Newspaper Page Text
3tf onting gpmmal. BY THE ALBUQUERQUE PUBLISHING CO. Saturday, October li, Fine old porter drawn from the ood ; wines and liquors (or familvami medicinal use : cham pagne and cigars at XV. E. Talbott's.the only re liable wholesale house in New Mexico. MBS OF NEWS. A . Ilorstman, Louisville, Ky, is a guest at the Armijo House. C. B. Brown, AVellington. Kansas, came in from the north last night. J. G. Crothers, Lawrenceville, Kas.f is one of the latest arrivals from that State. E. N. Sickles, Chicago, was one of the passengers for the central city last night. Dr. 'Winkler, of Augusta, Georgia, is :n the city for a few days, looking after his mining interests. The Knights of Pythias will give a hop in their hall in the Childer's block next "Wednesday evening. Father Fede will say mass at Michael Hogan's in new town, at half past nine o'clock to-morrow morning. The list of voters registered in pre cinct twelve is still growing larger There are now 1,100 names inscribed on the books. Con Caddigan has returned from his trip after the rustlers, from Williams. The remainder of the party are still in pursuit of the horse thiwes. Spiegelberg Bros., to meet the de mand of man) customers, have reduc ed the price of tickets for their raffle to one dollar, as will be seen by their advertisement. The Skandenavian saloon and lunch counter, on First street is the latestap plicant for popular favor. Aa will be seen by the advertisement in another column, you can get anything to eat or drink. On November 6, the people of this city, especially the theatre goers, will be entertained by Frank Mordaunt's company in "Old Shipmates." The company 3 highly spoken of and the play has the highest praise. Tony Xeis, who has been absent from this city for over two weeks, is expected to arrive thi3 evening. He has been after several criminals, who are wanted in this city, and has been successful in capturing two of them. Hol'aday &Sanguinette have dissolv ed partnership. George Holladay having purchased his partner's interest. Billy will go to Lake Valley, but he hopes his friends here, will give his oid part ner a full share of the trade of the central city. Yesterday morning a mule drawing a street car became frightened a: some object near the track near Rancho Sec co hall, shied the track and fell down. A wheel of the car run over one of the animal's legs entirely severing it. The mule was shot and put out of its mis ery. This evening, Boyd & Wade will re open the Opera House. The whole in terior of the house, including the stage has been thoroughly overhauled and refitted. The entrance to the boxes will now be to the right of the main entrance. A double bar has been ar ranged and other needed improvements added. The following letters are held in the Albuquerque postoffice for postage: John Phelen, city; Hiss Alice G. Amer nian, New York; Fred Shelton, Silver City, X. M.; J. C. Somerville, St. Louis; Martha Carter, Santa Fe; G AV. Stoneroad, Las Vegas; S. A. Baker Tucson; Antonacio Montoya, Las Vegas. The practice indulged in during the late hours of the night, by certain citi zens whose business occupations are, to say the le;ist, questionable, of load ing the canine race down with tin pots, kettles or cans, should be broken up. If these persons, who call themselves men, have nothing better to do, they should be made to join Con Caddigan's brigade of street cleaners, where they can have a grand opportunity of gath ering together the rubbish with which they have strewn the city by their mid night labors. The Journal Hotel has proven such a great success under the able manage ment of Lawrence Marrinan and his estimable wife that they are compelled to seek more room and have made ar rangements with the Journal Publisli lishing company to rent iheir old quar ters in the rear of their present brick building which is next to fie Journal hotel, so that virtually it i.t ail one, both being in the same yard. This gives Mr. Marrinan a building 23x 50 feet which he will utilize immediately by dividing it into single rooim for the accommodation of his many guests. MINES AND MINERALS. Twenty thousand pounds of ore from Copper City, only covered the floor of a car twelve inches deep. Pretty heavy ore. There is plenty of flux within twelve miles of the city, to supply a dozen smelters. Cerrillos has plenty of pay mineral within five miles of the town. Why rot develop the mines ? Placitas. according to Professor Bib ikov, is a rich