Newspaper Page Text
gff ormug gjournaL AV. S. Burke, Editor. Satnrday, October 14. Term of Subscription. Weekly, by mail, one year Weekly, bv mail, si month9 Weekiv, by mail, tliree months Daily, "by mail, one year lailV, by mail, six months Daily, by mail, three months $ 3 00 1 60 1 00 . 10 00 5 00 3 00 ADVERTISING KATES. Kor first tx Insertions, one dollar per inch ach time. Subsequent insertions, up to twelve. j;ve i v-flve cent lor each time. After twelve times, nft V cents per inch. Special rates given on long time advertisements. 1-oca' Notices 15 cents per lire. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOB DELEGATE IN CONGRESS HON. TBAXQC1LIS0 LUSA OK VALENCIA COUNTY. BEBSAULLO COCNTY KEPCBIJCAJt COKVK1T TION. A Coiinrv Convention of the Republican party of Bernallio County. Is her-r. Mlled to be held .r ih. nwtrict. Court room. In the cty of Albu querque, mi Saturday. Oct. 21st. 1882, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating two members of the Council, three members of the House, and County officers of said County of Bernalillo, to be voted for by the Republi cans of said countv. Each precinct will be entitled to representa tion lit saiu uonvenuon. as luuuw . No. 1 Bernalillo - No. 2 Corrales No. 3 Alameda No. 4 Los Kaucnos 2 No. S Bareias J No. 6- Pajar .to No. 7 San Antonio J No. 8 LosGrieeos J Ko. V Ranchos de At'isco No. 10 CUilill 3 No. 11 El Rancho 2 No. 12 Albuquerque (east end) 4 No. 13 Albuquerque ;west end) 8 No. 14 San Francisco 2 No. 15 -Casa Solazar 2 No. 16-Placitas 2 No. 17 Pina Blanca No. 18 Jemez J No. 19 Altcadones '.--3 No. 20 Nacimieuto..., 3 No. 21 La Ventana 3 No. 22 San P-dro 1 No. 23 Wallace 3 No . 24 San Ysidro 2 The nersons authorized to call precinct con vcb lions for the purpose of electing delegates to the County convention are requested to gne tneir prouipi aiieiiium mtrrciu. It Is eariiesll v urged upon all delegates elect ft to attend tlie C.onvention in oerson if possi ble. but if from any cause they should be unable lo attend, tney may oy written proxy apiMjuik other persons ta represent them By order of the Republican Central Commit tee WILLIAM C. HAZLEDINE, Chairman. Melchoir Warner. Secretary. Albuqueruue, N. M. Oct. 12. 182. now-a-dajs, aud every one of these helps to bring the town to the notice f the public. We have only just got to the point now, where we can begin to attract immigration from the east, and everything indicates that the growth of Albuquerque has hardly yet commenced. All the progress that has been made up to this time and which everybody properly regards as wonder fulis but the introduction to the boom" that we shall experience during the next two years. ALL SATISFACTORY. Just after the closing of the fair there was considerable dissatisfaction expressed, especially by Mr. Nathan Bibo; of Bernalillo, with the manner which the premiums on certain classes of mineral had been awarded. But Mr. Bibo authorizes us to say now that having stated Lis case to the offi cers of the association, everything been satisfactorily arranged, and he has no further ground for complaint. Thk new weekly from llillsboro, the Prospector, put in its first fappearance at The Journal office yesterday. llills boro is between Lake Valley and the camps on the Percha, in the midst of the richest mines in the Territory. The Prosnector i3 full of news from the mines, and will be particularly inter esting to readers abroad. The signal officer at Leavenworth, in his íeport of the weather, published in xnesuay mornings iiuies, sayo "Amount of rainfall during past 24 hours. 20 inches." The drouth seems to be over.m Kansas. AVhen the new academy building is completed Albuquerque will have the largest and best public school building in the Territory. The registration of voters now in progress will show that Albuquerque has a larger population than any other town in the Territory. A RIVAL OF LADY G0DIVA. The Condition In Which 'Sijulre Newaom of Colambas. Paraded the Street on a 1,000 Wager. Columbus (Ind.) Special to the Indianapolis Seminal, novel sensation occurred in Col umbus to-day, which probably has no equal in the United States. It will give Columbus a reputation far and wide and will distinguish the principal character in the episode. The particu lars are these: 'Squire David Newson a leading citizen of this place, lives in the eastern limit of the city, and his ..... . L 1 cosy little nonie was uiongageu iu Frank Crump, the wealthiest man in Bartholmew county. For some time past Newsom has been depressed on account