Newspaper Page Text
fc w to I Oh. ÍV. NO. 254. I 1 f DBYOTBD TO T3El BEST IZLSTTIEIR JKDAYv THE LITTLE 1XDIA.2ÍS. IiUIMvE At AI.T.ISOX. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEX 5. : fot print or . . hiii mark 1 label, anatnai : laDei, ctra- distinct trom o j m-eroatinir TalK "EAL ES FIRE INSURANCE! FATE AND LOANS! The A SAD TALE OF WANT AND HUNd. IRE INSURANCE in the best American and Foreign Companies, effected upon all desirable classes of property at current rates. REAL ESTATE bought, sold and rented on com- I mission. . LO AN S made on Real Estate at current rates. NOTAEY 3?TJIIC. HAS ETHERIDGE, - - Central Bank Block. n J - r-i y v EZi ! STOVER, CRARY & A y I Flour, Grain and Provisions. Í ' 0-:TTS FOE I ' - m m m a J R A M Oelmtuer Wagons, stover Windmills, uoiumous tiuggios DIAMOND CREAMEET BUTTER. lirpst Brewery in th3 World. SALES LAST I Y EAR i 335.000 BARRELS BOTTLING CAPACITY 20f0Q0,0S0Bott!esinr.u3lIy "-. - v, .iV ; AQElsTTS: CHARLES ZE1GER Albuquerque, N. M. Louis Huriinc Los lamas, X. M. Brown. anznarss & Go. SOCOKRO. Tíi M. fJ.REYI10D&CO LAS CRCCES, N. M. t 3 CJSoJOU MIierldarieflHosBjl 2US3E3 PAGXtfIG, X:i:S)3r & Leathar Belting ü IS THE TIEIE TO CDREo SKIN HUMORS. II 'Pumps ami Pump Repairs. IBOK !. Wiudmills and Tanks. Successor Dunbar & Co. Steam and Gas Fitters, t At.KIUTTKR'JirC. X . Ir I at this soa.n when the pores open freely .in '1 Hi-? prespirai ton is adumlaut lout (Hstit; ufum uiimvws, B liniliaTiiisr Eruptions, itchirit; tortures, salt rheum -r eczema, psoriasis, tet- er, rüiif worm, ay bumors. sciolina. wroiu- oiison-s atci's Ami üisíliarKini wounas. aá ewry we-i oí vi-him', scaly ami iiiinply nivi'Wt'H of tmi skin siiitl r-li are most sieeulW í iiH w..Tif tin if-ilt v til hv tnA rim Iriini KeiilM- IT IS A FACT. Kimdreds of letters In our possession (copies if tvliifli muv Km hoA hp ft'tiirii limill nre our ! Huthonty lor tii assertion tnat skiii. scalp and I bhKMl humors, wtetht'r sorriulou-i, inherited, or 1 contoicions, imiv io" b perm:meiUly cured 1 i Cutivim Kesolveut. Hie new l!oo.l puriüec, in ternally and Outieum aitd f ulieun boao. tbe I ureal skia cuín abd bei.utifiers. exteritiUy.Io , or.o itif t!)e time and, al oue luili the. expense j of any other season. ! UKEATtST O.N EAUTI1. I Cu'icura Keiniiles ae t!ie (Teatest inedieirM I on eartli. Had tlie w.irsi c;ise salt rlieum in I 'his country . w y mother bn-i it twenty, j and to fact, died from it I teliere Ontieiira 1 ou'd have saved her life My arms, breast ! and head were covered lor thr yt-ar. which ' iiothiiiz relieved or cured uniil f used the Cutl- enra Kesolvent, internally, and Cuticura fcnd Cutioum boap exterual'v. .T. w. Adams. Kewark. O. ST. JULIEN 13 THE THE TOFUL&n I1ES0HT ! tr Ssraiiiit: or Mixed Drinks. Lemonades, (torkiK' lieer. Cicars. E'r., "e. The new i 'prict"r is tlie ti.t "Mixo oclsi" In tiie Ter n ury. Try him one t. liU'WiE Nhdl-.K. Froprietor. KKAT ÜL00I) MEDICINES. I Tlie half has n")t t"en loM as to the ere at cu rative iewers f tlie íiticura Hmdiea. I have pid hnudpos of dollars fr medicines to I ntra djsea-'eH ot t i oiko mía sfcíit nd never foüL'd hnyrhla yet toeUHl tlie CiviO'-ira Knme d:es. ' tit is. A. Williams. Providcrree I. ll'RE IN LVLHY CASE. Your Cntieti'a Pemedlcs onfsell nil other nied:ci:ies I kern ftír sksn (liseast-s. My custo mers and p-itients v.v 'hat they have eii'ected n cure in every Uit nce hr ot;n-r rmedl-a have f -filed J. V. JIhockwaV, M. I. Kia.l.l n Kall. ; r(. RÍZÜM CEHTHñl HOTEL WIN SLOW, A. T. 'ir" class 1'oiise. Table supplied with the bit the market affords. Hi a hmar ers for duiii'.ners. V. mI sta'.de in eouiiecHoii with the 1 wliw teams and vr lítale nía be had at a times. Fine jcrnTV and oxmI lishiuc in the Liiiiiiior!'..).).). V.V. UK.MuliKSr. Krop'r. PACIFIC SALOON "AND :-r. I.III IS LEUR CEXTS A SCHOONEE Í s.d b'd ".. c. .er lunht. Front St., Uortli j. l.aiVitíiit averna- I r. r. soRTmtrp.Pro. á ' ' " I Fever and sie. malarious fever, bii I ius and typhoid fevers aH originate in e priKlucin?: C3visa and may all be hiily prevcnirl by l'arions" Purgative J Us. These pills act tlirectiy and power Y.y upen the blood. fold by a 1 d-uiists, lYice: Cutteura, So cts. Beolve:t. l : Ni!. ets. I"otter Drue and Ghe:nica: Co. HosUmi. Mas. Send for llit to Cure Skin I Incuse-. hor sunburn, Tan and ereay skin, 1 lackfceads, !