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TTTnxTí'r 7) 3 i' VOL. I WAJSf-J-na! DEMING, LUNA COUNTY, N. M., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1903. No. 10 A P3)i:r LUNA COUNTY, i. I A Serial Story of Its History, People, StocK, Mining and Commer. rial Industries, Railway Facilities and Educational Advantages. PART I. The first fire of nny importance was in the summeof 1883, whim the frame buildings from the alley on which now stands the Kinncar drug store to the Gar dener & Gillies two story brick near the comer of Gold Ave. and l ine street were destroyed. Two story brick build ings were immediately erected in their place by Col. McGrorty au,d A. J. Clark. On the night of Monday, July f, 1H8, a fire which originated in an opium joint about the centre of (he block Inundod by gold Ave., Silver Ave., Pine and Spruce streets, destroyed all of the east side of Gold A venue from the Lockhart corner south and all of the west side from the George Will iams store near the corner of Tins street to the Holgate butcher shop on Spruce street. This fire came pretty near wiping out the business portion of the town. On the east side all of the buildings were one and two-story wooden structures, ; but those on the west side were all substantial one and two-story, bricks, the finest being that of A. J.Clark, Col. McGrorty, John A. Raithel and John Deckert. This fire put the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges out of business for a while, as there was but one two story building left in town and that was not suited to their purposes. Most of the wist side of Gbld Ave nue was immediately rebuilt with buildings ai good or better than the ones destroyed. In the summer of 1889 another disas trous fire visited the town, this time starting in a two story fr.i:n. building at the comer where now stands the Deming Bank building. At the time a gale was blowing from the east, and w ithin a few minutes after the discov ery of the fire the whale face of the block from Silver to Gold Avenue was West Side of Gold Avenas, Chapter 2. CllsMte ef Lana Ceanty, fcy Cal. P. R. Smith. Altitude 4JW0 feet, Average Annual rain fall 12 inches. Average Mean Temperature 52 Falir. Average cloud y days in a whole year, 40. The high altitude and southern cli mate strike the happy medium, neither extremely cold in winter nor uncomfort ably warm in summer. Deming is lo cated in the center of the new and pros perous county of Luna, at the junction of three trunk line railroads and branch es to Silver City, Hanover and Santa Rita. The city is surrounded by beau tiful pictures jue mountains and it is strictly a progressive, up-to-date, American town. Its citisene aro thoroughgoing and progressive. Asa health resort generally, and especially tjr pulmonary and lung troubles, It has few equals and no superior. Thome afflicted with lung troubles who come in time are almost invariably cured, and vvnay to advaacti Fif I their lives enjoyed fairly good health for many years. Hundreds who have come to this region and have been fully 1 ' 1 " " " 1 i NEW MEXICO maass of roaring flames. At the cor ner of Gold Avenue, the fire leaped across the street to the New York store and destroyed it and all other buildings that had escaped the previous fire. So swift was tlio ruin that scarcely any thing was saved from the burning building. The work of rebuilding was s'ow on this property, as the out look for the town at this time and for some thneafier was rather gloomy, but gradually all the street was rebuilt bet ter than before the fire, the only vacant lot now bein-r the one at the southeast corner of Gold Avenue and Pine street, u;on which it is expected a fine building will soon be in course of construction by Mi. Deckert. Tin; fire of lNSi) wiped out the first nd only bowling alley, Gilleo's; and also blot le J out tK last dance hall, Nelson's, At the opening of 1SS3, the bound aries of the town were Silver Avenue on the east to Gold Avenue on the "est; Pine street on tlv; north to Spruce on the sou'-h, as there were scarcely any buildings beyond these lines, excepting he railroad buildings along the track and a few shanties in the park. The growth siuce then has been steady, each year showing more and a better style of building. Although for a while the growth was slow it was continuous and at no time at a standstill. Within the last two years the growth has been so rapid as to almost reach the proportions of a "boom," and from the buildings now prop we 1 and assured within the coming year, without counting those yet in the stajce of completion, it it not visionary to say that within two years the tax values and population of Deming will be double what they were in 1900, and the canvas town of 1881. with its 500 adventurers will be a city of 5,000 located and permanent residents. From Clark & Co. Corner. restored to health can verify this state ment. The results secured at the Govern ment sanitarium at Fort Bayard, at Silver City and Faywood, all within a radius of fifty miles of Deming, - estab lish beyond all question the beneficient results of this climate in the cure of consumption. Deming, however, has many advantages over many good local ities of in this country by virtue of its exceptionly pure water, its magnificent railroad facilities and its adventageous location, being situated in the center of the the beautiful Mimbres valley, wurrounded and protected by small but beautiful grass. covered mountains which lend a romatic scenic view to the surroundings. The beautiful but gorgeous sunsets which are so common are the admiration of all those who be hold them. The soil here is peculiary adapted to the production of all semi-tropical fruits and flowers. With five acres of lurid, a few windwills or a gasaoline engine I to raise the water for irrigation, the j whole at the cost of one or two thousand ' dolían, it is possible to make a pleasant i independent home for a family of five . persons. One party here cultivates 1 about ten acres of vegetables and fruits I and nets over M.OOO, anually. ! Deming is the shipping point for all I ranges and over 100,000 head of beef cattle are shipped east from this point annually. The means are covered with the most nutritous gra.wea and cattle thrive and keep, in good condi tion all the year around. ' This industry is immensely profitable and brings an annual income to stock Taisurs of this section of nearly $2,000,000. Many cut tle breeders who started with a small herd of five hundred to on;! thousand head a few years ao arc now inde pendent. Deming is the natural center of the great out-lying mining districts of this section, and it is here