instrument Is something llku n bassoon, and Is taught In tho nrmy. Whether or not Its stmll Undo to n hussoon made tho character of thu snrrusophono more comprehen slLle to thu colonel ho mndo tho following notutlon to tho innlor: "Of courso the contrabass sarrusophono Is taught In nrmy hands. It resembles tho bassoon nnd Is a very Important Instrument." "You should hnvo all that Information at your llngor's ends," tho major telephoned tho captain. "Tho Instrument you speak of Is Ilka a bassoon nnd our hnnds would sound Hat without It." What tho captain told the sergeant Is not known, but tho sergeant told tho prospective recruit to sign tho dotted line. Ho also added to himself that this "baboon" business was now to him and, probably, some now feature of tho educational scheme Voila Kid Skirts for American Profitoeresses Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Preezono costs only a few cents. c a 5 5" 5 package before package during the war the war package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICES ASUINOTON modistes aro exorcised over reports from 1'arls that design ers arc telling American buyers that It they don't llku tho now knee- Icugth skirt style "thoy can lump HORRORS'. NE COULDN'T SELL THAT KIND or DKESi IN AMCWCri goods if ho wasn't going tp buy 'em? It I" or tho equivalent In pnrlavous Krnucnls. Tho latter threw up their hands nnd vowed they'd nover, posi tively not over, dare to tako home "those things" for American girls. Tholr hostility toward thu "Inst wool" In Parisian fashions failed to nwakou tho old-Umo solicitous Interest of the creators. Of course It's too had, tho tatter said, but explained that they're rcnlly rushed to dentil making things to roveal thu pretty calves or their own girls. And would Monsieur Amcrlcnln plcnso not paw over the Kids aro rcsponslhlo tor the ruction. With your fingers I You can lift off any hard com, soft corn, or corn be tween Uin toes, and tho hard skin cal- Inses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottlo of "Frcczorvs" costs little at any drug store: npiiy a few drops upon the corn or callus, in stantly It stops hurting, then shortly you lift that botneraomo corn or callus right off, root nnd all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly I No bum- bug I Adv. Living Wage In Paris $97S a Year. As tho absolute minimum for main mining a man and wlfo Is Pari under tho present cost of living. $070 a year Is the estimate made aftor a detailed Investigation by tho socialist nowspn per LOeuvre. This allows for tha smallest quantity of food capable of keeping them In health and permits of no extra expenses, such ns uso of tubes, omnibuses, tho purchase of newspnpers, pleasures, or even tho re placement of worn-out household ar ticles. Tho possibility of obtaining supplies at figures so low as those taken Id, however, disputed, Walking for Pleasure, Tho old-fashioned person who used to walk mllo after mllu on pleasant Sunday afternoons through the coun tryside, has practically disappeared. This is the Inevitable conclusion drawn by snyono who still pursues this indent pastime nnd wiio mis spent Sunday nfter Sunday drilling by foot over macadam and dirt roads fre quented by uutbmoblllHtH nnd mi oc casional farm hand traveling to a neighbor's. Walking for tho sako of the walk has nearly passed out, along with tho one-horse rig, tho glnss-lncnsod a r till clol flowers tu tho parlor nnd halr-cov-crod furniture. It hnd Its day beforo thu blcycla and the nutomoblle and with tho advent of theso quicker, cas tor means of transportation It dropped from the human scheme of things with a dull thud. Omnhn News. Mercury and Prloa Too High. "Iluy meat," tho packing men ad vise. "Ily-hy meat I" tho consumer cries, Iloston Transcript. A young man seldom discovers he Is In lovo until tho girl In the caso puts him next. As Usual. going out nftor I'm lote." "I seo: the piano peoplo."- villa Courier-Journal. the aviation -Louis- Concrete "Plies." Tho piles used for a wharf Inside tho now pier ut Iturnlo, Tnsmnnla, are concrete tubes or pipes 10 feet long anil -IVi feet In diameter, tho wall be ing one foot thick. The pipes are produced In n steel cylinder, which Is pluced on four wheels, npd rotatod by nn electric motor nt thu rate of 2T0 to .100 revolutions per minute. As tho concrete mlxturo Is thrown In, tho ceiitrlfugul forco throws out tho wit ter, each length of pipe being com pleted In about llfteen minutes. To got tho required height, theso sections are placed one upon another, with ce ment between, nnd nil eight-Inch steel band Is pluced over tho Joint. The hollow center Is tilled with sand. How's This? Wo offer IIW.W for sny cajs of .catarrh that cannot bo cured by IIAUIa CATAJMUI MEIJIC1N1S. HALIVB CATAllIUI MBDtCtNK ti i tak en Internally and acts throuth the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of the Byatem. Hold by druircliti for over forty yeaxs. Price Wo. Teatlmonlala