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Ekt iCattsa i I ANYTHING TO SELL? READ OUR CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED TO PURCHASE ottnt READ OUR REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADS. BIO BARGAINS TO-DAY. VOLIDIE XLI. NO. 182. FRIDAY. KANSAS CITY, DECEMBER 9, 1898 TWELYE PAGES. FRIDAY. PRICE TWO CENTS. fl Not Without ' sfs f. x-i f-1 . 4 v!3 lited States Senate Ill X 7 T - $ V W V 1 . - s vSr tt-r u al. the RODDY IS CROWNED TIIE O IES BOW ABJECTLY BE- -'.mi TMiitn vin -if CD y BOUi 5 OF DUDES ORGANIZED DARlgl-r WILL BE IOWJJ BY ' - FAVORITE FLOWER. Their Object I to Form a Cult Which Will Eclipse the Guilds or the 'World Home Product Will Meet All Comer in De fense of III Title. They have organized. They call them selves "The Bouquet." Each represents a flower a choice flower with delicate petals and of fragrant perfume. J. John Roddy, Kansas City's czar of the dudes, who glori ously earned his title Wednesday night at the Coates House chappy levee. Is the leader, and under his deft direction they expect to establish a cult here that will "A"" "i S2M-- ct mm ;'.p J. JOHN' RODDY. "Who Was Crowned King of the Dudes Last Night. J. Harry Woolf Officiating. rial the famous guilds of San Francisco. New York and London. Their tender little hearts are(stlll fluttering from the -emotion Incited by (the success of the Kansas City made fashion plate. Last evening, after a perfumed bath, a long draw at a lemonade and a few fugi tive puffs at a lady cigarette. J. John Rcd dy made his appearance at the Coates Hotise and was Immediately hustled into the clubroom. "He! He! Roddy, we've got such a scheme!" cried one, as he fondled the czar's ringlets. "We are he! he! going to call ourselves 'The Bouquet' and he! re! jou're he! oh m! he! he! to lie The he! he! Orchid Now, Isn't that nice?" "Delightfully clever, my dear boj." re plied J. John, and so "The Bouquet" was organized. "Now. bos." drawled J. Selby Hanniford. "we must be original, ou know, or we'll lose caste. We want to be exclusive, too, jou know. We won't have T. Willie Boy or The Red Vest or Waldy, the Has Been, in our crowd, for dears, don't jou know it's horrid when jou have to associate with .fellows the people have lost confidence in." "But 'Waldy.' dear, must come in. and poor Elslnore Jones (he's promised to bury 1 is red vest) also, or I won't play," lisped J. Jca&e Jewell. "There! now!" "Yes." said the czar. "I anticipated this organization and I je I prevailed upon them to remain In Kansas City for an other day. And as for T. Willie Boj he'll le ueful. Wc may pljy golf home day and then he'll be a good caddie boy." The Ik Arranged. "It is assumed by me." continued the czar, "that I am the Orchid of 'The Bou quet." One flower does not make a bou quet, although one dude can make a tailor. I must have fragrant companions. You, J. Selby Hanniford, jou'll be my Fuchsia; jou're so gaudy. J. Jesse, dear. I name thee Arbutus. J. Bobby Richardson, jou'll be Daisj-. Modest j. jou know, is jour clilefet charm. J. Bobble Lee, we'll call jou Violet, becrute jou're retiring, and, let me think " "Oh, Orchid's thinking!" cried the Fuch sia, rapturouslj. "Ves. thinking!" replied the czar. "J. Ton Lumpkin! What shall he be?" "Marigold, of course," said a wee mite. "We all know his game!" "Marigold then let It be!" quoth the czar. "J. Freddie Goss. Jasmine will be jour appellation; jour, J. Artie Nelson. Gen tian, jours, J. Bcbbie Hickman, Forget-Me-Not; we'll call jou, J. Charlie Fred erlckson. Mignonette: and jou, dear J. Wallle Ford, will answer to Narcissus." The czar enjojed another puff at his ladj cigarette before proceeding. The .' fori was telling on him A tinj- bead of moisture triiklcd down his forehead until It fourd a snug nest In his ringlet. "J. Artie Stafger, jou're new, too new" said he. "but I'll place jou. I call vou Jonquil. J. Gusie Brent. I know vour weakness, so Tulip jou will be. J. Harrj Merrill. Anemone will suit jou." "But." exclaimed J. Harrj, "I don't like it!" "I raid "Anemone. " replied the czar "J Eddie Stutte, I have decided to call jou Geranium " "And I?" Inquired J. Harrie AVoolf "You know I am with jou now." "Yes." said Marigold, sotto voce, "of course he is! The mean thing." The czar gave J. Harrie a knowing wink which was returned. "Of course jou are. my night-blooming Cereus." said the czar. "Night-blooming idiot!" muttered Mari gold Then the Orchid cast his beautiful eves on J. Waldere Kirk and J Elsirore Jones, who sat dejectedlv- on a tete-a-tete. Knnsn Cltj Again! nl(. World. "My friends," he said, addressing them, "I'm not a bit proud. You are defeated dudes. I might saj- that jou don't know how to dress, but I will not harrow jour feelings. Let jour own consciences be jour accusers. I have been awarded the palm. It is now Kansas Cltj-, U. S. A., against the world. I jes, 1 will be pre- fared to meet all comers. llj- tailor ajs will, and I may saj conlldentlallj- to this fragrant gathering of buds for we all have our secrets that he's got to I saj- -got to" adVlM dly stand b- me. As I saj-. 