mining district, and the opinion is backed up by ore recently brought to this city. Work has stopped on the Star mine for the present, as the contractors failed to come to time. Percha, and not Perche, is the way the Black Range and Lone Star spell it. The Sierra Granda company are said to own most of the rich mines around Daly. Nathan Bibo intends soou to com mence work on his claim in the Jemez district. Bernalillo and Wallace will both put in bids for the New Placer district when Albuquerque loses it. The Onran district is attracting al most a3 much atttention as Lake Val ley. , ARIZONA. A Matter of Interest to the People or Apache County. Editoií Journal: Please give the following correspondence a place in your columns and oblige the people of Apache county : James Stinson. Probate Judge : St. Jorras, Arizona, May 1st., 1879. Sir: The people of Springerville, were by general invitation, of the peo ple of this place, requested to meet them in joint convention for the pur pose ot selecting a ticket for the ensu ing election; also, to decide upon a site either between St. Johns or Springer ville, for the county seat. After coming down here we are in formed by Sol Barth, that he (Barth) is to dictate, who shall be candidates for the various county offices, and that the county seat must and shall be at St. Johns. Now sir. we the people of Springer ville and quite a number of the people in this village, are determined that Sol. Barth shall not run the county of Apache. And sir. to this end, we pro pose to meet you and your friends, half way, or if necessary, "more than half way. You can rest assured that, the people of Round Valley are sincere in this matter, and you can make any and all necessary arrangements to secure this consumation. Representatives from our precinct will be over your way to consult you and friends in this measure. Till then rest assured that we are in earnest in this thing, and are anxious aud willing to defeat the machinations of Sol. Barth. Respectfully yours, W. R. MlLLTGAJT, C. A. Franklin. P.S. Please give this to Mr. Flake and Cooley and tell them to act ac cordingly. CONSISTENCY. Now, gentlemen and citizens of Apache county, if this is consistency with the gentleman's former idea of Sol. Barth, why should he place the gentleman at the masthead of the 8 by 10 Pioneer? O you consistent Demo crats of Apache county! The voters of Apache county would very much like to know why the editor of the Pio neer has so lately changed his views about the great financier, Sol. Barth? Is it the lower house in Prescott that Sol. has promised him a seat in this winter, or does h want to start a monte bank for about forty days ? The latter, I presume, and perhaps both. To the people consistency is a jewel, Charley Pioneer. Independent. RAILROAD RETIEW. W. C. Nixon, the popular station agent is at the La3 Vegas hot springs. The Atlantic and Pacilic railroad company is making preparation to erect buildings at Williams, Arizona, the terminus of, the third division of the road. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe will begin running through trains from Kansas City to Guaymas on or about November 1. By the completion of the line the Santa Fe becomes the longest railway in the JJnited States or the world, being under one manage ment from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean. C. J. Anderson, of Columbs, has patented a station indicator inten ded to obviate the nuisance of having the stations' nam ss being all jumbled together by bnkemen every few min utes. It is arranged so as . to have each station's name in dark letters before a lamp, and visable to every passenger in the car. The largest engine ever built in the United states was turned out of the Grand Trunk shops at Port Huron last week for use on the Chicago & Grand Trunk. It is 59 feet long, and the height from the rail to the smoke stack is 15 feet 7 inches, the diameter of tho drive wheel is 6 feet, and the cylinders are 18 by 24 inches. Nine more like it will be built at once. The monthly report of the Railroad Gazette of railroad accidents in Aug ust shows a total number of 139 acci dents, by which 46 persons were killed and 218 injured. There were 65 col lisions, in which 27 persons were kill ed and 117 injured , 70 derailments, with 18 persons killed and 100 injured, and four other accidents, in which one person was killed and one injured. Twenty-six of the killed and 117 of the injured were railroad employees, while 20 of the killed and 101 of the injured were passengers or others riding on the trains, the number including sev eral tramps stealing rides. As com pared with August, 1881, there was an increase of 10 accidents, 15 in the num ber killed and 151 in that in jured, the number of injuries reported in August last year having been very small. The Olstriet Court. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning court was convened by Judge Bell, and immediately the case of Williaru E. Talbott vs. Smith & Snyder was called. This case was upon a motion to vacate the attachment secured by Talbott, which the court refused to do, and Mr. Talbott secured his judgment. The case ef Jeffeison Raynolds vs. AV. S. Monroe was decided in favor of the plaintiff. When the case of T. J. Trask vs. Hiram Allen was called, Mr. Childers stated that the defendant had died since the goods were attached, and that therefore the attachment was vacated. This view was also taken by C. C, McCoinas and Leo J. Barr, whiie AV. H. Whiteinan contended that the at tachment survived the death of Allen. After argument, Judge Bell took the papers, reserving his decision. The only other case was that of Trask vs. Matteson, which was also a notion to vacate the attachment. Judge Bell remarked at the closing of court that he would not hold court to-day. The Iemocrats. A few Democrats assembled in the Democrat office last night to attend a meeting of the Manzanares club. Thomas Keleher, president of the club, called the meeting to order, and the committee on membership reported that rolls had been distributed gener ally throughout the city. The committee on orgauizatioa re ported that no action had yet been taken by the committee. Upon motion, three more persons were added to the committee. The chairman named J. II. Sullivan, Philip Schmitz and George J. Magley as the additional members. It was decided that a ratification meeting should be held ratifying the acceptance of Frank Manzanares as the Democratic candi date for delegate to congress, and a committee of seven, consisting of L. Rosenthal, Tom F. Phelan, AV. B. Childers, Ar. T. Strachin, Frank Ar mijo, Tomas Guitterres, and J. AV. Price, was appointed to make all ar rangements. Invitations will be sent to Frank Manzanares and several prominent Democrats to be present and address the meeting. After the late Democratic victory had been discussed and the early break ing up of the Republican party prophesied, the club adjourned until next Tuesday evening. KINGSTON. The New Metropolis of the Percha District Fifty Commenced in One Day. Editor Journal : Kingston, Grant County, New Mex ico, Oct. 10, 1882. This morning finds me in one of the liveliest camps I have struck for years. Town lots are sell ing as high as $5,000. One week ago they could have been bought at $ 25. I am told the Las Vegas town company sold 100 lots yesterday. Three lots of surveyors are at work on lots. The mines are the richest I ever saw. I think the arrivals will reach 100 per day. This place will be the head supply camp, as it is located in a beautiful valley covered with piné timber, and spring water running through the streets in ditches. This water was put through the town in one day. The town of Kingston is thirty miles north of Lake. Over 30,000 feet of lumber have arrive since yesterday morning. The business houses are doing a big business. One large tent called the Occidental hotel, Chas. Reed.proprietor. Mr. Reed carries a six-shooter in one pocket and the hotel register in the other. He has a hardware store and drug store and in front a hotel. I ask ed him to show me his registei, so here I give you the arrivals for one day as he has them down: F. C. means beds with sheets and they are good beds ; sleep double 1.40 each or $3 for the bed . S. C. means second class ; 11.00 each, two in a bed, or $2.00 for the bed. This hotel can seat forty persons. In about one week he says he can accommodate 100. I give you his arrivals for October 8, as they appear on his ledger : Capt. Hilte, Elliott. AV. Barker, Rolt AA'illiams, J. Green, Col. Pickett, Bron ko Bill, Diver, Tirzener, Col. Moore, AV. S. Gardener, Major AATalton, Capt. King, S. C. Haring, AV. Hillyer, Bapt Meggs, Buckskin Joe, Red, Devens, Fitzcamp, Steve Upton, Gleason, Curly Bill, Long Hair, Col. AVaking, Col. Geo. Maderia, N. Y., Capt. Cuttington, Stage Driver, Stage Superintendent. Joe Briggs, Jones, Brooks, F. B. Gleason, Fitts mire, Capt. Gregg, Col. AVatson, Stage