OCR Interpretation

Kansas City journal. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1897-1928, December 10, 1899, Image 12

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063615/1899-12-10/ed-1/seq-12/

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vvvvvvvviw ,. .,,,,VAVtVywwvv)v
This great store is full to overflowing with the latest creations of the Gold and Silversmiths Come before the rush
commences and while our stock is at its best. What s the use taking chances when you are sure of getting everything in finest Jewelry here at postively low
est market prices and quality guaranteed at that? Ever had that uncertain feeling after making a purchase? Ifs never known to buyers here. There is satisfaction when .you know
forafactthatyouaregettingthehest We back all our claims with new, reliable goods. Quality, price and methods make business lively here. Satisfied buyers tell others-thafs
what has madeour business the largest in the Vest. Resell our goods as cheap, if not cheaper, than other stores can buy for at wholesale. We invite you to call and see for yourselves.
Any jeweler can say he sells cheaper and give some
absurd reason for it, but no other jeweler in Kansas City can
give the good, solid business reason for doing it that we can.
iv c suuuiii. tne pruui.
14 karat Solid Gold Case, weight 3 02.,
with genuine karat diamond In cen
ter, hand engraved, 21 karat raised gold
ornamentation, scalloped edge, with 17
Jewel Elgin or Waltham stem wind
movement, adjusted to heat and cold,
retail In other stores for not less than
H2S.O0; on sale here for $75.00
14 karat Gold Pilled case, 24 karat rais
ed gold ornamentation, hand carved,
genuine U karat diamond in center,
with 17 Jewel stem wind Elgin or Wal
tham movement, adjusted to heat and
cold; 130.00 value, on sale for..?32.t0
Gold Filled case, warranted 20 years,
Elgin or Waltham stem wind move
ment, retail value J18; onsalefor..J10
ERTY INCREASED 90,000,000.
Taxpayers Cannot Understand It, and
Thejr Make the Life of the Conn
try Collector Miserable Ex
plaining Hott It All
Came About.
' A lawyer in the New York Life building
Who represents several large property own
ers was considerably agitated yesterday to
And that his clients' taxes had been very
noticeably Increased since last year.
"There must be something wrong," he
said, "Somebody's been tampering with
the tax lists. Here's Mrs. Blank's taxes
1,1, and last year they were J1.M0. How
. do you account for that? The assessor is
revising and reassessing property, I know
but the alterations he makes now do not
take effect until next year."
To settle the matter he put on his coat
and went to the county collector's office
where It was explained io him that all
Kansas City assessments were raised 10
per cent in April by order of the state
board 'of equalization.
-"You see." said the collector, "the state
board, which Is composed of the governor
the state treasurer and the secretary of
atate. concluded that Kansas city real
estate was not bearing its just portion of
the taxes of the state and accordingly or
dered the 10 per cent raise."
The raise has caused a continual protest
and outcry at the collector's office for
several weeks. Every person that pays
his taxes "roars" about the amount, and
every time It Is necessary for the collector
or his deputy to explain why it is.
"I neer knew of a time when there was
so much complaint and kicking as there
Is now." said Chief Deputy McCurdy. "It
Is all on account of the 10 per cent raise,
.which few people seem to understand."
The raise of 10 per cent means an addi
tion of nearly $S,000.KH) to the assessable
value of Kansas City real estate. The
total valuation of real estate for 1SSS was
JS9.33o.G77, and this is Increased by one-tenth.
The total net collections of taxes last J
U karat Gold Filled, hand engraved
case, warranted for 23 years, with Elgin
or Waltham stem wind movement, re
tail value 51S, on sale for ?10
IS karat Gold Filled, hand engraved
case, warranted 30 years, with full Jewel
Elgin or Waltham stem wind move
ment, retail value, J25, our price.. ..$15
4-pIece quadruple Silver Tea Sets..
Silver filled 4-pIece Tea Set
Solid Sterling Silver 4-plece Tea
Sterling Silver Thim
bles, any size,
10 cents
Sterling Silver. Thim
bles, extra "heavy,.
