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THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1899. 13 I' THE NEW AND OLD DIFFERENT SENSATIONS OF THOSE "WHO ENTER CONGRESS. CONGRESSIONAL INCIDENTS REMARKS THAT SHOW THE FEEL ING BENEATH THE SURFACE, Story of Donrke Cockran-Sharp Re torts That Give Spice to Debate The Incomers Should Not Attempt to CroM Swords "With Old Stacers. (Copyright by Amos J. Cummlngi.) "WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec f, 1S99. One by one they pass under the arch of the lower entrance to the house of repre sentatives, the new members and tho old, but with different sensations. The old representatives know all the sinuosities of the capltol and of legislation. They have experienced the cares and anxieties of congressional life, and some of them are growing round-shouldered under Its responsibilities. New members are as yet BOURKE COCKRAN. tyros, with everything to learn. Borne are diffident, others awed, a few presumptu ous, and many controlled by curiosity. They enter upon their duties like boys attending a new school. Some preserve a dignified silence, awaiting developments and opportunities. Others chat glibly, and make humorous comments. There are eyes that glow with anticipation and souls eager for the fray. Visions of Webster, Clay and Calhoun ,float above them, and they burn to wear the spurs of. statesman ship. "It is a great thing to be a congress man," said Bourke Cockran. when he first passed under the arch, at the open ing of the Fiftieth Congress. "To be one of 330 men chosen to represent over G0, 000.000 of people Is a great honor. Only think each of us stands for 170.000 con stituents. We ought to feel proud." An hour afterward Mr. Cockran was a prominent llgure in the caucus. A dispute arose over the selectlon-of a candidate for doorkeeper. One of the nominees was openly accused of not paying his poker debts. ..There was a clash of arms. Two paladins of chivalry came Into the conflict. One was from Georgia and the other from Arkansas. The former was after ward commlsloner to President Cleve land's "Great and Good Friend"' in the Islands of the Pacific, and the other was the first American ambassador to the court of Russia. The future commission er slapped the face of the embryo am bassador, and the latter retaliated by tak ing the future commissioner by the hair and yanking his head into chancery. It was a lively tournament, and one that re flected credit upon tho physical alertness of the man from Arkansas. Statesmen of eminence interrupted the fight; and the combatants retired to the cloak-room. They quickly reappeared, arm in arm, and the entente cordlale was re-established. Received n Shock. Cockran's congressional pride received a severe shock. The great honor conferred upon him seemed somewhat sullied. The lower extremities of his high Ideas were withered, and he sunk to the level of common humanity. The new members will experience many similar shocks In the house. Dignity in discussion Is not characteristic. Horses that begin a race at full speed rarely win: it is the waiting horse that usually takes the prize. Conkllng. Blaine. Ran dall. Reed, McMUUn and a score or more of eminent statesmen remained silent dur ing their first term In congress. They were scoring for a start. The second term Is the true test of ability and in fluence, and opens the road to national fame. More than one representative who remained silent In the Fifty-fifth Con gress will make his mark In this one. The political field is open, and the oppor tunities for gleaning fame are greater than those of any congress since the close of the war. The member who has studied the debates between Webster and Hayne may have an .exalted Idea of his sphere of action. He will do well to con the proceedings of the last congress. It may dampen his ardour and chill his Intellectu ality, but it will give him a true Idea of the scene of action and the ability of those engaged in legislative combats. Such a member might peruse with great Interest the discussion over the civil ser vice law in the last house. Mr. Pearson, of North Carolina, was denouncing the law in the Interest of a horde of offlce Eeekers. Mr. Kerr, of Pennsylvania, In terrupted 1:1m by asking a question con cerning a request made by the civil ser vice commissioners. "Any fool can ask a question." was the tart replv. "but it akes a different sort of an individual to answer it, as my friend Irom Pennsylvania knows." The reply may have been satisfactory to Mr. Kerr, but he asked no more questions. Cnlled Mr. QuIrc an Idiot. Later on Mr. Brosius. chairman of the committee on civil service reform, was speaking In defense of the system, when he was asked whether the civil service act .was not unconstitutional. He replied: "Let me Illustrate what I have observed all around me in this debate. There was an old lawyer, who counseled his son. who was about to enter upon the practice of law.He said: " My son. when the law Is against you. Impress upon the jury the Importance of doing Justice without regard to the law. A hen justice Is against you. sound It into the ears of the jury that the law must be obeyed without regard to Justice.' "But. father.' broke In the boy. 