Driver, Mrs. D. Adams, Chicago; Miss Moulton, plain sewing; Miss É Stain, dress maker; Col E. Stone wal!, Mrs. J. Fritz and child. Passing the book back the landlord says "let's take a smile, come on boys." I think there has been fifty houses started to-day. From one of your readers, James Murray. The Albuquerque Postónica. Both Santa Fe and Las Vegas pa pers have published statements, con cerning the business done by the post offices in those towns. The Albuquer que postoffice can make a better show ing than either of them. Post master Hughes has just made out his report for the two months during which he has held the posi tion. Folovving is a brief summary of the business done during that time: Number of letters registered. . . .651 Number of registered letters deliv ered 875 Number of registered letters in tran sit 1,288 Amount received for box rent. .$252 Amount received from sale of stamps, $1,700. The receipts for box rent at the San ta Jt'e office were $250 for the quarter, which was greater than that at Las Vegas and two dollars less than at Al buquerque. The number of letters reg istered in Santa Fe for three months was 735 while in two months in Albu querque it was 651, which is a much larger average. At Las Vegas the number was considerably less than at Santa Fe. The amount of mon ey orders funds handled at San ta Fe during the quarter was $80,748.37, of which amount the office at Albuquerque contributed more than any office in New Mexico. Postal route agents on the road say that the mails from Albuquerque are larger and put up better than those of any other office in New Mexico. The central city takes the lead in postoffioe busi -ness as it does in everything else. Change In the Board. ; The board of registration of precinct twelve was composed entirely of Ra publicans and as the Democrats thought they ought to bo represente11 Charles Montaldo resigned and II. T, McKinney, who is of the proper politi cal caste to suit the dissatisfied ones, was appointed in his stead. Following is Mr. Montaldo's letter of r3signa- tion: Ai.bubceko.i;e, Oct. 13, 1882. Messrs Charles Robinson and JUwood Maden. Members ol the Board of Registration of Pre cinct 12, County of Bernalillo. Gentlemen: The spirits of the great fathers of- our glorious country are exhibiting their wrath and mani fest such disapproval of my being a member of the board of registration of said precinct, and fearing that some great calamity might fall upon our good people of Bernalillo county should I remain a member of your honorable board of registration, therefore, in or der to appease the rebellious spirits of the fathers of our glorious country, and to avoid any great calamity that might occur to our good people, I most respectfully tender my resignation as a member of your honorable body, to take immediate effect . Very truly yours, CHAS. Montaldo. PERSONAL PENCILING. The People Who Come To and Go From the Central City. T.. P.. AVilson, of St. Joe, is at the Armijo House. A . C. Clark, Colorado, is a guest at the Rio Grande. AValter Burnham.of Chicago, arrived in the city yesterday morning. John Foley, Santa Fe, came down from the Ancient last evening. AV. E. Hazleton, Prescott, Arizona, came in from the west yesterday, II. L. Pickett, Lebanon, Tennessee, came in from the north last night. C. AV. King, the contractor, was a passenger from the north last night. AA. II. S. SV right, Bonanza City, is the latest arrival from that wide-awake camp. General Sedgwick will leave this city on Monday for a trip to the Atlantic & Pacific front. C. S. AVebster, one of the boys who sells goods in New Mexico for a St. Louis house, is in the city rustling up trade. Mike Gallagher, the light weight.wet provision man will be around to see the customers of his St. Louis house to-day. AA. E. Howard, the gentleman who took Joe Saint's place on the road when he went into business in this city, is in town visiting his customers. G. S. Pillsbury returned from St. Johns. Arizona, yesterday, where he went to take some prisoners. He don't think as much of that country as he did before he saw it. A Society Búllalas. The Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, Ancient Order of United AVorkmen and Knights of Pythias are considering the matter of erecting a society bui lding which will cost not less than S20.000. Each society has named a committee of three and the nine will decide upon some plan by which the object can be attained. The