f . fiistO Mrt4iA JUL, UAIUI uriiwi 1 .gj gJte Wltfl Inst Ln9 Vegas, New Mexico, SAN MIGUEL COUNTY. irf.fo. given dv I Extract! from Our Exr.haneeg.l IUrs. Codd, a former well-known nud fnvoritu teacher Id Hip Raton pub lie schools, was visiting friends la that JJlftOO. , . Mrs. Simon Stern and baby left Al fouqnerque for Socorro, where he will visit friends and relatives for a few weeks. Dr. Kennon returned to Silver City from California, where he has been upending; the winter . to benefit bU health. Mrs. Anna VV. I) i vis and two errand children, Kvlyn and Winnie Shuler, returned to - Raton from Colorado Springs. ' Scarlet ' fever has about abated in Raton. There are no new cases, and those afflicted are baring it in a very una form. Lost or stolen; A chock on the First national bank of Raton, payable to t. Truii o. for 91 .Jerome Troy. James Carrutbers, of Sao Pedro, is , ruuon elated over the action of the court, in setting the day for final hear lag June Belt. . ; There will be o fair fruit crop in Coltfx county, this year, unless some fa !ii re migfortuno overtakes the pres : ent splcudid outiook A s! a line from Raton to Cim - arron, Llizubetbtown and Hematite would be u good thing for Raton, as : well as the mining camps. The Eastern Star lodge, of Silver City, gr.VD a reception, at the residence of J. J. Kelly, as a farewell to Mrs. Iloufer, who left for Uanver H.'P. Smith, who has been a health' seeker at Mrs. liusbV, left Santa Fe for a two week' stay at Dr Mountain house on the ripper Pecos, 13. F. Davis,- manager of the Albu querque opera house, received a tele gram from Morrison's Faust to cancel engagement. Closed season at Lqs Angeles. Kditor Buall, of the Cerrillos Bustler, has been trying to master the art of biking, and if reports are true, he lias his arm in a sling and both eyes are well tandaged. Sedgwick Post Ko. 2, of Raton, de partment cf New Mexico G, A. - R., are making arrangements for the ob servance cf tii o hallowed day to all patriotic people. John Seaton, jr., and Tbeo. Bryan, vf Atchison, Kinsa9,who were on their way to Arizona, to purchase cattle, tuopped off in Hiton to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wilton and the children left San Marcial for Los Angeles, Gal. It n the intention of Mrs. Wilton to remain there about a vear, for health reasons., Miss Grioo Briidejvood Wa'ker", Silver City's accomplished young vo calist, assisted by local iBtnicians, gave Iter second entertainment in Morrill opera house, down there. Judge W. C. Heacock, who was called to Sun Automo, Texas, to de fend one of Albuqueiq'ie's Chinese merchants, who was in danger of be ing deported, has returned home. "The Meaning of Decoration Day" will be the topio for the preaching ser vice, to-morrow morning, in the Meth odist church, at Riton, and in the evening, "The Biybood of Jesus." . There is being a suspension foot liritfge constructed across. Bullard street from the Exchange to tbe bank building, down in Silver City. It is about twenty feet high and five feet wid". The A. O U. YV. lodge of Silver City organized a lodgofor their sons.daugh ters and wives, called Degree of Hon or. Fifty seven persons applied for membership and were taken as charter members. , . , .-. ; . Albuquerque loses one cf her most scholarly nnd efficient teachers in tbe person "of Miss Flournoy, who has Accepted a position in the high school nt Kirkwood, Missouri, as teacher of languages. Tbe historic fonda, the Exchange hotel, Santa Fe, is getting to be a veritable Gretna Green for the mar riageable folk of Colorado. They ran in there over the narrow gauge and get the knot tied in short order. " jauies Lijrbtfoot, the printer who has been suffering so long with the rbf umntisn', left Las Cruces f r Santa. Rrsalia, in company with John Shry. ock, hoping to be benefited by the waters of the famous springs. The Omaha Herald, of Sunday last, contains an elaborate article on Capt. Jack Crawford, New Mexico's poet fcout. On Saturday night next Capt. Jack lectures there for the benefit of the G. A. R. Memorial day fund. 