of not being able to pay off the mortgage which was due. At noon to-day the two men met at Palmer & Maynards saloon. jsewsom iom Crump he couldn't pay him. whereupon Crump told him that if he (Newsom) would go home nanea inrougu ine streets and return the same way he would be released of the mort gage of f983 upon his property. Where upon .Newsom stripped stars naiceu mm procured an open landau, in which he rode through tne streets to nis nome . Here he dismounted and went into the house. Coming out he said to the driver. "I'm here, ain't I? and then iumced into the landau and was driv ven baclc to tne piace irom which he started, where he again donned his clothes. Comparatively few neoDle knew what the excitement meant. Many who saw him thought he had been shot and was being taken home. When the trnth finally became known there was considerable conster nation and amazement, which finally terminated in amusement. It is be lieved that Xewson will get his $983 mortgage released, as Crump is an hon orable man and in every way responsi ble. Besides the agreement was signed and $100 forfeit money put up. If any city in Indiana can give a better sensation than a naked man going through the streets on a thousand dol lar wager, they are yet to b ; heard from. It is not knoivn whether the officers of the law will take the matter in hand or not. CITY DRUG STORE, Cor. Railroad Ave. aim Third Street. C. S. Pillsbury d Co (Successors to F. II. Kent & CoO Dealers in EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. Our Prescription Department is in charge of E. W. Spencer, a graduate ot the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and a practical apothe cary of fifteen years experience. No pains will be spared to make this branch of our business satisfactory to our customers. All Drugs Warranted to Quality. be of the Best Foi iff i MacMe Coipj WHITSOW & NICHOLS, JVL LJ r 1 J-J -tU -C. Ji tU -trO K3y AlilUTQUERQUE, N. M. ALBUQUKRQUE, N. M. Out of Town Orders Solicited and Prompt Attention Given Them. Iron and Brass Castings, ENGINES, STEAM PUMPS, CAR WHEELS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND HANGERS, ORE, COAL AND LUMBER CARS, GRATE BARS, ABBETT METAL. General Foundry Supplies. 5 PER CEiT COLUMN. DEEDS DRAWN WITH ACCURACY, also mortgages, leases, agreements, charters, etc. Berks & Fairfield. LARGE CITY LOTS, 40x180. watered by acequi as, on terms to suit buyers. Berks & Fairfield. BUSINESS LOTS AT FAIR RATES and on ac commodating terms. SeeBerkksS Fairfield, OTES OF HAND NEGOTIATED, also bonds mortgages and connty script. Berks & Fairfield. IENTS COLLECTED ON FIVE PER CENT. commission ; or will take buildings ourselves on ions leases, pay rents, and thus relieve own ers of collecting. Berks h airfield. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TAKEN by John W. Berks &Fair- heln's omce. VOTARY PUBLIC. iy t BETTER LATE THAN NKVKB. We are glad to see that Col. Breeden has at last aroused himself to his duty as chairman of the Teiritorial commit tee, sufficiently to administer a well merited rebuke to those journals of the Territory which, like The Review, pre tend to be Republican, and while k?.ep- 'ing the name of the Republican nomi nee at the head of their columns do everything they can to injure him The Journal called Mr. Breeden's at tenlion to this state of affairs imme diately after the convention, and if he had seconded our efforts at that time to Dut an end to thee unfair and underhanded attacks upon Mr. Luna, the party need not have been in such demoralized condition as we find it to day . ABOUT DECMMEKS During a trip to Lake Valley and the Percha country, a short time since, we were sumnsed to learn that the local merchants purchased such a largi portion of their supplies in California and upon making inquiries found this to be due to the fact that California merchants "drummed" that country for trade, while Albuquerque merchants did not. Our wholesale men are not doing as much "missionary" work of this character as they ought to do. Heretofore the most of thein have had as much bueiness as they wanted without going after it, but a little effort, properly directed, would largely increase the wholesale trade of the city. The present size and importance of Albuquerque will enable this town now to sell goods to all the smaller plicei in New Mexico and Arizona, and if those who are already in busi . ness here do not gather in this trade it will soon be secured by new comers. Coatentment is one of the most com mendable of the virtues under