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emagftyraar-iar i t- Mmtfiw.Maflf",TOf"t'-i' 10 THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1899. Mmuau9cwMEMBpai KMS & TEMS 6AP8TAIL. SUf2I,iSi. vrpUi4 and Undivided ProjlU, - - f 1,300.000 2 Xuiu street. New Ycrk. 400 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Fa. 184 Washington'street, Boston. Mass. Sandlhcrqual 2, Hamburg. Germany. , Slngel 128. Amsterdam, Holland. SI Lombard street. London, E. C.. EngllBi. Dorothes-Strasse E4, Berlin. German 15 Rue du Louvre. Paris. Prance. C Place Carnot, Havre. France. OFFICERS Arthur E. StllwelL president: Tie presidents. J. II cD. Trimble. E. L. Martin. J. J. Calrnes. J. T. Nolthenlus; William 8. Taylor, treas urer: Frank B. Wilcox, assistant treasurer: Arthur C. Robli-ssn. secretary; In a Hubbtll, assistant sec retary: E. 8. Mother, assistant secretary: N. Norton, assistant secretary: Trimble 3raley. general coun L ESTABLISHED 1876. FDBEEaffimi mma rsr 3,:i,a3 BOARD OP TRADE. CcrreipondecU: K"Tort IF. IE. SOI Chlcactt. Vembera New York Stock Eichtnee. Kaw Tork Product Dxchanr-. Chicago Board of Trade. IMSiM,, iWE!MB9T AND OTHER HIGH GRADE BONDS. A choice Use of bonds and stocks always on tana. Send lor weekly auotatlon sheet. 730 DELAWARE STREET. Telephone 2634. Kansas City. TOGBtKg MOD IBGDCafES JV hudl all securities lilted la New Tork a lleU-glns or for Cuh. DOdDoasilaDDDrj IFdDdDo & GBaa 720 Delaware Street. CORRESPONDENTS: PRICE. McCORMlCK i Co.. New York. J. F. HARRIS. Chicago. A REACTION IN GRAIN PRICES GOOD EXPORT BEMAXD AXD CLEARANCES TUB CAUSE. BIG Wheat Advanced 1 1c, Corn Advanced l-4c, Oats Advanced 1-Sc Pork Also Rose 7 1-3 to 10c, Lard 7 1-Sc and Ribs Sc CHICAGO. Feb. 6. Big clearances and Kood export demand at the Atlantic coast brought about a reaction In wheat to-day and May left off at an advance of Uo aft er a break of lc early caused by liquida tion of long property. Corn closed with, a Rain of Vic and oats Ho. Pork rose T&Q'lOc, lard 7c and ribs, 5c Early wheat news was not of a nature -to bring- in fresh buying orders and the market opened weak. Liverpool cables came equal to "54c per bushel lower and the.Lon don markets showed even a greater de cline. The amount of ocean passage in creased 2,560,000 bushels during the past week, and the world's shipments amounted to about 9,000,009 bushels', or 2.000.000 above requirements. May opened Uc lower at 714T2c. and as there were a few buying oraers irom Jot. louis .ana rew xoru to bo filled, it touched 72Vic The Russian ship ments for the week were only 656,000 bush els, which was the most encouraging feature the bulls could find In the early information. Chicago received 87 cars, of which only four graded contract. Min neapolis and Duluth got 621 cars, com pared with COO the corresponding day a year ago. Primary AVestern market re ceipts were 125,000 bushels, against 714,000 bushels last year. The visible statement when completed showed 400.000 bushels in crease where a decrease had been looked for. 'When this became well understood there was a general effort to getrid of long wheat and the pressure 'soon carried May off to TlVSc After that decline, however, the market gave some indications of re covering as there was an undercurrent of opinion that the fall wheat has suffered to (some extent from the recent cold weather. Shorts became active buyers on the an nouncment of clearances at Atlantic seaboard,- which amounted- to 703,000 bushels. In the final dealings. New York reported that CS boatloads had been sold for export and that caused more activity in the buy ing, the conseqence of which was an ad vance in May wheat to 72$jc and 72rs72i4c was it closing rate. Corn suffered a little early. In sympathy with wheat but wae, on tho whole, re markably firm, considering the large re ceipts at primary points and the enormous estimates for to-morrow. Local bulls in creased their lines- on the bears and this buying, together with shorts, brought about an upturn. Receipts"7 cars. May opened llSc lower. Receipts 743 cars. May opened,14c lower at 36i, sold at 30 then improved to 37h, the closing price. A good cash demand and the advance in corn .were the strengthening influences in oats. Receipts were 251 cars. Mav opened unchanged at 2754, sold at 27 then firmed up to 28 buyers at the close. Provisions developed an easier tendency at thp start on moderate selling of pork and ribs. Later, however, buying of lard by English houses, together with heaw purchases of pork by representatives of packing houses, brought about recovery. Mav pork opened 2.Q5c lower, at H0.02W-!B 10.05. rose to $10.17, and closed at $1015 310.17. The range in lard and ribs was narrow. Estimated receipts for Tuesday: "Wheat, 205 cars; corn, 1,523; oats. ZC0: hogs. 30. 000 head. LOCAL GRAIX MARKET. Wheat Weaker but In Good Demand Corn Doll Oats Steady. In store Wheat. S91.900 bushels: corn. 457,600 bush els; oats, 14,200 bushels, and rye. 29,400 bushels. Wheat. Receipts past 48 hours 115.700 bushels Receipts- same time last year. 137.800 bushels Shipments past 48 hours. 29,000 bushels Shipments came time last year. 41,000 bushels A vtrr cood demand was had yesterday for most orTerings, but as cables came In lower and the re relpts were very good, values were a trifle weaker. The visible supply In the United States and Canada also showed an Increase of 401,000 bushels, which favored buyers. Speculation, however, was a little better than Saturday and the market closed firm t the prices with most offerings disposed of. By sample on track here at Kansas City: No. 2 bard 3 cars CS pounds at C4e. 1 ear ks pounds at 6454c. 1 car ES54 pounds at 65c, 15 cars 59 pounds at 65c, 6 cars 5954, pounds at 65c, 5 cars CO pounds at 65r, 1 car. 6054 pounds at 65c, 1 car 5954 pounds at 6554 c, 1 car 60 pounds at C554c 1 car 61 pounds at 6554c No. 3 hard 7 cars ES' pounds at C154c, 2 cars E5 pounds at 62c. 1 car 5554 pounds at 62c. 6 cars 56 pounds at 62c 9 cars EG pounds at -6254c 4 cars 565s pounds at C54C. 1 car E654 pounds at 63c, S cars 57 pounds at C3c, 1 car 7 pounds at 6314c. 4 cars 754 pounds at C35c 3 cars E8 pounds at 64c 3 cars ES54 pounds at C45-c 1 car 59 pounds scoured at 64c 3 cars 59 pounds rye mixed at 65c, 1 car 5954 pounds rye mixed at 65c, 3 cars 59 pounds rye mixed, thin, at 65c No. 4 hard 2 cars El pounds at 58c, 2 cars 52 pounds at 60c 1 car E4 pounds at 60t4c 2 cars E3 Iunds at 61c 6 cars 54 pounds at 61c 3 car 5454 pounds at 6154c 1 car 64 pounds at C2c, 1 car E554 pounds at 62c, 1 car C4 pounds headed at 61c. Rejected hard 2 cars 4$ pounds at &5c 1 car 50 pounds at S?c. No. 2 red 1 car C pounds at 72c 1 car 9 pounds mixed at C9c No. 3 red 1 car ES pounds at 0c 1 cars E7 pounds at 70c No. 4 red Nominal. 56Sc Rejected 1 red 1 car 'to pounds at ES54. 1 car E2 pounds at 6054c .No. 2 spring 1 car E8 pounds at 64c No. 3 spring 1 car 54 pounds at 61c, jiounds at 3c Rejected spring 1 car E4 pounds at 6I0. Corn. 1 car E7 Receipts past 43 hours C7.S00 bushels Receipts same time last year 1S4.S00 bushels Shipments past 48 hours 15.750 bushels Shipments same time last year. 41.250 bushels There was mors In yesterday than for some time and cables were bearish, which caused buyers to hold back and squeeze prices a little. Mixed went off 54c and white 5ic and even at this reduction there was no especial life to trade. Futures were a trifle stronger than Saturday, but In the face of an In crease of 1.069.000 bushels In the visible supply In the United States' and Canada this had no Influence upon the rash market here. By sample on track here at Kansas City: No. 2 mixed 8 cars at 2254c 1 car at SJKc. 1 car yellow at 33c N0.13 mixed S cars at 3is4c. 1 car at 32a, -No. 4 mixed Nominal. 3154c No grade Nominal, 3154c .No 2 white 10 cars at 33c I can at 3354c ( cars special at 3354c. ro. a wnite x cars ai szc No. 4 white Nominal, 22c Futures February, seminal, 254o; Kay, sem inal. 2tC Oats. Receipts past 48 hours 11,000 bushels Receipts same time list year. 19.000 bushels Fblpments past 48 hours 4.000 bushels Shipments same time last year S.000 bushels There were more In yesterday, but the demand was good and market steady. Loral feed dealers and catmral men were both buying snd more good heavy nats could have been sold If here. By sample' oa track here at Kansas City: No. 3 I car at 27ic . No. S Nominal, 270275x0. SO. t-1 CK 1 :tc No. 2 white 1 car at 2354c 2 cars at 2955c: No. 3 white 1 car at 2554c, 1 car poor at 28c No. 4 white 1 car at KHc Rye. Receipts past 43 hours 1,350 bushels Receipts same time last year............2,600 bushels Shipments past 43 hours.. bushels Shipments same time last year. bushels Demand fair; market, hardly so firm, under the In fluence of the weakness In wheat. By sample on track here at Kansas City: No. 23 cars at 54c. No. 3 1 car at 53c. FLOUR Held firmer, but dull. The Quotations: Sett wheat, per barrel, patents, 13.4033.60; straights. J3.20a3.40; extra fancy. (2.8003.00; low erades. 