1 m not proud. After jour abject surrender I know jou are not. I want jou In my bouquet. J. Waldere, dear, what'll jou be?'7 "I I. oh. I would like so much to be Fans." simpered Waldv. "And jou, J. Elslnore'" "Call me Ivj-. please!" replied the de funct. "I am of such a clinging nature." "Then Pansj- and Ivj- jou will be," said mM the Orchid. "The Bouquet Is complete; let joy and mirth lie unrestrained!" And thej were. The Bouquet appeared at the Grand later. In a bodv. The r appearance stopped "The Sad Sea Waves" and sent Comedian Bulger into a c ualep tlc trance. The audience gave the Orchid and his bud-, an ovation. The Orpheum was also visited. Little Arthur Dunn was so overwhelmed that he acluallv sarg as though be knew how. and his partner, Clara Belle Jerome, forgot she was an actress and looked natural. The fectlvltle- were rounded out with sur.drj" lemonades and frequent nlblil s at chewing gum until midnight, and then the chappies sat down to a banquet at Mrs. McLain's. There was a feast of sma'l talk and a flow of booze until press time. Before adjournment the Orchid was crowned czar of Petticoat lane and king of the dudes, j. Harrie Woolf performed the operation and tried to make .1 speech. Words failed him, but he managed to saj". "I am with vou, J. Roddj !" "Yes." replied the' czar, "but we're In Missouri, an" jou've got to show- rr.c!" TROOPS OFF FOR HAVANA. Steamer Iloumnnla Sailed From Sa vannah Yesterday With First North Carolina. WASHINGTON. Dec. 8. The steamer Roumar.ia sailed to-daj- from Savannah, Ga , carrj Ing the entire First regime-it of North Carolina, with its transportation and part of the transportation of the Sec ond Indiana, to serve as part of the gar rison of Havana. The Second Illinois reg iment is loading to-day at Savannah for the samo destination. The quartermaster's department is mak ing most satisfactory progress in the preparation of docks, railroads and camp sites In the neighborhood of Havana for the reception of the troops. Acting upon Colonel Hocker's recommen dation, work is now being prosecutedwith the greatest roplditj- on what is declined to be one of the largest mllitarj" dorks In Cuba. This Is located at Trlscornla, to the eastward and just across the bav from Havana. The dock will be 400 feet long, which, it Is calculated, will give five fath oms of water alongside for the berthing of ships. Two of the. largest transports thus can lie at the dock slmultansouslj and discharge their cargoes with rap'dit. The outer end of the dock for a le-gth of 100 feet will be clear. Beginning at that point and running shoreward In the cen ter of the dock will be a large warehouse. to which access can be had from a steam er on either side. There will be a double line of rallnaj- on the dock also. This will turn southeast ward to strike the united lines of railroads at Guanabncoa. and will enable the stores to be landed about tlve miles from Havana at a point where thej can be readllj- placed on the existing railroad sj-stem and car ried to almost anj- part of the province or the cltj. Attention has been paid, in the selection of Trlscornla, to the feasibility of establishing other camps to the eastward of Havana and It will be easj- to find suita ble grades for the construction of such auxiliary railroad connections as may be required. The quartermaster general has given Instructions that no labor Is to be employ ed in these government works save that of the Cubans, wherever it is possible. The expectation is tint the emplojment will be afforded to a number of Cuban soldiers If thej- care to disband and go to work. It is estimated that the building ot the dock will occupj- sixtj- dajs. MISSOURI EDITORS MEET. Annual Meeting of the Slate Aoria- tion Is In I'roirrrss'at Columbia. COLI"MBIA. MO., Dec. S. (Special.) About a hundred editors were present at the annual winter meeting of the Ml-our! Press Association in Columbia to-daj. Dr. J. II. Jesse delivered the address of wel come at the opening session and W. T. Jenkins, of the Platte City Landmark, re sponded. The papers that were read at the afternoon session were. "The Political Editorial In the C'our.trj- Newspaper." by R. C. Home, of the Mnrahall Democru News, and "Job Printing in the Country Offlce," by L. O. Nelson, or the Bunceton Eagle, frofessor I. Loeb. the temporarv secretarj- of the Missouri Historical So" clctj". made his report. The editors in spected te State Horticultural Socletj's fruit dlsplav this afternoon, and were guests at dinner to-night of Dr. W T Mcore, president of the Missouri Bible col lege. At the cvonirg se" Ion. Colonel Charles W. Knapp. of the St. Louis Re public, delivered the annual address, fol lowing which the editors were entertained at a smoker bj the universitj- facultj. MUST PAY CARRIE NJAL'S FINE E. A. Steven Cnught for $.00, Beside the Iliprmf of Protracted Litigation. JEFFERSON CITY. Dec. S -(Special) E. A. Stevens must paj- the line of J70 assessed against Carrie Neal bj- the Kansas Citj- police court for vagrancj-. The su preme court so decided to-day. Stevens became suretj- for Neal on appeal to th" criminal court, and the bond conditioned that he would piy the judgment unlej-s a better one were secured. On trill in the criminal court the same verdict was re turned, and the court entertd judgment against Stevens as suretj. He applied to the court of appeals for relief, but on two appeals the judgment was affirmed. He then Instituted a suit in equitj- In the cir cuit court of Jackson count-, but upon trial the bill was dismissed and he appealed to the supreme court. That court to-diy affirmed the Judgment of the circuit court. OLD OFFICERSRE-ELECTED. Annual Mcotlnc of the MIonrl Hor ticultural Soclrtj Cornea to a Cloe. COLUMBIA. MO.. Dec. S -(Special.) The Missouri Horticultural Societj-, which Ins been In session in Columbia for the p3st three dajs, closed Its annual meeting to night. The meeting has ben one of the most successful In the hlstorj of the or ganization. The fruit dlsplaj in connec tion with the meeting was large ind un usually fine, consisting of txhlolts from all over Missouri aid from se-.enl other states. One of the principal features of It was the exhibition of the Missouri uni versitj bottled fruit display from th" Omi ha exposition, which w. s much admired. The programmes al ounded In int'csting and instructive papers on all facts of the 1-crtlcultural