some circam stances, but the merchant who is contente.! with his trade is not the kind of a man to build up business; the Oliver Twist fellows, who want "more" and go after it, are the kind who make things bjom. If every house in Albu querque that can sell in j"b lots would put at least one good traveling man on the road, it would add enormously to the asregite trade of the ton. Specimen of Indian Skilled Labor. Springfield Republican. The government on the 7th of last March gave a contract for 2,000 pairs of brogans to General Armstrong, who set at work nine of his Indians and three of his colored pupils at Hampton Institute. The government has also ordered seventy-five sets of double plow harnesses. Samples of the shoes and harnesses are now on exhibition at the store of Houghton, Coolidge & Co., in Boston, and competent inspectors say that they aie so well made, both in finish and for service, as to compete successful wi'li the products of north ern workmen. A. L. Coolidge pro nounces the work' supeiior to any which could be produced by hand by any three men in a hundred who can be found in northern factories. Gener al Armstrong is hope'ul that within five years all the shoes and harnesses needed on the plains can be made by Indian young meu at home, as the 100 at Hampton and the 300 at Carlisle, besides others instructed elsewhere, be come adept at handicraft. Those who have already gone back from these in stitutes are, as a rule, doing well, and prove not only that the Indian, under fayoring circumstances, is able and willing to work, but that he may De made a valuable producer and citizen at far less cost than it takes to fight him. Manufacturing in the West. From the Boot and Shoe Eecordsr. Heretofore the eastern states have have enjoyed the reputation of being the great shoe manufacturing centre of this country, and fully seventy-five per cent, of the goods used in America remade in this section, but we are now hearing rumors ana raiK oi uie west as a shoe country. Certainly, de velopments tend that way, and the positions and facilities are equally as good as here in our eastern country Take that portion of the United States west of Chicago, and we bud it rapidly building up. The growth in popula tion is immense, and therefore the con sumption of goods must'be enormous. It is now largely supplied with eastern goods. Take the great southwest and a good portion of the south itself, and we find the best of communications with Chicago and other points in its immediate vicinity. The country is lined with railroads and the rivers afford a quick and cheap transportation to direct points. The country and the climate are in many cases preferable to this. Then why should not the man ufacturing centre there? rlRE INSURANCE AT FAIR RATES. Old Aetna. Queen. Berks & Fairfield. Niagara etc. The are with STRANGERS WILL BE ADVISED k7 , and as sistcd in their investments by Berks & Fair field. ASSAY OFFICE. Chemical lorMtoi-v AND MEXICO MINING BUREAU. Sn 1 for a copy of the Mexico Minivo Ex pekt. a publication descriptive of our business in detail, our terms for asj-ay and mines for sale. BERKS & FAIRFIELD. AlDuquerque, ix. fll. Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting A full line of Gas Fixtures constantly on hand. All orders promptly attended to. and all work guaranteed. Pumps and Pump Repairs a Specialty Second Street, between Gold and Sliver Aveutje. New Albuqnerqao General Agents for the Roal St. John and Singer Sewloir Machines, needles, oils and attach ments. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. XGHAIGE. JAKE MUL.LER, Prop. This first-class Saloon and Lunch Room has asrain passed into Jake Muller's hands. who wili make it the most popular Retreat in the city. XjOca-iisra- house attached Railroad Avenue, 3iew Albuquerqa A lbuquerque, San Pedro & Golden Stage leaves the Armijo House in Albuquerque on Holidays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 o clock in the morning, and arrives on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 o'clock in the evening. Passeneers received at the Armiio House, and packases at Sammis & Collines, Gold ave. & 1st St Or. IB. DOTY, PEOP'E. L1VLIKST TOWN WEST OF NEST YORK. A correspondent of The New York Produce Exchange Bulletin, who made a trip through this country a short time since, writes back to his paper saying that Albuqu rque is the livliest place he has seen since leaving ew York, and adds lint its situa.ion can not fail to make it the most important point in the Territory. From his let