Gov. Bachelder'a First Veto,
The flint bill vetoed by Gov. Bach el
der of New Hampshire ta that provid
ing an appropriation of $50,000 to
found a state sanatorium for consump
tives. The governor's reasons are sub
stantially these: That tuberculosis ts
decreasing In New Hampshire, that
the projects for curing the disease In
that climate are largely experimental,
and that the slate should not at pres
ent make such provision for the care
of one clasB of sufferers.
No More Red Trousers.
If the recommendations of the
French army committee with regard
to uniforms be carried out the Infan
try soldier will change his appearance
beyond recognition. There will be no
more red trousers, blue tunics and red
kepis; no more white gloves and stiff
collars. Instead there will be a somber-colored
dress and a soft hat. The
French soldier will not look half so
brave a man.
Women Make Money for Church.
The Rev. Walker D. Stirling, rector
nf St. John's church of Mount Morris,
X. Y., hit upon a unlque.scheme of in
creasing the income of his parish. He
gave to each of fifty women in bis
imrlsh $1 a year ago for Investment
The women turned over their earnings
which amounted to $411.80. One
member made $10 In popcorn and an
other $17 In eggs.
Divorces In Connecticut.
Nearly 600 divorces to be exact,
with one county estimated were
granted In Connecticut last year. The
most common cause or excuse set
forth was desertion. Next came cruel
ty, then Intemperance, and lastly In
fidelity. Many of the divorces were re
garded as the result of collusion, but
Just how many cannot be stated.
Well-Known Chinese Doctor Dead.
Dr. Don Sang, Chinese doctor and
exalted member of various Chinese se
cret societies, reputed to be one of the
wealthiest men of his race In this
country, died at his home In Chicago.
His medical training was secured to
his own country, but most of his prac
tice was had in America.
Cost of Labor Prohibitive.
Oreat efforts have been made In
southern California to produce tea,
silk, opium and perfumery, and al
though the climate fosters the most
satisfactory growth of these plants,
ea- h has failed, because the high price
of labor makes the crop unremuncra
live. Cole Younger Once Bible Student
According to Mrs. Frank Armstrong
nf Nevada, Mo., Cole Younger, the
noted bandit recently pardoned from
the Minnesota penitentiary, was a
preat Hilile student during Ills youth
a ml committed a largo portion of the
New Testament to heart.
Disease Traced to Cattle.
Tuberculin.! wan not known among
rutilo In Denmark until the Importa
tion of Schlenw ip -llnlstelns begun. It
then spread o rapidly that n govern
ment I I'lllttllssillll wliirh ll-tec M.OI'U with tuberi lililí luilllil nlie in tree
al! t"l.
Cure for Paralysis.
It Is given nut till! the iMiIson ex
ti.i.hil from the (iilu Monster, a hig
lianl found in New Mexico urn! Ari
zona, ami the only crawling tiling
vliii-h has veuoimnii teeth, i- a tolera
My .-uro cure for paralysis
The Properties cf Vinadium.
Vanadium is one of t! rare metals,
being worth ll.u p i pound. When
mixed with copper. It has the proper
ty of allow luir the alloy to be draw n
into extremely fir.e wire.
Use for Old Tomato Cans.
At h ast the tomato can may find an
honorable grave. Efforts, heretofore
nugatory, to remove and reuse tho tin
on scrap have been successfully made
by an Kng'ilshmnn.
Reform In the Far East.
lieform reports progress In Afghan
istan. Any husband down there hav
ing more than four wives Is now
guilty of a double Ufo.- New York
Many Questions for Jurymen.
Two thousand three hundred and
Ighty-six questions will be put to the
Jury which is trying the revolting
Arabs at Marguerite, Algeria.
Started at the Foot.
Oeorgo Hunger, an English circus
man, started his show with a trick
puny which cost him $1". He Is worth
now fully $l,i)0(i,noi).
College Diploma Needed.
