OCR Interpretation

Kansas City journal. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1897-1928, February 06, 1899, Image 10

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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NOTICE is hereby Ilvien that a petition has txea
(led In the oln at rt city cleric or Kusu Cltr.
Ulsaourl. embodying a recommendation by the board
ef park commissioners to the common council cf Ksn
iu Cltr. Missouri, to vaisate Kansas avenue from the
south line ct 15th street to the north line of ICth
street, east ot Kansas arnne. In the nubile vatic
known as "The Grove," lit the South park district.
In Kansas Cltr. Missouri, which reads aa follows:
A resolution recommending to the common council
f Kansas City. Missouri. tle vacation of Kansas
venue from the south line cf fifteenth (Uth) street
to the north line of Sixteenth U61W street, east of
Kansas atenue. In the public park known as Tne
Grove." In the South nark dlstxlctv In Kansas Cltr.
Whereas. Under the temi of aallnance No. 353, of
the common council of Kansaa City,, Missouri, ap
proved November 13th, 1835. certain lands were taken
lor a public park known as 'line Grove," la the
South park district: and,
Whereas, Kansas aenue, la IThe Grove." now
crosses the land so taken from the south line cf Fif
teenth (Uth) street to the north line cf Sixteenth
(lth) street, cart of Kansas avenue, the fee title to
which was In the original propiletors of Benwood'a
rerond addition to Kansas Cltr. Missouri. Stewart's
first addition to the Cltr of Kansas, now Kansaa
Citr. Missouri, and Hammett Porter's tret addi
tion to the Cltr cf Kansas, now Kansas Cltr. Mis
souri; and.
Whereas. Kansas Cltr, Missouri, has now acquired
title In fee to all land on both sides of said Kansas
venue above described. Now, therefore.
Be it resolved by the board cf pack commissioners
cf Kansas Citr. Missouri:
Section 1. That the common council ot Kansaa
City. Missouri, be. and the same is. hereby peti
tioned to vacate Kansas avenue from the south line
of Fifteenth (15th) street to the north line of Six
teenth (ICth) street, east of Kansaa avenue. In the
public park known aa "The Grove." In the South
park district. In said Kansas City. In accordance
with the provisions ot the charter ct said Kansas
City, and that the title to said avenue revert to
Kansas Cltr. Missouri, as the owner of all the land
adjoining en both sides thereof, and .become a part ot
eald public park known as "The Grove."
Section 2. The board ot park comranssloners hereby
recommends to the common council that said Kansas
avenue above described be vacated ss aforesaid.
Section 3. That a certified copr cf this resolution
be delivered to each house of the common council aa
notice of the action and recommendation cf said
Said petition and recommendation being; made br
the board ot park commissioners of Kansas City.
Missouri; Kansas City being the owner of the ground
vacated by this petition and cf all ct the front feet ot
the real property fronting on the property proposed.
10 ne vacaia, ana it no opposition ne maae to sucn
petition within twenty (JO) days from this date, to
wn, this 25th day of January. 1S33. the common
council may, by ordinance, vacate the property men
tioned, with such restrictions aa It may deem tor the
public good.
A true copy. C. S. CURRY.
(Seal) City Cleric of Kansas City. Missouri,
NOTICE Is hereby git en that a petition has been
filed la the office ot the csty clerk of Kansas City.
Missouri, embodying . recommendation by the board
cf park icmmlssloners to the common council of Kan
sas City. Missouri, to vacate the alley running north
nd south between Benton boulevard and Kansas
venae from the south line ot the alley one hundred
nd thirty feet (130) south of and parallel with 15th
street to the south line of "The Grove." In the pub
lic park known aa "The Grove," In the South park
vistBci In Kansas City. Missouri, which reads aa
A resolution recommending to the common council
cf Kanata City. Missouri, the vacation ot the alley
running .north and south between Benton boulevard
nd Kan'- avenue from the south line of the alley
one hundrt d and thirty feet 0130) south ot and paral
lel with Fifteenth (15th) street to the south line of
The Grors ." In the public park known as "The
Grove." la Ithe South park district, la Kansaa City.
Whereas, O nder the terms of crdlnance No. 6953, ot
the common council of Kansas City, Missouri, ap
proved .Vovember 13, 1(35, certain lands were taken
tor a ptfblle ;park known as Th Grove," Id the
South park" dlsl rlct: and,
Whereas. An alley running north and south between
Benton boukwavd and Kansaa avenue trom the south
line ot the slly one hundred and thirty (.130) feet
couth of and .larallel with Fifteenth (ICth) street to
the south line fit said "The Grove," in the public
Jiark known aa "The Grove." In the South park
district, in Kansas City. Missouri, now croeses the
land so taken, the fee title to which was originally
In the proprietors I f H. E. Henwood'a second addi
tion to Kansas City,, and Stewart's first addition to
the City of Kansas, iow Kansas City, Missouri; and.
Whereas. Kansas City. Missouri, has now acquired
title la fee to all land on both aides of said alley
above described. Now, therefore.
Be It resolved by thev board ot park commissioner!
t Kansaa City, Missouri :
Section 1. That the common oonndl of Kansaa
City, Missouri, be. and the same ,1s, hereby peti
tioned to vacate the alle)' running north and south
between Benton boulevard and Kansas avenue from
the south line ot the alley one hundred and thirty
C130) feet south ot and parallel with Fifteenth (15th)
street to the couth line of said "The Grove," In the
public park known aa "Tha Crove," in the South
park district. In Kansas City, Missouri, In accordance
with the provisions ot the charter of said Kansas
City, and that the title to eaiJ alley revert to Kan
saa City, as the owner of all the. land adjoining on
both sides thereof, and become s part ot said public
park knows as "The.Grove."
Section 2. The board ot park commissioners hereby
recommends to the common council that said alley
shove described be vacated as (foresaid.
Section . That a certified copy ot this resolution
be delivered to each house of the common council as
notice of the sctlon and recommendation ot said
Said petition and recommendation being made by
the board of park commissioners ot Kansas City.
Missouri: Kansas City being the owner of the ground
vacated by this petition and ot alt ot tho front feet ot
the real property fronting on the property proposed
to be vacated, and If no opposition be made to such
petition within twenty (20) daya from this date, to
wlt. this 25th day cf January. 1S99, the common
council may, by ordinance, vacate the property men
tioned, with such restrictions as it may deem for the
public good.
A true copy. c. S. CURRY.
(seal) City Clerk of Kansas City. Missouri.
NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition has been
Bled la the once cf the city clerk of Kansas City.
Missouri, embodying a recommendation by the board
cf park commissioners to the common council of Kan
sas City. Mls-ouri. to vacate the alley one hundred
and thirty (ISO) feet south of and parallel with fif
teenth (Uth) street from the west line of "The
Grove' to the west line of Kansas svenue. In the
public park known as "The Grove." In the South
park district. In Kansas City. -Missouri which reads
sa follows:
A resolution recommending to the common council
cf Kansas City. Mlesouri. the vacation of the alley
one hundred and thirty (130) feet south of and par
allelwlth Fifteenth (15th) street from the west llns
of The Crove" to the west line ot Kansas avenue.
In the public park known as "The Grove." la the
South park district, la Kansaa Citr. Missouri.
Whereas. Under the terms of ordinance No. 953 of
the common council cf Kansas City. Missouri an
proved November 13. 18$;. certain lands were taken
for a public park known as "The Grove." in tha
South park district; and, .
Whereas, An alley one hundred and thirty (ISO) feet
south of and parallel with Fifteenth (15th) Btreet
from the west line of said "The Crove" to the west
.l!-h.ofr.Kn?.,.aT!Snei,aJhe UDl,c P known as
"The Crove- In the South park district. In Kansaa
City. Missouri, now crosses the land so taken, the
U" VLlle.; hlcJJ WM 'rtginally inr the proprietors cf
II. E. Henwood'a second addition to Kansas Cltr
Missouri: and, v-"'
Whereas. Kansas City. Missouri, has now aconlred
title in fee to all land en both sides of said alley
shove described. Now. therefore.
JK&Ecfc'&&?mi Dt P"" """"'"'oner,
Section 1. That the common council of Kansaa
Cltr. Missouri, be. and the same Is; hereby pS!
!!SS.'S l? ",cit " "T one hundred and thirty
lS0)-feet south ot and parallel with rifteenth (15th)
street from the west line of said "The Crove" to the
west-line of Kansas avenue. In the public park known
a "The Crove." In the South park : district. In Ki",
eas City. Missouri. In accordance with to .provisions
of the charter of said Kansas City, and that Se title
to said alley revert to Kansas City as the owner r
all the lend adjoining on both sides thereof and be
Grove " Pm f "W PUb" park known ''The
Section 2. The board of park commissioners hereby
recommends to the common council that said aller
above described be vacated as aforesaid
Section a. That a certified copv of this resnlntin.
?,?'""rV "ch " ot.th. common council
noUce of the action and recoamendatloa of said
Said petltloa and recommendation being mad. b
the board of park commissioners of KansasCilV
Mlswurt: Kansas City being tho owner of ""rround
wealed-by this petlUon and of all of the rrentS? rf
the real prop-rty fronting en the property nrni
to be vacated, and If no opposition be mid. tP2
r"tin ,hla twenty (M) da s from Si? date t.
wit. this 25th dav of January 1SS9 .,..' t0"
council may. by ordinance, vacate the 'prert?mm.,,n
puKi "Ch "'tIlrt'0M " IOrmth.
A true copy. o rTTnn
.Seal) City Clerk ot KanM, Cltr.Sk
MlMourl. emoting a recommeCna,ktlonr &"? figS
of park commissioners to the common . rd
Kan City. MUurl. to teX .Mey .C'i f
dred and tblrtr (133) feet south of and rfar?.i h,Jn
ISth street from tbe east linnet K.nJ.!leI vith
the west line ot Ar,as avenue Into? ,,,f.,naue
known as "The Grove." m-ti? South part i? .Pirk
in Kansas City. Missouri, which rtaa. aP"fk,,iJ'"rict
itnsoumox .no. nol r:
A resolution recommrndlng to tbo conn,,-,,,
cf Kansas Ctty. Missouri, the va"atlonS .t,00"?,0"
one hundred and thirty (130) rt son, h "", "
parallel with Fifteenth (15th) street Iron? ,ff "',
lien of Kansas avenue to the west l!2? ?". 'st
aicnue. In the public park known as 'Tl,. rae!
in the South park dlatrlct. la Kansas CltV xii ""'.