ter which appears in The Bulletin of the 7th inst, we copy as follows: The city of Albuquerque presents the most lively appearance of any place I have struck this side of ' iev York. On every block in the business part of the city, fine brick buildings with iron fronts, are rapidly replacing the original one story ten footers, i rom what I have already seen and learned I think that New Mexico and Arizona, and probably Old Mexico are the com ing countries for the precious metals. A rush is taking place from Colorado for Lake Valley, the Oscuros, and the Eio Percha, which will, for the present at least, give Socorro a boom; but it seems to me that the position of Albu querque at the junction of the shortest Pacitic route, with the mines north and southwest, together with the mines di rectly tributary to it, must ultimately make this the most important point in the Territory. The language of Ths Bulletin corres pondent, in the above paragraph, ex presses the opinion of every one who takes the trouble to look into the situ ation. It is now settled beyond a doubt that Albuquerque is to be the city of New Mexico, and eastern people are very rapidly becoming aware of the fact. The town has sprung up so rapidly that the public at large, outside of the Territory, is only just beginning to learn of the existence of the place and of its marvellous growth. But a good many such letters as the one from which we quote above are beiDg published in eastern journals Very Graciona. The language of England to the Porte is that of a man graciously ex plaining some simple thing to a three-year-old child. The Porte w ants to know why England does not withdraw her troops from Egypt, and England replies that the temporary presence of a certain number cf troops is necessary to preserve order. Some of the troops, she deigns to remark, have been with drawn already, and the rest will go is soon as seems best. The Porte is giv en to understand that there has been an unpleasantness in Egypt, and that England has gone to considerable trou ble and expense to compose matters, and that just as soon as they are com - posed bevond peradveüture and noth ing else appears to be in the way, the soldiers will be ordered home. This seems to be a very clear and definite reulv. vet it may be doubted if tne Porte is perfe;tiy satisfied. The Rum Qaeatien in Connecticut. This is the way the Connecticut Democrats treated the "rum" question in their convention platform: "e fully recognize the evils arising from the abuse of intoxicating liquors. We believe these evils may be most effect ually checKed by the force or an en lightened public opinion. They may be partially restrained by wise legisla tion, but such legislation should uot do so oppressive or impracticable in its provision as to trench on the personal riahts and liberties of the citizens, and ought not to be made a partisan ques tion. We believe the incorporation of a police regulation relative to the sale of intoxicating liquors into the state constitution to be opposed to the plain est principles of sound government Jult So. The Transcript says: "If Vanderbilt, Gould and other enormously rich men of Nw 1 ork only had Pster Cooper's popularity, how much more pleasant their lives would be." If they only had Peter Coopers air cushion, then how mnch more, etc., etc., etc. Boston Star. Venu and Ad tare On the 16th instant, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, says lhe hcientinc American, the planet Venus will be in conjunction with the first magnitude star Alpha Scorpii, better known as Antares, the familiar red star in the constellation of the Scorpion. At her nearest approach Venus i3 only eight minutes from the star, atTd as planet and star will be visible soon after that time, the opportunity for observation will be unusually favorable and will form a delightful study. The contrast in dimensions between Venus, when nearly at her brightest, and a fust mag nitude star, and the contrast in color between the red tint of Antares and the soft rolden hue of the planet, are points to be noted, as well as the ex ceeding beauty of the scene in which the actors are sure to appear as soon as the short autumnal twilight fades Antares is almost as easily found as Venus, being a brilliant red star east of the planet. Observers will rind great pleasure in watching their gradual ap proach from night to night, until they meet and pass each other on the celes tial highway, approaching at conjunc tion more closely than any other planet and star have done before during