A college diploma Is now prerequls
. (to to entrance in the school of law,
of divinity or of medicine nt Horvard.
Wood tor Pianos Must Be Perfect
Wood Intended to be made Into
pianos requires to be kept forty years
D be In perfect condltior.
German Peasants Eating Dog.
Owing to the poverty existing la
South Germany the peasant! during
the last three months have been com
pelled to eat the flesh of doga. The
government has now ordered a special
slaughterhouse for dogs to be erected
at Munich. In future all dogs before
being killed will be examined by a
veterinary surgeon, and If certified
unsound will not be allowed to be sold.
Dog meat will only be permlttted to
be sold by dealers In horseflesh.
Government Waste Paper.
Waste paper from the combined En
glish l overnment offices amount each
day to no less than fifteen tons. The
paper is taken off to a department offi
cially known as the waste-paper of
fice, and afterward sent to a mill,
where It Is reduced to pulp and made
Into paper again. All the paper rib
bon from the government telegraph
departments (times to the waste-paper
office also.
London's Debt
The growing debt of the city of Lon
don has recently been the subject of
discussion in the County Council. It
Is now, or will be by the end of the
year, $300,000.000, to which figure It
has grown since the erection of the
Council from $158,000,000. If the city
were to stop borrowing It could,
through Its sinking fund, pay off the
whole of the debt In thirty-five years.
Many Centenarians In America.
Joseph H. Terklns of Syracuse, N.
Y., will soon publish a work contain
ing the biographies of nearly 60,000
centenarians. If he can show any
means of living so as to reach the 100
year mark, his book ought to have a
wide circulation. There are 4,000 peo
ple now living In the United States
who are 100 years old or more.
Bronze Coins Sold at Auction.
The most valuable collection of
bronze Roman coins ever dispersed at
auction wus sold lately In London. It
belonged to E. Blzot, and the 420 lots
yielded $7.925. It Included the flneBt
known specimen of the sestertius, with
bust portraits of Dladumenlan, A. D.
217, which brought $100.
The World's Biggest Pawnshop.
In the Rue des Blancs-Manteaux,
Paris, stands the largest pawnshop In
the world, with ao many shelf-ranged
streets In Its vaults and storerooms
that you will cover a weary five miles
and a half If you explore them all.
Seven thousand persons a day past
through the big doors.
Methods Only Differ.
Women In France can obtain the
right to wear trousers bv navlna to
the government a tax of $10. The
right can be obtained In the United
States, in several Instances, merely
by marriage, with thp tox paid to the
minister, In fee simple.
Colored Woman 112 Years Old.
Auntie Van Dyke, a colored woman
who has been In the Cortclyou family
of Urookiyii for more than eighty
years, celebrated her IT.'th birthday
last wed;. She was born In Virginia
In 1731, as the recouls of the family
Raising Cotton in Turkestan.
Russia tor fifteen years has en
couraged the Motivation of cotton in
Turkestan, and she has succeeded. In
isVi the cotton crop was "li.nuo bales,
while the estimated production for
r.H'3 will be f.i'4.i"io bales.
Largest of Insects.
The stick insect of Horneo is the
largest Insect know n. Specimens thir
teen Inches n length have been rup
tured. The stick Insect exactly ro
sembles a piece of rough stick.
Boers to Settle In Texas.
liners have bought 20U.IHN) acres of
fine land neur San Antonio, Tex. Thrlr
representatives say that within five
years half the able-bodied Uoers will
be In thut state.
Berlin Hotel Keeper In Luck.
Ilccause a llerlln hotel keeper knew
how to prepare 1'rlnre Chun a dish of
"chow," the Chinese order of the Two
Headed Dragon has been bestowed on
Give Free Samples of Coal.
A firm of coal merchants at Yar
mouth, England, is sending out free
samples of coal In wooden boxes by
way of advertising Its quality.
Different Mourning Notepaper.
Mourning notepaper Is made with
six different edgings. These are Ital
ian, narrow, mlddlo, broad, extra
broad, double broad.
