OCR Interpretation

Kansas City journal. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1897-1928, September 08, 1899, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063615/1899-09-08/ed-1/seq-6/

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PCDUG LOST $100,000,000 AT IT BE
TWEEN 1S70 AXD 1S90.
runE Oil. COMPANY.
Eipreiiri a Conviction Thnt the
Standard Oil Conipanj-Uas Itceu
the Source of Great Benefit
to the People of the
United States.
VTASHDCGTOX. Sept. 7. Mr. P. C. Boyle
continued his testimony concerning the
coal oil Industry before the Industrial com
mission to-day. Ho dealt largely with the
mibject of speculation In oil, covering It
from the Inception of the Industry. He
estimated that fully $100,000,000 had been
lost by tht public In oil speculation from
1S70 to 1S90. Thl period of speculation was
only discontinued then because of the joint
efforts of the Standard Oil Company and
the Producers' Brotective Association. This
combination, ho said, had resulted in the
elimination of tho gambling features of
the sale of oil on the exchanges. "As a
consequence," he said, "we have cow an
oil market In which the consumer Axes
the price, and with which the speculator
lias nothing to do."
Mr. Boyle said tho tendency to specula
tion had had an Injurious effect upon the
oil business. To this speculation and to
overproduction he attributed the low prices
of oils.
Mr. Boyle also gave a history of various
organizations connected with the oil indus
try. Including the Pure Oil Company, in
which President Phillips, of tho .commls
'r.Ion, is Interested.
Mr. Boyle Insisted upon calling this com
pany a trust, and when questioned by Mr.
Phillips as to his reason for so doing, said
It was because the first president of the
company, Mr. David KIrke. had himself
o designated It He referred to the com
pany as "an octopus," saying that It had
made an attempt to absorb all the allied In
terests in the Producers Association, and
that it had achieved considerable success.
In this connection he read the original
prospectus of the company, signed by Mr.
Phillips, among others, as a trustee. In
this proipectus the oil company was re
ferred to as a trust. Mr. Phillips took oc
casion to explain that the company was
only a. trust for voting purposes.
Continuing, Mr. Boyle characterized the
Pure Oil Company as a dog In tho manger,
and said that it had been of no utility to
the people of the state.
Referring to the condition, of labor in
the oil producing business, Mr. Boyle said
It was excellent, that drillers could make
on average of JLOO0 a year for 200 days'
work. He believed that the Standard Oil
Company looked with favor upon the or
ganization of labor, but such organizations
"were not common in the oil region.
In reply to questions. Mr. Boyle said that
the Standard company had paid money to
Fecure tho publication of articles In the
press in reply to misrepresentations, but,
bo far as he was concerned, he treated all
.with, equal fairness in his paper.
Replying to Mr, Smyth, Mr. Boyle said
he considered that the Standard company
had been the source of irreat benefit to the
American people because of Its organizing
capacity. He did not consider the com-,
party In the nature of a trust, the trust'
having been dissolved. It was" a case of;
the survival of the fittest.
Any other organization with the same
nerve, courage and ability might have
done just what the Standard had done by
beginning where It did and as it did.
Mr. Boyle was followed by B. A.
Matthews, manager of the Standard OH
Company at Columbus. O. He came before
" the commission to refute statements made
before the commission some months ago
by one W. H. Clarke, who had been agent
for the company at Newark. O. Among
there statements were allegations that tho
Standard company had sold oils from tho
name tank at different prices and had
mixed coal oil and turpentine. These, with
other charges made by Clarke, were pro
nounced false. He stated that Clarke had
been discharged from tho employ of tho
company under a cloud. Mr. Matthews
Fald It was the practice of the Standard
company to cut prices to meet competi
tion, but only after other sellers had in
itiated, the reduction.
Government nt VnsiiiInj-1:on Still
Stands, In Spite of Nevrt. Cry'
TOPEKA. Sept. 7. (Special.) Newt Ury.
.of Fort Scott, wrote to the secretary of
war recently declining tho position of war
stamp counter at Hall & O'Donald's In this
city. Yesteday he rcclved a formal letter
from Secretary Gage accepting the declin
ation. Ury was disappointed at the word
ing of the secretary's letter, and to-day
wrote him as follows:
"Dear Sir: Your letter received. Am
extremely sorry that you did not express
regrets over my declination. Had I known
that my action would not have created any
ripple in the treasury department, I would
not have declined."
Etate Agent nt 'WnshliiBton Says That
Much Is line From the Gov
ernment. TOPEKA. Sept, 7. (Special.) TV. W.
Martin, state agent at 'Washington, has
prepared the papers In a claim of J230.0UO,
which Jie says the federal government owes
Kansas a3 Interest and discount on war
bonds issued In 1SC1, and will file them
with the court of claims nt Washington.
The government paid the face value of the
bonds while Colonel Crawford was gov
ernor of Kansas, but Martin claims that
tlie Interest and discount were never paid,
mid he will try to get It,
Good Spcakcra for Ilourlion.
TOPEKA. Sept. 7. (Special.) Chairman
White, of the Bourbon County Republican
committee, and Ex-ltepresentatlve Newt
"Ury are hera to-day arranging with the
Ftate committee for a number of speakers
for the local campaign there this fall. Ury
cays that the Republicans nro sure to carry
the county, but they want to make the ma
jority as large as possible. He and White
orranged to have Burton, Baker. Cubblson,
Stanley, Judge West and Paul Jones make
tpeeches there during the campaign.
Trlvate Scstcr Objected. To.
TOPEKA. Sept. 7. (Special.) Tlie state
board of health has sent S. V. WUlIston,
of the rtate university, to Highland, Kas.,
to investigate the water supply of that
town. It is claimed that B. D. Williams,
the banker of that place, has established
it sewerage system which pollutes tho water
nnd the people want the system abolished.
Williams refuses to abolish It and Uie
board of health has been appealed to.
Itattcy Tnriist In His Fees.
TOPEKA, Sept. 7. (Special.) Senator
Hattey. one of the examiners of the insur
nnce department, to-day turned in $430 In
fees which he collected for examining tho
Kansas Mutual company. He was paid
Tor his services out oi me insurance su
perlntendent's contingent fund.
Ticket Good Via "Wnsliincton.
If a trip to Philadelphia or New Tork Is
made from St. Louis over Vandalla-Penn-sylvanla
Short Lines a ten days' visit to
Washington may be enjoyed without ad
ditional cost for fare, as tickets over this
route may be secured via National Capital
nt same rate as over direct line. For par
ticular!! address J. T. Foley. T. P. Agt,
Kansas City. Mo., or J. M. Chesbrough, A.
O. P. AgU St. Louis, Mo.
O J. J3 T O OR. 1 JO. .
Bem u,e Tha Kind You Have Almrs BaatJ
AValkcr Mill, of St. I.oui. Elected
President of tlie National
CLEVELAND, O., Sept T.-The closing
session of the American Hankers' Associa
tion convention was opened this mornlns
with prayer oftered by JJev. Ur. Paul V.
Sulphcn, of the Second I'rcsbytenrlan
church, of this city.
"Tho Possibilities of Banking Co-opcra-
Elected President of American Bankers'
Association Yesterday.
tion Under a Uniform System of Credit
Departments and Standardized Property
Statements," was the title of an interest
ing paper read by James G. Cannon, vice
president of the Fourth National bank, of
New York.
" The addresses having been concluded,
the election of officers for tho ensuing year
was taken up and resulted as follows:
President. Mr. Walker Hill, of St. Louis.
Vice president, Mr. Alvah Trowbridge, of
New York city.
Members of tho executive council: Myron
T. Herrick, president of the Society for
Savings, Cleveland; Stuart G. Nelson, of
New York; J. D. Powers, of Kentucky;
Daniel Annon, of Maryland; E. T. Stevens,
of Nebraska- C. L. Lindsey, of Virginia;
George F. Orde, cashier Northern Trust
Company, Chicago; Caldwell Hardy, presi
dent Norfolk National bank, Norfolk, Va.;
J. W. 'Whiting, president People's bank.
Mobile, Ala.; J. H. Ingerwollen. president
Clinton Savings bank. Clinton. la.
One vice president from each state was
also elected.
At the conclusion of the election. Presi
dent Russell was presented with a loving
cup by the members of the executive coun
cil, for which he returned thanks In a
brief speech.
After the Installation of officers and the
passage ot resolutions of courtesy, the con
vention adjourned sine die.
They Are to Furnish the Music for the
Dcvrey Reception in New
NEW YORK, Sept. 7. It has been de
cided to omit from the programme of the
Dewey reception the music by members of
the different singing societies. Instead,
2,500 public school children will sing from
a. platform, with 150 adult voices to lead
the children.
At a meeting of the subcommittee on
decorations to-day, J. J. Little, of tho
G. A. R., reported that, while in Phila
delphia, he saw a stand filled with children
so dressed and arranged that they spelled
a gigantic "G. A. R." He suggested that
a like stand be erected, with the children
on it spelling "Dewey." An appropriation
was made to carry out the suggestion.