-s and inia'dile humors. a teal heautiflcr. BEAUTY oinirles. sKin b'ei: use Cu: iciita S un. ti 7 7 The feeble crow Ü tA strone when Hos- sa. --i i 1 ..?. r-'73L 1lw,rt. Im . 'f-i "n. the cli ij?íáA'b to an GZj'i SIlIOU Of St VPS ... V-iW- hVtlKW ft: etter's St.tTiiaoh Hitters is used to irom-.'t assimila tion tf the food and enrich the InoiEesti- net ti- aorivi- strenijth To Dyspeptics. The most common signs of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, aro an oppression at th stomach, naa?a, flatulency, water-brash, bearWmrn, oai'ng, loss of appetite, and constipation. Djtpcptio patients suffer un told miscrioe, bodily and nientaL They should stínsüato the digestion, and secure regular daily action of the bowels, by th osa of moderate doses of Ayer's Pills. After tho rowels oro refrulated, one of these Pills, taken each day after dinner, is usually all that is required to complete the cure. Ayer'b Pills are sugar-coated and purely vegetable a pleasant, entirely safe, and re liable medicine for the core of all disorder, of the stomach nnd bowels. They ara the beat of all pnrgotires for family use. rHEI-ARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer4Co.,Lowell,Mas8. Sold by 11 Druggists. MttfREIOM I registration is The dis. for the purpu- THE PIEGAN tion pointeaiy roes sign rrtMerJ Noble Son of from St, t , decision. An ARrr"cs!ve Winssií"- Aug. 3' At a con with Pfsfíi' of ni School. Shocking Accident to n Freight Traia-Eosineer and Brakenia Benrsingr Piteonsly to be Re leased from Ineir Horn In if PriMon. was. di m Ind. Vf bee to inf Vnn our parrón, and the public general ly tl'Ht we have removed our of ' Tbe Starving: ludían. Washington, Aug. 30. In regard to the reports of the distressed condition of. the Piegan Indians, Indian Commissioner Stevens to-day stated that the Indian o ornee is in no wise to blame for the condi- A. tion of affairs. At the last session of con- bet gress the commissiener had requested an cide '. appropriation of $75,000 for the mainten ance of these Indians. This amount was, in his opinion, the smallest sum that would suffice for the purpose, but the house cut the estimate down to $40,000. The senate increased the appropriation to ;o,ooo, and this money, although used to the best advantage, is not enough to feed the Indians during one year. On August nth Agent Allen made the following report upon the subject: "Under date June 4Ü1, 1884, I wrote your office reviewing the estimates for supplies made by my predecesssor, john Young, for the year ending June 30, 1885, and showed that the amount oí meat estimated for, was only one-fourth quantity required. He asked for 500,000 pounds of beef gross and only 400,000 pounds had been purchased, less than one-fifth ration or less than five ounces per day for each person. Flour purchased for the current fiscal year gives less than six ounces for a day to each per son. On such allowance, having nothing else, how could they avoid starving? I telegraghed you I have supplies for the present needs. If I were to divide 400,- 000 pounds of beef by fifty-two, the num ber of weeks in a year, and issue only that amount, the needs would not be met; but I am issuing more than that and will continue to do so while I have it on hand. for they shall not die of starvation while I have anything to give them. If the sup ply runs out the responsibility may rest where it belongs. At the present there is a great abundance of. berries and these help to prevent starvation, forlndians gath er and eat them in great quantities. The berries will soon be gone and then there will be nothing but meat and flour. It should be borne in mind that at no time since I assumed charge of this agency has there been a single pound of rice, beans, hominy, oatmeal or anything of that kind to give the Indians. Do you wonder it is reported that they are starv ing? In May and June there were times when they stripped trees and ate the bark to keep souls and bodies together, and all the time they were begging for food. I, at one time, issued over 200,000 pounds of bacon that I had not receipted for, and had been condemned by the board as survey. I would never have clone so had they not been in a starving condition. Just now, they are not suffering, but in a very short time the berries will be gone and supplies will run low, and the carpen ter will again be kept busy makiTig burial boxes unless something can be done in the way of getting them additional food." A Shoeking Accident. Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 20. Thurs day night, the 1 1 o'clock freight train on the Cleveland. Loraine & Wheeling rail road, north "bound, with engine No. 4. when near Stillwater, jumped the track, turning almost completely over, and wrecking fourteen cars. John Exton, en gineer, and James Bullger, brakeman, were killed. The engineer was found se-ited on his cushion, bent forward, with his arms held over the top of his head. He was held firmly to the ground by the too of the cab. One lee was cut off and the other driven into the soft ground. He moved twice after the crew had reached the engine and then died. A brakeman who was riding on the engine at the time of the accident, was found back of the engine, held tight by the weight of the cab. He begged piteously to be released and told the two men who. were working to release him from his burning prison to kiss his babies for " him and tell his wife that his last breath went out in prayer for her and the little ones. It took an hour tn ret him nift. He was carried to the station and died at 2 o'clock. The bodies were brought to Bridgeport to-day. PHUAi' - nback labor - to-day. an aggressive campa.g . ' Kided on. General Butler wil -more speeches in the state at Pittsburg and two other e determined. From now ' snvention Sept. 18th, at devoted to perfecting "ng up local tickets. OUi lphi. M to b state cl . will be and fill, s the spea. rose on gre. utler badge. 11 Vincr canvass WW. a n leaf? Was de t ".cam: rly Opened. lis, Aug. 30. Th paigq ot this state was formally opeu both parties to-day, and hundreds r . speeches were delivered in towns anV cities in all parts ot Indiana. In this city the republicans did not hold a meeting. The democrats had a large street demon stration, consisting of uniformed clubs, carrying torches and transparencies. It took place from the standoJon a circle, where Ex-Governor Hendricks addressed the andience, numbering several thou sands. Xouiinations. Abiw.ton. Va., Aug. 30. The repub lican congressional convention here nom inated D. H. Bailey for congress. Stuanton, Va., Aug. 30. J. Yost was nominated for congress from the new Tenth' district. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 30. The Commercial -Gazette's Plymouth, Ind., special says: The democrats of the Thir teenth district nominated George Ford lor I congress. B Louis Rifles Wins. Louisville, Aug. 30. The result of the prize drill was announced at 8 o'clock p. m: The Rifles, St. Louis, first prize, n,ooo; -Montgomery;- Alabama, Greys. second prize, $1,000; Inianapolis Light Infantry, third prize, $500: Porter Rifles, Nashville, Tenn., fourth prize, and Oua paw Guards, Little Rock, fifth. An Incendiary at Work. Atchison, Kan., Aug. 30. An incen diary fire swept away an entire block of buildings in Muscatach, this county, early this morning. The post office, shoemaker shop, hardware store and dwelling, and dwelling houses of Dr. Riggs. and Daniel Reisener, were de stroyed. Loss $20,000. Slap it to Them. Prescott, Arizona, August 30. The United States grand jury nave found seven indictments for polygamy, the first ever found in Arizona. The Mormons and Gentiles are greatly ex cited. . Tbe Session Ended. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 30. The Northwestern military encampment end ed this afternoon with a sham battle, in which the entire national guard of the state participated. Corn Merchants Fail. Manchester, Aug. 30. Two corn merchants of this city failed to-day. It is believed one of the failures will involve several London houses, although not seriously. Cleveland at Home. Albany. N. Y, Aug. 30. Governor Cleveland arrived at the executive cham bers at 9 o'clock this morning. He had many callers to-day and in the evening was serenaded. An Kx-Presldent Dies. Galveston, Aug. 30. John Sealy. ex president of the Gulf, "Colorado 5: Santa Fe railroad, died suddenly at his residence in this city this evening. Aged 63. edb7 V5 Bryan The Fntnre Our scribe remembering that a large w.,of Indian children from Laguna and Acoma went to the Carlisle school re cently approched Prof. Bryan to learn .u- hah1e effect upon the attendance at the school at this place. q 5, "Prof, how many children went with Capt. Pratt to Carlisle this month V p b. ''1 understand 'there were o..r, children in all.'' . ttr q g f rom what pueoius ntwc taken?" . . , p r Four from Cochiti, two iron. lemez. fourteen from Acoma and fifty-six from Laeuna. h, does it haooen that so many from Laeuna and Acornar Thennebloof Laguna is the furtherest advanced of all the pueblos. Rev. Mr. nT-r.,1,1 Kas bevn laboring among uiu loriniiiry Vears and the Marmon brothers v- -. .. , v ' J much to Civilize . i:..:rr .or v. see .1 The Aromas uM 5 jj rendition of the Laguna people and the cause. The leaders until the government erects permanent ones." "You have had som experience in that direction?" "I should tbnk I had. I have done nothing el"e for two years past. I foundi a scho'Jl when I came here that wouldi accommodate fifty, and last year we had. 160 enrolled."! . . Our. scribe was deeply interested in the? conversation, but the professor was so enthusiastic on the subject and so full of it, that there was danger of crowding out of our columns the religious notices, ana so the pencil pusher tore himselt away and went to dinner. The Bear akin. A rather peculiar case was Commenced. yesterday before Judge Sullivan, and it was so out of the usual run mat me "squire"' invited his brother Burke to sit with him. It seems that rneian, aanacrs. aud Crocker have been exhibiting a bear skin about the city as a trophy of one of their hunts, and that Sanders and Phelan have laid claim to the killing. Early yesterday morning a Mexican residing near Jemez Springs arrived in the city, , ......t.... .h; thA. Sl P. an wiuwui wuji a. of . . . is in 1 -"Wei your scho st-e inquiring N people know that their onIv hon. , ..... . y ue education of theirvo,, r uus at once e not many of these children in ol last year?" V more than half of them " Vdvise their being taken to turned charge out th- of the prospect of vt incentive to the joi children , ald gtí tó Carlisie, for then! nearer Position?' 'it mainly that lisle they will to retain the Blaine and Morrison. Augusta. Me.. Aug. 30 Blaine TReniamin Harrison, Ind., arrived in Au gusta to-night. Blaine. and Harrrison is the guest of Giars, Pipas, S: nekersV Articles ! -TO THE- Uanlne: r fiillies Buiidins, -niw. just easr of ' lie cuoper. veryi.-vrse mil complete s oek jj.ivrt ue 'ia irtsn 00 Haitmad A We have now 1n our lt:iH. Alio tr's!r baMi. 1 hanking our s ii-iciut; a emit ssi re. poo Is -.-,. by the weak, is an r , aiiiiint wliicil ln- ' if - LiKiably suenmbs ,1 'he action of 1111 ieerl-ss cor rective. l,oss ;f f I - ti anc app-tir, spj t'i'iire to s!e:i, sir and iimwinir evi- '3 ii ."I pntna- M3osanko Cot lure necay. are speedily c uinter- ar-tetlw t'e rr v's.1 hivi ra"t. v hich b.-.ices up flie pliVMci! c ...f.-i.-s -I'lit fivtilies the onsiitu tton Hx'aiust dise.ts For s; le by al. ürut'íists and dealers geauai:y. rvistotners for past favors and in nunc" f the snue at our uew ennee'tn'iy. I. J. ABEL A CO. t , - : i n This name the most of p I States that it that he is the KOSAlVkO. Kís become so popular with r.ple throughout the United ii hardly necessary'-to state originator of the great Dr. wii and Lung - Syrup, the people's favor fee remedy.wherever known, for Coughs. Co kis. Consumption and all af fectioiisof the Throat and Lungs.. Price jo cents and $1 .00. Sold by J. J. Phelan. Washington oip. Washington, Aug.' 30. Acting secre tary of the treasury issued the fallowing circular. "Notice is hereby given that the unloading of old rags arriving at the ports of the United States from foreign ports, on and after the istprox., is pro hibited ter three months from that date." A cablegram received at the postoftice department announces the postponement until February next of the international postal congress, which was to have as sembled at Lisbon, OcL 1st. The post ponement is probably made on occount of the existence of cholera. The estimated decrease in the public debt during August is $9,000,000. Acting commissioner of patents has rendered an exhaustive decision upon the subject of trade marks. He holds that the trade mark is distinct from invention, from copyright matter and from matter A Wife 111. Fortress Monroe, Va., Aug. 30. The wife of Chief Justice Harlan