11.40 LEO. Hard wheat Patents. I3.10S3.20; straights. S2.75e2.S5: bakers'. JL9O02.15; Jow grades. Jl.300 1.50. Established trades and city mills, 30050c per barrel higher. CORNMEAL Lower and dull. Bulk, 66067c per ewt. CORN CHOP Dull and weak. Sacked, 62063c per ewt. BRAN Not much coming In and firmer. Sacked, B703Sc per ewt.; sale of 1 car choice at ESc, and 1 car shorts at 62c per ewt; CASTOR BEAN'S Steady but dull. Car lots, nom inal at 95c per busheL FLAXSEED Dull and lower. Cash and February, 31.03 per bushel, upon the basis of pure. KAFFIR CORN Steady. White, 29030c per bushel, and red. 33034c per bushel. GROUND OIL CAKES Quoted: Car lots. 324 per ton; ton lots. J2S; 1,000 pound lots, 113; less. 11.33 per 100 pounds, sacked, f. o. b. COTTONSEED MEAL Quoted: Car lots. 318.50 per ton at Kansas City, and also all points In Kansas and Missouri taking same rate as Kansas City. BKOOM CORN Quotations per ton for car lots, f. o. b., Kansas City: Choice green burl 390 00 Choice ercen self-working; 83 00 Good green burl 75 OT Good green self-working 70 00 Choice red or yellow tipped hurl 70 00 Choice red or yellow tipped self-working 0 00 Common hurl 0 00 Seeds. MILLET Quoted: German, Jl.00gl.25 per 100 pounds: common, 60075c per 100 pounds. CANE Quoted at il.O0Ql.05 per 100 pounds. TIMOTHY Quoted at 31.50S2.O0 per 100 pounds. CLOVER Quoted at J3.00ffi5.30 per 100 pounds. liny. Receipts and shipments by cars the past 43 hours: Receipts, Shipments. 1S99. 1898. 1S99. 1898. Prairie 35 ;s 4 6 Timothy 10 Clover mixed .............. 1 .. - Airalfa 2 .. .. .- Straw .......... 4 .. . - Clover .. .. Millet ... .. . - Totals ... ..53 58 "Timothy and clover mixed Included. Tho market yesterday was quiet, but what trading done was at steady prices. The receipts, while better than for some days, were not large for Monday, which favored holders and enabled them to maintain last week's advance. Sales and quotations furnished by the Kansas City Hay Dealers' exchange: Sales: No. 2 timothy, 1 car at 16.50; No. 1 clover and timothy, 1 car at 37.00; No. 1 prairie, 1 car at J6.75. 1 car at. 35.50: No. 2 prairie, 2 cars st S6.00. 2 cars scant at 35.50; No. 3 prairie. 2 cars good at 35.25. 2 cars at 35.00. 1 car scant at 34.50; wheat straw, 1 car at 34.00; alfalfa. 1 car at 37.50. Quotations: Tlmotby--Cholce. J7.00ffl7.50; No. 1. 38.7507.00; No. 2. J6.2506.5O; No. 3, J5.S086.00. Clo ver mixed No. 1. S6.50U7.00; No. 2. J6.00SC.50; No. 3. JS.50JJ6.00. Pure clover J6.5O07.OO. Prairie Choice, J6.7507.OO; No. 1. 36.5006.75; No. t. J5.509 COO; No. X J3.005.50: No. 4. J4.OO04.5O. Packing J3.OO03.5O. Alfalfa 37.0007.50. Straw Rye. Ji.000 4.50; wheat, J3.SO04.OO; oat, J3.W03.5O. Yesterday's Chicago Market Furnished by the French Bros. Commission Company, room 22, Board of Trade building: Closed Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closed. Saturday. WUfcJAJ Mch. J 7254 t 724 J 71H J 72H-54 J IW-K July 6954 7054 695i 70H 7054-54 CORN ' Feb 3354 35T4 Mch. 36U-T4 374 36H 37ti 364 July 37 3754 37 3754-K 37 1 OATS Feb 27 2654 3Iay 27T4 25 27S 28 2754 July 26 2654 2554 26-54 26 PORK Feb. 9 90 May 10 OS 10 1754 10 05 10 15-754 10 0754 LARD Feb S CO 5 50 May 6 72t4 5 7254 5 72"4 6 774 G 70 July 6 S254 E 8754 5 S254 S 8754 6 60 S. RIBS Feb 4 90 May S 0254 E 0754 S 004254 5 0754 C 0254 July S 1754 B 175i E 15 C 1754 E 1254-15 Chicago grain receipts Winter wheat, 11 cars; con tract, 1 car. Spring wheat, 75 cars; contract, 3 cars. Corn, 743 cars; contract, 70 cars. Oats, 51 cars; can tract. 31 cars. Estimated for to-day Wheat, 205 cars; com, 1,525 cars; oats. 360 cars. WHEAT Cash No. S red. 7172c; No. 3 red, 65 CSc: No. 2 hard, 65c; No. 3 hard, 63065c CORN Cash No. 2 mixed, 355ic; No. 2 white, 354c OATS Cash No. 2 mixed, 2702754c; No. 3 white. 3054S-o;4c Grain Xotes. Minneapolis wheat stocks Increased 86,090 bushel last week. The visible snpply of rye Is 1.5C7.000 bushels, and ot barley 3.211,000 bushels. A New York message reported 40 loads ot wheat taken yesterday for export. A London cable says: The French crop outlook In officially stated to be better than. last year's. According to the latest figures, the Argentine ex portable surplus of wheat Is 52,000,000 bushels. A cable report says: There Is not s cargo ot wheat tor sale off the English coast; everything cleaned up. Imports of wheat at Liverpool last week were 976,000 bushels, of which 972,000 bushels were from Amcrlcan.Atlantlc ports. The English visible supply ot wheat increased 226,000 bushels last week, against 54,000 bushels de crease the previous week. The amount of wheat on ocean passage to Europe Increased 2,544.000 bushels last week, and corn in creased 2,568,000 bushels. The European visible supply of wheat is 62,000,000 bushels, against E9,920,00O bushels a week ago, and 61,000,000 bushels a year ago. W. A. Hall, for some years bookkeeper for B. F. Hargis, has bought an Interest In the George I. Kim ball Grain Company (Twelfth street mill and ele vator). Liverpool 6tocks of wheat in public and private houses yesterday were 1,9S7,500 bushels, against 1,875,000 bushels a week ago. Corn stocks are 560,000 busbels, aganist 640,000 bushels a week ago. French ofUclal crop reports state the condition of wheat in 13 departments is very good; 67 are good: 7 fairly good. The area sown as compared with last year In 22 departments Is larger. In 17 smaller, and In 43 the same. A message from Vama, 111., says: Nearly all of 'last year's crop of corn has been marketed from this section. It was so poor that farmers were afraid to keep it unUl warm weather. Considerable old corn Is stilt In farmers' hands. Kansas City grain stocks, with changes last week, ere as follows: Wheat, 994.900 bushels. Increase 116. 200 bushels; corn. 457,600 bushels, increase E1.200 bushels; oats, 14,200 bushels, unchanged; rye, 83,400 bushels, increase 1,600 bushels. The primary market receipts yesterday were 823,000 bushels of wheat, against 714.000 bushels a year ago. Shipments were 109,000 bushels: last year. 161.000 bushels. Corn receipts. 1,202,000 bushels; a year ago, 1,010,000 bushels. Shipments, 207,000 bushcl3; last year, 225,000 bushels. The -world's shipments of corn laFt week were 4.225,731 bushels, against 4.S32.0O0 bushels the prev ious week. Last week's shipments Included 3.697,731 bushels from the United States. 200,000 bushels from Russia. 224.000 bushels from Argentine and 104,000 bushels from Danublan ports. Yesterday's clearances for export at the four At lantio ports were 107.123 bushels of wheat. 76.608 packages ct flour, 450,2(5 bushels of corn,' 74,733 bush els of oats and 25.226 bushels ot rye. Total wheat and flour clearances amounted to 704,000 bushels and corn 495,957 bushels. Broomhall'a statement thrfws the total quantity of breadstuffs on passage to Europe, with changes last week, as follows: To the United Kingdom, 10.384,000 bushels, increase 456,000 bushels: to the Continent. 9.872.000 bushels. Increase 1.040,000 bushels; for or ders. 11,632,000 bushels. Increase 1,018,000 bushels; total Increase, 2,514.000 bushels. The world's shipments of wheat (flour Included as wheat) from the different countries for the weeks ending on the dates named, were as follows: Feb. 4. '99. Jan. 23. '99. Feb. S. '98. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. .6,585.418 4,997.572 3 434.000 .. 656,000 952.000 1,272.000 .. 216.000 224.000 C72.O0O ,. 624.000 40,000 672.000 ,. 230.000 512.000 126.000 ,. 648,000 424.000 America Russia Danublan ports .. Argentina India Australia Totals 8.959,418 7.150.000 6.E14.0O0 Changes In the visible supply of grain in the United States and Canada as reported by the Chicago tvuLrd of trade: Wheat. Corn. Otts, bushels, bushels. 1,063,000 13.000 1.078.000 29.000 1.076.O00 348,000 1,394.000 152.000 192.000 106.000 164.000 551.000 .OUMiTia. ... 