free. V, J, Uhenny & Co., Toledo, Onto. Chile Seeks Information. Chile bus created n commission to study tho possibility of constructing a longitudinal artery for the transmis sion of electric power obtained from waterfalls through a long stretch of territory. French Fsrmer Had 36 Children. A French fanner had HO children 22 sous nnd 14 daughters nil of whom were living when tho war broke out. The father nnd ono dnughter were shot by Hermans because they went to l.lllo tp attend n party In honor of n rela tive's nnu-hutidredlli birthday: n sec ond daughter whs klllwl by German shell nt Dunkirk; throe sons wrt dis charged from the nrmy Hh grave In j'uHl and thirteen were killed In ac tion. The atee of the famll does not ml Its terrible sacrifice sny less tnigle. Youth's Companion ..For your daughter's wtke, use Red gross line Illuo In tho laundry. Sho jrJU llieji faave that dainty, well-groomed s)ipWraac that girls nduilro. Sc. Their Oholco of Pleasures, gome women would rather toll a tftctor of their lichen and pains than gWHrip with their neighbors Audiences In Ohlneso "movie" thea ters do not pay for admission until they have scon the start of the film. JDfftK R"li. Rehethei, Ssolkei, Hit Heals Keen vour Eve; and Hum, If Sore, Irritated, ml ma TIM in f en your Eyes as and Healthy. If theyTIre, Smart, Itch, or I Inflamed or Granulated. use Murine often. Sale for Infant or AdulL At all Druggists. Write lor Free Eye Hook. rlo C)i it candy CBf Chicago, U.S.A. For when It was decided to fashion this season's skirts from hides of the enpric younger set, the designers wotted not of structural limitations Imposed thereon thereby. The sons and daughters of William mid Nanny (lout uru such llttlu fellows that, If you're adhering to n onu-skln-sklrt principle, that skirt has got to bo nil-fired short Paris Is adhering and the skirts certainly are. Well, ull tho profltceresses and other rich Indies will shoe-horn them- Nolvui. into kinds this full except those who, loss pecunlous, chooso to roveal their lugs through transparent creations. In tenner years Parisian designers hnvo worked to please tho American girl; she wns their principal customer nud what pleased hur had to pleuse every one else. Now it transpires Hint during the war thu French women havo become subscriber!) to Purls fashions to such an extent that all styles are created with n view to pleasing her first, others Incidentally. Wide Range of Schools Opon for War-Disabled r V Tlll-I 010 schools, colleges and universities which have opened their J doors for tho re-education uiid vocational training of dlschnrged soldiers, sailors and murines disabled In the world war. mora than 100 aro In the tnlddla West, nnd of these IK) are In Chicago, with seven others In Illinois, according to tho federal hoard of vocational edu cation, while eight commercial and In dustrial establishments In Illinois, of which six aro In Chicago, have under taken to train dliiibled men. It Is the policy of tho bourd to utlllzo existing Institutions for Instrur tlou ruthi-r than to sot up special schools and classes for the re-educa tion of wounded soldiers for ci ill life, ml also to iiBslgii thu men, wherever possible, to Institutions in or near their home. A total of 23 courses has been Provided, the Instruction ranging from bee culture to bollnrinal'Jng, farm man agement id photography, and from concroto construction, sheet metal work tuto mcihanlcs, mid plumbing to salesmanship, theology, diamond etittini; aicdlclne. una dramatic urt. Uklucatlouat Institutions tn Chicago to which dlsnblwl men Uv Imhii hiiI maber 31. Proof that Some Women go Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dorton, of Ogdensburg, Wis., sayst "I Buffered from female troubles which caused piercing tains like a knife through my back and side, I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation but I would not listen to it I though', of what I had read about Lydla E. I'lnkham's Vegotablo Compound and tried It Tho first bottle brought great relief and sis bottles havo entirely cured mo. All women who havo fomalo trouble of any kind should try Lydla E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound." How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Csnton, Ohio, "I Buffered from a femalo trouble which cansed mo much suffering', and two doctors aeciaea tnat I would havo to go tnrougn an operation ooioro j. couiu got wen. " My mother, who had been helped by Lydla E. rink. nam S yegoiauio uorapouna. uuvieeu jiio w tj uo- f ore submitting to an operation, it reueven vw irom my troubles so i can uo my nouio worn wunoui any dllilculty. i aarite any woman wno is amiciea wiin female troubles to give L,yuia e. rinxnam b vege table uompouna iriai ana h win ao as mucu for them," Mrs. Miitne Uotd, 1421 Ctu Bt., a. ii, uanton, utuo 1 Everu Sick Woman HYDIA E. PINKH AM'S VEGETABLE , COMPOUND Bsfore Submitting To An Operation LVBIA tWKHAM HCDICINC CO. LYNN. MAS 8.