Money for Annapolis.
Congress Increased the appropria
tion for the naval academy's new
buildings at Annapolis to $in,nn0,000.
Men In Navy.
When the recent act f congress be
comes i ffectlve the navy will have al
most 3U 0(Hi officers and ntrs.
iimr a ncAMTinil wnnAN ESCAPED
Nothing Robs On of Strength Like Spring
Catarrh-Spring Fever Is Spring Catarrh.
. juuu-u u i - ru - i.nnr.
f ' '
. ' .,.; 5 í ;.y A Un -, t '-. . '.i . l.-.i-... ' ,
1 -'-..Y i.-- iA :-A,. i .;'..' fSf. '.. -r,iW i
, v;rv vHtt-.-. .'.'.i'.':i
Miss Helen Whitman, 308 Grand avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
'There Is nothing like Peruna
you no ambition for work or play.
a year ago I felt unable to regain
runa made a wonderful change
As long as you keep your blood In
and Peruna seems to fill the veins with pure, healthful blood.
thoroughly endorse It."
Have you got nerves ? Well, you ought
to have nerves. Hut they ought to be
strong nerves, good nerves. Itoes your
hand tremble ? You are living too fast.
Does your heart flutter at times ? You had
better call a halt. Americans live too fast.
They crowd too miVh into a single day.
They have too little leisure. The hospitals
and insane asylums are filling up. The
quiet, pastoral scenes of yore are lie
coming rare. It's time that we quit this
sort of business.
n it "
Vii u
Ntflltr JT4KUO -
or outLiir -.-
leu w it. i km m !nfe
That will "set you going.
Hvt (alluni for IS wiu.
ri.i r ui... r
Malm. Pa. a
Ml THOUBiBD copjtnn hnrt le-trarot urlmio
9uU huiiiii fur lii.tnii-ili'' u( loiinr, tin. AtM.
taou wuoL&saUk cu d.pu i, oniwf, lu.
pi n
rj ' !( winter left 1 f
i Y you "all run down," V A
I f wind up with V
( Mires )
i Rootbccr J
i nai wm set you going." r t
I Hvtfllotii for M owns.
,! Chsrlss 1. Hire Co.. A '
ii X. Milter. P. y I
Send for It and make your Purchases
W havs avery facility for promptly and satisfactorily serving
out-of-town patrons, through tha Mall Order Department of this, the
largest Department 8tor In the great West. Our stocks embrace
good gooda of most every kind. Wearables for men, women and chil
dren, of every nature, and all that Is needed In house furnishings. En
tire stock represents over a million and a half dollars all new all
up-to-date all reliable and our prices are the lowest possible. Give
us a trial order.
The Denver Dry Goods Co.
- i " ' m,wy" I
1 1
for that tired feeling, which gives
After a prolonged Illness, about
my health, but four bottles of Pe
and restored me to perfect heaith.
good condition you are all right,
How to Get Strong Serves.
First, repair the injury already done
to your nerves. The way to do this is to
do exactly as did Matue H. Curtis, bee
retary of Legion of Loyal Women, Hotel
.alcm, Benton, Mass. She said in a re
cent letter: I suffered for over a year
with general weakness and debility r-an
ifested in severe headache and backache
I took four bottles of l'eruna, and lor two
months have been entirely free from these
Denver Directory.
Uytwtr Flap, Hiaaoikt,Or5'k.
Financial Contract Security Co.