Admiral Philip, when Interviewed to-day
at the navy yard In regard to the probable
number of war vessels to be In line at the
naval parade In honor of Admiral Dewey,
paia mat me people wouia imeiy De disap
pointed. It will be Impossible, he declared,
to have twenty men-of-war In line. Tlie
following vessels of the North Atlantic
squadfii tvlll certainly take part: Indi
ana, Massachusetts, Texas. New York and
Brooklyn. Others that will likely be as
signed to take part in the parade, are the
Prairie. Lancaster, monitor Amphitrite,
dispatch boat Dolphin and the converted
yacht Scorpion.
Object to the Increase In the Ap
praisement of Oklahoma,
School Lands.
GUTRIE, O. T.. Sept. 7. (Special.) Ter
ritorial Secretary Jenkins and School
Land Commissioner Filson were the only
members ot the board for leasing school
lands present at its meeting yesterday. A
large number of lessees of school lands
were In attendance, most of them to pro
test against raises In their appraisements.
Prosperity has resulted in an increase of
school land 'appraisements, as well as
assessments. In property, and the lessees
have not received the change with delight.
Owing to the absence of Governor Barnes
and Auditor Hopkins, no action wa3 taken
by the board.
Medicine I,udrre In Sesmlon,
GUTimiE. O. T., Sept. ".-(Special.) A
session of the Medicine lodge of Sac nnd
Pox Indians Is being held at the "south
village," near Cushing, this week. Tho
Medicine lodge is a kind of Free Masonry,
to which only the "good Indians" belong.
It Is an aristocratic organization, none but
the big chiefs being entitled to member
ship. Runners sent out through tho res
ervation announced the meeting to the
Oklahoma Note.
The "greater" craze Is spreading. Now
that It Is a city of the first class the local
paper calls It "Greater Ponca City."
The negro Baptists are In session In
Guthrio this week. They vary tho monot
ony of their meetings by taking daily dips
In the waters of the Cimarron.
Ponca City. Cleo and Enid aro making
big preparations for their celebrations of
the "Strip" opening, September 16. Tho
Garfield county fair Is to bo held at Enid
September 13-10, with a rabbit chase as the
big feature.
It is not known why Oklahoma City
should want the Kansas City Blues to
come down during festival week. Okla
homa City already has defeated Guthrio
and Shawnee, and could scarcely win any
addltlonnl honors by taking the Blues
down the line.
Charles Hazclrigg has found that Dem
ocratic Journalism doesn't pay, nnd has
sold his Oklahoma Herald to the Woosley
brothers, who will make It a Republican
paper. Tom Woosley, one of the new own
ers, is editor and proprietor of the Mulhall
Enterprise, one of the brightest papers In
tho territory.
There Is one good thing about Governor
Barnes which even his opponents acknowl
edge. He is a splendid advertising agent.
Vhcn he Is interviewed by newspaper re
porters outside of tho territory he never
netrlfcts to sav a cood word for Oklahoma.
and his annual reports to the secretary of
the Interior aro convincing advertising doc
uments. rrraona is hone ooenpation gives but
littlo exercise aro victims of torpid liver
and constipation. Carter's Little Liver
PilU will relievo you.
Only One rare Tins $2, llonnil Trip,
Denver. Colorado Springs
nnd Pueblo.
Tickets on pale September C. 7 and S.
Good to return until September SO.
In making your arransements do not
overlook the fact that the "Great Rock
Island Jtoute" in the best to Colorado.
The "Colorado Flyer" leaves Kansas
City, 6:30 p. m., arrives Colorado Springs,
10:45, next morning, 4 to S hours earl-er
thaa any other line. Arrlvo Denver 11:00
o clock.
Arrange early for sleeping car accommo
dations. A. 11. MOFFET. G. S. "W. P. A..
Kansas City, Mo.
AVnntn Free Land for n, Dairy.
TOPEKA, Sept. 7. (Special.) A Hutchin
son man wants tho state to donate him a
tovrnshlu of land in Western Kansas on
which he proposes to establish the largest
experimental dairying larm in ine worm.
He agrees to run a dairy with 2,000 cows,
nrovldlnir he can cet the land free. The
stato has no authority to give away land
by the township, and the Hutchinson man
may ue disappointed m ms amoition.
ears on the Burlington roi'to Chi-
enco train crvo supper out ot Kansas City.
Ianil breakfast Into Chicago, a la carte.
JTlnest Oi Eervlc,
Hound Trip Excursion Trip.
Pittsburg, Pa., JSG.-I0; good to October 31.
Demer, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and
return, Jis. uu t-.ile jeptembor i!, 7 and S,
good to leturn September M.
St. Joseph and return, $1.00; on sale Sep
tember Srd to Sth.
Omaha anl return, 53.S0; good going Fri
day night and Saturday, return Monday
Buffalo, N. Y.. and Niagara Falls.
icu.ij; good SO days; round trip.
Harvest excursion, one fare plus J2.00, on
September 3 and IS.
Tourist rates to St. Paul, Alexandria.
Minn.: Charlevoix. IVtoskey, Mackinac and
all other Northern resorts. Diverse routes
via lake and rail. For detailed informa
tion call on or address city ticket agent,
EEJ Main street.
To I'nebSo, Colorado Springs and Den
ver nnd Ketiini, Via Santa
( Fe llouto.
The Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo
meets in Denver September 3-13, ISjM. A
rate of J19.00 for round trip has been made
for tickets to Pueblo, Colorado Springs and
Denver and return. Sale of tickets is open
to everybody Hoo-IIooh and others. Tills
is the last time this season such low round
trip rates to Colorado will prevail. If you've
had no vacation, this is tlie time to take
one if you waut to minimize expenses.
Tickets on sale September 6. 7 and S, final
return limit September U0.
The Santa Fe's trains afford the best and
most comfortable service to Colorado.
Corner ICtli and Main sts.
OUDEI: OF PUBLICATION In the circuit court ot
Jcckon county, Missouri, sitting at Kansas City.
April terra. lsW. The Barber Asphalt Paving Ccm-P-my,
plalntlfr. vs. Jere Carl, Susan 11. Carl. Sam L.
