Newspaper Page Text
WV i! I The Intelligencer. I. O. NEALE, Editor aad Proprietor. Entered at tbe Lexington puktoBce m second dm mail natter. TER1S, fi.oo PER YEAR. Sattbdat, Afiul 13, 1901. A TRAVESTY ON JUSTICE. In the St. Louis republic of April ftik a well conceived cartoon illustrates tbe manner in which tbe allies are trying to civilize tbe Chinaman. The two ideae brought out in tbe cartoon are the murderous use of tbe sword and the indiscriminate practice of looting. When it is considered that the pow ers in China are posing as representa tives of the highest civilization of the world and tbe doctrines of Christianity it is not surprising that tbe Chinaman does not take kindly to these ideas. To have Christianity introduced through a bullet hole, or civilization injected by a sharp bayonet thrust, is nat a pleasing process even to the heathen Chinee. It may be good politics and a neces sity under tbe present regime of might mages right, but for the sake of decency and tbe christian religion the nations should cease to do murder and to plunder In His name who rebuked Feter for drawing his sword in tbe Master's cause. Tbe whole thing is a travesty upon justice, and the 900 ner this govern ment withdraws from the unholy alliance, tbe sooner will she be on tbe side of right and truth. GOOD FOR MISSOURI. The inauguration last Tuesday of Kolla Wells as mayor of St. Louis is the beginning of an era of good gov ernment fur St. Louis and a clean and dignified administration is promised during tbe period of the World's Fair. Her emancipation from tbe Ziegcnheia machine administration is a great thing for St. Louis and she is to be congratulated on the triumph of good citizenship. The state ot Missouri has cause also to rejoice that me municipal affairs of her World's Fair city will be in the hands of a conservative and honest Bet of officials. From all over the United States and from many different parts of the world visitors will come te tbe fair and their impressions concerning the state will be more or less decided by their observations of St. Louis. With Holla Wells as mayor ot St. Louis and Governor Dockery at Jeffer son City, Missouri invites the world to visit ber and behold ber many advan tages. TOTTERIXU THRO.NES. A recent dispatch from St. Peters burg announcing that tbe heir to Rus sia's throne is being coached in the art of czaring it over the people with tbe prospect ot soon having to take up the reins of government instead of tbe present czar whose health is shattered by recent internal commotions in his realm, indicates that absolute mon archies are becoming more and more repugnant to the people with each succeeding year. Tbe present internal dissensions in both Germany and Rus sia and the frequent outbursts 0 public dissatisfaction, indicate that the time may cot be far distant when the already rotten foundations may be torn from beneath tbe tottering throne of Europe, and ber downtrodden peoples be emancipated from ibe tyrany ot imbecile kings and their hordes of morally rotten prince., dukes, lords and lesser parasites. MORE COMBINES. J. Pierpont Morgan's latest trust or combine is called the Associated Mer chants' Company and has a capital of $20,000,000. Tbe purpose of the com pany is to form a trust or combine of the leading department stores of New York and other large cities. With his gigantic railroad combines, ms suDsiuizeii steamship lines, bis associated merchants' companies and bis resurected Panama canal scheme he