25 cent
Solid .'Gold Thimbles,
Books of
all de
all kinds
of leather
and all
colors with
Silver trimmings, for
.91 and up
Mother of
Pearl Opera
Glases, with
best lenses.
year amounted to $1,330,612.67. This sum
was distributed in the following manner:
For cltr purposes J 20 083 30
For sute purpoiei 236.179 35
For school purposes 531,119 46
For countr and township Interest 71.631 32
For road purposes 5,563 is
For special road purposes 139.440 05
For countr clerk's fees 6,095 17
For countr revenue 306.427 84
Out of this the pay rolls and expense bills
of the various county offices were as fol
lows: ,2,U.n-t,y ,cou?t' 0G,073.S1:. circuit court.
0,71151: circuit clerk. J1.9S0.49; sheriff's of
fice. J3.09L40: criminal court, $16,775; crim-inak,clerk-
J3.33: prosecuting attorney, $10.
6150; marshal's office. $26,61L13; collector's
offlce, $4a2.,a; treasurer's office (this office
gave an excess of $637 to the county); re
corder of deeds (excess of $1,9SS): survey
r s offlce, $17,354.15; county clerk (excess
of $4,014); assessor's office, $14,404.52; cor-S,n-r,?U
offlce, $6,G0L70; probate court,
Jl.Z3.i0: superintendent of schools. $1,226.S2;
election commissioners, $26,900.98; poor
Sa ; Alices of the peace;
It has cost the county $31,466.16 Just to
maintain the court house and Jail buildings
the last year.
The pay roll of the countv clerk Is $20,
537.0 annually. Its fees for the last year
amounted to that much and J4.000 more.
The sheriff's offlce earned J2G.06S In fees
and its expenses were J29.160.
The circuit clerk earned $22,270 in fees
but expenses were J27.250.
Notwithstanding this tremendous tax
Income the county's reckless mismanage
ment has bankrupted the treasury and
preparations are being made to levy still
heavier burdens upon the tax-paying pub
lic. The county assessor and his deputies
are now at work reassessing and raising
me id valuations or me city, inese raisea
lists will be completed in January and will
Honest Words
From California
I GrapeNuts.
'k :'
"It seems to me I would have starved but
for Grape-Nuts. I havo had stomach
trouble for a long time, and the last few
months been obliged to diet, so carefully
that I could use none of the starchy food,
like bread, potatoes, beans, etc, but Grape
Nuts and Postum Cereal Coffee have helped
me out.
"Our family buy Grape-Nuts a dozen
boxes at a time. One never tires of them.
I have never seen a food that eaualed
Grape-Nuts." Mrs. J. H. Cooper. Santa
Ana. Calif. (Wife of the pastor of the
Congregational church.) (People never tire
of Grape-Nuts if they don't eat too much
at a time. Stick to a limit of three heaping
teaspoons and you will look forward to the
!2!2i.a 5 ,IoTer does to a tryst with his
Ck VJalU cj.-rm &
buys from the same gem cutters we do.
! T,-wi
Second We manufacture all of our
3' SsrSK.a?,?
You save not only these middlemen's profits, the manufacturers'
ce elsewhere nrst
Compare these prices
H karat pure white
and perfect Dia
mond, set In ring,
stud or screw or
drop ear- 67 en
rings, for.. v'.OU
Ji karat pure white
and perfect Dia
mond, set in ring,
stud or screw or
rirnSPs.efaorr. $16.00
karat Dure white and nerfeet Tl!i-
mona, set m ring, stua or
screw or drop earrings .
karat pure white and perfect Dia
mond, set in ring, stud or ccz nn
screw or drop earrings .JtfiJ.UU
1 karat pure white and perfect Dia-
inona, set in ring, stua or
screw or drop earrings .
Solid Sterling Sil
ver Chain Brace
lets with padlock
and key 151
Solid Gold Chain
bracelet with lock
and key If 7. GO
Solid Gold Link
or Dumb Bell Cuff
Buttons yt
Solid Gold Dumb
Bell or Link Cuff
Buttons, set with
genuine diamonds.
Chate 1 a 1 n e
Enamel Watches,
red, green, blue,
purple and various
colors, J15 value:
on sale for $10
14 karat Solid
Gold Lockets,
plain or en
graved .. ..95.00
14 karat Solid
Gold Dockets,
karat Dia
mond In cen-
ter 910.00
Solid Gold Tie. .Clasps, ornamented
with" Diamonds, for "92-30
Solid Gold Lorgnettes, ornamented '
with Diamonds; for 925.00
Sterling Silver Shopping Bags, extra
large size 95.00
Silver Plated Shopping Bags for. .91.00
uyine of 3: Prlc-P pw& ntVhV
called here first. avirehiiiciaalJ,'SSFitw lne
Wholesale and Retail Depot for 1847 Rogers
Wholesale and
1017 Main.
Established 1858.
go into effect next year. If people com
plain of the burden now, it Is difficult to
tell what they will do then.