C. Kholes. trustee for Susan 11. Carl; Sam L. C
Rhodes, trustee for first mortgage notes or bonds. The
English Lutheran Church, and The First English
Lutheran Church, and unknown persons interested la
the subject matter of the petition and real estate
hereinafter described, defendants. No. 3G318. Now,
en this 22nd day of August, 1S33, comes the plaintiff,
by Its attorneys. In vacation, and It appearing from
the affidavit for the plaintiff duly filed herein, to the
satisfaction of the clerk, that the defendants. Jera
Car!. Susan 11. Carl, Sam L. C. Rhodes, trustee for
Susan II. Carl, and Sara L. C. Ithodes. trustee for
first mortgage notes or bonds, aro non-resldenta cf
the state of Missouri and cannot be sered with pro
cess In this state In the manner prescribed In chap
ter 33. article 4. ot the Revised Statutes ot Missouri,
1SS9, and It further appearing to the satisfaction cf
the cl-rk, from the plaintiffs petition sworn to under
oath, duly filed herein, that there ars persons inter
ested In the subject matter ot tha said petition whose
names plalnUS cannot Insert therelu because they ara
unknown to It. and describing the Interest of such
persons and how derived, so far as plaintiffs knowl
edge extends, which allegations In said petition In
relation to the Interest of such unknown parties Is as
follows, to-wlt: Plaintiff further states that there
are persons Interested in the subject matter of this
petition and In tho land herelnbeforo described, to
wlt: The east one hundred and five (103) feet of lut
nine hundred and fifty-three (353), block slity-clght
(CS), McGee'a addition to the City of Kansas, now
Kansas City, In Kansas City. Jackson county, Mis
souri, whose names It cannot Insert herein because
they are unknown to It, and that said interest of such
unknown persons Is as holder, of one or more of cer
tain principal and Interest first mortgage notes or
bends, dated August :3th, 1531, made by the English
Lutheran Church cf Kansas City, Missouri, which
notes or bonds are particularly described In and se
cured by tho Ilea of a certain deed of trust dated
August 29th. 1S91, made by said English Lutheran
Church, of the first part, to Samuel L. C. Ithodes,
trustee for the first mortgage notes or bonds, of the
second part, and recorded In book U 4S3. page C3. In
the office of the recorder of deeds of Jackson county,
at Kansas city, Missouri, to which record reference
Is made for a description of said notes or bonds; that
the Interest of such unknown persons, and each of
tbera, was derived by nurchase or transfer ot one nr
more of such notes or bonds, so far as plaintiffs
knowledge eitends; therefore, you, Jere Carl, Susan
II. Carl, Sam L C. Ithodes, trustee for Susan II.
Carl, and Sam L. C. Ithodes. trustea for first mort
gage notes or bonds, are hereby notified that plaintiff
on May 2Jtb. 1S39, commenced suit agalnstycu. without
ers, by petition, in the circuit court of Jackson coun
ty. Missouri, at Kansas City, which action Is founded
on a special tax bill, dated the JSth day of December,
1S3I. Issued to said plaintiff by the city at Kaasaa
City, Missouri, for paving Fourteenth (Hth) street
from Broadway to Virginia avenue. In said city, tin
object and general nature of which suit and petition
Is to recover the sum of five hundred and sixty-eight
dollars and thltty-nlae ctnts (56S.), with interest
thereon frcm December lEth, 1S31. at the rato of tn
per cent per annum, and to establish and enforce ths
Hen and collection ot said tax bill against the real
estate In said tax bill nnd herein described and la
plaintiff's petition described, to-wlt: The east one
hundred and five (103) feet of lot nine hundred and
fifty-three (3:3). block sixty-eight (58), McCee's ad
dition to the City of Kansas, now Kansas CItr. la
Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri, and unless
jcu be and appear at the next October term ot this
ccurt. to be held at the court house. In said Kansas
City. Jackson county, Missouri, on the Sth day of Oc
tober. 1SS9. and on or before the third day thereof, if
the term shall so long continue, and It not, then be
fore the end of the term, answer the said petition,
the same will b taken as confessed and Judgment
will be rendered against you as prayed In said peti
tion, and the property therein and hereinbefore de
scribed bo sold to natlsfy said Judgment. It Is fur
ther ordered that a copy hereof shall be published at
least once a week In The Kansas City Journal, a
newspaper officially designated and published In
Kansas City, county of Jackson and state of MIs
scurl, for four (4) woks successively, the last Inser
tion to be at least fifteen (13) days before the com
mencement of the next October term of said court. A
true copy.
(Seal) Attest: II. M. STONCSTRUET. Clerk.
By D. M. McCLANAHAN, Deputy Clerk.
Scarrltt. Vanghan. Crlnth Jones. Attorneys.
TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, James D. Jarris, a
single man, by his deed of trust dated January 1,
Uii. and filed for record In the ol&ce ot the recorder
oi deeds ot Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas City,
on February 23, 1SS8, and recorded In said office in
volume is C01, at page 416. conveyed to Samuel M.
Jarvis, truateo, tha iollowint described real estate
situated in Jackson county, Missouri, to-wlt: Lot
seven (7), oi Warwick rldse, an addition to tha City
oi Kansas. In said county and state, reference being
had to the recorded plat ot eatd addition, which con
veyance was made In trust to secure his promissory
note for twenty-eight hundred ((2.800.00) dollars due
January 1, H'jZ, together with the interest thereon;
and, whereas, on January 1, 1E93, tho time ot pay
ment cf said n&te was extended tor the term ot flv
years from tho maturity thereof upon the written
agreement ot James D. Jarvis, a single man, the
legal owner cf said promises, to cay Interest upon
said note from January 1, U93, at six per cent per
annum, payable teml-annuaiiy, and to pay said prin
cipal sum when the same by the terms of said exten
sion becams due and tsald deed of trust was to re
main in full force and effect in every respect; and.
choreas, default has been made In the payment of
said principal note when due as extended, and in tho
payment ot interest thereon, and In the payment of
taxes upon sold mortgaged pre m fees, and the same
remain due and unpaid; and, whereas, said Samuel
M. Jarvis has refused to act as trustee as provided
In said deed ot trust, and is absent from Jackson
county, Missouri, being a permanent resident ot the
olaiu us. iin lum siiu uvuvu uuauii u i,t, aiitu,
whereas, the owner and holder of said indebtedness,
In accordance with the provisions of said deed ot
trust, has, by an instrument of writing, duly record
ed in said office of the recorder of deeds at Kansas
City. Jackson county. Missouri, in book II. No. 702.
pace 522, appointed the undersigned, A. A. Cham
berlain, substitute trustee, to act under said deed
trust: now, therefore, public notice Is hereby given
that X, A. A. Chamberlain, substitute trustee, will, at
the request of the legal owner and holder cf cald
note, and In accordance with the terms of said deed
of trust, sell raid premises or any part theivof, ana
an ngnt ana equity oi rcacn.pt.on or James v. jar
vis, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns
therein, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at tha door of the court house. In Kansas City,
formerly City of Kansas, in Jackson county, Mis
souri (the said door of the court house being the
south front door of the court house In fald Kansas
City on the block ot ground bounded by Fifth street.
Locust street. Missouri avenue and Oak street, in
which the circuit court of Jackson county, Missouri,
at Kansas City, Is held, and at which door the sheriff
usually rells lands on executions from said court), en
Thursday, the Mh .day ot September, 1S1J, between
the hours ot nine o'clock In the forenosn and five
o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to satisfy the
said debt secured by said deed of trust and the
costs of executing this trust.
A. A. CHAMnEULAIN. Substitute Trustee.
SEMI-ANNUAL statement ot the Kansas City
Building and Loan Association, No. 6, of Kansas
City, Mo., at the close ot business on August 31, 1839;
Cash on hand...) 3,24143
Loans on real
estate 17,200 00
Loans on stock.. 1,300 00
Due from mem
bers undoubt
edly good 1,700 63
Furniture CO 00
Profit and loss.... CCS 24
Dues, no deduc
tion J2.:oooo
Prepaid s.tock .... 120 Zt
.$24,330 36!
Total $24.230 36
Stat t.f MlFfcouri. County of Jackson.
I. rhilip Doppler, secretary, and Henry Thllenlus,
president, each on his oath states that the above and
foregoing statement Is true to the best of my knowl-t-dEe
and belief, as shown by the books and accounts
ot said as-ociation. HENRY THILENIUS,
PHILIP DOPPLER, Secretary. President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of
September, 1S99. HENRY a LAMBERT,
(Feal) Notary Public
Mv commission expires February 18th, 1900.
e-irm to all creditors and others Interested In the
estate ot Wm. B. Harrington, deceased, being es- I
late No. -3i9, that l, Jennie j. namngwa, aamic
istratrix cf said estate. Intend to make a final set
tlement thereof &t the next term of the probate court
of Jacksca county, to be held at Kansas City, Ml
tcuri on the ISth day of September, 1S93.
JENNIE J. HARRINGTON, Administratrix.
Elliott & Burnham. Attorneys.
by given to all creditors and others interested in
the .state cf Barbara Tiiher, deceased, being estate
No, SS5C, that I. Augusta Fither. administratrix ff
1 tbereot at the next term of the probate court of
Jackson courtr. to b. held at Kansas City. MIs-
I sourl. on th, ISth dar ot September. 1809.
AVaUSTA FliiHEB, AqjalaUtjittll,
TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas. James D. Jarvis. a
single man. by his deed ot trust dated April 1. IWI.
and filed tor record in the oQco ot the recorder ot
deeds of Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas City,
on April 3, lssl. and recorded In said office In vol. II,
No. 471, at I'apu H2, com eyed to Samuel M. Jarvis,
trustee, the lolloping described real estate, situated
In Jackson county. Missouri, la-v.lt: Lots thirteen
(13) and fourteen (U), in Llnck tnent.-iune (CO), ot
Hyde Park addition to tha City of lau), now Kan
as City, refercr-e belnb' had to the ic. i.rded plat ot
said addition, which convejaiuo was ii:.ide In trust
to securo his iiomUcory note for thiee thousand
($3,000.00) dollar, uue April 1, is.6, uureiher with
tho Interest thereon; and, whereas, default has been
made In the payment ot said principal note and the
ii.lert.-si tlteiei.ii, and in the pament of taxes upon
said mortgaged premises, and the eame remain due
zvA unpaid, and. whereas, said Samuel M. Jarvis
and Staulej I.. ior.klln hae refuted to act a trus
tee and suite.-sor in trust, as provided In said deed of
truat. and ure absent from Jackson county. Missouri,
belliy permanent residents of the state of New York.
and hence unable to act: and, whereas, tho owner
una nomer ot csia indebtedness. In accordance wiih
the provisions or said deed ot trust, has. b an In
strument of writing, duly recorded In the office of
the recorder ot ceeda, at Kansas City, Jackson coun
ty, Missouri, in book 11 No. 706, page 2S3, appointed
the undersigned. A. A. Chamberlain, substitute
trustee, to ait under said deed ot UUet,
now, therefore, public notice Is hereby
Blien that 1, A. A. Chamberlain, substitute
trustee, will, at the request of the legal holder and
owner ot said note and in accordance with the terms
of said deed of trust, sell said premises, or any part
thereof, and all light and equity of redemption of
James D. Jartts his heirs, executors, administrators
or assign therein, at public vendue, tu the highest
bidder, for cash, at the front door of the court house,
where Is then held the state circuit court, in Kan
sas City. In Jackson ccunty, Missouri (the said front
door of the court house Wing the south front dooi
ot the couit house In said Kansas City on the block
of ground bounded by Firth street. Locust street.
Mle-ouri avenue and Oak street. In which the state
tlrcult court of Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas
City, Is held, and at which doer the sheriff usually
fells lands on executions from said court), on Thurs
day, the 2Sth day ot September, 1SS3, between tho
hour3 of nine o'clock In the forenoon and fHe o'clock
in tho afternoon of that day. to satisfy the said debt
M-cured by said deed of trust and the costs of exe
cuting thla trust.