will soon have a cast iron cincb 00 tbe mercantile and commercial inter ests ot the entire country. Wednesday Mr. 8. Levin returned from Kaasa. City, wticre te baa ba-eo spending a few days. la writing recently concern the," unnecessary discussion of reorjraoiaa- lion David B. Hill ajs: "Tbe old party of Jefferson, Jacksoa and Tilden till - lives and is good enough lor us. What we need now is courage, patience, unity and aggressiveness. Let as adhere to the old fashioned principles of democracy and the future will take care of itself." Right you are, David, and if jou would always be good, brother Jonathan might some day give you a piece of pie. Emperor" William in decieeing that the English language shall be taught in the high schools of Germany, in place of French, which ahall hereafter be optional, shows that he still has good judgment in some things and realizes the healthy force and power of the good old Anglo-Saxon as com pared with the artificial "paries vous" of the continental frog eaters. Some of the twentieth century Bos ton women have announced their in tention of riding astride at the horse show next week, notwithstanding tbe disapproval of prudish Mrs. Grundy. Astride saddles for women are things upon which tbe women must be to some extent divided. The IstelmCiKNc'kr, with this issue, changes from its old nine-column folio, to its present convenient five-column quarto form. We do this for the ac commodation of our. readers and advertisers, beheviug that they will appreciate our efforts to furnish tberu the best and latest news in tbe most couvenient aad up-to-date form. Juries for June Term. CRIMINAL COCKT GEASD JTBY. Clay township Jos. Cbriaty aid D.J. Moore. Davis township Situ Downing and J no. F.Neill. Dover towosbip Joo. N. Gamble and J. F. Groves. Freedom township Julio Vogt, Jr. Lexington township-... G. Loomii snd Isy Gnu. Wanington township T. E. Oamraoo. Middleton township Henry Larkln. Snl-a-Ear township P. W. Gum. rtTIT JURY. Clay township L. P. Cobb, J. K. Gray, Geo. R. Chauberlaio. Davis township-Wat Dennis, L. K. Foulds, W. H. Griffith. Dover township J. H. Calher, Emory Craft, Bam dalles. Freedom towokhip An too Tboreson, F. W. Brlnkoetter, Ueory Meyer. Lexington towaabip W. J. Gabel, Nice Bill, Will Ulll. Washington township-!!. C. West, 8. K. Beall, Oscar Filler. Middleton township Win. Maaterson, W. W. Davis, Geo. F. Burnett. Sm-a-Bar townahlp E. F. Blake, M. tk Branham, B.McHatton. Jlrs. Scbawe's Afternoon. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Geo. Schaw entertained tbe "Damen Krueotun" club and a iew invited friends, about twenty- J five in all, at ber pleasant cottage borne on Third street. It was the anniversary ot Mr. Schawe's birthday and of ber wedding also. A few hours were spent la delightful conversation when tha gueata were in vited to tbe dining room to partake of aa excellent repast which eooaisted ol aliced bam, chicken salad, salmon salad, potato aalad, cabbage slaw, a variety of pickle, alioed bread and butter and coffee. Then followed Ice cream and a variety ot cake, and wtne and peppermint wafers. Tbe borne was prettily decorated and Mr. Schaw entertained her guests in a pleaaingand Informal manner. Lieutenant Tom Cobb. Southwest Mail. A dispatch from Washington says tbat Lieutenant Tom Cobb, now on duty w'tb bis regiment in ibe Philippines, bas beep listed by the secretary of war for the first lieutenantahlp in tbe regular army. Lieutenant Cobb is a oo of Rev. T. M. Cobb, ot tbia city, and baa made a good record In Lode Sam's volunteer army. ror many months be was a member ot the repertorU! ataff on tbe Kansas City Time. Biac bl regiment has been in . L. . 