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Mining world Las Vegas ' Ütontttiú mteroti ALBUQUERQUE, XEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1882. NUMBER '13. VOLUME III. THE BULLET'S WORK. The Dead Bodies of Two Gam blers Are Found on the Street. Son Shota Hi Father, While the Latter la Attempting te Morder His Wife. Two: Brothers Are Silled While They Are Attempting to Take the Life of Their Enemy. List of Horrible ud lUvoltiDg CrimM Committed in Dlffarat Farts f tli Halted States. Dad Bodies Found. St. Joseph, Mo, Not. 14 The dead bodies of two men, Jos. Hughes and Marker Davis, were found on the south side of Sixth street this morning, they having been shot, Davis in the left side, near the heart, and Hughes in the left eye and neck. At an in quest this morning it was shown that Hughes ana Davis were gambling in a saloon, and that they won some $75 from two strangers named Reed and Shark, who jointly demanded the re turn of the money, which was refused. A quarrel ensued, but the difficulty was setttled and the parties apparent ly friendly left the saloon together. It is supposed that after getting on the street tbe quarrel was resumed and that the strangers shot Hughes and Davis in order to recover the money they had lost. Davis leaves a wife and several children. Hughes is a single man. No arrests have been made as yet A Fatal Shootlag. Kansas City, Mo, Nov. 14. A fatal shooMng affair occurred in the suburb of Wyandotte late this afternoon. A co-ored man, named Johns, quarrelled with his wife, and procurripg a spade, entered his house with the intention of killing her. His step-son interpos ed, but Johns persisted in his inten tion, and tbe young man fearing for his mother's life, drew a revolver and shot the father fatally. Donbl Tragedy. Little Rock, Nov. 14. News have been received here of a double tragedy on the Red river, a few miles from Texarkana on Saturday. Chas. Henry, jr, a merchant at Lost Prairie, after a quarrel with two brothers named Butler, started home. The But lers follownd him to a cabin where he had taken refuge, and kicxing the door down entered. " Henry fired a double barrel shot gun and killed both brothers, as they crossed the threshold. He waS wounded in the arm by a ball Bred by a man who came with the as sailants. Kallroad Accident. Kansas City, Mo, Nov. 14. News has been received of a disastrous wreck which occurred on the Alton road at 6:30 this afternoon, near Oak Grove, 20 miles east of herev As a construc tion train was backinjr up front Grain Valley to Oak Grove, it collided with a h ind car on whicn were lour men, The men on the car lumped anil es cape, but the construction train of five or six cars and a caboose was ditched, and a brakemau named Corcoran and five section men were killed, and eiffht or ten others wounded. The road is blocked, and passenger trains will not be able to gst through before morning. Further particulars cannot be learned, Terrible Aeeldeat. Cleveland Ohio Nov. 14. A atrancre accident happened this after noon on Seneca and St. Clair streets, where a larra block is in process of , M erection . A boom -derrick 100 feet high, used for materials, through breaking, the derrick toppled about twenty f?et. from the ground and fell with a crash. Three men were on the platform, sixty feet from the side walk, hoistinir a load of about three tons of brick, one jumped and caught the lower guy, and slid to the ground the other two were so injured that they died soon afterwards. One had bis back broken and the other was horri bly mangled. Dollars. Washington. D. C, Nov. It- Chief Brooks, secret service, of the treasury department, has received some of the counterfeit Bland silver dollars, which are being extensively circulated, esDeciallr through the west The coin is verv heavily plated, and tests have to be deeply cut before being applied; it has a rinz similar to . tne genuino, The officers of the department consider the counterfeit one of most dangerous tnat has yet appeared . Indian Agent Indicted. New York, Nov. 14. Ex-Indian agent J. C. Tiffiny has been indicted in Arizona, for the embezzlement of money and government property, aggregating about $15.000 and is to appear at the opening of the United States district court in Tucson, on the first Monday in February, to plead to the indict ment. J. H. Carroll became his bonds man. Poisoned. Londonville, Ont., Nov. 14. At Salina, lat night, William Trimble and his two daughters partook of what thev suDPosed to be a tea herb, to re lieve a cold. They were all taken sick from its effects. Trimble and one daughter died to-day, aud the other daughter is not expected to recover A Railroad War. Sykaouse, N. Y., Nov. 14. There is considerable excitement here regard. inir the crossing of the New York, West