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LITTLE SEEDS OF KINDNESS. How Representative Curtis Came Near Making an Enemy. Sorretary Wilson is tvretvlnjt nu merous runouts from all parts of tho country for sonls, ami Is rallying to hll of them thnt ronitrcss at this ses sion has nuule no provision for si'ed Jisirilxillon, ami there are no seeds I ft on hand st Hie ilonrtment fff ag riculture. Kepresentutlve Charles Curtis of Kantus, who was one of the contestants In the recent tight for sen atorial honor, tolil a story to-day nliout the farmers In connection with this matter. One of his newly elect ed comiHcrs came to him in great In dlsnation. The compeer was rapidly reaching the conclusion that a career in congress was humiliating sort of Inisiness, With a few words more Ion ible than elegant, he showed Cur tis ; postal card he had Just received. Its Imck merely hore this Inscription: "H. I). Jones, Ownenn. Kansas." Noth ing mor?, nothing less., There was no Key' to the possible code; no accom panying diagram to explain the Inlet lut apparently Inexplicable puzzle. "What are you going to do about it':'" asked Curtis, smilingly. ' Oo about It? Fold up the postal very carefully and throw It In the waste basket, of course." "Then you can count on losing a few votes n'.'Xt campaign." "Why?" asked the surprised UiW statesman. Simply," replied Curtis, "that that is an established uy for asking for go eminent seeds. You'll get a great many of them before the time conies for the annual seeds distribution to begin, and what such postals mean Is to put the name forwarded on your list of those to whom you will have the M'ods sent this year out of your allotment from the agricultural de partment." It was a surprise to the new member, and he went away mut tering at thn divers duties of congress men, but, nevertheless, his constitu ent. Jones, was one of the llrst to get Hie seeds In the ensuing distribution - New York Tribune. THERE ARE STILL WARS. Sorre cf the Battles of a "Peaceful" "ear. The -f- ,3,,, i Oi "2. which saw the end .it . iloer war. the practical end of the rebellion in the Philippines, and the termination of half a dozen South and Central American revolu tions, will probably go down into time l ibeled as a year of supreme peace. And yet In 19n3 battles are waging in nearly a dozen countries and war Is abroad upon every continent. The average reader, If asked to naruo the wars now in progress, would very likely stop uncertainly after men tioning the struggle between Britain and the natives of Somallland. llut this is net the only war of the day by any means. Here is a little list of the places whereat battles have been giilng on, either now or recently, wltb the names of the opposing forces: Venezuela. Haytl Three revolutions. The Afghanistan-Indian Border Wazlrls vs. British. Morocco Revolution to dethrone the sultan. I'pper Nigeria Arabs vs. British. Somallland British vs. Somalls. Southern Arabia Arabs vs. Turks. Macedonia Turks vs. Macedonians and Bulgarians. Sarawak British nativo force vs. 1'ynKs. Corea Corean regulars vs. rebels. Sumatra Dutch vs. Achínese. The guerrilla warfare In the lower Philippines and the aftermath of the Hoxrr troubles In China are not In cluded London Answers. When Aldrlch Laughed. "Hid you ever laugh at a funeral?" said Senator Aldrlch of Rhode island. "I did once. It was the funeral of an old-time acquaintance, and the min ister who made the opening address was absent-minded. He got up In the pulpit, began to speak, and then hesitated, lie had forgotten the sex of the corpse. " 'Our deceased, our deceased brother or sister' he said, and then went on and spoke with great feeling about the virtues of the deceased, call ing it always 'brother or sister.' Fin ally, pausing a moment, 1 heard him say to the aged deacon who sat In a loud whisper: " The corpse, which Is It. a brother or a sister?' "The deacon was very old and slow of wit. He answered In a whisper: " 'Neither. Only an acquaintance.' "Here," Senator Aldrlch ended, "J laughed. r aro I aerlous f 1 1 itls of! 5 fir3 lilll i i TWO SIGNALS. Taor two Ign Kidney Ills. The first slg