indutrj. The old officers were re-elected for the ensuing jear. IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY. City MI1U Iniieclor" Report Shows That hut S Per Cent of Milk. Wan Illepral. The city milk inspector has made hl monthlv- report for November to the board of health, showing that he inspected 103 samples of milk and found that thirteen of these samples did not contain the 3 per cent of butter fat required bj- law. This Is a marked lmproument over the reports of a vear ago. when not less than 75 per cent of the milk sold In Kansas Cltj was of a sfcj i)ii1(. tint that, while beautiful from an artistic ioint of view- was vry little appreciated bj the people who used It. Two Men Killed br Can. CHICAGO. Dec. S. While attempting to mike a coupling on n gas main at Fortv flrst street and Vlncrnnes avenue to-dav, four men were overcome hv escaping iri William Armstrong and James Sharpies died almost Instantlv. Thomas Hajes re covered several hours later, nnd James Casej- was onlj- sllghtlj- overcome. Lincoln Count; Court IIone Bnrneil. LINCOLN. KAS. Dec. S (Special.) The Lincoln countj- eourt houe was burned about midnight last night. It Is feared th it the contents of the vaults are In bad con dition The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss Is J12.O0O to J15.0M. probably .half covered bj- insurance. The building was an old structure. ALL BUT SIGNING TREATY OF PEACE II S BCE CON CLUDED AT PARIS. BLOW ALMOST KILLED RIOS IIEVD OF SFAMSII COMMISSION IN A fcTATE OF COLLAPSE. Spnnlnrd Are ExceedlnRly Bitter Over the llesnlt Onr More Form al Me-etins Will He Held, Suturiln or Monday, to Slsn Treat j. PARIS, Dec. S The United States and the Spanish peace commissioners con cluded their work to-day and finallj- settled the terms of the treat- of peace. They wlll meet once more in formal session on Saturdaj or Mondaj next, when the Span ish commissioners, sorrowfully, ar 1 the Americans, with feelings of relicr, will write their signatures upon the document which embodies the results of the war and the preparation of which has con sumed eleven weeks, a longer time than the war Itself. In the meantime, the treaty will be engrossed under the su pervision of Mr. Moore and Senor Ojeda, the secretaries of the respective commis sions. Tho Spaniards are exceedingly bitter over the result, though observing the forms of friendliness and courtesy to tho end. Senor Montero Rios, whose strong and persistent struggle to save for his coun-trj- everj- possible asset from the wreck of her colonial empire has commanded the respect and admiration of his opponents, went from the council chamber to-day to his bed in a state of complete colIipe as the result of the long strain and his chag rin over the small fruits ot Ids efforts. Senor Ojeda has been prostrated since jes-terdaj-, and was unable to attend the joint session to-daj-. The Spaniards charge equal blame upon the European powers and the United States for their downfall. One of the Spanish commissioners jid this evening: "The European nations have made a great mistake in deserting Spain and leav ing her to spoliation bj the brute force of a conscienceless giant. The all know that, in the Philippines, Ameiiei his taken more than she can digest. She will ultimately sell the Islands to England or Germanj-, and when the- transfer s at tempted it will -precipitate generil Euro pean strife. "We have refused to sell anj Island In the Carolines. We never thought of eon sldering an offer. Nor have we consented to negotiate anv questions except those directly involved in the protocol signed at Washington." The members of the commissions say the treaty will contain little outside the scope of the 'Washlrgton protocol, and the mat ters directlj- based thereon, like the provis ions for the'evacuation of the ceded terri tories, the transfer oi public property thereln, and guarantees of the safety of the property and rights of the Spanish citi zens remaining there. The details of the last class of questions covered by the statement which the Ameri cans handed to Senor Montero Rios at the last meeting were considered to-day. but all the commissioners refuse to div ulge the details of the conference. Several points upon which the- were un able to agree were left open for diplomatic negotiations. The Spaniards refuse to admit that the had failed to respect former treaties guar anteeing religious freedom In the Caroline islands, or that there was a necssit for new guarantee0. The conclusion of the work was, accord ing to the commi-i-ioners, marked bj po liteness and all outward evidences of good feeling and relief at the fact that the task was accomplished. When all the propositions had been dis cussed. Judge Day, president of the Amer ican commission, remarked: "There seems to be nothing more to do but engross and sign the treat-." Senor Montereo Rios, president of the Spanish commission, acquiesced to this, and the Americans bowed themselves out before the Spaniards, accordng to their custom. Tho American peace commissioners en tered the joint conferenee to-da In a nervous frame of mind. The evidently had reasors to believe that a possibillty exlsted, even at this late hour, that there might bo a rupture. This feeling of ap prehension was. baed on the temper the Spaniards have dlsplajed lately. This week the commissioners of Spain have not con cealed the fact that, having failed to gain all the important points, the are indif ferent as to whether or not the conferences result in a settlement of peace bj- the sign ing of a treaty by which Spain loses all her colonies. A miscarriage of the negotiations would lc-ave their political prestige at home in no worse, if in no better, position than if tliey signed the