OCR Interpretation

Deming graphic. (Deming, N.M.) 1903-1948, May 13, 1903, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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Local and Personal! ü
The June Delineator at Mrs. Kins
worthy's. Deming Chapter No. 5, R. A. M.
meeta tomorrow evening.
S. L. Hall of Hachita transacted bu
siness in our town Monday.
Charles Cox haa accepted a position as
brakeman on the Southern Pacific.
J. I. Cox left a few daya ago for
iAs unices on insurance business,
Miss Edna Birtrong left Sunday for
an extended visit toSafford, Arizona.
Hal. Taylor of Hermanos was a bus
inesi visitor in our town yesterday.
John Haileman who has been sick
for a week or so is able to be at work
Dr. W. E. Schottand family moved
yesterday into the Beats residence
Fresh Strawberries every Tuesday
i nursuay ana Saturday at Henry Mey
er's meat market
Don't fail to see the ball game Swv
day, Ft. Bayard vs. Deming. It is sure
10 De a warm one.
Miss Grace Carr of El Paso is visit
ing with her fnnd Miss May Brown
ing of this city.
Sheriff Foster wss a passenger for
Las Cruces Monday evening, where he
went on official business.
R. E. Kyle, formerly express messen
ger on the Silver City branch, has been
tiansferred to LaJunta Colorado.
Mrs. Dclacy, who has been visiting
friends in Texas the past few weeks
returned the fore part of last week.
George Meyers has purchased the
residence property owned by James
Martin and is located in it as a home.
Mrs. Frank Thurmond returned
Saturday evening from El Paso where
she has been visiting several months.
George Reade of the firm of Reade
Brothers cattle growers of Columbus
transacted business in our town yester
day, '
O.to Smith is laying a fine brick side
u'Uilr in fwnnt U.a. ....... kn I . .. .. L.
" m ill limit Ul IIIB lien UB1UCI BIIUp.
This is an example that others mignt
follow with advantage.
Lee Herman, organizer for the Red
Men, left for Douglas, Arizona, yester
uay and will be gone several days, at
tending to lodge business.
C. S. Panoast, representing the Al
buquerque Journal-Democrat, was in
our town yesterday and made a pleas
ant call at tliis othce.
The boys of the Twentieth Century
Derating society, have arranged for a
t askt.'t bull IT.inif VYiHnV ovuninir Tn
civum will be served and a dance will
ion jw the game and a good time is
a su ed.
Miss Mari Tuston, of the Upper
Mimbres, spent several days last week
visiting with her sister, Mrs. William
Fo ,tcr, of this city and returned to her
ho ne Sunday.
Walter, Eperle came up from El Pa
so Sunday evening for a. lew days stay
i.i our town after which he expects to
go to Mexico where he has the offer of
a good position.
Hon. A. W. Pollard has moved hís
o Roe fixtures into the new Mahoney
o Tice building on the north side of
Spruce street.
Miss Catherin Clark returned Satur
day from Tucson Arizona where she has
been visiting for some time, and will
spend the summer with "the family of
her uncle in this place.
W. P. Anderson of Colorado City
Texas brought in another car of fine
bulls last week part of which were sold
out here and the rest taken to Silver
R. H. Flahive returned Monday eve
ning from Alamogordo, where he spent
several days attending the district
conference of the Methodist church.
Rev. A. Marston havirg been called
to assist in holding a series of meetings
at Capitán, his pulpit will be filled by
Rev. Jones who remains here over
next Sunday on his way to Duncan.
Last Monday t vening was th r gjlar
meeting of the beming Fire Depart
ment, and a good number of members
were present. The standing commit
tees for the year were appointed and
considerable other important business
Uncle Tommy Hudson leaves tonight
for San Francisco where he will attend
the 22nd annual meeting of the Nation
al Association of Master Plumbers, he
being a charter member of the associa
tion, joining in New York when there
were only 80 members.
W. T. Russell of the Sunset Dairy
who is ever alive to the improvment of
his business has taken up a novel way
of advertising. On certain days he
gives out tickets to his customers
which entitles them to five cents
worth of trade at the soda fountain
of Irvine aid Ra'theL The more
milk a person buya the mor drinks
they get This is a clever scheme and
should bring good results.
Rev. Dlonlcio Castales of Dwyer
came in last Thursday and held services
at the Spanish Methodist church, that
evening. He preached an interesting
and impressive sermon to a well filled
lames Carroll, well known to all the
old residents here as an old timer
in Deming returned from England last
Thursday and haa been visiting with
friends here whom he has not seen
since 1886.