'what shall I do when both law and .justlc are against me?' "'Oh. my son. was the replv. 'In that case talk round It. my boy, talk round While the house was laughing over the sally. Mr. Brumm, of Pennsylvania, dlg nlfledly asked: "Are you not doing that now?" Not long afterward Mr. Brosius made a quotation from "Hamlet." and Brumm still questioned him persistently on the line of constitutionality. Finally. Brosius turned upon him thus: "What Is the matter with my colleague's mind? I am reminded again of poor Ham let. If my colleague were Hamlet and Ophelia were here and heard his state ment, she would express herself In these pathetic words: "Now see thtt noble and most sovereign reason. Like tweet bells Jangled out of tone and harsh." "And In your case she would see no reason at all." was the prompt response. That Brumm felt the retort of Brosius, however, was shown a moment afterward. He asked no further questions. The line of lnqulrv was taken up by Mr. Qulgg. of New York. "There It Is again." said Mr. Brosius. "The distinguished gentleman from New Tork Is "Another Idiot," broke In Mr. Brumm, and the chamber rang with laughter. Jerry Simpson In Debate. If the admirer of Webster and Hayne needed further evidence to dispel his illu sions, he would do well to read the dis cussions over the army reorganization bill. Jerry Simpson -accused Thaddeus Mahon of being a "me, too," to President McKlnley. Mahon soon afterward got the floor and retaliated by saying that ne had seen In the house six years,- and that '"of all the demagogues of demagogues in that time, the worst demagogue was the gen tleman from Medicine Lodge. He Is recog nized all over the country as the dema gogue of this house." "Well," replied Jerry, with great good nature, "when a gentleman Is cornered in debate and finds he is on the wrong side, he generally retorts by calling his op ponent a demagogue. 1 have voted with the Democrats when I thought they were right, and was called a demagogue by the Republicans; and I have voted with the Republicans, when 1 thought they were right, and have been called a demagogue by the other side of the house." "But you have never been called a plu togogue," shouted John Williams, of Mis sissippi. "No," responded Jerry, sadly, "I have not, and I never want to be. 1 consider it an honor, however to be called a dema gogue by such a man as the gentleman irom Pennsylvania." Thi3 brought Mr. Mahon again to his feet. "When the gentleman from Kan sas," said he, "Hung across this chamber the Insinuation -that I was hanging on to somebody's coat tail, I replied in the spirit which I thought the remark called for. When any other man gets his club out, I always reach for mine. He admits that his own side of , the hou:-e has charged him with being a demagogue, and, sir, his con stituents at the last election branded him as a demagogue, and decided to leave him at home." 3Ir. Gronvcnor's Retort. Some new member may have read with great interest the speech of Henry Clay advocating the cause of the Greeks In their struggle against the tyranny of the Turks. It was a speech that reflected great credit on congress, and enhanced the reputation of the' orator. After its perusal the new member ought to direct his attention to some of the speeches on the Dingley bill. In the dbcussiin over that measure General Joe Wheeler said that he "expected to see the names of the leaders of the great Democratic party en graved upon the tablets of fame In the bright light of coming history." "A thousand years from now." retorted General Grosvenor, "they will sit pale ghosts upon the Stygian shores and read the record of their acts by the red light of hell." A swirling discussion was a feature of the debate on the Indian appropriation bill. 