Shore and Buffalo and the Syra cuse, Chicago and New York railroads, and the adjacent property. The West S'iote company has been attempting to secure some property in the Fourth wtfú, which J. J . Btdden, q recover of the Chenango Valley road, claims and to-day the West Shore company served an injunction on the Chenango officers, restricting them from interfer ing with the property in dispute. Mr. Gardner, an officer of the West Shore company, and a nephew of Gen eral Winslow, . the president. makes an affidavit that tbe West Shore Company has already ex pended over S30.0UU.UUU in the con struction of the road. He further swears that the West Shore would suf fer irreparable injury, and would be seriously affected and disturbed, if not entirely obstructed, and its creditors and stock holders might be alarmed, and the value of its securities affected if the Chenango Valley should succeed in preventing the West Shore from crossing the property in dispute. Startling developments are promised of the means by which the road obtain ed a route through the city. On the ground of which both com panies claim title, there were about five hundred men congregated, at closing last night and a general fight is imminent. Five locomotives be longing to both roads are at the cross ing, while a number of flat cars, have been detached, and are completely blocking, Willow street both parties defy each other in despite of certain orders of the court A Karderer Captured. Denver, Nov. 14. This morning Sheriff Spangler received a telegram from Sheriff Hoffman, of Gunnison county, asking for the arrest of Charles Wilson, on a charge or murder, a couple of detectives immediately set out on the hunt and before long Wil son was behind the bars. No particu lars. An Kz Cell ec tor Sentenced. Trenton. N. J, Nov. 14. The ex- collector of the port of Perth Amboy. Charles II. Houghton, was convicted to-day of transmitting false vouchers to the government lie was sentenced to pay a fine of 1500 and the costs of prosecution. - Acquitted of Murder. New Orleans, Nov. 14. The Times-Democrat, Raceville, La, spec ial says: At the trial of Judge J. D. Norwood for the killing of L. J. Polk, a lawyer, at Floyd, in J uly last, was concluded to-day, and resulted in an acquittal. Killed by tbe Can. Philadedphia, Nov. 14. Last evening Rebecca T. McGill, a sister of A. AV. Harmer, attempted to cross the tracks of the West Chester railroad, at Swartgaur, and was struck by the lo comotive and killed. Harder or Suicides Leavenworth, Kan, Nov. 14 Ser geant Bertz of the Fourth cavalry was killed at a house of ill-fame to-night It is not known whether he was mur dered or committed suicide. Boiler Rxplode . New York, Nov. 14. A small horse power boiler, while being tested, ex ploded, and Charles and Win . Corbin were killed, and thirteen or fifteen otheis fatally injured. Academy Burned. St. Dominique Station, Canada, Nov. 14. The academy of Ladies of Notre Dame burned this afternoon. The loss is heavy, but there was no loss of life. Thanksgiving. Denver, Nov. 14. Governor Pitkin issued a proclamation, to-day, desig nating the 30th of November as the day of thanksgiving. Uncle Kufue. Chicago, Nov. 14. In an inter view this evening. Uncle Rufus Hatch, of New York, said: It is reported that Mr. Vanderbilt has recently organized a company to run a refrigerator car for beef from the west into the eastern cities, in competition with other re frigerators. If this is true, he has no good motive in it, as it is simply trying to drive other companies out of the business, his object is to restore his stock yards interest into the position they were in before. Mr. Hatch ex pressed the opinion that the advanta ges of refrigerator beef in every way, were such that it must run, even though opposed by the millions inte rested in stock yards in Chicago and eastern cities. A Gay Party. Denver, Nov. 14. Messrs. Charles S. Thomas and wife, John W. Benen, E. C. Younger, George Taylor and wife, R. S. McDowell and wife, A Surry and wife, R. Eckels and wife. Charles C. Joy and wife, B. J. Joy and wife, L.E. Parks and wife, all forming the excursion party, of the Leadville board of alderman, arrived this morn ing and autographed at the Windsor. After breakfast the party sallied forth to see the sights. They took the 2:30 irain of the Burlington and Missouri railway this evening. The party will spend a day at Kansas City, several days in Chicago, and many of its mem bers will branch out for themselves at this point returning at their leisure. No Mora Fever. Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 14. No new cases of Ire ver and no deaths re ported. This is the first time this re port has been made since September 3. General loy prevails, at Pensacola, as they have every reasonable assur ance that the epidemic is over, No apprehension of the renewal of the epidemic is felt, except the too early return or absentees wnicn furnishes freh food for the fever. The authori ties of Montgomery have very much modified their quarantine. Thurlow Weed Dying. New York, Nov, 14. Thurlow Weed and his attendants are very doubtful about his recovery. He lacks vitality to get out of the stupor. His reply to all suggestions on any subject is -I have lorgotten how it looks out of doors. I do not ever expect to go down stairs. lie looses himsell in reserve and reverie for hours at time every day. POLITICAL LIFE. Luna to Be Deprived of an Hon est Election by Santa Fe County. What the Democrats Have Done and What the Conrt is Expected to Do With Them. Rumors of Contemplated Changes to be Made in the Cabinet of Presi dent Arthur. The Troy, New Terk, Board of Aldermen Attempt to Organize, but Find Many Difficulties la Their Way. Santa Fe County. Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 14.-The recent election in Santn Fe county re sulted in the return of the whole Re publican ticket, excepting Martinez, a Democrat, aud the present incumbent of the office, he being re-elected sheriff. The result of the contest caused great excitement here, as the county had al ways gone Democratic The Demo crats had the arrangements all their own way, the three commission ers, who administer the affairs of the county belong to that party, and th ey appointed Democratic judges and clerks at the polls. The official return, has to be made by the three commissioners, and to-day was appointed for that purpose, when to the astonishment of the citizens, che commissioners threw out the returns of five precincts, where there were large Republican majorities and declar ed the whole Democratic ticket elected. This at first caused great consternation, in the city, which has since been in a state of excitement. Matters have now cooled down, as it is íound that the commissioners have no legal right to go back of the returns, their duty being simply to count the vote recorded, arrt make their return to tnat effect. Sol. Spiegelberg, the chairman of the commissioners.retused to reconsider the matter and declares the Democratic ticket elected ; a writ of mandan us will be applied for, in the morning, to Chief Justice Axtell, to compel the commissioners to make the proper le gal returns, which they declare they will not do. Spiegelberg has been trying to be a small boss in this city, and was much enraged at the transfer of power from himself and his party. A strong Dgnt is expected over the matter to-morrow, which may lead to some trouble, as the party feeling runs high. T. B. Catron went this evening to see the poll books, to be able to detect any tampering that may be done with them, but was refused permission to look at them. Can It be PoMible. Washington, Nov. 14. The sup posed pending Cabinet changos are being handled about with a reckless nest usrally only born of a new ad ministration. Folger is to resign, the opinion goes; iNew threatens to resign unless there is a positive opening for Folger's place, and Bob Lincoln is to be moved up higher and put in train ing for the presidency as the Stalwart candidate; Howe is to step down and out to accommodate another member of the Cabinet, who is dissatisfied; and Hatton is to be put in New's place in the treasury. There are half a dozen other alleged impending changes in the personnel of the Arthur administra tion, most all of which are based upon some incomprehensible reasoning. There is but one general idea prevail ing just now, and that is that in some way the recent elections have materi ally changed the views and plans of members of the Cabinet, as well as those of President Arthur, and that in consequence there is to be a general shaking up. It was telegraphed last night that Assistant secretary Aew had resigned, but there are no tangible evidences of resignation to-day. The fact that New is altogether likely to resign in a short time is pro bably the parent of the rumor. When New came into the treasury it is be lieved to have been with the under standing that the secretaryship should be, his with the first opportunity. When Folger was nominated for gov ernor of New York, New saw this op portunity opening up for the realiza tion of his ambition. Had Folger re signed it is confidently believed by New's friends that the assistant would have become the chief sjcretary. Now, however, things have changed. Fol ger has been defeated and must move out shortly, it is true, but New is in the same boat and the possibility of the portfolio of the treasury is no longer his. Had New's powerful Journal and political influence been able to hold the Indiana Republicans up by the tail New's official fortunes would have been