A. A. CHAMBERLAIN, Substitute Trustee.
IN the circuit court of Jackson county. Missouri, at
Kansas city, division No. 1, April term. 1M9. James
A. McConlgle, plaintiff, vs. Uenjaraln McKenney,
Sam'l Davis. II. H. Cetnian. trustee tor Clarence
Talmer, and ( larenct l'almfr, defendants. N.
S573L Now. ot this 31st day ot May. 1S33. comes
plalntlfr, by attorney, said plaintiff having filed
herein affidavit, stating that defendants are non
residents of the rtate ot Missouri, and tha sheriff ot
Jackson county, to whom the summons In this cas
was directed, having made return that defendants,
Benjamin McKenney and Sam'l Davis, cannot be
found, and tho court being fully satisfied that defend
ants cannot be served with process In the state of
Missouri; therefore, it Is by the court ordered that
publication be made herein, notifying said defend
ants that suit has been beguu In the circuit court ot
Jack'on ccunty, Missouri, at Kansas City, division
No. I. the object and general nature of said petition
Is to enforce tho Hen of one Joint district sewer tax
till for J7.S1, and Interest thereon. Issued on Feb
ruary 21th, IS37. by the board ot public works ot
Kansas City. Missouri, against the following de
scribed land In Kansas City, Jackson county. Mis
souri: One against lot No. 4. In block No. 2. South
Winfleld Place addition; that said defendants be re.
quired to appear In said court on the first day of the
next term of this court, the same to be begun on the
9th day of October, 1S33. and on or before the third
day thereof, answer said petition, or the sane will
bo taken as confessed and Judgment rendeted as
prayed: that a copy of this order be published, ac
cording to law, in The Kansas City Journal. A true
(Seal) Attest: II. M. STONESTTtEET. Clerk.
By W. B. WINN. D. C
TRUSTIES SALE Whereas, Charles Y Holmes
and Lizzie M. Holmes, his wife, by their deed
of trust dated July 27th, 1S37, and recorded Au
gust 2nd, U97, In the ofllce of the recorder ot deedi
for Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas City, in book
B 660, at page 106, conveyed to the undersigned trus
tee tho following described real estate In Jackson
county, Missouri, to-wit: All of the north one hun
dred and eleven (111) feet ot lot numbered twenty
three (23). In block numbered two C), O. C. Day's
addition to tha City of Kansas, now Kansas Cltj.
Missouri; In trust, however, to secure the payment
of threo certain promissory notes In said deed of
trust described, with Interest: and, whereas, default
has bien maCe in the payment of two ot said note
and Interest, whereby all of said notes by the terma
of said deed are now due and payable; now, there
fore, public notice Is hereby given that I, the under
s.gned trustee, by reason of the premises and by vir
tue of tho power vssted In me by the terms of said
deed of trust, will, at the request of the legal holder
of said notes, proceed to cell, and will sell, the prop
erty In said defrt of trust and hereinbefore described,
at public enduj, to the highest bidder, for cash, at
tho south front door of the county court house. In
Kansas Ciry, Missouri, being the building in which
the state clrcul ccurt Is held, situate on the blocb
bounded by Oak and Locust streets and Missouri ave
nue and Fifth street In said city, on Saturday, Sep
tember Sth. 193, between the hours of nine o'clock
In the forenoon and Ave o'clock in the afternoon of
that day, for the purpose cf paying said notes and
interest and the costs and expnse3 cf executing this
trvst. M. W. PARBEn. Trustee.
Kansas City. MI?ourI. August 16th, 1S99.
IN the circuit court of Jackson county. Missouri,
at Kansas City Division No. 1. April term. 1590.
James A. McConlgle. plaintiff, vs. John H. C'Bryan
and F. N. Phelps, defendants. No. 25715. Now at
thla 31st diy of May, 1899. .orr.es rlslntiif, by at
torney, said plaintiff having filed herein affidavit
stating that defendant is a non-resident of the state
of Missouri, and the sheriff of Jackson county, to
whom the summons in this case was directed, having
made return that defendant, John H. O" Dry an. can
cot be found and the court being fully satisfied that
defendant cannct be served with process In ths etsta
of Missouri, therefore, it Is by the court ordered
that publication be made herein notlfvlne said de.
fendant that suit has been bagui In the circuit court
ot Jackson coun y, .Missouri, at Kansas city, division
No. 1, the objvet and general nature of said petition
is to enforce ths lien cf one joint district sewer tax
bill tor J3.92 and Interest therecn, issued on Feb
ruary 25th. U37, by the board of public works o!
KaiMis City, Missouri, against the following de
scribed land In Kansas City. Jackson county, Mis
souri: One against lot No. 21, block No. 2, Graham's
addition; that laid defendant be required to appear
in said court on the first day ot the next term ot this
court, the tame to be begun on the Sth day of Oc
tober, 1&$9, and on or before the third day thereoi
answer said petition or the same will be taken as
confessed and Judgment rendered as prayed: that
copy ot this order bo published, according to law. In
The Kansas City Journal. A true copy.
Attest: II. M. STONESTREKT. Clerk.
(Eeal) By W. B. WINN, Deputy Clerk.
IN the circuit court ot Jackson county. Missouri,
division No. 2, April term, A. D. 1S39. Vannette a
Calvin, plaintiff, vs. David V Calvin, defendant
No. 36672. Now on this lUh day ot August. A. D.
1699, comes plaintiff, by attorney, said plaintiff hav
ing filed herein her affidavit stating that tha defendant
Is a non-resident of the state of Missouri and can
not be served with summons in this state In the
manner provided by chapter 33 of the Revised Stat
utes of Missouri of U33. and the court being fully
satiafied that the defendant cannot bt served with
process la the i.tate ot Missouri, it Is. therefore, or
dered by. the ccurt that publication be made herein
notifying said defendant that suit bas been begun
in the circuit court of Jackson county, at Kansas
City, Missouri, division No. 2, the object and general
nature of said petition Is to obtain a divorce from
tha said defendant and obtain the custody of their
Infant child on the ground that the said defendant
was guilty of such indignities In the presence ot
and against the person ot said plaintiff as to render
her condition Intolerable. It Is, therefore, ordered
that the said defendant be required to appear In said
court on the flrnt day ot the next term ot this court,
the came to bn begun on the Sth day of October,
1899, and on or before the third day thereof answer
said petition or the same will be taken as confessed
and judgment rendered as prayed; that a copy of
this order be published, according to law, in The
Kansas City Journal. A true copy.
Attest: II. M. STONESTREET. Clerk.
(Seal) D. M. M'CLANAHAN. D. a
celvers. Kansas City, Pittsburg Gulf Railroad Com
panyBids will be received by the undersigned until
2-00 p. m., September 12th, for the construction ot
the following bjlldings along the line of the K. C.,
P. &. G. R. R.:
26 1U story section houses.
31 1 story section houses.
31 laborers' cottages.
31 bunk houses.
C7 tool hcuscs.
SS water closets.
Plans and specifications can be teen at the office
of resident enRlneer. room 603, Temple block.
J. A. EDSON, Ceneral Manager for Receivers.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters ot adminis
tration on the estato of Thoroaa Barratt. deceased,
were granted to the undersigned by the probate court
of the county tt Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kan
sas City, on tha 23th day of August, 1133. All per
sons having cltims against said estate are required
to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allow
ance, within oce year after the date of said letters,
or they may txi precluded from any benefit of said
estate, and it such claims be not exhibited within
two years from the date of this publication they will
be forever barred.
GEORGE BARRATT, Administrator.
Dated this I9th day cf August, 1S99.
NOTICE is hereby given that tetters ot administra
tion on the estate ot Jennie Wetsel, deceased, being
No. 4SS7, were granted to the undersigned by ths
probate court or the county of Jackson, Etate of Mis
souri, at Kansas City, on the 7th day ot July, lo93.
All persons having claims against said estate aro re
quired to exhibit the sama to the undersigned for al
lowance, wunic one jear uer me uaie ci eat a let
ters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of
said estate, and If such claims be not exhibited with
in two years from the date of this publication thsy
will ba forever barred.
MILO A. WETSEL, Administrator.
Dated tils 7th day of July. 'O,
by given to a.l creditors and others interested In
tho estate ot Daniel Tuohy, deceased, being estate
No. 3174, that I, John Mulcahey, administrator of
said estate, intond to make a final settlement thereof
at the next term of the probate court of Jackou
county, to be l eld at Kansas City. Missouri, on the
ISth day of Seitcmber. 1S93. JOHN MULCAHEY.
.TTirr: nv PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la here
by given to all creditors and others Interested In the
. a .,,. 1. ,. itj..it Viat T -.tilt,.. I
estate ot aih- --'"". ' ...,.... , ...... .. .u,i.uu
Welsh, administrator de bonis non of said estate.
Intend to make final settlement thereof at the next
term of the probate court cf Jackson county, to be
held at Kansas City, Mo., on the 3d Monday in
September, 1S9). MILTON WELSH.