'Free traders and protectionists were at it hammer and tongs. The silver ques tion was lugged in and the melee was pro ductive of hot words. General Grosvenor finally got the floor, and was inundating the house with Athenian philosophy when his colleague, James A. Norton, said: "Permit me. When gold and silver were nearly at a parity, and the act of de monetization was passed, did you indorse that demonetization?" "I am not called upon to forgive the crime of 1873, as you call it," was the general's response. "You were one of the gentlemen," per sisted Mr. Morton. "I was not," Grosvenor blurted out. "I was an humble and private citizen of the state of Ohio." "You were never an humble and pri--ate citizen," Mr. Norton retorted; "you have always been a public and a noisy one." Should these extracts not serve to re move the august impression created by the speech of Henry Clay, a little tilt be tween the present speaker of the house and Jerry Simpson may come into play. The bond bill was under discussion, un der a special order from the committee on rules, which only allowed an "hour's debate. "Mr. Henderson had secured five minutes In which to talk upon it. He was rattling along In good shape, when Jerry Simpson Interrupted- him with a question. Turning toward him. General Henderson said, impressively: "A man is a very mean man who would try to steal a piece of five minutes, and none but a Popocrat would do It." Jerry took his seat with a thoughtful expression of face, and Henderson finished his remarks without further interruption. Mr. Lewi Scores a. Point. Further light for the new member might be obtained from a little dispute between Mr. Boutelle and Mr. Lewis, of Washing ton, over the naval appropriation bill. It drew Sereno E. Payne lnto'ihe-vortex. Mr. Boutelle had denied a statement made by Mr. Lewis. ry-'"' "Of course," he added, "I- could not ex pect the gentleman from Washington to accept a reasonable Interpretation of any provision.' r & &. "I said some -wise men differed," Mr. Lewis returned. "I did not say the gentle man from Maine." "That is entirely satisfactory to me," was the response. "I wanted the gentle man to have the opportunity of passing that bouquet." "There is no one who could so grace fully bear It as my friend from Maine," said Mr. Lewis. "He is the very burst of the bloom itself." "Mr. Chairman," shouted Mr. Payne, In dignantly, "I must insist that this is all verv nice, but It does not eive us any light on the "Impending point of order." This brougnt a broadside from Lewis. "If I had the power of ail the X-rays In the world and the searchlights of all our warshlDS combined." he said, "it would not enable me to throw any light upon the murky mental recesses or tne gentleman from New York." These reminiscences are the vista of what is to come in the present congress. II tne new memoer is wise, ne will never evince an inquiring disposition when an old stager has the floor. If he wlsnes to test his own mental alertness, let him make a speech upon something with which he Is entirely conversant, and be prepared to repiy to questions, ouuanaisn ana other wise, fired at him from every part of the house. AMOS J. CUMMINGS. MRS. LEASE JN NEW YORK. Quite Likely to Aronse the Gotham- Ites Before Long: In Matters of Debate. From the New York World. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lease, who recently moved to this city from Kansas, Intends to become an active citizen of New York. It is quite likely that she will be heard In debate In this community before long. Mrs. Lease is said to be the only woman Mason in America. She declares her In itiation was rather funny. Mrs. Lease was supervisor of eight penal and charitable institutions in Kansas and once defied Governor Lewellyn to remove her. According to Mrs. Lease, the gov ernor wanted her to appoint his political friends to office. Mrs. Lease refused, whereupon the governor 'removed her. At the next meeting of the board Mrs. Lease took her seat on the platform and presided. The governor went no further In his antag onism and the "friends" were not appointed. A Queer Marrlace. From the Atlanta Constitution. One of the queerest marriage notices of the season appeared In a Georgia newspa per recently. It was as follows: "On the evening of the 13th Inst., Miss Mollle Buzzard was united In marriage to Mr. John Hawk. Rev. Mr. Jonathan Crow officiating, assisted by Revs. Willis Eagle and Clement Dove." In concluding the notice the editor missed the opportunity of his life by neglecting to say, "We wish the gay birds joy." Flatterinc. From the Lustlge Blactter. bssssssssswSB' ssH aEHHH IB BBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsW BSSSSSi "And, George, if we're divorced, would you have any objection to my marrying again?" "Certatnly not!" "Why wouldn't you?" "Oh, I'm not going to waste any sym pathy on a fellow I never met!" STARTLING PRICE REDUCTIONS ! A deluge of bargains offered here this week in all kinds of House Furnishings and goods suitable for Holiday Presents.' Vast money saving opportunities within your reacn ax a urne or me year when they are most appreciated. Buy now and economize. China Closets, solid oak, (like cut), with bent glass ends, polished finish, worth $15.00, This Week, msgib 1 jjSjjjj VHf $10-50 IV 59c Another Lot of Steel Ranges. We have prevailed upon the Charter Oak Stove and Range Co. to let us have