FTICo VOL 2 VII. EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1890. NO. 224 THE POPS PROVOKED They., Captured the Chicago Plattdrrri, but They Object to iit Man SewalL THE STRUGGLE FOR BRYAN Everybody Is Yet at Sea as to What AcIIoh (he Convention Will Take To-M.orrow. of A NUMBER OF PLATFORMS St. Locis, Mo., July 21. A ooupl of months since it looked as though the political situation in this presidential year would be becalmed. McKinley i nomination was conceded; the demo crate were at sea regarding a cand date, and the populif.tu were about in the same condition. But tho signs of . the times wero wrongly interpreted and as a result the present summer tvilnoaaoa nna et t.ha mant. Axlranrfti nary political conditions in the history of the country. The forecast of the republican nomi nee has proven correct; the democratic national convention, instead of being at sea reeardlne an available candidate was confronted with a plethora them, and the next two or three day in this city are likely to witness the iuusl extraordinary uumpuuaiiuus ui nu extraordinary political year that the most vivid imagination could conjure Two national conventions open to morrow that of the silrerites, who throw all other issues to the winds, in order that the while metal may lead and the other the populists, who are equally enthusiastic in favor of the 16 to 1 doctrine, but who nevertheless hold that it should not be given over whelming precedence, to the exclusion of the nationalization of railroads and telegraph", individual ownership oi land, government control of banks equal suffrage, the referendum, and the many other radical reforms that go to. ward making np the platform of the people's party of the United States, As to the matter of candidates, the difference of opinion is about as great Some of the silverites pure and simple believe that the most diplomatic course U to endorse the nominees of the democratic national convention. ' .1.1 - f . .1 . U Uw. Un 'viiiers, ajEuu, uuuiouu iui ui tut? nomination of Senator .Teller and a southern silver man, the cause of the white "metal would be strengthened, and a majority of the votes in the electoral college assured. So also th populists. Some are Instructed or favorable to Bryan, others instructed or favorable to Teller, while the ma j jrity are on the fence. The leading powers of the Knights of Labor come out openly in favor of the distinguished statesman from Colorado, while on the other band, some of the best minds " in the populist convention hold that' only the endorsement of Bryan and Sewall would be good politics. The fact that the American Bi-Metahic union, under whose auspices the silver convention to-morrow is to be held, has come out in a proclamation characterizing the Chicago tickst as a splendid one, and urging its endorsement and ratifica tion, still further complicated the situation. It is a mixed up condition, all around, and tven the most astute of the populist and silver leaders are in a situation in hen they wonder just where tbey are at.1' The morning before tin opening of ths two conventions find but little change in the situation, so far as the Straight-out, middle-of-the-road popu list are oonoerned. Thy have been mollified by the intimation thrown out by the chairman of the national demo cratio committee, that if they endorse the ticket ho is prepared to give them a representative on the executive com mittee of the democratic party. The utmost concession the extremists sug gest is the nomination or endorsement pf Bryan upon a distinct populistio platform of their own devising, and the substitution of a populist in the place of Sewall. The real test of strength between the Bryan und the anti-Bryan forces will some at to-day's meeting of the national committee. . A COMPROMISE PBOP08ITION. E-. J. Jtfiies, one of the Michigan delegates to the convention, has pre pared a compromise proposition, which he believes will be acceptable to both factions of the party. It pro poses that in the states west of the Mississippi river, where the populists greatly outnumber the democrats, only uopulfst eleotors shall be voted for. In Michigan, Indian?, Illinois, Iowa, Wisaonsin and other doubtful states of the middle