nal comes i rum iue usen -v with nutucr- H ? Otis aches and pains. The second signal comes in the Kid ney i e t r t- tions. TheK urine is thln and pale, or too highly colored, and showing "brick-dust like" deposit. Urination Is Infrequent, too frequent or excessive. You should heed these danger sig nals be.'ore chronic complications set in Diabetes, Dropsy, Brighl's Dis ease. Take Doan's Kidney Pills in time and the cure Is simple. J. F. Walnwrlght, of the firm of Bones & Walnwrlght. painters and contractors, Pulaski, Va., says: "Four or five times a year for the past few years I have suffered with severe at tacks of pain In my back, caused from kidney trouble. During these spells I was In such misery from the constant pain and aching that it was almost Im possible for me to stoop or straighten and It really seemed as If the whole small of my back had given away. At times I also had dfmculty with the kidney secretions which were discol ored, irregular and scalding, and I was also greatly distressed with headaches and dizziness. I used a number of recommended remedies but I never found anything so successful as Doan's Kidney Pills. When 1 heard of thera I had an attack and procured a box of them. In a few days the pain and lameness disappeared, the trouble with the kidney secretions was cor rected and my system was improved generally. I have every confidence in Doan's Kidney Pills." A FRKB TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Wain wi ght will be mailed to any part of the I'nlted States on application. Ad dress Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 60 cents per box. A baker's dozen is thirteen, but this may not apply to bread that Is leavened. Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch, not alone because they got one-third more for the same money, but also because of superior quality. Where dlil you come from, baby ilear? 1 .unit lord s declare uii can't stay here. Smoke Baxter's "Hullhend'' S-cent cigar. "Pay. tearhcr. Is It slang to say "You bol? ' "Y. ai li. t It Is - Triumph of Machinery. The average watch represents but twelve hours of human labor. Elabo rate machinery cuts out eat-ii sepa rate part with llg'.itnlngllke rapidity and hand labor is onflned to the task of putting the parts together. "Even admlttin' dat folks la descend ed fmn monkeys," said Uncle liben, "I knows some people dat alu' no special credit to delr ancestors." It Is said that during the late res taurant strike lu Denver a great many people went homo to luuch and got cured of their dyspepsia. Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality ot De fiance Starch Is fast taking place ot all other brands. Others say they cannot sell any other starch. It Is said that certain lawyers have begun sending their cards to all newly married couples with a view to secur ing clients in later divorce proceedings. G0MEG3ÜAÍ WILDCH GAYS To The Pe-ru-n Medicine Co.. of Columtus, 0. " Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It." If you hnv nmokcil a Hullliead S-cent oUur yon know how nood they are; If you Imve not, better try one. In this day of strikes and corners life hold but little for the man who belongs neither to a trust nor a union. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, At merrurv will anrrjy drOror tm arma of (met) ml romplrtrly riVtanin tha whole, fviinn when entrrina it tlirouiih the. inuroui mirtaeea. Such article ftliouM never be nftl eicrpt on proarrip liom from repjtlubln phiii'iana. a I ha dainaie Ihrr will do la li-ufold In (lit n.iod you ran potMblj derive finm them. Hall I ataith Cure, manu fartuied h F. J. Cheni-v ft la, Tolr do. O., ron lain no inrnuiv. and ii taken internally, airline dirr.