Newspaper Page Text
ALBUQUERQUE MORXIXG JOURNAL, WEBXESÜAT, NOVEMBER 15, 1882. SXoruiug gourual. W. & Burke, Editor WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 18S2. T.rm. of Subscription. Weekly, by year $ 3 00 W-kly, by mail, six mouths 1 So W -k;i. by mall. Hire? mouths 1 00 D ily, by mail, one year 10 ou D "v. iy mail, six month 5 ou Duly, by mail, three months... -Sou ADVKKT1SINU KATE.. Vot tint lx Insertions, one dollar per Inch vi lime Subsequent insertions, up 1 twelve. t - i -Uve ceut lor eaci time. After twelve ti urn. r.ftv eenm er inch, special rates given i one time advertisements. I. kki' Notices 15 cents per line. THE MILK IX THE COCOANUT. Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, Horatio Seymour. B. F. Butler, "W. B. Nassau, AV. B. Childers, and Judge Triniba.ll, all voted ii .Valencia county last week at lenst their names iré on the poll books, and checked off as voted. That accounts for the big vote in that county fr Manzanares. KINt-SlON. Another interesting article on the new El Dorado will be found in The Journal this morning. Yesterday morning we gave the opinions of one who doesn't set a very high estimate upon the new camp. The writer, whose communication we copy to day takes a rather rosier view of it. There are a variety of opinions in regard to the camp and The Journal being a newspaper, endeavors to show all sides. THE WEATHER. The preeric "spsll" of weather is phenomenal. That highly respected individual, the oldest inhabitant, de clares that he never saw anythine like it Certain it is, that never since the first American settlement in Xew Mexico has there been sucli co!d weather in Xoverab.T. There w.13 only one mjrning last winter when the mercury weut lower than last Monday morning. But this unusual condition of things is not peculiar to New Mexi co; there has been a cold wave all over the northwest. Heavy snows have fa'len in many places.and cold weather prevails generally. SrLL. ROOMING Although the season for building is nearly over, the "building boom" in Albuquerque continues; thre are fully as many new houses "on the way" to day, its at any time during the past year uf marvelous growth; and what is stranger still, to our neighbors of other towns. U the f ict of all the vast number of new houses put up, none are permitted to stand idle, but al! fin 1 tenants re idy to take them as soon as they are ready for occupancy. During lioth the years th it have elaps ed since the -new town of Albuquerque was started, ttie growth h u been more rapid in the winter than in the sum . rrif-r, and if tlia mine rule holds goad flaring the present year, we may look for a degree of improvement during the coming winter and spring that will surptss anything we have seen in the past, and all the indications point in this direction. The population is increising inore r.viid'y th in at any time heretofore; a-iy of the old settlers will t 'llyoii:h it th -y never b, -fore s iw so 'ii iny -ícrtiií f i ;ei on thrf siren!-; a:i I t!i .treliit-";;is say th'-y have more business than they ever had be fore. INCORPORATION. When our neighbors at Socorro were running wild over incorporation. The Journal to.k occasion to warn them that they were chasing a will-o-the-wisp, and that it would not be possible to accomplish anything under the present incorporation act. Incorpora tion with jut power to collect revenues, is like tin play of Hamlet, with Ham let out. After goin through the for.u of an election, and maintaining a bin leique city government for sever al mouths, the Socorro people now find their position untenable, and propose to go back to where they were be fore. In an editorial entitled -Remedy the Evil." the Miner of the 12th frankly admits th it incorporation baa been a miserable failure, and says: ilt l ist thcitiz -us have grown tired of incorporation and have determined to correct the evil while opportunity offrtrs. Xo one can doubt that our municipal government has been a fail ure. AVe elected a good mayor, but the coiincilinen did not seem m1oiis of the local welfare. They began a code of laws which they never completed and were never carried out. The" treaMtry labored under a constant strain of poverty and at the present time is bankrupt. The funds collected for current exenses cania from tae small circle