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The Albuquerque morning journal. [volume] (New Albuquerque, N.M.) 1882-1884, November 14, 1882, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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A Terrible and Fatal Boiler
Explosion at Cleveland,
Collision f Two Steamers Near Ports
month, England, One of Which
ts Missln;.
JL 5egro Prisoner Ha, an Opportunity
t Escape, but Being Recap
tured Is llanged.
Terdlct f the Coroner's Jury oath Mea
KUUd by the Militia Near Ash
land, Kentucky.
Boiler Explosion .
Cleveland, O., Nov. 13, About
five p. m. the boiler in the Forest city
iron works exploded .with teriffic force,
killing two men and seriously injuring
four or five others, and wounding half
a dozen more. The wonder is that a
lager number were not killed, as near
ly 350 men were at work, in the build
ing which is open at both ends and
ides, under one roof and there is no
partition. A large part of tho roof
torn off and fragments of the boiler
wrre hurled a great distance. The
killed are. Wn. Atkins, master ma
chinist of the works; the top of his
head was blown off and both of his
legs were wrenched from the trunk;
the body was horribly mangled. D.
W. "Wright had the top of his skull cut
off as bv a knife, and tha brains scoop
ed out; his face was blackened almost
beyond recognition. John Gallagher, a
furnace man, had his skull broken
-across the. forehead The first engin
eer's head was smashed and bis body
mangled. Wright and Williams were
instantly killed. Gallagher lingered
three hours.
Steam? Collision.
Loxdon, Nov . 13. A collision oc
curred at two this morning, one of
the steamers is missing; the steaiue r
was bark rigged, and nothing was
seen after the collision . Captain Lud
wig of the "Westphalia, immediately
dispatched a boat to try and find her,
and then made ready all the other
boats, in the event of water gaining
on the Westphalia, all the pumps weie
kept going without intermission.
The mails and ninety passengers were
landed at Portsmouth this afternoon,
and will be forwarded to destination,
at the earliest opportunity. The West
phalia is now moored alongside the
dockyard and kept clear of water, by
pumps. The cargo is not greatly dam
aged, and great pra'se is accorded
Captain Ludwig and the officers and
crew for their coolness and courage,
from the moment of collision. There
was a very heavy sea on, and it was
too dark to see a ship's length.
Quite a Time.
Memphis, Nov. 13. The Appeal's
Columbus, Miss., special says: Last
Monday evening, near Bigbee Valley,
about twenty miles bjlow here, Miss
Hose White, a woman of loose reputa
tion, was murdered by a negro, and her
body was found in the woods, near the
road, with the skull fractured. The
murderer was captured, examined,
committed to j.iil, escaped, was recap
tured, and Thursday night was taken
from the custody of the justice of the
peace by a mob and hanged.
That Kentucky Hob.
Cincinnati, O. Nov. 13. An Ash
land Kentucky special says: A coro
ners jury inquiring into the case of
the death of Colonel Ruppert and
others who were killed during the
transfer of Neal and Craft, from
Cattlesburg to Lexington, Ky., have
to-lay rendered a verdiit, finding that
the deceased was killed by bullets
fired from the guns of the state mili
tia, on the steamer Granite State,
while thpy were guarding the prison
ers Neal and Craft. That said firing
was not done, in the line of their duty,
and further thejury holds that Major,
Allen the commander of the troops
culpable for ordering and permitting
the firing.
A Queer Bubud.
Chicago, Nov. 13. The Times will
publish a story in this morning's issue,
to the effect that the Chinese dwarf,
Chemah, forty-five years old, and forty
four inches high, is about to marry a
young woman aged nineteen, who gives
her name as Fannie Coleman and is
said to be of well-to-do Catholic parents,
inNewYoik. The story, as told, is
that the girl saw Chemah, on exhibi
tion, in New York, and ftll violently
in love with hitn. the attachment being
reciprocated. The girls parents ob
jected, and none of the Catholic priests
in New York would marry them. The
Buddhiit dwarf ha, been here on exhi
bition three weeks nd the girl is here
also. The prietts here refuse to
marry them, but tliey go next to St.
Louis, and the gill says If the priest
will not marry them, they will ask a
protectant minister, to perform the
The Cold Weather.
The present extraordinary "spell of
weather" Is explained by the following
reports from various points in the
northwest ;
St. Paul, Nov. 11. A report re
ceived here from Crookston, Minnesota,
states that It ts snowing fust, and In
some places has ulrendy drifted ten to
twelve feet high.