Wo i S par nut, liiiawt DtfOSIT 11V M AIL.
vmtylnof Kin' Moiililnitf y 0 'y nf Km toy
Krmiii. Kruiii uinlii g mil UMinirtnf l'i-liirn
llstujtUk' lv hiriiu''vil Mfti All wot if nf hi'ti
trnt.l TH K HO MA N Ml i CO., X Itilh Mr.jt,
Op(HNtl IMtu c Ttlllt.
fitr nn fr tuoltlvl
nn I li"
thy rn b urt, I'mnnTi-'tii
cum truiiran !. N knif,
I i ymrtt fi.rliMi-n l'U'ii'y
nr WrU to-Jaj umi iuts-
1i liorUi Uiih'I,
I d Uiiw I til" if t Hik- nil'
elmiK.iitr 1'' r i f I'mtlm
'lnll,. A litiKr pt Ii we wii
nmtl n liUk-i- lr::il :tt k Mf
wuh Ixmk nf liisirurili'ii
eliMilulrly fri-ff. Till. In !it
a liny s:inii!'. t'Ul Ian;
piirli'k'e. i niiiifh to em,
vinco unviiii.- ui Its- vitliu
iv. ..... ..II ......r i..
Tl rn irulM!!!? riutihftiir t,.i
ii nus iiMiii- in iik-mi reiti
nienl of friimli Ills, enrln
sll Inflnmmstton ami illi'h:irir-M. uniierfiil s i.
:lranlni viw'lnul (liau-lie, fur Ki,ri' thriml. nitsn.
rutrrh. usuinoiitti -h unit in ri umve Urtui
nit wlittrD thu Ut (h, beml IihIuv; it initial citnl
will rin.
holil (it 1rnlilinr nent plplri hy tn. BO
MpU, UrKfi Imii. Km Israel Inn gimnmtro.l,
IUI H. I'AXTON '., IdMlun, tul.
914 I'nlt. ,,,. 4v.
Vwnne Prostration.
Thousands of cases might be quoted in
which l'eruna has been used to rescue
people from the perdition of durangrd
nerves, and put them on the good, solid
foundation of health. The County Audi
tor of Erie County, New York, Hon, Johu
W. Neff, in a recent letter written at
Huíalo, New York, stated: "I was per
suaded by a friend to try a bottle of your
great nerve tonic, Peruna, and the results
were so gratifying that I am more than
pleased to recommend it."
A Spring Tonic.
Almost everybody needs a tonic in the
spring. Something to brace the nerve,
invigorate the brain and cleanse the blood.
That Ferufta will do this is beyond all
question. Everyone who bas tried i has
had the same experience as Mrs.
Timberlake, of Lynchburg, Va , w i a
recent letter, made use of the following
words1. "I always take a dose of l'eruna
after business hours, as it is a great thing
for the nerves. There is no ltter spring
tonic, ami 1 nave useo. aooui all ct them."
Catarrh In Spring.
The spring is the best time to treat ca
tarrh. Nature renews herself every spring.
The system is rejuvenated by spring
weather. This renders medicines more
eflective. A short course of Ternna, assist ed
by the balmy irof spring, will cure rid,
stubborn rases ot catarrh that have rested
treatment for years. Everybody should
have a copy of Dr. Hartman's laiest bock
on catarrh. Address the I'eiuna Medicine
Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. Lulu Larmer, Stoughlon, Wis.,
savs :
" For two years I suflered with nervous
trouble and stom
ach disorders untj
it seemed that thrre
was nothing to me
but a bundle c
nerves. I was ve iv
irritable, could net
sleep, rest or com
pose myself, arM
was certainly unfit
to take care of a
household. I took
nerve tonics am!
pills without bene
fit. When I Wg .n
taking Teruna I grew steadily belter, my
nerves grew stronger, my rest was no long
er fitful, and to-day I consider myself in
perfect health and strength. My recovnv
was slow but sure, but 1 persevered and
was rewarded by perfect health." Mis.
Lulu Larmer.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of l'eruna, wriio
at once to Dr. Harlman, giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleated
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
1 1 art Sanitarium, Columbus Ohio.
f"""" iiirVWVAAJUUU-l-nyfi
Dbl. 1
1 Wll,.,ll, MHM W knl, HI . f
Mrs. Lulu Larmer.
10 CENTS, i
f U B - M l 'a, .
WWVWVW 1 WWW yyyv 9