Whereas. Under toe terms of ortlnince vl,""?'
ct the common council ot Kansas Cltr ii...? uzz
pro.ed November ISth. 1S33. ceitiln ,i"rt' P
taken for a public park, known as "Th. ?.. We''o
the South psrfc district: and. Gro." m
". " "r one nunurcd and thirt. ...
et south of and parallel with nttecMh ,!! V
west line of Agnes avenue in the hi, t!l
ki.u.m -. w.u., ,u wic ouui park rfr.,-7
now crosses the land so taken, the tee till. .. UJCU
was orlElnally In the proprietors of n Ti 5lca
woud's second addition to Kansas City and- ea"
Whereas, Kansas Citr. MUtouri, has' now .. .
title la tee to all land on both sides of ni?1 ut'i
above de-rrlbed: now, therefore, a u"
Dc It resolved by the Leard of park coram...
er. ot Kanaas City, Missouri: CoramIMloa.
Section I. Tbt the common council of tc..
fltr, Missouri, be. and Ue same Is, hereby iemtS?!
to vacate the alley one hundred and thirty nam J1S
eouth ot and parallel with Fifteenth (tsth) !!
from the east line et Kansaa avenue to the west iioi
of Agnes avenue, lu the public park known as "Th.
Grove." In the South park district. In Kansas Cltv
j!lourl.Un accordance with the provUIona of too
charter of said Kansas City, and that the title to
aid alley reert to Kama. Cltv. as the owner of all
tl.e land adjoining on both sides thereof, and bc
me a psrt of said public park, known aa "Ths
Crove." .
Section 2 The board ot park commissioners hereby
recommends tn the common 'council that said allsT
above described be vacated as aforesaid.
ittUss a. Cast ft ctrUitt ton ot tola rtaoluiita
be delivered to each house of the common council
aa notice of the. action and recommendation ot said
Said petition and recommendation being made by
the board of park commissioners of Kansas City.
Missouri: . Kansas City being tho owner of the
ground vacated by this petition and of all of the
front feet of the real property fronting on the prop
erty proposed to be vacated, and It no opposition be
made to such petition within twenty (20) days from
this date, to-wlt, this 25th day ot January, 1S99. the
common council may by ordinance vacaba the prop
erty mentioned, with Buch restrictions aa it may
deem for the public good.
A true copy. c. S. CURRY.
(Se" City Clerk ot Kansas City. Missouri.
. P CB '" hereby gUen that a petition has been
nied in the office of the city clerk of Kansas Cltj.
Missouri, embodying a recommendation by the board
of park commissioners to the common council ot
Kansas City, Missouri, to vacate liellefontalne ave
nue from the south line ot 15ih street to the north
J"J 0l !Cth atreet ia tho public park known as
The Grove." la the South park district, la Kaa
as City, Missouri, which reads as follows:
A resolutioa recosnmeadlng to the common council
of Kansas City, Missouri, the vacation ot Belle
tontaine avenue trom the eouth line ot rifteenth
(15th) street to the north line ot Sixteenth (ICth)
street, la the public park kaown as "The Grove,"
In South park district, in Kansas City, Missouri.
Whereas, Under the terms of ordinance No. 6351
of the common council of Kansas Cltyi Missouri, op
proved Noiember 13th, 1835, certain lands were
taken for a public park, known aa 'The Groe." in
the South park district: and.
Whereas, Belletontaine avenue from the south line
of rifteenth (15th) street to tho north line of Six
teenth (ICth) street, now crosses tbe land so taken,
the fee title to which waa originally In the proprie
tors of 11. E. Henwood'a second addition to Kansas
City and Hammett & Porter's first addition to the
City of Kansas, now Kansas City, Missouri; and.
Whereas, Kansas City, Missouri, has now acquired
title In tee to all land on both tidea of said Uelle-
lontaine atenue above described; now. therefore.
Be It resolved by the board of park commission
ers of Kansas city, Missouri:
Section X. That the commoa council of Kansas
City, Missouri, be, and the same Is, hereby petitioned
to vacate Bellciontalne avenue from the south line
ot Fifteenth (15th) street to tho north line ot Six
teenth (leth) street in the public park known as
"The Grove," in the South park district. In Kansaa
Citr, Missouri, in accordance wiUa the provisions of
the charter ot said Kansas Cltj, and that tha title
to that part of Bellefontalne avenuo revert to Kan
sas Cltr as the owner ot all the land adjoining on
both sides thereof, and become a part ot said publlo
park, known as 'The Grove."
Section 2. Tbe board of park commissioners hereby
recommends to the common council that said Belle
fontalne avenuo above described bo vacated as afore
said. Section 3. That s certified copy ot this resolution
be delivered to each house of tbe common council
as notice of the action and recommendation of said
Said petition and recommendation being made by
the board ot park commissioners ot Kansas City,
Missouri: Kansas City being the owner of the
ground vacated by this petition and ot all ot ths
front feet of the real property fronting on the prop
erty proposed to be vacated, and it no opposition be
made to such petition within twenty (20) days from
this date, to-wlt, this 25th day of January, 1899, the
common council may by ordinance vacate the prop
erty mentioned, with such restrictions as it may
deem for the public gsou.
a true copy. c. b. cuiuti,
(Seal) Cltr Clerk ot Kansas City, Missouri.
NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition has been
filed In the office of the city clerk of Kansas City.
Missouri, embodying a recommendation by the board
of park commissioners to the commoa council of
Kaasas City, Missouri, to vacate Agnes avenue from
the south line of 15tn Etreet to tne north line oz
16th street In toe publna park known as "The
Grove," in the South park district ia Kansas City,
Missouri, which reads as fallows:
A resolution recommending to the common council
of Kansas City. Missouri, tha vacation of Agnes
avenue from the south line of Fifteenth (lth)
street to toe north line ot Sixteenth (lEth) street. In
the publlo park known as "The Grove," la the
South park district in Kansas City, Missouri.
Whereas. Under the terms of ordinance No. (353
of tho common council ot Kansas City, Missouri, ap
proved November 13th, 1S3, oertaln lanas were
taken tor a public park, known aa 'The Grove," la
the South park district, in Kansas City, Missouri;
Whereas, Agnes avenue rrcm tn soutn line ot fif
teenth (15th) atreet to the north line of Sixteenth
(16th) street now crosses the land so takBn. the fee
title to which -was originally in the proprietors cf
11. E. Henwood'a second addition to Kansas City,
Missouri, and Hammett & Porter's first addition to
the City ot Kansas, now Kansas City. Missouri; and.
Whereas, Ksnqv City, Missouri, has now acquired
title la tee to an laad oa both sides ot said aveaue
above described: now, therefore.
Be It resolved by Ue board 01 park commission
ers ot Kansas City, Missouri:
Section 1. That the commoa council ot Kansas,
Missouri, be, and ffle same Is, hereby petitioned to
vacate Agnes avenue trom the south line ot Fif
teenth (15th) street to the north line of Sixteenth
(16th) street In ths publlo park known as 'The
Grove," in the South park district, in said Kansas
City, In accordance with the provisions ot the char
ter of said Kansas City, and that ths title to said
Agnes" avenue revert to Kansas City, Missouri, as
the owner ot an tne laua aajoiuiut; u uuiu wu
thereof, and become a part ot said public park.
known as "The Grove."
Section 2. The board 01 pars commissioners nere
h. nwmnTn.Tirtft tn the common council that said
Agnes svenue, above described, b vacated as afore
said. Section S. That s certified copy of this resolution
be delivered to each house ot the common council
as notice ot tho action and recommendation of said
Said petition and recommendation being made by
the board of park commissioners of Kansas City,
Missouri: Kansas City being the owner ot the
ground vacated by this petition and of all of the
front feet ot the real property fronting on the prop
erty proposed to be vacated, and If no opposition be
made to such petition within twenty (20) days from
.vi. ...- ki ihii 'itli dav ot January. 1S39. toe
common council may by ordinance vacate the prop-
rrtv mentioned, with euca icslticuuu u t u
deem for tne pumic gooa.
A true copr.
City Clerk ot Kansas City, Missouri.
NOTICE is hereby given that 'a petltloa has beea
filed in the ofuco ot the city clerk of Kansas City.
Missouri, embodying a recommendation by the board
of park commissioners to the common council of Kan
sas City, Missouri, to vacate Watrond svenue from
the south line ot 15th street to the north line ot 16th,
street In the public park known as "The Grove." In
the South park district. In Kansas City, Missouri.
which reads as followsj
A resolution recommending to the common council
ot Kansas City. Missouri, the vacation of Walrond
avenue from the south line ot rifteenth (15th) street
to the north lino of Sixteenth (16th) street. In the
public park known as "The Grove." In the South
park district, la Kansas City. Missouri.
Whereas, Under the terms of ordinance No. 6953, ot
tbe common council of Kansas City, Missouri, ap
proved November Uth, 1385, certain lands were taken
for. a publlo park known as "The Grove." la the
South park district; and.
Whereas, Walrond avenue from the south line of
Fifteenth (15th) street to tbe north line of Sixteenth
(16th) street, in the public park known as "The
Grove." In the South park district. In Kansas City,
Missouri, now crosses toe land so taken, the fee title
to which was originally in toe proprietors of the re
survey and corrected plat ot blocks one (1), two (2),
three (3) and four (4). of Alexander place, an addi
tion to the City ot Kansas, now Kansas City. Mis
souri, and Alexander park, an addition to the City ot
Kansas, now Kansas City, Missouri; and.
Whereas. Kansaa City. Missouri, has now acquired
title in fee to all land on both sides ot said Wal
rond avenue above described. Now, therefore.
Be It resolved by the board ot park commissioners
of Kansas City. Missouri:
Section 1. That tbe common council of Kansas
City. Missouri, be, snd the same is, hereby peti
tioned to vacate Walrond avenue from the south line
of Fifteenth (15th) street to 'the north line of Six
teenth (16th) street, in the public park known aa
"The Grove," in the South park district. In Kansas
City, Missouri, In accordance with toe provisions of
the charter at said Kaasas City, and tost the title to
that part ot said Walrond avenue revert to Kansas
City, as the owner ot all ths land adjoining en both
sides thereof, and become a part ot said public park
known as "The Grove."
Section 2. The board of park commissioners hereby
recommends to the common council that that part of
said Walrond avenue above described be vacated as
sforesald. . . .
Section 3. That a certified copy ot this resolution
be delivered to each house of the common council as
notice cf tha action and recommendation ot said
Said petltloa and recommendation being made by
the board of park commissioners ot Kansas City.