4.1.. I. . it.i uciu or dm wruren several very one article en tbe war, which hav been published in tbe Mail. His many friend la Missouri will be glad to know tbat h is to be promoted. COBBEWPONDKSTH WASTED The Is tkixibknceb want ii corespondent In every vown in Lttayetie county. Write lor particulars. Mr. Geo. Scbawe Thursday ourchased tbe vacant lot juat south of his homa on Third street, aoi as soon aspoaalbleto get bis plan completed he will build a nice ove room collage on tbe lot. uemember we ban- moved from Frank-. no to aiaio street oppose tbe Racket .tore, where we bave a larg clean stock : ol new and second baud good ol all kinds. UnhoUterloir .nrf ,.,.,. ( prompt'y and oeatly.doce. u v-OIXABU'S KW ASD 2.ND U AMU bTOKK, Jg "b. School ot MaaiC, Central Colleg.. (tor csoia.w yeaf. was givea on Monday ev.olog wbicb Umt tbt tollowlog choice program was admirably rendered: PBCHlBAMME. March Arabella (Oriental Seen) Korthaoer Mr. Conrad aad Mis 8sudrll. Gondeilied.G Minor .. Mndslobs MihCmI. Ui...... Thorns Mias Larkln. Vtwal. It 1 But Kotw.... W. O. Smith Misa Alio Grsos, . Lack Mia Herley. tWrf Dance Cbamlnada MUaUoodia. M.r Mood Liuboer Mias Frances Brown. 8. Vocal. The Singing In Uod's-Acre Brackett Mi Yates. 9. 10. 11. 12. IS. Cnrloa GeschickU Heller Miaa Edith Wall Anuarelle Go'''" Miaa SI usher La Fontaine MissBohm A Polish Dance Scbarweuka Misa Tucker. Vocal, Ob! That We Two Were Vavinff Nevio Misa Frances Bowen Smith. 14. Concerto. C Major Beethoven a. Adagio. b. Allegro. .Nibs Wynne. Several of tbe participant wera beard publicly for tbe first tiuie. And It must bave been gratifying to tbe respective teacbera that their number were deliv ered with accuracy, ease and repose. Tbe first number was especially inter estins for tbe tone color ot tbe compoai- tlon. It abounds Injcborda, intervals and chromatic passages tbat express tbe Arabian characteristics of eastern music. Miss Frances Bowen Smith delighted tbe audience with a soulful rendition of Nevin's charming song. Miaa AdJie Wynne, wbo bas been Ire quently beard before, cave a noteworthy performance of tbe second and third movements of Beethoven's C Major Con certo, tbe orchestral parts beinr played on a second piano by Prof. Conrad. Miss Wynne played tbe slow movement wltb a beautifully s.nglng tone; while the Allegro was given with a velocity and clearness tbat was most fsacinating. Tbe entire erenlog was one of great en Joy men t and musical Interest. THE HORSE SHOW. Owing to tbe unpleasant weather and the muddy roads there were not so many borse. to town at the slock abow last Saturday aa would kave been bere under more favorable condition. Tbe name ot I the owners and tb. bor exhibited are a follows Claude Neer, from th Aunt Patay Catron farm, four mile east of Lexington, bad "Scotchman," a dark browa draft ullloo, with heavy mane and tail, weighing 1S75 pounds, and toe jet black jack. "Rajah." Char lea Mitchell, from bia farm one bait mile east of Lexington, bad "Alll eon" 31236, a bright bay stallion ot tbe coach bone type and tbe three-year-old black jack, Brooklyn." Cbas. Fiaber, from hi farm 2 mile aoatbeaat ot Lexington, bad "Artisan 2d,' No. 860, a beautiful red sorrel, two whit. hind feet and star In forehead, a. add I or light harness stallion ; "Marmadoke, Jr.," aa all purpose