is very ill here. FOKEIttS SEWS. London, Aug. 30. The British ship 'Earl Beaconsfield" from Glasgow to San Francisco, burned at sea. The crew is landed at Valparaiso. London, Aug. 30 Advices received bv leading China houses of London from their branches at Foo Chow and Shan ghai show no dread entertained there of native uprisings and business proceeds as usual. In London premiums ou trading vessels in Chinese, seas, which have been advanced to war rates, have fallen to-day. General commercial con fidence prevails and a early settlement of the Franco-Chinese difficulties arc iuukcu for. Warsaw, Aug 30. Unusual preca r tions are being taken here in view of f ae Czar's visit, to prevent any acts of viole- 1Ce by Nihilists. The railways are minu' .x:ly inspected and all the trees along the r oads to be traversed by the Czar have bee de stroyed to prevent conspirators hid rng in them. , Search-making everywhe re for secret mines. Domiciliary visit s made nightly. Three hundred persons f includ ing fifty-seven women, have beer .arrested since the discovery of the BarrV oski conspiracy. "Did you a Carlisle?" "Ever since I a . school, I have hel y going to Carlisle as older pupils "At what age do t -should be taken to "None under 17 sh". , unless there is no school;.. their homes."' "Why do you take this "For several reasons; b after a five years' stay at Caí then be men, and more likely ideas they there acquire." "So many going from your Carlisle will seriously cripple yi not?" 'By no means. The fact that so . are at Carlisle will awaken such an est among the people that they will to send more children to school. "Then you expect as many from L and Acoma as you had last year?" "I expect more." "Did CapL Pratt secure any chi from Isleta?" "1 believe not, although Agent Sa made two visits to the pueblo to c children from him." 'What is the reason of the failure' 'I am unable to say. I many re the Isleta people are far advanced t civilization, but they do not seem prove of education." "You had some children from th. eblo in your school last year ? ' "Oh, yes ! we had thirty, but they very irregular in attendance and parents seemed to think it necess; them to go home frequently to fiestas." "Do you expect a full schoot in ber? "I certainly do." "How do you get your pupils?. "Mainly" through the efforts of A gent Sanehez, although the Ame jigans who live in the different Pueblo are , warm fiiends of the school and do , their i jest to persuade the Indians lT) send . their children here." . , '-Is Agent Sanchez fav aíá.bie t;your en terprise? '. "I wish I could sh ,0vv-y,-óu sorn,e of his letters to me, and b -yes that hi s work shows. There wer esíojsrtiíen outcf nine teen Pueb!os repr .tsertíted at the school last year. Five of ti iese sent ch ildren here f the firs' ; time, and several of the others increase xl thei r representation at his solscitatiofl." "Does he intend t o help you.this year:" ' "Undoubtedly. This is his school and he is as proud of if s success as its warm est frenos in Albo uerque." "Where will yoi n pupils come Trom in October V Sanchez, will insist upon of the nineteen Pueblos 'school to u, wilj jt t many K3re ldrefl ? . , ncnez - Jbtain P ?ects ' aw ard ' t-ap- a Pu- vere . their ay fo r attend. Octo- 'I think Agent having" every oust represented hew ." "Do you eaj ect any children from other tribes 'f "Yes. Mai Llewelton will send seme of his Mescr ;ro Apaches; Major Bow man some rf 1 ajs Navajoes; and I am ex pecting ch Id ren from the Colorado River agency a" d from the Pimas." 4You coo Id have a lare school here, I should , thin k?" "U aquesi .tonably. The intention is to mal- jt this ! ichool the large industrial in stit ntion o the southwest." ' 'What ill prevent it?" 