Which Will Cause the Giver to Be
Ever Held In Grateful Re
membrance. If utility Is the usual and proper measure
of the value of a gift, nothing could be
more acceptable to an intelligent recipient
than ono of those superb sixteen volume
sets of the American Dictionary and Cycio
pedla. The striking feature of this marvelous
production is Its wonderful and permanent
In no other work In no other ten works
will one find information so extensive,
varied and useful.
For tho home, offlce, library or study It is
alike Invaluable, and not to Its owner alone,
but to every member of the family.
Nowhere else, for instance, can one And
so much information about points that
come up In newspaper and magazine read
ing: nowhere else will women nnd answers
to so many questions they are Interested in,
nowhere else will the business man find so
many answers to questions which arise
from day to day; nowhere else are so many
late topics discussed such as the Philip
pine war, the Spanish-American war, the
South African war, the "X Ray," the
"Nansen Expedition to the North Pole."
You can easily afford to make the Ameri
can Dictionary and Cyclopedia your princi
pal cnnsimas girt, since tne initial pay
ment is very small, and on Its receipt the
complete set is at once forwarded, the bal
ance being arranged In easy monthly
But in order to avail yourself of The
Journal's offer (through which alone the
work is available) application should be
sent in at once, especially as there is sure
to be a rush for the sets Just before Christ
mas. Bequest of the Rescued.
From Tit-Bits.
A man who had been on a shipwrecked
vessel was rescued almost by a miracle.
On arriving at a place from which he
could send a telegraphic message, he for
warded the following dispatch to his broth
er: "I am saved. Try to break It gently
to my wife
What Forgetfulness Costs.
From the Yonkers Statesman.
"You're up unusually early this morning,
Mr. Blobbs," said the boarding house
"Yes: confound it! I forgot to wind up
that old alarm clock, and I had to get up
to see what time it was."
From the Detroit Journal.
"Why, In my opinion, there Is no limit
to the possibilities of prenatal education!"
"No, sir! Why, I shouldn't be surprised
If in the course of time babies were-to be
born capable of being amused by people
doing something sane!"
Both the in?,n-La iJ.L- Kfc.?0. 'nJu b"? Ohe.. mP":- who
" J""Cl
and Importers' profits
diamond brooches,
then mil nn n nn,i -,.,,, ni nn...in
,.,'"""" e..V.l""r?-r?. Pnis.
with the lowest quoted elsewhere:
IVi karat pure white and perfect Dia-
mond, set In ring, stud or
screw or drop earrings ..
V& karat pure white and perfect Dia
mond, set in ring, stud or
screw or drop earrings ..
2 karat pure white and perfect Dia
mond, set In ring, stud or
screw or drop earrings ..
2 karat pure white and perfect Dia
mond, set in ring, stud or Clfln ((i
screw or drop earrings ....vU"vU
3 karat pure white and perfect Dia
mond, set in ring, stud or CISH flfi
screw or drop earrings ....".UU
Solid Sterling Silver Lorg
nette chains 91.00
Gold Filled Lorgnette Chains,
Solid Gold Lorgnette Chains,
Coin Silver Stem
wind Ladles' or
Gents' size Watch,
retail value $5.00;
Solid Sterling Sil
ver Bonnet Brush
es, with the finest
bristles .. 91.00
on sale now
.for 93.50
v Solid Gold Pendant setj with genuine
pearls .-: .-. .".'-. , 95
The Carina- Power, Known as Welt
merlsra, Causes Interesting- Res
olutions to Be Passed by the
Commercial Club.
Prof. S. A. Weltmer, of Nevada, Mo..
who has discovered a new science called
Weltmerlsm, which it Is claimed cures all
diseases without the aid of drugs or the
surgeon's knife, and does this curing at a
distance Just as readily as It does those
cases brought to Nevada, has recently been
the cause of the Commercial CluK, of Ne
vada, Mo., passing the following resolu
tions: "Resolved, That we point with special
pride to the great and humane work being
performed in this city by Prof. Weltmer
In the cause of humanity, the discovery of
a new science, and the founding of a great
school and sanitarium or magnetic heal
ing, the beneficial results of which are at
tested by hundreds of men and women
from every state in the Union, with whom
we have come In personal contact, the In
tegrity of whom cannot be successfully
"Resolved, That In the person of Prof.