A M-tndun ppeclal says Ice Is com
mencing to run heavily on tho Missouri.
Weather quite cold and blustery. Nnvl
gatlou likely t cl, In a day or iwo.
MinnkafoM", Nov 1 1. Navigation
closed on the Mitwourl river to-dav.
Five Ixmig will winter at lllsmarrk.
one it Furt Hit font, tho tent of the
lltet t point bt'low.
Ciuoaoo, Nov. 11. Specials to the
Tribuno to night faun hisiuatck and
t'axgo rtpvit cvld wcituer kl) along
the .Northern racitic. Much ice is
running in the Missouri and Red
rivers. It has been snowing all day at
liismarck. The weather after a storm
of twenty-four hours is clearing and
growing cold fast.
"Washington, Nov. 11. A general
snow has fallen in the Missouri valley
and a general rain in the upper Missis
sippi valley and the lake regions. The
temperature has fallen from thirty to
twenty degrees in Iowa and Kansas,
where a norther is passing to the
southwest. .
1-ostel Affairs.
"Washington. 13. Assistant Attorney-General
Freeman, for the post
office, has sent the firt official notice
to the St. Elmo Marriage Insurance
company, Chattanooga, Tennessee, to
show cause why it should not be de
barred from receiving money orders
and registered letters because of its al
leged fraudulent character. This will
be a test case. It is stated that the
southern mail) are so loaded down
with marriage association circulars
that the distribution of the mails are
several days behind, and that in Texas
alone these associations have received
over $2,000,0011.
Postmaster-General Howe has been
debating the propriety of recommend
ing, in his annual report, the establish
ment of postal saving banks, in con
nection with the money order sys
tem of the postoffice department
and has finally come to the conclusion,
not to make such a recommendation,
but leave the matter to congress. For
the past few years, each succeeding
general from Creswell down, to
Mavnard has recommended postal
savings banks, but congress has never
taken kindly to the idea. The time for
such banks in the opinion of postoffice
officials, who have strongly advocated
them, is now passed, as a postal sav
ings bank system, predisposes of a per
manent national debt, and that savings
deposited may find an investment
lor which postmaster the gov
ernment is responsible. In fifteen
years at the present rate of pay
ing off the debt, there would be no
government bonds in market, and there
will hence be no basis upon which to
build a postal saving bank system.
Tbe Supreme Court.
Washington, Nov. 13. An amend
ment made in the rules of the Supreme
Court to-day, will deprive Clerk
McKeny of probably one-fourth of his
income. Chief Justice Waite iu an
nouncing changes in the rules, said the
statute appointing clerks, was passed
in 1799. and that is the. practice as it
now exists in all material respects,
and is just what it had been for more
thau fifty years. There is an apparent
conflict between the two rules, added
Judge Waite, between the rules, and
the practice under them, which ought
not exist. It is also evident that what
fifty years ago was no more than a
reasonable compensation, is now under
the operation of the rules, as con
structed, larger than it ought to be.
Several cases, some of importance,
were decided to-day.
Iu the case of the Equator mining
and smelting company vs. Geo. AV.
Hall, the judgment of the circuit court
of Colorado, was reversed and a new
trial ordered. The court holding that
under the code of that State, each par
ty to the suit is entitled to a new trial,
without alleging the cause or the pay
ment of costs. The case of County of
Sai Mateo vs. Southern Pacific road
was advanced on the calendar, pro
vided the day is fixed in this year, this
is a test case, and Senator Edmunds
requested an early hearing.
Heavy Failure.
Providence, It. I, Nov. 14. The
total liabilities of Payne & Sackett,
woolen manufacturers, whose paper
was protested to-day, amounted to
$312.000, exclusive of $100,000 secured
by a mortgage on the mill. The assets
exclusive of mill property i, estimated
at $150,000, losses in business, in the
two years past, has caused the failnre.
The parties are young, spirited men
who have the respect of the community-
Only a Hundred a. Day.
New York, Nov. 13. At a meet
ing of the Senate Committee investi
gating the conduct of the receivers of
life insurance companies the Counsel
suggested that they should investigate
the Continental Life insurance com
pany of which William Grace, the
present mayor was receiver, while a
a private citizen and who was paid one
hundred dollars per day for his servi
ces. Tbe Land League.
Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 13. The
central council of the Irish National
Land League will to-morrow send out
a circular deciding that a special con
vention relative to the Dublin confer
ence is unnecessary.
Artesian Well.
Denver, No v., 13. The artesian
well which is to be sunk at Akron,
about one hundred miles east of Den
ver. will be 2,500 feet deep. J. A
Flenning & Co. the contractors began
to bore to-day.