committees are : Odd Fellows John AV. Berks. Edward Strasburg, M. J. Murphy; AVorkmen Edward Medler, C. B. Hawley, R. AV. Hopkins; Knights AV. N. Smith, B. AA. Angel, Z. T. Phillips. The com mittees meet for consultation Tuesday evening. LETTER LIST. The following is a list oí letters remaining un called for in the postofuce at Albuquerque. N. M., for the week ending October 14, 1S82. Andres E II 2 Aslier Job n 2 Barnaul Charles Braiuard Frank Benson W 11 Birtsidet Tlieod Baldwin Mark A 2 Bell L S Benson .1 N Barber V M Brown J W Boydenson Mr Beán C Brodish A M Cross Thomas E .1 Croasen Mrs Mollie Cassady John Colville James Cunningham K Cohan O 2 Coffee I) F Drake W J Duke Stephen Dver Deigliam G W DieKinsou Ed Ka on Mrs s I) Feliton M J Fitxgibbiu Joe F-etcher Ed Fox Wm Fitzner Wm Firth K 2 Griftlu Deiiunis Gwyn L F Gian-'Ha Antonio Hawlv B H J Hassl'ield Chas C timen II , Hull J It Hall Card B Huet James Hanson Maitin 2 Horn Milton Hiiiton M J Hasbrouek Milt Hedder John lliufon J M Jopo Mrs liertha Jennings Mrs G W Jone! K C 2 K nudson E C Keiser Mrs George Keingart August KmceiY William Leach Ed A Laiitlncr Charles Lord James Lehman G G Ltiok Geo Long Win II Muthall A B Merlimer Miss Emma Mauslield 1 L Morse Geo F Mean Geo W Mages Joseph Moore Mrs Mary Marhew Peter Neil John Nelan T A Norris Mrs Wm H O'Keefe Widiam Purteri ' Giovanni Parque M It W Patersoa August Hogers Chas 1.2 líoobeen Charles KimrUe Mrs J C hiekers Samuel C Roberts Win Speair Miss Blanch Simpso;: Curt Sbumlan liiehard Smart Miss Maggie Simon Kit 7. Smith E Bradford Tvler Amos Thornton Mis Kate Ta, lor Geo !N V aiign Mrs S C Williano Frank Wood iianiel Wrisht Chas J Williams UC Welch M Webb Hubert T Yumson G V Yost F.-cd W Alexander H Bvnes Mr TC2 Karuuin W H 2 Broome Tlios W , Burroughs S A Bucklin Mr Bodwcll .John Baldwin Win J Brantley Jack Banning (J W Burh M 1) Bailey A A Crumb Mrs R J Conwell 4iss Laura Capehart James i" Coalsou E B ; C'oaglan Frank ' Cochran A . Carter Allen Dellianty Thos Dorau 1'atric.K Uickersou Georee Denis m Miss Ednie Kverliart Tom Fitzgibbon Miciixl Fulcher J A Filch Fied Fairnank' W F Folhs W R Carton L L Greene Henry H Govore Oscar Hoglaud D Hudims C P Howell Geo C Hooder John Heffeam Miss Nellie liar ward .1 L Harris N H II rrington M Hut .hinsiin Mrs Maggie Hailed Oscar Higgina E J Joy C H Johnson I T King diaries II K'lin in B Knapp Mrs R II Lucas Miss Eflle Loveland Miss Lon Lyles .lums 2 Lee Henry Lupe N J Le Samuel Mestosa Bentnia Morrow Geo T Moore Col H I, 2 Mead Geo W Morrow John H Mosley Mrs Jessie Magiutz P K Nell ST Neher Geary Nielville Win Prickett Geo E Parker Jame Richardson C H Reece Mrs Jenny E liya James Rnssel l'hiis Kehaffer Mrs Charles Smith Bradford Spaiiksnrui PS Smith Mis Emma Slater Fred Trorlieht August 'i Ten leal W Thornton Clias Vangn S T Weiilenbeck Fred Woods Cliuton Waits It P Wilkins Miss Marie Walker Win A Yanaway Mrs lfattie To obtain any of the above le'ters it will be necessary to say they are advertised. II not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter office. THOS HUGHES, P.M. To Our Patrons and the Public in General. "We intend to radie olí the two ele gant white and black gros grain silk dresses, valued at ?2-30 each, which took the first premium at the last ex positi jn. To all our patrons who trade with us to the amount of $20 at one time we will pre.itnt a ticket in this valuable raffle free of cliarye. Tickets also for sale at our Paiace Store, price $1 ; 150 tickets will only be issued for each dress. All our goods will be sold at prices to defy any and every com petition. Respectfully, Spiegelberg Bros Albuquerque, corner of First street and Gold avenue. Ladies', misses and childrens new style of hosiery at States prices, at the California Variety Store. Great bargains in ladies' and child ren's underwear at Lesser Bro's. Send to Chas. Zeiger forlptice list of Piatt & Co.'s oysters. Sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes! ! yellow and red at Bell & Co.'s Potatoes by the sack, at Carl & Thompson's. Swet-t potatoes! Sweet potatoes! ! yellow and red at Bell & Co.'s There were 48 ladies at one time, in the California "Variety Store, all pnr- cnasing gooas at states prices. For ladies' and childrens underwear go to Lesser Bro's. Headquarters at the Kansas store. LOCAL NOTICES. Oysterj ! Charles Zeiger, agent for Piatt & Co-'s oysters, is prepared to fill all or ders by mail or telegraph. Potatoes! Potatoes! ! Another car very choice