Newspaper Page Text
H'miag world Zas Tesfas VOLUME III. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1882. NUMBER 17. THE 1V0RLIÍ OF CRIME, The Man Arrested In Denver For Murder, Is ReléaJed ' " From Custody. A Man's Keck; Broken by the, Stroke of a Fist in a Dakota . f . , Bar Boom Row. Andrew Bigger, Under Sentence of Death, is Granted a Reprieve Until December 22. . Wee Vlrjleia Mirdtnr Toluntarlly Comes Inte Town and Delivers HlmMlf Te Uu Authorities of tke Law i Custody. Denver, Col . Not. 18. Charles "W. Wilson, who was arrested a few days ago for manslaughter on the authority of a telegram from Gunnison, has been released, the grand jurj of Gunnison not having indicted him. Droits Hla Mack. Deadwood, Dak, Nov. 18. In a quarrel, at Lead City, this afternoon, Tim Collans struck B. Heckler under the ear with his fist breaking Heck ler's neck and killing him instantly. Beprieved. Dexter, Col., Nov. 18. Andrew Bigger, sentence! to be hanged at Ouray, was reprieved until the 22d of December. The reprieve was granted because the Judge who sentenced Big ger recommended that the sentence be commuted to imprisonment for life, and Wolcott wished not to Interfere in the matter. Gave Himself Up. - Wheeling, W. Va Nov. 18. A special from Hannington, Marion county, this State, says last evening about 8 o'clock. Green Kfng, a farmer living about five miles from that place, came into town with a rifle on his shoulder, and gave himself up to Squire Christy, stating that he had shot one Frank Snodgrass. who, he asserts, has been on too intimate- terms with his wife. Whether Snodgrass was killed or wounded King did not know, but says he shot to kill, and guesses he did it. Both vTlll Die. New Orleans, La., Nov. 18. In a serious conflict between two prominent citizens of this county, the one shot was William II. Whittier, and 'tie died at noon, after he had dangerously wounded Kingston. . ' CoiTMIlll, ' Goldshoro, N. C., Nov. 13. Th trial of the negroes, Robert Pratt and Frank Moore, for killing O. Wheeler, white man, was closed to-day. Pratt was sentenced to bo hung January 19 and Moore goes to the penitentiary for ten years. . Five negroes wer on the Jury when Moore wii convicted. Commuted. Richmond, Va, Nov. 18. Much In terest Is felt in the action - of the gov. mor iu the caso of Mary Booth, a ne gro 14 years old, who, unless the exec utive Interferes, will bo hanged Friday at Surry conrt house, for poisoning Un. 1, C Gray and Travis Jones last April. The governor this afternoon decided to commute the sentence to Imprison, meiit for life on account of tho youth of the prisoner. The Jury also mart a unanimous rocommBnifallon for merry, th evi dence bnlng circunstancial, and doubts crolHl by sulmtKiupnt "viuiIsm to who was the principal aetor In tha Iihr-mIt, The poisoning of Mis. Gray Mint T. A. Jones occurred on tha 17th of April l ist, ixiUort having bean nut Into ta bread tntt tip by Mar Month, a sar vant In (Irar's family, ami eaten at brukfant. Tha liuslmtitl himself did not oat, rnitntitiing aiw.l nn a plea of sirk nets. Tiia gul a aldar sister was also turels l nl ilia time, but queutly discharged. Later Mr. (Ira poisoned himself. Many think this girl but tha agent of oilims, lre4 Me Msa BH!e4 witMa Moore Staeti f niter A Ma Snitet a Failles errtfk, !,t'ivil,t .!, Ky.,Nv. IH. A Cour lar Journal, t'ii'lurali Special stjs: A HUI itii by, pUmg lit a lallnrnd yard, was run nvi'i y the locomotive and killed. Una Itniir lOei.ln tit muí yhl, a i'"1'iird empliiyaa of (lit lallimd.twiH'd "lnyditu, wlilln HtUitiit. Ing In ttmjits the e ns, Wits rn tight im twecn tli biiinpci nn. I t nislied t) death. 