the year. A "Stomach Invliroratar." John Walruff, the Kansas brewer to whom Governor St. John paid special attention in a recent speech, is as frank about his business as anyone could wish. " la place of closing my estab lishment," said ho to a reporter the other day, " I have in the past year added to" its capacity four times, and have just purchased in Nebraska 10,000 bushels of barley to be shipped t once to me in Kansas. I have quit the manufacture of beer, and have gone to manufacturing a "stomach invigor ator" at my chemical woiks in Law rence, the sale of which I find as large and largej than ever before. I am protected by decisions or tuo supreme Court, which says plainly that a man must be prepared to swear that my stomach invigorator intoxicated hiui. which he never can do, and the Gover nor or State or city autnoniies uare not interfere with my business, and thev will not. My establishment I value at $60,000, and no one or no law dare confistieate it, and it will not be done in a free country. No one has yet undertaken to interfere with me or my business, and I don t tinnK luey have any desire to.-' Mr. Walruff add ed emphatically that there was more drinking of intoxicating liquors in Kansas now th..n there ever was before. A Bis -lob. Judge Folger has undertaken to run the treasury department on business principles in some minor particulars, if not in greater ones. The discipline of the office has become notoriously lax, but a new order of things was intro duced last week. Clerks were instruct ed to present themselves at the begin ning of business hours and to remain their until the close, on penalty of be ing docked in their pay. They were ordered, moreover, to work, and not smoke, visit or read newspapers. Leaves of absence, it is also given out, are not henceforth lo be indiscrimin ately granted, though probably there will be no objection raised to New Yorkers going home to vote. Thtse regulations are praiseworthy, but Sec retary Folger will prove himself a big ger man than his predecessor if he en forces them rigorously. 101 TO LO Ail ANY PART OF sioo,ooo, Now at Our Command, To loan on improved real estate, citv or county. Will assist to build sjores and dwellings. Berks & Fairfield. ON 11EAI, 1ÍSTATE SALES AND On all Heal Estate Transactions. mnhliiiL'S of ail kinds at tair prices City lots all over town on sale, At reasonaoie raies, anu 5 per CENT. C01!l.i:SI0K. TERMS TO SUIT BUYERS Persons desirous of changing tlieir investments in city lots can close out, at our ofilce. at any time. BERKS & FAIRFIELD. Aibuquerqtie, New Mexico. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC Railroad Company. AMperpe Livery Stables and Transfei FIRST STREET, NEW AITJUQTJEIiQTJE CORRAL AND STABLES, MAIN STREET, OLD TOWN -Vs7". Xj. thimble sz co. Fdichols & Bowden, Contractors and Builders First Street.' Estimates furnished on any class of work. Nov Albuquerque. CHANGE JF Tí IE! On and after Monday. Sept. 4, 1882, Trains vill leave and arrive at Albu querque as follows : Express leaves 9:30 A.M. " arrives 4:00 P. M. Freight leaves 6:30 P.M. " . arrives 5:50 A. M. Trains will hereafter be run on standard local time. To en sure prompt shipment of Freight Consignments should be made at Depot bj 4 o'clock P. M. of each day. Rebellion Against tba Bom. From the Globe-Democrat. The "war inside of the Republican party of St. Louis" is simply a contest on the one hand for packed primaries and cut and-dried nominations, and on the other hand for a full and free ex pression of opinion as to all candidates and a deceut respect for individual preferences. The men who are in re volt against Filley simply deny his right to force upon the party such nom inations as he may chose to make, con sulting only the whims of his own mind and the good of his own pocket. Speaking for this large element of the Republican party, we say that there will be neither compromise nor conces sion this side of the utter defeat of Mr. Filley and his gang. Th Aurora. Lieutenant the course of his lectore the other evening, stated that the Aurora he witnessed in the Arctic regions was not so brilliant as an aurora he had witnessed In Chlpngo. It is evident that the lieutenant has no intention of repeating the lecture in St. Louis. C. F. W. SMITH, General Superintendent. R. WILLIAMS. Oen'l Freight and Passenger Agnt ORIENTAL RESTAURANT. Gk Gk LEHMAN", PBOP'R. WEST SIDE SECOND STREET, BETWEEN" GOLD AND SILVER AVE NUES. NEW ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Newly furnished rooms to let at the Oriental .Restaurant. Board anc lodelng; at V7 pr week at tne Oriental Restaurant. Oar board $5.50 per week. Tickets, good for 21 meals, $6 Single meal, 46c. At the Cri- ential Restaurant. O Xa 13 O J. DEALER IX Staple, Fancy and Family Groceries. Front Street, between Gold and Silver avenues. E W ALBTTQUEBQUf. GOODS DELIVERED. 