Newspaper Page Text
r Keep the Finest Line of Ladies' & Gents' FURNISHING GOODS DRY GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, HOSIERY, AS I) ALL GOODS FOOD IS A FIBST-CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE. Orders bv Mail Receive Prompt Attention. ; T- IE. SiLIITT cSc CO., WHOLESALE GROCERIES, And BAR ALBUQUERQUE, DEALEES lir NATIVE LUMBER and WOOD COAL AVENUE, East of A-T & S. F. track, ALBUQUERQUE, X. M. VVm. HENRY, Agt. WH ITCO WÍB. & RflEDLER General Contractors and Builders Contract for buildings of nil descriptions. . .- In anv Part of the Territorv. Armijo House, AV. S. MOOltE, Prop'r. Only First Class Hotel in WHOLESALE AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. f GOODS SOLD AT MOST REASONABLE KATES Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention. mGooda delivered free to any part of the city. 1TEW AIiBTIO.irE"BQir"E, - - IT. lH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. Capital Stock, $50,000 BANK Ca First Stri, ki lú:ú d Gili ivsa OFFICERS: . Mariano 8. Otero, rresldent. Nicolas T. Annljo, Vice-President, Daniel Geary, Cashier. DIRECTORS : Felipe Chaves, Mariano S. Otero, J. R. Armijo, Nicolas T. Armijo, - Jose L. Perea. Louis Huninc, T. C. (Juiteres, Elias S. Stover, Cristobal Armijo, Daniel Geary. General Banking Business Done Prompt and careful attention given to all kinds of correspondence, and special attention to collections. Time Tests All Things! TERM BIEXA BI ITERS Cures Constipation ol Bowels. YERBA BUENA BITTERS, . . The Bert Blood Purifier YERBA BCE5A BI1TERS, i U r For Indigestion YERBA BUESA BITTERS, r . For Torpid Liver, -YERBA. BUENA BITTERS, - Fr LivtrCouirti, YERBA BUESA BITTERS, ..". ' -. For Dispepsia YERBA BUESA BITTERS, The Great Family Bemedy Wholesale by. . i 3- PUIS BURY & CO. - - Albuquerque, N M. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. There area number of persons out of em ployment in every county-. yet energetic men willing to work do not need to he. Thofe willing to work can make from $100 to $500 a month clear, working for us in a pleasant and permanent business. The amount our agenta make varies, some make as high as $500 a month while others as low as $100, all depending upon the energy of the agent. We have an article of great mer it. It should b. sold to every houseowner, and pavs over 10ft per cent, profit. Each sale is from $3.50 to $10.00. Oné agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days, and clear ed $64.00. An agent in New York made $35.00 in one day. Any man with energy , enough to work a full day, and will do this ,duringthe year can make from $3)000 to $6,000 a year. We only -want one mat in each couiity, and to bim will give tho exclu sive saie as" long us he continues to wo:k faithfully for us. There is no competition, and nothing like our invention" made Par ties having from $200 to $1,000 to invest, can obtain a general agency for ten counties or a State. Any one can make an investment of from $25 to $1,000 without the least risk of loss, as our circulars will show that those in resting $25 can after a 30 days - trial return the goods unsold to us and get their money back, if tbey do not clear at least $ 00. They show that a general agent who will take ten counties and invest $216.00 can after a trial of 90 days return all goods un sold to us. and hava money returned to them if they fail to d' at