at Bell & Co.'s If you want bargains, go to Lesser Bros. A whole suit of underwear is sold at seventy-five cents at the California Variety store. The famous Surprise baking powder, a silver spoon in each and every can, at Carl & Thompson's. Hosiery, in the latest styles, at Les ser Bros'. California clothing and underwear are sold at States prices at the Califor nia A'ariety Store. Have you seen those elegant silk dolmans at Lesser Bros'. If you want bargains go to Lesser Bros. One price at the Kansas store. One sack of our Colorado potatoes is worth two sacks of eastern; try them. J. E.. SAINT & CO. Basket flannels. Brocaded satins, Brocaded velvets, Trimmings of all kind, And all offered at cost, At the California Variety Store. For ladies' fine shoes go to Lesser Bros. Two car loads of Del Norte potatoes, the best in the land. Just received at Saint & Co. Pure cider vinegar at Carl & Thomp son s- Three cars of Colorado potatoes just in at Saint & Co's. Buy your dry goods at the Kansas store. AVhy buy underwear at the Califor nia Variety? Because they have the best Selected stock Most perfect fitting Anti rheumatic Perfect fast colors And absolutely non skrinking, And sell them at states prices. An elegant line of hats at the Kan sas store. Elgin creamery butter at Carl & Thompson s. Komadka Bros.' trunks at the Kan sas store. The Skandinavian lunch counter and saloon is now in full running order. And these who are in search of a good meal or fine liquors will do well to patronize it. First street, north of Railroad avenue. Shoes front lace; Shoes side lace; Shoes buttoned, and slippers of all kinds are now sold at States prices at the California Variety Store. Just received a tine assortment of ladies' ready made suits at Lesser Bros'. The ladies and gent's private lunch rooms at he Kreamer House are beautifully furnished. " Mrs. Inez MoMartin, Proprietress. Fresh Oysters received daily at the Metropolitan. The winter is fast coming on; take a look at those overcoats at I he Kansas store. The telephone office will be removed from its present location, opposite the Armijo House, on Sunday, October 15, All subscribers are notified that they cannot have the use of their "phones" on that day from 8 a. m. until 3 p. M. R. G. Anderson, Supt. For stylish goods go to Lesser Bros'. Buy your blankets at the Kansas store. If you visit the Kreainer House for oysters or meals, you will find elegant private lunch rooms up stairs, where you can take your ladies. .Mrs. Inez jucjiartin, Proprietress. Potatoes! Potatoes! ! Another car very choice at Bell & Co.'s The Journal Hotel table is way up. Try it. Oysters stewed, fried or raw at the Metropolitan. The Journal Hotel is booming. First-class board and lodging at the Journal Hotel. Day board, 5.50. Blue fish, very fine, tit Carl & Thomp son's. Since the Journal Hotel changed hands it is doing a rushing business. All new California goods at Carl & Thompson's. All kinds of laundry work, and cleaning and scouring done in first class style, at the Steam laundry, Sec ond and Carroll streets. At States prices, overcoats, ulsters, reversible ulsterettes, all styles, just re ceived at the California Variety Store Attention, Ladles! The beautiful silk dress at Ne.ustadt Brothers which has bee.i on exhibition at their store will be raffled off for $1 a chance, and every customer buying at one time to the amount of $20 will be presented with a ticket gratis. The dress is a black silk made to order and of the best material. Don't fail to ex amine the same and procure a chance betore it is too late. The Cyclone Orocery House. A'e have for sale 20 cases fresh eggs. 30 tubs fresh butter. 100 barrels apples. 40 barrels sweet potatoes. 1 car of fiour. 1 car of potatoes. Country orders solicited. Quota lions furnished on application. Bell & Company. Why Yon Should Btiy groceries of Bell & Company Their goods are new. They make a specialty of groceries. They can And will And do sell more goods for the money than any house in the city car rying a mixed stock. " "You would not go to a blacksmith for a watch." Buy your groceries of a grocer. Bell & Company The Cyclone Grocers. CENT BEE It at Craig's Place, Railroad avenue, next door to the New York Cloth ing House. DAIRYMEN JONES & CODDINGTON, Prop"! Milk delivered to any part of tho city Leave orders at E. J. Post & Co.'s hardware store. D. GOLDBERG, Dealer in Diamonds, Watches and Filigree Jewelry. Emllroad avenue, Opera Hon. rYANTElW