Admr. de Bonis Non.
Mlltcn Moore, Atty. for Admr.
by gltsn to all creditors and others Interested In the
estate ot David P.. Jones, deceased, being estata No.
3919. that I. Mary Jones, administratrix ot said es.
late. Intend tc make a final settlement thereof at
the next term cf the probate court of Jackson county,
to be held at Kansas Cltr. Miswurl, on the ISth day
of September. 1559. MARY JONES. Administratrix.
JYia. Moors. U N. X. U .. -Utjr.
The Missouri and Kansas Telephone Ccmpanj' Ofuei
ot The Missouri and Kansaa Telephone Company.
Kansai City. Mlrsourl, July Cth. liaJ. Pursuant to
and on requit m writing ot a majority of tlie direct
ed uf The Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company,
public notice la hen by giun thit a special msetlng
of the stockholders of said company Is hereby called
and will te convened and held at tb o:fice cf slid
company, on the fourth floor ot the Telcpmn? bul d
Ing. northwest corner cf Sixth and WyanJotto sireeu.
In Kansas City. Missouri, on the twelfth ay cf t'H
tcmber, HS9, at tho hour of nine o'clock la the tore
nooa of that day, for the following objects and pur
poses: (1) To consider and vote upon a proposition thca
and there to bo submitted to approve the acceptance
by The Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company i.f
the provisions of tho i?pner.il laws of the state tt
Missouri relating to corporations, and tho certificate
of suzh accepunec. heretofore duly autborlreu ly res
olution of its board of directors, and have the lime
of the existence cf said corporation extended for a pe
riod of one hundred years from the tilth day of July,
1S39. in pursuance of and In the manner provided In
section liOD of tho T.eilsed Statutes of the state cf
Missouri of lsss.
(2l To consider and rote upon a proposition then
and there to be submitted to Increase the capital
stock of Tho Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company
from one million two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars. Its present authorized capital stock, to two
million fho hundred thousand dollars.
(3) To consider and vola upon a proposition then
and there to be submitted to sell and Issue bonds,
with Interest coupons attached, ot The Missouri and
Kansas Telephone Company, amounting. In the ag
gregate principal sum. to one million two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars (tI.UO.004). secured by a
mortgago upon auy or all property and franchises or
the company now and hereafter constructed and ac
quired. Also to transact any other business germane to any
or all the aboie propositions that may be presented.
The vote upon each of the propositions above stated
rhall be taken, canva'sed and the result thereof re
corded separately, and the result of the vote uprn
any of said propositions shall In no way be affected
by the icsult of the ote upon any other of said
prepositions. JOHN It. MULVANE. President.
X. It. FERfiUSON, Secretary.
l:. WILDEIl.
Malorltv ot Bnnrd of Directors.
A. McConlgle s. William D. Easton. No. ZZlii.
Whereas, James A. McGoalgle. plaintiff, ha3 com
menced Fult against William D. Easton. defendant,
at the April term, 1S59, of the circuit court ot Jatk
son county, Missouri, to enforce the lien cf three
special tax bills; and, whereas, summons wa3 duly
Issued therein against said defendant, and the slicriS
of Jackson county, to whom said summons was di
rected, has made return that the defendant, William
D. Easton. cannot ba found ; and. w hereast. tcU
court is satisfied that process cannot be served on sa'd
defendant; and, whereas, plaintiff has filed an af
fidait stating that said William D. Easton. de
fendant, is a non-resident of the state ot Missouri,
and cannot he served with summons, it Is, therefore,
ordered hv the .ccurt that said William D. Easton.
defendant, be, and he is, hereby notified that James
A. aicuonlgle has commenced suit against mm, ana
that the object and general nature of the petition
In said suit is to enforce the Hen ot three joint
district sewer tax bills for 11 and 57-100 dollars and
Interest thereon, Imued on the 23th day ot February.
1837, by the board of public wcrks of Kansas City,
Missouri, against the following described land in
Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri: One again!;
lot 21, In the corrtctei plat of Fanshaw place addi
tion; one against lot 22, In the corrected plat of
Fansnaw Place addition, and one against lot 23, in
the corrected plat of Fansnaw Place addition, and
said defendant be, and h Is, hereby required to ap
pear on the Sth day of October, li93. In said court
and answer the petition in said suit or ths petition
will then be taken as confessed. And it Is further
ordered by the court that a copy hereof be pub
lished, according to law. In The Kansas City Journal,
a newrpaper published In Kansas City, Jackson coun
ty, Missouri. A true copy.
Attest: II. M. STONESTREET. Clerk.
By W. A. CURRY, D. C.
IN the circuit ccurt ot Jackson county, Missouri, at
Kansas City, division No. 4. April term. 1SS3. J anna
A. McGoni!e, plaintiff. s. Nicholas O'Bryan and
John W. German, defendants. No. 33714. Now, at
tbis day comes plaintiff, by attorney, vaid plaintiff
ha!ng filed herein affidavit, stating that defendant
is a non-resident of the state of Missouri, and the
sheriff of Jackson county, to whom tho summons in
this case as directed, having made return that de
fendant, Nicholas O' Bryan, cannot be found, and the
clerk of tho circuit court of Jackson ccunty, Missouri.
in vacatlcn, being fully satisfied that defendant can
not be served with pracess in the state of Missouri;
therefore, it is by the said clerk ordered that publi
cation be made herein, notifying said defendant that
suit has ben begun In the circuit court of Jacksoa
county, Missouri, at Kansas City, division No. 4.
tha object and general nature of said petition Is o
enforce the lien ot one joint district sewer tax bill
for $3.92, and Interest thereon. Issued February 23th,
1S7, Ly the board of public works of Kansas City,
Missouri, agaliut the following described land In
Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri. lot 20, block
2. Graham's addition; that said defendant be requlrsd
to appear in said court on the first day of the next
term of this court, tho same to be begun on the 9th
day of October. 1S9. and on or before the third day
thereof, answer said petition, or tho same will be
taken as confessed and judgment rendered as prayed;
that a copy of this order be published, according to
law, in The Kanias City Journal. A true copy.
Attest: H. M. STONESTREET. Clerk.
By J. B. STACV. D. C.
IN the circuit court of Jackson county, Missouri,
at Kansas City. DlWsIon No. 4. April term, 1S33!
James A. McUonlgle, plaintiff, vs. L. S.' Mead, de
fendant. No. 3573 i. Now at this day comes plaintiff.
by attorney, said plaintiff having filed herein af
fidavit stating that defendant is a non-resident ot
the state ot Missouri, and the sheriff cf Jackson
county to whom tho summons in this case was di
rected having made return that defendant. L. S.
Mead, cannot be found and the clerk of the circuit
court ot Jackson county, Missouri, in vacation, be
ing fully satisfied that dtfendant cannot be served
with process in the stats ot Missouri; therefore, it Is
by the said clerk ordered that publication be made
herein notifying said defendant that suit has been
begun in the circuit court of Jackson county, Mis
souri, at Kansas City, division No. 4, tho object and
general nature of said petition Is to enforce the lien
ot one joint district sewer tax bill for $7.55 and In
terest thereon, issued February 23th, 1S97. by ths
board of public works of Kansas City, Missouri,
against the following described land In Kansas City,
Jackson county. Missouri. lot 13. block 1. S. II.
Bales 1st addition; that said defendant b reaulred
to appear in said court en the first day of the next
term of this court, the same to be begun on the
Sth day of October, 1839. and on or before the third
day thereat answer said petition or the same will
be taken as confessed and judgment rendered as
prayed; that a copy ot this order he published, ac
cording to law. In The Kansas City Journal. A true
By J. B. STACY. D. C
STOl.kllUL.UCKA' MEEil.Mj lot stockholders ot
th. Chickasaw Telephone Companr ar. hereby notified
that a meeting of tho stockholders ot said corpora
Ucn la hereby called and will be convened and held
at the office of the company, 204 New England build
ing, northeast corner ot Ninth and Wyandotte streets.
In Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri, on tha
fifteenth day ot September, eighteen hundred and
ninety-nine, at nine o'clock a. m.. for the purpose
of considering and vctlng upon a proposition to In
crease the capital stock of said corporation from
Cv. thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars, and
for the purpose ot transacting any other buslnes,
german, to such proposition.
CLARENCE A. ROSS, President,
ROBERT W. HODGE, Secretary.
Majority of the board of directors.
Brumhack Jenney. Atlornevs.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra
tion on the estate of Maria Shorter, deceased, were
granted to the undersigned by the probate court of
the county ot Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas
City, on the Hth day ot August, 1S99. All persons
having claims against said estato are required to ex
hibit the same to the undersigned for alIowsr.ee.
within one year after the date ot said letters, or they
may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and
If such claims bo not exhibited within two years from
the dato ot this publication they will be forever
barred. THOMAS J. SEEIIORN. Administrator.