lean $750 in that time. Tere are many persons having money to in vest, who could not give the business personal atteotien such can employ sub-agents with out leaving home maKing a large amount yearly out of a very small investment: we arc not paying salaries, but want men willing to -work and obtain as their pay the profits of their energy. Men not w.l ling to work on our terms will not work, on any. Those meaning business will receive our large de scriptive circular, and -xtrao"-dinary otter by enclosing a turee-cent stamp, with their ad- - dress. The first to comply with our terms will secure the county or counties they may wish to work. Address Kknnir Maxu r acturihq Co. 118 Smithfield sU, Pittsburgh, Pa. TABOR HOUSE, CERRILLOS. X. M.. C. C. rpVEbftOVÉ. Trop. 9 - t First class In turv, tespf ct. Special attention pnfJ ra transient custom. AND RETAIL QUEENSIVARE FIXTURES, NEW MEXICO. NEW AT.KUQRIÍOUK RETAIL DEALERS IN f ainwrislirs Jeer. THE VERY BEST It Has flo Eaual STOVER, GRARY & GO. Sole ilgents. Atlantic & Pacific R. R. LAND FOR SALE. The land department of tho Atlantic and Pa oific railroad company is now organized and ltw office established at New Albuquerque, New Mexico All communications concerning lands owned bv the company should be addressed to J A Williamson, Land Commissioner of said com pany The grant of lands was made to the company on the 27th dav of Jul v, 13Ü7, and the right of the company to the land dates from March 12, 1872, since which time no valid claim to any of tho odd numbered sections, as ono, three, five, etc., can have accrued to any one within fifty miles on each sido of tho Hue for for tho road as definitely located. Applications will now be received for the purchase of any lands belonging to the com pany ard prompt answers, returned. Ke memtervo address all communications to J. A. WILLIAMSON, Lane Commissioner A. & V. K. R. Co, New Albuquerque, New Mexico. MEXICO Book and News Co:, Bulloch cf Sew ell, ' South side Railroad avenue. NEW ALBUQUERQUE - NEW MEXICO Everything appertaining to . the book trade. A full line of Music, Musical Merchandise Pictures, Picture Frames, Albums, eic. Also everything in the line of blank books. Orders Solicited TriE BOSS SALOON Collin t Co, Prop' BEST LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Railroad At., between 1st. and 2d SU. Pawn-Broking a Specialty. Michael Hog-an, NEAR LEAD AVE. and rKONT STREET, Dealer In CHOICEST LIQUORS AND CIGARS SCHOONERS, loc. CENTRAL BANK ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. officers: Jeflerson Ravnolds, PresL, W. k. P. Wilson, Cashier! Vincent Wallace, Ass't Cashier Has Unsurpassed Facilities For conducting a general Banking Business. Depository of t'ae Atlantic and Pacific and Atchison. Topeka & anta fe Railroads. H. J. STONE, Tuner of Pianos and Organ liepairer. All orders left at the office of the Journal, will receive prompt attention. M. C. ZIRHUT, Blacksmith, Wapn & Carriagemaker Special attention given to Horseshoeing. Slior : Railroad avenue. Old Town. G. V. ELUSGWOOD, A, Mi ADAHB. BY THE ALBUQUERQUE PUBLISHING CO. TUESDAY. KOVEMBER 14, 1882. TEMPLE LODGE SO. 6. A. F. & A. M. Meets every first and third Thursday in the month, visiting oretnren are coruiany in vited to attend. W. B. 8. Praokr, W. M. S icretary. ALBUQUERQUE LODGE No. 1. I. O. O. F fi&At avnnr fc-rlihiv nitrltt nt ft nVlntk Visit' ill brothers in good