bay stallion, and "Ba laam," a browa jack. Dave C. Mitchell, from bis farm mile aonthweat of town, bad hi grey stallion, "Fleet," 16 band bigb and weighing 1400 pounds. Meaar. IBtewart and Johnson, from Frank C. Stewart' farm 3 miles southeast of Lexington, bad the Percberon draft Ullion, "Romulus" No. 1S2T4, a bay 17 band bigb. weighing 2100 pound: "Missouri Rattler," a black jack with mealy point, and "Dewy," a black jack lib white points. Notwithstanding tbe bad weatber and roads, quite a large crowd ot peopl. were in town and our merchant were kept buoy waiting on tb trade James rl. Chandler. Tbe funeral service of Jame JJ Chandler, wbo died Monday at hi bom, 1004 Paseo, will be held tbls morning at 10 o'clock from tbe Calvary Baptlat church, of which he was a member. Dr J. O'B. Lowry will conduct tbe service aad Interment wilt be at Elmwood cemetery. jams ii. handler was born in Louisa county, Vlrginls, to 1S32, but when but a email boy came to Missouri with bl iid amea near Boonvllle. M. served through tba war in theeoofederAie army ana moved to City In 1ST7, a. wue ana a aon, J.mes H. Chandler, Jr yrvi. una.-nantae uty Time. . Tbe aoove it a brother of Maj. T. 8. Chaodl.r oi our city. An Important Business. tl'l a I a. ..i.uuuv cny ostentation or quite an Important enterprise bt been In operat.oo In our vicinity fof the past ... t. u .Mcungblin pro prietor Of til. enlrnrlu. l...k , u.0 UPra uuying walnut toga for expert. H aaaiated by Mr. Alien U. Dickinson, book- aeeper ana cashier, and T. M. Earner born, buyer and ioKpector. UiS enure ere consi.l. of twelve men and four lean,,. Log. r b,wn drea.d at place 0f .biptuent a-,,1 r. .(exported Cireel t.j iUmbuiif. ter,.n Eorlaed. They are car- rted by rail to BalUaior, ". loaded oa oesao staamahlp. ... - - A ...... Durlnr tba ! week tnai r. - Laugbllo baa been operating "' - expended lor timber aad ioor - the cumber el oar. .blnped "lB prepared for shipment a M. Mr. Mo Laugbllo baa his headquarter at ta Commercial boUl, wbare ne n tamllv wttb blm, aad during ni. aiay ber k aulllisT hims.11 01 to. pnvi leg. of sending hie cbildreo to oorni- client sofcools. We lr that Mr. McLaogblia may Bad ufflclent Umber la our vicinity to mak It to his interest to remain lor aom Una. in oat cliy. Dr. Payne' Anniversary. I. honor oflh5th anniversary of Dr N. B. Paiyna'i birthday tb tollowing . . I L- . - . . k. - K""1 . - iv juuvi vuupiv win make thi . riA..nt homi ot Dr. and Mr.. Payna toknm. Th K,M. ifSl o.l mA WtflDtUIT D IOI SI IB'I.I.. , ... r . . . . ,th lh.m - tM( a lew pieaaaoa noura wuu ucw Mr. tad Mr. C. Vivlon, Mr. and Mr. Geo. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hix, Mr. and Mra. Bud Hall, Mr. aud Mr Chri Walk, Mr. Ben Eaton, Rev. D. Buchmueller.Bev. E. Kenstcrmacber and wife. Though Intended as a surprise, some little Dird mutt bave whispered a wars iog to Mrs. Payne for she surprised her callers moat agreeably with tbe following excellent menu, in course. Tbe first course consisted of fruit; the aecond of hot turkey and dressing, creamed Irish potatoes, June pea., chicken salad, potato chips, pickles, olives, hot biscuit and cherry ice; tba third course was vanilla cream, f rwit cake, marahmallow cake, and Prince of Walea cake, and tbe fourth course, oaarguerltea and coffee. The occasion was quite informal, Mr. and Mra. Payne making their guests feel perfectly at borne and tbe eveniogwa greatly enjoyed by all present. HIGGIN6VIUE. Two wedding are in prospect tor Hig