1 .Unit . IVnui'-ii,, r'bt, Nov. R - riva Its rases of tII'M fever wm ra polled to da) , hill. I His Itall, l.iti'iivn.i , Ur, N'iv. H. Umlel i Sullivan, ftelnht I'O'td ieiiir mi tha . fcSrttiii ht ('enlist and l.nitlsvllt ii. r-tid. wns run over by his train and killed ttl Hill tu nning. Ms i ttirUit. . Ill-M rl, V il Hjv. 11. AY, it. Htunks, iir Itii4"'i'ir nn Ilia I'liea. teiM . OhM litlh'iil, 1ltlle finding (ha tt li h inn mar is-l klll I. ttiii..t kr a i It insist 'it V, M i, Nn. i -A riot rt"1i In n ' it l,H iMtt ttm (,f Nfinll tu! MO'lMientS f..itH tl t r , killing J-itltl H eidi, Inl'iMei, 1iIiIHhk 1 t'lh tt iM I tt , M i. N-iv, I 1 n n',ittiin m-Hqrr Ittin mi Wn (till (0.(1, When rt lint t d!t!Ui'ii tl'HH da liil'lp-t iii'i-i.i It, e hi tic( m H It i ( Inf MijiIiii-S fin ll tul 10 I -Hi tHl i -a tt s -it .ni' )l IllM ItUlllS Hill I s llelsUi-il Meta limits. i in i ...i. I k. i ( r-i M.ávr, II i Mnt. H niiiinirt itinlff!tt n'tniM Hi it Mm I itil-K ' M Of I" h ilMtl, k Üln-ii-t Iwe m I "! - ishi -- 4 WiH lb Vi,.?t H Mm H.II-llMM-i ' s( Íi"!"!. UfclHltllll f tiillized and looked where broken like cast n un. ADUtner cunar was nit mree or four smart .. blows with a sledge hammer, when it also broke." An iron expert could have seen nothing on the outside to indicate that it was poor meta'. THE FIERY FLAMES. A Propeller Is Burned to the Water's Edge A lumber Fire In Detroit What Mlfht Hare Been s Serious Fire at the Fred dent's House. Hamilton, Ont Nov. 18. The lake propeller Dromadary burned to the water's edge this morning. Bnrned Vp. Birmingham, N. H, Nov. 18. Wm. II. Ingham, a" workman at the Olden mills, this morning went to the mouth of the stack, and after working a mo ment, he threw oft his coat and leaped into the furnace. He was 20 years of age. A Lumber Fire. Detroit, Mich, Nov. 18. A Ore this morning destroyed 400,000 feet of lumber on the wharf of A. Baccus & Son, in this city. This is the same firm who recently lost their planing mill from the same cause. Loss $100,000. A Fire at the President's House. Washington, D. C, Nov. 18. A fire, which for a time created considera ble excitement, broke out to-night in the President's cottage, at the Soldiers' Home. At the time of the breaking out of the Cre, the President was ab sent in the city, and only his sister and her daughter were present. The fire was caused by an overheated stove. THE DISTILLERS. Thay 4 Hot Propose to Pay Other Peeplea Taxes, had Will right First. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 18. An in formal meeting of the members of the Distillers' association was held here to night to take action on the decision of the conrt of appeals on the tax ques tion. The meeting was secret, but one of the members gives the following to the press: VTv simply discussed in an informal way the course to be pursued in bringing the whole subject before the supreme court of the United States. There is no intention, nor will there be an attempt made to evade any tax, the whole business hangs itself upon one simple flaw; that the distill ers of Kentucky do not propose to pay other peoples' taxes . Or to put it iu an other way. we do not propose to pay taxes on whisky belonging to other people left in our custody, when they in tlmir own states, have paid taxes on th sumo property. V do not Intend to