standing are cordially luvueu io aueuu J. G. G.NASK, N. G Edw Stbasbcro. Secretary. MINERAL LODGE, NO 4.K. OF I'.. MEETS everv Mondav evening at Cnstle Childers' buildiiiL'. Gold avenue. Solouming Kniuhis in good standing cordially invlled to attend, (.'HAS. MOORHKAD. C. C. T. F. Phkla!.. K. of K. and S. COMMERCIAL. Albuquerque Wholesale and Market Report. NEW MEXICO Feed and Flour 3Ji-lcet BY HENRY ELLIOTT. Offlie Opposite Armijo House. The onlv exclusive wholesale and Jobbing grain and flour establishment in the Territory. Prices laid down at Aibuqnernue : Flour, vcrv "-est in market, per hundred $4 00 Flour, to XXX. per hundred 2 70 Bran, in new burlaps, per 10'. 1 40 Meal, white b illed, qr barrel 2 -io Corn, rhoa ill new burlaps 2 09 Rye. chop, in new burlaps 1 70 Corn, old in new burlaps 1 95 Corn, new, in new burlaps I 70 Oats, first class, I new burlaps 2 90 Oats, third class, in new burlaps 1 40 Hay. common, per ton 18 ot Hav, tine Kansas, per ton 21 no liay. prairie, per toi 25 ou Tbi" table la eorrectei every day, and we can always fill car lot orders at the above quo tations from our Kansas elevator. Time gen erally eight days f nun receipt of order until goods are delivered in New Mexico. We also Keep a small supply at the o,1ice op posit the Armijo house, Albuquerque, to fill Job orders, for which ten per cent on the above prices will be :hari:ed. V hen you do not know where to, wrue to Henry Elliott. Agent. Albuquerque, . M. COMMERCIAL. NEWS Grain Market. CORN Per 100 s, 2 05 OATS Per 100 lbs. 2 50 MILLERS' WHOLESALE RATES. FLOUIÍ Best brand 4.25 ; medium. 3.75. CORN MEAL Bolted, ill sacks, 3.U0. Bit AX--1.75jier hu.idred. CORN CHOP-Per 100 lbs, $2.85. HAY per ton $21. Provisions Retail. Butter, fresh 3545 30 17: 2."X!i.t5 . .1 OOV 1 211 15(?.:0 20(fr.25 16? .. 12H3.15 Eggs, iierdoz Lard. V V : . Cheese. Ouio Goshen, SvruDs. V tta Coffee, Green Rio. lb Roasted Rio. good, V Sugars, Brown, lb Granulated, ft S Rice, B. wood, per cora... ..5 904i. U0 Hay, per ton 28 OOQUtu 00 RETAIL. Hams .21 to Bacon ..: 22 Drv Salt Bacon 19 Beef 10 COAL AND LIME. SOFT COAL, per ton 787 50 HARD 14 CHA RCOAL, none In market. LIME, per bushel 50 cents. Verebtbles Jobbing Rates. Beets. W 100 TbS3 50 IPotatoes. new 2.7547.3,00 Cabbsee.iuo n 3 oo&3 50 Radishes, Cauliflower, V doz Cucumbers. " ' Smug bean-. $ bu Turnips.luo lb 3 oo3 25 Lettuce, doz bunch Onions, V 100 3 0033 25 CRACKERS. Butter x to xxix 11 ll ll'.-i 14 UK Ginger Jumbles Milk jumbles... Picnic cracaers Sugar jumbles.. Soda crackers.. 18 15 11 10 11 Cream soda Cream biscuit.. Pearl Oyster ' Ginger snaps... ' Hardware Jobbing Ratea. . Anvils Peter Wright's, B) 10 Wilkinsons Bolts Carriage, percent. dis 50 " Tire. 40 Screw Lag, 40 o " j oo " 3 ' " " 1 25 3 " " fine blued 3 oo " 6 to 12 penny clinch, $l keg, ex 2 oo " 10 to 30penny cliucing, $ keg, n.. 75 " 8 penny casing, per keg, exi ra 1 00 6 penny casing, per keg, extra ... 75 " 4 penny casiim. per keg. extra ISO to penny finishing, per keg, extra.. 125 " 8 do do do do .. 1 50 s do do do do .. 1 75 " 4 do do do do .. 2 00 Rope Manilla, 1 inch and larger. V lb 15!4 Sisal, Inch auk larger, y t 14 do H do do do ...... 