401.000 ...1 310.000 ... 550.000 ...1.706. 000 . 643.000 ...1,047,000 Yesterday Preceding week A year ago Two years ago... Three years ago. Four years ago.. Decrease; others Increase. The visible supply of grain In the United States and f.Tiafl, as reported by the Chicago beard of trade: Wheat, Corn, bushels, bushels. Oats, bushels. 7.038.000 7.025.000 14.766.000 13,224.000 6.C51.000 7,135,000 Yesterday A week ago...... A year ago Two years sgo... Three years ago. Four years sgo.. 28.984 000 28,208.000 28.5S3.000 27.138.090 86.022.009 29.FO5.000 47.8S5.000 23.3-C.000 66.111.000 12.178.000 .82,326.000 12.855,000 Car lot receipts of wheat: K.C. Chi. Y!rterfaT 178 57 St. L. MrJs. DHh. Tot. U 665 56 936 A week ago 278 96 Two weeks ago.... 292 139 A year ago. 213 '93 Two years-sgo..... 45 13 Car lot receipts ot corn: Yesterday . - A week ago... ....... ..... Two weeks ago.. ...... A year ago... ........ Two years sgo. Car lot receipts of cats: Yesterday A week ago Two weeks ago.... ....... A year ago Two years ago..... 88 44 33 11 K. C. ... 90 ...103 ... 57 ...:I5 ...267 K.C. ... 11 642 CS0 E9t 441 131 168 100 70 1238 1323 1029 ESO Chi. 743 7M 515 714 4S7 Chi. 251 274 330 43 257 6t- L. Tot. 2S1 mi 250 233 410 892 1127 810 1440 1246 Bt. L. Tot. 84 346 115 409 360 494 441 -33 ES 71 . 19 . IS ,, innniiil nn B Isir-r-tr THE JQURNAu10Q A WEEK. MONEY, STOCKS AND BONDS A HESITATECY IX TRADIXG AXD MOST SHARES UNSETTLED. Uncertainty as to the Peace Treaty Dominated the Market and Soles Were Lower Later a Firm er Keeling Prevailed. There wa3 some little call for money yesterday, both from the country on rediscounts and by homo borrowers, but the volume of loans was light. Kates remain steady at 70S per cent, but money easily ob tainable at this some gilt-edge paper a little less. But little currency going to the country. Bank clear ings, 31,524,435. against. J1.5G1.550, a decrease of J40.115. a loss of 2 per cent. Eastern exchange still dull. Houston. Flble &.CO., exchango brokers, quote It as follows: New York, par; Chicago, par; St, Louis, par. The gold reserve yesterday was J227,330,409. Kansas City Local Securities. Following aro the prices of local stocks and bonds, as reported by II. 1. Wright & Co., 720 Delaware street, telephone No. 2C34: Annual Last dlvi- divi dend, dend. Bid. Asked. National Bank of Commerce.. 6 Jan.'99 120 125 Kansas City State bank 6 Jan. '99 .. C5 First National bank 10 Jan. '99 219 215 Interstate National bank. 6 Jan. '99 121 125 Union National bank. 7 July '93 108 110 American National bank 6 Jan. '99 77'A 7S& Missouri Savings bank 8 Jan. ;99 115 125 New England National bank.. 6 Jan. '99 128 125 United States Trust Co "95 100 Western Exchango bank 10 Jan. '99 123 110 Mechanics' bank 6 Nov. "93 93 100 Kansas City Stock Yards 6 Feb. '99 117 120 Metropolitan Street Railway. 4 Feb. '99 84 Si Con. Smelting and Ref. Co... 6 Dec. '93 100 105 do preferred .'.. 7 Jan. '99 102 104 M.. K. and T. Trust Co 6 Nov. '93 85 90 Central Coal and Coke Co.... 5 Oct. '93 .. 75 do common 14 15 K. C, F. S. I.M. common... 6 Aug. '95 10 25 do preferred i Aug.'SS 35 55 Metropolitan gen. bonds, 5s... 5 103 Metropolitan Consolidated 5s 103 103VS K. C, F. S.'ei M. bonds. 6s 100 101 Kansas. Cltr. Fittsburg & Gulf stock. 16'4 17 Missouri state 3U per cent bonds 100 102 Jackfon county court house bonds, 4s 102 Kansas City city hall bonds, 4s 103 Sjndicato Gold Mining Co 100 105 Kansas City. Pittsburg & Gulf bonds, 5s... 63 67 Kansas City Elevated Railway bonds, 4s... 75 76 Metropolitan Railway Consolidated 5s 9SH 9314 Kansas City. Mo., school bonds, 4s 102 Kansas City Belt Railway bonds, 6s 103 11214 ivansas uty felavatca Kanway 6S 105 Kansas t-lty 4ft per cent water bonds 11 116 10154 Kansas City, Mo., gas bonds, 5s 10)54 Stocks and Bonds. NKW YORK, Feb. . Stock prices were extremely variable to-day, but .ended with only fractional net changes, the majority of which were upward. Many conflicting reports reached the street as to the proba bilities of confirmation or rejection of tho peace treaty, and these were Instrumental In staying val ues. The first effect of the uprising at Manila was discouraging. Stocks opened below London parity, and there were soon material declines in a number of cases. Lake Erie & Western preferred dipped 3H. Southern Pacific 3?, and numerous other shares to the extent of a point or more. Tobacco ran off 25i, and later extended its decline to over 6 points on the announcement that a rival company hod absorbed an Important Independent concession. London sold about 15.000 shares of stock. Traders bought on the decline and prices Improved. Although dealings were much contracted compared with recent averages, prices rose above Saturday's closing. A number of high priced stocks, including New York Central and Penn sylvania, together with the local traction and ras stocks, were conspicuous in the recovery, as was Pa cific Mall and Chicago Great Western preferred "A." Prices again fell off presently, stop-loss orders were reached In some cases, and commission houses sold freely. Twin City Rapid Transit dropped 4, while Sugar. Lead. People's Gas, Federal Steel and Omaha sagged to the lowest. Houses with Washington con nections were watched narrowly with a view of get ting some Intimation by their dealings as to ths treaty's chances, but no decided tendency one way or the other could be detected. Toward midday the market again worked UDward. with minn- n.Hi, depression, but gradually top figures were eenerally reached. The Impression prevailed in some quarters that the outburst of the Filipinos assured the treaty's ratification, and on the theory that settlement of the uncertainty would be beneficial there was buying of stocks. On the other hand, many decided to reduce their commitments over night as a precautionary measure; and these contending Interests rave the market Its appearance of Irregularity. The feverish ness which prevailed In the early dealings in a meas ure gradually disappeared as the day wore on. and the middle and low-priced stocks sympathized in the advancing tendency of gilt-edge stocks. In the final dealings there were slight recessions from the best prices. The bond market showed marked heaviness In the early transactions, but later improved In spots, clos ing Irregular. United States old 4s coupon advanced 54. and the old 43 registered and the Ss 54, in the bid Closlnc quotations on the New York Stock exchange Closed I Yes. Sat.! Yes. 42 764 1254 73 4154 . 11 Sat 42 7654 13 73 414 10'4 Atchison 22'4 do pref. 6154 Bait. Ohio... 70 Canada Pacific. SS Can. Southern. 60T4 Central Pacific. E154 Ches. & Ohio... 30 2254 615J 71 E6 60-4 51 29-4 It. C. W. do pref. St- L. & S. F.., do 1st pref..., do 2d pref St. L. & S. W.. do pref. ...... St. Paul St. P. Sc O do pref. So. Paclfle So. Railway .... do pref. Texas & Paclfle. Union Paclfle ., do pref. , u. p.. d. & a Wabash do pref , W. & L. E..., 29H :7" CM. & Alton.. .172 C B. & Q 123 C & E. 1 66 do pref. lis C. G. W. IBS- Chi.. Ind. & L. S do pref. 32 a H N. W 1H do pref. 190 a. a. c. & st. 173 .12654 1274 9354 9354 170 170 134'4' 6654! 116 40 i 16I41 12T4 494 20-4 474 S0'4 1214 814 2254 1354 8 E0 54 20"4 4714 so'4 1254 8 27-4 1154 I4S54! 190 Louis 53s; do pref. 9S14 Col. Southern.. 714 do 1st pref... E4 do 2d rtrer.... 51 u CO 99H 6554 U54 3414 "do pref. 3454 Express Comnanles. Del. & IIudson.112-4 112141 Adams 103 108 American 141 142 United States .. 55 C5 Wells-Fargo ...123 125 D. & R. 0 23tJ 2354 00 pref. 754 75'4 Erie (new) .... 1554 151$ do 1st pref... 295i 4054 Miscellaneous. Amer. Cot. Oil.. 35 36 do pref. 91 92 Amer. Spirits .. 1314 134 run. nayno ...lis J78 Gt. Nor. pref. .1874 1S5 Hocking Val... 24 24' Illinois Cent. ..lis?; H5i Lake Shore ....200(4 200U' L. & N 63T4 6.T54 Manhattan L...112 11154 Met. St. Ry....233 23154 Mich. Central..H2 lis o pref 26 2654 Amer. Tobacco.. 14314 11454 uu J'rei ISi 136 Brooklyn R. T.. 91H S24 Cons. Gas 207i 20414 I Com. Cable Co.. 190 190 ll. I--. & Iron.. 34 34 do pref. 90 93 Gen. Electric ..1104 H14 Hawaii Com. Co 7054 70'4 Intl. Paper Co.. 63 6.154 do pref. 91 J2 Laclede Gas .... 51 64 Lead 26T4 374 do pref. 113 113 Nat. Lin. Oil... 7 1 raclflc Mall .... 5354 C1'4 People's Gas ...11354 11354 Pullman Pol. ..16214 1554 Sliver Cert. .... E9H 694 stand. R. & T.. 94 954 Sucar ...13254 1"34 do pref. 112 1124 T. C. & Iron.... 424 43' U. S. Leather... 