resist any proper or any legitimate tax lind it may be relied up ftlieir own tax will not without a bit on thai tne distillers who nave paid ter contest pay that of other people. We havo evety reason to think the su preme court of the United States will lake entirely a different view of the matter. We are not entering a con tost w ith the courts of this state, wo dimply propose to bring the whole subject before the highest tribunal In the land. It will not bo taken there in the form of nn Appeal, but on ah entirely original basis. the ulsim:ss world. ArraecunaonU Mow (lelng forward lor HelA a WerM's C.tlea Etpnsltlea. Vn.'Kanuuu, Miss., Nov. IN. A for mal invitation was forwarded today by tha National Cotton Planters' As sociation of America to Iho cilios of New Orleans, Galveston, Mobile, Ha vannali, Charleston, Richmond, Aligns- tl, Montgomery, Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, HI. Louis, Cliicluiiall and lUltlmnr to completa for the location of tha Wol Id's Cotton Central Kit post, lion, In bi Imld under Ilia nusploes of the abova association In J MM 1. It la to rala J.UIil.iiili) for this as position, l.'ilKl.lHK) of which Is tyected from tha city securing Ilia lo dtil.ui, which might ha decided oil Jattaitiy I, 1hh:I, by tk aiecttllv com. tnlttaa of ilia association. A airlha ir I itaf kit ara, CtKdtNNaTt, (),, Nov, lH.-ACoin. ineteliil's Massllon. Ohio, special saysi The slriha of Mia Valley eoal inlntts Is (ruled, by Ilia owner of (lis mines al a meeting conceding In Ilia Ivti cants par ton as nsked, lasnmnea lsr. Cnn.'Aom, III, Nov. In Mm m pailor t'outt, A fe days since, Juilas Wllllitnts afninmd Mia l iws re-ptliliig nM Insurant' t'ontpanlei whosa liaatt ipMileis me onlslda nf Mils "luis, In tile Willi Ilia Nial Auditor rt Si'liedilla of their astels and lltilillllles, befota lliey renew old pnllelas, Tinier Mns tlaclsltitt Mia Minies ftlturitey luis lieguti suits attnlnst item I v all I la lending In atilinten (es"iea lit this i-lly, Ami Mi roi eiHliii(s ata t-teallug inulta n stir In liisiiiiim a cíteles, im Ilia pemildes In tltasnlls iiltetKly kegnn autnunt In er f 5iHl,i)iHl, and llmia nía muta le cuma, A l-ntfartian, NftV Vnim, Nov, . It ' appeal A fntinl Wits 1'i'tpi tiate.l nil Mia amm-lnt. il I'tess titnnl, I Albany, Mntnlii ltllil, H It lesull t'f Wlili ll It klrtlattteiil was Mmld In Urn pte nf Mm t-miit. My nu-l i-itetnllr pnliltslied, llml; up. i-lii'iitiiiii Mrrtr In bn nis lii fur atnclavi-r fir Ilia Hew fntk l.lre Insomnia enttt ) Allntner IbuiKiitl Itttssnll lela . iirtMii in ility tiuu) Allniiir iimta is nMnlulely tin fiiitml'ltbiii f-'ir I In HI tnt. lie K IS tibnitl In ii( i-lr fnt n te. eeltH fiit lliil 1 Ipintsi 'liuitllt t't'lll i-in Is tu rtPi-lleiit, riuYlllliii) ami li-i alinwtl by IIS but; eml In i iiiih hf lm m h fu HHj.nt ii'ti m ttt-ll n-t I ti H Itll H tt III Mm t-itiinltr, M4 t,.lit .,- Mnu'iti t, IHj N r -1 lis I'liltf of I'.ili. h i im U í i.uhmUih i,, I !' i'i Mil fuliH, t-iiil(jns iltif-,-i,i 1 4 ilit j him hi hiMil'-t i-! i-s It in. i..i i( it.