Dated this 22nd day of August. 1ES9.
by given to all creditors and others Interested in the
estate ot Elizabeth M. McCoy, deceased, being estate
No. 363. that we, John C. McCoy and Woodson Mc
Coy, executors of said estate. Intend to make a final
settlement thereof at the next term of the probate
court of Jackson county, to be held at Ksnsas City,
Missouri, on the Mth day of September. 1S39.
WOODSON M'COY. Executors.
by given to all creditors and others Interested In the
estate of Cornelius Tuohy, deceased, being estate
Vv ?JT3. that I. John Mulcahey. administrator nf
said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof
at the next term oi tno proDate court ot Jacksjn
ccunty. to be held at Kansas City. Missouri, on the
ISth day of September, 1S39. JOHN MULCAHEY.
by given to ail creditors and others Interested In the
estate ct Timothy Donovan, deceased, being estate
No 2502. that I. Catherine Donovan, administratrix
of said estate, intend to make a final settlement there
of at the next term ot the probate court cf Jackson
county to be held at Kansas City, Missouri, on the
ISth day ot September, 1W.
CATHERINE DONOVAN. Administratrix.
by Elven to all cralltors and others Interested la the
estate of Joha Wheelock Adams, deceased, being es
tate No. 3SSS. that I. Thomas J. Sechorn. admin
Itrator de bonis non with the will annexed, of said
estate Intend to make a final settlement thereof at
the ne'xt term of the probate court of Jackson conntr.
to b held at Kansas City. Missouri, on the ISth day
ot Scrtember. 1S39. THOMAS J. SEEHORN.
Administrator Do Bonis Non With the Will Annexed.
tvr clven to all creditors and others interested In the
estat, cf Dennis Levy, deceased, that I. Clayton
Bell executor of said estate. Intend to mak. a flail
settlement thereof at the next term of the probate
eourt of Jackson county, to be held at Kansas City.
Missouri on the ISth day of September. 1SS9.
aiis-u-i, rT.AV-rnv npu f .
u. ....... uuu. (e(UDT.
..-rt-v OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is fc.re.
...riven to all creditors and others interested In the
JJiate ct Frederick J. Jackson (No. 3S47). deceased,
hat I Henry Smith, administrator ot satd estate.
tritriA to make a final settlement thereof at the
J,.vt term ot the probato court of Jackson ccunty
: ii held at Kansas City. Missouri, on the ISth day
a? September. 1S99. HENRY SMITH. Administrator.
. .lven to all creditors and bthers Interested In the
.: of Lester K. Spttford. deceased, being estate
L-., 3-S34 that I. Kate Spafford. executrix of said rs
late Intend to make a final settlement thereof at
he next term of the probate court of Jackson county,
in beheld at Kansas City. Missouri, on the ISth day
S Member. 1S39. KATE SPAFFORD. Egecutrii.
1 Elliott Hurst in. AUaruti.
OKDER OF PUBLICATION In the circuit court ot
Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas City. Gus O. U
Sauer, F. H. Gimler. H. L. Steinecke. plaintiffs, vs.
unknown heirs and devisers of Michael Collins, de
leased; unknown b-Its and dviscei ot Joshua Lewis.
deceased; unknown heir and tietiiees of John Cov
irey. deceased;" unknown heirs and devisees of Jane
Ccwdrey, deceased, unknown heir and devisees of
Joseph Smith Cowdrvy. deceased, defendants. Now.
on this 9th day cf AukuU. ia&3. come the plstntlff la
the above entitled cause, in wcatlon. and file hertia
tfceir petition, crlfied Ly their oath as the law di
rects, and pry tho clerk of this court, in vacation.
to mak an order of publication, therein notifying
tald defendants of the commencement of this suit, in
acinrdsnce with the statutes In such case mada and
pn.Wde.1. It Is therefore by the said clerk, in vaca
tion, here and nw nrriwori a fellows: To the un
known hefr and devisees ot Michiel Collin.", dc-le-ieed.
and the unknown heirs and devisees cf Joshua
Lewis, deceased, and the unknown heirs and devisees
of John Ccwdrey. e eased, uuknown heirs and drr
Mseei of Jane Ccudrey, deceased, and unknown heirs
and devisees of Jovph Smith Cowdrey, deceased:
Jou and tach of you are hereby notified that on th
911 dcy Cf Aui;im. U?3. tho plaintiffs in the above
entitled cauie commenced suit la the above named
ccurt against you and each of you by filing In sail
court their petition, verified by their oath, as re
quired by law, tu object and general nature ot
wiikh suit and ths petition therein U to obtain a de
cite tJf Baid court, declaring their titlo by
limitation to the tollowicg described real es
tate situita in Jackson touaty. Mlncurl. to
wlt: That portion cf the northwest quar
ter t erctlon 21, towiuhip 49, rang 33, de
scribed as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point
-0 feet south and lS9i feet west of th n. e. corner
cf the n. w. quarter of section 21. towmhlp 43. rane
- w.; thence west and parallel with the north lino
of n. w. quarter aforesaid, luu reet to tha eat line ot
Highland avenue; thence south and parallel with tha
vast line of tba a. w. quitter aforesaid 12SU feet:
thence cast and jrallel with tho north line of n. w.
quarter aforesaid 100 feet: th-nce north and parallel
with the east Una of n. w. quarter 133j fet to the
plait of beginning; which land is owne3 and in the
pesscfaion of plaintiff. F. H. Gimler: and also that
portion of Raid quarter section embraced In tha cor
reacd plat of Woodland addition to the City of Kan
sas, now Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri, and
described as follows, to-wlt: Lot? 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 7.
S. 3, 13. 11, 12, 13. 14. is, i8p i:, zi, 22. 23, 24, 25, 2t,
27, 28. 23. 30. 31, 32, 33. 34, 25, 37, 2S. 3. . 41. 42.
43, 44, 43. 46. 47, s, 43 ana & o. sitd addition,
crtned and In the nrHsessInn of nia!ntllT. Gus O. L.
Sauer; and also that portion ot sal.! quarter section
embraced in said corrected plat of Woodland addltlca
to Kansas City aforesaid, described as lots IS. 19. 20
and 3f. of said addition, a will full aonear by an
examination of said plat In the office of the recorder
cf deeds for Jackson county, at Kansas City, which
snld lots are owned and are in the possession cf
Plaintiff II. L. Steinecke, In which petition It Is al
leged that tho title to said real estate is vested In the
raid plaintiffs by virtue cf the provisions cf an. act
cf the general assembly ot the state ot Missouri, ap
proved on the 27th day ot February, lS7i. and incor
jionited in the Revised Statutes of said slate ot the
year !S7i as tertian 2223 thereof.- and also by virtue .f
tho provisions ot section C770 ot the Revised Statutes
of said state of the year 153. and the allegation cf
which petition In relation of the interests ot yoi
and all ot you In said real estate and in the subject
matter of said petition are as follows, to-wlt: That
Michael Collins, deceased, and Joshua Lewis, de
ceased; John Cowdrey. deceased; Jane Cowdrey, de
ceased, and Joseph Smith Cowdrey, deceased, appear
by the records of Jackson county, Missouri, to have
son: a claim adverse to the plaintiffs to said rtal es
tato or soma part thereof, but that the said Collins.
and the said Lewis, and the said CowJreys. are long
since deceased, and whatever right, title, claim or in
terest they may have in or to said real estate, or any
part thereof, is veted In their heirs respectively by
descent, or in their devisees, if the said Co Urns, or
the said Lewis, or the said Cow dreys, or either cf
them, died testate; that tha heirs and devisees ot
the said Collins and Lewis, and the said Cowdreys,
and each cf them, are unknown 10 these plaintiffs,
but they verily believe that there aro persons inter
ested In the subject matter of this petition as heirs
or devisees of the said Collins, and the said Lewis,
and the said Cowdreys, and each cf them, cr claiming
by, through or under them and each of them, whose
names these plaintiffs cannot Insert herein te causa
they are unknown to them; and the Interests cf sali
heirs and devisees, and each cf them, are unknown
to these plaintiff;?, but. so far as known to plaintiffs,
they are derived by descent or devise by, through and
under said Collins, and said Lewis, and the said
Cowdreys, and each of them; that none ot said heirs
and devisees, nor any person by, through or under
them, cr any of them, claiming, or who might
claim title, right or Interest In said land, have been
In possession of said land, or any part thereof, or
paid any taxes thereon at any time during a. period
of mere than thirty (30) consecutive years prior to the
27th day ot February, 1S74, nor for a period of more
than forty (40) consecutive years prior to the taking
effect of article one, chapter 103, cf the Revised Sta:
utes ot the year 1SS9, nor tor a period ot more thai
fifty (SO) consecutive years prior te the filing cf this
petition; that by reason ct the premises, ail right,
title and interest and estate of the said Michael Col
lins, and Joshua Lewis, and John Cowdrey, Jane
Cowdrey and Joseph Smith Cowdrey, and each ot
them, and all of their heirs, and devisees, by virtue
ot the provisions ot the statute hereinbefore cited
and referred to. bava become and ara vested In the
plaintiffs herein, and tha plaintiffs herein bring this
suit under the terms ana provisions ot section 2033
of said Revised Statutes cf 1S&3, as amended by tha
act of the general assembly of the state of Missouri,
entitled 'An act to amend section 2033, of article 5,
chapter 33, cf the Revised Statutes ot Missouri ot
1SS3," approved March 2Sth, 1831. and you. and each
of you, ara hereby notified and required to appear oil
the nrst day or tne uctooer term, 1433, or said court,
to be begun and hoi den" at the ccurt house. In the
city ot Kansas City, In Jackson county, Missouri, on
Monday, the 9th day a October, 1893. and on or be
fore the third day of snch term, answer the said peti
tion, cr the same will be taken as confessed against
yu, and Judgment and decree will he rendered
In saZd suit by said court against you and
each ct you, declaring the title to tald real
estate to be vested In satd plaintiffs by limitation
under the provisions ot the statutes hereinbefore re
ferred to. And It Is further ordered by the said
clerk that copy ct this order he published, according
to law, in The Kansas City Journal, a newspaper
published in Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri.