Weltmer the people of this city owe a
lasting debt of gratitude, not only for his
wonderful success In healing the sick and
distressed, but for his generous and open
handed charity.
"Resolved. That we have ever fminti In
him the highest type of a citizen, broad and
progressive, iiDeral in nis views, a good
and kind neighbor, a man of peace, with a
world of charity toward all mankind, and
Is, In our estimation, one of the bright and
eiiiea men or tne century.
"Resolved, That this great magnetic
school and sanitarium Is a credit to any
city, and the high moral plan upon which
it is conducted is worthy of all praise. We
know personally all the officers. th nm.
fessors and attendants, both men and
women, and they stand well In this com
munity. We can vouch far their high mor
al character, and their faith in the avo
cation In which they are engaged. And as
such we, the members of this club and citi
zens of Nevada, unqualifiedly indorse this
institution, not only to the people of our
own state, but to the world."
The Commercial Club is composed of the
leading business and professional men liv
ing In Nevada, Mo.
Mary's Coppers.
From Scraps.
The mistress wanted change to pay the
dressmaker for her day's work, and fall
ing to find It, called down to Mary, the
cook, asking her whether she had any cop
pers down there.
"Yes, mem," said Mary, "two; but they're
both my cousins."
Realism Down to the Ground.
From the Philadelphia Record.
"She goes in for realism, doesn't she7"
"Yes, indeed! Even the clocks on her
stockings are striking."
XOcents k25cent.
wwts"o fiwisiii
Pin i "
f '-M '- f V
sMIl I r
rrll I iTO ceaoalbetltk, f
A ssssssB sssssss )ssssssr tAam . g-4f.- A
.J V B tssslH r wwi.ni xu,m
have to be added to the other retail Jew
fflyassfs - .t th6
dui the Increase in the "new prices'
""renee price far better than if you had
In endless
Sterling Bllver Hair Brushes, extra
jLeavy .-. 92.00
Rogers' Silver Hair Brushes 91.00
Genuine Ebony Hair Brushes, with
Sterling Silver trimmings 91.00
14 karat Solid
Gold Wedding
Rings .. 93.00
15 karat Solid
Gold Wedding
Rings .. 95.00
Solid Gold Set
Rings, endless '
variety, for
91.00 up.
Sterling' Silver Teaspoons, per set.92.S5
Sterling Silver Single Spoons 50c
Rolled plate Vest
Chains, warranted five
ya'rs , 91.00
Gold filled -Vest
Chains, warranted ten
years ....'.. . 92.50
Solid Gold Vest
Chains 95.00
Bros.' Silverware.
Wholesale and
1017 Main.
Established 1858.
Ingenious Device by Which It Is Be
lieved Many Shipwrecks Can
Be Avoided.
From the New Tork Herald.
Wireless telegraphy is to bo used In a
novel and practical manner at Halifax.
The harbor there is often difficult of ac
cess, especially during storms, and as a
result many vessels have been wrecked
while approaching It. Mr. A. F. Hamilton
has now invented an apparatus with the
object of facilitating the approach to the
harbor and of thus minimizing tho danger
This apparatus consists of what may be
-" micictuitiu oiioy on wnicn is a hall
connected with the land by means of a
submarine cable. In addition to the bell
;hobu,.?' ls ,lntenled to hold a Marconi
transmitter from which signals may be
sent from land to a distance of four or
nve miles. Now the inventor asserts that
In this manner all vessels provided with re
ceivers suitable for wireless telegraphy
cannot only be readily warned of danger
as they approach the coast, but can also
ascertain their exact situation it they will
only pay due heed to the signals trans
mitted. The Inventor's Intention apparently is to
have a buoy placed In each spot where
there ls the most likelihood of peril and to
have signals sent by the Marconi system
of wh-eless telegraphy whenever there is
any danger of a storm. The successful
manner in which the Marconi system
worked during the international yacht
races has satisfied Mr. Hamilton that it
may be relied upon to do good service In
i.uuiieuuun witn nis Duoys.