-,. i. -te j tn t 1 ! n M-n hum. IM'1't 1 1 I'I'N tllltlil-t !f tUtn-tll'IS HMlj jiit-iit i iin i hi tin i-n - nil el nl m i"i. Hilt h'hi fi'i - i NATIONAL AFFAIRS. The Secretary of the Interior Re fuses to Favor a Reduction of Patent Fees. The Ladies' Garfield Aid Society Make Their Rulas for the Coming National Exposition. Secretary Teller Will Sot Order Troops to the Indian Territory As Yet. Engineer Mellyille's Testimony a Given Befare the; Board of Inquiry on the Jeannette Atctle Expedition. A Patent Decision. WASHiNOTOy, D. C, Nov. 18. Sec retary Teller will not. in his annual report, recommend a reduction of the cost of obtaining a patent. He is per suaded to this course, it is said, from the fact that the patent laws are now more liberal than any other country in the world. In England it costs $10,000 to obtain a patent, in Germany over $6.000, in Prussia about $4,000. It is not thought by the Commissioner of Patents that a reduction in fees, would materially increase the number of pa tents taken out, or stimulate inven tions. He thinks that the large revenue now derived from this source, is no argument for the reduction unless ii can be shown that it has borne heavily upon deserving inventors. Ladles emrftela AseeelntUn. Washington. D. C. Nov. 18. At the opening of the Ladies Aid Society of the Garfield Monument Association, a committee on puolic comfort was ap pointed consisting of nine women, whose duty it is to provide temporary homes, for ladies who come to attend the National exposition. The homes to be for private family rates, not to exceed one dollar a day for a room, and fifty cents a meal. Messenger boys with badges labeled "The Lndie3 Comai i tee on Public Comfort," will meet every train and escort the ladies to the places provided for them. Indian Department. Washington, 1). C, Nov. 18. To day Secretary Teller refused to order a sutficient number of soldiers to pre serve order in the Indian Territory. Melville's Testimony . Washington, D. C Nev. 13. The Jeannette court continued the hearing of Melville this morning. He desiribed the meeting lietwteu himself, Norse and Ninderman, who had been sent ahead by De Long. Upon landing Norse exclaimed, "My God, Melville, are you alive? We thought you and all of those in the whaleboat party had gone to the bot tom of the sea." No new develop ments. POLITICAL. Kleetloas In Mississippi. MuMriiis, Tenn., Nov. 18. A spe cial from Jackson, Mississippi, says: There Is considerable Interest In the election of Cltnlmers, the late candi date for congress. The Secretary of State to-day canvassed tho votes and decided In Manning's favor. The case occupied the greater part of the day. Ch'ilnters was present nnd aided by Col. Nrgant, of Jackson, represantlng his Interests. Immediately upon the rendering of the decision the governor Issued a cer tificate to Manning. It Ims been gen erally conceded Hint Chalmers was elected by ft large majority, Tim car tíllenle front tha county hoard of com nilsslotiers of pled Ion ('eclated Unit Mmining had lervlvr-d J KM voles and ('Intiméis HT1. This was nlnclitlly signad, but on lh lovers side of Urn eetllMcata was Ilia tnlty sheet, whet J, Chalmers appeared credlled with 1477 votes. This tally wss In it different hand writ lug mnl was not nltlelally signed, Mr, Myati held thai Ilia tally sheet was In AditTereiit liand wi King And was not oltlcUlly signed , Mr, Manning bald Mint Mi tally sheet was bailer avldeiifn of lliu Intention of Ilia muni. It was claimed by Man, Chalmers that If this was true, and If Mi tally sheet was nncessnry, Ida voles of Titppan, Miiiuii and li'M-ilo cnitit -lies should Im thrown out, its llnwa wta not tnclimed, which would still glva hl'rt A liml'tilly. The secretary uf alula hehl iiifTnieiitly, giving Ilia I47J Villi's of Tula tmiiit'y In Manning and lion (it Chalmers, ami auUlnlup Ihn Mums of Mia wntillier t'tiiiiillcs, Tha vola its oillchtlly annoiinceil slnuilsi Manning 7i!, Chambers H 17. 