Newspaper Page Text
The Intelligencer. I. 0. NEALE, Editor and Proprietor. Entered t the Lexington iKuflUe a wond class mall mutter. TF.nS, $1.00 PER YEAR. Satirrav. Al'itlL 13, 1901. The matrons and society leaders of South park, Chicago, becoming dis f.Ud at the way in which the city dada are not keeping the streets clean have decided to tuck up their skirl and lake tbeir brooms and have a spring cleaning of their own. Some thing will surely be done, for ween CulCSgO nvuitu act lueir feet down on diity streets tbe argument is weighty and broad. THE KAISER UNEASY. Tho manner iu which the German authorities are suppressing reports of the kaiser's speeches would make it appear thai his royal highness is talk ing too much. The recent attempt open the kaiser's life seems lo hare shaken his nerves and loosened the wheels in bis head. As the masses of the German empire become better educated and learn from America some of the advantages of a republic, they are more inclined to question the doc trine of the divine right of royalty and the recent almost strange utterances of their ruler do not lend to increase tbeir respect. The emperor is righl in say ing that trying limes are coming. The Oerman masses are crying out hatd times and when they fully realize what burden of taxation their gaudy roy ally is becoming, thai royalty may well look for trouble. -Mrs. Nation may have the sympathy of a great number of the women of our land iu her hatchet war against the liquor business, but when she decrys the Easier bonnet and tells the fair damsels of the sunflower slate to gird their loins with sack-cloth, which is an indirect attack on the tailor-made gown, she will cause them to denounce her as a crank. The Ansonia, Conn., authorities have at lust captured the bugger that Our F.cb.anges. Mrs. Jsne Susner, mother of Henry Slusher. of near Corder, enjoyed a reunion of ber family at her son 1 borne Wednesday. The" occasion was her birthday anniveniary.-Lafayctie Leader. The K. of r. organized a Kath bone Temple afternoon, with ... .unt j The K. of 1. Hal. rung jji v.-j-v v.v . met Tuesday night and after a splendid meeting, lunch was aeiu-d. -Odessa Democrat. While seiuing in the river last Fri day, Isaac Kosc caught an otter in his net. This amuial has become so 1 hia rininilr that Mr. lvOSe'S ovatw " ..... . j - capture excited no little attention ih nelt for 5. Glasgow Mis- sourlan. G. F. Carpenter of near this city raised a parsnip that was by actual measurement tliirty-two inches long; and it wasn't much of a year for baa been waylaying and hugging the ! parsnips either. What Missouri can't women of that town almost nifihtly for I ..i biir isn't raised on airth. the past three months. The frequency ! Waverly Yatchman. and long continuance of this bugger The newly elei led town board met operations might lead some nia'icious: in cj(J. bM J t Dight an(i crj,aD. people to thnk tbat pernaps Con necticut old maids went out purposely to be bugged. FUSSTO.N AND THE REUI'LAKS. I'resident Mclvinley undoubtedly did tbat which was gratifying to the majority of the American people when he appointed Frederick Funston to a brigadier generalship, but the dog 10 . tbe manger spirit of the regular offi cers is a thing of no credit to tbe regular army, and reveals a Hentiroeut tbat is a disappointment lo the nation. The people as a rule have looked upon our army as composed of men of more generous impulses, but it would seem thai ibe Sampson's are not confined exclusively to the navy. Tbe German "Kaiser" is determined that the children of his realm shall be real good little boys and girls and therefore requires that tbe pupils of I the public schools of the province of ized bv eleclini; Win. Wilson as chair man. A. C. Uines as clerk and Kobt-rt L. Gaines as treasurer of the board. After the rou'ioe work Henry I.ieser was elected Marshal of the town. Corder Dispatch. A deal ' was consumated Friday bv which Alan Iliser, of D - Aurora, Ind beeomes manager of the hotel in this city. Mr. Saxony, Prussia, shall learn by heart J'Jl Biblical verses and 19 3 verses of j Merchants hymns in addition to tbe catechism. I Miser Is an experienced hotel man and This is one of tbe advantages of living! he will keep up tbe hign reputation Mr. T. Murray Keen has purchased from Mr. Sam Neale a half interest in the Lafayette Leader at Iligginsville, nd tbe paper wij be conducted here after under tbe firm name of Neale & Heed. Mr. , Neale will take the busi ngs management and Mr. lieed the editorial department. Mr. Heed was until recently connected witb the War