754 714 do pref. 7214 75 U. S. Rubber... 5054 51 M. & St. L. 45H 45 uu jbi prei... s-j S3 Mo. Pacific .... 45t4 46 Mobile & Ohio. 4154 41 M.. K. ft T-... 14 14U do pref. 37"4 3754 N. J. Central.,100 10) N. Y. Ontral.,13754 136'i N. Y.. C. & St. Louis Its; 154! uo i."t Jim... tz ,2 do 2d pref.... 35 37 Norfolk & W... ip4 191.4! No. Amer. Co.. 8 S4 No. Paclflo 5154 Em! 00 prer. ..... &o sol: Ontario & W... 2i4 2:4 u. 11. c 11..... .1 43 do pref 74 74 Ore. Short Line 42 42 Paclfle Coast .. 49 -47 do 1st pref... S6 US do 2d pref CI 63 Pittsburg 110 ISO do pref. 116 116 West. Union S55i EO54 87 Federal Steel .. 6954 do pref. 8754 Reading 214 2154 do 1st pref... ES'i C054! Second asi'm't paid. Fourth ass'm't paid. liocu island ...11754 117-S State and Rallrond Bonds. NEW YORK, Feb. 6. Closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange were: Alibaraa, class A.. .'.107 North. Pacific lst3....1ir4 do 3s 6S4 do 4s 10254 N. V.. C. &. St. L. 43.107 Northwest- consols ..14354 do debenture Es.,.,.122 Ore. Navigation lsts..lU do 4s 10214 O. S. Line 6s, tr. 12) do Es, tr Ill Reading 4s 87 R. G. W. lsts 93 SUL.4 I.M. con. Sa.11154 St. L. & S. F. gen. 65.12314 St. Paul con 1G24 o:t-Kisi -dfo -a -ig do Es 122 Southern Railway Es.1054 Standard R. T. 6s.. 9634 Tex. Pac L. G. lsts..lll do regular 2ds. 49?4 Union Pacific 4s 10454 U. P.. D. 4 O. lsts. 91 Virginia centuries ... 8654 do deferred 854 Wabash 1st Es 115' do 2ds 9654 West Shore 4s 11:4 Wis. Central lsts 6654 do B 107 I do curreucy ..100 Atchison 4s 10114 do adjustment 4s... 8314 Can. Southern 2ds..illl!ij Chicago Terminal 4s. 934 u. & unto s lis1 do 454s 96 C It. & D. 44s.. ..1044 Col. Southern 4s S64 D. & R. G. lsts 10S54I ao 4S iui',4 East Tennessee lsts..10414! Erie general 4s 73541 r. w. 4e 1). ist3, tr.. S5 General Electric 5S..111 G.. H. A S. A. 63. ...109 do 2ds 11054 11. d; i. U. E3 110 do con. Cs 110 Iowa Central lsts. .. .10954 La. new consols. 4s. .10314 L. N. um. 4s. 99 Mo. Pac consols. 6s. 114 M.. K. T. 2ds 67'4 CO 43 54 N. Y. Central lsts... 1174 N. J. central Es 11554 North Carolina 6s,. ..130 do 4s 101 Norfolk & West- 63. .129 Offered. Government Bonds. As reported yesterday by Houston, Flble & Co., over their private New York wire: Due. Int. due. Bid. 994 1115. 111-4 11254 li:i4 125H 12S4 10654 10654 Ask. iiiii 1124 11254 113 i:sT4 129 1074 10754 Reg. 2 per cents. Opt. Q. Mar. Reg. 5 per cents 1904 Coupon 5 per cents 1904 Reg. 4 per cents (old) 1907 Coupon 4 per cents (old). ...1907 Reg. 4 per cents (new) 1923 Toupon 4 per cents (new). ..1925 Reg. 3 per cents. 1918 Coupon 3 per cents 1918 Q. Feb. Q. Feb. Q. Jan. Q. Jan. Q. Feb. Q. Feb. Q. Aug. Q. Aug. Money nt Home and Abrond. NEW TORK. Feb. 6. Money on call steady at 254 03 per rent; last loan, 254 per cent: prime mercan tile paper, 2510354 per cent; sterling exchange steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.S5i464-F54 for demand, and at Jt.S35404.834 for sixty days; posted rates. 34.S401.814 and J1.8C0 4.S614: commercial bills. J4.S2404.S3. LONDON, Feb. 6. Money, 54 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills. 154 per cent: three months' bills. 15101 15-16 per cent. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Bank clearings, JlOl.622,037: balances. J5,515.771. BOSTON, Feb. 6. Clearings. J15.156.939; balances, J2.054.493. . PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 6. Clearings, J10.07l.061; balances. J2.5S6.6C6. BALTIMORE, Feb. J. Clearings. j:,642,251; bal ances. J330.182. CINCINNATI. Feb. 6. Money. 2406 per cent; New-York exchange, 20c discount and par; clearings, J3. 342.000. I CHICAGO. reD. 6. Clearings, ;u.n...w; oaiasvvs, 1 '"'"ii.'-"'"- --...... - .,...,... 1js.S31.951; New York ehaac, l5c!louat; turung, carte. The very best. exchange, posted, 34.S4U01.86t4; actual. 14.8354 4.S5IJ: sixty days, J4.S2ti04.815i. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 6. Clearings, J5.9I2.173; balances, J963.6S1; money, 406 per cent; New Tork exchange, par bid. 10c premium asked. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 6. Clearings, 31,278,883; New York exchange, bank. Jl premium; commercial, 50075c discount. Silver. NEW YORK, Feb. 6. Bar silver, t9Ue; Mexican dollars, 47c. LONDON. -Feb. C Bar- silver, quiet. 27S per ounce. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH; Grain, Meat and Hay. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 6. WHEAT Receipts. 33.000 buthels; shipments, 13,000 bushels. Options strong and higher; spot nominally lower. No. 2 r?d. cash, elevator 7314c asked, track 73074c: February. 74c; May, 75?i735jc bid; July. 6951c bid: No. 2 hard. 6714c CORN Receipts. 183.000 bushels: shipments. 22,000 bushels. Options Irregular, with fractional changes: spot dull, nominal. No. 2. cash, 34c; track, 345403454c; February. SIKc; May. 25c; July, 3554c. OATS Receipts. 84.000 bushels: shipments, 13.000 bushels. Dull, nominal. No. 2. cash. 2&c: track. 2554c; February, 2Sc; May, 2S54S28Hc; No. 3 white. 31c CORNMEAL JL75S1.S0. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, MI4G0c HAY Dull, easy; tim othy. 37.5008.00; prairie, J7.OO07.6O. PORK Firmer; standard mess. Jobbing, old, 13.25; new, J10.00. LARD rirracr: prime steam, J5.35: choice. 35.4:4. DRY SALT MEATS (boxed lots) Shoulders, J1.00; extra shorts. J4.75; ribs, J5.00; shorts, J5.1214. BA CON (boxed lots) Shoulders. J4.6254; extra, shorts. 4J.-; riD.i,; snorts, X5.k:5S. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 6. WHEAT Steady; Feb ruary. C9ic; May, 70t;c; July, 70?ic On'track No, 2 hard, 70",ic; No. 1 Northern, 6954c; No. 2 Northern, 6754c DULUTH. Feb. 6. WHEAT No. 1 hard, cash, 7055c: February, 70c; May. (354c; July, 73jc: No. 1 Northern, cash, C85jc; February, 6S54c; May, 7154o; July, 7151c NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 6. HOC PRODUCTS Firm. Pork, standard mess, J9.7501O.OO. Lard, refined tierce, J4.125604.37t4; pure, JC.00. Boxed meats, dry salt shoulders, J4.C0; sides, J4.6254. Bacon, clear rib sides. 56.1254. Hams, choice sugar cured, J8,5O09.5O. RICE Quiet; ordinary to good, 304&C FLOUR. GRAIN AND FEEDSTUKFS Steady. Flour, extra fancy, J3.5503.73: patents. J4.O504.3O. Cornmeal, J1.93. Bran. 60067c. Hay, prime, Jll.00012.00; choice, J13.00313.50. Corn, No. 2. sacked, white. 420 4254c; mixed, 43c; yellow, 4304354c. OATS No. 2. sacked, 34c. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 6. WHEAT Spot dull; No. 1 California. 6s 754d06s Sd; No. 2 red western winter. 6a 154d; No. 1 red Northern spring, 5a ll"4d. Futures closed quiet: March, 5s 754d: May. Es 7d. CORN Spot quiet: American mixed, new, 2s 8Hd; American mixed, old. 3s 9d. Futures steady; February, new crop. 3s 6d; March. 3s 65id; May, 3s 6d. TUR PENTINE Spirits. 32s. BACON Long clear middles, light, dull, 27s 6d: short ribs, dull. 2Ss: long clear middles, heavy, dull, 27s; short clear backs, dull, 2Ss: clear bellies, easy, 32s. LARD-'Prlme Western, dull, 28s 9d. Coffee and Sno-ar. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. COFTEE Options opened steady st unchanged prices to 5 points decline, fol lowing unfavorable European and Brazilian markett, heavier receipts at Rlq and Santos, apathy of spot buyers and falling off In warehouse deliveries; ral lied partially on covering following favorable closing of Havre cables: closed -ulet, unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales. 9.250 bags, including March. 6.60c; May. E.7Ec; September. 6.05c; November, 6.10c: De cember, 6.2006.25c; January, 6.25c Spot coffee Rio. quiet; No. 1 Invoice. 6c; No. 7 lobbing, 754c Mild-Quiet: Cordova, 754014c SUGAR Raw. firm; lair renning. ac; centrifugal, 95 test, 4c; mo lasses sugar. 354c Refined Firm; mold A, S'4c; standard A, 454c; confectioners' A, 454c; cut loaf, 554c; crushed, 654c; powdered, 554c; granulated. Ec: cubes, 554c. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 6. COFFEE Steady; Rio, ordinary tft fair, 7548c SUGAR-Steady: open kettle, 25403 9-16C; open kettle centrifugal, 3 9-16 45c; centrifugal granulated and white, none In first hands: yellows, 40454c; seconds. 25403 15-16c MO LASSES Opea kettle, steady. 15030c: centrtfugsL steady, 6016c SYRUP None In first hands. Plonr. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. FLOUR Receipts. 