A true copy.
(Seal) II. M. STONESTREET. Clerk.
Chas W. ClarV?. Attorney.
IN tne clrcutt court ot Jackson ccunty, Missouri, at
Kcnsas City, division No. 1, April term, 199. James
A. McGonlgle. plaintiff, vs. Maude Coolldge, W. J.
Strong, trustee for J. M. B. Carothers, and M. B. Car
others, defendants. No. 35735. Now, at this 31st day ot
May. 1E99. comes plaint!?, by attorney, said plaintiff
having filed herein afidavlt, stating that defendants
are all non-residents of the state ot Missouri, and ths
sheriff ct Jackson county, to whom the summons in
this case was -directed, having made return that de
fendants, Maude Coolldge, W. J. Strong, trustee fjr
J. M. B. Carothers. and M. B. Carothers. cannot b,
fcund. and the court being fully satisfied that defend
ants cannot be served with process lu the state ot
Missouri; therefore. It is by the ccurt ordered that
publication be mad. herein, notifying said defend
ants that suit has been begun In the circuit court of
Jackson county. Missouri, at Kansas City, division
No. 1. the object and general nature of satd petition
Is to enforce the Hen of one Joint district sewer tax
bill tor S3.C4, and Interest thereon. Issued on Ftb
ruary 25th. 1S37, by the board of public works of
Kansas City, Missouri, against the following de
scribed land In Kansas City. Jackson county. Mis
souri: One against lot No. 21. In block No. 4. Ham
mett Porter's 1st addition: that said defendants be
required to appear In satd court on the first day of
the next term ot this court, the same to be begun on
the 9th dry of October. 1S33. and on or before the
third day therecf. answer said petition, cr the same
Villi bftkaken as confessed and Judgment rendered ts
prayed that a copy of this order be published, ac
cording to law, in The Kansas City Journal. A true
(Seal) Attest: H. M. STONESTREET. Clerk.
By W. B. WINN. D. C.
EXECUTORS' SALE Whereas, tho probate court,
at Kansas City, Jackson county. Missouri, at Its reg
ular May term. A. D. 3539. directed the undersigned
executors ot the estate of Llrzie A. Turner, deceased,
to proceed to sell at public sale under the power
vested In them by the last will and tcstameat of the
said Llzxle A. Turner, for the purpose ot paring the
legacies provided for by said will, the following de
scribed real estate situated la Jackson county, Mis
souri, to-wlt: Tha undivided one-halt ot the east
eighty-one (SI) feet ot lot twelvo (12), block six j.
In Pacific Place, an addition to ths City ot Kansas
(now Kansas City), Jackson county, Missouri: now,
therefore, we, the undersigned executors of the es
tato of Lizzie A. Turner, deceased, by virtue of said
directions and the power vested in us by the last
will aud testament of the said Lizzie A. Turner, de
ceased, will, on the 27th day of September, A. D.
199. at the south front door of the circuit court
house, facing south on Missouri avenue between Oak
and Locust streets, la Kansas City. Jackson county,
Missouri, and during the session of the probate
court held In said city, county and state, sell, at
public sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, all th.
right, title and Interest ot the said Lizzie A. Turn
er, deceased, la aad to the real estate above de
scribed for the purpose of paying tho legacies of
said estate as the law directs.
Executors of the Estate of Lizzie A. Turner. Deceased.
STOCKHOLDERS MttTIi.vO The stockholders ot
the Ardmore Electric Company are hereby notified
that a meeting of the stockholders of said corpora
tion is hereby called and will be convened and held
at the oface ct the company. 01 New England build
ing, northeast corner ot Ninth and Wyandotte streets.
In Kansa City. Jackson county. Missouri, ea tne
fllteenth day of September, eighteen hundred aad
nlnetr-nlne. at nine o'clock a. m.. ror ths purpose
ot considering and voting upon a preposition to in
crease the capital stock ct said corporation from
ten thousand dollars to twenty-five thousand dollars.
end for the purpose ot transacting any other business
germane to such proposition.
CLARENCE A. ROSS. President.
ROBERT W. HODGE. Secretary.
Majority of the board of directors.
Itrnmbsck - Jeir.T. Atterrev.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary
on the estate of James II. Stephens, deceased, being
estato No. 4C03. were granted to tha undersigned by
the probate court of the- county of Jacksoa. state of
Missouri, at Kansas City, on the 31st day of July,
1S99. AH persona having claims against said estate
are 'required to exhibit the same to the undersigned
for allowance, within one yar after the dato of said
letters or they may be precluded from any benefit ot
said estate, and If such claims be not ethlblted
within two years from the date of this publication
thcr will be forever barred.
la T CARRIE O. STEPHENS, Executrix.
II llton Mdore. Attorney.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ot admin
istration on the estate of Charles W. Adams, de
ceased, were granted to the undersigned by the pro
baf court ot the county of Jackson, stato ot Mis
souri, at Kansas City, on the fifth day ot August.
iy!) All persons having claims against said estate
aro required to exhibit tho same to the cnderslfned
for allowance, within one year after the date of said
letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit
of said estate, and It such claims be not exhibited
within two years from the date of this publication
they will te forever barred.
Dated this 21st day ot August. 1S99.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the aanual meeting
ot the stockholders of the Home lavestment Com
pany, of Kansas City. Mo, for the electlOT of di
rectors and the transaction of such other business as
may come before !t. will be held at the office of the
undersigned, se. corner 13th and Grand aveaue.
SePWmtur 11, IS9S, Xrom 2 to 4 o'clock p. m.
Dillj; ! Dillj-. cictpt Sards j :
!! Dlllr. except
saiunur; mily, except xonuay.
Union Depot.
No. Depart.
4 CMcaxo. St. Louis Qutacy Express... 7:42 lis
& CMlIicotha & BrookneU Express ! 4:00 pn
W Chicago Vestlbuled train. "Eli" 6:10 P
IS Su LouU Vestlbuled Limited 5:00 pa
No. Arrive.
15 St. Lools Vestlbuled Limited 7:C0 am
5 Chicago Vestlbuled train. "Ell" M:55aa
t Brookneld t Chlllicothe Express 110:50 am
3 Chicago. St. LouU Quiacy Express S:K po
UURU.NGTO.V nOCTE (K. C..ST. J. i t D. B. U
St. Joseph L. Iowa Mall ":M am
St. Joseph Fast Express 10:40 am
Omaha & St. Taul Fast Ma'.I 13: am
Leaxenworth.Atchlson St. Joe Pass.. 4:2Spm
St. Joseph Iowa Express 5:3S pm
Omaha, Sioux Cltr St. Faul Ex 9:41 pm
St. P.. Sloax Cltr. Omaha K. C. Ex. 6:15 am
4 Iowa St Joseph Express 10:3Sam
2 Leavenworth Kansas Cltr Pass l!:45pm
10 St. Paul Omaha Express 4:01 pm
US Iowa St. Joseph Fast Mall 6:05pra
IS St. Joseph Fast Eiprcst S:M pm
15 Lincoln. Bllllnis Puget Sound Ex..
15 Denver. Utah California Ex
..10:40 am
...10:40 am
... 9:45 pm
Z3 Nebraska Colorado Express.
23 Nebraska Colorado Express ,
16 Denver Kansas Cltr Express
,.10:23 am
.. S:30 pm
16 Punt Sound. Helena Ullllnzs Ex 8:20 pm
No. (Lines East of Missouri River.) Depart.
16 Chicago Mall 10:33 am
12 Chlcaso Limited ... 6:30 pm
No. Arrive.
11 Chlcazi Limited 9:30 am
13 Chicago Mall .! 6:20 pm
No. (Lines West of Missouri River.) Depart.
1 Topeka. Denver Colorado Springs.. ..10:55 an
1 Topeka. Wichita. I. T. Ft. Worth.. .'10:55 an
9 Topeka. Denver. CoL Spsa. Pueblo.. 6:30 pra
3 Top., Wlcn.. Hatch.. I. T. Ft. Wth.10:0o pm
No. Arrive.