another lot of their Imperial Steel Ranges on the same terms as our, first contract. Just think of It! ! FOR A STEEL RANGE. X We will sell another lot of the "Imperial" Char- ter Oak Steel Ranges (like cut), six holes, warming i Inept fin I InrfFa ulfr. m.n ici' t ,. .u i w -Ja Irtit'ti 'iml l.n .! a an -n . m (inU'll :lilf1 ttlO hllnnoA i. .,(.! o A ..!. lit tn aennr iTl , r ... . ... .A Jiic laciory ust on mis sieei range ii.50 wit hnnt fnt orndt i Y'nX. .. iiit- xaciury list on una sieei range Is 5oO.X, but for this special occasion the price will be EACH $35.00 Combination Book Cases, (like cut), solid oak, well made 'and finished, worth $14.00, This "Week, EACH Such liberal terms were never before offered In this city, but the Charter Oak Stove and Range Co.. through us, their agents, desire to get these ranges at once into general use (as an advertisement), hence this very easy payment plan. This fully warranted steel range all delivered and set up in your home for only Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. Indian Stools, oak or imitation mahogany finish, worth $1.25, This Week STARTLING PRICE REDUCTIONS Bedroom Sets, antique finish. Am PA well made, worth $15.00. V I II nil Cut this week to aj) lUlUU Bedroom Sets, solid oak, A I J i A nicely finished, worth $20.00, V I I Ml Cut this week to $ ITltJU Double Wardrobes, oak front. Din i A well made, worth $9.00. U hll Cut this week to OUlwU Metal Folding Beds, solid oak. ifl A I A with mirror top, worth $18.00, V I I II Cut this week to OIZluU Steel ranges, four hole, AAA A A with high shelf, worth $35.00. Kit 1111 Cut this week to Os-UlUU '" r T - E'-tnnsion A J PA ables, 8-ft, worth $7.50. Vl h II .lit this week to OTltJU "Upright Folding Beds, AAA PA antique finish, worth $33.00. V II h II Cut this week to V&(ilvU Stall I'll SIB ' WM slBBSSi JBsB SsisH BBm SsV U BBSSfCSVEtt5EaiBalT"G& iBfaB IsmV SpJ "'Bssl " Y jNJ -.-" JR. Efl Jk.BS'bbL'' si oak, El I BID 13 H B oi STARTLING PRICE REDUCTIONS 5-pIece Parlor Suits, uphol- A I A PA stered in fine silk tapestry. V I X hll Cut this week to O 1 UlUU 3-pIece Parlor Suits, covered Alp A A in fine silk velour. V I h Mil Cut this week to Q I UlUU China Closets, solid oak, AT PA worth $10.00. f hll Cut this week to (J I lUU China Closets, with bent glass A i A P A ends, worth J15.W. V I II hll Cut this week to J I UlUU Couches, covered In damask. All pA deep tufted, worth Jfl.00. V hll Cut this week to UwlwU Couches, covered In corduroy, (II T P worth $7.00, B. I h Cut this week to UTI I W Cook Stoves, No. 7, AT P A worth $10.00. l hll Cut this week to .... 0 I 3WU IseL I3i83 Medicine Chests, solid oak, with mirror in door, worth $1.50, This Week 59c Rocke.-s, cane seat, solid large arm (like cut), worth 4.00, This Week '.B .Hl lllH B.B sKH lH vH -whssBMB BHHIh Mlllilllllilill 111 r H $1.98 CASH OR CREDIT. S. W. Cor. Hth and Main Sts. CASH OR CREDIT. Rockers, cobbler seat, solid oak or mahogany iinisn, well made (like cut), worth 35.00, This "Week , , solid oak or $2.48 LONG TIME WITH CRIMINALS. For Tsventy-fiTe Years "Warden 31c- Claughrj- Has Had Choree of Penal Institution. LEAVENWORTH, KAS., Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) For over twenty-five years either a prison or police official Is the record of Major R. W. McClaughry, warden of the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth. Dur ing this period Mr. McClaughry has been at the head of some of the most prominent penal institutions in the United States. He began his career handling criminals August 1. 1S74, when he became warden at Jollet. He retained this position until December 1, 1SSS, when he was called to take charge of the Pennsylvania Industrial reformatory at Huntington, Pa. This insti tution was a new departure. It was de signed to be a reformatory for young men starting In crime and was a place for the detention of men between 1G and 30 years of age who had never before been within prison walls and whom it was desired to keep away from tho hardened criminal. They were to be taught trades and started again on the right path. Warden Mc Claughry was chosen to start this work and organize the Institution. He remained here until May 1, 1S91, when Mayor Washburn, of Chicago, requested him to take charge of the police depart ment of that city. This trying position he filled with .credit to the department, him self and the municipal administration. The most exciting incident was the closing of the Garfield park racetrack, when two of the police and one horseman weie killed. He continued In office throughout the world's fair, resigned In 1S93 to take charge of the Illinois state reformatory at Pontlac. 