'Inti méis H7J, Curler I2'.l. Manning's iiliinillly over Chiiliueis Is 4 ' J . lien, i'halmsts sued nut nn Injunction from the circuit eoiitt, inuiiliig Mm sicn buy nf Slitl front giving Urn i-cillllntls of elci lluit In Miinnlnm al-tn a tunii ilatuns finin Mm suma i ninl, lie will at tine enter ttpntt a vlgurnua ennlest. finfi AiliHltl tifTeted, bill It Wits lint fliloptad, that Iheia was nn sut-li ciin dltlsln us J. I. Clmhneis. It Is Mm opinion Imt of many eminent visiting btwysia Hull Mm ileelslnit nT tha Sccle laiy'itf klala waa mong. tSa Ntil A -tiiSMlui I aiiill-lsls - Jtlilt tUtS' Sto-1-i.tito- WAsiiimuiic, M. C, NuV.IW.- A gen Metnrtlt NuMtntlreil tl Speak fur hettalnt t-Hfiilit Sillil Mutl ÍJeltrtlnr ,ngUt Jmsl- Mvrl tlHiites MniHiH Is or will bn it eilttilliliila fnt Mm lte(l I'teslilelicy, He ptetrn bU plana Itl Mu Renitis, niul lines Ant Willi In Mb-llllert llll t!attnn l-tl fulnte iiy litltliift nny i-hitnce In Mih rthslili-uihil biiltti v, I hU Itii-tns Mini Im wiinM U Its ) i'm-le, ,t Mm fietmlH itl Mm nttitiitii i,r iu Ii-iiii, ami Miiil lirt Imi-HS III Itl tbe In Imhl ft Hit) I l-f I'MI'i nt O IIHf jn lm iI;i-h Is iis uiUMHi in iMpa ijniui h Ids tji-ii-iijt HI Ibjltitl ntt,i Hni. tillmV liinil.'lf In ha illlUMltf.! I't Ilia hi Mlib-jiMiti b , ! hi Mi oMlMHll III. Ill t-hlHIUHll In uinii Mm i-.nili il htt-t Mm tjii-oin ni l lid iti.)l (-I III' t-U- i I U Mil M-tltUln Ji pi M;l Hi' IHUI m-Ijs liillhi l inti I 'l'i-in nur uail, H'tnm Nil im elected, and that Robert Lincoln stands no chance whatever. The contest will bo- very close, the Republicans not having more than eight majority on joint ballot, and in the quarrel which will ensue between the Republicans he would not be sur prised if J udge Davis were re-elected He says it is not at all likely that the Republicans will unite on either Cul- lom or Raum. The fight between them being very bitter, and that Lincoln would not be able to unite the factions. He is of the opinion that unless the Republicans nominate an unception ably good man, besides those already in the field, enough Republican votes might be secured to elect Judge Davis in the event that he is brought out by the Democrats. This would place the Judge in exactly the same attitude he is now in, and throw the balnnce of power in the United Slates Senate into his hands. The gentleman says the fight over the Illinois senatorship will be one of the bitterest that has ever taken place. Gen. Raum says that the Legislature will be Republican by a majority of twe've on joint ballot, and that every Republican in it was nom inated on a pure Republican platform and by a regular Republican conven tion, and will abide by the action of the Republican caucus, whatever it is. Judge Davis would not get a Republi can vote, and stands no chance what ever of being re-elected to the Senate. BEECHER'S TROUBLES. A Suit Aralnst Beecher for Falling; to Wn e a Life of Chrlstt New York, Nov. 18. The suit of Paul Welkerson against Henry Ward Beecher was called to-day before Judge Barrett, in the supreme court. The action is for breach of contract. Beech er contracted with the publishing firm of Ford & Co. in December, 1869, to write a "Life of Christ." He agreed to write the book within eighteen months, and received in part payment in ad vance, and before signing the contract, $10,000. Welkinson was a partner in the firm, and paid the advance. Since then plaintiff says he has never been