of business men who have not received tae lieuefU of their money and who are anxiou far a proper adjust ment of tne burilen. Disincorporate we say. We have labored long enough with the evil, we have not been successful and we have every indication that we cannot be. There is a secret fear that the ordi nances cannot be enforced, as the law of in orporation of this Territory is de fective, which has been the cause why delinquents have not been pursued ami the ordinances enforced. Incorporation has been a miserable failure and wecall for disin orporation. It is to the credit of Albuquerque that her p-ople bad the good judgment to keep out of the incorporation fool ishness while Socorro and L;ts Vegas were being carried away by it. We ought to have a city government, it is true; Albuquerque is much the largest town in the Territory, and therefore needs a local government much more than any of the others; but for the people of a town to elect city officers and enact city ordinances, while yet, without the power to raise a revenue is simply a farce. Judge Sullivan's court, with the power of the Territory behind it, is worth more as a govern ment for the city than all the mayors and councils that could stand between v hera and Socorro, as long as the gener al incorporation act remains as it is. Itera can be no government without revenue, and a city in Xew Mexico has no power to enforce the collection of revenue under the present law. The next legislature may possibly remedy this, but for the present there is noth ing to do but wait . A Boom la Railroad Stock Predicted. ludiauapoiu Journal. The election is over, and knott ing ones predict that business will begin to boom, and more especially that in rail road stocks and securities there will be a general advance and large transfers. The large earnings of the railroads and the purchase abroad of securities, many of which have been taken, doubt less, for permanent investment, will give a firmness to the market. The Glassgow Herald publishes an esti mate that 138,000,000 was borrowed in Europe during the tirst half of this year for the construction of railroads in the United States, and since that time many of the older stocks and bonds have been carried across the water. Against those figures, howev er, must be placed the fact that rail road securities having a face value of Í3o0,000,' 00 have already been lis:ed at Hie Xew York Exchange this ear, 9 K) isiles of railroad representing a can tliz.mon of $400,000.000 to $5,000,001 having been built. As for r.-.ilrad earn- iugs.the freight tariffs on the trunk lines both ways are now back at the rates that prevailed before the war of lbol. The eastward movement of grain will he very large after the close of navi gation. The old roads will, no doubt do well, but the new ones will long be an element of serious uncertainty. There are at present a few soft spots in the market. The Louisville and Xashville and the Like Shore are the otijwts of bears and newspaper atracks. also Denverand Hiolirande and Jsortli- ern Pacific; lint a majority f the roads which have ever been considered valu able properties are steadily working into better condition. Especially is lhistiue of Indiana roads, which, by forming new alliances and closer con ned ions, are greatly increasing their business. The Louisville, Xew Al- banv and Chicago; the Indianapolis and St Louis; the Cincinnati, Hamil ton and Indianapolis; the Indiana, Bloomington and Western; the Fort Wavne, Muncie and Louisville, under able and economical management, are of the number. The Latest Form of Marriage In France. L niou Woili!. M. Elisee Rt-clus. the illustrious au thor of the Universal Geography, has inaugurated free marriage and has united his two daughters -freely" to two young iiifti of their choice. This adverb -freely" means that M. Keel us has d.spenscd not only with the re ligious ceremony of marriage, but also wiih the civil marriage in presence of the mayor. He simplv invited his fliends and relatives toa banquet at the Grand ho tel, over which he presidí d. and there ami then, literally '-across l lie walnuts and the wine," lie declared the union of his two girls wiih tht ir respective sweethearts. r ree marriage isdecid- edly simple, expeditious and economi cal inasmuch as it involves no lee. eiiher