Last week a boy 19 years old, Greene
Watson by name, roped a moun
tain lion near Hachita just across
the line in Grant county which measur
ed eight feet in length. The specimen
is a fine one and the boy and his rela
tives are justly proud of his achievment
W. 0. Chochran of San Francisco
spent a few days in our town last week
canvassing for a new revolving hotel
register which is to be placed in the
Victoria here. This will be right in
keeping with all the fitting of that first
class place and an ornament to the
Rev. J. W. Mac Bean, who has been
pastor of the Presbyterian church here
for the past two years, left last Thurs
day evening for Albuquerque to attend
the presbytery after which he will go
to California for a short visit and from
there east to take up a new work. The
The Graphic joins his many friends in
wishing him success wherever he may go
Serial AllsaeaU.
There is an achirur and tired feclinc.
the liver, bowels and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion im
paired, with little or no appetite, no
ambition for anything, and a felling
that the whole body and mind need
toning up. The trouble is that during
winter there has been an accumulation
of waste matter in the system. Her
bine will remove, secure to the secre
tions a right exit, and by its tonic ef
fect fully restore the wasted tissues
and give strength in Dlace of weakness.
60c at J. P. Byron & Son.
Celamaas Items.
H. M. Patterson shipped 30 cars of two
year old heifers from the Triangle Ranch
in Mexico to Colorado. They were trail
ed up by Charles McDon one of the
old timers.
George Robinson is visiting Walt
C. A. Turner the popular and good
looking agent at Columbus is a hustler
ht has diverted from the Sierra Madre
R. R. three train loads of cattle and
says he will have nureforthe E. P. &
S. w . before the season is over. He
would make a good F. & P. agent.
Delaford Beresford better known as
Lord Beresford will ship 20 cars of cat
tle in a few days.
Taylor & Brown, the Mormon cattle
Barons, well know, in Deming, will ship
a train of cattle in a few days.
The old timer who is writing for the
Graphic is a little off as to dates.
The big well at Columbus is getting
on slow, but sure. The carpenters will
put up a big tank in a few days.
Bill Baker, Mounted Inspector for the
United States was uu to helD insnect
cattle last week.
Me Lees, the contractor for wells on
the E. P. & S. W. wai a visitor on
today's train. .
Educational Lecture.
Professor D. M. Richards, of the New
Mexico College of Agriculture at Las
Cruces, delivered an address before the
teacher's institute of Luna county, at
the Presbyterian church last Friday
Prof. Richards sanable educator and
a good talker. His address dealinir with
the questions of the day as regards pop
ular education was pointed and strong.
The ideals to be sought after by educa
tors were discussed in a vivid and inter
esting manner, and the whole discuss
ion was of special value to persons in
terested in the public school system as
well as special institutions for instruc
Prof. Richards is a very genial gentle
man and made an excellent impression
while in town.
Anaalt by UnKnown Mea.
Samuel Slaughter was badlv clubed
and beaten by two men unknown to
him at the Seventy Six Ranch in this
County on last Thursday.
Mr. Slaughter, ' h' appears, was at
the Seventy Six Ranch on his way to
the Round up, and in the employ of
Kobert Herrington, when Jthe two men
rode up to the Ranch and mado Mr.
Slaughter's horse break loose: Mr
Slaughter then asked them something
about the Round-up: The men then
asked Slaughter who he was working
for, and when told that he was work
ing for Herrington, the men cursed
Slaughter and Herrington, and wanted
to know of Slaughter if he had not
been warned not to work for Herring
ton: Slaughter said that he had not;
that he had a large family; had lately
come to the country, and had to work
wherever he could get a job, and more
over that he would work for whoever he
pleased to work for: at this the men
became infuriated, and one of them
drew his six shooter while the other
man beat and bruised Mr. Slaughter
very severely with a Club.
Mr. Slaughter came to town and had
a warrant issued for the men: he does
not know th names of the men, but
gave a description of them so that they
may be apprehended by the Sheriff.
This kind of business is much to be
regretted by all good citizens who are
interested in the welfare of the Coun
ty, and the stock business.
After the above was set up, Sheriff
Foster returned stating that as the
names of the men could not be learned
and no accurate description given by
which to identify them he was unable
to make any arrest
Police Court News.
The only business of note in the jus
tice court during the past week was
brought in from the adjoining precinct,
Cooks, the judge of that precinct being
absent. On the 6th A. Wallis preferred
a charge against Bob Aslop of larceny
of a lot of hay, about $300 worth, and
nearly all the prominent DeoDle from
the McDaniel's settlement and Florida
brought in as witnesses. Bob waived
examination and was held to the grand
Wallis also instituted proceedings to
nave nsiop pwcea unuer a peace ocr.a,
and Alaup retaliated by doing the same
thing for Wallis, Wallis promptly gave
the bond but Alsop demanded a trial,
which came off Saturday. The prosecu
tion failed to put in an appearance,
and after taking the testimony of tie
defense, all of which went to show Bob
wouldn't even hurt a kitten knowingly,
the judge dismissed the case.
While the larceny case was on it was
discovered Mr. Wallis had a gun con
cealed in ma ciotnes, ana he was
promptly assessed by the judge $50.00
and costs, which was paid without a
Tk Colonel's Son.