able to get the book from Mr. Beecher, nor the $10,000 advanced. The first part was furnished Ford fc Co. several years ago, and was published and circulated. The second part, however, was only par tially furnished by defendant, riain tifl alleges he was put to considerable expense in preparing for printing the work and sues to recover expenses. When the case was called to-day both sides were ready. Beecher was pres ent ami sat by his counsel, Thomas G. Shearman. The counsel for the defendant mov ed to dismiss the complaint on the ground that it did not state that the pay ment of royalty to Beecher had boon fulfilled and a atntemutit had notbécn given him as to the number of books published. Council also moved to dis miss the complaint upon tho paper itself. Judge Barrett denied the mo tion. A number of papers were put in as evidence. The first witness called was John K. Howard, a member of the firm of Ford & Co. He gave an item ized statement of the accounts received and paid out. KAILKOaI) IT A It. What Is Rein Done by the Rival Lines ta Uet Control ef the Uraln Trade. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 18. A crisis has come In the nffalrs of the contend ing ruilroitd Interests. Tho Omaha line leads the other Hues in the sweep ing reduction on ptiKsenger and freight rates to bo made lo-inonow, nnd the other Mints will meet that cut that they may best protect themselves. Tha Omaha lina has cut Its passenger rale from St. Paul and Mlnenpolis to Chi cago, ami r ni ui rstinitiou rails, worm Inglonatid llenm i.itke, Minn., to t in- cago to live tronara; rroni mhiikiwo, tinea dollars and thirty cents, nnd other lutes to correspond, Tha mini mum rata on grain lias been red need front all points, Wheal from HI. Paul iiinl Minneapolis to Mm Mississippi lb ver Is cul In 7 J reins per one untuned l'liiiii Ml, I mil ami Aitnucapoiis to Chicago and MilwauUeo ten cents per lito pounds, this makes it reduction or M) per cent. This sweeping reduction sli lites tha Milwaukee ami Ml, Paul road and Mi Illinois Central its wall as tha Minnesota niul Ml, Louis nnd tha oilier connect Inns of the lluck Is land, Ills itunjit for Mia movement nf Mils season's crop, and will lead to a light between Ilia rival lines, which It Is bellavnil, In rallt Oiid elides here, may Inst Ihlrly days or until Ilia t'top Is moved, . . s ..... rut: ii icii i h r mii ik i:. three fear Ihllilra In llnsten, Matsat-kH. sits, r-ill Hair In r.t lens ef ,. Itntl.lHMI, IliisroN, Miis., Nov, IH.- Tliiiuuia l.everiiinn, Ihlilcett years nf who has been In .lotdiin, Marsh 1 Co.'i cs (iihlltthnmnt, With tils sisters nmlbi oili er, tut vh by llm tleilll nf limit uncle, Mli-lmnl l,nei intuí, it lmikr, In Mi-llinniim, Aiislntllit, Inllcii bait In hU I'lilltn foi linn, iiiunniilliig In 2, iioti,i)oil, Tim i hidden, wlm have tin itiiieiils, will Icttva fur Ml. Johns, New Fniiinlliiml, wlieis limy Will ha du ra! ed. oi Tim wn i a tu. ii.iioit..l rt until er 1 mh Vr ik iis-l He.llslH mw Mutis Mtl.VMIiiN, Te.., Nov. K--Tlm Nens I I I'lint Mti.i-I, I 1 1 pulls llmttHI I uu t-r I Weill v limit bv liullittii ticnt Collins, Mi-tlnl, it fetV M ltS 11(10. Tile Mtmpu. wete sent nflr-l- Mm linliiiiu, At itoM nil? 'i ll. Hint h, Nov. m. licit WihI, Mm I'liHslnn ii(iiMmi, in it'll it blt'ln"! sislaitieitl In ilii 4 I itt-lH Is il th.nVll ttllb-ll Will be Itiet bv II luilll tt' III ,0011,. noil iii-iln I Im te'i i finí li Mm lela ttle 4 ijillt lit Mia tiiillt nf Ilia low-. Ml itiiitlt-i ut i In nt Ins., ii hi) IliM n HI I'tj liu-l bv il lii.