34 157 barrels; export, 29,720. barrels. Quiet and weak Winter patents, J3.7504.OO: winter straights, J3.E0a 3.60, Minnesota patents. J3.9O04.15: winter extras. J2.7O03.OO; Minnesota bakers', J3.1503.4O; winter low grades. J2.4O02.C5. CHICAGO, Feb. 6. FLOUR Receipts, 11,000 bar- reia; Buipmenis, narreis. Dull and weak. Winter patents, J3.9O04.OO:' hard patents, J3.6O03.7O straights, J3.4O03.6O: spring specials, J4.20; spring patents. J3.4O03.5O: clear, J3.3O03.4O; straights. J3.10 03.30; bokers', 125003.60. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 6. FLOUR-x-Recelpts, 6,000 bar rels; shipments, 3,000 barrels. Dull, barely steady. Patents. J3.4503.6O: straights, J3.1593.25; clear, J2.7S 03.00: low to medium grades, J2.OO02.5O. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 6. FLOUR Unchanged. First patents. J3.CO03.7O; second 'patents. J3.4O03.5O: first clears. J2.6O02.SO. Rye and Seeds. CHICAGO, Feb. 6. FLAXSEED May closed at J1.1S54; Northwest, 11.1854: Southwest, 11.15. RYE Cash. 55c; May, 5754c BARLEY 41051c. TIM OTHY February, J2.40: March, J2.47. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 6. RYE Steady, 5554c FLAX SEED Steady, J1.124. TOLEDO. Feb. 6. RYE Dull, steady; No. 2 cash. E6c. CLOVERSEED Active, lower; prime cash. old. J3.50; new, J3.S0. Kansas City prices of seeds, as quoted by dealers, are as follows: Millet, COffiioc per 100 pounds; Ger man millet. Sl.10Ji-l.C5 per 100 pounds; cane seed, 95c0JLOO; red Kafllr.i 55057c per 100 pounds: whits Kamr, El53c per-100 pounds; clover, J5.OO06.5O per 100 pounds; timothy)' Jl.5002.00 per 100 pounds; flax seed, J1.05. Batter, EKES, Poultry and Cheese. CHICAGO, Feb. 6. BUTTER Firm: creameries. 11 18'4c; dairies, 18026c EGGS Steady: fresh. 1654c DRESSED POULTRY Firm; turkeys, 954011c; chickens, Sc: ducks, 70Sc. NEW YORK, Feb. 6. BUTTER Receipts, 9.970 packages: firm: Western creamery. 1554019c; Elglns, 19c; factory, 12011c CHEESE Receipts, 1,436 pack ages; firm; large white, 1054c; .small white, 119 1154c; large colored. 1054c; small colored, ll1154o, ERGS Receipts, 8,768 packages; steady; Western. 194c; Southern, 1801954c. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 6. POULTRY Finn; chickens. 70754c: turkeys. 85409c; gecsc. 4540554c; ducks, 654 07c BUTTER Firm: creamery, 15020c; dairy, 123 16c EGGS Higher, 1554c. Cotton. ST. LOUIS. Feb. C COTTON Steady snd on changed. Sales, 19: middling. S 13-16c; receipts, 3.75S; shipments, 4,278; stock, 75.473. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 6. COTTON Steady. Sales, 1,550 bales. Ordinary, 4 E-I60; good ordinary. 454c; low middling. E54c; middling. 554c; good middling, 654c: middling fair, 654c Receipts, .10,355; stock, 4I4.9S4. Futures steady. February, 6.74c bid; March, E.745.75c; April, E.7S0S.79O; May. 5.8105.82c; June, E.8305.S4c; July. E.85a5.S6c; August, 5.8305.85c; Sep tember, E.7405.75c; October, 5.7405.75c; November, (.7605.78c; December, 5.7805.SOC Dry Goods. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. The week opened with fair attendance of buyers. Increase In volume of mall or ders and good general business doing. Cotton goods very strong. Advances of 54c In four-yard brown sheetings, heavy makes, with tendency against buy ers. Wide sheetings tending against buyers. Coarso colored cottons very firm. Prints advancing; Im proving demand for woolen goods with steady tone. Lead and Zinc. NEW YORK, Feb. 6. LEAD Easier, J4.6254 bid. 14.674 asked. SPELTER Strong and higher. J3.90 bid. S6.00 asked. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 6. LEAD Steady, 14.45 Did. SPELTER Easy, J3.60. IXAUGURATIOX OP PULLMA1Y TOURIST SLEEPIXO CAR, Kansas Cltr to Portland Union Paclfle. via the This car will leave Kansas City every Thursday at G:40 p. m., and run through to Portland without change in only 72 hours. The quickest time made between, these points. Maximum comfort at minimum cost Is the principle upon which these cars are built and operated. Passengers for San Francisco or Los Angeles taking berths in this tourist car do not have to leave the train between Kansas City and their destination, as the only change is stepping from one car to nnnrhnr en route in the middle of the dav. Porters accompany each car. For further particulars call on or address J. B. FRAWLEY. Gen'l Agent Ticket offices. 1000 Main street, 1038 Union avenue. Telephone 1109. The Commercial Club'n Favorite "Kansas City." It is the newly equipped, splendid dining car named "Kansas City," on the Burl ington route trains from Kansas City to Chlcngo, at 0:10 p. m., and Kansas City to Denver .at 10:40 a. m. New china from T. M. James & Sons, new linen, new table ware, tho best cooks and most attentive waiters. Burlington route ticket office, S23 Main street. Passengers going East, and wishing to avoid the incline to the Union depot, can take the Santa Fe Route trains at Twenty second and Grand avenue station. Best dining cars In the world; lighted by elec tricity. Santa Fe Route ticket offices, northeast corner Tenth and Main sts., 1044 Union ave.. Union depot and Grand avenue station. Excursion Rates to Colorado. The Union Pacific Is the only line run ning two fast trains dally, without change. Kansas City to Denver. Pullman Palace Dining cars. Olllces, 1000 Main street, 10J3 Union avenue, and Union station. Tele phone 1103. Liquors for Kansas. "shipped daily in secure packages, by GEORGE EYSSELL. Druggist. Opposite waiting room. Union depot. The Very Finest Trains to CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS via CHICAGO & ALTON RAILROAD. First train to arrive in Chicago is the "Chicago Limited," via Chicago & Alton railroad. Modern, observation, vestibuled ctbmitnc ..ovc! T)tnln(. mi, corvlon a la LOCAL LIVE STOCK MARKET LIGHT RUX OP CATTLE, SALES SLOW AXD PRICES WEAK. Hogs, Too, Coming In Slowly, and Quality Generally Poor Sheep In Good Demand, bat Weak and Lower. Western receipts the past 48 hours: E. C. Chi. St. L. Cattle 3.900 14,000 3.000 Hog 5,800 37.000 7,000 Sheep 5,300 20,000 1,300 Same time last year: Cattle 5, W0 18,000 3,400 Hogs 10,500 35,000 6,400 Sheep G.600 28.000 1.900 Oma. 1.600 2,600 4.200 1.S00 2.900 St. 1. 1.200 1.700 6.900 NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Cables lower: live cattle. 115401254c per pound, dressed weight; refrigerator beer, lower at 854c per pound. Exports to-day, none; to-morrow, 800 cattle and 4.443 quarters of beef. CATTLE Movements the past 43 hours: Cattle. Calves. 'Receipts 3.900 2t Shipments 973 154 Drireouts 573 4 A light run yesterday favored sellers and they managed to keep prices fairly steady in the face of a lower Chicago market. Sales, however, were slow. There were no choice cattlo in and nothing to en courage Eastern and export buyers. The best price of the day was J5.20, paid for 20 fleshy cornfed na tive steers, averaging 1.2S6 pounds. Some few early sales were steady and Crm, but the close was dull and weak. Cows were In light supply and the killers steady and In fair demand, but low grades dull and weak. Stockers and feeders sold fairly for Monday, but mostly to speculators. Prices ruled much the same as Friday. Range cattle, like na tives, sold very well at the opening and brought old prices, but the close was slow and weaker. Not many milch cows 1n and demand fair and market firm. Common, J1502O; medium to fair, J2502O. and good to choice, J3505O. REPRESENTATIVE SALES. DRESSED BEEF AND EXPORT STEERS. Ko. Ar. Price. No. Av. Price. No. Av. Price. 20..12S6..J 5 20 33..1203..J 4 85 20. .1321 4 70 16..1315.. 4 53 13..1293.. 4 33 8..1090.. 4 90 16..124I.. 4 70 44..1246.. 4 6254 2-. 955.. 4 25 COWS. 3..12S0.. 4 00 1..14I0.. 3 90 1..1520.. 2 73 1..1110.. 3 73 1..1170.. 2 63 1..1210.- 3 55 1..1170.. 3 33 17..1100.. 3 30 2.. 945.. 3 23 1..1I40.. 3 20' 2..1040.. 3 20 4.. 950v 3 10 1..1040.. 3 00 !.. 810.. 2 75 1.-.10CO.. 2 65 1.. 780.. 2 50- 1..12S0.. 4 00 1..1150.. 3 50 1..10SO.. 3 75 7..1052.. 3 35 31. .1032.. 3 60 1..1070.. 3 40 . 1..1030.. 3 35 3..1010., 3 23 2. .1016.. 313 1..1210.. 3 20 1..1010 3 13 7..10:8.. 310 I..1022.. 2 90 1..100O,. 2 75 1.. 910.. 2 50 1..710.. 2 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2S.. 646.. 3 75 1.. 800.. 3 50 1..1190.. 3 23 1.. S30.. 2 13 1.. 900.. 2 85 1..1060.. 2 73 1.. 860.. 2 50 1.. 790.. 2 45 1.. 650.. 3 25 1.. 840.. 3 20 1..1340.. 3:5 3.. 7S0.. 3 00 2. .1000.. 2 70 1.. 450.. 2 25 1.. 820.. 2 50 1.. 420.. 2 25 BULLS. 1.. 720.. 4 33 1..15S0.. 3 75 2.. 