to church or state. In short, it is the last work of progress. PRESS CQ-tULEMS. New York Republicans. Tribuui'a Does any human being suppose that the Democrats did this? Xew York is lo-d.iy as safe a Republican State as it was a vear ago. But it is not an Arthur State, or a John F. Smyth State, r a -Steve" French State. It is a Slate that will acknowledge alle giance neither to the administration, nor to tin broken-doivn 8 natura, no; lo their machina Against them, and ad their works and ways its majority s 175.000. Only a Temporary Uererse. New Haven Ia.atliiiiu . lirp. ) We may liken the Republican party toan army that has suffered a tem porary defeat which is likely to prove its salvation in the end. There is cer tainly abundant reason why the part;" should be benefitted by the atllictions of the present moment. Undoubtedly it has erred and strayed into by and forbidden paths. A Loosening of Party Lines. ( inciunat G izelti ( Kep ) There is a largn amount of election news in the Gazette this morning which will be the subject of comment at a future time. It is clear that party lines sat lightly Tuesday, and this al ways, or nearly always, assists the Democratic party. Better for the R -publicans. Perhaps. l'llll nle pliia tress (Rep.) Looking squarely into the face of the fact that in every State where the President and Cabinet- officers have taken a hand in the campaign there has been Republicon disaster, every liberty loving citizen of this gr?at country must be convinced that it wotilil have been a great deal better for the Repub lican ticket if the adiniu'straiiou had turned right in and worked with the Democratic party. Disgust With The nosws The Cause. in-iniili Enquirer ( l)ein.'. The result has been brought about through the disruption of the Repub lican organization and the general dis gust of the people with the Bosses and the tire'ess pap-suckers, and no party can afford to 0e Jheedless of the lesson conveyed. In the State of Xew York the Democratic party had only to behave well in its nominating conventions and then hold still and let the Republican factions destroy each other. It was the people against the Bosses. In Massachusetts Gen eiTtl Butler rides in majestically on the wave, and much abused as he Las been by people of all parties, he is not to be thought of lighty as an in strument of reform. Deterred Defeat. Cincinnati Commercial (Eep.) During Grant's administration. eight years ago, the republicans suffer ed a defeat as sweeping is that with which they are now overwhelmed. They earned and deserved the;r defeat because they were submissive to boss es. It was the loss of twenty-two Republi"an States in .1874 that pre vented the carrying out of the open campaign then contemplated in 1876 for a third term of Grantism. It was a conspiiacy of bosses against our Re publican form of government. They wanted a big boss to parcel out the spoils among an arsitocracy of bosses. They were beaten, and Garfield, elect ed presi lent, denied his boss and was murlered. He would not have been harmed if lie had submitted to the systemof the- bosses. KINGSTON. The New Mining Camp In The Percha Dis trict Great Kxcitement Over the Mineral Discoveries, And a Town of Twelve Hun dred 1'eopla Which Has f prang np In The Forest In six Weeks. Special Correspondent, of The Denver Tribune. Kingston Í3 the new town in the Percho ruining district of Grant coun ty, which is attracting so much atten tion just now in all mining quarters. Since the Leadville discoveries there has perhaps been no camp that has created so great an excitement. Be fore I got within 5 )0 miles of Kings ton I heard the wildest stories of big discoveries, of rich strikes, of fortunes found in a day, of a town growing up in a few weeks, of a camp of several hundred people, of town lots jumping up in the hundreds of dollars, of real estate speculators making thousands, and all those things that grow and magnify in the distance. I saw peo ple hurrying from all parts of Colorado and northern Xew Mexico to the new El Dorado, and thinking Kingston would be a good point for your corres pondent to get information for the readers of The Tribune, I gathered my grip and blankets and came along wiih numerous other pilgrims to see what I might see. FiomXutt station to this point is neatly 50 miles