-i.n. I iti tut MM hiU nf H'tiU'l ilml'i'U 'I Im itbiilllluil hf Mm I'H I'll litH lot I llil llllnllfil t.iHS lio-I til lll p Int nl. nll Mu liii ilu but uiHe.l btl i-iitinlntl Uu ili:l!"t Will lOill lie I -1 H .l Mllinil'll ,lll. eiill j Hill l.-l il.ll'l. 'lll l IiiIIh ni.pii.i.i it f (il M I " Unit! Inii. t tihiiii-ii in t,th III l-illlt HI I itllHi tlHI Iillt hi A i1ltLtií!Miin-ii l.hlwil'i! Ilcll IMU-lK tiülf'lHH'lit,li , CLOTÍIIÍJG HOUSE Erory day ire hear exola:n.ulon ot surprise from persons visitinK our lisuse fur tbe first time, who heretofore hafe been unable to buy ready-made garments to Ot them. Tbe case.and facility with which they make their selections and the WELL-FITTLG CLOTHES ws a rerelatien te all who bare ot hrard ot oar fama as Clothiers. Our stock comprises ererythine. whtuh is used by man. In the way of Clothlnc, and we ?au fit ou out from the bottora of your feet to the top of your bead. In FIRMSHIXG GOODS ws make a specialty, and hars an immense stock from which selections can be made. Persons Urine at a distance can send In their OXDEKS BY MAIL be at in red that they will mee .wltli prompt attention, and as we lure but O.VC PRICE Uoodscunba purchased In ihat,wy atlhs same figures as though you came in person. LEWIS & ULMAN, THE STAR CLOTl.lERS, AXBL'qVKRqi'R, NEW HEXICU. ATTENTION! I r Wuilll nl ilis IslMl sl)ls nf MEN'S, BOYS' ANO CHILDREN'S WINTER CLOTHING, At His Wlmlstsls A l l Iti-tslt ttllli'll IIHIi.1litH Kiiil l1t. Unlit 1H-HH- ll-O-t llf l lt H IllM iH tl (liilililelit A hémti Great Closin Out Sale lime, n muí AGENT POR Atlantic and Pacific Addition, The Highland Addition, And other Valuable Properties In all Parts of the Town. BEPBESE1TT3 Mutual Life Insurance Co New York Travelers Life and Accident Ins. Co Hartford LiTerpool, London tt Globe Ins Co Liverpool, London Insurance Co of North America Philadelphia Scottish Union A National Kdlnbnry; A London Commercial Union Ins Co London Oerman American Ins Co New York Pennsylvania Fire ins Co... Philadelphia Home Ins Co New York American Central Ins Co St Louis Springfield Fat M Ins Ce Sprlasjfleld, Mass Standard Fire Office London Phoenix Assnranee Co London. IES roOttCCOS RINGS. ELGIN. WALTHAM, Fillgroo mltr mJr THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK IN NEW MEXICO Citurnvlnu Done Free of ChArge Durln (he Holiday Trade. NnW ALDUQUERQUE, - - NEW MEXICO. GltEATIsY REDUCED PRICES. MSt Mfllfil Sry llHttS UlobohlSnlofdockOo. I tllll III llilllil IIHillSllii Jjl'Atlllili LliSIiüfiSi CHAS. ETHERIDGE, Does a General Loan and Insurance Business. s First Premium Medal at New Albuquerque Territorial 0NL7 mCTICAL mm TOTH. WHOLE5AL3 AND RXTAI1, fZOft EAR JEWELS f If jpwsiwi jksMasManJ i i J sMlw llsWMaiartinl lwsslssssi asisssWsWSs-is M mf NATIVE GOODS OF ALL mMm mMm JSm f m PimLPfl & MKNNGTTi FALL AND VINTEIt GOODS AUIMVIN(J IJAIIiV ) p lw 4tt Hi i ia M In MHif H-.iil itMhis N u imU-M-tl w H m Hi H U-: I have some of the best Bargains to be found. Cheap lots on easy terms. If yea wait to buy a lioui e If you waat te buy a lot, you want to ieH a lot, If you want to sell a house. If you want to rent a bouse. II you hars a house to rent, If you want to Invent vnur money to five the largest return In Urn Miofiw time call oa CHAS. ETHERIDGE. 1ft it Exhibition a D STUDS. HOWAltl), IMPOltTEI). KINDS Jowolry FIT' Is H I mMm ásssl abnaaml aSnssaw asBaaeSsl BBBanmSl .nssssBBBk M asjaaannnnsBBBBt HOUSE!