A Countryman Who Hitched His
Horses to a Car Found Both
From the Los Angeles Herald.
A grape man named Antolne VIdlal, at
Los Angeles, recently had an experience
he will not soon forget. He was loading
grapes Into his wagon from a car and be
fore going to work hitched his team to the
rear of the freight car, while he opened
tne door and inspected the load inside.
VS hlle he was Inside a switch engine came
down the track, coupled to the front end
and started off with the car. man nnd
horses. The man commenced to shout, the
horses did their best to keep up with the
car and the wagon went merrily bumping
" ;. iue tries or me man nnaily
reached the ears of the engineer and he
stopped, only to find that If he had kept
on for, another fifty yards he would have
pulled the heads off the horses. The team
ster had a fit right there when he saw how
close he had come to killing his horses.
However, there was no harm done beyond
a few broken harness straps and the
wounded feelings of the driver, who had
to stand a storm of objurgations from the
Misdirected Advice.
From the J'ew York Advertiser.
Missionary (outside of- saloon) "Don't
you know, my misguided friend, that by
going into that place you are depriving
your wife and children .of the comforts of
a home?"
The man "G'wan, Chase yourself. I
own Itl"
it..;v v-.i
IS karat Gold Filled Case, warranted
30 years, full Jewel Elgin or Waltham
stem wind movement, adjusted to heat
and cold, retail value, $25; on sale here
for 916.00
Dresden China Clocks, S-day. hour
strike, cathedral gong, J15.00 value,
for 97.50
Iron Clocks, in newest shades, black,
green, maroon and other colors, 8-day,
M hour strike, cathedral gong, large
size 94.50
Sterling Silver Baby
Rattles, with genuine
mother-of-pearl rings.
-Sterling Silver Novelties-Shoe Horns. J
Nail Files. nini'R Tlllttnnaw nVin.
Brushes, Nail Brushes. Cuticle Knives,
Letter Seals, Paper Knives, Darners,
etc, each ; uoe
Sterling Sliver Pull
Sterling Silver Vase
line or .Pomade Boxes,
Solid Gold Collar Buttons,
1 WlF.
Second Week of Our
We intend to clean out our entire stock in
the next three weeks if low prices will do it.
Below you will find some of the great values
we offer for the coming week.
Ladles' J1.9S Black Brocade Skirts,
at 1.39
Ladles' $3.93 Plaid Skirts at 71.08
Our entire line Jl-25 and J1.50 Wrap
pers at Obc
J1.S0 All Wool Flannel Waists, trim
med ose
Black Sateen Underskirts, 73c value,
at 25c
We have 12 Fur Collarettes left which
wo will clean up at the uniform
price of fX.50
Gents' Laundered Percale Shirts, stiff
bosom, 69c value 3ie
One lot Tennis Flannel Work Shirts,
EOc value 26c
I Schneider's I
: 137 GRAND AVE. 2
: After January ist we will be located at s
: I33I-I333 Grand Ave. 3
Telephone 1518.
Holly. Mistletoe. Creea WreitMnr. Holly and Arbor Vltae Wreatta. Chrbtsui Candles and EKryttfar for
SOS Walnut St., Kansas City, mo.
Subscribe forthe Journal, 10c per Week.
14 karat Solid Gold hand engraved case
with genuine H karat diamond In center,
with full jewel Elgin or Waltham stem
wind movement, retail not less than
0.00: on sale here for. 935.00
IS karat Gold Filled Case, warranted 30
years, with genuine diamond in center,
with full Jewel Elgin or Waltham stem
wind movement, retail value $30.00: our
pries 920.OO
Gold Filled Case, warranted 20 years,
with Elgin or Waltham stem wind
movement, retail value $12.00,. on sale
for 98JJO
14 karat Solid Gold Case, full Jewel
Elgin or Waltham stem wind movement,
retail value $30, on s&Ie for. 920.0O
Ona lot All Wool Underwear, red,
brown and gray, SSc value 59c
Half Wool Socks, 19c value, at c
Our entire line of Gents' Hats up to
J3.00, at 9Sc
Gents' EOc Tennis Flannel Night
Robes .2Se
Amoskeag Apron Gingham at. oc
C&c Unbleached Muslin at. 4Hc
Lining Cambrics at. 3yc
All Standard Prints 4'yic

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