reoeburg Daily Star and was formerly of the repeitonal staff of tbe Kansas City World. Mr. Neale has made a ... - 1 gooo. papur 01 me Leader during bis 1 ministration connection witb it and we predict that with the partnership now formed tbe under an emperor. It is now reported from Chi ia that Li Hung Chang is out of favor It fa the emperor because of his friendlines 1 toward Kussia. Li has by this lime j become accustomed lo tbe loss of his peacock feather and yellow jacket. Besides he has a few millious ot cash of his own which will enable bioj lo lire in tolerable comfort tbe balance of his life. has acquired and now wants to but- paper will eoulmue to improve and the D.inUb West Indira whether Den- which this popular bosllery cow enjoys Lafiijette Leader. Ia:ic G. Nenle has purchased the Lexington Intkli "Ikey, as we have known him, is private secretary lo lion. W. i. Cowherd, the representative 10 Congress from the Kansas City district, and besides being a food secretary is a first-class news paper man. Tbe IxTKLi.Kir.NrKH will prosper under Neale' management, and here's wbblng him well. Fulton Gazette. Several large fat r.i's have a habit of gamboling about iu the composing room of tbe Leader office. They even invaile the most sacred and innermost nooks of the editor's sanctum and divert the intent of some heavy Wy those whom he expected would pine editorial. Some one would do us a favcr by presenting us with a cat. We do not ih everyone who has a large family of cats, however, lo overwhelm us Kiln kindness. Lulajelle Leader. 'J In cilizens of Letington Junction and the farmers of the surrounding Otlis G. Springer, tbe young bus iness man of Carthage, 111 , who some eight moutbs ago left a note in an abaudoued skiff iu the lake off Chicago stating tbat he bad drowned himself, recently returned home. He possibly heard tbat be was not greatly missed away and die of brokeu hearts. It would seem tbat the present ad- 8 not yet satisfied with tbe number and variety of Wands it j LT1M ! WHO IS take an advanced rank among our j niark wants to sell them or not. There j country want a flouring mill built at county papers. Tbe Istkluokscek J must be millions in islands for some- wishes the new firm measure of success. an abundaut , body. .. 1 If Japan does not intend to fight JMre. Carrie Nation was so highly Uussia she is certainly running a strong gratified at the treatment which she j bluff in getting transports ready and : received in Kansas City at tne hands of j pulling her reserve cruisers into com- the reporters of the Times that she has 1 mission. Japan is a game little roos- written tbat paper a letter asking thatjier and may yet surprise the world the Times staff join her forces when I WUb ber military achievements. . she comes to Kansas City. Her letter j -closes wilb this alluring invitation: "lj The Texas legislature in its feeling do hope you will be so much an ad- j concerning Funston is very much like tuirer of mino tbal when I come lo Kansas City with my hatchet tbat your staff may be my advance guard.' Very likely most of the staff boys are "Buffaloes" andjtheir "bar" experience Laving been largely left-handed tbey could not well take hatchets lo tbeir right bauds. ll is now reported Ibat tbe Ave young ladies of tbe Potter college, at Rowling Green, Ky , who were de tected in the act of climbing oul of tbeir rooms to join tbeir gentlemen friends, were only going to a duck sup per. From tbe number of guns which their beaux were able to lurn upon 1'res. Cabell tbey mufet have expected to kill tbeir ducks while tbey were out tbat night, or possibly ' tbey were loaded for "bar." the Jews felt about Christ, they did not think that anything good could come out of Nazareth. Texas is a great state but she is not tbe only rooster on tbe dump. The other nations mixed up in the Chinese puzzle would like to see Kussia move out of Manchuria, but Ibe bear knows a good thing when she gets her paw on It and sb: is 001 disposed to rush away and leave it at the bid ding of the powers. Among other things proposed fori Aguinald'j's amusement should be come to Ibis couutry is tbat he be made a Buffalo la order that be may be fully convinced of tbe generosity of the Americas people. A -1, .. ...A 111.) H , We would be If e were 10 it" i" -v . ...ore Coo,l, ,bl other hous in town, and mat we crc KUmB mem "(7..,,.- -. full . kf We have not bvcoine wine ,.n,...i. . .' ' all trie ' lunei .v.."-" - -SMth,, ..V. l,M,IHlltlllM.llI.lUP, lllll VV "V - "V tu suuif aomu oui vump , . A . - , iui certain of; that, we have .1 -plenum siock 01 gcnis, xcM ... 