treat. The Americans were anxious not to give the Spaniards anj' pre text to break oft the negotiations, or tas.e offenso so far as the exercise of patience and diplomacj' could steer clear of pro tests. Senor Rios referred to the Maine, but in only one calmly worded sentence, express ing regret that the president had spoken, as Spaniards thought, unjustly, of lixm. The Spaniards had alread proposed at this conference to have the responslbillt of the Maine reported upon b a joint com mission ot the European powers. The American commissioners refused to listen to this, and permitted Senor Rios' refer ence to the president's message to pass un challenged, as a discussion would have pro voked debite and bnd blood. Diplomatic circles In Paris predict as one of the results of the treat, a diplo matic contest between France and the United States which have an Important chapter In historj-. The French government is reported to have resolved to take up the case of the French holders of Cuban bonds, and it is believed Trance will declare that the re pudiation of the bonds is the result of the treat- which the victorious nation Imposed upon Spain. They argue that, through the treaty, responsibility has been shifted upon America, and. therefore, the -French government will endeavor to exact some pledge for the payment or guarantee of the bonds. LONDON, Dec S The Madrid corre spondent of the Standard sas: "The strongest comments are made upon the little disposition the United States Ins shown to re-pond to the Spanish demards for a prompt release of 11 wO Spanish pris oners in the hands of the- Tngals and a restitution of private and official deposits now ling in the colonial official and ju diciil deposit banks. "Ever thing seems to show- that th" last stage in the negotiations hns taken a turn hardlv calculated to pacifj Spinlsh public opinion or to facilitate, for a long time to come the renewal of frlerdlv relations between the two governments. Mcst of the newspapers favor the Idea of -elhng tht- Carolines and tho other possess'eas of Srain in the Pacific to German or to some other mtion willing to pav- a better prloc than the United State0." MADRID. Dec. i A semi-official note just issued sav: "Spain has been treated bj the conqueror with unexampled cruelty, and is resigned to her fitp; but she cin not tolerate President McKlnlej's nccu-a-tion. for she is conscious of her complete irnccencc." WHY CALL ITJMPERIALISM? Assistant Secretarj of State Hill on the I'oliej That Hns Grown Out ot the War. ROCHESTER. N. Y., Dec. S. The elev enth annua) banquet of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce was held to-night In the Mirror room of Powers' Art gallery, nearly 7M guests being present. Governor Leslie M Shaw, of Iowa, responded to the toast ' The Tlrancial Need of To-day. " Dr. David J. Hill, assistant secretary of state, spoke on the "Greater America." Ho said in part: "Now- that victory has placed the fate of 12.000,000 human beings in the hands of a conquering nation, with what right Jo;s a spirit of criticism which derives its In spiration from conditions that have ceased stamp with the word 'imperialism.' the magnanimity of this republic in extendlns the sheltering wings of its protection over tnose whom the war has liberated from oppression ard mlserj ? "What now will our national legislators do with the territorj- ceded by Soain to the United States? Will they restore them to the vengeance of tho vanquished? Will they leave them to the occupation and par tition of other powers? AVill they abandon them to their own Inexperience and Inter nal dlseord? Or will they nttempt to es tablish within them the conditions of peace and self-government? There is nothing novel In the idea of territorial expansion, which has marked everj- period ot our national hlstorv. Only .i little strip of terntorj- along the Atlantic seaboard was peopled by the victorious col onies at the close of the War of Independ ence, but tbe American commissioners were lnstrueted to elaim for the eolonies the whole area east of the Mississippi Franklin, the most astute diplomatist of his time, toveted, in addition, the whole of Ci nada. "In li!. Jefferson --trained the constitu tion to the breaking point, as he believed, to secure the purchase of the great pro vince of Louisiana, which ft one stroke doubled the area of the countr. His op ponents eonsidered his act not only un constitutional but. In effect, a dissolution of the union, and a historian has accused him of making himself monarch of the rivi- territory and of holding, against its protests, tne power or its old Ktngs.' "Jackson did not hesitate to Invade and conquer Florida for the peace of the na tion. Texas came into the Union by rev olution and the entire tract now tonus the prosperous states' stretching from Mexico to Oregon, was the fiuit of wai and forced opinion. ' Thus, b continued territorial expansion, the better part of this continent has be come incorporated into the United States. "Having vton from tihiure and untitled claimants the possession W what is most desirable upon this continent, slnll we heneeforth renounce-Mil dominion upon the sea? "Jefferson. Indeed, once said that our na tional ambition should be llmitid to pos sessions that would not need a navy to defend thm. but that was long ago." In eonclusion. Mr. Hill uld: "A gi?nt s task now confronts the Amer ican people, but their history gives thi insurance tint they will not tumble lie fore It ard the din of war and the strife of nations. In the busj marts of trade and among the distant islands of the sea, dwells sn uns--n force, shaping the iies-Limes oi me r. onu. it sp?aKs alike in nature, in the human soul and In the long drama of history. Witness i nation