Missouri: Kansas City being the owner of the ground
.vacated br this petition and of all of the front feet of
the real property fronting on the propertr proposed
to be vacated, and If no opposition be made to such
petition within twentr (20) aays from this date, to
wlt. this 25th dar of January. 1S39, the common
council may, by ordinance, vacate toe property men
tioned, with such restrictions as It may deem for tha
public good.
A true copr. C- S. CURRY,
(Seal) City Clerk of Kansas City, Missouri.
NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition has been
filed in the oBce of the city clerk ot Kansas City
Missouri, embodjlng a recommendation by the board
ot park commissioners to tbe common council of Kan
sas Cltr. Missouri, to vacate the alley running north
and south between Kansas avenue and Agnes avenue
from the south line ot the alley one hundred snd
thirty (ISO) feet south of and parallel with 15th
rtrcet to tbe north line of 16th street, tn the public
nark known as 'The Crove." in the South park dis
trict, in Kansaa City. Missouri, which reads as fol-
l0W5"' RESOLUTION NO. 1409.
A resolution recommending to the common council
of Kansas City, Missouri, the vacation of the alley
running north and eouth between Kaasas avenue and
A-nc. avenue, from the south line of tho alley cr.
hundred and thirty (13j) Icet soutn of and parallel
with Fifteenth (lDth) street to the north line of Six
:.'.,t inn street, lu the public park knmrn ..
The Grove." la the South park district, in Kansas
Cltv Missouri. , ...
Whereas. Under tho terms of ordinance No. esi3
nf the common council of Kansas City. Missouri, sd
preved November 13th. 1S35. certain lands eS
PJSIL .. . nubile nark, known as 'The Cm. .. I?
toe South park district: and.
Whereas, ab iw ."--. -"- muia Be
tween Kansas avenue and Agnes avenue, from the
Luth line of the alley one hundred and thirty (uo,
feet south ot and parallel "fteeath (Uth
street to the north line of Sixteenth (16th) street in
the public park known as 'The rjrove." In the South
park district. In Kansas City. Missouri, now crosses
toe land so taken, the fee title to which was origin
ally in the proprietors ot II. E. Henwood'a second
addition to Kansas City, and Hammett & Porter's
first addition to toe City of Kansas, now Kaasas
Cltv. Missouri: and.
Whereas. Kansas Cltr, Missouri, has now acquired
title In fee to all land on both aides ot said alley
above described; now. therefore,
Be' It resolved by the board of park commission
ers ot Kansas City. Missouri:
Section 1. That the common council ot Kansas
I Cltr, Stlssoun, oe, sua ine saint i. juibbj pcuuonea
i la Ticits, the aUei running porta and south, bttweca
Kansas avenue and Agnes avenue, from the south
line of toe alley one hundred and thirty (130) feet
couth ot and parallel with Fifteenth (15th) street to
the north line of Sixteenth (16tb) street. In the
public park known as 'The Grove," In the South
park district. In Kansas City, Missouri, In accord
ance with the provisions of the charter ot said Kan
sas City, and that toe title to said alley revert to
Kansas City, as the owner ot all the land adjoining
on both sides thereof, and become a part of said
public park, known as 'The Grove."
Section 2. The board of park commissioners hereby
recommends to toe common council that said alley
above described be vacated as aforesaid.
Section 3. That a certified copy ot this resolution
be delivered to each house ot the common council
as notice of toe action and recommendation ot said
Said petition and recommendation being made by
the boaid of park commissioners ot Kansas City,
Missouri: Kansas City being the owner of the
ground vacated by this petition and ot all ot the
front feet of toe real property fronting on the prop
erty proposed to be vacated, and it no opposition be
made to such petition within twenty (30) days from
this date, to-wlt, this 25th day ot January. 1S93. the
common council may by ordinance vacate the prop
erty mentioned, with such restrictions aa it may
deem for the public good.
A true copy. c. S. CURRY,
(Sc.il) City Clerk of Kansas City. Missouri.
VACATION NOTICE Notice to property owners on
Warner avenue from the south line of Gulnotte ave
nue south to the Junction of Warner avenua with
Park avenue.
Notice is hereby given that a petltloa to the com
mon council to vacate Warner avenue, as above de
scribed, has been tiled in the city clerk's office of
Karnes City, Mo., which reads as follows:
To the Common Council ot Kansas City, Jacksoa
County, Missouri.
The undersigned, real estate owners and residents
of Kansas City, respectively own the real estate on
Warner avenue from the south line of Gulnotte ave
nue south to the Junction ot Warner avenue with
Park avenue, described opposite their names, by
them hereto subscribed, and hereby petition the
common council of Kansas City to have Warner ave
nue from the south lino of Gulnotte avenue south to
the Junction of Warner avenue with Park avenue, all
In the said Kansas City, vacated.
The real estate on nald part cf Warner avenue Is
owned by the following persons: Part of lot 56.
Hurck's subdivision of Gulnotte Bluff, by the Ferd
Helm Brewing Company; lot 11, block 7, Howard &
Scott's addition, by the Kerd Helm Brewing Com
pany: lots 12, IS. 14, 13. 1C. 17. 18 and 19, block 7,
Howard & Scott's addition, by Oliver Case.
The following are the names signed to said petition:
Attesting witness, J. M. Tackett; owner's name,
Terd Helm Brewing Co.. by Joseph J. Helm, pres.,
part of lot 56, Hurck's subdivision of the Gulnotte
Bluff, bounded by Gulnotte avenue. Park avenue and
Warner avenue; lot 11. block 7, Howard 4a Scott's
addition, Kansas City, Mo.
Attesting witness. J. M. Tackett: owner's .name,
Oliver Case; lots 13 to 19, Inclusive, block 7, How
ard & Scott's add., Kansas City, Mo.
And If no opposition be mae to such petltloa with
in twenty (20) days from this date, to-wlt, this
24th day of January, 1S99, the common council may,
by ordinance, vacate toe property mentioned In said
petition, with such restrictions as It may deem best
for the publlo good.
A true copy. C. S. CURRY,
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kansas City, Mo,
VACATION NOTICE Notice to property owners oa
37th street (formerly Tremont street). In Roanoke,
from the east line ef Summit street to the west line
ot Fennsylvsnla avenue.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition to the com
moa council to vacate 37th street, as above described,
has been filed In the city clerk's office ot Kansas
City, Mo., which reads as follows:
To toe Commoa Council ot Kansas City, Jackson
County, Missouri.
The undersigned real estate owners and residents
of Kansas City own all the real estate on 37th etreet
(formerly Tremont street), in RoanoLe, from the
east line ot Summit street to the west line of Penntyl
vanla avenue, and hereby petition the common council
of Kansas City to have 37th street (formerly Tremont
street). In Roanoke, trom toe east line of Summit
street to the west line of Pennsylvania avenue, all
In the said Kansas City, vacated.
The following are the names signed to said petition:
Attesting witness, M. B. Secrlst; owner's name.
South Highlands Land and Improvement Co , Edward
E. Holmes, president; South Highlands Land and
Improvement Co., Jame3 Haggart, secretary; descrip
tion of real estate signed for: Lots 89, 100. 101, 102.
103, 101, 105. 106. 107, block 10, Roanoke: lots 103 and
120, block 11, Roanoke: lots 121 and 139, block 12,
And If no opposition be made to such petition with
in twenty (20) days from this date, to-wlt. this
24th day of January, 1899, the common council may,
by ordinance, vacate the property mentioned in said
petition, with such restrictions as It may deem best
for the publlo good.
A true copy. C S. CURRY.
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kansas City, Mo.
TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, Henry Roemer and
Matilda J. Roemer, hl3 wife, by their certain deed
of trust dated the ICth day of December, 1635, and
filed for record In the office of the recorder ot deeds.
In Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas City, on ths
17th day ot December, 1895. and recorded in said of
fice, in book "B" number 611, at page 318, conveyed
to Robert F. Porter, as trustee, the following de
scribed real estate, situated In the county ot Jack
son, state ot Missouri, to-wlt: All ot lot number
twenty-six (26), in block number seven (7). in Elm
Grove addition to tbe City ot Kansas, now called
Kansas City, as shown by the recorded plat thereof,
which said deed of trust was given to secure the
payment of one principal promissory note and six
Interest notes in said deed described: and, whereas,
the said principal note la now past due and unpaid
and default has been made in tbe performance ot
the conditions of said deed, and the earns has beea
brokea by reasoa of the non-payment ot said prin
cipal note; now, therefore, public notice 1b hereby
given that I, Robert F. Porter, trustee ss aforesaid,
will, la accordance with the provisions of said deed
of trust, at the request of toe legal owner and holder
ot said note, proceed to sell, and will sell the prop
erty hereinbefore described, at public vendue, to the
highest bidder, for cash, at the south front door of
the county court house. In Kansas City, Jackson
county, Missouri (said court house being located on
the block ot ground bounded by Oak street, Missouri
avenue. Locust street and Fifth street, la said
Kansas City), on Saturday, the 25th day ot Febru
ary, 1899, between tbe hours of nine o'clock In the
forenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon ot that
day, to satisfy the said debt, secured by the said
deed of trust and the cost of executing this trust,
TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, Clinton D. French
snd John 11. Owens did, by their certain deed ot
trust, dated the 31st day of January. 1893, aod re
corded on the 2nd day ot February, 189J, in hook No.
194. at page 250, in the office of toe recorder of
deeds tor Jackson county. Missouri, at Independence,
convey to the undersigned trusteo toe following de
scribed real estate In Jackson county, Missouri, to
wlt: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot seren
teea (17) In Old Town, now city of ladepeadeace,
Missouri: thence north fifty (50) feet; thence west
one hundred and twenty (120) feet: toeace north four
(4) feet; thence west forty-five (45) feet to the west
line of said lot seventeen (17); thence south fifty
four (54) feet; thence east one hundred and sixty
five (165) feet to the place ot beginning, to secure
their two (2) certain promissory notes fcf even date
therewith in said deed of trust described; and, where
as, default has been made In the payment of both
of said notes and Interest thereon sines July list,
1897, now, therefore, I, the undersigned trustee, by
vlrtue of tha powers In me vested In and by said
deed ot trust, snd at the request of the legal holder
and owner ot said notes, hereby give notice that I
will, on Wednesday, the 8th day ot February, 1S99,
between toe hours of 9 o'clock la the forenoon ami
C o'clock In the afternoon, at the east front door
ct the court bouse at Independence, in Jacksoa
county, Missouri, expose Bald real estate for sale
at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder,
to pay off eald notes and Interest and the expeass
of executing this trust.
TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, The Eighth Street Im
provement Company did, by its certain deed ot trust,
dated the Uth day ot April, 1890, and rocorded oa
the 12th day of April, 1890, la book B No. 400, at
page 333, In the office ot the recorder ot deeds for
Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas City, convey to
the undersigned trustee the following described real
estate in Jacksoa county, Missouri, to-wlt: All of
lots fourteen (11), fifteen (15) and the eouth twenty
(20) feet ot lot thirteen (13), In block three (3), ot
Hubbard's addition to the City ot Kansas (sow Kan
sas City), as the sama are marked and designated
on the recorded plat thereof, to secure the one
negotiable principal bond or note In said deed of
trust described; and, whereas, default has been made
In the payment of said bond or note and Interest
thereon; now, therefore, T, the undersigned trustee,
by virtue ot the powers tn me vested In and by said
deed ot trust, and at the request ot the legal holder
and owner ot said bond or note, hereby give notice
that I will, on Tuesday, the 7th day of February.
1899, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon
and 5 o'clock In the afternoon, at the west front
door of the United States custom house (located at
the southeast corner of Ninth and Walnut streets) in
Kansas Cltr, Jacksoa couatr, Missouri, expose said
real estate for Bale, at publlo vendue, for cash, to
the highest bidder, to pay off said bond or note and
Interest, and the expenses of executing toll trust.
E. J. DAVISON, Trustee.
NOTICE la hereby given that letters testamentary
on the estate of Nicholas Lacy, deceased, were
granted to the undersigned by the probate court ot
toe county of Jackson, state ot Missouri, at Kansas
City, on the 16th day of January, 1S99. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to
exhibit the same to toe undersigned for allowance,
within one year after the date of said letters, or they
may be precluded from any benefit ot said estate, and
It such claims be not exhibited within two years
from the date of this publication they will be forever
JAMES LACY. Executors.
Silverman . Well, Attorneys, 633 N. Y. Life bldg.
Dated this 16th dav of January. 18S9. a
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administra
tion on the estato of Margaret Smith, deceased, wore
granted to the undersigned br the probate court ot
the county ot Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas
City, on the 24th day ot January, lss. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to
exhibit tbe same to the undersigned for allowance,
within one year after the date of said letters, or they
may be precluded from any benefit of cald estate,
and If such claims be not exhibited within two
years from the date ot this publication ther will ne
torever barred. ELIZABETH HYLAND.
Dated this 21th day of January, 1839.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administra
tion with will annexed, on the estate of Lewis W.
Mozingo, deceased, were granted to the undersigned
by the probate court of the county of Jackson, state
ot Missouri, at Kansas City, on toe 17th day of Jan
uary. 1833. All persons having claims against said
estate are required to exhibit toe same to the under
signed for allowance, within one year after the date
ot said letters, or they may be precluded from sny
benefit of said estate, and If such claims be not ex
hibited within two years from the date of this pub
lication they will be forever barred,
ucauoa ui j IL RICIIARr)g
Administrator, With the Will Annexed.
Bated this 17th day ot January. 1E99.
by given to all creditors and others Interested in
the estate ot Andrew Jones, deceased, that we,
Lawrence M. Jones and John L. Jones, executors of
said estate, lstead to make a final settlement thereof
at the next term of tbe probate court ot Jacksrn
count!. Missouri, to be held at Kansas City, Missouri,
en the 20th day ot February, 1SS9.
Uessrvey, Pierce b German. Attorneys.
NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition has beea
filed la tbe office ot the city clerk of Kansaa City.
Missouri, .embodying a recommendation by the board
of park ccmmlsslonera to the common council of Kan
sas City, Missouri, to vacate the alley running north
and south between Agnes avenue and Belletontaine
avenue from the south line of the alley one hundred
and thirty (130) feet south ot and parallel with 15th
street to the north line of 16th street, la the publlo
park known as 'The Grove," in the South park dis
trict, in Kansas City, Missouri, which reads aa fol
A resolution recommending to the common council
of Kansas city. Missouri, the vacation of the alley
running north and eouth between Agnes avenue and
Bellefontalne avenue from tbe south line of the alley
one hundred and thirty (130) feet south of and paral
lel with Fifteenth (15th) street to the north line ot
Sixteenth (16tb) street, in the public park known as
The Grove," In the South park district, la Kansas
Citj. Missouri.
Whereas. Under the terms of ordinance No. 6953, ot
the common council of Kansas City, Missouri, ap
proved November 13. 1S93 certain lands were taken
for 'a public park known as 'The Grove." In ths
South park district: and,
whereas. An alley running north and south be
tween Agnes avenue and Bellefontalne avenue from
the south line of the alley one hundred and thirty
(130) feet south of and parallel with rifteenth (15th)
street to the north line ot Sixteenth (16th) street. In
the public park known as "The Grove." in the South
Parlc district. In-Kansas City. Missouri, now crosses
the land so taken, the fee title to which was origi
nally in proprietors of H. E. Henwood's second addl
tfil..J Ka"sss City, and Hammett & Porter's first
addition to the City ot Kansas, now Kansas City.
Missouri; and,
.,yb"'"- Kansas City, Missouri, has now acquired
title In fee to all land on both sides of said alley
above described. Now, therefore.
Be it resolved by the board ot park commissioners
of Kansas ctty. Missouri:
Section 1. That the common council ot Kansas
J-'"', Missouri, be. and tbe same Is. hereby peti
tioned to vacate the alley running north and south
between Agnes avenue and Bellefontalne avenue from
soutl "na of the alley one hundred and thirty
(130) feet south of and parallel with Fifteenth (15th)
street to the north line of Sixteenth (16th) street. In
tho public park known as "The Grave," in the South
park district. In Kansas City, Missouri. In accord
ance with the provisions of tbe charter ot said Kan
sas City, and that the title to said alley revert to
Kansas City, as the owner of all the land adjoining
on both sides thereof, and become a part of said pub
lic park known as "Tbe Grove."
Section 2. The board of park commissioners hereby
recommends to the common council that said alley
abeve described be vacated as aforesaid.
Section 3. That a certified copy of this resolntlea
bo delivered to each house of tho common council as
notice of the action and recommendation of said
Said petltloa and recommendation being made by
the board of park commissioners of Kansas City,
Missouri: Kansas City being the owner of the ground
vacated by this petition and ot all of the front feet ot
the real property fronting on the property proposed
to oe vacated, and If no opposition be made to such
petition within twenty (20) days from this date, to
wn, this 25th day of January, 1899, the commoa
council may, by ordinance, vacate tha property men
tioned, with such restrictions as It may deem tor ths
public good.
A true copy. c. S. CURRY,
(Seal) Cltr Clerk of Kansas Citr. Missouri.
NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition has beea
filed In the office of the city clerk of Kansas City,
Missouri, embodying a recommendation by the board
ot park commissioners to the common council ot Kan
sas City, Missouri, to vacate the alley one hundred
and thirty (130) feet south ot and parallel with ISth
etreet from the east line ot Agnes avenue to ths west
line of Bellefontalne avenue. In the publlo park
known as "The Grove." In the South park district,
in Kansas City. Missouri, which reads as follows:
A resolution recommending to the common council
of Kansas City. Missouri, the jvacation ot the alley
one hundred and thirty (130) feet south ot and paral
lel with Fifteenth (15th) street from the east line ct
Agnes avenue to the west line ot Bellefontalne ave
nue. In the public park known as 'The Grove," la
the South park district. In Kansas City, Missouri.
Whereas, Under the terms ot ordinance No. 6951, ot
the commoa council of Kansas City, Missouri, ap
proved November 13, 1893, certain lands were taken
for a public park known as "The Grove," In ths
South park district; and.
Whereas, An alley one hundred and thirty (130)
feet south of and parallel with Fifteenth (15th) street
from the east line of Agnes avenue to the west line
of Bellefontalne avenue. In the public park known as
"The Crove." In the South park district, now crosses
the land so taken, the fee title to which was origi
nally in the proprietors of H. 'E. Henwood's second
addition to Kansas City; and.
Whereas, Kansas City, Missouri, has now acquired
title In fee to all land on both Bides ot said alley
above described. Now, therefore.
Be it resolved by tho board of park commissioners
cf Kansas City, Missouri:
Section 1. That the common council of Kansas
City. Missouri, be, and the same Is, hereby peti
tioned to vacate the alley one hundred and thirty
(130) feet south of and parallel with Fifteenth (15th)
street from toe east line ot Agnes avenue to the west
line of Bellefontalne avenue, la the public park
known as "The Grove," In the South park district.
In Kansas City. Missouri. In accordance with the
provisions ot the cnarter of said Kansas City, and
that the title to said alley revert to Kansaa City, as
tbe owner ot all the land adjoining on both Bides
thereof, and become a part of said public park known
as 'The Grove "
Section 2. The board ot park commissioners hereby
recommends to the common council that said alley
above described be vacated as aforesaid.
Section 3. That a certified copy of this resolution
be delivered to eachTlnuso of toe'eomraoa council as
notice of tha action and recommendation ot said
board. . -t l
Said petition snd recommendation being made by
the board of park commissioners of Kansas City,
Missouri; Kansas Cityl being the owner of the ground
vacated by this petition and of all of the front feet ot
the real property fronting on the property proposed
to be vacated, and Itino opposition be made to such
petition within twentr (30) days from this date, to
wlt, this 25th dar of. January, 1839, the commoa
council may, by ordinance, vacate the property men
tioned, with inch restrictions as It may deem tor the
public good.
A true copy. a S. CURRY,
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kansas City. Missouri.
NOTICE is hereby glvea that a petltloa has beea
filed In 'the office of the city clerk of Kansas City,
Missouri, embodying a recommendation by tie board
ot park commissioners to the common council of
Kansas City, Missouri, to vacate the alley one hun
dred and twenty-five (125) feet south of and parallel
with 15th street fron the east line of Walrond ave
nue to the east line of "The Grove," In the publlo
park known as "The Grove," in the South park dla
trlct, la Kansas City, Missouri, which reads as fol
lows: RESOLUTION NO. 1412.
A resolutioa recommending to the common couaell
of Kansas City, Missouri, the vacation of the alley on
hundred and twenty-five (125) teet south ot and paral
lel with Fifteenth (Uth) street from the east llns
ot Walrond avenue to toe east line of "The Grove,"
in tha public park known aa "Ths Grove," in ths
South park district, la Kaasas City.
Whereas, Uader the terms of ordinance No. 95!
t the eommon council ot Kansas City, Missouri, ap
proved November 13th, 1895, certain lands were
taken for publlefpark, known aa 'Ths Grove." la
the South park district; and.