by stage. On the road we mast have met and passe 1 nearly a hundred freight wagons. At Xutt station merchandise of every kind was being transferred to wagons to be taken to Kingston, and the road was lined with wagons going and coin ing between these points. The driver of the stage told me that one curious passenger had the day previous counted 79 freight wagons on the road. The slage and numerous hacks and spring wagons wtre loaded with passengers going in to Kingston, and I observed that the same conveyances were com ing out empty or with few passengers, These things indicated that there must be soiiieihing to ar-tract people to Kingston, and all of us had made up our minds to find a booming camp. On reaching here in the evening we came tirst upon a lot of tents, brush wigwams aud teamster outfits with their camp fires among the tires and brush. This, the driver informed us, was the suburban portion of the city. Then we came among larger and more pretentious tents, some of them with lodging signs in front, and presently we were in the main street of King ston. For a distance of several hun dred rards along the main thorough fare, not yet cleared of the forest trees, we could see house;), frame aud adobe, and huge tents, strung along in straight rows on either side. -They are in every conceivable stage of pro gress from the laying of foundations lo the putting on of the shingles. Wagons loaded with merchandise till the streets, and tons of it are piled up on all hands waiting for shelter.' The street in the neighborhood of the postolhce, which is a 7x9 shantv, with a hole through the wall for delivery, held a motley crowd waiting to greet the new arrivals and to obtain the expected pa pers and letters. 1 have been here now tour days. Each day is a repetition of the one preceding. The sume bustle tioü exciu-uiuau, ilia fiuiua tulk of new strikes and sales. People are coming in by the scores, and some are going out. Of course all do not see alike.and there are disgusted and disappointed ones. Every, day witnesses the com pletion of a new house. Dirt is brok en for Hie foundation in the morning, workmen ply their tools, in a few hours the skeleton of a house is up, a tloor is laid, and goods are being sold trout the boxes and barrels by evening Hy daylight you "rear the sound of the hammer and saw, and it continues till dark and after dark. Everything is in a rush, as if there was not a minute of lime to be lost. The lodging houses are full of people. Hundreds are sleeping in their blankets on the floors of s:ores or under any friendly shelter obtainable, and hundreds more sleep in the open air with the starlit sky for a canopy. The eating Jiouses arc doing a rattling business, but I can't sneak for their profits . Meals are as cheap hjre as in old towns and in fact everything is sold here at astonishingly low prices, l ou get a guou meal at any of the restaurants for 50 cents. Drinks and cigi rs are sold two for "two bits. I would suggest that there is a good supply of everything merchantable in Kingston for several mouths business, and would advise people who think they can bring a little bunch, or a big stock of goods here, and make a fortune in a few weeks or months, to stay away. For the pres ent ths is an enticing field f .r pros pectors and speculators only. It is just six weeks siiue the town of Kingston had its bir h. The first a large tent boarded up at the sides stands almost in the middle of the street, and is occupied by Barnaby & Webster as a store, while their large adoiie building is being finished. It is es i i in a ted that there are now fully 1,200 people in the camp. I believe there are that many, but not more. The number is being augmented, how ever, .every day. There are not the thousands talked of 500 miles away, but if they keep on coming at the rate they have been, the springtime will see a big town, where six weeks ago was onlj a forest, in which roamed turkeys, deer and bear, and where less than a year ago life was held on feeble secu rity in the midst of the warlike Apach s What the town will be in six weeks or six months hence is, of eourse, altogether a matter of specula tion. It would be folly to say that every man who has come here has come with cool sense a"nd calm judg ment with knowledge of facts that would warrant