Verdict Set Aside.
St. Louis, Nov. 13. Some of the
old lottery and gambling cases were
gain before the court and the verdict
oi two years in the penitentiary
against Brunei- was set aside.
Made an Asílameos.
Denver Col. Nov. 13. Spangler
& Leef wholesale liquor dealers at
Gunnison have made an asigument,
estimated liabilities, are flU.lHX)
assets are small.
Ills tle
Helena, Mont, Nov. 13. The
Diunily sliver mine at Helena was
sold to-day, to a London syndicate, for
. . ... .... -
Jail t smite.
Louisv'Lt.t'., Ky., Nov. 13. The
Com -Wr Journal b pedal front Dow
ltnir (lieiMi n.ivi! TIutb mIhoiipm h.tve
wetipyd from tbe Wuri.u txruntjr lalL
Valencia Sends Greeting to Ber
nalillo County and to
Socorro Falls Into Line With a Small
Majority for San Miguel's
A Republican Congressman Heard From
la the Northern Part of
Complete Returns From New Hampshire
Show the Election of a Bepubll-
can Governor.
Valencia Connty.
Special Dispatch to the Journal.
Los Lunas, N. M., Nov. 13. Val
encia county gives Luna 4.193, and
Manzanares 66. - The registration ws
5,102. The census of 1830 show 6,300
male population .
Socorro County.
Special Dispatch to the Journal.
Socorro, Nov. 13. The full re
turns of this county are in, showing a
total vote of 2,260. Manzanares' ma
jority over Luna is 46. The following
county ticicet has been elected: Sena
tor Armijo; Representatives Mc-
Farland and Cooney; Sheriff Simp
son; Probate Judge C. Garcia; Treas
urer Neill Blackwell; County Clerk
J. M. Chavez: Coroner L. Baldwin.
Hardly to be Expected.
San Francisco, Nov. 13 A Boise
city dispatch says: Siegizor, the Re
publican, for Congress has a majority
of 3,100 as far as heard from which
the full returns will increase to 3,500.
Concord, N. II. Nov. 13. Com
pleted returns from this State give
Ederly 36,900; Hale 38,398; scattering,
939. In the first congressional dis
trict Haynes Republican, 3,795 majori
ty; Ray in the second district has
2,214 majority.
Chicago, Nov. 13. Complete re
turns from this State on superinten
dent of public instruction, give Rsab,
Democrat, 2,668 majority over Strat
ton. Republican. '
Helena, Montana, Nov. 13. -Ma-
ginis Democrat majority will be over
15,000. The Legislature is Demociat.
Heavy Loss by Fire.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 13. A fire at
Riverton yesterday destroyed fifteen
buildings in the heart of the business
portion. The lo3s is over $50,000; in
surance about 615,000. The supposed
incendiary is under arrest, and threats
of lynching him are freely made.
Washington, Nov. 13. The Dis
trict Commissioners to-day suspended
Detective Geo. Miller, pending on in
vestigation of the charges brought
against him by the department ar jus
tice, that he deferred to star route
council, instead of the proper outhori-
Their First Exhblt.
Pittsburg, Nov. 13. The first in
ternational exhibition of bolters, will
open in this city to-morrow. Exhibi
tors from England and all parts of the
United States, with machinery and ap-
Dhances neculiar to the trade, ine
exhibition promises to be a great suc
An Editor In Luck.
Denver Col. Nov. 13. Mr. N. P.
Babcock managing editor of the Gun
nison News Democrat has been offer
ed and has accepted the position of
private secretary to Governor-elect
Grant. Mr. Babcock is a good selec
tion and earned th position by hard
work at the recent election for the
Democratic ticket.
A Big; Company.
Boston, Nov. 13. Joe V. Meigs has
petitioned the legislature for the incor
poration of a company with authority
to construct and maintain an elevated
railroad, in which the authorities
thereof may be granted leave to have
a capital stock of $1,000.000.
A Recalar Land OflBee Business.
Huron, D.. T Nov. 13. Monday
was the day set for the land office to
open, and at 3 o'clock this morning
over five hundred attorneys assembled
in front of the building in readiness
for business. At 9 o'clock, when the
doors opened there was such a rush
that doors and windows were broken
and several fights occurred in the
eagerness to file applications first. The
Receiver was compelled to mane me
announcement that all applications
would be regarded as having been filed
simultaneously. Over $9,000 worth was
sold for cash the first day, lUU.UUU acres
were entered, and that with protests
and applications made it the largest
day's work that has ever been dono at
any land olllce in this country.