154 do v and 5-16, per lb 14 Scales Buffalo, per cent discount 25 rairbanks, percent dis 12.!4 Steel-Cast tool per lb 20 fliacninery, per io a Spring 20 Plow, common 7 Plow. cat 8 Mule shoes, all sizes, per keg 9 50 liorsesuoes hii sizes . e jo Hides, Wool and Tallow. Chicago Rules. Bull's and stag's are bought at a discount : also branded bides, even llioiiirli otherwise No. 1 ; damaged hides are such as have one or more gruos ; also, n cut, araggeu or tainted. Horns, sinews and tail bones have to be removed before weighing, and when the head hangs to the hide by a narrow strip it shall be cut off. HIDES Greeen -5 No. 2 3 Dry flint prime 11 lrv flint No. 2 9 SHEEP SKINS Drv per pound 78 WOOL Well improved. 15&16 Part improved 13ÍÍ.15 Coarse clean 1AÜ 13 ' heavy lusn Black tx&io Groceries Jobbing Rates. Salt, per bbl ?6 00 per bbl 1 00 Salt, Ashton dairy. ISyrup, per keg 4 50 SUGARS. Cut loaf W 100 I...13 75!Standard A 100 lb. .13 00 Powdered " " .13 75Staiidard C " "..12 50 Granulated" "...13 25Yeilow " "..12 25 COFFEES. Rio Coffee 14 50 TEAS. .... 551 Blacks V Í5SB0 ...4ü Green teas lb Japs " - FARIX.E. Oat meal, per too lbs 9 7 50 Oat meal, in case .. 5 oo 124 12!4 15 10 hago per lb Tapioca Dried corn Beans, hand picked, medium per lb Crockery Jobbing Rate. W. G. Plates, 8 In. doz 1 50 7 5 1 30 90 1 40 1 60 2 00 2 40 3 00 4 80 2 00 1 60 1 33 Bakers' 4 5 .. 6 7 8 9 Bowls, 24s .. 30S 30s .. . Handled Coffees, dozen 1 87 .. Unlian'd 1 60 .. Handled Teas 1 60 .. Unhan'd .. 1 33 Ewere and Basins 9s, doz 15 20 Covered chambers 9s. doz 9 60 Uncovered chambers 9s. doz .. 6 40 Live Stock Per Bead. Shipping steers $3045 Cows 25ÍÍÓ0 Shet-p, native la 1 50 Spring calves, native 3&500 DRUGS. Acid citric aer lb $ 7 Acid tartaric powdered per lb 75 Balsam copaiba per lb 150 Borax refined per lb 2224 Blue vitrol per fl 11 Cream tartar pure per S 4&60 Chloroform per lb 90 Glycerine Dulk per B 4345 Gum camphorper lb 40 Gum opium per fi 5 00 Morphia sill pli per oz 4 50 Potass bromide per lb 35 Potass iedlile 2 25 Quinine sulph per oz 2 2: Sir chnia crvstal uer oz Seeds, canarv per lb Seei's hemp Russia per lb Soap castile mottled per lb Soap castile white per lb Turpentine per lb Indian Head, 4-4 brown Lawrence L. L, Mystic River .. .. . Swift River OILS. Oil bergamont. Sandersons per 811 lemon Sanderson's per tb il iiepperniint Hotehkiss' per 8). Oil wintergreen per lb Oil castor per gal Oil olive Malaga per gal Oil lard No 1, per gal. . . . 175 16 10 15 15 1 00 10(4 9 9 8 ..S 3 75 ... 4 25 ... 3 75 .. 4 00 ..4 0- . 1 50 1 SO Minora Supplies. POWDER. High Explosive. No. 2, V lb Black $!keg FUSE. Cement, No2. V l.ooofeet. Cement No 1. ) 1.000 feet Double tepe V l.ooofeet .. Single tape 1,000 feet .25V4 35 $ 4 00 9 7 50 C 25 9 50 8 25 CANNED FRUITS. Blackberries, case 4 501 Apples, per case Cherries, white 5 00 Blueberries. 2 lb 3 00 bs. 4 50 Dainsens, 4 50, Gooseberries. 2 lbs 4 50 4 75; Pineapple. 2 lbs 4 CO 4 75iPearsi Bartlet 2 lbs 5 50 4 50 Raspberries. 2 lbs. 4 50 Peaches. Pears, Quince. Strawberries, Apples, gallons Apples, 3 lb cans 4 50 California fruit, 4 oo!S8 oo per case 6 50 CANNED FISH. Salmon, 1 lb $9 00 Salmon. 2 lb 7 00 Mackprel, 1 lb 4 50 Sardines, loo in case 12 50 do mustaad 11 oo KIRK'S SOAPS. Satinet per box 6 SOiBox White RussianS7 00 Savon. 5 50Iiox bine .. 5 00 ROPE RATES. Manilla, 1 inch and less Sisal ra' fS . . . . CHEESE. Full cream 15 Flats CANNED VEGETABLES! String beans. 2 lb. $4 00 Lima beans. 2 lbs. ?4 25 Boston baked 3 tb. 6 25Toniatoes 4 75 DRIED FRUITS. Currants 12!4 IPrunes 12!4 N. Y. sliced Evap apples 16 M ichigan . . . -i . . . J Peaches 16 FISH. Cod, Boneless 10 eents Cod, whole . 