Whereas, An alley one hundred and twenty-firs
(125) feet south ot and parallel with Fifteenth (Uth)
street from the east line ot ,Walrond avenue to tha
east llns ot Bald "The Grove," In the public park
known as "Tho Grove," In tho South park district.
In Kansas City, Missouri, now crosses the land so
taken, the tee title to which was originally In the
proprietors ot Alexander Park, an addition to the
City ot Kaasas, now Kansas City, Missouri; and.
Whereas, Kansas City, Missouri, has now acquired
title In fee to all laad on both sides of said alley
above described; now, therefore.
Be it resolved by the board of park commission
ers ot Kansas City, Missouri:
Section 1. That the commoa council of Kaasas
City. Missouri, be, and the same Is hereby, petitioned
to vacate the alley one hundred and twenty-five (125)
feet south ot and parallel with Fifteenth (Uth) street
from the east line ot Walrond avenue to the east :1ns
of said "The Grove." In the publlo park known as
"The Grove," In toe South park district. In Kansas
Ctty, Missouri, In accordance with the provisions of
the charter ot said Kansas City, and that the title
to said, alley revert to' Kansaa City, ss the owner ct
ell lbs land adjoining, on both sides thereof, and
become a part ot said publlo park, known as -Ths
Section 2. The board of park commissioners hereby
recommends to the eommon council that said alley
above described be vacated as aforesaid.
Section 3. That a certified copy of this resolutioa
be delivered to each, house ot the common council
as notice ot the action and recommendation ot said
Said petition and recommendation being made by
the board, ot park commissioners ot Kansas City.
Missouri: ' Kansas City being the owner of the
ground vacated by this petition snd ot sll of ths
front feet ot the real property fronting en the prop
erty proposed to be vacated, and It no opposition be
made to such petition within twenty (20) days from
this date, to-wlt. this 25th day ot January, 1899, the
common council may by ordinance vacats the prop
erty mentioned, with such restrictions as It may
deem for the publlo good.
A true copy. C. 8. CURRY,
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kansas City. Missouri.
(First Insertion January 23th, 1S99.)
TRUSTEE'S SALE Under the terms of a deed of
trust duly executed and acknowledged by Thomas
11 Maatin and Elizabeth S. Manln, his wife, dated
the 16th day of July, A, D. 1SS9. recorded In the
office of the recorder of deeds of Jackson county.
Missouri, at Kansas City. In book B No. 363. at
pase J40. I shall sell at public vendue, at the eouth
door ot tbo court house, situated In toe block bound
ed br Oak street. Locust street. Fifth street and
Missouri avenue, in Kansas City, In the county
aforesaid, on Wednesday, the first dav ot March, A.
D 1S99. between the hours of nine o'clock a. m- and
flvo o'clock p. rn., to the highest bidder, for cash,
tho following dercrlbed real estate to m convejed
by said deed of trust, to-wlt: Blocks seven (7);
eight (8) and nine (9). ot Hyde Park, an addition to
Kansas City, Missouri (except lot nine (9), In satd
block eight IS), and lots one (1) and two (2), in said
block nine (9), which have been released from said
deed ot trust). The court house above mentioned
was. 'at the time ot the execution ot said deed ot
trust, situated at the corner of Main and Second
streets. In Kansas City. Jackson county, Missouri,
and Is designated In that location by said deed ot
trust as the place of Bale, but aald court house is
now located as above stated.
by glvea to all creditors and others Interested la the
estate ot Herbert L. Matthews, deceased, that I,
Prank A. Coburn, administrator of said estate, intend
to make a final settlement thereof at tbe next terra
ot the probate court of Jackson county, to be held at
Kansas Cltr, Missouri, on the 20th dar ot February.
1S99. - -j. . FRANK A. COBURN, Admr.
Scammon. Mead Jk Steubenraucb, Attorneys.
by given to all creditors and others Interested In the
estate ot Mrs. M. A. Woodsworth, deceased, that I
Thomas J. Seehorn, administrator, with will an
nexed, of said estate. Intend to make a final settle
ment thereof at the next term of the probats court
ot Jackson county, to be held at Kansas City. Mis
souri, on the 20th dar of February, IS99. .
THOMAS J. SEEHORN. Public Administrator.
by glvea to all creditors and others interested la
the estate of Thomas E. Gray, deceased, that I
William II. Gray, executor of said estate. Intend to
make a final settlement thereof at the next term
of toe probate court ot Jacksoa county, to be held at
Kansas CU- Missouri, oa the 20th da. of February.
. .. - , - WTLLIAil H. q&axJ
THE State ot Missouri, the County of Jackson, tht
City ot Kansas City, ss. Sarah Ann Beban, de
ceased; heirs John II. Behan, Silas Price Beban.
Peter Beban. Henrietta II. Lorton. Andrew M.
f m h. Peter B. Smith. Silas Price Smith and Etta
"""h. heirs of Sarah Ann Behan, deceas-d; Ara
bella M. Bernard. John I. Blair. Henrietta W. Cum
mins, deceased; Duke Cummins. Richard Cummins.
iu "p1Ininlns and Mary Henly. heirs ot Henrietta
w. Cummins, deceased: Frederick Esslincer, de
ceased; Cus A. Esslinger. heir ot Frederick Ess
linger, deceased ; William II. Faulkner, deceased:
Edward P. Garnett. trustee for William R. Bernard:
Anna B. Garnett, Ella B. Hyman. wife ot John S.
Hyman; John S. Hyman, Frank Hough. Franklin II.
Hough. August Hauser. Mary A. Hosmer. Ada
Hunter. Elizabeth Hunter. Duke W. Hunter. Eliza
beth H. Huffaker, Hettle M. Henderson, deceased:
unknown heirs Hettle M. Henderson; Peter Muehle
J?ch. deceased: Rosa H. Thelln. heir ot Peter
Muehlebach, deceased: James C. Meador. James W.
McSpadden. North Western Life Assurance Company,
John T. Pierce. Paul Phillips, trustee for Phillips
Investment Company: Sarah B. Routt, Lucretla Dor
")" "8 Warfield. deceased; Edward Dorsey. Alfred
P. Dorsey. Kate W. Dorsey. Kate W. Dorsey. guar
dian of Rebecca A. Dorsey. minor heir, and Re
5C2 . Dorsey- minor, heirs of Lucretla Dorsey. nee
Warfield, deceased: John Wlttlln. deceased; Sarto E.
Walker. Vachel B. Warfield. Alfred P. Warfield. de
ceased; Vachel B. Warfield, Hettle M. Henderson.
Edward Dorsey. Alfred P. Dorsey, Kate W. Dorsey.
Kate W. Dorsey. guardian ot Rebecca A. Dorsey.
m,.nor. r'?na Rbecca A. Dorsey. minor, heirs of
Airred P. Warfield. deceased, will take notice that
jour property will be assessed to compensate for the
taking of private property for the purpose specified
In the ordinance of Kansas City, No. 10366, entitled
..v.""?11""1." ,0 0I"n lno establish Thirty-eighth
(3Sth) street from Pena Btreet to Roanoke boulevard "
approved August 20th. 189S, and that a Jury will bs
impaneled to make such assessment on the 17th day
of February. A. D. 1899. at ten of the clock In the
forenoon, at the lower house council chamber, en the
fourth floor ot the city hall building, oa the south
east corner of Fourth and Main streets. In Kansas
City, Jackson county. Missouri.
,!s,'Sd..nr"i"' tne ntn4 r tn cKy clerk and the
seal of Kansas City, aforesaid, this 16th day of Jan-
u7- ' D- IS32; c- s- CURRY.
("1) City Clerk of Kansas City. Mlesourl.
THE State of Missouri, toe County of Jackson, the
City of Kansas City. ss. Sarah Ann Behan. de
ceased; John H. Behan, Silas Price Beban, Peter
Behan. Henrietta H. Lorton. Andrew M. Smith, Peter
B. Smith. Silas Price Smith and Etta Smith, heirs
of Sarah Ann Behan, deceased; Frederick Essllng-r
deceased; Gus A. Esslinger. heir of Trederlck Es
llnger. deceased: William H. Faulkner. deceased; Ed
ward P. Garnett, trustee for William R. Bernard;
Anna B. Garnett. Frank Hough, Franklin B. Hough,
Northwesteru Life Assurance Company, John T
Pierce, Paul Phillips, trustee for Phillips Investment
Company, will take notice that your property will
be taken tor the purpose specified In toe ordinance
of Kansas City, No. 10366. entitled "Aa ordinance to
open and establish Thirty-eighth (38th) street from
Penn street to Roanoke boulevard," approved August
20th, 1S3S, and that a Jury will be impaneled to as
certain tbe compensation therefor on the 17th day
of February, A. D. 1839. at ten ot the clock la the
forenoon, at the lower house council chamber, on the
fourth floor of the city hall building, oa tha south
east corner ot Fourth and Mala streets. In Kansas
City, Jackson county, Missouri.
Issued uader the hand ot the city clerk, and the
seal of Kaasas City, aforesaid, this 16th day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1899. C. S. CURRY,
(Seal) City Clerk et Kansas City. Missouri.
PUBLIC SALE Notics Is hereby given that I will,
at my office, room No. 612, in the American Bank
building, Kansas City, Mo., on Friday, the 21th day
ot February, 1839, offer for sale, at public auction,,
the following described diamonds and Jewelry for the
purpose ot paying debts due to the Missouri National
bank, of Kansas City, by the following named per
sons: Two large diamond rings, pledged to tbe said
bank by J. A. Flnlay. to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note for the sura ot 12,500, made
by tbe said Flnlay to the said bank on the 2nd day
of May, 1S96, and due June 4th, 1S96; one diamond
ring and ono diamond stud, pledged by W. J. Scott
to toe Missouri National bank, of Kansaa City, to
secure the payment of a certain promissory note for
the Bum of 11.300, made by the said W. J. Scott to
the said bank on June 26th. 1S96. and payable on
demand; a miscellaneous lot ot diamonds and Jew
elry pledged to the Missouri National bank, of Kan
sas City, by A. M. Winner and Abbie M. Winner, to
eecure the payment ot their two promissory notes to
said bank, one tor the sum of 3215, dated October
23rd, 1896. due December 25th. 1896, and one for the
Bum of 1975, dated November 13th, 1896, due January
15tn, 1897; also a miscellaneous lot ot Jewelry and
diamonds pledged to the Missouri National bank by
E. E. Womack, to secure the payment for her note to
the said bank for 1335, made September 30th, 1836,
due December 2nd, 1836. The propertr may be seen
at any time at tha above named office.
Receiver of ths Missouri National Bank, of Kansas
Kansas City. Feb. 4th. 1S99.