The Fire Fiend.
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 13.
The Knickerbocker block burned this
morning. It was valued at $30,000 ;
Insurance $23,000. The building was
occupied by the Knickerbocker furni
ture company and Mlddlemast & Taylor.
The former's toss Is $50,000; Insurance
825,000. Mlddlemast & Taylor's loss
Is $123,000 i Insured for $50.000. Tho
falling walls crushed in a wooden
building, occupied as a millinery store,
valued at $0.000. The Itmlliut block
mljolni tig was damaged to tho extent
of 5,000.
i S '
Coiuethlnf Mew.
Washington, Nov. 13. Fur upvpiuI
il.iy past It luu been rumored thai
Joba Ü. New would louu retUe from
his position as assistant secretary of
the treasury, and yesterday the report
was circulated that owm? to the
change of the management of the Re
publican, which occurred on ednes-
day. Frank Hatton assumes charge,and
G. D. Graham would be free to accept
the position vacated by New.
The change in the editorship of the
Republican is not regarded as by any
means certain, while Isew, who ar
rived to-day, says that he has not the
remotest idea of resigning.
Some Money.
Havana Nov. 13. The steamer
City of Washington for New York
takes $255,000 in gold.
From Our Corrependent on the Wins; Al
buquerque Compared With her Sister
Cities An Arsenal to be Established here
Efforts to be Made to build a Territorial
Editor Journal: Having arriv
ed at the Missouri river and visited al',
the principal iowns between here and
Albuquerque, a sort of pious feeling
serins to have taken possession of your
correspondent and after much deliber
ation as to its cause, and at first as
cribing it to climatic changes
the true cause has been
made apparent on recalling the appear
ances, and experiences, in the various
towns already mentioned, for after
leaving the stirring and active metrop
olis of the southwest all other places
seem as if experiencing an eternal
Sunday so quiet do they seem in com
parison, hence this piety, l et it can
not be said that these places are dull
in a business serise, There is enough
commercial activity to keep tnem well
up to the nierchantue front, but cerv
tainly Albuquerque does as much
business in a day, it seems to me as
most of these places in a week. Upon
the same train with vour correspon
dent was a representative of and part
ner in one of the largest houses in
New York, who does business in the
west, and be stated that Albuquerque
did more business than Santa Fe and
Las Vegas put together. This was
the opinion based upou expierence of
a gentleman who spends nine out of
the twelve months of the year travel
ing about this western country, and
visiting and doing business with every
town in it. As a proof of the high es
timation with whicli disinterested par
ties regard Albuquerque as a distribu
ting point and busintss center, your
correspondent will relate that which
will be news to most of the people of
Vlbuquerque. Some time since the
chief of the ordname department, TJ.
S. A- orlered Lieutenant Russell, of
that department, to inspect the coun
try comprising the southwestern Terri
tories and select some place favorably
located upon trunk lines of railway,
which could be used by the depart
ment as a distributing point, and
where an arsenal would be established
for the storage of munitions of war.
It is useless to add, that after traveling
over the country and carefully examin
ing all localities, nono were found that
so eminently filled all the requirements
as Albuquerque; for it is not only the
geographical center of New Mexico,
but of all the great southwest as well;
and so Lieutenant Russell will report
to his department in favor of Albu
querque; and Messrs. Mack & Whee
lock have been iequested to furnish one
of their maps of the town which
will probably accompany Lieutenant
Russell's report. Thus Albuquerque
will receive another addition to her
marvelous prosperity and growth. It
is not for your correspondent to hint
that this step is only the first of others
that may bring the military headquar
ters to Albuquerque. They were estab
lished at Santa Fe when the ancient
city was the great distributing point
for the whole southwest. But since
the advent of railways the business
and commercial centre has moved to
Albuquerque, and it cannot be long
before the headquarters of this depart
ment is moved to Albuquerque for the
same reasons that originally brought
them to santa r e. Among those from
the central city who were fellow pas
sengers with your correspondent was
Mr. Elwood Muden who recently sold
the Maden house to eastern parties for
$30,000. Mr. Maden, however, does
not intend leaving Albuquerque per
manently. He goes east for the pur
pose of purchasing a large stock of
glassware, crockery, silverplated 'vare,
etc., and it is his intention of doing a
wholesale and jobbingbnsiness in these
goods. This w ill be the main branch
of the business, but a retail department
will also be established. Mr. Maden
intends purchasing his fine imported
goods in New York. His store will
occupy the premises formerly tenented
by the Maden house office and bar
Conspicuous among the fellow trav
elers of your correspondent was Gov.