-tly upon Ilia blood and niurou auifarea of Ilia v.tnn. In buyim llall'sl aianh Chip bura you ael Ihr arnuin. It it lukrn internally, and mada In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J Chrnay ft Co. TeMi DioniaMtre. Sold by lrui-tv plica 5c per bolita, llall i Family Fills ate the beil. When a man slips up he is apt to fall down. We all have our ups and downs. f'tTS 'rmanani lrl'urc.1. ofli cr uerfouanaaa aftaa ral iay a n.a of lr. Klin a l.iaal ,arfa Kaslorar. Band lor KHK.F. S4.O0 inal colli and traauta. Lia. K. II. K t ink. Ltd., S.I Arcli M.. Flnladalphu, Fa, lllrt la lhi name nf a New York dentist and of l eiiini. he does. A amllp of Hiillnfai tlon xora with one nf Ksxlcr's "Bullhead ' l-ient elsurs. Too much pie Is apt more crtiKly l han iilmiit. to make a man Storekeepers report that the extra quantity, together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes It next to impossible to sell any other brand. "What nre nil tlm (here on the road'.'" Idle has balki'd." pontile ilolna; out "('li. their uuionio- I.oot for thUTrmle Mark : "The Klean. Kool Kitchen Kind." The idovea without smoke, tubes or beat. Make comfortable cooking. Wluir Th lelcphniie companies must yli'ld -imriiiouH prolltn. Wukk-OIi, thiit'a all talk. "It bents ni" how food a olnar you ran buy for 6 (PiitM If you buy the rlnht brand. Try u "Hullheud." "I'apn, on. v. ho whin's iIih-bui u Kreen Krorer?" 'rll for rash." "It's l Congressman D. F. Wilber, of Oneonta, N. Y., writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbut, Ohio: Qentlemen-" Penuaded by a Mend I have tried your remedy and I haré almost fully recovered after the ute ot a tew bottle. I am fully convinced that Peruna Is all you claim for It. and cheerfully recommend your medlcln to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble." David F. Wilber. Pe-ra-os rrcTvntlve and Car for Coldi. Mr. C. F. Given, Sussex, N. It., Vice President of "The l'astime Boating Club," writes: "Whenever the cold weather Br-ts la I have for years past been very sure to catch a severe cold which wns hard to throw off, and which would leave after effects on my constitution the most of the winter. "Last winter I was advised to try Peruna, and within live davs the cold was broken up, and in five days more I was a well man. I recommended it to several of my friends and all speak the highest praise for it. There Is nothing like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions. It It well nigh Infallible as a cure, and I gladly endorse It." -C. F. Ohxn. A Prominent Slnfrr rd From I.oaa of Vole. Mr. Julian WeU.slitz, 17." Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y., is correspond! nr secre tary of The S mjrerlitBt. of New York; is the leading' second bass of the Sanger lust, the largest Herman singing society of New York and also the oldeat In 1400 The Sangcrlust celebrated IU fiftieth anniversary with a large cele bralion in New York City. The follow ing is his testimony: "About two years ago I caught severe cold while traveling and which settled into catarrh of thn bronchial tubes, and so affected my voice that 1 was obliged to cancel my engagements. In (list ress I was advised to try Peruna, and although I had never usedapaUnl medicine before, I sent for a bottle. "Words but illy describe my surprise to find that withiu a few days 1 wai greatly relieved, and within three weeki 1 was entirely recovered. 1 am nevei without it now, aud take an occasional dose when I feel ruu down." Julias Weissliu. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of l'eruni write at once to Dr. Harliiian, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President ol The Hartman Sanitarium. Cnlnmhn ' PJ mm léwIUi J Uaablna-lon. it.V. Successfully Prosecutes Claims. ttapiiuumal liimlMr V 8 Canalón Bintu. W. N. U. DENVER. NO. IS. ISO J. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. THE MEN AND AY0MEN Who Enjoy the Choicest Products of the World's Commerce. Kaonlrdae of What la Ileal More lt porlaut Than Wrallb With out It. Not Our Weak Hand. llnw small Is this that lain Ihi ii asked of ji 'Tin but to try: Not our weak hand lias been rrqulred to t With star Hip ky. Or üwIiik the Kii-nt itold moon above the cloud. Nor yt Imvi' (' minamli-d li.-eii. to place tlir xliiRlnii a.h.