giDntiile in tbe near future. HIggloeville 'music lovera were well pleased with tfce Vorart Sympuooy com pany. .Vayor Kiggba Issued a proclamation ordering tb citizens to, clem up tbe streets acd alleys. The city hoird of aldermen baa offered a reward ot i5 for the capture and coovlc- tion of tb person wbo committed tbe recent robberies ber. Tbe members of tb Round Kobio Read log circle and tbeir geitleoien friend were eotertsloed at a six o'clock dining Tuesday eveoioir at the bom. ot Mi Sophia Kidgf, in the county. Gus Arnt, mloer at No. ?, died Sunday ol spinal mcologiil. He had been 111 only a abort time. Tb mine were Monday wbrn tb funeral was held. Deceased was SO years of age and leaves a wife. Th beard of directors ot tb Confeder ate Home met Saturday aod dtacuaaed prospective improvement. Contracta, including th fl 5,000 hospital, will be let in May. Affair are In good ah ape at tbe Home. Higginavlllei to bate two representa tive in tb (Jailed State navy. Stanley Fields and George Bergen enlisted at Kaoaaa City this week and will be assign ed In tba near futnr. Bergen I only 17 yeara o ags. Th fighiimont tba republicans in tb third ward is to wbicb of tbeir two can didatM for alder m a was elected,! we fet tled Friday night by tbe seating of Otto Kortbaece. Th trouble originated over tb stoctioo to fill a vacancy caused by tb rigaailon of Moses Land.1 C05C0EDIA. Tbe Epworth Leagoe of the M. E church will meet here at Bran ball April 23. A meeting of tb Concordia Boar of Trade was called for Friday night to transact imponaot busineu. Tbe German Pioneers will meet bere oo May 15lb and everybody I. Invited to come to tow n tbat day aod bave a good lime. Tbe baa ball season opened bere wltb a game between a Jacksonville nine and a Coocordla team, the home team scoring 12 to tbe tltitors 1. A oooftrence ot German Lutheran min ister., professors and teacbera ot Lafay ette aod Sallo. oountle met her. Tuesday at St. I'aul'iColle-e. Concordia ha. set April 27th a market day aod loviu everybody having any thing tor sale or trade to come in oo that day. It will al.o U made a stock sale day. CIRCUIT CO0BT DIVORCE Dai". Thursday wu divorce day In ih. cir cuit court her., aod the following cases were before th court: Henry Sellmyer vs. Luclnda Bellroyer; plaintiff made and filed proof of public tion and wu granted a decree of divorce. Emma Thorp v. Jae Thorp; decree for plaintiff aodconody of child and restoration ot maiden name. Cbava. 0. Cooper vs. Mamlt E. Cooper; dcre forpiaiotiff. Katie bVldow ts. Robert J. Beddow; decrea for plaintiff. ' U'lMa(aU...i . .. a uif umruiwn, v. Usury k) iiutcb won ; decree f,;r plaintiff aa prayed. (,.,. ii. . . . ... junn w. Bauvain; taken under aa.isemeul until ,-rm of court. Aona CacaaJr . aihert vm.A. coott nosd unt.l out urtn ol court. Mr. Cta. rl. Miu tell I. .irk aod threat, enedl witb Social Card Pan. I Ml FUU Bradley anurJ'. fneeds ITharaday night .1 . 7 W tbe horn ot Mrs. John HI,'!! following Udlea war pr: Mary Blackweil, Beetle AikZl V Atk Krleho, Mrs. Looilla Robi-Z gentlemen war Mr. Lalla mam . . Hi... Cad.l Miller, Uudaon. . Bampsoa. Delightful rrvsu ma aui nau a evening. mott PS' MltKlAQES. ( Married, at tbe brid' ham. . I Ingtoa, Wdaday, Aprl, fi' Carl Hart and Miaa LulB I I E. V.Haad.n offlolatlng. Hor,.j tPar,oK.nM.c,t,,a.d8t Tba graom formerly W,d , u, I bntlsaow living In Kn...r... 1 . . . - wo. OI Ui pretty daughter, and baa bsBri.!j our city, being tbe daughter ol u, ! Mr. Lon Kelly. Sh. bas boMaolJ1 hers who with tb young coopl, a iTr and h.DDV lite. H BIBTH3. Born, la Hlgglnavllle, recentlvi,.' wife ot Rev. Mr. Beattie, a boy! Born, at Odeaa,Thuraday, Anrili i to tbe wife ot Robert Bush, a boy. Born, In Waverly, March 30, 1901 h. wife ot Wm. N. Hogan, a boy. Uaoh Isa Wawael jinua .... ""I1" """"Jt reU aM. ISWl las, I saw wwmh wvnatli WJ. Born, near Lexington, April 1 Mm th wile ot Mr. Lewi Coata, a girl rtilHB. DM. In HIggintville. Wedn.. .. 