111., for which his efficiency was demonstrated by his success as the super intendent of the Pennsylvania reforma tory. Upon the election of Governor Tanner, Major McClaughry was requested to again become the warden of Jollet. Here he remained until July last when he was selected by the department of justice to succeed Warden French as the warden of the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth. Major McClaughry was from August 1, 1SG1, to August 1. 1SG2, editor of the Car thage (III.) Republican. At the breaking out of the rebellion, however, he organized a company of the One Hundred and Eigh teenth Illinois infantry, of which he was chosen captain and served throughout the war. NEW CHRISTMAS BOOK AJf ENTERTAINING WQBKBY A KAN SAS CITV WOMAN. Sirs. Edith Hall Orthsreln Tells the Story of Little Fue Trlx and of a Number of Fairies, Good and Bad. WJjfjH - Mk I MSB HIRING 0FSERVANJS. "Wliy Girls Prefer IVortelntr In Fac tories to Working In ICItcUens. "It Is all very well," the domestic wom an remarked to the club woman, "to try to get us Interested In clean streets, but the problem of a clean kitchen appeals to me a great deal more. Let men clean the streets, I say." "But men are busy with their own af fairs." "I have 'affairs,' too," returned the do mestic woman. "One Item fills up my time and that Is hiring girls. Why, the other day I hired seven girls." "Seven?" "Yes, seven. I thought I would get one out of the bunch. But not one of them turned up. Six or seven women have promised to send me their girls when they leave, but I suppose nothing will come of it." "But do you want girls who won't keep good places when they have them?" asked the club woman. "Want anything I can get. If you kept house you'd understand. Why, therej scarcely a girl these days who knows any thing at all. who wouldn't rather grind out her life In the factory or behind the counter than to work In a convenient, modern kitchen. I don't see why it Is." "Why, It's the social stigma, of course." "What nonsense! And housework is so much more helpful, so much more con ducive to womanhood. Their surroundings are pleasanter and then if they are taken 111 there is some one to look after them. I declare, I don't know how it will end." "You ought to board as I do," was the only consolation that the club woman could offer. "The Adventures of Little Pug Trlx and Other Stories" ( is a Christmas book which was written by I a Kansas City wom- I an, and which will be issued from the Hudson -Klmberly press to-morrow. It is the work of Mrs. Edith Hall Orthwein, the talented wife of Charles C. Orthwein, of Twenty-nlntn street and Forest ave nue. It is a collection of six stories treated in an Intimate way that brings tho mature reader at once Into a new world peopled with animals and fairies and other charm ing creations of a like nature, and are all simple and direct In their appeal to the child mind. , "Little Pug Trlr," as he appears in the Initial story of the book, is the harmles3 necessary little pug that is found in thou sands of homes and Is the pet of thou sands of children. The other stories, be ginning with "Duressa'3 Trip to Fairy land" and closing with a peep into "Grand mother's Attic," are happy excursions into tho realms of wonderland. Mrs. Orthwein has surrounded her creations with a sym pathetic atmosphere and Invested them with a humanness that shows her to be en rapport with all that is of interest to young readers. Here is a bit from "Pug Trix": At the end or the room throne and seated upon it as Queen Mb, the most beautiful fairy In Fairyland. In a far corner of the room stood Duressa lth the fairy guide by her side. No sound broke the stillness; een the fountain threw Its graceful sprays Into tho air gently. But hark! Here comes the fair lea seated upon the butterflies. Tilth their oSerlngs ot flowers, and soon the room Is filled with the loyal subjects of Queen Mab. and her throne is laden with their oSerlngs of loe. After the flowers bad been laid at the Queen's feet, all the fairies bowed their heads. Queen Mab then arose, and, saving he magic Ttand. ordered a feast to appear, and Imme diately the scene changed. Duressa found herself in a room In the center of which u i long table. The fairies were seated around It, but Queen Mab had disappeared. This, from "Duressa's Trip to Fairyland," has quite the ring of the good-old-time story books: But In spite of all this, Trlx was not satisfied. He wanted to know why his face was so black and why his tall curled up so tight. All of his dog friends made fun ot him. and all poor Trlx could do was to sit up very boldly, and look them right in the face, as It he did not care. But he did rare, and as It began to get dark, and he could hardly see himself In the glass, all his troubles passed through his mind; he drew a deep sigh (for dogs sigh sometimes, too), left the glass and graTely walked out of the room Into