-ll ili'tieath the wn l''t im o try, with but our humble rt.ftcht. With our wliol Imirt. Not waMe our Kin t. Kill by doubting that fiai'i'im Will b- jur f.irt. (Jt niun be apparent te itcry one that qualities of the h:Rht't ordi-r are neecs vary to enable the bent of the products of modern commerce to attain pL-rmuucntly to universal acceptance. However loudly liera'.ded, they muy not hope for world-wide prctmlnrnce unless tbry meet Willi the general approvul, not of Individuáis only, but of the many who have the hippy faculty of selecting, enjoying and learn ing the real worth of the choicest prod ucts. Their commendation, coiiNequeiitly, becomes Important to others, s;nee to meet the requirements ot the well In formed of all countries the method of manufacture muat be of the most per fect order and the combination the moi-t excellent of Its kind. The above li true not of food producía only, but Is espe cially applicable to ugents and after nearly a quarter oí a ctntury of growth and general ue the excellent remedy, Eyrup of Pig, Is everywhere accepted, throughout the world, ns the best of family laxatives. Ii quality Is due not only to the exii-lience of the combination of the and carmin ative principles of plains known to act most beneficially on the systt-m and pre sented In the form of a pleasant and re freshing liquid, but also to the melhoj cf manufacture of the California Pig Frup Co., which emurea that uniformi ty and purity ecntlul In a remtdy In tended for family use. Ank uny .y.yjj. clan who Is well informed and he will nnswer at once that It Is an excellent laxative. If at all eminent In h.s pro fession and bus made a special study of laxatives and their tft-rte uer.n the sys tem he will tell you that It Is the best of family laxatives, brrauae It l.i sim ple and wholesome and clranses and sweetens the system effectually, when a laxative It needed, without any un pleasant aftcr-i fíen. Every well-informed druRRUt of reputable standing knows that Syrup of Pigs Is sn excel lent laxative and Is glad to sell It, at the regular price of fifty cvnt:i per bot tle, because U gives general satisfac tion, but one should r. member 'hat In order to get the beneficial effecti of Syrup of Figs It Is necevsary to buy the genuine, which Is sold In nrlglnM pack ages only; th name of the remeuy Syrup ot Figs and also th full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. Universally É9 ;v Í Accepted pS The U Family PiM Laxative 0$wM SYRUP OF FIGSlpp i - Mi a Recommended bu lt-; J n Manu Millions Wi'S u The Well-informed V; I Throughout the World- í!(ií I Manufiictured bu 'UVf;" I -'''c' '' ' ' '.' "'' 'i ' Denver Directory, SADDLES and HARNESS Thar mat jnn ntu4 for aiaiutna Uiiu. MidiiuMa harunaa with lira -a-Hit 'or U,W doulila Im n hnriint lor ll.V Ui D 4 , ba iianalfa-1 Itf worUllaal ImlU- tlona tHit aao.1 Inur or.lar nlraot i maul (al lha baal gauuiua oak l ... . nuuii narii.i ..amioauoo Damn palQ, for cwina. CaUlov- Ir. AU MU atauioaJ FHK1 MUgLLkO, Ml laLtf Imar gUMt, lwar, Colorado. nir 4 ja. m THC DlNVf K TINT I ANO AWNINQ CO. I n I a a . run. nisj.w.i.vri jkih "" IW lr.n- St. aal. DENVER NORMAL te:0,1 luariiiai Couraaa. IMJ Ulauariu. U1.U blCK, fría Financial Contract Security Co. We pa 1 par mm. lularaat DKfUSIT UY UA1L. Fidelity Savings Ass'n iZ tnb run i uta'. ugpostr has iujok RTOW HEP4IRS or ,, .no., make of ÍT,,Trí.i! li.r10."' '"""o of Ui". San Francisco Cal. Loultllt Hy. FOR SALS Br ALL LtlDIS'O DltCQGlSTS. Nw Yos-k. N. T. rales rirrr cents psb bottlk. rotMTAIN fl'MI'S. (Inaullns Engine.. f,.r Irrliiailoo. Write fur rirea. The Seoil .Supply loul 'o-. I'a lo 1731 Blake HI., i)eiier. olo. AHFNTS t lo aall our Nuraarf sunk, nuuii I J s.ciai in.luramaiila i...K-al acaula MOHTUEHN NUItüKHK CO., UK.NVCK, OOU PICTURE FRAMING ... - p. r.,7nu, muer franiaa. rrama Ull.llnar anl Hairn I'lcturi llaaglug b Kinarwu.-Ml Man All ..rli of bigli All t CO., tit lull Sir aal oppualta Uaaou:cTauiile. DENVER BEST LAUNDRY SOAP Lu, ,T ... N AND TELEGRAPHY. uauiaanii uauaa, Uuo iraU ot stujauu In luura. it Couib Syrup. Tut (Julilt ffil im .mm. mm nw q ri1 rift u. SIC, 3 BaaS \n\n i j ra lucir l war. ltwUuliliii(cuuuia,atty alue wna oratH-iiitic for lili tía iJ lloro SCtot aal ilia r In. U binal Hum aa.t.lla douhla oinülia flW alV M 111 FlnM t...,l.lln .MA ...l. u Abaoluiala pura. Sand lor ..ur Naw Praiolum t.l.l Ths iey..rlt. Bup Mfg. foiuta.,., IVw! (y? COLORADO- (7?Y? ft?