Notices un ier this head Five Cents per Line for each insertion. Auction Sale ! Saturday, 14th. CILXE & C. Auctioneers, will sell on account of whom It may concern. Furniture, Crock ery, Glassware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises and contents, etc.. etc. Also at 7 p. in. to pay advances, large lot Watches, Jeweiry, Notions, Underwear, etc. Sale positive. IiO LOAN. Money in sums of SoOO to.?2,nno. D. B. EMMERT. FOR RENT. A four room house in the Penn sylvania block, east of the A. & P, shops. Inquire on the premises FOR RENT. Two store rooms on Railroad Avenue; also furnished and unfurnished rooms. D. B. EMMERT. ITlOR SALE. At a bargain , astUoon and res- tanrant doing a goon business. Enquire at Gemianía saloon, Front street. F OR SALE OR RENT. Steam Laundry, Sec- ouu ana carrón. IOlt SALE. Nice little score General Mer - cliandise m a thriving vi lage on R. R..with iu 100 miles of Albuquerque. doing good busi ness. Terms verv easy. A hi;: bargain for somabodv. Inquire at this office. f ANTED. A first-class cook. Apply at the r risco nesiauraiu. 'ANTED Good Washer and lrnner at the l A L Laundry. Apply immediately. "IVANTED.-Second hand furniture and 1 í stoves. Good prices paid. Copper ave nue and Second street. POB SALE. Oí e-half interese in one of the 1 best mining claims ill Coyote Canon. Inquire the JoritNAL office. TOR RENT Three nice comfortable three room cottages. MACK & WHEELOCK. Old Newspapers. The cheapest and best wrapping paper to be had, for sale at this office. "LWR SALE, CHEAP. -A good outfit for a j country pape Journal office. country paper, except press. Inquire ai the lata For Sale. Lots in the Frank Armijo addition, north side of New Albuquerque, are now for sale. Corner lots, S200, inside lots, itso. These lots are the best investments to be found in tho city, being within a few hundred yards of the center of the town. Call on Frank Armijo. for particulars. Mo better Boarding Bouse in the City IODGING and furnished rooms, corner i Second street and Lead Avenue. Dr. J. M. BFXLi BOARD by the day or week, corner of Seoor.d street and Iatl Avenue. Dr. J. M. HELL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office corner Second street and Lead Avenue. Dr. J. H.BELL. TAKE NOTICE. p ARTIES WISHING HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Of every description, will do veil to give me a call, as mv furniture is all new and first-class. I will give them BETTER BARGAINS than elsewhere. On Second Street, opposite J. X. Johnston's Harness Shop. I. J. SHAIUCK Diamonds,- Jewelry .and Silverware. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. Post Office New Albuquerque THE CELEBRATED "E. 0." BRMID OF BUTTER! Made and Preserved by THE ELGIN BUTTER COMPANY, Proprietors of the Famous ELGIN CREAMERIES- Is Preserved and Packed by a New Process, anu rteiams rne original nweeiness oi Newly-made Butter, tS-None genuine except label signed by W. n. uni:, treasurer. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers SAFES & LOCKS New Mexico Agency of the Diebold Safe & Lock Go. The Largest and best Sato Manufactory in the v or:u. rire anu liuruiar rrooi sines, iron Vaults. Combination and Time Locks, (Vale & Sarint.) Term Liberal. 1S0111.VTN O. ltA.J-"Ii CENTRAL BANK. ALBUQUERQUE. REPORT OK THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NA TIONAL BANK at Albuquerque, ill the Territory of New Mexico, at the close of buslr ness, Octobers, wa : RESOURCES. Loans ami discounts M17,oi5 M Over diafts T7 00 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation .m.ftou oo Due from approve.! reserve airents -..ii r. Due from other National Banks .. 22.:79 17 Due from State Hank; and bankers. 7.J7 62 Real estate, furniture and fixtures. .. is.41i it Current expenses, and raxes paid . 0.77 27 Checks ana other cash items 153 9 I'remiums pam wi Bills of other nanus 1,500 00 Fractional uaner currency, nickels and pennies fs 00 Specie 1R.4S5 oo Legal icnuer noies d,wi uu Redefinition fund with V . S treasur er (5 percent of circulation) 1,3X1 00 Tota 7,413 19 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in Í oo i nuiviueu pronis s.- w National hank notes outstanding 27,000 00 Indivldu il deposits subject to check ir8.1.r0 0 Demand certificates ot deposit i.ts."l 95 Total -67,3 19 TerkitobV of Nkw Mexico, j-ss. County of Beksalii.t.o I. Daniel Gearv. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is irue, to the best of my knowledge and oelief . DANIEL GEARY, Ashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 12th day of October, lwti, CHS ETHERIDGE. Notary Public. Correct, Nicolas T., I attest : Cuiktoiiai. armijo. v uirectors. Tomas gl'itikbks, ) F. A, FRISTCH, IRIEL ESTATE AND Insurance Broker. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Gold Avenue. Between First and Second Street, With MeLane & Oregory xiWW l SKANDIN AVIEN SALOON AND RESTAURANT The Finest Liquors and Cigars in Town. Hot and Cold Lunches all in style. Open Day and Night. IMHSKJX .THE THREE SKANDIN AVIEN FLAGS..f FRONT STREET, Albuquerque, X. M. M. J, MILLEK, PrOprletO!"; M.J. MACK, Civil Engineer, Surveyor and Notary Public. NEW MEXICO REAL ESTATE AGENCY EllacEc r Wheelock, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ACENTS. Cxozonwell lOloclr. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we hnve moro Real ES" tate FOR SALE thnn any other agency in the Territory, and are better prepar ed to give the satisfaction desired by purchasers, both in prices and location. We have but one Price nd GUARANTEE GOOD TITLES. Our tci ni3 aro reasonable, and we take pleasure in showing our properties. Our INSURANCE COMPAN LES are selected from the best in the world, and the business men of the city can safely trust their insurance in our hands. We always have a number of Store Rooms, Offices and Dwellings To-Rent In different parts of the City. Below we give a partial list of Improved and Unimproved Property we have for Sale: A Three Room House On Second Street, well furnished, with back room, pantrits, closets, hot and cold water attachments to the bath room, and kitchen sink, good stables and carriage shed. This in a liargain. Two Houses and Lots, corner Coal avenue and Second Street. The houses are paying 18 per cent, on in vestment, and witli two similar houses on the lots they would easily pay 30 per cent. Three Houses and Lots, On Cor ner Railroad avenue d Fourth Street which are now paying a good inter est One Two Room House, 22xi6, brick stables. 13x24, good well of water situated in the Highland addition. A House and Lot, In Highland ad dition for $600. A good chance for a Cheap . The above lota are in the heart of the City, and are being rapidly bought up; as the building increases the chances for procuring good locations for busi ness becomes smaller and smaller, and the purchasers of these lots can feel confident o? having a good investment, cither for speculating or improving. We also have about FIFTEEN HUNDRED LOTS In the different additions to the city ranging in piices from FIFTY TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! We respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to furnish to any parties residing in or outside of Albuquerque, any quantity of oysters. Orders by Mail or Telegraph Will Receive Prompt Attention. For Prices, write for our Circulars. BLOCK ( ' T0RREY. ANDERSON & SLOAIJ, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In fip R y3 tffi 2. QUEENSWARE, C LAS SWARF, BAR-COODS, CASKETS AND METALLIC CASES. UNDERTAKING ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH PROIFTLY ATTENDED TO. TADT BROS Keep the Finest Line EH FURIES DRY GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, HOSIERY, AND ALL GOODS FOUND IN" A FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. FALL AND WINTER GOODS ARRIVING DAILY WALD THE JOURNAL HOTEL, CORNER SECOND STREET AND SILYER AVENUE, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. First Class BOARD and LODCINC. TERMS REASONABLE. LAWRENCE 'HDLI SA M AND RETAIL DEALERS IN QEWEI1AI MERCHANDISE. . OODS SOLD AT MOST REASONABLE RATES Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention ElfGooda delivered free to any part of J. M. WHEELOCK, Architect, and Superintendent TWO Comer Lots On Fourth Street and Railroad ave; the best street in the eity, and the most desirable lots in the town for business buildings. TWO Lots On Railroad avenue between Third and Fourth Streets. Ten Lots Or. Railroad avenue between Fifth and Sixth Streets. Three Lots On Gold avenue between Third and Fourth Streets. One Lot On First Street, well located. Four Lots On Second Street, between Lead and Coal avennes. One Lot On Silver avenue between Second and Third Stretts. One Lot On Silver avenue between Third and Fourth Streets. One Lot Corner Lead avenue and Second Street. Respectfully, & LOWENTHAL, Proprietors of the Frisco Restaurant. 9 9 of Ladies' & Gents JO GOODS MARRINAN. the city.