that the great smelting plants for the reduction of the gold, silver, copper, lead and iron ores must be erected. Already several of these immense planta are being considered by capitalists and within the year one or more of theno plants will be under process of constiucton. There is now an excellent opening fou a foundry and machine shop here. Such a plant would do a lucrative business from the start. There are also good openings for a steam laundry, planning mill and etc. The new ice manufacturing plant, electric light and telephone system are just completed and all open up with a paying business from the In-ginning. A Real Estate, Loan and Tmst company would find a rare opportunity here. He faring again to the climatic condi tions of this section; we feel that we can not say too much in its praise. After twenty year's experience in investigating the climatic conditions of the world we have no fear of a succet ful contradiction, when we state that nowhere in the United States or Europe can be found a climate so near perfec tion as that of South West New Mex ico. Its even temperature, its medium altitude. Its pure, dry. bit-giving at mosphere, its bright sunshine, and pure water, all combine to make it the World's Ideal Sanitarium. The founders and promoters of the Nation al Colony and Sanitarium for consump lives have shown great wisdom in locating here what Is to become in the near future the greatest and most ex tensive benevolent institution in the interests of suffering humanity, that this world has ever seen. Part 2. One of the latest insitutions which has has been organized in our town, and one which is doing much for the business conditions is the Telephone Co. This com pany was organiged Febusray 11, 1903 as a stock company, all stock being sub scribed by leading business men of the town, thus making it entirely a home enterprise. The preferred stock which was all paid for in cash at pa value will pay a dividend this year of 30 per cent on the purchase price, which prov es the appreciation our people have of the system and the ability of its man ager. The company began business on April 20th with 50 subscribers and now has 65 with new subscriben coming in every day. Nearly all business houses have phones and many have been placed in residences and the service is being extended so that it U a matter of only a short time until nearly every house in town will have a phone The officers and directors of the com- sany are as follows: C. R. Bos worth, President, S. Lindauer, Vice President Ralph L. Byron, Secretary & Treasurer, J. J. Je(Tre8, Superintendent Directors: C. B. Bosworth, S. Lin dauer, W. H. Greer, C F. Reynobj and J. J. Jeffres. Miss Nellie" Deemer is operator of the central office, and so perfect is the service of the phone line that when the pun was given out, "Why is the central office of the Luna County Telephone company like a pet calf?" every one answered without moment for thought, "because it comes when you call.'" Denting Real Est&to Q Im provement Co. This company have purchased and now town all the property of the Old Nw Mexico Improves f jr4 all tht property of the Mexico Heal Estate anil building association, and other valuable Real Estate, and are now i i Í 1 ; ' v i i j I Í ' I . Colonel P. prepared to offer the most desirable ! : locations in all parts of the City at the ! most reasonable urices. It is now conceded by all, that Deming is the m!"ltí to "tatehood by President Rous.. coming City of New Mexico. It is pure-i Vt?'t upon the occasion of his visit to ly a progressive up to date american ' New Me:;ico last Tuesday: town. Its pure water, health giving! .'Irrigation ia to be in the future the climate, medium temperature, medium ... . , altitude, pleasant surroundings, rai)J t potent factor in the agncultun-.l road center, center of trade for a large , of tnis territory and one section of outlying Cr.ttle. raising an i of th fac'ors which viil do more to mining country, together with the ; wards flitting it and bringing it up to certainty of two more trunk line rail-; iitatdloo,. Nülhin , will . h,, mm. roads, in the near future, one or inorj ' , . , , . smelting and refinin; Wj;-ki. Bn Uhan development of that kindm bring other Mauu factories, and other i;n- ' inK l,ie territory in as a state. That prevents under consideration, taken ' is the kind of development in which altogether insure a grand future for 1 1 am most interested lure. It is the this city. The Great National Colony. ; (leVL.1((,)ement that m,an3 I)ermanent and Sanitarium for consumptives, is I , . . , now permanently located within a few r0Wlh ani1 ls the n0" r transformation miles of De ning. This is the most ex- j t tne ,an 10 n''P t0 uuil1' UP farms in tensive in ititution of the kind in the , these regions and to benefit the home world; purily benevolent in its charact- makers. In such a manner shall this er, and is backed up by proninent andi. . . , . . . ... , ' . . . territory of the present and this state wealthy men. of all professions, frater- nal associations, business men. church- of lhe flUure beco tt aliUe of e of all denominations, philanthropists he American nation." physicians, scientists etc. and its su?- - i ... , ten ib aireauy ansureu. The Deming Real Estate an l Improv ment Cnhavj already Ho ated filO ncros of land as a starter and will do all in its power to aid and encourage the Institu - lion. The company will sell its lots and, until nn thn mnnt fuvnmnln tnim lands on the most favorable terms. either for cash or on monthly, quart r- !y or on semi-anual payments. Thev !v or on semi-anual oavments. Thev will also aid purchasers in securing loans io improve uieir property. All correspondents promtly answered and1 literature furnished to all applicants i mailed free. E&&K cfDening and South Side of Pine Street. Above is a cut of the Bank of Darning a solid financial institution which transacts a general banking bjsineas and buya and sells Mexican money and foreign list of officers: J. Slcat Fassw. Pres't. L. H. Brown. Cashier. R. Smith. Statehood When We Are Ready. The following is the only reference The president has the key note to the situation. A íarminf country is a country of homes a farming people is. generally speaking, a permanent pop- , ulation and one that is intelligent and pr0rrt.88Ve n the broadest sense, and , . . . , i mM this is th' class of population that will i insure tho substantial advancement of any country. The irrigation question is , n, ,v, .v,..f . k .i.,j ; , . A ... , order t0 ,ns"re our territory this class of population. exchanges. The following is a John Corbett. VicePres't, W. H, Guiney, Ass't. Cashier.