the big investments that are being made in business. But I may say some of the strongest and best business men in Xew Mexico came here aud first looked the ground over several weeks ago, and have brought in large stocks of merchan dise. Also, that some of the most ex p riencad miners of California and Colorado have been here, and, after examining the mines and prospects, and looking over the country, have ex pressed the belief that the mountains are teeming with mineral, and that is every indcation that here will be permanent mining camp. Many go so far as to say that there is the wealth of Leadville lying in the hills about here, and that by next spring there will be as big an excitement here as there was in Leadville in the spring of '79. But I give this for what it is worth. This may or may not becjme a second Leadville. Some big strikes have been made some sales have been made at good round figures the whole country is covered over with float r-ck, much of it rich enough to bear shipment to Pueblo but none of the properties have been opened to any oiisitleraiile depth, and It is impossi ble to predict wiat toe outcome will be. There' are enough indications, however, on the surface to incite anv prospector or mine speculator or mine worker. A number of old California and Colorado mining people are here, or have been here, and saie3 of claims have been made to such well-known people as Tabor and Wurtzebach and Jefferson Raynolds, of Colorado the only ones I think of now from Colo rado; Governor Perkins, of California; Colonel J. O. Logan, of California; A. W . Harris, of Alameda county, Cali fornia; George Hurst, a rich miner of California, and one ol the best judges of mines in the country; and D. H. Jackson, late-manager of the Sierra mines in Lake Valley. I have not yet visited many of the mines and prospects. These cover a considerrble territory. I am gathering facts from the best sources concerning the mines, and shall visit all the prin cipal properties this week. Weaver. Horsford's Acid Phophate as a Brain Tonic. Dr. L. W. Robertson, Cleveland. O., says. "Frm my experience can cor dially recommend it as a brain -nnd nerve tonic, especially in nervous de bility, nervous dyspepsia, etc., etc." Old fashionable remedies are rai idiy giving gronnrt bet re ill ad vaueeof tliis cm q'ierhijí seecilic. and old fashioned idea in regard to depletion as a maus of cure, lutVH been quite exploded bv the success of tne ureal renorant. wlueli tones the system, tranqnil izes the nerves, neutralizes mala ria, depurates and enriches the blood. rouses the liver when dormant, and promotes a resillar habit of b-wly. For sale by all Uru 1.V- ists anil Dealers general- SHERIFF'S SALE. Tkubitort of New Mkxico, I COUNTY OF BEHNALII.LO. I Bv virtue of an execution issued out of the District Conn of Bernalillo, and Territory of New Mexico, datea the sa day of October, A. D. 1K82. in a certain action, wherein F. W Potters ei. al.. as plaintiff, secured a judgment agai'il J O. Galawav and Thoma B. Brown, delendant on the lirst (1) dav of May. A. U. 1SS2 I have levied upon the following dscribed property, to-wit l.'its number three (3) and four (4) In block number seven. (7) as desinat' d upon the map of the Baca addition to the town of Albuquerque, made by C. W. -Sanders, and filed in the entice of the Probate CletK. aud Ex-oflteio Recorder of the ('ounty of Bernollio, ou the2oth day of De cember. A D. 1882. Km Ice is herebv civen til it on Saturday, the 11th dav of November, A. D. 1882, at 2 o'c ock P. M. of thai dav. in front of the Court House in the County of Bernalillo, at Albuquerque, in the countv aforesaid, I will sell the rich title and interest of said J G. Galawav and Thomas B. Brown, herein hi and to said real eslate and property at pub'ic and ion to the highest bidder lor cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. PERFECTO ARMIJO, Sheriff. B iknes &" Nassau, Pl'ffs. Att'ys The above sale is adjourned 10 Thursday, 16. 