'The fail ure if the government to put p large biiildirtgs, and the failure of our friends in the east to contribute to its support." "How many -will the present new build ings accoramod; ite?" "One hundred, and fifty, but I think I can crowd a few more in." "Will you have that number next term?"' "I shall be gwatly disappointed if we do not open die school the 1 st day of Oc tober with 1 50 children." . "What will you! lo if more come?" "I shall not turra .any away if I can help it. I. will put up. temporary buildings instituted cnir i stated, laving his 'i,s " . T ? j J2.o5 lor bal ance due on a certain h' .,1 Doud q I Qe,enaants Phlen, Crocker, Doud Sanders and Aldrich had paid Si.iS being all the money i the party Tom Phelenhas smu.ged the a P rftUAfinn rk .... -.w..s n to tne house and was en- nTeSfday iD CUSsin Jose Maria Delgado the unprincipled Mexican who had dared to bring the suit This whole miuer was detailed to us by Doctor ! Kimball and Judge Burke. Don't tell ' we said anything about it for it will make Ju4jjS Sullivan awful mad. ' What is the matter with the mail sys tem of New Mexico ? We mailed a letter in this city last Friday morning, directed to Socorro, and Sunday we arrived in the latter place twenty-four hours in advance of the letter. The Albuquerque Jour nal can probably answer our query, as it '"a wiping lu "cieno me maij agents Las Vegas Gazette. We are delighted to know, that we-cm called the defender of the boys. They are a a abused class especially in the instance ove referred to. We happen to know all yuc tne "aaley letter men. tinned above. "e "uta " tae matter 1 aaiey met a lot o. ' f Santa Fe and he ici t0 Post that iciici mini iic arnvea at DOv. : .s j0n D. Torlina, Isq., and his most estimabú- better half, returned togefjier from St. LOtxis last evening, and both wilf hereafter make their heme in the "me tropolis of the Rio Grande. Mr. Torlina has eea extremely busy during his ab sence ?yinS new goods for the store here until st provided himself with'the finest ick in the entire south west. This is Mrs." Trlina's second visit to our city, and new th.Mshe has come t0 stay we desire to extend .her most hearty welcome. A new res.'dence ,s t0 be commenced at once ia the i,?utDern portion of the city. Bis; Thins; for Jo. Baton Bszlster. Antonio Joseph stands one hundred per cent better show for election as dele gate on the Democratic ticket this fall than he did before the Republican con vention met and split up. Both of the Republican candidates have a faithful following in their party ranks, and if a compromise of some satisfactory sort is not soon reached, and the Republican vote goes to the polls divided in the middle, the Democrats are pretty sure to come through away ahead. But there is time for any number of new deals before election day. The balmy breath of summer fans your tired brow with such delicious softness, that you are apt to forget the chill of night, the sudden fall of temperature and the fatal draft which brings on death and dis aster. It is then that Pond's Extract plays an important part. It subdues at once all kinds of inflammation, cures achipg pain, corrects the nervous system, and controls all sorts of hemorrhages, whether from lungs, nose or stomach. It is vegetable and harmless. It is used internally and externally with the same good results, and at home or traveling, its prompt true ac tion will make yon its friend. For the prompt and certain cure of ery sipelas, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is the specific endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. IT LEADS ALL No other blood-purifying medicine is mad, or has ever been prepared, which so com pletely meets the wauts of physicians aud the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the list as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk Cnnnmn ing taint of Scrofula about you, OliKlSrULA Aveb's Sarsaparilla will dislodge it and expel it from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, PlTlBOU AVer's Sarsaparilla ia the UH I AKftn true remedy. It has cored numberless cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remore the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are indications of scrofulous origin. Ill rCRflllN "Hatto, Tex., Sept. 28, 1882. ULliLnUUO "At the age of two years one of Cnnro my children was terribly afflicted OUnXw with ulcerous running sores on its face and neck. At the same time it eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and very sore. Qnrtr CvCQ Physicians told us that a pow OufiC Uu erf ul alterative medicine must be employed. They united in recommending AVer's Sarsaparilla. A few doses pro duced a perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. Yours truly, . B. F. JOHjrsox." PREPAKKD R Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. gold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for 95.