the library, where he knew a bright log Are was blazing, and where there was a certain fur rug In the corner belonging to htm. From "How the Flowers Are Perfumed," is taken the following: Hurrying to the queen, she tells her all about Dimple and Easter day. "And," continues Mnaetta. "I saw tha most beautiful Cowers upon 'the earth, but nun of Utem hare any perfume, so that tha peo ple tits Terr little notice of them." The queen is very much Interested, and that night causes a rain of perfume to fall on the roses, and the ntxt night It falls on the lilies ot the valley, on until all the flowers are perfumed; and the night before Easter the fairies come to earth and gather large banche ot tbese perfumed flowers and make the most bcauU ful wreaths et roses, chains of lilies, ana all aorta cf pretty things, and .carry them to Dimple's church. It Is nearly morning when their task. Is completed, and they hurry back to Fairyland,' leaving a bower of beauty behind them. Muaetta waits ssill the sua iises,and then flies Into Dimple's room and tells her what the fairies had done, and then vanishes, leavlug her-little friend full of happy thoughts about Fairy land." Mrs. Orthwein begins her story of "Mrs. Grandmother's Attic," in this way: One rainy day I was wandering aroilnd the house seeking amusement. I had helped make cookies In the kitchen, teased to go with grandpa In the wagon, dressed and undressed my dolls, and, no doubt, tor mented the whole household, until I was told to go In the attic and play. I started up the stairs de lighted, but as I neared tbe top I began to think about being alone and that It was a gloomy day, and perhaps some dreadful goblin might get xne. But I stopped thinking In a very short time, for I ,was tired of everything downstairs and the attic offered many new attractions. The nuts kept me busy for a time; after getting ray fill of them, the big chest next held my attention. I dressed up In satin and laces, and Imagined myself some ban ished princess. Time flew It got dark, and as I MRS. EDITH HALL ORTHWEIN. cat pulling old relics out ot a black box and admir ing some laces, yellow with age, my.head nodded and my flnger3 grew awkward. Some of the things that happened are these told: We wero walking on the wires all the time wc had been talking, and I began to wonder how long a Jour ney It was. At last we reached a telegraph pole that appeared hollow In the center. Prince Terry started down tho hole, but I held back, afraid. "Don't'fear." he said: "Just keep hold ot the rope and you will bo alt right." So I stepped into the hole, and was surprised that I did not fall clear to the bottom, but Instead seemed to float down slowly. Down and dotin we went until we stood before a door made of precious stones, surrounded by little lights. Prince Terry knocked twice and the door flew open, and beyond was a beautiful country, which hi sId was the outskirts of Talryland. The illustrations, of which there are many and In extreme good taste, are the work of that very good artist, Mr. George Sags. Some Comfort. From the Detroit Journal. Now that they were married, the ugly old man had a confession to make to the lovely young. woman. "I am not rich," he faltered. In much ap prehension. Sho did not start as if stung; far from It. Indeed, she smiled, not unkindly. "No matter," she replied. "Everybody who sees us will think you arc rich, and credit is just as good as money." Moreover, it was no small comfort. If one must be married, to be married to a person whom one need not treat 'with re spect unless one feels like it. Detective's Advice. From the Jewelers' Weekly. '. Optlcan "I've been swindled with a. coun terfeit twenty-dollar bank note!" ' Great detective "Go "home and say noth ing "Ymir" tvllQlnpea will tip ril!nrt If if J becomes known that you can't see' better 'than that." THAT BEAR-HUG WALTZ. Danclnic Masters Are Unable to In troduce a. More Formal Fashion. From the New Tork Journal. The "bear hug" waltz will. It Is said, con tinue to be popularln Washington, desplto the opposition of dancing masters, accord ing to Professor Sheldon, who has received letters from Secretary Oscar Duryea, of the American Association of Dancing Masters, which held Its annual convention at Ni agara Falls in June. The waltz, two-step and landers will still be the most popular dances, and as the "bear hug" figures in the waltz and two-step. Professor Sheldon says there will be "mighty few landers danced." The association adopted three new dances which will be known as the Niagara, Gur lette and Duquesne, but as the secretary has not yet completed his work on the min utes of the convention, the style of the new dances will not bo made public before the 1st of September. Danclnir has been on the wane In Wash ington for the past four