7'sito Herring, scaled Floaters, Yarmeuth, per 100 RETAIL PRICES. Anole Choice red California. .. 1V&25 1.K&25 25 25 25 'AKÍÍS Missouri, choice Peaches, California Pears, California Nectarines Prunes Or;ngs, per doz 75íil 25 51X611 00 Lemons, per doz C 15 16 18 iaa.10 ómii u Stark No. 7 brown duck 10 .. Cottonades Prints G nuhams . BLASTING CAPS. Quintuple force. box of loo caps f 1 00 ripie loree & Ooxoiioocaps 1 00 Cumber and Ballding Mateiials. Siding, 1st 32 00 m -zi oo 3a 24 00 Ceiling, 1st H 32 oo 2l Zi oo 3d 25 00 1st com. boards, dressed 45 00 A stock 12 inch 2- 70 00 B 65 00 C 60 00 D .. 50 00 Fencing. No.l 26 00 A box s2s 70 00 B '. 65 00 C 60 00 D 55 00 1st clear 1 inch s2s 00 00 2d 55 00 3d 50 fcO l'i 2 m. 70 00 Select 1 inch s2s 55 00 Pickets. 3111-h D& II 50 00 O G battens, per 100 feet 1 25 Shingles 4 50&7 00 GREEN FRUITS--JOBBERS PRIQES. California Apples per box $4 oo4 50 Pears. 3 50 3 25 Appricots Piums Prunes Grapes per pound , PICKLES AND TRIPE. 3 25 3 52 . 20 7 50 Pickles, per lOgal keg. . . . Axes ner doz S 10 00 12 50 Axes double bitt per doz 18 00 24 00 Buckets, ore. each 3 75 fa 3 85 Gade. steel, per lb 22 24 Hammers, sinking, per ID 17 w 24 Handles, ax, oer doz 1 65 & 2 75 Handles, drifting pick, per doz.. . 2 25I& 3 50 Handles, slegde, per doz 125 2 50 Naiis per keg 7 00 59 7 00 Picks, drifting, pe doz 8 00 H 12 00 Pick eyes, per doz 6 50 7 50 Rope per lb 13 (a 18 Shovles. 1. II R'd P t per doz 8 50 12 22 steel, Jessops. per lb 16 Steel, American, per lb 50 Socorro Sun, Nov. 1. D. GOLDBERG, Dealer in Diamonds, Watches and Filigree Jewelry, I tal l road avenue, Opera louse. Marmon Bros. & l'radt, Lagana Valencia Co., N M. United States Deputy Sarveyora. Will locate timber, coal and agricultural lands and stock ranches. Have had ten years' exper ience in Western New Mexico, and know tho whole country thoroughly. Will make surveys and furnish maps. There are now splendid opportunities along the line of t lie Atlantic and Pacific Railroad to get timber, mineral or grazing lands. Orders lett at the ollice of W. F. Crane, on Front street, will be promptly attended to. The Socorro Planing Mill. SOCORRO, IÍ. M. Is now ready to Jo all kinds of work iu its line, such as Surfacing, Matching, Sticking, Turning, etc Job work done with dispatch and satisfac tion guaranteed. Estin.ates made and contracts taken on all kinds of bouses. Call or address, ARTHUR BRAT, Socorro, N M BERNALILLO HOTEL, CHARLES EXLEY, Prop. A first-class house in every respect. Excel lent accommodations for traveling men. The Bar is stocked with a Hue line of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. Be sure to call at Charlie's "-"hen in Bernalillo. The Longest Line of Railroad in the World Under One Management. TnE Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe an Eminent Example of American Enterprise, Energy and Perseverance. In the hands of young men this great system has been so carefully managed that it has earned a reputa tion second to none for convenience safety, and the luxuries of travel. It is fast becoming the popular route for transcontinental travel, in connection with the Southern Pacific railroad. It has opened up an almost unlimited field for pioneer enterprise in the far "West. Xo other railroad can carry the man, who is seeking his fortune, to golden opportunities such as are open along a thousand miles of this great system. Special freight rates are given to miners and immigrants. For all the information you desire write to W. F WHITE. General Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kansas. or W. L. Malcolm, Eastern Agent, 419 Bi'dadway, New YoTk. I. J. SHAIIÍCK r O m m 53 t ' to .