1510,. 3 70 2. .1350.. 3 50 1..1140.. 3 50 1..1390.. 3 3S 3..1053.. 3 33 7..1297.. 3 15 1..1620.. 2 85 1..1010.. 3 75 1..1200,. 3 60 L.1420.. 3 50 - 1..1560.. 3 40 1..1060.. 3 30 1..1400.. 3 09 1..14S0.. 2 85 HEIFERS. 2.. 595.. 4 10 23.. 563.. 3 75 1.. 859.. 3 75 24.. 915.. 3 70 2.. 830.. 3 63 20.. 656.. 3 SS 1..1050.. 3 75 17.. 655.. 3 70 1.. 700t. 3 50 1.. 610.. 3 15 CALVES. 2.. 385.. 475 55.. 356.. 5 00 5.. 414.. 3 50 19.. E43.. 4 SO 1.. 210.. 3 70 6.. 328.. S 00 CO.. 411.. E 00 15.. E63.. 4 25 1,. 1309 6 09 1.. 190.. 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8.. 657.. 4E0 2.-793.. 4 60 23..1159.. 4 43 13.. 680.. 4 40 6.. 266.. 4 25 SO.. 761.. 410 13.. 653.. 8 60 3.. S23.. 3 50 42.. 902.. 3 7754 23..1007.. 4 60 48.. S97.. 4 45 IS.. 902.. 4 40 30.. 578.. 4 35 23.. .575.. 4 25 8.. 703.. 4 00 3.. 833.. 4 00 4.-787.. 3 73 -13.. 763.. SCO 5.. 573.. 325 .7.. 678.. 3 25 RANGE CATTLE NATIVE DIVISION. TEXAS STEERS. - 4O..1027.. 4,53 I I WESTERN STEERS. E0..1057.. 4 25 I 1 WESTERN FEEDERS. 60.. 767.. 4 10 WESTERN HEIFERS. 17.. 7.. S 50 I SOUTHWEST STEERS. 16.. 655.. 3 80 I 29.. 949.. 4 40 I COLORADO STEERS. Z1..1240.. 4 40 I ARKANSAS STEERS. IS.. 778.. 3 25 RANGE CATTLE TEXAS DIVISION. TEXAS AND INDIAN STEERS. 69.. 1235. 41.. 1155. 4 90 20. .1214: 4 62..1123.. 14.. 928.. 27.. 880.. 42. .1089.. 4 4S 4 15 3 95 4:3 3 95 3 70 3 85 S50 4 40 4 10 433 6.. 996.. 131.. 955.. 423 3 9754 4 45 4 10 3 85 365 44. .io::.. 213. .10SS.. E2..1077.. 54.. 906.. 106.. 811.. 14.. S97.. 104.. 1131.. S99.. 853.. 923.. 4-13 3 9S 3 70 3 70 51.. 56.. 13.. 147.. 967.. 65.. S54.. 53.. 856.. 13.. .9.. 330 1.. 900.. TEXAS AND INDIAN COWS. 5.. 936.. . 846.. 300 2 60 253 7.. 900.. 40.. 706.. 1.. 610.. 786.. 790.. TEXAS AND INDIAN BULLS. . 3 30 I 1..1570.. 3 25 I 2.. 930.. 2 50 2 75 1..1010.. 3 25 I 1..1480.. 3 20 TEXAS AND INDIAN HEIFERS. , 3.S0 I 47.. 9S6., 4. .1142.. 23.. (83.. ARKANSAS STEERS. 2..10S3.. 4 00 27.. 532.. 315 11.. 751.. 121 ARKANSAS COWS. 1.. 633.. 3. .1060.. 3 25 15.. 505.. 2 85 I 19.. 682.. 815 ARKANSAS BULLS. 300 f LOUISIANA STEERS. 3C0 I I 31.. ' HOGS Movements the past 43 hours: Receipts 5,800 Shipments 540 Drive-outs 5.402 The run yesterday was light and most of the offer ings in only medium to fair quality, quite a per cent ot the arrivals being Indian and Southwest; hence little to encourage trade and sales slow. Choice heavy were about the same as Friday, but light and medium weights were weak to 6c lower the last halt ot the day. in sympathy with declines east ot us. Packers were all out in the yards and in a quiet way made fair purchases, and by the close most ot the fresh arrivals had been disposed of. The extreme range was JL5O03.75; bulk ot sales. J3.6O03.65. REPRESENTATIVE SALES. 3 30 1..1100.. 3 25 5. 2 90 1..1020.. 2 50 20. 3 00 4.. 697.. 2 60 17. 2 50 No.Dk.Av. Price. No.Dk.Av. Price. No.Dk.Av. Price. 2 SO 500 13 10 6 .. 255 J3 23 90 210 200 33 4754 49 80 226 3 474 23 120 233 3 50 69 ..202 3 53 58 ..203 3 5754 S2 SO 207 3 5754 63 40 210 3 60 65 ..210 3C0 27 ..203 3 60 70 40 229 3 60 70 80 214 SCO SO 40 235 3 60 67 .. 227 3 6254 77 40 241 3 6254 77 80 24S 3 624 84 40 213 3 65 63 .. 257 3 65 66 $0 314 3 70 143 ..301 3 75 7 ..140 150 61 ..110 315 1M 40 105 3 15 47 .. 104 3 20 7 .. 103 3 23 16 .. HO 3 25 . 43 .. 107 3 25 16 .. 113 3 23 11 .. 112 3 23 El .. 83 3 25 63 .. 86 3 23 101 .. 92 3 20 81 20 142 3 35 113 40 15S 3 40 51 80 160 3 40 32 120 193 3 4S 103 160 176 3 45 50 .. 193 3 45 64 .. 161 3 45 78 40 160 3 474 75 210 iy 3 474 61 .. 172 3 50 S3 80 183 3 574 40 40 189 3 574 97 ..194 3 60 7... 263 3 00 3 ..300 3 25 64 200 213 3 45 S3 480 211 3 474 29 .. 224 3 50 73 2S3 226 3 524 79 ..215 3 55 9S 40 210 3 5754 7 200 236 3 60 36 160 258 3 60 91 40 205 3 60 83 160 209 3 60 CO 80 222 3 60 74 .. 251 3 624 63 8033 3 0:ti 63 SO 2S6 3 624 69 .. 245 3 65 60 80 273 3 65 26 80 293 3 63 53 240 301 3 63 73 ..253 3 70 59 ..322 3 70 9 .. 87 310 31 ..100 3 15 67 100 1:0 3 20 33 ..102 3 23 16 .. 123 3 25 5 .. 104 3 25 12 .. 130 3 25 10 ..126 3 25 13 ..129 3 25 59 ..103 20 .. 113 3 23 12 .. 143 3 30 91 120 155 3 40 E7 40 191 3 40 72 120 153 3 45 42 .. 163 3 45 97 ECO 193 3 4S 45 ..176 3 45 26 40 176 3 45 CO 120 192 3 45 81 40 185 8 50 73 .. 131 3 524 92 ..194 3 574 75 160 194 3 60 SHEEP Movement the past 43 hours: Receipts (.331 Shipments 429 Drive-outs 1.934 More in yesterday than for some days and quality very good. Buyers got to work fairly early, but with the pens full they succeeded In squeezing mut tons down 10c, but lambs generally held .steady. Killers made very good purchases at the prices and not many unsold at the close. Stockers snd feeders quiet, though something doing In the best of them. REPRESENTATIVE SALES. No. Av. TO. Prlre. 102 Colorado Iambs 75 J5 00 No. Av. TO Prlre. 102 Colorado Iambs 75 J5 00 32 Colorado Iambs 97 5 00 147 Colorado lambs 73 4 90 132 Western lambs 71 4 83 549 Utah fed lambs 68 4 60 5 Colorado spring lambs. 42 4 50 414 Arizona yearlings 100 4 15 477 Arizona yearlings 92 4 15 183 Colorado sheep and yearlings 90 4 00 - S3 Western yearlings 87 4 M 172 Arizona sheep and yearlings 95 4 00 33 Arizona sheep and yearlings..:.... 96 4 00 503 Texss wethers 93 3 90 203 mixed 77 3 S3 141 Texas feeding lambs 46 3 75 87 Kansas.ewcs 94 3 60 3 Colorados 80 3 50 297 Texas ewes 76 3 23 5 84 3 00 1 Colorado buck 160 3 00 2 lamby ewes 110 2 S3 293 Texas cull ewes. 57 2 60 S Texas lamby ewes 74 2 50 62 goats 100 2 90 HORSES AND MULES Movements oast 48 hours: Receipts 319 Shipments 339 The week opened yesterday with a fair demand, both for horses and mules, but as ot late most of it was from the South and for plantation stock and buyers wanted cheap and medium priced stuff, and such sold much the same as last Friday Little do ing in fancy stock yet. We note the tale ot 14 mules 1454 hands at J63, 22 mixed and pluggy at J46, 10 mules 15 hands at J35. CO mules 1554 to 16 hands at J92.50, 25 mules Hli hands st 510. 20 mules 154 hands at J67.EO and 20 choice mules at J70. The quotations: HORSES Draft horses, good, 1,250 to 1.450 pounda J53 O0Si:5 00 Drivers, extra 65 0OB1M 00 nrivers. good 3S 00 a 75 00 Common to good 15 0OW 35 00 Saddlers, good to extra ,, EO 000100 00 Southern mares and horses 15 35 00 Plum 5O0S20 00 MULES Mules. 12 to 14 hands 13 000 30 00 Mules. 14 to 15 bands. 4 to 7 years, good flesh snd hair.. 40 000 50 00 Mules. 15 to 154 hands. 4 to 7 years, good flesh and hair BO COO 65 00 Mule. 15 to 16 hands. 4 to 7 years, good flesh and hair 70 000100 00 LIVE STOCK BY TELEGRAPH. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. (.CATTLE Receipts. 1,600. Market 10c lower. HOGS Receipts. 2,500. Shade easier; top, 13.C24: bulk. J3.5503.E74. SHEEP Receipts, 4.200. Weaker. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 6. "ATTLE Receipts. 3.600. Na. Uvea 10c lower and Inferior Texana cosy to 10c lower: top Texans, JI.S0. ...... HOGS Receipts. 7,000. About steady; top. J3.875a; bulk. J3.63ft3.60. ' SHEEP Receipts. 1.300. . Steady; top lambs. Ja.00. BOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 6. -CATTLE Receipts, Quality common and HOGS Receipts, 1,700. J3.6O03.65; pigs, steady. Weak; top. J3.75; bulk. SHEEP None. CH1CACO. Feb. 6. CATTLE Receipts. 14.500. Packers appeared to be pretty well supplied with beef In their coolers to-day and regarded It as a good time to forca prices downward. A few choice droves of cattle were disposed of at about steady prices, but otherwlso sales were very slow at a decline of 10c Fancy cattle. J5.9O0C1O: choice steers. J5.5O05.85; mediums. Jl.750t.95: beef steers. J3.9034.70; stockers and feeders. J3.OO04.SO: bulls. 12.7004.25; cows and belters. J3.2O04.OO; Western fed steers, J4.OO05.CO; Texans, 33.6004.30; calves. JI.90S7.25. HOGS-Recelpts. 36.000. Trade In hogs was slow at a decline cf 25405c. Fair to choice JX725402.85; packing lots. 33.5003.70: mixed. J3.50S3.75: butchers, J3.5503.SO: light. J3.4503.7254: pigs. J3.2O03.55. SHEEP Receirts. 20.000. There was a good de mand for sheep from slaughterers and choice grades ruled steady but other kinds showed weakness. Poor to prime sheep. J2.SO04.23: yearlings. J4.2O01.5O; In ferior to choice lambs, J4.OO05.OO. Ceo. R. Barse, Pres. J. II. Waitc, Sec and Treas. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Rooms 159-160 Live Stock Exchange Bldf. MTOl 171 Mi,, PAID UP. Buying Stockers and Feeders given special atteatlos. Reasonable Advances to Feeders. Tel. 1S19. LOCAL rilOIJUCE MARKET. Quiet Under Cold Weather, bat Prices Generally Firm. Quotations below are for car lots. On small lots high er prices are asked and obtained, enough being asked to cover the cost ot caring for and filling them. BUTTER Not much en band and arrivals light. Demand fair and market steady. Receipts, 212 pack ages. Creamery, extra fancy separator. 13c .per pound; firsts, lCc; seconds, 15c; dairy fancy, 15c; country roll, 11013c: store packed, 10c; packing stock, 9c. EGGS Not many coming in but prices no higher. Receipts, 272 cases. Fresh candled Missouri and Kansas. 15c per dozen. POULTRY Springs and ducks in good demand and firm. Turkeys selling fairly, but hens dull. Re ceipts, C6 coops. The quotations aro as follows: Hens, live. 7c per pound; broilers. 10c; springs. S4o per pound; capons. oer S pounds. lOllc: slips, 608c; roosters, old. each 15c. young 20c; ducks, 740, per pound: geese, 50Cc; turkeys, hens 85-c, young toms Sc, old toms 7c; pigeons, 50c per dozen; squabs, J1.20 per dozen. BUTTERINE Dairy grades, U4e; medium grades, 124c; high grades. 144c: 1-pound rolls, bricks and prints, lc over above prices; 2 and 3-pound rolls, 10 and 20-pound packages. 154c over above prices. CHEESE Steady- The quotations are as follows: New York and Ohio full cream. 114012c; Wisconsin fancy and full cream. U0U4c;..Young America.' full cream. 1154012c; Missouri, Kansas and Iowa, full cream. 100104c POTATOES Supply only fair and feeling firm, but no receipts or shipments, owing to cold weather. Home grown, 20c per busnei: Minnesota large uur banks. 45050c In car lots, 55060c In a lobbing way; Rurals, 5oc; mixed varieties, 48050c; Iowa, large white. 40050c: choice mixed, 45050c; Colorado Gree ley, ICurals. 65c in car lots. 75c in small lots; Da kota. Ohio and Rose, 50c Seed, la cor lots Minne sota Early Rose, 43c; Early Ohio. 51c; Red River Rose, 51c SWEET POTATOES Steady. Home grown. SO035o per bushel. APPLES Quiet, but firm. The quotations follow: New York and Ner England varieties, good to choice. J3.00S3.73: Michigan choice. J3.OO03.f5; California Reds. 31.6001.75 per box; Oregon and Washington stock, Sl.5001.73 per box. CRANBERRIES Steady. The quotations are: Bell & Bugle. J5.7506.OO; Cape Cod. J5.7506.OO per barrel; Jersey. J5.75fl6.00. GAME Steady and demand fair. The quotations: Ducks, canvasback. 35.50 per dozen; mallards. Jl.000 4.50; redheads. J2.7503.OO; mixed, J1.250L5O: teal, blue wing. Jl.5001.75; Colorado teal. Jt.5O02.CO; green wing. tl.2301.EO; white brant. J3.00: plover. Jl.0001.23; Jacksnlpe. 75c0JLOO. Frogs. 50cS.J2.0O per dozen, according to size. Rabbits, cottontail. JLOO per dczen. Opossum. 15040c each. NUTS Hickory nut3. large. C5073c; small Missouri. 50060c per busheL Pecans. Texas Jumbo, polished. 64Sc: extra large. 7074c; large. E406c; medium. 506c; unpolished. 40414c Peanuts, raw, 440543 per pound: roasted, 70Sc per pound. Cocoanuta. J2.25 per 100. Chestnuts. Sc per pound. FRUITS Grape. Malaga. J7JM09.OO per 70-pound barrel. Lemons. California stock In car lota, fancy, J3.50: choice, J3.C0: common. J2.73: Messina, fancy, in small lots. 31.504.00. Limes. Florida, J2.00 per 10-pound crate. Oranges, California navels, car lots, J2.5O03.OO: budded seedlings, car lots, Jl.7502.23; Mexican. 32.25 In car lots; Tangerines. J3.00; grape fruit. J4.50. Bananas, shipping. Jumbo. J2.00; large, J1.75: medium. ll.oogi.EO: peddler. 75cejL00. VEGETABLES Ths quotations are as follows: Home grown spinach. Jl.2501.50 per bushel; Arkan sas. 90c per bushel box; Florida, 40c per dozen bunches. New beets. Arkansas, 45c per dozen. Egg plant. J3.00 per dozen. Radishes, Florida, 31.00 per halt-bushel basket. 25c per dozen. New carrots. 390 40c per dozen bunches, J20.00 per ton In car lota. Beans, green. Florida, J2.00 per hamper. Tomatoes, Florida, Jl.0005.00 per 6-hasket crate. Cucumbers, Illinois hothouse, J1.50 per dozen. California cauli flower. J2.50 per crate. J1.00 per dozen. Lettuce. home grown, J1.250L5O per bushel. Beets, homo grown, 30c per busheL Carrots, 30040c per busheL Turnips, home grown, 15023c per bushel. 320.00 per ton in car lots. Cabbage. Northern stock. Holland. 35.00030.00 per ton; New York Danish. J25.OO03O.OO per ton. JL230L5O per 100 pounds. Onions. Red Globe. 60065c per bushel: Red Wethersfield. 50060c: White Globe. J1.00. Horseradish, J1.250L4O per bu-heL Hand picked navy beans, J1.35 per busheL California celery, 4oc per uozen. &quasn, liuDbara. "ScSJLOO per dozen: Northern, 120.00 per ton In car lots. Celery root. $1.00 per bushel. Canadian ruta bagas. J17.00 per ton. Water cress. 30040c per dozen bunches. Pieplant, COc per dozen bunches In s small way. Wool. Hides and Pelts. WOOL Steady, but slow sole. The quotations are: Missouri and similar Fine. 1140135c: combing. 17540184c; coarse. 1440164c. Kansas. Nebraska and Indian Territory Fine. 840114c: fine medium. 1140134c: medium. 13401554c; combing. 1543 1654c; coarse, 1340154c. Colorado Fine. 8540104c; fine medium. 11401354c; medium. 11401454c: coarse and carpet, 11540134c; extra heavy and sandy. 6540 74c: burry,-203- less. HIDES AND PELTS Firm and wanted. Quoted: Green salted, Nos. 1 and 2 and butt branded, all around S54c: side branded, around 74c; green salted, bulls and stags, around 7c; green salted bulls, side branded, around 6c; green glue (tainted or spoiled hides). 5c; green uncurcd. lc less than cured; green part cured. 4c less than cured. Green horsehldes, lorge, 12.75; medium, 12.50; small, J1.50. Dry flint hides, around 124c; dry salt hides, around 104c: dry bulla and stags, around 10c; dry glue, around 6c Sheep pelts, green, 40060c: dry, per pound. 708c Deer skins, summer, 20c; fall, 18c; winter, 16c. An telope skins, summer, 15c; fall, 12c: winter, 10c BEESWAX No., 1. 24c; No. 2. 20c TALLOIV No. l.,354c: No. 2. 254c. GREASE White. 3"4c: yellow, 24c; brown. 2c ST. LOUIS. Feb. 6. WOOL-jBteady. Quotations: Medium. 1101855c: light line. 1301C4c; heavy fine. 19023c: tnb washed. 18027c. FURS Raccoon, large. 65070c: medium. 60055c; small. 30040c Skunk, black, SOaSJc; short striped. 55060c: narrow striped, 35040c: broad striped, 1501 20c Mink large, 80083c; medium. 60065c; small, 45050c Opossum, large, 15c: medium. IOcj small. 5c Sluskrat. fall. Sc; winter. ' 10c Civets. 100 15c Fox. gray. 40050c; red. 6O0SOc Wolf, moun tain. 11.0002.00: prairie, 25050c. Wildcat. 10020c Beaver, large. 17.00: medium, J4.50; small. JL009 2.00. Badger. 10023c. Otter, prime large. J6.06$ 7.00; prime medium. 34.00&,.5O; prime small. J2.OO0 2.50. Bear. J15.00 and down, as to size and quality. These prices are for prime and seasonable goods. Provisions. A steady and very fair market was had yesterday for most hog product- Hogs were lower, but this had no Influence In the faco of a stronger specuIaUve market, there being mora disposition to buy than for some days. Quotations: GREEN MEATS Hams, J6.875407.OO; shoulders, J3.S7404.OO. SWEET PICKLED MEATS Shoulders, Jl.3749 4.50: hams. J7.OO07.5O. DRY SALT MEATS Shoulders, cash, 34.2504.23 per ewt.: short ribs, cash, J4.8504.95: extra short clear, J4.8304.95; short clear sides, J5.OO05.1O. LARD Prime steam, !"r.30. H03IESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Via the Katy Route. On February 7th and a, the Missouri Kansas & Texas railway will sell tickets to all points in Texas, New Mexico, Ari zona and Louisana, at very low rates; for particulars, call at ticket office. IMS Union avenue, S23 Main street and Union depot. T. J. FITZGERALD. Passenger and Ticket Agent, Crescent Hotel, Eureka Sprldgs, Aria Opens February 23. In the Ozark moun tains. Delightful climate; beautiful .scen ery; unequaled medicinal waters. Cheap ex cursion rates. Through sleepers via Filsco Line. Address J. O. PLANK, manager. Crescent hotel. Eureka Springs, Ark. or call at Frisco ticket office. 