ris ing to the full splendor of Its- responsibili ties and Ou will see tnere written in let ters of shining light the august and 1m jicratlve lav of universal development." The concluding speech was by I'rofes-or Benjamin 1. Wheeler, of Cornell univer sitj. on "Self-Government Versrjb Impe rialism." Khodi-M-Ed wards. ST JOSEPH. MO.. Dec. S (Special ) James Dickinson Rhodes, a wealthv cir w heel m inufaeturcr of Pittsburg, and Miss Melus Edward", of St. Joseph, were mar ried at 8 o'clock to-nicht, at the First Presbterian church. Dr. Henrv Hullard officiated. Fifteen hundred Invitations were i-suod. Mr ard Mrs Rhodes will leave for a tour of the South. BRIEF BITS OP NEWS. James G. Woodward, compositor, has been elected ma or of Atlanta, Ga. M Henri Lavedcn. the author, has been elected a member of the Trench academj. Three thousand turkejb were marketed at Odessi, Mo, Wednesda, bringing the larmers W.JjO. John 15 Queen is suing Richard Hall in Pern. O. T. for biting oil his car. He v ants fj,?0 damages. , The safe in the bank at Antioch. Ill . was blown open with djnamlte and $o,00 was taken. Ihe robbers escaped. A postothce has been established at Cralg more. Dojglas eount. Mo, and Charles F. M Hanev appointed po-jtm ister. J. H. Prichard has been commissioned by Adjutant General Allen as captain of a new militia company to be organized at Fort Scott. A. C. Hays of Missouri, and James H. Haslett, of Kansas, have been reinstated as compositors in the government printing office. The postofflce department has authorized to renew the lease of the present postolllce building at Cla Center, Kas , at J100 per annum. The contract for carrjing the United States mail from I'inch to Mead, I. T., lias been avarded to Gardner Cowles, of Lon don. Kj. W. T. Vanmatre and II. P. Gllkesui have been designated as members ot the- civil service board for the postolllce at Wui rensburg. Mo. E J. Phipps, postmaster and owner of a general stor- at Devizes, Kas, has disap peared. So has a joung woman whom he emplojed as clerk. Michael Fitzgerald, of Brooklyn, while at work in a ccal ard, got his foot tangled up In a canalboat tow line, and it was cut olf as with a knife. It Is urder-tood at Washington tint A. T. Robin'un Ins been sitted for po-tmastcr at Libert-. Mo. This appointment Is ex pected in a few da Helen Dunbar, an actress, is the victim of a rat plague in an apartment house of New 'iork cm. A monster rodent bit her and threw her into conv uHons. The Nebraska supreme court has granted a rehearing in the Bro itch-Moores major alty contest at Omaha. The former de- eision was adverse to Major Moores. Representative Charles Curtis, of Kan sts. is still confined to his Washington house bv an affliction of boils, but expects 'o be able to attend to his congressional duties m a. few davs. The faculty of Princeton has approved the resolution adopted bj- the undergrad uates last week to stop hazing. The pro vide, however, that the freshmen must ob serve old customs and keep their proper sphere. Lktuenant William I. Murphj-, ot the Twcntv -fourth United States infantrj'. and Miss Pauline Whiting Lowe were married jfsterday In Omaha. The bride is a daugh ter of the late William Wirt Lowe, a Ne braska pioneer. The following postofflce appointments were made jesterday: In Missouri At Koenlg. Osage county, W. II. Ide. In Kan sasAt Marquette, McPherson count-, Charles J Nordstrom. In Oklahoma At Cordell, Was.hlta county, J9"-3 M. Foss; at Downs, Kingfisher coam. ihoda Mor ris, at Ralston, Pawnee coum, Henrj- N. Cook. MAY GET GILLETT HIS CREDITORS WILL ASK FOR HIS EVITIADITIOV MAN COMING NOW FOR PAPERS AnREST OF TWO ALLEGED ACCOM PLICES ASKED FOR. Governor humailn, of Chihnnhun, In timate Verj StroiiBly That G1I lett AMU lie Given In to American Authorities for Prosecution. LAS VEGAS. N. M.. Dec. S -(Special) D. II. Howard, a cattle dealer of Abilene. Kas.. who is $40,000 short on Grant Gillett. the Kansas plunger, passed through Las Vegas this morning en route from Mexico to Topeka, where he will ask Governor Lecdy to issnie requisition papers for the transfer of Gillett into the custody of the Kansas state authorities. Howard and two detectives have aeen on Gillett's trail for ten das. They discov ered his whereabouts in Chihuahua City. With him is his Abilene attorney. C. R. Troxel. who helped him in his flight. Gil lett would have been promptly arrested but for the defective extradition laws. It was considered best to leave the two detectives to shadow them until such time as matters could be arranged to capture and extiadlte them without the possibility of a hitch in the proceedings. Governor Ahumada was called uron. Howard sas the governor trerted him most kindlv. and. after hearing his state ment and the stor of Gillett's conduct, very strongl intimated that, notwith standing the extradition laws, executed legal documents on behalf of the American authorities would fetch Gillett baek to Kansas. Mr. Howard further stated that he had, at Albuquerque, last night, telegraphed to the tit marshal at Abilene, requesting the arrest or detentfon of two parties as ac cessories, of Gillett. CAN HE BE EXTRADITED? Kiuiun City Lnjtjer Fear It Will Be No Eum Tnskc to Iirlnir Gil lett UacL. Four of the most prominent lawers, of this city worked all day jesterday look ins up the laws appljing In the case of G. G. GU'ett. ana thev finally came to the corclusion that it will be next to lmposw sible to extradite the erstwhile eattle king. Forgerj- is the onlj charge- upon which he cm be broughtyiaek from Mexico, and to accomplish even this it will be i.ecessar to prove to the Mexican court In the most positive manner that Gillett is guilty of the erarge. This will be no eas matter. Even Mr. Hollinger, pres