Brick Sidewalks on Holmes Street Board ot Public
Works, Department ot Engineering, Kansas City.
Mo., January 30, 1S99. Sealed proposals will be
received by ths uaderslgaed at this office until 11
o'clock s. m. of February 11, 1839 (at which time
bids will be opened), for furnishing all the materials
and doing all the work necessary to complete ths
following city Improvements, viz.: Constructing
pressed brick sidewalks on the east side of Holmes
street betweeo Twenty-fifth (25) street and Twenty
sixth (26) street, as provided by ordinance No. 10S49.
Flans and specifications may be seen, and all Infor
mation relative to the work obtained, at this office.
.Payment tor the work to bs made in special tax
No proposals from anyt contractor tn default with
the city on any previous contract will be considered,
or that does not conform strictly to specifications.
No proposal will bs considered unless accompanied
by a bond of two hundred (200) dollars with two (2)
good and sufficient securities (to be approved by the
city comptroller), conditioned that the bidder will
enter Into contract at the prices stated, and furnish
satisfactory security for the completion of tho work.
Tha right is reserved to reject any or all proposals,
HENRY A. WISE, City Engineer.
Brick Sidewalks on Walnut Street Board of Publlo
Works, Department of Engineering, Kansas City.
Mo.. January 20, 1S99. Sealed proposals will be
received by the undersigned at this office until 11
o'clock a. m. ot February 11, 1899 (at which time
bids will be opened), for furnishing all the materials
and doing all the work necessary to complete the
following city Improvements, viz.: Constructing
pressed brick sidewalks on the east side ot Walnut
street between Fourteenth (It) street aad Fifteenth
(U) street, aa provided by ordinance No. 10S72.
Plans snd specifications may be seen, and all Infor
mation relative to the work obtained, at this office.
Payment for ths work to be made In special tax
No proposals from any contractor In default with
the city on any previous contract will be considered.
cr that does not conform strictly to specifications.
No proposal will be considered unless accompanied
by a bond of two hundred (200) dollars with two (2)
good and sufficient securities (to bs approved by the
city comptroller), conditioned that the bidder will
enter into contract at the prices stated, and furnish
satisfactory security for the completion of the work.
Ths right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals,
HENRY A. WISE. City Engineer.
Brick Sidewalks on Holmes Street Board of Public
Works, Department ot Engineering. Kansas City,
Mo January 30. 1899. Sealed rroposaU will be
received by the undersigned at this office until 11
o'clock a. m. of February 11, 1899 (at which time
bids will be opened), for furnishing all the materials
and doing all the work necessary to complete tho
following city Improvements, viz.: Constructing
pressed brick sidewalks on east side of Holmes street
between Tweatleth (20) street and Twenty-second
(2i) street, as provided by ordinance No. 10S1S.
Plans and specifications may be Been, and all Infor
mation relative to the work obtained, at this office.
Payment for tha work to be made in special tax
No' proposals from sny contractor In default with
the city on any previous contract will be considered,
or that does not conform strictly to specifications.
No proposal will be considered nnless accompanied
br a bona of two hundred (200) dollars with two (2)
rood and sufficient securities (to bs approved by the
city comptroller), conditioned that tbe bidder will
enter into contract at the prices stated, and furnish
satisfactory security for the completion of the work.
The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals.
HENRY A. WISE. City Engineer.
' NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary
on the estate of Rosa Blrnbaum, deceased, were
granted to the undersigned by the probate court of
the county ot Jackson, state ot Missouri, at Kansas
City oa the 16th day of January, 1S3J- All persons
having claims against said estate are required to ex
hibit the same to the undersigned for allowance,
within one year after the date of said letters, or they
may be precluded from any benefit of eald estate,
and If such claims be not exhibited within two years
from ths date ot this publication they will be forever
barred'. LOUIS ROSENFIELD. Executor.
Wollman & Wollman, Attornevs.
Dated this 16th day ot January. 1839.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ot administra
tion en the estate of Patrick McDonough. deceased,
were granted to the undersigned by the probate court
of the county ot Jackson. Btate ot Missouri, at Kan
sas City, on the 11th day of January, 1899. All
persons having claims against said estate are requited
to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowanco.
within one year after the date ot eald letters, or
they may be precluded from any benefit of said
etate and it such claims be not exhibited withlT
two rears from the date ot this publication they will
be forever barred. THOMAS J. SEEHORN.
Public Administrator.
Dated this 2lst day ot Janmry. 1593.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary
on the estate ot Anna M. Ade. deceased, were grant
ed to tbe undersigned by the probate court ot the
county ot Jackson, state ot Missouri, at Kansas City,
on the 17th day of January, 1S99. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are required to ex
hibit the same to the undersigned for allowance,
within one year after the date of said letters, or they
may be precluded from any benefit of said estate,
and If such claims be not exhibited within two years
from tho date ot this publication they will be forever
barred CARL ADE. Executor.
Scarrltt Vaughan, Griffith Jones. Counsel.
Dated this 17th day of January, 1893.
by riven to all creditors and others Interested In the
estate ot Michael Gabcl. deceased, that I. Nellie Ga
bel administratrix of said estate, intend to make a
fina'l settlement thereof st toe next term of the pro
bate court ot Jackson county, to be held at Kansas
Cltv Missouri, on the 20lh day of February. 1899.
my. sum NCLLIE OABEL. Administratrix.
Henry Smith. Attorney.
bv riven to all creditors and others Interested la the
state ot Richard Wyatt. deceased, that I, Thomas
J Seehorn. administrator ot saia estate, intend to
make a final settlement. thereof at the next term of
the probate court of Jackson county, to be held at
Kansas City, Missouri, on m ivu uy oi reoruary.
Publlo Admlslstrator. Jacksoa County. Missouri.
by given to all creditors and others Interested In the
estate of Cecelia A. Poyser. deceased, that I, Dar
win A. Poyser, administrator of said estate. Intend
to make a final settlement thereof at the next term
of the probate court of Jackson county, to be held at
Kansas City, Missouri, on the 20th day of February,
1SS, DARWIN, A. POYSER. Administrator.
." st,t' ' Missouri, the County ot Jacksoa.
toe City of Kansas ctty. ss. Annie E. D. Adam. A.
J Uoehler, administrator ot Eva K. Sbankenbers
and LouU bhankenberg; John L Blair, Michael
urlerly. Catharine UrUny, the Connecticut Mutual Life
insurance Company, estate of George Elicit, heirs cf
Oeorge Elsele. William M. Elsele. heir ot George
l-'sele, deceased; John Elsele, heir ot George Elsele.
aeccaoed; Ituth Faulkner. William 11. Faulkner.
James S. Gilbert. John llauk, heir ot George Elsele,
derated; Amelia Hauk. heir ot George Elsele. de
ceased; baraa lleyl. heir ot Charles Heyt. deceased;
J-ftarlcs feyl (or Charles Heyle). deceased, unknown
nelrs.no administration la Jackson county, Mo. ; Cath
arine Jones, wile ot Thomas Joaca.T&omas Jone.Cbar
lotte Johnson. Laura U. Leach, wife jf James E.
Leach; James E. Leach. J -xi N. Miller, trustee for
r.lcholas Miller. Jr.. decead; Nicholas Miller. Jr..
xrseJ' unknown heirs; Merlam McMartry. H. O.
JicGee. the Northweatera Lite Assurance Company.
rew England Loan and Trust Company. Paul Phil
lips, trustee for Phillips Investment Co.: E. I
tautter. trustee for Pauline Sautter; Pauline Saut
ter. Mary SavIIIe. wife of James E. Savllle. James
t Savllle. Barbary shankenberg. Phillip taanken
erg. Frederick Shankenberg. Louis II. Shankenberg.
f-va K. Shankenberg. Louis bhankenburg. Starting
Turner. Huldah D. Treadway, Loals Vogel. Charltl
J- Wallace. J. H. Worth-n. trustee for William J.
i.rewster. will take notice that your property will
oe taken for the purpose specified la toe ordinance ot
Kansas City. No. 10361. entitled "An ordinance to
open and establish Thirty-ninth (21th) street trom
Wyandotte street to Genesee street." approved Au
gust 20th. lias, and that a Jury will be Impaneled
to ascertain the compensation therefor oa the 13th
it. l-,ibruary. A. D. 1S9S. at ten ot toe clock
In the forenoon, at the lower house council chamber,
en the fourth floor of the city hall building, on ths
southeast corner ot Fourth and Main streets, in
Kansas cltj, Jackson county, Missouri.
issued under the hand of the city clerk, snd ths
eeal of Kansas City, aforesaid, this 11th day of
January, A. D. 1899. a S. CURRY.
(Seal) city Clerk of Kansas City, Missouri.
... B s'ate ot Missouri, the County of Jackson,
the uty ot Kansas City. ss. Annie E. D. Adam.
Elizabeth Bagelman. heir cf Charles Heyl. deceased:
. Boyd Bell. John I. Blair, A. E. Boehler. admin
istrator ot Ei a K. Shankenberg and Louis Shanken
berg; Michael and Catharine Brierly; Michael Brler
J. Catharine Brierly, the Connecticut Mutual Li's
insurance Companj, Stuart Carkner (or Stewart
tlarkner). trustee for Charles J. Drury; R. O. Duns
more. Charles J. Drurr. estate ot George Elsele. helrsot
George Elsele. William M. Elsele. heir ot Georgo
J.isele. deceased : John Elsele. heir ot George Elsele.
deceased: Ruth Faulkner. William H. Faulkner, a
M. I-uller. Charles Towler. James S. Gilbert. Bridget
Iluzhes. Dclphlno Hughes. Marguerite Hughes. Earl
Hughes and John Hughes, devisees under will ot
John Hughes: John Hughes. Ruthana Hickman. John
llauk, heir of Georgo Elsele, deceased: Sarah Heyl,
heir of Charles Heyl, deceased; Charles Heyl (or
Charles Heyle), deceased, unknown heirs, no admin
istration In Jacksoa county. Mo.; Edward Holmes,
Bertha Holmes. John Holmes. Irma Holmes, Her
bert Holmes. Cora Holmes. Bessie Holmes, minor
children of Louis Holmes and Llllle Belle Holmes.
Louis Holmes. Llllle Belle Holmes, Luclnda Hoch
Etetler. Catharine Jones, wife ot Thomas Jones;
Thomas Jones. Charlotte Johnson, Ruth D. Kimball.
Laura E- Leach, wife ot James E. Leach: James E.
Leach. Mary Mabry. formerly Mary Conkle; KmlUs
Malles. John N. Miller, trustee for Nicholas Miller.