On next.: Saturday evenimr. the
Benevolent and .Protective Order of
Elks, whose lodge is located in Silver
City, to which some of our best busi
ness men belong, propose to present
here a very pcetty drama, entitled The
Colonel's Son. Toe Silvar City pipera
are loud in their praise of the manner
in which this play was presented in
Silver, and those who attend Saturday
night will probably witness the best
show of the season. The "Elks" are
noted for their charity without osten
tation, and those attending their show
will have satisfaction of contributing
their mite to a good cause as well as
enjoying a delightful evening. Tickets
now on sale at Byron's and other pla
ces. Refreshing
Of all kinds served at Byron's
Soda Fountain. Our fresh
crushed fruits are just what
your system needs to with
stand tpe hot weather.
Pure Jersey Ice Cream
Served daily. Sherbets are
served . every Friday and
J. P. Byron Son
Telephone 10
Rosch tL Leopold
Agents for Celebrated James
Sash Lock.
SillMíTllSl 535.00 Round Trip
m00 a considerable reduction from current rates. These Lnd trip ticketí 5, SÜÜÍaT
July 15, and liberal stopover privileges accorded. ,"nited to. k
The one wsy tickets will be accepted for passage in free chair r.r. a
If sleeper is desired, ticket, will be accepted for ISmlE "
ternary Pullman charge The round trip tickeU will" be hZZ uFÍ f
lMllman space extra, Santa Fa all the wav. y inU Fe tnun,-
A profusely illustrated folder issued by the Santa Fe descrih. , .
ywsaKSE"-,b' ys? ass
Agent A. T. 4. S. F. R,., Dem. N. M.
Clarií Ca
Wholesale and Retail
Hay and Grain
N. A. Bolich..
'uj -
N. A. 1.
Writejfor measure
blank.and price list
..Racllet Store..
Towela. per pair 15c to SV
Laundry Shlru 4a to H&c
Colored Shirta 2S to Se
Mn'a and Boy Tie and Scarfa lOe to SHe
Ltuliee Black Umbrallaa 75e tott.00
Boy'i Suipandcra 10c to 20
Straw HaU 10eto2fic
Mirror 10 tonne
Men'e Ovtralla 4Sc to HAe
10 quart falvaniaed water paila 3i)e
i quart enameled kattela Joe
4 quart watering pota 6Uc
quart watering pota 66c
Hard wan Tinware, Dry Good. Stationery, Candy
Etc, Toilet Article Everything for CASH in
my line of gooda.
...Lee Shipp...
Reduced Rates
$35. to San Francisco & Return
Account convention National Associa
tion of Master Plumbers of the United
States, also National Council Jrtnior
Order United American Mechanics.
The Southern Pacific company will sell
round trip first class tickets to San
Francisco for $35. Tickets on sale
May 13 to 19th inclusive good to return
until Jnly 15th 1903.
These tickets also on sale to Los
Angeles and return account General
Assembly of the Presbyterian church
to be held from May 21, to June 2d.
Berths reserved in either Pullman
Palace or Tourwt sleeping cars.
For further information call on nr
address-C. B. Bosworth, Agent Dem
ing wew Mexico.
0 SS3?333333pyr smrrfTTfiK
A - - - - m
q J. A. Kinnear Q Co. S
Fhtef Tea
lj. I. Clement
...Dealer in...
And all kinds of Builders' Hardware
Successor to Clement & Givens.
Deming ... New Mexico
Choice Lots
At a Bargain
For the next ten days the Dem
ing Real Estate and Improvement
Co. will sell one hundred choice
lots at old prices, after which the
prices will be advanced fifty
per cent.
Barber Shop
A Cleaa Sha?, and aa
Vp V Date Halrcat.
New He lice
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Freo to the
p.tof any responsible house. J
Ti rench
Good, Clean meals at all hours
Call and see us.
Fong Wing, Fong Suee. Fong Lui
Ucal Tima ef Train . ajj laUreaSa.
E. P. a W.-L-.VM rw.i.. ....
. . a. ra., con
nect, at Hermanoi forth. et. uth and weat.
Am vea at 6 p. m.. eonr-eta ,!. ,k. o . .
the north and aaat . p. h. R.. a
theaaet arrixea at 7 i
Silv.r City branch-La.. .. . T P! m-
:I0 p. m. w. n r,u. ,
, nRi Agent.
SoirTHMM Pacific - ti,.i.
mail aer between CWoü hVt
r 77"" "ym the aaat 8 50 m
Uunaal Limited Uav- r, ,i . ! m
Sunt Limited k. for u,. WMt fM m'
Local PHMir., ,vea f the Mt at 5:S5 p. m
aat bound Tueaday ,d Prid. ,t nj0 m
C. B, BoawoRTH. A.nt..
Santa Fe

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