915 Main street. Kansas City to Chicago Santa Ronte. Pa Shortest and best line. Finest train and dining car service between tho two cities. Try it. . " The Finest Dining- Car Via the Burlington Route from Kansas City to the East and North. Its name is Kansas City, and Kansas City firms sup ply Its new dining service and supplies. Kansas City to Chicago Santa Ronte. Fe Shortest and best line. Finest train and dining car service between tho two cities. Try it. Finer and Faster Than Ever. The California Limited. Santa Fe Route, solid between Kansas City and Los Angeles. Time, 2 1-6 days- Electric lighted. Three times a week. The Burlington Ronte, 823 Main St. Finest playing cards at lowest price. A 40-cent deck of cards for 13 cents, at the ticket office of the Burlington route. Advertise your houses for sale or to let In The Journal If you want to secure a purchaser or tenant. Encournctc Home Industries. The Burlington route does. Its new din ing car Kansas City is supplied with the finest tableware and supplies by Kansas City Arms. 1.200. Weak to 10o lower, mostly Westerns. OF INTEREST TO STOCKMEN HXCH FEWER CATTLE OX FULL' FEED THAX EXPECTED. Grave Fears for Cattle In the Wests Owing to the Severe Weather Yesterday's Visitors at the Yards With Stock. It has been known for some time in a general way that the number of cattle on full feed In the AVest was much shorter than last year, and the general belief in this wa3 largely responsible for the higher? prices of the best class of cattle of late. The Drovers" Telegram has been asking for Information on this subject for the past week, and printed yesterday its first batch of answers to its inquiries. It appears from them that the shortage in full fed cattle Is even much lighter than generally credited by the trade. In Kansas, tha counties of Barton. Clay. Cherokee and Jefferson report only 20 per cent as many cattle on full feed as last year, and fewer cattlo being roughed through. In the coun ties of Cloud and Dickinson there Is said to be only 23 rer cent as many as last year on full feed. Geary. Sumner, Washington. Marshall and Morris claim 40 to 45 per cent as many cattle on full feed as a vpar n-ro. whlli, Harner. Jewell. Mitchell, Russell and "Wilson say they have SO per cent as many. In Missouri, as well as Kansas, there Is a general shortage, though it is not so marked as in Kansas. Atchison, Hickory and Johnson say they have 50 per cent as many cattle on full feed as last year. Cass, Clay and DeKalb claim 73 per cent as many, while Davles and Lawrenco say they have but 33 1-3 pec cent as many. Tamblyn & Tamblyn had a letter from J. T. Spears, of Quanah. Tex., yesterday in which he says cattle are wintering well In that section. But little snow and no loss so far. B. T. "Wear, of Amarillo. Tex., says cattle are doing well and wintering better than last year. Colonel A. W. Glllett. who Is running " George S. Tamblyn's farm for him in Linn -county, says cattle In that section ara doing very well. About the usual number are being roughed through, but very- few cattle being on full feed. DENVER. Feb. 6. "The live stock own ers will be heavy losers on account of tha continued storms In the mountains and out in tne plains." said President J. V. Spring er, of the National Live Stock Association. in speaking or the results of the last few days. "Reports which we received from our horse ranch in Montana to-day shove that tho temperature up there Is 4o below zero, and the outlook is not bright for warmer weather. Down in Texas cattle aro dying by the thousands. A heavy rain has been followed by a long-continued wind storm, and the cattle got chilled and have been dying for several day a on account of the cold." Mr. Springer says that soon as practic able he will have the secretary of the asso ciation telegraph to all the principal live) stock regions of the "West and a bulletin will be Issued showing the extent of tha losses. Me cas very grave fears that the West is now passing through an experience almost as disastrous as that ot the winter of 1SS6. LINCOLN, NEB.. Feb. 6. The stats board of agriculture has begun to receive reports touching the stock losses In tho states as a result of the late severe weather. The indications are that much loss has been sustained by both cattle and sheep owners. The weather has been unprece dently severe for the past two weeks, con cluding with the blizzard of February 2 and 3. During this period thousands of sheep) perished of the cold In all parts ot the state. These sheep were principally bandi that had been brought in from the South during the past summer for feeding pur poses and had not become Inured to tha rigors of the Nebraska winter. The annual meeting of tho Missouri and Kansas Shorthorn breeders, will be held here at the Midland hotel February 15 and 15. . Packers' purchases the past week were: Cattle. -9,560: hogs. 53.R33, and sheep. 10.93): ncainst. cattle. 1S.S5S: hogs. 79.500, and sheep, 15.421 the same week last year. Visitor at the Yards With Stock. O. A. Cooper, of Humboldt, Neb., was la with hogs yesterday. S. A. Sponseller. ot Emporia, Kas.-. had sheep hero yesterday. J. Edwards, of Bolivar, Mo., had hoga on the market yesterday. O'Kecfe Bros, had cattle In yesterday from Johnson county, Kas. John Ineck brought cattle to market yesterday from Barnes", Kas. J. C. Rensdn, of Barnes. Kas.. 6old- cat tle on the market yesterday. J. B. Jennings, of Jennings, Kas.. had cattle and hogs In yesterday. A. Skelton, of Long Island, Kas.. sold hogs on the market yesterday. Charles Ostander. of Nemaha county, Kas.. sold cattle here yesterday. G. H. Wadsworth brought sheep to mar ket yesterday from Grenola. Kas. Carl Huhnstock. of Elk City, Kas., brought hogs to market yesterday. E. A. Mansur, of Mountain Grove. Mo, brought cattle to market yesterday. G. "W. Lindsay, of Red Cloud. Neb., brought cattle to market yesterday. Dr. L. A. Goldlng had sheep on tho mar ket yesterday from Kensington. Kas. J. P; Hackworth came to "market yes terday with hogs from Mountain Grove, Mo. "W. N. Richardson had cattle and hoga on the market yesterday from Red Cloud. Neb. The California Limited Via Santa Fe Route. Best and speediest train to California. Kansas City to Loa Angele3 In 2 1-6 days, three times a week. Observation car. with spacious parlor foe IadiC3 and children, is a special feature. Genesis of the Manhattan CocktalL From tho New Orleans Times-Democrat. "The Manhattan cocktail Is a delightful appetizer when properly prepared." said a local connoisseur in the art of living, "but it Is easily ruined by unskillful hands. It is the Invention, by the way, of a native of New Orleans, nnd the story of Its origin Is rather curlou3.. Tears ago Colonel Joe "Walker was In Now York and went on a little yachting trip with a party of friends. By some oversight the liquid refreshments in the Icebox were confined to Italian ver mouth and plain whisky, and It occurred to the colonel that a palatable drink might be made by mixing the two. The result was so good that he experimented a lit tle on his return to New Orleans, and soon perfected the Manhattan cocktail as it la known to-day. It was. christened In honor of his friends on Manhattan island, and tho fame of the decoction soon spread all over the country. The truo Manhattan cocktail Is always made with Italian ver mouth, but at half the places where they undertake to serve It French vermouth ia substituted, and the fine flavor Is alto gether destroyed. Jtench vermouth is a sort of wine, while Italian vermouth Is a cordial pure and simple. They are as dif ferent as milk and molasses. A cocktail made from the French brand Is no mors a .Manhattan than it is a Spanish ome lette." A Great Man's DIMcnlty. From the Washington Star. ""When I made a Joke the other day," remarked Senator Sorghum, "nobody, laut-hed." "That's true." "And when I made a serious speech, Z awoke the hilarity ot a nation." "It seems so." "Well. I give It tip. I don't, know which Is harder: trying to be funny, or tryins not to." A Texas Hanging. This Is how a Dallas fTex.1 renorter 'chronicled a hanging: "At 11:46 Sherllt Stewart cut the rope, and John B. Shaw, dressed In a neat fitting suit of black, with turned down collar, black tie. and black: gloves, was ushered into tha presence oC filaGod." Andubon-bon. From" the Chicago Tribune. Ethel "Yes. I've taken those pretty WrrJ wings off my hat. It's horrible, when you come' to think of It. to wear tha plumage of a song bird as an ornament." Mabel "I believe you're right, I al ways wear the whole bird." j - . Convincing Evidence. , FromPucl!. Friend "That song of yours has becotnsj The song writer "ie I've neord very popular, nasn t itr number of people sweating at it The Very Finest Trains to CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS via CHICAGO & ALTON RAILRO If you want written a sharp, ana; send for oar solicitor. my ad.. .,4