Sheldon of this Territory, who is on
his way to his old home in Ohio. The
Governor may be absent lrom New
Mexico for some time, but our citizens
may rest assured that he w ill never
neglect their interests. In conversa
tion with jour correspondent he said
he had in view an intention of getting
if possible an appropriation for the
purpose of establishing and building a
Territorial penitentiary, which should
be located near any mines or quarries
upon or adjacent to the railroad. He
remarked tliii at present the people of
this Territory were at an annual
expense of nearly $20,000 for the pur
pose of maintaining their crimináis in
the penitentiary belonging to other
States. All of this could be saved if
we had a penitentiary as it could be
made self tiustaining out of the labor
of the convicts and also furuisli a place
of safe keeping for prisoners of various
counties awaiting trial. Let us wish
the Governor all tho success the pro
ject deserves.
It Is reported to your correspondent
that an other of the largo business
houses of Santa Fe is about to
establish itself In Albuquerque
though the removal will not take
place Immediately.
The weather is unusually warm iu
the vicinity of eastern Kansas at pre
sent, and an Indian summer of unus
ual intensity seems to prevail. ;11
the cltle and towns am apparently
doimr a prosperous business and there
are no complaints from the lurrrhauU
any where. Tim Indications point to
an m the and Imlnv winter In eommei
chil circles, and It U safo to s:ty that
AlbiiiUeiqiu will leap her slmro ut
ti n harvest.
Every day we hearecc'.am:itims of surprise
lrom persons visiting our heu.se f jr the first
time, who heretofore hsure been unable to buy
ready-made garments to At them. The case .and
facility with which they make their selections
and the ' .
we show'them, is a revelation to all who have
not heard ot our fame as Clothiers. Our stock
comprises everything. wh.cü is used by man, iu
the way of Clothing, and we van fit you out
from the bottom of your feet to tho top of your
Dead. Id
we make a specialty, and have San immense
stock from which selections can be made.
Persons living at a distance can send ir. their
be as sured that they will'meet with prompt
attention, and as we have but
Goods can be purchased in that , way at the
same figures as though you came iu person.
Great Closlnc Oat Sale
Worth of the latest its les of
At the Wnolesale and Retail
Which mut. sliafl ad will be sold regard
less of cost for the next
60 DAYS.
Goldstein & Pechnor,
Meit to Saint! Grocer Store.
Does a General Loan and Insurance Business.
Atlantic mid Pacific Addition,
The Highland Addition,
And other Valuable Properties
In all Parts of the Town.
Mutual Life Insurance Co New York
Travelers Life and Accident Ins. Co Hartford
Liverpool, London A Globe Ins Co Liverpool, London
Insurance Co of North America Philadelphia
Scottish Union A National Edinburs; & London
Commercial Union Ins Co London
German American Ins Co New York
Pennsylvania Fire Ins Co Philadelphia
Home Ins Co New York
American Central Ins Co St Louis
Springfield F M Ins Co Springfield, Mass
Standard Fire Office London
Phoenix Assurance Co London
í J sFSv xsta c Krv srrz 5fJ.
t feivs 171 fel éeí K2f
New Mexico Agency of the
Diebold Safo & Lock Co.
The t.aiKi-st and npat "n' Manufactory In the
World. rin aim nuriar i hmu snir. nun
Vuu.ts. t'timbinniii n '"! Tlnw 1,'n-ks,
(Vale Si artffiit.) Terms Liberal.
t'entral U;ink. Alluuiuerque.
Private Lessons 'in Span
ish for ladies and gentle
men, inquire at 1L Moses
Cigar Store.
JS& O 3KT ID 3.
a First Premium Medal at New Albuqu-srqus Territorial
ll'l!t'X It IMS LoWCSt,
"Hylf uro ClialtM-iir,
Ouiii-utitee lellullo,
Iiicf uacmt'ittM Grcn(pit,
CStsi'tM Tiii-iit-li til; Qoodo,
In llootw, Hli , Hatn, O t
CiiiivtM tA Gunt'mtl IVoMoit,
-Til tvrM
En S
I have some of the best Bargains to
be found. Cheap lois on easy terms.
If you want to buy a house
If you waut to buy a lot,
you want to sell a lot,
If you want to sell a house,
II you want to rent a house,
II you have a house to rent.
If you want to Invest your
money to give the largest return iu the shortest
time call uu
3 Gold avo.
O tmritiif.n
P Postolilco

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