'Lessons Learned as the Fool Learns, or Anecdotes from a Poor Man's University," is the title of a very interesting lecture to be delivered rt Morrill hall, Silver City, next Tues day night, by Rev. C. L. Bovard. T. A. Whitten, of Albuquerque", who has been connected with the Singer , dewing machine company for the past sixyars, has resigned, and Is now a partner of W. W. McClellan, in,the real estate and insurance business down there. ' .. ,. ' Dr. Chas! Philpolt, formerly of Rntcra, tut now of OUumwa, Iowa, Is Suffering with blood poisoning, sus tained whiln Resisting in a surgical operation His life is despaired of, and, tven should he recover, be will loso his right arm. Messrs Hale, Pardee and Zinsser, three of the best players- of the Santa Fe base.ball r!nb, are in Albuquerque, and will rrtuain ever, 'lot the purpose of taking part in a game ' at tho fair grounds nexc Sunday afternoon, be tween two sirorg picked nines. Geo A Herman, of Albuquerqie, the piano salesniin, brought a fine in alrument to San Marcial, a few weeks rgo. It is now the properly of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Worrell. Another in-truir-eni, less costly, was also gold and delivered by bim, down there, IKDUCJt- Nervous Prostratiort fcomplete Recovery by tbe the of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Borne years ago, an o rosult of too oluse attention to. business, my health failed. , J becumo woalc, nervous, was unable to look utter my interests, and manifested all the gyiiituiug of a do cllne, I took three bottles of Ayer's Ottrsapnriiia, beun to improve at once, l'cdro CCafclU U UHoUsIf III Willi Did yob eVor think how readily the blood is poisoned by constipation? Bid blood means bad health and premature old age. DeWitt's Little Early Riser, llie famous little pills, overcome obsti. nate constipation. Winters Drug uo. Ernest and Ora Sperry have opened a blcyole shop on Saunders avenue, opposite the ltevovter otllee, up at I Raton. sTfthvioN ,1' ' SbK)f'" ' if . ,T yij Eczema Is a frightful gittiotion, but like all other skin diseases itoanbe permanently cured by applications of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It never I fails to cu'a Piles. Winters Drug Co. s Sit-.-- ?e&3,&. Regulator? r- ' , , t , Nsnt kiii Atu'i it m wnn't nh THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE i Simmons Liver Regulator. Don't meet to take It. Now is the time vol need It most to wake up your Liver. A Jag. Welsh went to SDrinirer from Raton to put in first-cluss running siuggisn Liver brings on Malaria, l ever shape tbe stationary engine in Springer cement works. ' One swallow does not make Spring, but one swallow ol One Minute Cough Cure brings relief. Winters Drug Co. A number of small boys sadly dls graced themselves at tbe M. E. church I services, at Raton, Sunday evening, by their outrageous conduct. ana Krailiif.il" 'ccd my wcljfht from one hundred and twenty-five to two luiiuired pounds. Slnco then. I nnd m .family havo used this medicine when needed, nnd we are all in the best of Iiealth, a fact which we attribute to Aycr s Sarsnpiirilla. I believe my chil dren wouiii iinvo been fatherless to-day nan it not ocen for Ayer's Sarsanarilla. of which preparation I cannot say too inucn.' -II. o. Hissojf, Postmaster and I'lanter, Kinard's, S. C. ' . Ayer's sSSarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. Xoung mothers dread tbe summer months on acoount of tbe great mortal ity among children, caused by bowel troubles. Perfect safety mav be as sured those who keep on band De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure, and ad minister it promptly. For cramps, bil ious oollc, dysentery and diarrheal it affords instant relief. Winters Drug (Jo. ,he I and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other IMS WHICH SllilLlCI U1C LOIlSlllUtlOn aUO wreck health. Don't forget the word Regulator, it is Simmons liver Regulator you want. The word Reg ulator distniKuishei It from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS liver Regulator is a Resuiator of th Liver, keeps it properly at work, that vour system may be kept in good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS liver regulator, it Is the best blood purifier and corrector. Trv it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on rtiiy ouier mcuicine, ana mere is no oilier Liver rcmedv like Simmons Liver REGULATOR the Kingof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. II. Zollin & Co., riUludelpUia, Po. Am'a 0nr.pRrilla ttjjvj the tt tfilordlnary distinction cf having beeri tna only blood purifier allowed an ex hlbit at the World's fair, Ctlcagoi Manufacturers of otbet Sarsaparillaa sought by evoiy means to obtain showing of their goods, but they whre all turned awny under tbe application cf tbe rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the Woild's fair authorities In favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in (fleet as follows: "Ayer's Saisaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to tho list of nostrums. It Is here on its merits " is mm business mnmonU fi Jinmm ti-r-' in""J"-.1 I ! SOCifillES. Las Vegas.'the Chief City or New MexicoSome of Her Resources, Attractions and Advantages. Dr. Kaslordny, of Albuquerque, was called to IV i into, and there is a rumor ail ml in that city that a fine biby buy was born to Dir. and Mrs. trai.k A Hubbell. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison, "of Worthineton Ind., ''Sun," writtg; "You have a val uable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Constipation and Sick Headache, and Las Vos, meanlnir "The Meadows." la tbe county teat of Ban Mlgoel countr lies on both sides of the Galllnai rlrer, and, with Its suburb!, baa about 10,000 inhabitants It baa water works, itreet cars, aro and incandescent electric light plant, telephone exchanges, Territorial agricultural expert. meat station, headquarters of the Atchl gou railway system, New Mexioo division, together with railroad machine ghopg and tie. preserving works, stock yards, and the largest sheep shearing and dipping plant in the united States, West of the river, the old town bag tbe Earbtr miaops. M. BLAUVELT, Tonsorlal Parlorg, Center Street. Bon-ton, 8t. Louis, l,ong Branch, round aeimiur, una rouna, gquarg ana Dox pom- pituuur a apeciaur. MOrllEZUMA LODtlfcKo.ffcB. V"""1.'"' J-KAt.iiKTlifc(,Biar umetlna I, ,. 1 1 . u KJ becoud all. o. o. ; N. B. Ro.a.BHr.Blic.I:A,,,LT0"' FrM PAIU.OU IlAIUJEU 81I01 Center Street,' O, L. Gregory, Prop. only skilled workmen employed. Hot uu uuiu uniui in connection. I. o. o. r. Li "OAS LODGIC No. i, meotg gv.rv Mpndar evening at their hall Hlith atreet. Af rlaltlnir brethren r. J..,.f.t,!! invited to attend. " y. ruci, Seo'y A. T. Kcoibs, N. G. Miss Mary Stephenson went up to Raton from Las Vegas, to attend tbe closing exercises of tbe Raton schools. One minute is the standard time, and One Minute Cough Cure is tbe stand ard preparation for every form of cough or cold. It is tbe only harmless remedy thtt produces immediate results. Win ters Drug Co. Iter. J. M. Coudert, the popular, Catholio prlsit of the Bernalillo parish, visited Albuq'i3rqii3. , as a general 8)Stem tonlo It bag no1ualul Da piciuresqub Mexican appear equal. Mia. Annie Stehie, 2625 Cot- ance adobe houses, narrow, crooked taire Grove Ave , Chioago, was all tun I streets, notlve people and customs, baud! down, could not cat nor d gest food, crafts and occupation?; but tbe plaia mod bad a backache which never left her OI lno new own, east or the river, oon- and felt tired and weary, but six bot ties of Electric Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength Prices 50 cents and $1 00. (Jet a bottle at Murphey-Van Petten Drug Co's. drug stores, Las Vegas and - East Las Vegas, at wholeBaJe by Browne & Mauzanares Co. Hon. W, A. PEFFER says: . ''Letters from Jimtown is full of practical thought on the leading issue of the hour." , Hon, R. P. BLAND gays? "Interesting and valuable ne to see it in tlie bands voters of this country," lei would of alt the miss meine jacEson. an accom Sparks' plished elocutionist, will give an en tertainment at tne Methodist church at ttaton, the 29th Inst. . The Burns brothers, of Raton, have received several sacks cf fine looking ore from two of their claims at Hem atite, the Savage" and Columbia.1' In tbe spring a young man 'a fanoy lightly turns to thoughts of De Witt's I LHtle Early Kisers, tor they always cleanse tho liver, purify the blood, and Winters Drug Bucklen'g Arnica Salva. Tl I, . 1 i j . . xuo ucau saire in ills worm UT CUES. ,u hriilcaa Inroa ulnar, .nil .It.nm t I sures, tetter, cnappea nanas. cnui. biains, corns and all skin eruptions. and positively cures piles, or - no ' pay requireo. xt is guaranteed to give per feet satisfaction or money refunded. f rice zo cents per box. For sale by l. .T . . n - tuurpnej-van xetien wrug jo., Laf Vegas and East Las Vegas. At whole sale by Browne & Manzanares Co. Meedames Frank Janes and George Norton suffer from la grippe in Silver City. Mrs. George F. Crary left Albu querque for southern California, wbere she will probably remain during the . i summer montns. . Don't fool away your money buying worthless remedies, wbich are war ranted to cure every disease. Itemem b.T that DeWitt'a Sarsaparilla is a I blood purifier and blood maker. Win ter Drug Co. How to Treat a Wife. From Pacific Health Journal. First, get a wife; second, be pa tient. You may have great trials and perplexities in your bus iness," 'but do not, there fore, carry to your borne a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may have trials, which, though less in magnitude,-1 may be bard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her btow all cbudg of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in tbe house. It is the best and is sure to be