- 7?F . .". "-A -; :. V-4Ti. Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. N. Side of R. B. arc. Sew Albuquerque FRANZ HUNING ! A.LBU Q,TJ ERQTJ"E, DK.VLKK IK General Merchandise ANT) PROPRIETOR OJf LOMETA MILLS. Keeos always on hand a complete assort ment ot an sorts of mercaandise. such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Liquor, FURNITURE.MEDÍGINES, PLOWS TOBACCOS, ETC. The flour Manufactured at the Glo- ieta Mills is as good as the best in the country. PERUVIAN BITTERS. A TRIAL OF THESE Peruvian Bitters WILLCONVICK YOU THAT They are the Rest Bitters in the World. Tbey Effectual- Cure Malarial Diseases, Vitalize the System, And arrest the ravages of DREADFUL ALCOHOLIC HABIT, DYFSO- MANIA. For Sale by all Druggists and Wine Merchants. THE Albuquerque Oeat Go. Are Xov Prepared to supply their patrons with everything in their line at the lowest market rales. Give us a call. Corner Second st. and Silver Avenue. Ellingwood & Adams, Managers RECEIVER'S SALE! The following property will be sold at COOLIDG-E, - IN". ZMI. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 8, 1SS2. Ly the receiver of the effects of J. Mohr : One Large Range, 3.CO0 lbs of Groceries, Household Goods, Etc CHAS. L. FLImN, Receiver. F. A. FRITSCH, IRvIEirii ESTATE AND Insurance Broker. EMPLOYMENT UTREAÜ, COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Gold Avenue, Between First and Second Streets, With McLane & Gregory HARMON & ELLIS, COOLIDGE, N. M., WHOLESALE 1XD RETAIL LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Ed. Strasburg, -1 7 -3 X" Finest and largest stock in the Territory. In all its branches. Ortlers Promptly Attended To Situj Silver A retine, near corner of Third. Street. Br. C. C. Baker, PnYSICIAN AND SUREON, Albuquerque. N. M. Otlice hours : 8 to lo A M ; I -.30 to 3 i" M ; i to 9 ! in Olllce oetweeu Railroad and iioiu avenues. Opposite Armijo House. DRS. C0NLEY & AUBR1GHT. Ofüce at the Conley W'alton Drug store. Rail road avenue. A'buquerque, N. M. General practitioners of medicine. Give special attention to surgerv and diseases oí women aim culturen. 1)R. . S. EASTERDAY. Surgeon for A. T. & S F. Railroad. Office and prescription and dispensary. Third street, between Railroad and Gold avenues. Omce hours : 8 to 10 a. si. ; 1 :30 ta 3 p. M. 7 to 9 P. m. ALnuquEnQfE. N M. DR. A. J. REYNOLDS, DENTIST, New Albuquerque. N. M. Office in Sloan's building, near Stein, Manuell & Co Dr. W. H- Johnson. Gradua'e o: Toronto University. Canada Member of College of Phvsicians and Surgeons Ontario. Lung and Throat diseases healed by inhalers, antomizers and douches. Venereal and skin di-eases a specialty. Otlice in room over Frisco Restaurant. William C. Hazledine. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Albuquerque, New 31 ClICO. AK.NET II. OWEN t TTORNEY-AT-LAW. District Attornev Albuquerque, i M L-S. Trimble A TTORNEY AT-LAW. Albuquerque. N M ill practice in the courts of law in the Tr i rtory and attend generally to professional Dusi. ness Otlice on Main street W. F. Crane TTORNEY-AT-LAW and Notary Public )l Atice s e cor R R ave. and 1st street. A1V jqner que W ill practice in all the courts of.' ne second Judicial district Spanish spoken (se habla Es pañol) Whlteman A Stone i TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. New A B:nn;uidiniN"-M-omce iu First Nationi M. J. Mack, C1IV1L ENGINEER and Surveyor. Sirveyso mines made promptly. Office IuCroniweh Block, New Albuquerque. T.F.CoNWAv.SantaFe. J.v.RisQUE.Silver City W. B. CHILDKR8, Albuquerque. Conway, Risque it Childers, Attorneys ; at Law, Albuquerque, N. V .f Y W. B. Childers will he found i.i jew tow olfice, up stairs in Childers' Block. Albuquer que. KARL A. SNYDER. Attorney-at-Law, Office with F. H. Kent, Kent's Block. 3d street Albuquerque, N. M. Z B. SAWYER, M. D, PHYSICIAN and surgeon . ...... vjiiue in riuirer drugstore. Residence, Girard House. New J. uriiKsiort;. Kef Albuquerque. N. M ALilífílíT E. EALY, M. D., OFFICE comer Second street and Gold avenue Hours. 8 a. m.. 1 to 3 p.m., and after 7 p. m A.J. Barr. L. J. Barb. Barr & Barr. Attorney and Counselors-at-Law. Albuquerque. N. U. TT7ILL practice in all the courts of law in the If Ternr.Orv. JinH titreml irunei-illv In timfm. sional business. Office iu Harrison Buildiug, corner Railroad avenue and Second street. C. C. MCCOMAS, Albuquerque. CATRON & THORNTON Santa Fe. McComas, Catron & Thornton, ATTORNEY'S at Law Office in rCromwell block New Albuquerque, Will practice in all Courts of the Territorv and nnrtiniiliirlv in the counties of Bernalillo, Valencia and Socor- Jas. T. Saunders, II TORNE Y AT LAW. Office with Arnet R. Owe". District Attorney, in Cromwell block. Collections promptly attended to. O. C. CHRISTIAN, ARCHITECT ASI) SUPERINTENDENT Office in Lewis Building;. Front Street, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. k'iotures Eularjred and Painted. PICTURES enlarged and pa nted in India ink and waier colors. Prices to suit the times and satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. 1,, (JOLDSON. Room No. 14, Cromwell Block. N. A. BIBIKOV Late Professor Agriculture, South Carolina ; State Agricultural Coileire : Geologist Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company. U1M1UKA1 IOS, AliKKlLlUliAL Allll MINING BUREAU . English. G"rman French and Russian sio- kenen. Office with Messrs. Emmert & Ribble r. o. box 6. Albuquerque, JN. M JK!K 31. WIIKKLOtK. ARCHITSCT AND SUPE!lm'MT, LBUQUERQUE, N. M. We iuriiisii pi nil 3. sieciflcations and estimates for all Kiriiiit or mechiuiical structures, such i courr. school houses, jails, ba!ne hout-f iMii.tMH, iMinrches, banks, residencese Oflice Croniwelt Bloi k. J. B. RAND ALL, Architect & Superintendent Albuquerque & Santa Fe. Correspondence solicited from all narts of the United States and territories. Altiuouerouc of lice in Harsch block over Central Hank. GEO. Li. WRA.TTEN, Attorney and Counselor AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC, Room 9, Cromwell Block, Albuquerque, N. M. J. G. ASE, German Bakery. French, Rve and Graham bread always on hand. The best bakerv In the city. PREMIUM COAL ! -THE PACIFIC COAL COMPANY, Of Albuquerque, received th t First Premium at the late Territorial Fair for the BEST BITUMINOUS COAL Just as good coal as that which took the premium is kept for sale by the company a!' the time, and is - Delivered in Every Part of tlte City at S7.00 PER TON ! OFFICE On Front Street Opposite Central Bank. MUSIC ! MUSIC ! PliOF. HOFFMEISTER, who has reoently come to Albuquerque, wishes to inform tne community that he can be lound at the music store of Nicnols & Whitos. Will give music lessons, tune and repair pian os, organs and all other kinds of instruments. Music furnished for all occasions. CHARGES REASONABLE. GIRARD HOUSE, NEW STONE BUILDING. GOLD AVE. RECENTLY ENLARGED And Supplied with many 3T 7E2 E OOM S Which are Fitted up first class in every respect , ;ible supplied with the b.