west, democratic electors alone shall receive the combined vote of the two parties, ii proportion as democrats are stron.er there than populists. Ia the south, both parties fusy contend for the eupremacr, with, out spy attempt at a combination. If when the states are counted, the com bined ticket shows a majority, then the party casting the larger vote in the combination shall take the presidency and the other, the vloe-presidency. This plan provides that tbe populists Shall nominate their own ticket, which will not inolude the names of either Bryan or Sewal). IX SKCRKT 8E;810lf. The national committee of the national silver party met this morning at the Lindell hotel, but after a brief session, a recess was taken until 1 o'clock, this afternoon, when a secret session was held at Dr. Mott's room at the same hotel ; George P. Keeney, of California, presided. - THK ON LI TWO CONTKjTS. There are but two contests of im portance, those from Colorado and Illinois. The former has involved the entire state delegation; the latter has tffisnty-scven delegates from Cook oounty, (Chicago) The Colorado roctes' ants were headed by ex Governor Waitc, bu he having declared In favor of the Bryan nomination, bis colleagues have dip sid him for anothir leader. INCRKA'KD REPRESENTATION. After the matter of tbe membership of tbe committee itself had been de termined, the committee proceeded to oonsider the applications by a number of states for an increased representa tion in tbe convention, In making up the table of delegates f jr this convention, the nationnl committee was compelled to act upon data contained In tbe various political almanac?. In the case of a cumber of ttates, this information proved Inaccurate. Tbe committeeman from each southern state demonstrated by certified copies of tabulation of votes in his state that tbe populists are entitled to an increase In the' number of delegates of from one to five, the latter cumber beiog allowed Texas Tbo several Territories are allowed six delegates instead of four. Oklahoma is given the same right of represents tinn . as tbe stales that is, one delegate for its delegate in congress, one for each 2.000 votes, which made its total representation nine. B cess was then taken. TEMPORARY, CHAIRMAN. On the matter of a temporary obair man, the two c-indidates are Gen. J, B. Weaver, of I wa, who represents the Bryan Sewall element, and Senator Butler, of North Carolina, who is op posed to the endorsement of the demo cratio ticket. It is understood that General J. B Weaver, of I iwa, will be chosen tern porary chairman of the convention Thus far, the opponents of Bryan have not united upon their man for tbe place. . MOST BLOODY DEEDS Two Awful Tragedies Occur in Which Human Blood Flow ed Freely Enough. A DEADLY CLOUD" BURST New York Banks Conclude to Dump Several Millions ,. of Gold Into the Treasnry. BRYAN LEAVES LINCOLN Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report EM A TERRIBLE FAMILY TRAQEDY, A Michigan Farmer Kills Three of HI Chll , dren and then Suicide. if yb Gen. Jams B. Wcavkb, of lows. A CONFERENCE HELD.- ' The middle-of-the-road people held conference in their rooms at the Laclede hotel, this morning. Oaly delegates were admitted to the rooms, which were crowded. Speeches were made by advocates of a separate ticket, and the middle-of-the-road people were urged to stand together and op pose tbe nomination or endorsement of Bryan. . POPULIST NATIONAL COMMITTEE. The national committee of the popu- ist party met at 10:30 o'clock, this morning, to perfect the temporary or ganization of the convention. Chair man Taubenectc presided and about fifty members were present. H. B. TACBENKCK, National Cb air in in and antt-Bryan Leader. NO PROMISES UADE. s Senator Jones, of (A-ckAnsas, was quite confident, Ibis morning; that thje endorsement of Bryan, woajJcJ be the outcome of the populist con4ation. In tbe course of his talk, Senator Jones denied thai; he had made any state ment offering to place a certain num ber, or any number, of populists upon tbe democratic executive committee. "No promises of any kind have been made by me," said Senator' Jones, but I have said, all the time, that in this fight for the cause ot free