needed, sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by K. D. Goodall, Depot drug store. Mrs. J. A. Bell and daughter, Miss Mary, left bilver City for Los Angeles, uai., on a seven months' trip. Mrs. li. DeYoung, Middlnburg, la. writes: "I bave used One Minute Cough Cure for s;x years,- both fori myself and children, and I consider it I tbB quickest as ing and most satisfac tory cough cure I have ever used." Winters Drug Co. Fayette Gillespie, of Raton, attended the meeting of tbe cattle outfits at tol-som. A. Clauson arilved at Raton from Hematite and will leave soon with a stock of merchandise for that prosper ous camp .y, . : u ; 'For every quarter In a man a pocket there are a dozn uses; and to nse each one in such a way as to derive tne greatest benefit is a question ever; one must solve for himself. We believe, however, that no better use could be made of ono of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea DeWitt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, increases the appetite and tones no the system. . It has benefited many people who nave suffered, from mooa disorders. It will help ycu. Winters Drug Co. i Lawrence and Marion- Blackwell have recovered from their recent ill ness, up at Raton. One of tbe best evidences that Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional merit is the fact that the demand for it is constantly increasing. No one who uses this incomparable dressing thinks of trjiug any other preparation for tbe hair. ' ..' . .' :". "When prices fall below coat tho load of debt can not be floated.,'' Letters From Jfmtown Dy WILLIAM DANA WILCOX. This book purports to be a scries of litters from a Clitrnrrn innrtmH.-t hn is t.'iking a vacation at his old home, Jimtown. Tlicse litters tell how the peop. ie of Jimtown were converted to silver b a serii s cf i nppchM .mH mrhctnno trguments, all of which are faithful v reported. The book is illustrated with a iozen or more outline cuts, after the Older of "Coin," and closes with what is j illcd "The Bimetallisms Creed." It will probably becu-.r.c very popular as a fi gg ltl iuuiv. iitua Jivtft xf rsf. ' 'Letters From Jimtown" 1 B new baok Just cut, published by Charles H, r & Co., 56 Fiftli Av., Cliloa ro, 111.', a coin- of which has readied our desk. .ts pages contain a knock-down argument and pluce the gold standard policy in t ridiculous posit'on. We take this method of tlianklnrj the publishers for the ivelcome iutle book Our Pofiiilist, Letters from Jimtown" presents the monev cincstlon so plainly that even he simple minded can thoroughly comprehend tho theories advocated. ' It is written in a style that plcaes the readar and dciila esuscialb' with the doctrine . : t- r. j.i " iincc i,ui'.iiiL'c. j. 4 naevetmcHi, It bandies the money question in a masterly manner and it is done in stich a way a to be iiitercstine in every letter The writer of the litters visits Tils old home in the country to regain his health, lie describes ton chum the cnanges tn;U have occurred since he formerly lived on a farm near jimtown ..111 II . ! il ..i.ij 1 1 1 . 1 x viuugc. tit; tves uic y iciu iniu prices or raiu cumjiui eu wiui tui mer years ana ihe opinions of the farmers in regard to the causes of svxh chfjiigQ, Ppijtififtl meetings are held finj hg I'epPl'tS the spfaksr?. Turjff, gold basis, contraction, "honest moncv." ail come in fon tiolico and each position is argued in earnest to give all available argument in support of the position. The book is wel written and it covers seemingly every argument put forth by the money sharks fo 0)9, ceive tne people. 11 snpuia De in every reiorm upir. picage rtinmr, mei Villi;, MTU- - r Price 2j cent3, post paid. Address this office. . ' stitute a distinctive American city. Tbe streets are wide and well graded, while sidewalks abound, shaded with growing trees. 'lUree parks, filled witb grass and tree?, add to tbe beauty and bealthfulnesg of tbe place. Handsome and well-filled stores, beautiful residences, and Innumera ble lawns, set in grass atd adorned with shrubbery and flowers, combine to pro claim a cultured community, possessed of all modern comforts and conveniences, A city hall, three public school buildings, court-bouse, Masonic temple, opera bouse. Territorial Normal school and Territorial Insane asylum arg public buildings, con strutted of red and white eat sandstone, unsurpassed in boauty by similar edifices in any town, of equal sice, in tbe States An Academy, Seminary, Jesuit college, Convent school, Presbyterian Mission school, Methodist manual training sobool, Qbristhvn Brotueis' institute, City high school, tbree graded publio schools, a