-si tne market afield-. A first-class Sample room eapeoiaüv f.i " i""i t ctal travelers. j. r. GIBASO TORREY. ANDERSON & ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Wholesale and tfa y3t 3 a u Wj i y QUEENSWARE, CLASS WAR F, BAR-COODS, AND METALLIC CASES. ÜNDERTÁKIN& ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH PROMPTLY ATTEHBEi: TO. SCOTT & BORCHERT, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE LINE OF URNITTJRE3 Of Every Description. Bureaus, Carpets, -Sofas, Mirrors, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Etc, Etc. FIlsTEST LI1TE IIsT THE CITY ETerything- Kept In a First-cla? Furniture Establishment on Hand. EW BUILDIXfi OX FBOST STREET, NEW ILBUQI ERQI E, N. The Greatest Recommeiidation We have to Offer. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Dry Goods, LADIES' AND GENTS' Fin 123. -A.llDU.ClTJL02rCL-UI.0- Opposite the MEAT MARKET, yicO lellan Successors to Kleinwort Í Huuscli. Keeps the Best of all SAUSAGE A NEW -AJBUQF'ISrtQ.lTJi: OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! We respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to furnish to any parties residing in or outside of Albuquerque, any quantity of oystera. Orders by Mail or Telegraph Will Receive Prompt Attention. For Prices, write for our Circulars. Respectfully, BLOCK & LOWENTHAL. Proprietors of the Frisco Restaurant. AUBRIGHT & WALTON DRUGGISTS, Railroad Avenue. NEW ALBUQUERQUE The lanret toefc of Drmra in th. City. Praociiptiniiii carefully kim 'tmricxl. T. H. KENNEDY. ULtl-VIEIRy -AItTID FRONT The finest rigs and hearse in Mrs. PISKEENOT, DEALER IN STAPLE, FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, SPRINGER HOUSE. TERMINUS OF STREET CAR LINE, OLD TOWN. AL. COXNOKS.Prop. FINEST SAMPLE ROOM IN THE TERRITORY. Bar supplied with the best Imported Liquors and Cigars. Club Booms atcachod ZESaalroa-d. rerLiie, ZtSTe-w fVl'bxiq.-u.erq.u.e tikis uvna?iEoiPOxJzrir.nsr Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars', First Street and Railroad Avenue. JOHN JONES Successor to JONES & I.EL1jY, Manufacturer of and neater In Harness, Saddles, Whips, Brushes Combs, and a full stock of everything In th line. Second Street, OppOHite Trinilile'w Transfer, NEW ALItlOlEKIjlf, .. Sf SAMiVllS $c COLLIIMGS, Commission, Storage and Forwarding Her- chants, Wholesale and FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, SALT, BUTTER, ECCS, PRODUCE, ETC. All Orders Proraplly Filled. Warerooms occupying the whole building corner V i rst street and Gold avenue, New Albuquerque. CITY LIVERY STABLES, FULLER & RIGHT. 4th Street, Albuquerque, W. F". Wholesale Dealers iu Hav am! (train. Horses Bought and Sold Order, reeeliml by teleplfcrae. SLOAN, Retail Dealer in 9 CASKETS Opera. Houoe, & Rausch, Kinds in the Market. SPECIALTY. JM i;W MEXICO. SJXjE STABIjES STREET, the city, and charges moderate. New Albuquerque. Retail Dealers in MM Wilms