1882, at 2 p. m. PEK-'ECIO AKMUO. Sheriff, Rarjks & Nassau. Pl'ffs Att'ys. Dated November 11, 1882. BERKS & FIUIFISLD'S.COLUMV. DEEDS DRAWN WITH ACCURACY, also mortgages, leases, agreements, charters, etc. Berks & Fairfield. aRGE CU Y L' iTS. 40x180. watered by acequi " as. 011 terms to suit buyers. Berks & Fair field. BCrI NESS LOTS AT FAIR RATES and on ac commodating erms - See Berkks & F'airfield. VOTES OF HAND NEGOTIATED, also bonds 111- rtgiiges and comity script. Berks & Fair field. pENTS COLLECTED ON FIVF PER CENT. " coi. -.mission ; or will take bnildinjrs ourselves on lonir leases, pay rents, and thus relieve owu ers of collecting BerksiS Fairliuld. VOTARY 1-L'HLk:. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i TAKEN by John V. Berks &F.1ir tield's otUce. pII!E INSURANCE AT FAIR RATES. The O.d Ae 11. Queen, Niagara etc, are with Berks tc Fail-lie d. CTR.VNGEtiS AVILL BE ADVISED mid as - sisted in their investments by Berks & Fair (!. I. ON REAL ESTATE SALES AND 5 On all Real Estate Transactions. . hiuldiiiKs of a: i kinds at lair prices City lots all over town 011 sale. At reasonable rates, and POT TERMS TO SUIT BUYERS C Persons desirous of changing ; V T' their Investments in city lots can ' close out, at our ofllcé, at any time. BERKS & FAIRFIELD. C0JÍHIÍ2I0N. AlbiKiiieruue. Xew Mexico. Broadway, Highland Addition, Fashionable Dress and lloak Making. CCTTIXO AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. UIWV,VVU, Now at Our Command, TO To loan on improved real estate, citv or eotintv. LOAN. Will assist to build stores and dwellings. Iterks & Fairfield. MERCANTILE AGENCY OF FRANCISCO RUIZ, Chihuahua, Mexico. Ready to attend to anv business transaction belonging to this market from the interior of the country or from abro:nI. Anv information will be furnished on application. REFERENCES : Banco M 'tic m 1. Sr. Antonio Asunsalo Sres. Rembez t Bezaury Sr. Felix Bezaury S-e. .1. G Mizalez Trevln-i Hnos. Book and Ms Co., Bullock $ Seivell, South side Railroad avenue, NEW ALBUQUERQUE - NEW MEXICO Everything appertaining to the book trade. A full line of Music, Musical Merchandise Picture. Picture Frames. Albums, em. Also everythim; 11 the line of blank books. Orders Solicited The Socorro Planing Mill. SOCORRO, N. M. Is now reach-to do all kinds of work in its line, such as Surfacinc, Matchine. Sticking. Turninfr, etc Job wrk done with dispatch and satisfac tion guaranteed. Estimates made and contracts taken on all kinds of houses. Call or address, ARTHUR BRAT, Socorro, N TH A. HARSCh, BAKERY AND FANCY GHO EREES, Front Street between GoM and Silver avenues, SW ALBI.-QVEKQVE. ifflSTETTER'e WHOLESALE AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. GOODS SOLD AT MOST REASONABLE RATES Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt AttentioUo 3fGoods delivered free to any part of the city. NEW ALBTJQTJEEQTJK WHITCOMB & MEDLER General Contractors and Builders Will contract for buildings of all descriptions. In anv Part of the Territorv. .it's THE VEKY BEST It Has No Eaual STOVER, GñAHY & GO. Sole ilgenf s. Atlantic & Pacific R, R. LAND FOR SALE. The land department of tins Atlantic and Pa oilic railroad company is now organized and it. office established at New Albuquerque, New Mexico All communications concerninc lands owned bv the company should be addressed to J A Williamson, Land Commissioner oí said com pany The crant of lands was made to the company on the 27th dav of Jnlv, 1367. and the righl of the company to the land dates from March 12, 1872, since which time no valid claim to any of the odd numbered sections, as ono, three, five, etc., can have accrued to any one within fifty miles on each side of the line for for tho road as definitely located. Applications will now be received for the purchase of any lands belonging to the com pany nrd prompt answers returned, lie memtcr o address all communications to J. A. WILLIAMSON. Lane Commissioner A. & P. R. R. Co., New Albuquerque, Nov? Mexico. -A-isro GRAVEE ROOFING. Adobe House Protector. This composition roofing is by far the cheapest and most durable, entire ly fire-proof, less liable to blow off, coolest in summer and warmest in winter, easiest to repair, and least lia ble to get out of repair; requires no painting or attention, and is especial ly adapted for adobe roofs, at an ex pense less than one-half the cost of tin, iron, or shingles. All work war ranted for five years. Office with Emioert & WilMams.Third street, bet. Railroad St. and Gold Av. D. R. Miller, Prop'r ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Capital Stock, $50,000 BANK C: First Strssi, fc;'., F.::l:::i