kin dergarten, a commercial scbool and two music echcols,beside8 several private teach- ersvare among the educational advantages and facilities. Las Vegas Is tbe natural sanatorium of tbe United States, oombining more nat' ural advantages than any other plaoo In America. Her thermal waUrs are the equal of the Hot Swinsg of Arkansas. while ber climate is iotlnltelv gunei-ior. Tbere is no malaria, no exeesg'ivo heat or coid, no gnats, rats or mosquitoes, Tbe air is pure, dry, rarifled, and highly elec trified certain cure for consumption, if tbe disease be taken in time. Tbe hot waters are a speciHo for liver, skin, rheu matic and blood disorders. Her Mootesu- ma hotel ig tbe finest hostelry between Chicago and California, and Is situated in a beautiful canyon, five miles from town, where the Hot Horlnes. forty In number. I corns boiling to tbe surface. I be latitude is about tbe same as that ot I central Tennessee, while tne altitudu in nearly 6,590 feet. This cqmbinaticin (fives a peculiar, but tliost happy, result. In the Winter, ductus: the day, the thermometer I seldom falls, io the shade, below forty de- KIDBS, wuiiD unci, inns, 114 ,m UQauiUB, to sixty-Qve degrasa or even mare. On the other band, in the summer, tbe beat ig never oppressive, in the shade, and no night is too warm for Qomfortabla sleep, under on a or two blankets. Tbe gun will, shine nine days out of every ten, tbe year I round. This, witb tbe extreme dryness of tbe air, causud by tbe very slight precipi tation of moisture; tbe resinout aroma. rolling down from the pine-clad moun tains; tbe large amount of electricity in toe air, ana use consequent ozone, result;, Banks SAN MIGUEL NATIONAL, Blxtb gtreet and Grand avenue A. O. IT. IV. WVSffiWJi :''.m" " Wvmnn ii7.,.i, r "'-"" tt.i;u uioniQ m n 'ocx, louKla avenue. Vlsiua brethren are oordlallv invit,rt J. TllOBKHiLL, M. W. p n.ni, SM0,W.' "ovitg.lieooraer r, Hiaxoo, inane ler. Dry Woodn. . D DB ROMERO, M. Bomero, Manager, Bouth Bide Plaga County Surveyor. gveyor r. HKKEDITH JONES, ENGINEER AND OOUNTt Olllce, room 1, City Hall. suit- Physicians and Surgeons. o. v. OOKUON, M. D. OFriOK TAMMK OPERA UOUSE, BASf I Las VeKas. N. M. Office hours: 11 to uu. m.,uotp, m.,7 to b p.m. UK. J. M. OUMaiHGBllI, fjHTSICIAN AND SURGKON. OFFICE IN M. maiooeui ouumng, up glairs. B. H. SKIPWI'IH, TDHTSICIAN ANU SURGKON , BOSWKIi, Attorneys-at-Law. HOI, VAN LABRAZOLO, ATTORNET3 AT LAW, DR8MAHAI9 bulidlnK.east side of data. Las Veiraa. a.m. IJiOW WHAKK 8PHINGEB, a 1-rnpwirv ivn nriTTVutry t en, i,pi xr - uuicu an umun uiul-k. b:xlii itreei. hub j utka vejisa, n, ju . B. A. "INHE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Santa Fe. N. M. 1 P. O. HoxF.l Prac tices In the gupromo court and all district courts of the Territory. Special attention given to Spanish and Mexican grant titles ana miningu ligation.. . LONG & FOHT ATTORNKYS-AT-LAVf. OFFICE, VTl man's block, East LagVegrig, N. M. K. of P. ot Sl.th gtreet and tiranT avenue oVi? tt.l L. J. UBCg. K. o?it?LBI,,0B"' - ' D'E2lsf tvk"p;i?io- .? si- welcome"'18 "Ln fl!"vi Mg. M. II. WllLUMS. uvh M. of A. A O. A. W. A A.M. Chanman inrt Wn . . . OEonio Ros,NWAlUJ;secfCI'LK"' W' M um verag Royal Arch Chantnr ion a mouth. Vlsltn,, 00, nTn ?'K,,"lfS2 inyitea. - j. -.-"- u. n. HonMisTXB, sec. Lag Veirag OnmmnnilAi. 4 n . communicriticin . X ' ""e."'" month Vlaliln'i v-h" ""J'" "BC.U cnmnil , : wsi. cornea. u, a. UnTH,iv h r Ij. U. H01-HEI6TBB. KBO. . ' w. ItOTIIOKB. miU Jtucorder. HBIOllI Vllttlno tv,. .1.. .. vlted t) attend tSeae bodies. tora,BU ,n" Baalorn star Re&arwl0M 89000,1 """our Mi's LlZZm Itnwu.n n... - ... . A v nt....r, """"J' matron. m'h. 2S-.DiCT- Wn"hy Patron. , iiliJ,l,ltlnibro.t.,ler8a'na slterg cordially Invited. Mag. mattie Mdhkat. snri7 . - j Pluutblng, J. D. KLTIZ. , TEATIVO AND VEVTIT.ATIOV htr atnam Xl hot water and hot air. Bwar and drainage. Last Las Vegas, K. M. . OmClAL OWECTOM. FEDERAL. bomasB. Cation..,. Delegate to Consreaa W. T. Thornton..... Governor I LXirion miner Heeretarv Thos. Smith Chief Justice u. uoiiier, RAFAEL ROMERO. Claim Agent LAS VEGAS, N. M. B Haiilltoa. B. Lauglilln, l). Hants,, ellx Mai tlneg. Charles r InrUan Depredation Claims a ijpecialty. .Associates Clerk itb jadlrlol nintrint Kasley Hurvevor-General Charles it. Shannon United states Ooliur.tor U. B. District Attorrsy Edward L. Hall u. s. Ma-anal W . U. Loomls Deputy U. 8. f arshal J. W. Fleming ...U. S. O-alMlne inspector James H. Walker. 