dent of tho Gil lespie Commission Compan, the firm whien will lose more, perhaps, than any otlier, admits this, and is very dubioas over the prospects. Mr. Hollinger states that, while there is no doubt that there has been a forger, which he is perfectly eonvinced was dore bv Gillett, jet it will be a very uifflcult matter to convince a Mexican court of this. There seems to be a general inclination among the stockmen to let "the matter rst until something detinue is learned as to the c'nnees for extradition Thej- seem to think that it will then be time enough to make an effort to apprehend Gillett and feel sure that there will be little d'ihculty In finding him. E.crjone about the stock jardi is assured that he is in, as has been stated from time to time in The Journal, and there thej are willing to allow the mitter to rest for the time being. Almost insurmourtable obstacles lie in the w ij- of those who are seeking to bring about the extradition of Gillett. Even if thej had him under arrest in Mexico, which thev have not. it would be a matter of weeks before thev could bring the di rect law to bear upon him. The governor of Kansas would hive to be seen, a trip to Washington would hiv to be made, and after that the long journev to Mex ico. Then at the trial .it that place nearly everj- witness who would be introduced into a trial In this countr would hive to be on hand. Then there would have to be an absolute cor.v Ictlnn of forgerj to ob tain an cMraditlon. whieh Ih denned al most Impossible by those who are al versint with the conditions in Mexico. Besides, while these matters were pend ing. Gillett might be able to obtain his llbertv through some piocess of the Mex ican law, and betake himself to another eountry. This knowledge has been ob tained through a consultation with a gen tleman or this cltj- who at one time was minister to our sister republic on the south. Some sort of a message was received from Mexico jesterdaj lij Mr. Hollinger, but he declined to speak of the matter, other than to sav that there was nothing new. Together with other men who ar aetlvelj- engaged in an enort to bring li abiLondir.R man back, Mr. Hollinger is hardly satisfied as to the proper course to pursue In the matter. He Intimates, however, that something new may develop during the coming v eek. The list of banks holding Gillett paper seems to bo growing. To those published the following are added: Iowa National, rf Ottumwa: First National, of Deadnood S D : People's National, of Rock Island, III.; National Bank of New England. East Had dam. Conn.; Bank of Washington. Mo : First National, of Marshalltov.n. I.--.: Drov ers and Mechanics' National, of York. Pa.; First Natloral of Lead, S. D.; Tootle. Lem on & Co., St. Joseph. FIRST CATCH GILLETT. II. C. Havcrl, of Llnare. Saj He Know Mexico Authorities Will Give Him Up If Rrqnetrd. II. C. Haverly, a miner of Linares. Nuevo Leone. Mex . is at the New Albanj-. Asked regarding the chances for extraditing G. G. Gillett, the cattle plunger, he said: "I have no doubt but what Gillett will be returned to this country. I was a deputy marshal on the Arizona border several j ears ago, before the last amendment to the extradition treaty with Mexico. My state Is adjacent to Chihuahua on west and south. I know the state of Chihuahua thoroughlj-. and can say that if Gillett can be located he can be arrested and brought back. I had occasion to go across the line several times for embezzlers, with papers charging embezzlement, when that was not an extraditable effense. I never failed to get them. The only trouble In that coun tr" Is to locate j-our man. "It makes no difference how much money he has or how f reelj he uses It In attempt ing to bribe officials. I am confident of what I saj. "I am a member of the same fraternity with President Diaz," said he, opening his coat and displajing three secret society pins. "I am acquainted with the pres dent, and I know- there Is no man in this countr' more earnest in his efTorts to maintain friendly relations with the United States "More than that, he is n lover ot justice, and he will give his official and moral sup port to apprehend criminals an embezzler as quickj as a. murderer. If jou knew the man or will look into his official ac tions in such cases, j-ou will have- no more doubts on that point than I have. Money inducements will make no dif ference with him. and whatever Gillett ma have galred with officials of the state of Chilhuahu I am sure will noc affect the case. "As I said, he will have a splendid op portunitv to hide in the niouniains in remote rarts of the state, but if he le mains in either of its two large citi.s. or frequents an ot the towns, he will be sure to be captured. "Criminals a few jenrs ago could not be so easllj extradited as thev anj- le now, and for that reason It is" currentlj believed that the government of Mexico harbors them to-dav. Mark mv word. Gil lett will be returned If he does not make h's disappearance good " Mr. Havtrlv is emplojed in mines near Linares. He is a member of the Red Men. the Odd Fallows and the Knights ot Pjthias. The latter, he savs. K the lodge through which he came to meet President Diaz. PRESIDENTIAL PARDONS. Two Indian Territory Convict and an Old Womnn of 70 Among the Ilcne-tlcinrle-n. WASHINGTON, Dec. S. The president has pardoned Anarnl i V. Grierson. no-,v McCnrthy. convicted in the Southern dis trict of Ohio and sentenced to one ear 'n jail at Lebanon, for violation ot the pen sion laws. She Is said to be about TO ears of ace and In feeble health. The president also has pardoned John Cowan, of the Indian Territorj-. convict-d of obtaining money under false preten-es. The attornev- general, after a rev lew of the record, finds