assured. As it is, the causes which make Folger an in cumbrance leave New ineligible as successor. This is why Mr. New's re signation is expected to precede Fol ger's. There are known to be a good many aspirants for the department of finance, and it will not be difficult for the president to select one out of the number who has never been beaten in his own State by 200.000 majority. City Father's. Troy N. Y. Nov. 14. Great ex citement exists over the organization of the Board of Alderman. The Re publicans and Independents,' have thir teen members, and the Democrats twelve. Later ata meeting of the old board, they seated a candidate who claimed to be elected to a full vacancy thus trying the board. Mayor Fitz gerald suspend jd the city e'erk and appointed a clerk pro-tern, and the Democrats left the room, when the roll was being called to organize a new board. Tbe clerk pro-tern, then re- cognized the claims of ex-aklerman Morrissy an Independent, as holding over, and the board proceeded to or ganize withou t the Democrats. The court has been appealed to, to settle the matter. Bottlere In Sesslou. Pittsbcrg. Pa, Nov. 14. The first international exhibition of bottlers is in session in Turner hall, this city, to day. Bottlers are here lrom all points in the United States and England. To morrow they will meet in convention. and discuss matters that are expecteu to benefit the trade in this country and Europe. A permanent organization will be effected. The Yellow Jock. ' Galveston, Nov. 14. The News, Austin special says: The governor modifies the quarantine proclamation, regarding Star county, as the official reports are that the cold wrather is not severe enough to destroy the germ of vellow fever at Browsville, and the fever still rages. Garfield' Memory. New York, Nov. 14. The commit tee of the Garfield Monument associa tion have issued an address to the peo ple of New York State, soliciting as sistance, also for a national equestrian monument at Washington. Death of a Broker. New York, Nov. 14. George A. Osgood, a slock broker, and scn-in-law of the late Commodore Vanderbilt died to-day. He was over sixty years of ge- THE FAR EAST. Oriental Items. San Francisco. Nov. 14. -The Oc cidental and Oriental company a steamship Coptic, just arrived, brought Hongkong advices to October 17th and Yokohama dates to October 21st. The rice crop at Foochow is report ed more abundant this year than it has been for several years past. During the M. A. examination held recently at Peking, three of the com- petitors, in despair at finding that they were unable to write an essay upon the subject that had been placed before them, made most determined attempts at suicide. One cut his throat, the other two actually tried to commit harikari. The crops in Peking are reported as lourishing. No more rain is needed, and all that is required for a fine ivh;ii. harvest next Year is a light snow and a rain or two in April. General Wu. the conimander-in-ihief of the Chinese troops in Coreabas not yet returned from Tientsin, where he is awaiting tor orders nom i nung Chang. Commander Lang's appointment as chief of the Chinese admiralty, has been con firmed uy i iiung vaiaug. A good deal of excitement was created among the Chinese in Hong- -. i i i . 1 kong on the day tne last man leii, vy the rumored stoppage of the Chartered Mercantile DanK, ana tne díuik omciuis were put to some little inconvenience by the run which was made. The Chinese looK upon ine comet, which has been seen distinctly here for some time, as an omen of rebellion and war. sievmul rasps of mild cholera have occurred in Canton. The new Viceroy, who was ruling in the famine districts some five or six years ago, is being blamed as the causa of the long con tinued drought. Japan has been visited by another heavy gale, accompanied by deluges of rain. Reports of damages caused by floods reach us from various parts of the country, and it is feared that the rice crop has suffered more or less. We do not, however apprehend any serious loss. The crop is still believed to be ahnve thA nvpmtTP. The much talked of 'Bank of Japan' has been opened, but the foreign public still remains in ignorance of its real nnrnose and scoDe. So far as we can judge, its most useful function will be to assist the governments uscai opera tions, and oy undertaking to finance the taxes, relieve the money market of the abnormal pressure to which it is sometimes subjected at present. Thp cholera enidemic Seems to be drawing to a close, but the returns for Tokiyo Fu contrast very unfavorably with those of 187Í). Up to the 10th ult, the total number of cases in that prefecture was 6,499, according to the report of the sanitary bureau, whereas in 1879 the corresponding number up to the 30th of September was 2,053. A fatal