8aDta Fe.Ue". am offlr-e Pedro Delgado, Santa Fe Hec. Land Offlce JohnD. Bryan, LasOruces,Ueg. Landomce Jan. P. Ascarate,LasOruce,Reo. LandOHIce Klchanl Younn.Uoswell.. ..Reg. Land Office W. H. Cosgrove, RoswelI...Rjo. Land Office Jobn C. Biack, Clayton Reg. Land omcs Joseph S. Uolland.Olayton.Kec. Land OHloe TEBBITOaiAL, J. P. Victory , Solloltor-Genoral ,i,',aav.tt- Hltt ? -t Chicago, 111., Bur I1". Thompson & i aw Washington, bfo . Three Opinions' Remedy, Tbe Club House base ball boys1 Aanno at Sittror rtilv ' arfta ihn flvnnt. of I ,.,. . " "I meaicmc mat every larnuy tne season. , ; ' - i should be provided witb. For sale by K. . Cjroodall, fiepot Drug btore. Flit, Piles' rile. p. sure oure for Blind, Bleed ne and ltchinir rues. ui. . hitk-s German file Ointment has oared the worst cases ol ten years' standing by three or four applications. No ont Howard lteno, one of tbe substantial cattlemen of tbe Dry Cimarron, was in Katon to meet some " cattle shipped fiom Grant ctunty by W. H. Jack,, to be pastured on eastern Colfax county's j aee(j gaffer ten minutes after using racge. - . I Dr. Kirk's German FUe Ointment Onr agent, Mr. Goodall, will warrant everv box. Pnce $1.00. Sold at Ministers Should Use Depot j Dr. MUes Heitrt Cure. Tbe Trinidtd band and orchestra gave a concert and dance in Htton. Ohaicberlaln'a Bra and Skin Ointment v Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Blieum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands. Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at zo cents per Dox. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition-try I)r. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For salo by druggists. . "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word." flarrisburg (Pa. ) Call. , ' There is no paper published in America that so nearly aoproaches the true journal" istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "Newspaperdom" (New York). ' - '''' " have come to the firm conclusion, after a long- test and alter a wide comparisqt with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being tho ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely io find on thesQ mortal shores." Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere aid descriptions received by all postmaster?. Address THE CHI CAGO PFCOKT). IRt Nndizox-sL '. grsrAHEIiE 13 NO PROFESSION, whose t labors so severely tax tho nervous sys tem, as that of tbe ministry. Tbe de rangement of tbe nerve centers of the brain by over work, frequently brings on attacks of boart trouble, and nervous prostration. Kev. J. P. Kestcr, M. D., Pastor U. B. church, London Mills, Ills., blmsolf a physi cian, writes Feb. 20, 1895: 'Heart affection and nervous prostration bad become so serious last fall that a little over work in the pulpit wonld so completely prostrate me Xr M?1C' tha lt eoemed certain I VI. IViiIti must relinquish the work TTr"irt Plirfi ot th0 ministry entirely. , v" Heart palpitation became ReStOreS bad that my auditors TT would ask mo Hi did not xie3.1lU have boart disease,' Jast November I commenced taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure alternately with Dr. Miles' Nervine and derived tho greatest possible benefit. I have Just closed revival work of 10 wockrj, preaching nearly every night arid twice on tbe Sabbath. I can speak for hours without suffering as I formerly did. Hard working ministers Bhould keep Dr. Miles' grand remodlos on hand." Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is gold on guarantee, first pottle will bnoat or money refunded. C. F. Rera8berg & C., cf Eaton, shipped two wagon loads of supplies lo Hematite. A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of Osseo.'Mich , after suffering excru ciatingly from piles for twenty years, was cured in a short time by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, an abso lute cure for- all fkio diseases. More of this - preparation is used than ail others combined. Winters Drug Co. W E. - Walsh and wife and Miss Julia Watson 'left Albuquerque for an extended eastern visit. Be sure to gel Simmons Liver Reg ulator for your spring medicine. It's the old reliable tbat did tbe old folks so much good,' Don't let anyone per suade jou to take steed. You can alw Liver Regulator by tbe red Z on tbe package. Don't forget tbe word Reg ulator Simmons Liver Regulator better than anything else, and sure to do yon good. Decorah Te 1 .; 1 Movement ! "Sri . V ... . 