tint the faets Indicate noth ing more serious than fraudulent conduct in a deal for a hor--. He was sentenced for a term of five eir. Isaic Youmans. convicted in Colorado of passing counterfeit monev and sentenced for six ears. also was pardoned. The pris oner, the attorney general sa3. Is (e scribeii as a green and credulous boy Im posed upon and misled by his dc'gning confederates, who were professional coun terfeiters. The secret service officials recommended executive clemency. Bod Powell, of the Indian Territory, con victed and sentenced to a term of one vear ard four months for the larceny of four hogs, was also pardoned. H" has now- been In jail and the peniientiary awaitlng trial a tar and five months. Samuel J. Scharf. convieted In Idaho and sentenced to prison for a term of two jears and to pa a fine, for selling liquor to the Indians. He has now served one j ear and two months, and the sente-nce is regarded as excessive. He is an old sol dier. Ed Bailej-. of Alabama. s ntenceil to two j ears and to pay a tine, for violation of the internal revenue laws, was also par doned. He was recommended for pardon ior ine reason mat ne nan remiereu val uable service to the government In the prosecution of other cases. W. L. Prlie, of Texas, sentenced to the penltentlarj- for 'It jears for roblerv-. was also pardoned. The prisoner was only a boy when convieted, ami is now low with consumption. Leonard O. Partillo. who was convicted in Minnesota of counterfeiting silver dol lars, has been granted a commutation of his sentence from five to three ears. Par tillo it is said, was not the principal of fender, and was driven to his erlme -ome-what bv his necessities. The judge who passed sentence now sas tint had" he known all the ilreumstames of the case, he would have Imposed a lighter sentence. TO TRY TO HOLD SUNNY SLOPE. Receiver Jobes Will Klht to Make It an AHt-t of the- I"irt Nntlonai. EMPORIA. KAS. Dec S (Special.) C. S. Jobes has been made permanent receiver of the First National bunk. An interest ing point Is to be decided bv the eourt about Sunnv- Slope and its proceeds. It ap pears that Cress sank Jl'iO.UO of tre b ink's good money in Sunny Slope. This monev can I e traced directly from the bank to the Hereford, and Receiver Jobes is going to try to hold Sunny Siope nionej. not as a part of the Cross e.-tate. but as an asset of the bank. If he succeeds, the bank will take all the rest of the Cress estatfs to satisfj- the doub'e liability of the Cross ptock. It .s now known that Cro-s took considerable of his mother's monev ana property and sank it with the rest of the money he threw after bad. Whether he did this with h's mother's knowledge is not known, but It is probable that she gave her ronsei't. having the utmost fultii In h..s business abilitv. It appears that the bank will pa less than CO cents on Mie dollar. Ike Lambert, of Emporia. Kas.. United States district attornej-. is in Kansas CItv. "Bank Examiner Jobes has passed through an ordeal." said he. "in takli.g the action l.e did in complying with the law and per forming his duties. He suffered abuse from newspapers, and Individuals frlendl to Cross, hut he has been v Indie ited. The report to the comptroller which vou pub lished this morning answers- all the charges made against him a few- weeks ego. During the time ho was checking up the bank's business, and since his appoint ment to the receivership, he has worked everv- night until midnight, and sever il times he has worked all night. He de serves commendation for his part In clo-i-Ing the bank and protecting Its creditors." BARTLEY'S BONDSMEN LIABLE. Nehrnskn Supreme Conrt Holds That Thev Must Make Good the Shortage. LINCOLN. NEB, Dec. ! The decision of the district court in declarng the bonds men ot ex-Treasurer Joseph S. Bartley not liable for his shortage and reversed in an opinion rendered to-daj- by the supreme court. The amount directly involved Is S2ul,OC0, which Hartley took from a state depositor bank, for which he was con victed of embezzlement and sentenced to the penitential", where he now- i. Indi rect!, the decision affcts Bartlej's whole shortage of nearlj- JTOtiOuO, and which It new seems probable- the bondsmen will have to pay. BITTER C0LDJN DENVER. Mereurj- Stood at 1- Below nt Mld- nlulit nnd "Wn Still Failing. DENVER. COL.. Dec. S The tempera ture has been steadily falling here since noon to-day. At S o'clock this evening the mercury registered 3 degrees above zero. I and at midnight It was 12 below and still going down. Telegraphic reports show that the severe cold extends all over the state and south Irto New Mexico. GUTHRIE. O. T. Dec. V (Special ) A blizzard struck here this morning, and this evening It Is snowing furiously, an inch having fallen the first hour. MATAAFA KNOCKED OUT. Wn Elected Kins In Samoa lint Chief Justice Ruled Against nira. AUCKLAND. N. Z., Dec. S The follow ing advices were received here to-day from Samoa: "The supporters of Mataafa having elect ed him king, certain chiefs lodged a caveat, which the chief Justice decided In their fa vor. It is now- understood that Tamasess will be nominated." James Robinson Much Belter. MEXICO. MO.. Dec. S. (Special.) James Robinson, the former champion bareback rider of the world who came near dying of Uphold fever at Delavan Lake. Wis.. has recovered to the extent of be'ng able to reach his home here. He Is verj much broken in health and appearance, his hair beinn white as snow. DUE TO JEALOUSY ERV CLEVEM;ER"S DOLBLK CRIME AT MISSOl RI CITY. MURDERED HIS RIVAL IN LOVE THEN SHOT HIS COl .!'. BELLA CLEVENGER. PERHAPS FATALLY. Affair Occurred at the Close of Church Scrilcei Lat Night Murderer JInde III Escape Wn the Black. Sheep of Cler- euger Family. MISSOURI CITY, MO.. Dec. S.