4 Ft. Worth. El Reno. Hatch. Topeka. 6:20 am
10 Denver. Col. Spring". Rocky Mt. Flyer. 9:15 am
Pueblo. Denver Topeka.
5:4 tm
Ft- Worth. Caldwell Wichita
(Trains East.)
Lexington, felalia Uooavllle
St. Louis Local Express
St. l.ouis Limited Express
St. Louis Fast Express................
Le'xlngton & Sedalla .................
St. Louis Night Express
St. Louis and New York Limited
St. Louis Limited Express... .........
St. Louis Night Express
Sedalla Lexington
Fast Mall
St. Louis Local Express...............
(Trains West,)
Little Rock Colorado Express
Little Rock Wichita Express
. 5:40 pm
. 6.15 am
. 6:15 am
. 9:50 am
. 1:45 pm
. 5:40 pra
. 9:0O pm
-10:45 pm
. 5:00 am
. 7:10 am
. 9:55 am
.10:20 am
- 6:25 pm
.10:O) am
. 9:20 pra
. 7:20 am
. 5:10 pra
Little Rock Wichita Express.....
Little Rock Colorado Express...
(Trains South.)
ti Jcpltn. Fort Scott WlchlU Express.. 2:25 am
Carthage Joplln Express.....
. 9:00 am
7:10 pm
. 1:17 pm
. 9:10 am
. 3r50 pm
Joplln Texas Express
Joplln. Sort Scott Wichita Express,
92 Joplln Texa Express ...........
91 Joplln Carthate Express
No. (Trains North.)
9 St. Joseph Omaha Limited
5:10 am
..... 7:45 am
..... 7:45 am
! 4:20 pm
: 4:30 pm
6:25 pm
9:15 pm
6:15 am
9:35 am
! 1:20 pm
! 9:35 am
5:32 pm
5:32 pm
......10:25 pm
Atchison Central Branch St, Joe....
Seneca Beatrice Express
Atchison St, Joseph
Atchison Hiawatha
Leavenworth Seneca Express.......
Atchison St, Joseph Express
Omaha Lincoln Express....
Omaha Lincoln Express
S52 St. Joseph Atchison Express.,
354 Hiawatha Atchison Express...,
14 Seneca Leavenworth Express..
12 Seneca Beatrice
4 Central Branch St. Joseph
St. Joseph AtchIon Express...
10 Omaha Lln'oln Express
No. Depart-
13 Texas Mall 10:iSam
11 Texas Express 9:03 pm
No. Arrive.
12 Texas Express 7:20 am
14 Texas Mall 6:00 pm
115 Tast Mall
.- 2:30 ara
.. 8:30 ara
.. 9:55 ara
..10:23 am
Oklahoma Texas Express
Colorado. Utah Texas Express.
Southern Kansas Passenger.
California Express
Mex. California Ex.. via N. Ottawa.
Emporia Passenger, via Ottawa
Topeka Express
Oklahoma Texas Express
Panhandle Ex.. via Southern Kansas,
Mr 0 am
1:20 pra
! 4:20 pm
4:30 pm
9:40 pm
10:10 pm
t:20 am
Express from Oklahoma Texas...
Atlantic Express from i.aiuoraiav.
7:00 am
ni rtem Exoress from Southern Kansas 7:10 am
110 Kansas City locaL via main line 9:30 an
112 Local Pass, from Emporia. & Ottawa... !10:30 ara
114 Kansas City Express, via mala line 4:13 pm
S02 Southern Kansas Passenger. 5:30 pra
5 Vest. Ex. from CoL. Utah Texas.... C:0O pm
US Kansas City Passenger. '10:40 pra
No. (Lines East of Missouri River.) Depirt,
2 Atlantic Express 7:30 am
IS Fort Jladlwa Passenger ! 9:00 am
6 Vestibule Express for Chicago 6:20 pra
No. Arrive.
5 Vestibule Express from Chicago . 3:23 am
1 California Express '10:20 am
17 Mexico California Express 2:1a pm
... 9:50 ara
... 9:50 am
..." 5:00 pra
... 5:00 pm
St. Louis Limited
Excelsior Springs -
St. Louis. Cln. N. Y. Fast Mall.
Excelsior Springs
New York Buffalo Express.
St, Louis Buffalo Express.
De, Moines SU Paul Express....
6:15 pm
9:20 pra
9:20 pm
7:00 am
7:00 am
7:00 am
9:23 am
9:23 am
.... 6:lSpm
6:15 pra
St, Louis Duffalo
Des Moines St, PanI
New York. Cincinnati Toledo.
Excelsior Springs
Kansas City accommodation
St. Louis Fast Line
T!Tr1slar Serines ................
Buffalo New York Fast Mall..
. 9:30 pm
jfo. Depart,
47 Chtcsgo St- Louis Express 8:00 am
tl Chicago Limited 6:00 pm
49 St. Louis Express. 9:tSpm
49 Chicago Fast Night Express I!9:13pra
No. A?.!''
CO St, Louis Express ..."(:, ara
50 Chicago Express ,7:23am
62 Chicago Ltmlted ':rim
43 Chicago St, Louis Express 6:1j pm
Ko (Memphis Route.) Depart-
l' Florida Joplln Fast Mall '10:43 ara
101 Clinton Division 10:15 ara
103 Clinton Accommodation ! 5:30 pm
5 S. E. Limited 6:20 pra
3 Memphis New Orleans Express 9:30 pm
3 Joplia Pittsburg 9:30 pm
No Arrive.
4 Kansas City Express 7:40 am
6 K. C Limited - 9:50 am
4 Joplln Pittsburg 7:40 am
106 Clinton Aecommodatloa !10:25ara
2 Florida Joplln Fast Mall 5:20 pra
102 Clinton Division 3:20 pra
Denver. Colo. Springs Pueblo.
10:40 ara
'10:40 ara
4:00 pm
...... 6:40 pm
Utah. Nevada, tal. umueu
Sallna Kansas City Express
Denver, San Fraa. Fast Limited.....
Butte. Helena Spokane
Portland. Puget Sound Klondike..
Klondike. Puget Sound Portland,
Spokane. Helena Butte
aa Francisco. Denver Fast Limited
Kansas City Sallna Express
California. Utah Colorado
Pueblo. Colo. Springs Denver ,
. 6:40 pm
6:40 pra
7:23 am
7-25 am
725 ara
10:39 am
5:00 pm
5:00 pra
Grand Avenne Depot.
Twenty-second St, bet. Grand Ave. and McGea St.
(Chicago Division.)
Atlantic Express trSam
f.!An Exnress... ......... I 9:10 ara
10:15 ara
Kansas City Chicago Limited.. 6:32 pm 9:0S ara
Depart. Arrive.
Chicago Passenger .:9:30 am
Chicago Express 7:00 pm
Chlllleotha Express :00 pm
Grnnil Central Depot.
Corner Second and Wyandott, Sts.
Arkansas Texas Mall '10:15am
I 6:00 pm
9:00 ara
9.00 am
6:20 pra
'10:20 ara
7:10 am
Harrlsonvllle unnton Accom..; :w pm
Texai Limited 8:45 pm
(Port Arthur Route.)
(Trains South.) Depart.
Port Arthur Express !11:5 ,m
Joplln Slloam Springs Ex 9:00 pm
K- C, i N. C. R. R.
4:23 pm
6:50 am
Omaha Qulner Express 9:30 am 6:15 pm
Accommodation - :-u pra -j;uuam
Depart, Arrive.
Chlcsgo, St, P. Mlit- LImlte4..10i45 am 3:30 pra
St. Joe. Des Moines A Chi. Ex II 7:00 am
Chicago St, r. Mln. Special... I:V) pra l:5 pra
uepsrc. Arrive.
St, J Hastings OrM TIM Mall. 8:15 ara 6:45 i
St, J.. Hastings Grd Il'd Ex... 7:40 pa :20 a
NOTICE Is hereby glvea that letter, of adminis
tration on tha estate of Catherine Reardon. de
ceased, were granted to the undersigned by the pro
bate court of the county of Jackson, state of Mis
souri, at Kansas City, ca the ISth day of August.
1899 All persons having claim, against said estate
are required to exhibit th, sam, to th, undersigned
far allowance, within on. rear after the date of
said letters, or they may be precluded from any
benefit of said estate, and If such claims, b, not ex
hibited within two years from th, dat, ot this
nubllcatioo they will be forever barred.
WILLIAM J. O'CONNOR. Administrator.
Dated this ISth day ot August. 1S39.
NOTICE Is hereby glvea to all th, creditor, of Th.
Dreyfus Produce Company that I will, on Monday.
September ISth. 1S93, la room 53 Sheldley building.
In Kansas City. Jacksoa county. Missouri, proceed
publicly to adjust and allow demands agalast th.
estate and effect" assigned ra. by Th. Drerfc Prod
uce Company for the benefit of tho creditors, and
will continue said hearing during two consecutive
ill) thereafter. FRANK P. DEVENS.
Assignee tt The Drcrlttl Product Comnaay.

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