1 if n. i mm (Patented) is ciBzfruchd wiib roll anl tram that lifts 50 -per cert, more weight with sime power than wrist pin and pitman, as used in ill o-ber mills. I bus, where ' are among tbe i ten foot wheel of sn-ordina- J country wbich . -ii : a u I - ... y mill IB ivquireu, no pui 111 ii 8 foot wheol of the Decorah nd guarantee results. Com-nU-te plants with tower, tank, pump, and water service, erected on easy Installment Payments, if deUicd. anything else in- Estimates, Specifications Furnished Without Charge. a3s tell bimmonsi n, r... water fipes ana wen casing. jjotnfli Winflinill Co., ""SflK nitfrom tbealtitude: and tne Icioationof tbe town, land-loclfe4 by luoumaln and mesa these ail bonsplre to nroduse an atmosi phere which is a halm to all diseases of tbe respiratory organs. The percentage of death from consumption is lower la New Mexico then it ig anywhere else In the United States) and no other place in New Mexioo excels Las Vegas in the salubrity of its climate. Asthuiatlos exnerienoe immediate and permanent relief, in this altitude, In tbe way of health and pleasure re sorts, Las Vegas isumtvaled. In a radios of twenty miles, in romantic mouDtain, glens ana Desi ie tiaoiaing mountum oreoks, are the Las VeSft Hot Spriutta. Harvey'g, U Porvgnir, Sandoval's Mineral Hill, Ro u,ero Hancii, Blake's, Sparks', Sapello, Eoeluda, and other laces, tuo numerous to mention, wbere health can be reoovered, and life becomes a pleasure to tbe ennuye, tbe invalid, the over-worked business man. Lab Vegas has two daily and Ave weekly papers, ttree banks, two building and loan association?, three hotels, mgrjy boarding houses. Line churcheq, a uqmber of clubs, and all the leading civic and suoial socie ties; a roller ffour mill, capacity, fifty bar rels per day two wonl-scouring establish ments, cleaning 1,500,000 pounds of wool annually; a well-equipped brewery and bottliug establishment: a manufactory of mineral and carbonated waters; two wag on and carriage factories; a saddle and harness factory; a foundi. elec tric light plant, three planing mills, and other enterprises of lees importance. There are eight large wholesale houses, wbose trade extends throughout tbe Ter ritory, and into tbe adjuioing sections; while tbe volume of this trade, arid tbe value of tbe stocks wbich they carry, oan not be duplicated vest of Kansas City and sou' b of Denver. Three merchants' brok ers bave selectod tbe city as their distrib uting center, tbe amount of their yearly sales exceeding, in tbe aggregate, tbe com bined rales ot an otner such nrokers in New Mexico. Tbe retail merchants, of Las Vegas, are more numerous, and carry larger and better stooks of goods than do the retail merchants of any other town in this Territory or Arisen, LAS Vegas Is tne distributing point (or nearly all New Mexico. By tbe Atoblson system, she bas connection with Kansas on tbe east, Colorado on tbe north, Ariso- na and California on the west, and Texas and Old Mexico on ibe south. Besides thi se, she bas more stege lines, connecting her witb tributary territory, than has any other town in New Mexico. This territory includes tbe entire section east and south of the mountains, and comprises tbe coun ties of Colfax, Mora, Taos, Han Miguel, Santa Fe, Socorro, Dona Ana, Grant, Cbaves, Lincoln and Eddy, witb parts of Valencia and Bernalillo a eountry larger than all New England. This takes in tbe famous Valley oftbe Rio Grande, and tbe less famous, but not less excellent, Valley of tbe Pcojs tbe finest fruit sections of tbe west. This Territory Is rich In everything (hat constitutes tbe Wealth of Nations. Iron, coal, lead, silver, gold, mica, limestone, sandstone, marbles, gypsum, soda in end ess variety and exbaustless quantities, several products of the Las Vegas commands. Sheep, cattlo and lumber abound, so that in each of these prime artlcbs of commerce this city Is tbe bost msrket in New Mexico. She handles more wool than all the other towns in the Territorv combined, while ber commerce In hides is truly enormous. In tbe same way, sbe Btands pre-eminent for ber trade in grains, hay, vegetables, and other farm (roducts; while ber trade in ice, gathered In tbe neighboring moun tain Canyons, extends east into Kansas, west into Arirona, and south into Old Mexico. j, u. Crist, uist. Attorney. K. i.. loung Thos. ,J. Wllttevain A. H. Hawie H. M. Dougherty Geo. MoOoroilrc A. A. lones John Franklin Jose Segura. W. a. WvUyg B. R. Beramann.. W.Km Geo. f naobel. . . .Runta it. ... I.as (Jrii.