asi Soli At::';:: OFFICERS : Mariano S. Otero. President, Nicolas T. Armijo, Vice-President, Daniel Geary. Cashier. DIRECTORS : Felipe Chaves, Mariano S. Otero, J. H. Armijo, t. C. Guiteres, Nicolas T. Armijo. Elias S. Stover, Jose L. Perea. Cristobal Armijo, Louis filming, Daniel Geary. General Banking Business Done Prompt and careful attention given to all kinds of correspondence, and special attention to collections. Time Tests All Things! YERBA Bl EM BIlTEXS Cures Constii aliou ot Bowels, YERBA BUENA BITTERS, The Best Blood Puritler YERBA BUENA BI ITERS, For Indigra'lon YERBA BUEXA BITTERS, For Torpid Liver, YERBA BUENA BITTERS, Fsr Liver Cough, YERBA BUENA BITTERS, For Dispepsia YERBA BUENA BITTERS, The Great Family Remedy Wholesale by G. S. PII.LSBURY & CO. Albuuueique, N M. CITY DRUG STORE, Cor. Railroad Ave. anu Third Street. G. S. Pillsbury & Co. (Successors to F. H. Kent & Co.) Dealers in EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. Our Prescription Department is In charge of E. V. Spencer, a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and a practical apothe cary ef fifteen years experience. No pains will be spared to make this branch of our business satisfactory to our customers. AH Drugs Warranted to be of the Best Ouality. Out of Town Orders Solicited and Prompt Attention ivcn Them. CHAS. W. ROSS, DEAI.Et: IN Hardware, Groceries, PROVISIONS, Fine Wines, LIQUORS & SEGrAIíS, Restaurant, Day and Week Board MUTT CITY, N. M. Heei wamwr COMPOSITION RETAIL DEALERS IN D. GOLDBERG, Dealer in Diamonds, Witches and Filigree Jewelry. Railroad avenue, Opera Ilouse. Mormon Bros. & Pradt, Lapiia Valencia Co., K. M. .United States Oepuiy surveyors. Will locale timber, coal and .iKricultural lands and stock ranches. Have had ten years' exper ience in Western New Mexico, and know tho whole country thoroughly. Will make surveys and furnish maps. There are now splendid opportunities along the line of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad to get timber, mineral or grazing lauds. Orders leit at the oflice ot W. F. Crane, on Front street, will be promptly attended to. THE CELEBRATED "E. B." BRAfi OF BUTTER! Made and Preserved by THE ELGIN BETTER COMPAXV, Proprietors of tne Famous ELGIN CllEAMEETES- Is Preserved and Packed by a Xew Process, and Ketains the Original Sweetness of Kewly-maile Butter, 3?r-Nne eenuine except lube; signed by W. H. HINTZE, Treasurer. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers Assay Ole and Sampling Mill, -OP- H.C.BICKINSOM, Socorro, ZbT. liE- Mill runs assays made promptly and work guatanteed correct. Send for terms. Ref erences furnished. The Longest Liae of Railroad in the World Tnder One Management. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe an Eminent Example of American Enterprise, Energy and Perse verance. In the hands of young men this great system has been so carefully managed that it has earned a reputa tion second to none for conven ience safely, and the luxuries of travel. It is fast becoming the popular route for transcontinental travel, in connection with the Southern 1'aciQc railroad. It has opened up an almost unlimited field for pioneer enterprise in the far West. No other railroad can carry the man, who is seeking his fortune, to golden-opportunities such as are open along a thousand miles of this great system. Special freight rates are given to miners and immigrants. For all the information you desire write to . AV. F WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kansas. or W. L. Malcolm, Eastern Agent, 419 Broadway, New York. AS EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. There are a number of persons out of em ployment in every county, yet energetic men willing to work do not need to be. Those willing to work can make from $100 to $500 a month clear, working for us in a pleasant and permanent , business. I he amount our mrents make varies, some make as hisrh as S500 a month while others as low as $100, all depending upon the energy of the agent. We nave an article ot great mer it. It should bt "old to every houseowner. and pays over 100 per cent, profit. Each sale is from $3.50 to $ 10.00. One agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days, and clear ed $64.00. An agent in New York made $35.00 in one day. Any man