silver, republicans, democrats, populists and silverites must stand together. So far as I am personally concerned, I pro pose to do all I can to bring about this union of foroes." BRYAN MEN NOT SO CONFIDENT. Some of the Bryan men are notsa confident, to-day, of their ability to control tbe convention. Congressman Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, says that the outlook for Bryan is not so encour aging and he is disposed to hedge a little on his prediction that Bryan would be an easy winner. I'LKKTT OF PLATFORMS. Notwithstanding the superabundance of platform?, which . individual dele gates have prepared to unload upon tbe committee on resolutions, tbe sen timent grows stronger that the Ne braska platform, adopted in Omaha, July 4th, J892, will form tbe basis ottbat committee's recommendation. IT LED TO A VOLT. This was tbe platform that ex-Governor John P. St. John, of Kansas, at tempted to force upon tbe prohibition, ists in Pittsburg, last June, and which being rejected, led to the bolt of the free-silver prohibitionists. Halifax, N. 8 , July 21 The American barkenline, Herbert Ful ler," which sailed from Boston, a few days ego, for Rusario, arrived Halifax harbor, this mording, with the Domes ot three murdered people ou board. Tbe remainder of those who left Boston on tbe vessel were itn mediately thrown into prison. Tbe three persons whose murder was evidently tbe n suit of a bloodyoutbraak on the part of some of tbe members of tbe ore ware: Captain Nash, bis wife and tbe second mate, Brunberg. Tbe horrible triple murder occurred on tbe night of the 13th instant. The affair is, so far, wrapped in complete mystory. notwithstanding that seven otbur men were on board at tbe time it oocurred besides a passenger named Monck. The Body Embalmed. Rome, Italy, July 21. The body pf tbe late Colonel Daniel E. Hungerford father of Mrs. John VV. Mackay, was embalmed to-day. After the services In the Protestant church of St Paul to-morrow, the body will be laid in the cemetery, and later, removed to tbe United States, wbere it will be de posited in the mausoleum of the Mack ay family. An Upward Jump, Wall Street, N. Y.. Julv 21 The decision of the New York City banks to turn from $15,000,000 to zu,uuu,uuu gold into the treasury lea to an active and higher opening lor stccks. f rices jumped to 2, per oent., under liberal purchases for both aocounts. Chicago gas, sugar ana the grangers led in tbe upward movement. Cleveland'! Centennial. Cleveland, Qhio, July 21. The principal features of to-day's exercites ot the uieveiand centennial were tbe opening of the log cabin and a centen nial concert by the Ninth regiment nana oriNew xorK. visitors are Dour- ing in by the thousand for the celebra tion, to-morrow, of Foundi rs' day, feature of which will be tbe .military ana civio parade. DUxtroui Cloul-Buret. Louisville, Ky., July 21. Reports from Frankfort, h.y., state that a cloud burst, this morning, at 4 o'clock, on Benson's c-eek, four milps from Frank fort, resulted in the drowning of at least ten people. J he drowned, are James Bradley, farmer, wife and five ohildren; Mrs, Bryant, widow, and two small children. O.her bodies may also be found. 1 be Louisville & Nasbville bridge was swept away and great dam age was done to property in the county. Bryan III Demand. Lincoln, Neb., July 21. Every preparation has been made for Mr. Aryan's trip to Omaha, to-day. He will ' leave Lincoln at 6 o'clock, this evening, and return to-morrow. bast . evening, a delegation from Keokuk, Iowa, called on Mr. Bryan nd invited him to make an address there. He said to them that he could not make any further plans until after he wps notified officially of his nomina tion; but be .would endeavor to comply with their request. SPECIAIiOTICESL WANTED A good well-driller, can se cure tteady employment at good wage:, by ap plilng to J. Bljnl. 