3, 1901, tba iofant child otJaWb'M meyerand wife, loterment a:Ciu,J, Died, la Odes. Wednesday, i taui, Mr. 10 as. u. uammer, alter a in" .nrl n.lnfnl illnua Mr 11. i. 7 i i . , """" wit 3 Complete returns from the election fcl county school commissioner give Kac1 1,863 and Philips 1,183. Mis Eleanor Mays, whs hu pending a couple of montbi with Mi live in St. Joseph, returned to Lexin;tc Tuesday. Mrs. M. L. McGrew, of During, Co wbo has ben visiting Mra. Bi'gM city for aom little time, lei t for 5., Wednesday. MU Nellie Simm, one of lb. ccdec or toe Baptist Feroaie college ? Wednesday to ipeod a lew day it be borne at Atcbisoo, K. Mrs. Dr. i Carter, of Odews, wan id been viaitiog bar .later, Mus Lillie hii at Central Feiual college fur lew diji returned bom. Wednesday. Mr. Geo. JVaoghan returned Tuesdti evening from Napton. Mo., where .fa. tat -been .(.ending a fw u w J daughter, Mra. Geo P. grollb. I Mrs. Sophia Connor went t) Vi attr; Wedoeaday to attend tbe dir.rct jj wtiai ii'i r ia In aetaion there tki week. Wasted Eoargetlo workers, mi' female, to represent bs lo eva.-y wm big profit; steady employment For at tlcular call oa or addraaa, C. B. Bato California, Mo. 41kl Mr. Lafay.tu W. Orov dt k bouaebold goods Wadoeeday Is t farm north ol Corder, wber. ba eipiciiiij reside. Y regret to loee Mr. Grot tra our midat, butwlabbim well in nil in borne, Neuralgic palas, rheumatism, Inn!;. and sciaotte pains, yield tolheriiiCK ting inflaeooM of Ballard's 8oo. U ment. Price, 2R and GO cent. For'! by Creaebaw & Young 44a' Dr. E. C. Gordon returned Tain: from Liberty, where ba baa been sv Ine tha en actio? of tba nooer Miaa?! Presbytery.. Heatoppad at IodepeM Wednesday aigbt to friend tMi f The ferry boat was laid op Tnv on aocouot of a steam pi pa bursting damage bas baea repaired aod c"H ular crosHiogs ar. helog made. eagloecr ol tb boat received uiti burn oo the band from escaping but bia injury wa not Mriooaeuor1! prevsnt bi remal aittg at bis worx. I Th automobile built at Mr. raobj machine shop wu taken out fori-'S spin Thursday-afternoon aod lbs proved that lb. machine could go. M are tome littl. poinli about the nis-b!ir that will have t- be changed aim snabl. tb machine to do bettr Jllmbm ururk. h.n it. I .looted U it Will raov. aloo'ir all rmbt. 6 '.h. macbln. may prove a coinpitt"4 Mai. T. S. Chsn,llr left Tn evening for Kanaa City to attend fuo.ral ol hi brother, Mr. Jan" Chandler, wbo died in Kansas CHy tar. Thi. nth. aaoond brother tbat V' Chandler haa luat recently aod ibi twin nf Mr. Ink.n f '.handler. wboA' onlv a short tlm. mra at Liberif. Mai. Cbaodler baa tha .vmpatbfo'n oommuoiiy la tbl bis sad los. Aath. hot Mihr ol aummer i Droachina this nanttr will conotanllj r r . aU b6Tor 111 raidsffii T!th!Dt. - I Which WbN koown' " Uu"j,- ! used to Drerenl and counteract tn'- - , r cnlJif "rrm weather upon small en and it I. hoped tbat all nioinri. community will keep their rb"'' ' neaitny condition by giving rnsLionl 'L'i ml .If uirl-l: w .ni. i i 1 11. M II.. Ht. I', 4 13 Mo. 1 ef