years, according to Professor Sheldon, and there will be less of It than usual the coming season. The bicycle has proved a great enemy to Terpsichore, and young people. Instead of passing the evening In crowded ballrooms and parlors and exhausting their energy in whirling around over tho floor, now find more pleasure In bicycle parties to popular resorts, which conclude with jolly s,uppers at the homes of the hostesses or at some ot the large hotels, and by midnight the participants are at home and get a good rest for the next day's business or gayety. The "bear hug." according to Professor Sheldon, had its origin on the stage, where the "tough" dancers gave imitations of terpslchorean evolutions on the Bowery and East side. In New York. From the stage it drifted to the riverside and sub urban garden pavilions, where it was picked up by the young men with a fond ness for frequenting such places and some of them more daring than the others Intro duced it In a mild form into society dances, where it soon became popular, and despite the outcry raised against it by many of the more staid leaders in social circles. It continues to flourish. Another dance which has bee.i seen at some of the local pavilions and may be adopted by society In a modlfiid form Is tho "chlca," which was annexed when Cuba and Porto Rico were taken from the Spaniards. It was picked up by the soldiers In Havana and Ponce, and soon found favor in variety halls and other places of public amusement. The "chlca" Is said to have come over to Spain from Africa and Was taken by the Spaniards to Cuba, where it was adopted by the Spanish soldiers .and soon became one of the most popular dances of tho Island. The position taken by tho dancers In the "chlca" Is the same as In the waltz, and It is danced to waltz time, only where the waltzers would wheel Instead of the sharp turn there is a mo mentary pause. The two-step now so popular Is said by dancing teachers to be the same dance known as the '"Dutch" or German "gallo pode" in vogue years ago In German beer gardens, and still danced by many Teu tons at their picnics or other gatherings, only the Germans danced It more hilari ously than It Is usually danced at social functions. Little Robert's Lesson. From the Detroit Journal. Robert Is being told by his mamma how to conduct himself In company. "If you are asked to have a- cake a sec ond time." says mamma, "answer, "No, thank you, 1'vo had plenty.' And don't you forget It!" What mother could do more for her child? But when the time comes, and Robert Is asked to have cake a second time, he an swers merely: "No, thank you. I've had plenty, and don't you forget It!" Not Exclusive. From the New Orleans Times-Democrat. Nellie (aged 5) "Our family Is awfully exclusive. Is yours?" Bessie (aged 4) "No. Indeed! We haven't anything to be ashamed of." WAY OF MARKING CATTLE. Animal Is Indelibly Marked Instead of Be In s; Branded, by This Contrivance. From the. Sclentlflc,Amerlcaiu A new method of branding cattle has been devised by Walter A. Cameron, ot Stacey, Mont. By this means the animals are indelibly marked Instead of being burn ed. The branding Instrument consists of two levers pivoted together and provided with, jaws. On the lower jaw a soft metal im pression block is secured, and on the upper BRANDINO BY FIRE DISPENSED WITH. jaw a block Is carried, having a chamber communicating by means of a tube with a reservoir containing the indelible fluid. Tha tube incloses a- plunger operated from tho upper lever and Is provided with lateral ports at its upper and lower ends. Tha lower ports permit the liquid to flow Into the chambered block when the plunger Ii raised, and tha upper ports permit the liquid above the plunger to be forced bade into the reservoir. Symbol carrying plates are removably secured to the chambered block. The sym bols consist of letters, figures or other characters, and are formed of tubular pins. In using the Instrument the levers aro operated to separate the jaws. By reason of this motion the plunger will be drawn, upward to permit the liquid from tho reservoir to flow Into the chamber. After placing the Impression block, carried by the lower jaw against the outer side of tha animal's ear the levers arc operated lo force the tubular pins Into the ear, there by causing the plunger to inject liquid into the wound. A spring within the tube hold3 the plun ger normally below the lower ports, so that the liquid will not escape when th device Is not In use. A SUsht Misapprehension. From Punch. r-n. AST tl K. illy sV '- I - t . . m W r y-fi . j. z l. i f-ifeFtfi l &r& Ira cdy Smith (referring to tho horse) "They tell me she's the fastest little thing In tha country." Jones (referring to the lady) "Indeed. I'm sorry to hear that. And she a parson'a daughter, too." Xi