with energy enough to work a full day, and will do this during the year ran make from $2,000 to $6,000 a year. We only want one man in each county, and to him will give the exclu sive saie as" long us he continues to woik faithfully for us. There is no competition, and nothing like our invention made. Par ties havinz from $200 to $1.000 to invest, can obtain a general agency for ten counties or a State. Any one can make an investment of from 2o to Sl.OOU witnout tne least riaK or loss, as our ci;fulars will show that those in vesting $25 c.n after a 30 days trial return the goods unsold to us and get their money back, if thev do not clear at least $.00. Thev show that a general agent who will take ten counties aiiil invest 5io.ou can after a trial of 90 days return all goods un sold to us, and hava money returned to them if they fail to cl a at ieast $750 in that time. There lire mruiv persons having money to in vest, who could not give the business personal aitentien such can employ sub-agents with out leaving home minting a large amount yearly out of a very small investment: we are not paying salaries, but want men willing to work and obtain as their pay the profits of their energy. Men not w iling to work on our terms will not work on any. Those meaning business will recei.-e our large de scriptive ci-eular, and xtrao'dimsry olfer by enclosing a turee-ccnt stamp, with their ad dress. The first to comply with our terms will secure the county or counties they may wish to work. Address EeKNEB MAtrCFACTTKINa Co. 118 Smithfleld aU, Pittsburgh, Pa, T0RRE7, ANDERSON & SLOAN, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Wholesnle and QUEENSWARE, CLASSWARF, BAR-COODS, CASKET8 AND METALLIC CASES. UNDERTAKING ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. The Greatest Recommendation We have to Offer. THE LARGEST STOCK OF 3?3T Goods, LADIES' a ra a FiraisMig (Soofis In jlTDTjLcXioirqLTjLe. RAILROAD .AVEZN-TTIE, Opposite tli Opera Hoiiho, SCOTT & BORCHEllT, tt a xi it TTtiiT tiooi-nrrn vr Tfif pvcip ttvp rT? FURNITURE Of Every Description. Bureaus, Carpets, Sofas, Mirrors, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Etc, Etc. IFIIItTIrllST 111.1 INTE lOST THECIU CITY ErerythlDg Kept In a First-clam Furniture Establishment on Hand. SEW BUILDING OS FRONT STREET, NEW ILBIQI ERQIE, N. EAT RicClellan & Rausch, Succcsisors to Ilein-vort Sí línuiacli.. Keeps the Best of all Kinds in the Market. SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. IV XO ALBUQFERQUK OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! "VVe respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to furnish to any parties residing in or of Albuquerque, any quantity of oysteM. Orders by Mail or Telegraph Will Receive Prompt Attention. For Prices, write for our Circulars. Respectfully, BLOCK &LOWEETTHAL. "Proprietors of the Frisco Restaurant. SAMMIS Oc Commission, Storage Wholesale and Keiail Dealers in FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, SALT, BUTTER, EGGS, PRODUCE, ETC. AH Orders Promptly Filled. . Warerooms occupying-the whole building corner First street and Gold avenue, New Albuquerque. AUBRIGHT & WALTON DRUGGISTS, Railroad Avenue. NEW ALRUQÜERQUE The largest stock of Orngm In the City. Proscription, carefully compound!. T. H. KENNEDY, FRONT STREET, The finest rigs and hearse in the city, and charges moderate. 3VE27S. PISHENOT, DEALER IN STAPLE, FAF1GY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, SPRINGER HOUSE. TERMINUS OF STREET TAR LINE, OLD TOWN. AL. CONNORS, Prop. FINEST SAMPLE ROOM 1IV THE TERRITORY. Bar supplied with the best Imported Liquors and Cigars. Club Rooms ateached .Tren-iie, 2STe-w -f.l" THE IfciETIROIFOLITnsr Chas. Zaigrer, Proprietor Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, C''.er First Street and Railroad Avenue. JOHN JONES Successor to JONKS & KEUY, Manufacturer of and nraier in Harness, Saddles, Whips, Brushes Combs, and a full stock, of everything tn the Un. Second Jjícreot, Oppohilo TmnltlnV TrnnNlor. NEW ALBCy LEKyUE, N. M CITY LIVERY STABLES, FULLER & RIGHT. 4th Street, Albuquerque, N. !7I. Wholesale Dealers in Hay and Grain. Horses Bought and Sold Order, rinoelved by tetapfaoo. "' ' " '-' Retail Dealer iu 9 AND GENTS' MARKET, JM JWMEXIC O. COLLINCS, and Forwarding Mer- New Albuquerque.