Jr.. deceased; Nicholas Miller. Jr.. deceased; Meyer
Brothers' Drug Company. Mary A. McMillan. Merlam
McMurtry. H. G. McGee. the Northwestern Life As
surance compear. New England Lcaa aad Trust
Companr, Paul Phillips, trustee for Phillips Invest
ment Companr: Paul Phillips, trustee for Phillips
Investment Companr: Rachel S. Rush. E. D. Sever
ance, E. F. Sautter, trustee for Pauline Sautter;
Pauline Sautter. Maty Savllle. wife of James E.
Savllle; James E. Savllle. Barbarr Shankenberg.
Phillip Shankenberg. Frederick Shankenberg, Louis
H. Shankenberg. Era K. Shankenberg. Louis Shaak
enburg, Louisa Smith, heir of Charles Herl. de
ceased: Arthur F- Thomhill, Mrs. Abble E. Travis.
Starling Turner. Huldah D. Treadway. Louis Vogel.
Phillip S. Wood. Walnut Hill Land Companr. Charles
T. Wallace. J. H. Worthen. trustee for William J.
Brewster, will take, notice that rour propertr will
be assessed to compensate for the taking of private
propertr for the purpose specified In the ordinance ot
Kansas Cltr. No. 10364. entitled "An ordinance to
open an I establish Thlrtr-nlnth (39th) street from
Wyandotte street to Genesee street," approved Au
gust 20th, 1893. and that a Jury will be Impaneled
to make such assessment on the 13th dar ot Febrn
arr, A. D. 1899, at ten of the clock la toe forenoon,
at the lower house council chamber, oa the fourth
floor of the cltr hall building, on the southeast cor
ner ot Fourth and Main streets. In Kaasas Cltr.
Jacksoa countr. Missouri.
Issued under the hand of the city clerk, and ths
Beal of Kansas City, aforesaid, this 11th day ct
January, A. D. 1899. a S. CURRY.
(Seal) City Clerk of Kansas City. Missouri.
Stone Sidewalks on Baltimore Avenue Board ot
Public Works. Department of Engineering-. Kansas
City, Mo., January 30, 1833. Sealed proposals will bs
received by toe undersigned at this office until H
o'clock a. m. of February 11, 1S99 (at which time
bids will be opened), ror furnishing sll ths materials
and doing sll the work necessary to complete the
following city Improvements, viz.: Constructing
natural stone sidewalks oa both sides ot Balttmots
avenue betweea Thirty-seventh (37) street and Thirty
eighth (38) street, as provided by ordinance Na 1037L
Flans and specifications may be seen, aad all Infor
mation relative to the work obtained, at this office.
Payment for the work to be made la special tax
No proposals from any contractor la default wltk
the city oa any previous contract will be considered,
or that doe3 not conform strictly to specifications.
No proposal will be considered unless accompanied
by a bond of two hundred (200) dollars with two (2)
good and sufficient securities (to be approved by the
city comptroller), conditioned that the bidder will
enter Into contract at the prices stated,and furnish
satisfactory security for the completion ot the work.
The right la reserved to reject any or sll proposals.
HENRY A. WISE. City Engineer.
THE State of Missouri, the County ot Jackson, ths
City of Kansas City, ss. Florence Williamson, wife
ot William Williamson; William Williamson, Mary J.
Bennett, wife of Jacob T. Bnnett; Jacob T. Bennett,
will take notice that your property will be taken for
the purpose specified in the ordinance of Kansas City,
No. 10947, entitled "An ordinance to open and es
tablish the alley eouth'of Twelfth (12th) street from
Central street to north and south alley east of Cen
tral street." approved December 1st. 1S9J. and that
a Jury will be Impaneled to ascertain the compensa
tion therefor on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1899,
at ten of the clock, n the forenoon, at the lower
house council chamber, on the fourth floor of th.
city hall building, on the southesst corner of Fourth
and Mala streets, la Kaasas City, Jacksoa county.
Issued under the hand ot the elty clerk and the seal
ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this 19th day of January.
A. D. 1899. a S. CURRY.
(Seal) Cltr Clerk ot Kansas City. Missouri.
THE State of Missouri, the County of Jackson, ths
City of Kansas City, ss- Florence Williamson, wife
et William Williamson: William Williamson, Mary J.
Bennett, wire of Jacob T. Bennett: Jacob T. Bennett,
will take notice that your property will be assessed
to compensate for the taking. of private property for
the purpose specified In the ordinance of Kansas City.
Nn. 10947. entitled "An ordinance to open and es
tablish the alley south of Twelfth (12th) Btreet front"
Central street to nortn ana eoutn alley east of Cen
tral street." approved December 1st, 1893, and that
a Jury will be Impaneled to make such assessment
on the 23rd day ot February, A. D. .899. at ten ot
the clock In the forenoon, at ths lower house council
chamber, oa the fourth floor of the city ball build
ing, on the southeast corner of Fourth and Mala
streets, la Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri.
Issued under the hand of the city clerk and the seal
ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this Uth dar ot January,
A. D. 1839. C. S. CURRY.
(Seal) Cltr Clerk ef Kansas Cltr. Missouri.
Stone Sidewalks on 31st Street Board ot Public
Works. Department ot Engineering, Kansas Citr.
Mo., January 30, 1839. Sealed proposals win be re
ceived by the undersigned at this office until 11 a. m.
ct February 11. 1839 (at which time bids will be
opened), for furnishing all the materials and doing
all tho work necessary to complete the folllowlng
city Improvements, viz.: Constructing natural stone
sidewalks on north side of Thirty-first (31st) street
between McGee street and Oak street, as provided by
crdlnance No. 10809.
Plan3 and specifications may bs seen, and all lnfor
znatlon furnished, at this office.
Payment tor tho work to be mads la special tax
No proposal from sny contractor In default with to
cltv on any previous contract will be considered.
No proposal will be considered unless accompanied
by a bond of 200 dollars, with 2 good and suffi
cient securities (to be approved by the city comp
troller), conditioned that the bidder will enter Into
contract at the prices stated, and furnish satisfactory
ecuritr for the completion of the work.
The right is reserved to reject anr or all proposals.
HEXRY A. WISE. Cltr Engineer.
NOTICE Is herebr given that, between tho hours
ot nine o'clock a, m. and five o'clock p- m,. on Sat
urday, the eleventh day of February. 1S39, at the
west front door ot tbe custom house, at the southeast
corner of Ninth and Walnut streets. In Kansas'CIty
Jackson county. Mo., I will, as trustee la a deed ot
trust made by Mary Tackett, dated Oct, 4th. 1897
and filed for record at three o'clock p. m, on Oct!
4th. 1897, and recorded In book B No. 606. at page
636. In the office ot the recorder f of deeds ot said
Jackson ccunty. at Kansas City, sell all ot lot num
bered thirteen and the south two feet of lot num
bered twelve, la block numbered; three, la Mount Au
burn addition, an addition to tbe City of Kansas,
now Kansas City, at public sale, to the highest bid
der, for ca-h. to satisfy the unpaid 'notes secured by
said deed of trust, eight ot said notea being past due
and unpaid, together with tha cost and expense si
executing this trust. MATTHEW BUTLER.
i Trustee,
Kansas City. Mo.. Jan. 15th. 1899.
(Said Mary Tackett. now deceased, having died on
April 17th. 1898.)
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administra
tion on the estate ofPatrIck O'Brien, deceased, were
granted to tha undersigned by the probate court of
the county of Jacksoa, state of Missouri, at Kansas
City, on the 25th day of January. 1899. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to
exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance
within one year after toe date of said letters, or
they may be precluded from any benefit of said
estate, end It such claims be not exhibited within
two years from the date ot this publication they
will be forever barred.
ANNIH O'BRIEN. Administratrix.
Dated this 25th day of January. iS9.
by glvea to all creditors and others Interested la the
estate of Florence B. Endres. deceased, that I. Adolpa
Endres. executor of said estate, intend to maks a
final settlement thereof at- th next term of th pro-;
bate court of Jackson county, to be held at Kaasas
City. Missouri, oa the 20th day of February. 1S99.
by given to all creditors and others Interested In th
eslattf of Catnerlne Laundy, deceased, that I. Charles
Laundy. administrator of paid estate. Intend to make
a final settlement thereof st the pext term of ths
probate court ot Jackson county, to be held at Kan
sas City. Missouri, ea the 20th day of February. UN,
THE State ot Missouri, the Ccunty of Jacksoa. th
City cf Kaasas City. ss. J. B. F. Cates. C- O. Ca!
S5" vf?,.11' "er. trustee for Augustus De
Fries; David H. Ettlen, trustee for Lombard Iavest
mtoti:o;J(0..comIllI1),: T- " Emersoa. trustee fer
Joha Reid; H. Clay Ewlng. Mary B. Gardner. James
u. Jenkins, Lombard Investmeat Co, (or company);
t "L o11-1 &a Eeid- Salmoa Falls baak.
i0M.p?..SKldaSer: Savings Bank ot Walpole, Joam
S. faulUvan. Agnes Skeea (or Skene), wife of James
s. Skeen (or Skene): James 3. Skeea (or Skeae).
Kate B. Tlnstar, Cyrus Thompson. William B
Whlte. trustee for Kate B. Tlnstar. will take nolle
that your property will be takea for tho purpoe
apeclfied la toe ordinance of Kansas City. No. 1O410,
entitled "Aa ordinance to cpea and establish ths
alley between Holmes sweet aad Charlotte atreet
from -1st street to 22ad etreet." approved August
-.th. 183S. and that a Jury will be impaneled ta
ascertain the compensation therefor oa the 25th day
ot February, A. D. 1899, at tea of the clock ta ths
forenoon, at the lower house council chamber, oa
the fourth floor cf toe city hall building, oa th
southeast coraer of Fourth and Main streets, la
Kansas City. Jackson county. Missouri.
Issued under toe hand of the city clerk, and to
seal ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this 27th day ot
January. A. D. 1S99. c. 3. CURRY.
(Seal.) city Clerk of Kaasas City, Missouri.
THE State of Missouri, the County ot Jackson. th
City of Kansas City. ss. J. B. F. Cates. C. O. Cal
lalian. Frank IL Dexter, trustee tor Augustus De
Fries; David 11. Eltien. trustee for Lombard Invest
"ft Co. (or companj): T. F. Emerson, trustee for
John Reid; H. Clay Ewlng. Mary B. Gardner. Jamesj
Ij. Jenkins, Lombard Investmeat Co. (or company),
Nannie B. Lay. Joha Reid. Salmoa Falls bank.