-fli Ajonqucvque miver uity ....Socorro ' Katon " Las VeKas 1 boswell Librarian Clerk Supreme Court ...eupt. fenicentlary ArilllftAnt. n.n.i.a' Samuel Eldodt Treisr.er Marcellno Garcia Ar.ultor Amauo unuves supt. ramie instruction M. 8, Hart..... Coal Oil Inspeotrr DIRECTORS OP THE INSANE ASYLUM. E. V. Long ,..... President Lorenzo t.opei , vice-I'r :,sklent Carl W. WlHlensteln Seo'y and Troas. Beniano Romero. . , Frank S. Crosson Dr. J. Marron Medical Superintendent Geo. W, Ward Steward Mrs. Oamella dinger Matron O0TJEX OF PRIVATE LAND 0LAIHB. Joseph B. Iteed, ot Iowa, Chief Justice. associate justiobs Wilbur F. Stone, of Colorado; Thomas O. Fuller, of North Carolina: William M. Murray, of Tennes. tee; Henry C. Sluss, ot Kansas. Matthew G. Ueynolds, of Missouri, C. S. attorney. CATTLE BANITABY BOARD W.H.Jack chairman, silver City H.N. Chaffln... .first dlstrlct.Kast Las Vegas M.S. Otero second district, Albuquerque B.G Ueaf tnlrd district, atrous J.F.BInklo tilth d'.strlct, Lower Penasuo J.A.LalU'.e secretary, Las Vegas COUNTY. V. 0. deFaca ) Gregorlo Floreg J County Commissioners Dlonlclo Martinet ) Gregorlo Varela Probate Judge Patricio Gomaleg Probate Clerk lose G. Montana.... Assessor Hilar 10 Romero Sheriff Carlos Gabaldon Collector Ademldo Uonsales.. .School Superintendent Henry Gnke Treasurer F. M. Jones Surveyor lesus Ma. Prada Coroner LAS VE3A8 PREOINOTS. Stmon aragon. ...Justice of the Peace, No. B 1. O. do Baca " ' sa H. 8. Wooster "as Antonlno Zubla . M OITT OF FAST LAB VE0J3, LAS VEGAS BRICK YARD, James McLaughlin, Uontractor and Builder. Quotations on Brick furnished, at the yard or in the wall. GOOD HimPAPERS Mi Very Lo Price. t THE SEMI-WEERT.V 1VRWS o.l.- Jon or Dallas) is published Tuesdays and Fridays. Each issue consists of eight pages. Tbere are snecial rlenm-tmanti fur the farmers tbe ladies, and tho boys and girls, besides a world of general news mat ter, illustrated articles, marlmt rinnrh. eto. Yongatl 104 Papers fop Only $1. Sample Copies Free. Address - ; A. H. BELO & CO., Publisher! DALLAS or GALVESTON, TEX. to American CAVEATS, JAJRAD3 marks, Cavpsto. TRADa M&Dirft. &ESIC1M Batcmts. I COPVBUlUTa nt 'I.'Hfc.rmat,on and f reo Handbook write to MUNf. & CO., 861 Broadwat, NEW VoKe. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every p&tent taken out by u Is brought before tho uubU ) by a notice slveu (rue of charm la tlia f. (imtiik mxitm largest clreulatlnn of imr sclcntlfle Daner In tha )rld. Kplenuldly illustrateii. No lutelllBt-ug m shoultl be wlthoufc it., u-pptiv u-i mi gl.50 six months. Addn-as, J1UNN (C COM umusa 361 Broad wr. New York City. i. K. MAEIIW. J. M. D. HOWARD. Martin & Howard, Contractors & Builders. Plant and specifications furnished free to patrons. Shop next door to BcugVton'i Hardware ptore. Mayor Marshal . . .Treasurer ....Recorder .... .ttoraev ...Payslclan . Aldermen F. E. Olnev ....... , T. P. Olay C. E. Terry J. . Moore K. V. Long Dr. M. W. Bobbins- O. Hilllnitswortn . J. K. Martin ...... B. I . Forsythe K. L. Hamblln.'!,',".'."','.' f n. x mine ti. H Hofmelster ... A. x. aogers... BOARD Of KDUOATIOR J. A. Carruth , President O. V. Hedgcock Vice-President John Yort .Secretary O. E. Ptrry , Treasurer Members First ward, Alfred 3. Smith, Geo. V. Heed ; second ward, L. 0. Fort, W. 8. McLean; third ward, Edward Henry. J. M. II. Howard; fourth ward, 0. T. Hedj Cook, J. A. O arrutb. NEW MEXICO BOARD OF HKa'.TH, W. R. Tipton, M. D., President... Las Vegas G. S.Easterday.M D.,V-Pres... Albuquerque Francis H.Atk'n.?, M.D.,Sec....Sl.Las Vegas J.U.Sloan, M. D., Treas Banta Fe Win. Exuert, M. D., Banta Fe J. J. Shuler, M. D Baton J. M. Cunningham, M. D E. Las Vegas IfyouusetbePetalttma Incubators A Brooders. Make money while others are wasting time by ol d processes. Catalog tulls all about it, and at icribcs every article needed tor ui poultry ousinesg. The "ERIE" mechanically the best i i 1 1 . . . . i .. , wiicci. nciLicsiiiiuuci, We are Pacific Coast Arrents. Bicycle cata- logue.malled free.giveg . triw. etc.. agents 'Wauted. Pll'AtUMA IHCUBAT0R CO.,I'etaltiing,CaL ur jicb lionsB, 231 Mam St., 1,0s Angeles. BraLcJrl FOR VILLIEIG WOUEC PER WEESC E. E, BURLIN GAME'S ISUTBFHGEV LABORATORY Ktablls!rtd in Colorado, 1SC8. Bamplrs by mall o: express wilt receive prompt and cnrplul attentlea. Said & SiSver BalllonarttfeSli1! iddrtu, 1?:5 1738 Uvroace St., Stnver, Colo. $ Job Printing Of every description executed with neatness and despatch UltltOttitJtlElB Of either sex, any ige, In any part of the country, at the employment wiilch we furnith. You neett not be awny from home over night. Yon can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare mo ments. As capital Is not required you run no risk. We supply you wltl. all that is needed. It will cost you nothing to try the business. Any one can do the work. Beginners make money from, the start. Failure is unknown with our workers. Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar. Ko one who is willing to work fails to make mora money every day than can be made in three days gt any ordinary employment. Send for free book ' containing the fullest information. II. HALLETT & CQ.j Box 880,