-(SpcciaI.) At the close of churrh services tonight, held in the Clevenger school house. Km Clevenger shot and killed George Allen, ard then, turning the weapon upon his cousin. Delia Clevenger. shot her. perhaps fatally. Disappoints ent and jealousy were mo tives for the crime. Joseph Clevenger. father of Delia, would not allow his, nephew, Ern. admittance to his home to pay attention to Delia. Ern seems to have been the black sheep of the family. While good hearted and well meaning when so ber, he was drunk most of the time. Ern was apparently greatly attached to Delia, and grew despondent and morose when he saw the place, which he considered of right his. taken bj- George Allen, a hand some joung fellow- and one of the bst known joung men in the countj-. All dav Ern Clevenger had been drink ing freelj-. To-night he placed a rv elver In one pocket and a bottle of whisky in at other and went to church, where h knew he would meet his rival ana his sweetheart. He took his seat back of the C'evenger pew and remained verv quiet during the meeting. When the cortgrega tlon arose for the benediction. Ern Clev enger arose also and stood with bowed head. When the last word was uttered by the preacher the murder took a step forward toward Allen, at the same time drawing a Ci-callber revolver from his. pocket. "D n jou; I'll shew jou." he cried, hoarsely, and. placing the gun at the back of Allen's head, fired twice. Allen fell without uttering a word. Then the murderer turned the weapon upon his. cousin. Joseph Clevenger had rushed for ward to protect his daughter, but arrived too late. He seized the murderer by the arm. but Ern Clevenger. uttering a hor rible Imprecation, wrested himself free, and In the confusion, made his escape. Thick woods surround the schoolhouse, and It Is thought he Is In hiding there. His heme Is in Tennessee, and he may try to go tr.err. The sheriff has been telegraphed to, but the roads are so impassable that he has noc jet had time to arrive. DOUBLE DETROIT TRAGEDY. Frank. Brook Return Home to Find HI Wife and L'ttle DanKh ' ter,Ueail. wT DETROIT. MICP. Dec. S. When Frank Brooks, of 1 Russell street, of this city, came hime from work to-night, he found In one bedroom his wife shot dead and In an other his ?- ear-old daughter, also dead. In a note that he found from his wife sho stated that she was tired of life and was going to heaven and takesher little daugh ter with her. from which It is supposed she committed the murder and then killed herseif-TJie woman, hail been, in poor liealtUbr some time. Dr. Oliver S. Bell, or MM Russell street, was also shot by Mrs. Brooks. He called in the middle of the afternoon and present ed his bill, at her request he says. She re ceived him cordially and after seating him, went into a side room, as he supposed, to get some money. The next thing he heard was? a pistol shot, and simultaneously ho felt the bullet strike his head. He rushed out, the woman continuing to fire at him. After getting his wound dressed he went to his mother's hom in Windsor. Ont.. across the river. When seen there to-night and asked why he did not report the affair to the police, he said he had no wish to mix the police In It. Dr. Bell sajs that when he entered the house Mr". Brook seemed perfectly rational, and he was un able to account for her terrible deed. MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE. One of Andover. Kas.. Train Robbers Convicted After a. Three Day Trial at Eldorado. ELDORADO. KAS, Dec. S. (Special.) Last Jure. Sam Smith and Tom Wind held up a Frisco tram and robbed the express car at Andovcr. Several of the citizens attacked the robb"rs. and William Belford. one of the poese. was shot and died front his Injuries shortlj- afterward. Smith had been on trial here for three days, and tho Jurj- found him guilty o murder in the tirt degree. He will receive a death sent ence, which In Kansa. means life impris onment. Tom "U ird. his partner, pleaded guilty to murder In the second degree and received a twenty jear3' sentenca In the penitenttarj-. For Hefnsinir to Par Their Tax. FORT SCOTT, KAS . Dec S -(Special.) By order of the cltj- council, the chief of police to-daj- arrested all of the short tmc loan men In the cltv. An ordinance was passed assessing them JS per year. special oecupatlon tar. which thev refused to pav. They were arrested, fined and ap pealed to the district court, where tho cases are still pendirg. They wsre re arrested to-day on the same charge. Bold St. Joseph Robbery. ST. JOSEPH. MO . Dec. S.-(Spccial.) A particul irly bold robbery was committed at Fourth and Edmor.d -treets at 6 o'clock; to-nicht. when a OUth. unmasked, entered the clothing otore of A. Goldman, placed a revolver to the proprietor's breast, and compelled him to turn over all money in the s.ife. 17) The robber threatened the, clerks, backed out of the store and then escaped in the crowds. Kansa Tenrher In Trouble. ATCHISON. KAS. Dec. ? (Special.) George Rhlnehart was taken to Topeka this evening to answer to the charge of statu tory assault, preferred by a joung woman residing there. Rhlnehart Is a joung teach er in the Lancaster neighborhood. Many New Lake Steamer. CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. S Shipbuilding companies of the Great lakes alreadj- have under contract for next steason twelve steel vesels. eight of which are modern freight carriers, two passenger loats, one an oil tank barge and one a large tug. These veseis will foot up In value a little more than J2.000.0n0. Kaasas "City Talks to Salina. ABILENE. KAS.. Dec. (Special.) The first message over the long distance tele phone line from Sillna to Kansas City sent this afternoon, the east and west ends meeting near Topeka.