224-tt mutt naua-uue uu u r 10 cow js.ii- P niilra nf Un. W quire of Mr avenu'. R. Williams, B llroal iik '01 nlsheil or anfurnlshed: aulac nlace. Apply bere. 23-Bt S1 ITUATION WANTED By a young lady, 1 icraduat or an eG rn buslne ol- lere. exDrlenced It book keeoliii and office work: sum knwledne of yo. wrl lor: g od lefere-cea Turn sued. Ad- dre. Tui Optic. K3 4t ; FOR RENT -Two nl-ely furnished front rooms ; Inquire at Mrs. J. B. Howell's, Grand avenue. m 2t FOR SALE A couple of registered Jersey cows. Charles K. LlebscUner, Lag Vegas, N. M.. 2il it THE OOLUMIIIA BUILDING! AND LOAN association r ffere secure Investments for large and small sums. on real estate. T. W. HiiWAUD, . C President. Money loaned r. Wrat, Auent. watches and Jewelry repairing of all kinds done. tf S. LcJ.N A Co . Bridge Street. DON'T PAY BENT $100 casb and 8 a month for seventy months, will pay for m mree-room residence, wun gooa ysra and good neighborhood; centrally located. j&eeiueuc-e ton nve years' lime. Utt J. II. TElTI.KBAiriC. Good Tab Soar c $4.00 PER WEEK. Also a Few Desirable Rooms to Rent. L'J. Ip, 309 Grand Are., Opp. Clements' Mill, Attica, Mich., July 21 At 8 o'uiouk, inis morning, uorman swain a farmer living near, hero, killed his three yoflDgest children, Frank,' aged eleven, Lucy, nine, and Jimmio, seven, by cutting their throats with a butcher knife. He then sot fire to the house and shot himself in the heart. The three eldest children slept at a neigh bor's hous, last ngnt, and by so doing probably savd their lives. Swain was undoubtedly temporarily in sane. CHRISTIAN CULTURE. Lecture, Conference and Religious Service Occurring In La Porte, Ind. The Royal Wedolng. . ' New York, N. Y., July 21, A dispatch from Loudon says: The finishing tauobes boing given to day to the arrangements for the wed ding to-morrow of the Princess Maud ot Wales and Prince Charles, of Den mark. Fashionable streets, as wll as tbe portions of the city inhabited by tbe wage-earning element, especially from the Batik of England west,' are gaily decorated. There n ill be four carriage processions to the Chapel Koyal, and the boi polloi wilt be kept to tbe side walks by the combined efforts of the police of the district and mounted detachments of the grenadier guards, the first life guards and the royal artillery. Commercial Law League, Omaha, Neb., July 21. Members of the bar whose forte is commercial law, together with credit-men and law. journal publishers, are arriving here in large numbers to attend the annual convention of the 'Commercial Liw League of America," which will be in session for tbe next three days. Tbe objects of the organizUion - are "to promote uniformity of legislation and practice in matters affecting com mercial law; to elevate -the standard and improve the oouditioni of com-mer-'ial law business;' to" encourage honesty and foster among its members a feeling of fraternity and mutual con fidence. " . , La Porte, led., July 21 Tbe an nual convocation of tbe National Chris, tlan Culture assembly has brought to the Baptist state Chautauqua grounds, near this city, a most distinguished gathering of divines, laymen and women workers of tbe denomination Chloago, Rochester, New York, Peoria, Ills ; Baltimore, Nashville, Tenn. Fort Wayne, Lafayette, Indianapolis and Boston, are among tbe cities rep. resented. The opening exercises look place, this morning, in tbe presence ol an immense throng. Prof. Ira N. Price, of tbe University of Chicago, was the president; the address of wel come was made by Rev. Dr. W. T. Stout, of Franklin Co'lege, and re sponded to by Rev. Dr. H. M. Whar ton, of Biltimore. Tbe annual address was then delivered by lion. John II Chapman, of Chicago, president of the Baptist young people's union. Com mencing, to morrow, and continuing for two weeks, there will be hourly lectures, conferences and religious serv loes. . . . Caldwell Nominated. . Springfield, 111., July 21. Tbe democratic congressional convention of the seven'eenth Illinois district, to-day nominated cs-Senator B. F. Caldwell, of Chatham, to make tbe race against Mal ir James A. Connolly, of this city, who has been nominated by the repub' lioans. At the election of '94, Major Connolly defeated Hon. William M Springer by a majority of nearly SU.00U in a total vote of 40,000. First National Bank, LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS, President JOHN W. ZOLLARS, Vice-President. A. B. SMITH, Cashier. Accounts Received Subject to Check. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. A financial estimate is beln? made of the advantage, to the company, of chaog ing the service on the Lake Valley branch. Instead of one crew for the branch alone, an arrangement will probably be put In operation whereby the daily -ran will ex tend from Lake Valley to Deming, by way of Hi neon. t CR1TES' TneJameson Trial. London,' England, July 21. The trial of Dr. Jameson and his fellow offlocrs, In the Transvaal raid, was re sumed, this morning. The court re jected a motion made by Sir K J ward Clarke, senior counsel for the defense, yesterday, that the indictments against the defendants be q'lhbhed. A jury was then sworn iu and the difendants pleaded not guilty. Sir R. E. Webster, attorney general, opened the case for the government. Second Hand Store FOB 5 W. E. Palmer is preparing to put up a cement stone tonk. and irrigation wind mill in his new orchard, two miles south of the depot, at San An tonio. REFRIGERATORS, And Household Goods of all kinds. Next door to P. O., Bast Las Vegas; WILLIAM BAASOH. who 1. willing to stand or fail on hi mSrltaa Daker, hae constantly on saJe at the LAS VEGAS BAKERY Opposite Postofflce. West Side. SBKSH BBIAO, CAKES AND PIES Special orders filled on abort notice. mm k in m Clll. 1 X J J f Fast Las Vegas and Soccrro. N. M. Wholesale Grocers, ' Wool. Hides and Pelts. $ Sri lv'r' ft, h. -c ' t 4 ' t V - - - -I r V KT 1 1 1 1 H.'l 7. Z.i.T ?Ai Uf.tJ- JiTali..-,rf---t-,:.-4 a."VM -V-t Rajqch and Mining 5upplieBi Fence Wire, Nails, v . Picks and Shovels. ; ; . BLASTINQ J GIANT POWDER, Cement, Sheep Dips, Sulphur. Wool Sacks. A Steel. Hay Rakes. . BAIN WAGON! IIS L Capital Paid in Surplus, OF LAS VEGAS. $100,000. 50,000. OFFlOKBSt DU. J. M. CUNNINGHAM, President, FBANK SPRINGER, Vice-President. D. T. HOSKINS, Cashier. F. B. JANUARY, Assistant Cashier. ISTKEKST PAID ON.T1MK DEPOSITS tJsi THE AS VEGAS SAVINGS-BANK. Henbt Gokb, Pres H. W. Kki.lt, Vice Pres. D. X. Hoskins, Trcas. Paid up capital, $30,000. larHave vonr earnings bv depositing; them in ths LAS VaOAB 8a. Vines BABX, where they will bring you an luooine. ' Every dollar saved, is two dollars made," Ho deposits received of less than $1. Interest paid on all deposits of $6 and over. O L. HOUGHTON, -DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves & Agriculmral Implements OF ALL KINDS. A large stock of Stoves and Plows now on hand, which will be sold a littlt above cost. ' These goods are all warranted to be of the very best make In th United States, and to give perfect satisfaction. . ' At the Old Stand on Center Street. EAST LAS VEGAS. N. M. 1 1 iimiMf Ml m The city. PLAZA HOTEL La Teen, Net, Mexico. only first-class hoube in the Headquarters for stockmen, A.DUVAL, In charge of Cuisine Department. Ratts 35c per meal; $6 per week. Tables sopptltd wltu everything tbe market afforda. iRS.S. B, DAVIS Lessee; Booms by the day for 50o to $1.00: bv month, $5 to $12. . A large and complete line of Plows and Points Kept constantly on hand, together with Garden Hose, Wire Netting, Poultry and Fencg Wire, STOVES AND RANGES . of every description.. Your patronage is solicited at the -Old Town Hardware Store, NEW BUILDING, D. VVINTERNITZ. The Dandy Wind None Better. A. A, t. C. HOGSETT. WISH, Notary Public. Established 1881. WISE & HOGrSETT, LOANS AND READ ESTATE, Sixth and Douglas Aves., East Las Vegs, N. M. . Improved and Unimproved Lands and City Property for sale. Investments made and attended to Cor rton-resiaenis. lines examined, cents collected ano xazes paid. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. The finest line of Carriages, BupKles, Landaus, Surrey. FhsBtons and Road Carts In tha Southwest, ol tbe beat manufacture Livery and Feed Stables. BRIDCE STREET, LA 3 VEGB O E PI W A Iv 1 South Side Plaza. - Bargains offered of UNEQUAL VALUES, In all our Departments THIS WEEK. Our $2 Ob, $2.25 and $2.50 Parasols, in all Shades, . With Large Ruffles, We offer for $1.50. We offer our assortment of f Brocaded Figured Silks.f In the most desirable patterns, For 79c. Value Is $i.oo. FANCY" . SUMMER SILKS Dark Ground, FOR 25 cents. HAEFNER & ROSSIER, AND FTUUIWDH -itf LI II IHIULIUIL II Agents for Proprietors Soda Bottling Works. B. C. PITTENGER & CO. GTEAf.1 LAUHDRY. Goods called for and delivered..-.