accident occurred at Cavite on tha 23il of Seutember. While fumi gating the cholera hospital at La Cari dad, with gunpowder, an explosion took place, whereby one man died and another was bidly hurt. The two murderers of the Promotor Fiscal of Lnguna, who had been en tended to death at the scene of their horrible crime to serve as an example to their fellow-countrymen, were exe cuted on the 2d of October. A sum or Í8000 has been voted for defraying the expenses of buying mi trailleuses and oiner pieces or oranance in "London for the Philippine service. FOREIGN. Berlin, Nov. 14. The government has begun to take decisive action against the proprietor; and managers of lottery schemes and transactions. Two thousand persons were indicted on the charge of dealing in forbidden foreign lotteries. It is anticipated that farther indictments will follow, and that there will be revelations that will produce a sensation in this country. London, Nov. 14. Bradlaugh went to Commons this afternoon to try and take his seat. He had a brief personal consultation with the Speaker of the House, and was informed by him that the order of expulsion was still in fore. He then withdrew without making an effort towards securing his seat . Lodon, Nov. 14. The steamer An gelica plying between Gifla and He tell, has "foundered, in the North Sea, and forty persons were d.iowned. Roue. Nov. 13. Cheval er Nigra was appointed ambassador to England to-daj. CLOTHING HOUSE. Everyday we hear exc'.a n itio s of surprise from persons visiting our house far the first time, wh'i heretofore have been unable to buy ready-made garments to fit them. The case.and facility with which they make their selections and the WELL-FITTING CLOTHES we showthem, is á revelation to all who have not heard ot our fame as Cl'ithiers. Our stock comprises everything, is used by man, in the way of Cloihing, and we ?au fii you out from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. In FIRUSHIXG GOODS we make a specialty, and have an immense stock from which selection's can be made. Persons living at a distance can send in their 0RDEKS BT MAIL b e as sured that they wiirmeet.with prompt attention, and as we have but ONE PRICE Goods can be purchased in ihat 4way at the same figures as though you came In person. LEWIS & ULMAN, " THE STAR CLOTHIEP.8, A-BUQUEIMltTE, XEff MEXICO. GreattaiiOitSale -OF- Worth of the latest st!es of MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WINTER CLOTHING, At the Wuolesale a'ld Ketall BOSTOInT Cliii Honse, Which mint, shall a"l will be sold regard less of cust for the next 60 DAYS. Goldstein & Pechner, ext to Saint's Grocery Store. ATTENT OR RINGS. ELGIN, WALTHAM, Filigree NATIVE GOODS OF ALL KINDS Jewelry THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK IN NEW MEXICO Enerraving Done Free of Charge During the Holiday Trade. NEW ALBUQUERQUE, Atlantic and Pacific Addition, E, EPBESENTS Mutual Life Insurance Co New York Travelers I.lfe and Accident Ins. Co Hartford Liverpool, London & Globe Ins Co Liverpool, London Insurance Co of North America Philadelphia Scottish Union St National Edlnburg & London Commercial Union Ins Co London German American Ins Co New York Pennsylvania Fire Ins Co t Philadelphia Home Ins Co New York American Central Ins Co St Louis Springfield F M Ins Co Springfield, Mass Standard Fire Office London Phoenix Assurance Co London GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SAFES & LOCKS New Mexico Agency of the Diehald Safe & Look Go. Th" La gcst and be.sf Sa'e Manufactory in the WmHu. Fin tu. i B '.r,'l:ir 1'ronf safes. Iron Vh is. ounbiuaii' n ""'I Thin- Ix ks. lYale & ar.-nt.) Terms Liberal. NOUMAJJ C. UA-FE", Central Bank. Albuuuerque. SPANISH LESSONS. Private Lessons 'in Span ish for ladies and gentle men. Inquire at B. Moses' Cigar Store. AR JEWELS CHAS. ETHERIDCE, Does a General Loan and Insurance Business. .C3-3IíT? FOB The Highland Addition, And other Valuable Properties ' In all Parts of the Town. First Premium Medal at New Albuquerque Territorial Exhibition m m feactical m m dí v 4MB Smokes9 Ntw ALBuyuttiyut, N. WHOLSALE AND RETAIL CHICAGO PHELPS & BENNETT. ynd OUR OUR IN Pl-ifM-H II IMS I . WCISf , les nreCli li'i-Kt, Gnu si too Hcllable, Iiitluet-iut-iitM Gi cntcst, Gt"tK' fiii-ui- liSnu; Col-v, In Uoot-, Sli'Xíi, llntM, C in, Cu i-iet unol Generui ISotioti JLt f o 1 i Fn STUDS. HOWARD, IMPORTED. NEW MEXICO. I have some of the best Bargains to be found. Cheap lois on easy terms. If you want to buy a hout e If you want to buy a lot, you want to seH a lot, If you want to sell a house. It you want to rent a house. It you have a house to rent. If you want to Invest your money to give the largest return In the shoitmr time call ou CHAS. ETIIERIDGE. m M. 9 Gold ave. WILL'S,, Opposite 3 Postoffioo f: 3$ FaetSa