1. and iitt Mld . " 1 s ' care and bought tor oasn. in ij - -c mini. , CJ)- nare favorably- it n lir ,U,K",K,,!'' wcaiCliv,l cave that to our cviioiuers. v v,.r. v xouowmp price, vhat others quote vouand govern y,urlvca accordingly 1000 yards aplcndta ahirtmi! r 1 in:';""1"V"; "(KH) yards splemiui ii'-es iiu .uiors. M vards beautiful re ginghams ' Scc'our vard aide LcnCoop brown muslin ... .i 1.. tiin varfl wide ................ . i nir mi; j , 1 Our Lookhart brown cotton, yard wine ... - . O. r InJian Uead, yard wide, brown cotton Fit Call bleached muslin 4c. Our own ' our (world beater yard wide........... Lonsdales. Hills, b'ruitsana nig . Kcady made sheets, tne very oesi Pue. eacn, mk, kk, 5,v and ; VCrtMS. .a-uiwt am . ...iu ...... ...if. 1. ,.ltl..- lieauy m.iuc ...v - ---- - I Kinirs -W yaru sihwi uiwi. bjhio . . . . ' :.i. . -hut ...1 uuil rnttnn. 8 S1XK1 for Climax spool silk, blade only, 100 yards, 2 spools fdr One thousand otber tlims just as cheap as these, t ome aa W. G. McCAU SL AND. r WILLIAM D. RAX KIN I'residi'Dt. D. W. B.TKVIS Vice Pres. WALTEUB.Wam; Cuhier. LEXINGTON SAVINGS DANK, LEXINGTON, MI8SOURI. PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,00: toe a neral baakliui business. Isollclliaocounu Liberal aoeommodatloni loeuMomers. IP NICHOLSON Waller B Wsdilril D WHTevli W D lUBklu Fnunle W Il irUm II B Duke, Curator Jackson Onwllejr DIRECTORS w u KAN KIN JOIINKKYLANU WALTKH B Wlntt! A U YOUXO . Own TEVIS STOCKHOLDERS I M Chapman K Hoffman Kafus Tnuni Alice W Wliigalr A Q V.mnir Henry C Wallace Jno K Kylsnd MraSHontck Ilcttle W SmllS C 8 C hupmna R A WitUaee w l Mi" mi J (J L'kuibn U A ftrkti H-nry Hist K t Nick ; LOCkiiui that place and have secured a promise from T. M. Barker & Son, of Jefferson City, to build a fifiy-barre!mill there provided tbe citizens will contribute 500 towards the construction of the same. .Parties who are interested in securing the plant are endeavoring to raUe the above amount so tbat work may be commeuded on the building at an early date Kichmond Conservator. The liev. lr. M. Williams, presi dent of Central Female college, lx ington, Mo., preached two strong ser mons at the Central I'reshyterian church, Ninth street and Lydia avenue, yesterday. Id the morning bo preached from the text: "Prove all things; bold last 10 mat whim is good." His theme was tbe conservatism and progress of Christianity, and be dwelt upon faitb a the conserving element. Dr. William- discourie Ian night wa in tbe nature of an Kaster sermon, an eloquent description' of the life and cnaracter 01 t'brwl. KatMi City limes, April H. Her. T. 1'. Walton, owing to con tinued III hiltb, asked tbe board of trustees of Syoodical College at their meeting, Tuesday to release Liui from bis contract with the board in order tbat he might accept tbe presidency of Tbe d'. mocratic factions in St. Louis Xnnrer savs tbat the l!oer war -11 !a-: 10 hm buried lne fclOet or 8vnodical Co,.. llnm'.. .. . nnrhana ihpv haVA aunt tt t Van,.. I M. . " go on, anu according to latest reports r r ' lv lean., to which position be Heating- Stoves, Steele Ranger, Cook Stw Cheapest and Best a CEO. Tel. 105 Lexington W. G. Musgrove. Sam'l I. D MUSGROVE & CO., Groceries, - Pro visit FRESH AND OALT MEATS. from Africa it seems to be doing tbat very thing. Those Boer () peace proposals seem to have been some thing of an English boomerang. be used in the temperance cause. was recently elected. The board, after In Macon, Mo., recently a father Le"nK tiolD Dr l5ker thal in bi and bis son married a widow and ber' P""0D ' Cb,nge ot climale wa9 nec' dauehser. Now what tin rth,. , wJ,or Mr' alt0- netted to the ,r. . , . . each otber? I ! released Mr. Walton from fbe deputy sheriffs who went ,0, the pre.UencT.-Tbe Missouri Tele- .erve papers on General Ca.u.CI:;i Kul. does not seen, greatly wor-W HeT. T. P. Waltin,.., year old war veteran, carried over the protests in th Man. shove was formerly ureoidi-nt t,f kid'' nation ' 'U7-"hHi seminary in Ibis city ' 1 and has many friends bere whri regret ' la hear that his health Is not good. sue si year oiu war veteran, can testify that tho general has not lost tbe . churian affair of the Japan. art of war. Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. Mullenix's Old Stand, nr. 16th and Frant O.KeCACSLAND.Pre.. B. K. IBKLAKD, clwhler. 1X5 1. tWl The Trader Bank x.xzszxtotoxtA zso. - a, at- JJL.tJL'X,XipM Thlibaok 4oei.renerlh.nklnituslnossaol solicits IhsaceouuUc.fc''j nil lnrflvflMl rn ... I ti .l O-: wucvuwni wiu receive Dromot attsntiln. lur'- seposltori.