Jo'eph Secklnger. Savtngs Bank ot Walpole. Joha S.
Sullivan. Agnea Skeea (or Skene), wife of James S.
Skeea (or Skene): James S. ikeen (or Skene). Kate
B. Tlnstar, . Cyrus Thompson. William B. White,
trustee for Kate B. Tlnstar. will uke notice that
your property will be assessed to compensate for ths
taking ot private property for the purpose specified
In the ordinance ot Kansas City. No. 11)410. entitle
"An ordinance to open and establish the alley be
tween Holmes street and Charlotte street from 21st
street to 22nd street." approved August 27th. 1S98.
and that a Jury will be Impaneled to make such as
sessment on toe 25th day ot February. A. D. 1S99. at
ten of the clock in the forenoon, at the lower houao
council chamber, oa toe fourth floor ot the ctty hall
building, oa the southeast corner ot Fourth and Mala
streets. In Kansas City. Jackson county. Missouri.
Issued under the hand ot the city clerk, and ths
seal ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this 27th day at
January, A. D. 1899. a S. CURRY.
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kaasas City. Missouri.
THE State ot Missouri, the County ot Jackson, to
City ot Kansas City, sa, M. C. Austin. Sarah C
Ensign. T. N. Grant, Emma A. Moore. Riley H.
Norman, will take notice that your property will
be taken for the purpose specified la the ordinance ot
Kansas City. No. 10409. entitled "An ordinance ta
cpea aad establish Walrond avenue from 21th street
to Howard street," approved August 27th. 1838. and,
that s. Jury will bs Impaneled to ascertain the com
pensation therefor oa toe 25th day ot February. A.
D. 1899, at tea ot ths clock ia the forenoon, at the
lower house council chamber, oa the fourth floor ot
the ctty hall building, oa toe southeast corner of
Fourth and Mala streets, la Kaasas City. Jacksoa
couaty. Missouri.
Issued under ths hand ot the city clerk, lad th
seal ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this 27th day ot
January. A. D. 1899. C. S. CURRY.
(Seal) City Cleric ot Kaasas City. Missouri.
THE State ot Missouri, toe Couaty ot Jacksoa. ths
City ot Kansas City, ss. M. C. Austin. Cora E
Baker. B. D. IL Baker, Zmlly K. Brown. A. E
Bachelder. Margaret Casey. Norman Curtis, Sarah C
Ensign, Charles F. Emery Real Estate Loan Com
pany, T. N. Grant, Josephine A. Gerrr.
W. B. Harlan, trustee tor J. T. Small;
Mrs. Mary Jane Hurley. Jennie M. Kennedy. Carrie
W. Krase. Alva Zola Lloyd. Emma A. Moore. Z. E.
Martin, T. W. Marshall. A. W. McLaughlin. Riley
H. Norman, Sarah E. Neiswtnger. wife ot Henry C
Neiawanger; Henry c Nelswanger. Cyrus Newklrk.
Revllo Newton, Tlllle Olsen. deceased: E. A. Phil
lips. Edward A. Phillips. William T. Rex. Read L
Ripley, Mary C Rogers. Strong as Baucus. Roxy- M
Smith. Alexander Stephens. James Henry Taylor.
Robert F. Wilkinson. William Weldmyer. Josephine
Welch. Elmer T. Williams, will take notics that your
property will be assessed to compensate for the tak
ing of private property for tbe purpose specified la
the ordinance ot Kansas City. No. U409 entitled "Aa
ordlcsnce ta open and establish Walrond avenc
from 24th street to Howard street," approved Au
gust 27th. 1833, and that a Jury will be Impaneled
to make such assessmeat oa the 25th day ot Febru
ary. A. D. 1899. at ten of the clock la the forenoon,
at the lower house council chamber, oa the fourta
floor ot the city hall building, on toe southeast cor
ner of Fourth and Main streets, la Kaasas City.
Jacksoa couaty, Missouri.
Issued under the hand of the city clerk, and tn
seal ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this 27th day ot
January, A. D. 1899, C. S. CURRY.
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kaasas City. Missouri.
THE Stats ot Missouri, the County ot Jacksoa. th
City ot Kansas City. as. William LarwIIl will tak
aotlc that your property will be takea for th pur
pose specified In the ordinance ot Kansas City ?o.
10718. entitled "An ordinance to open and establlsa
Vine street from Tenth (10th) street to Eleventh.
(Uth) street," approved October list. 1S3S, and that
a Jury will b Impaneled to ascertain the compensa
tion therefor oa the 27th day ot February. A. D. 1S99.
at tea ot ths clock la the forenoon, at to lower
house council chamber, on the fourth floor of th
city hall building, on the southeast corner ot Fourth)
and Main streets, la Kansas City. Jackson county.
under ths hand ot the city clerk, and th
seal ot Kansas City, aforesaid, this 37th day ot
January, A. V. 1839. s C.1 CURRY.
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kansas City. Missouri.
THE State ot Missouri, the County of Jackson. tn
City ot Kansas City, as. The Bankers' Investment
Trust, limited, ot London. England: board ot trustees
ot William Jewell college, at Liberty. Mo.: Davtd.
H. Ettlen. trustee for John Scales: George H. Cod
win, deceased; unknown heirs of George H. Godwin,
deceased: William Larwill. The Prudential Insuranc
Compaay of America. William F. Stifel. John Scales.
Frank & Womall. Thomas J. Womall. will tak
notics that your property will be assessed to com
pensate for toe taking ot private property for ths
purpos specified In th ordinance ot Kaasas City.
No. 10718. entitled "An ordinance to open aad es
tablish Viae street from Teath (10th) street to Elev
enth (Uth) street." approved October 21st, 1S9S, and
that a Jury will be Impaneled to make such aaness
ment on the 27th dsy ot February, A. D. 1399. at
ten of ths clock ia ths forenoon, at the lower house
council chamber, on the fourth floor cf the city halt
building, on the southeast corner ot Fourth and;
Main streets, In Kansas City. Jackson couaty, Mis
souri. Issued under the hand ot the city clerk, and th
seal of Kansas City, sforesald. this 27th day ot
January, A. D. 1899. C. S. CURRY. .
(Seal) City Clerk ot Kansas City. Missouri.
SHERIFF'S SALE By virtu and authority of gen
eral execntloa Ko. 23756 Issued from the oQc ot th
clerk ot the circuit court ot Jacksoa county, at Kaa
sas City. Missouri, returnable to the April term. 1S99.
of said court, and to me. as sheriff, directed and de
livered In favor ot City ot Westport against J. F.
Baldwin, I have levied upon and seized all the right,
title. Interest aad estate ot said plaintiff. J. F. Bald
win, in and to the following described real estate.
altuabd In th county of Jacksoa and state ot Mis
souri, to-wlt: Commencing at a point on the souta
boundary of a tract owned by David Slater. In to
north end ot ths southwest quarter ot section If.
township 49. rang 33, four hundred and seventy
Ihre (473) feet south and six hundred and thtrty
thre and 6-19 (633 6-10) feet west ot the northeast
corner of the southwest quarter aforesaid, thenc
west along said south line fifty and 3-109 (50 S-190)
poles to the northeast corner of ft tract of twelve (12)
acres owned by Backman et al. thenc south with
the east line ot said twelve (12) acre tract forty (40)
poles to a point, thence west with th south Hue et
said twelve (12) acre tract nine poles to ft stone,
thence south thirty-nine snd 1-13 (391-13) degree
east twenty-seven (27) poles, mors or less, to th
north line ot said tract ot land owned by Joseph
Hagg, thence east with the said Haggs north tin
thirty-nine and 80-100 (39 80-100) poles to ft point six
hundred thirty-three and 6-10 (633 6-10) reel west ot
the cast Un ot th southwest fractional quarter ot
said section, thenc north and with the east line ot
said quarter section sixty-two and 40-100 (62 40-1001
poles to beginning, containing 29 acres, more or less,
reserving a roadway 29 feet along the north and
south line of said tract and all public highways, anil
I will, oi Monday, th 13th day of February. A. D.
1899, between toe hours of nine o'clock la the fore
noon and fiv o'clock In th afternoon of that day.
at the south front door at tha county court house,
in Kansaa City, Jacksoa county, aute ot Missouri,
and during toe session of said circuit court, at Kan
sas City, Missouri, sell st public veadue. for rash,
to the highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest
and estate of the above named plaintiff. J. F.
Baldwin. In and to said real estate, to satisfy said
execution and costs. ROBERT S. STONE, Sheriff
Kansas City. Mo . January 19. 1899.
NOTICE Is hereby glvea that b-tters ot administra
tion on the estate of Richard O'Brieo. deceased, wer
granted to toe undersigned by the probate court of
the county ot Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas
City, on the 10th day of January, 1899. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to ex
hibit the same to the undersigned for allowance,
within one year after the dat ot said letters, or
they may be precluded from any" benefit ot said es
tate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two
years from the date of this publication they will b
torever barred. ELLA O'BRIEN, Administratrix.
Dated tola 10th day of January, 1899.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary
on th estat ut Charles Creeland. deceased, wcrs
granted to ths undersigned by toe probate court ot
the county ot Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas
City, oa tha 14th day ot January. 1339. All persons
having claims against said estate are required ta
exhibit the same to to undersigned for allowance.
within on year after the date ot said letters, or
ther msr he precluded trom anr benefit of aald
estate, and If such claims be not exhibited within
two years trom the dat ot this publlcstloa the
will b forever barred.
Dated this 14th dar of January. 1839.
NOTICE Is herebr given that letters testamentary
nn th estat or Joseph Loeffier. deceu.tt ...1
granted to to undersigned br tho probate Court ot
.k. ..Tintv nf JaeVsnn. ItHtn nf Mlmnn.t . v
Cltr. on the 27th dar ot Januarr. 1839. All persons
having claims against said estate are required to
exhibit ths same to toe undersigned for allowance
within one year after the date of said letters, or
ther may be precluded from any benefit of said es
tate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two)
..n from th date of this publication th.v win v-
forever barred. WILLIAM J. BAF.IIR. Executor.
Datea tnis aisi wr ui ..uu(j, jsj?.
Scammon. Mead & Steubenrauch. Attorneys.
Bell Lumber Company, room 410 Keith & Perry build
ing, ivansas city. io. o annual meeting of thft
stockholders of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, for
the election ot directors and such other business as
may come before It. will be held at the office of th
company, room 410 Keith Perry building, corner
Ninth and Walnut streets, Kansas City. Mo., oa Mon
day, ths 6th day of February. 1399. at 9 o'clock a. m
R. A. LONO. Pnsldsat,
- i

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