22. J . & CO9 ALBUQUERQUE, N. FVI. o --t-j-'i.'. ir. . . sag 8 2. s. S 0 H sil? 9 P ft 3D .5? H 0 tí) J welry noon On South Side of The Finest Line of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry south of Denver. Constantly adding to his line of Native Filigree Jew elry in Pure Gold and Silver. TIT, q H a EJk The Greatest Eecommendatioii We have to Offer. THE LARGEST STOCK OF JDx;y- Goods, LADIES' AND GENTS' In Jl"fcULClXXOXBClTJLO. Opposite tlx? Opera. House, MEAT MARKET. IcCelM & Ban Successors to KLEINWORT & RAUSCH &eep the best Meats ot all kinds Injthe Market, ttansages a Specialty. New Albuquerque. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEISE & STRAUS WHOLKHAI.K LiporMcrs LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO, lieiiera-i m-ti r ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER Carry the largest stoc. o r orw n aim Domes tic "Whiskies. Eraudii nm- ami dinars in ewMe MMflii;iv. lainwrigfirs Beer. THE VERY BEST It Has Uo Eciual STOVER, GRARY & GO. Sole Agents. Iron, Steel, Nails, Wagon Wood Work, MECHANICS' TOOLS OF ALLKISDS. Bridge, Beach & Company's Superior Cook Stoves Miller's wrought iron ranges for hotels au l restaurants. The laigesi and most complete line ot iHiiETxirsra- stoves . in the Territory. Agents for the Celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Hower Manufacturers of TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Price list furnished on application. BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Mail orrters promptly attended to. R. C. VOSE, S. C. WILSON, W. TRUMBULL, WHOLESALE EETAJL. ü -A. D "W -A. E3 . STOVES AND TINWARE. Fire Arms, Ammunition, Cutlery, Pumps, Nails. Carpenter, Blacksmith and Miners' Tools, FRANZ HUNING ! DKALER IK General Merchandise Aim PBOPRTJCTOR OF (LOKIETA MILLS. Keeps always om hand a complete assort ment of all sorts of merchandise, such ae Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Liquor, FURNITURE.MEDIGINES, PLOWS TOBACCOS, ETC. The flour Manufactured at the Glo ieta Mills is as good as the best in the counuT. Plumbing and Gasfitting Tin, Sheet-Iron and Goppervvare. Orders !y Mail Telejfraph or Telephono promptly (ittendecl to. FRONT STREET, Bet. Gold and JÍEW ALBUQUERQUE, . . Silver Arcs Sen Mexico mérmkÍ mJ Willi JiN A üm&&mi9 Leading Hotel of Socorro. BEST TABLE X 2T THE O ITT. Telephone for guests. Office, White Oaks and Fort Stanton Stage (Com pany. Free bus from depot to house. Elegant sample rooms on first floor. CEO. RAYFIELD, - - - - - - Proor. LA CHAS. H. WALTHER PRACTICAL GUN and LOCKSMITH Second-Hand Uum and Pistol Bought and Sold Corner Second street and Gold Avenue, Albuquerque, N. SCOTT & BORCHERT, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE LINE OF IF XT RN ITUR Of Every Description. Bureaus, Carpets, Sofas, Mirrors, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Etc, Etc. FI1TBST LI1T.E IIsT TZHZIE CITY Krerythliig: Kept in a First-clam Fnrnitnre Establishment on Hand. SEW BUILDING OS FROM STREET, NEW ALBUQUERQUE. New Albuquerque. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kind of- CO., "H A RJ Groceries, Grain and Flour a Specialty Just receiving a full assortment oi DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WOOLEN GOODS. jEverybody should call and witness tho inducements offere i house before purchasing elsewhere. All goods now. i hi T. L KENNEDY, XjITEIRY- RUSTID SALE STABIjES FRONT STREET, The finest rigs and hearse in the city, and charges moderate. CITY LIVERY STABLES, FULLER & RIGHT. ' 4th Street, Albuquerque, N. M. Wholesale Dealers in Hay and Grain. Horses Bought and Sold. Order received by telephone. HVErs. PISHENOT DEALER IN STAPLE, FANCY AND FAUILY GROCERIES, SFKINGEK HOUSE. TERMINUS OF STREET CAE LINE, OLD TOWN. SAÍV1EV1IS 1k COLLIl)!QS9 Commission, Storage and Forwavding Mer chants, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In j . FLOUR, HAY, CRAIÍJ, SALT, BUTTER, EGGS, PRODUCE, íÉTC. All Orders Promptly Filled. "Warerooms occupying the whole building corne- First street and Gold avenue, New Albuquerque. j ATJBRICHT & WAITOET DRUGGISTS, Railroad Avenue. Tba largeat took ot Drug In the City. NEW ALBUQÜERQÜ. . rreecriptloM carefully eomponnMnl.