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4. rs T BIG ST 0 R OF! efut 1 hat sets the Pace the whole year round. In our Basement I ji Tkir ti ' j 1 j "i in .. . a. t ir on tne main noor mere is nor a snen, counter nor corner nit what is filled with newness, style and economical value. taple Bargains, Good Corset Values. Ready to Wear Skirts. t ' Amoskeag BtHple and faucy check apron ;ingbams, perfectly fiiat colors and the best wds made, 5c yard. Peerless Biooled warp, 1.00 per bunch J 5 pounds. Columbia and (Jlouceeter indigo blue prints, u know what others ak for them, our ice is 4c yard. Columbia black and white prints, 4c. Columbia grey prints, 4c. Simpson's silk finished novelty prints, 5c. A line of full standard dress prints in light firing styles, 3Jc. Allen twilled comfort prints, 5c. Light Blurting prints, Sic Fruit of Loom bleached muslin, 71c Lonsdale bleached muslin, 7Jc. Notice the quality of the bleached muBlin to offer this spring at 5c. 36-incb unbleached muslin, 4c. Fine 8ea Island unbleached muslin, yard vide, at 5c. Bookfold fancy skirting tickings, 10c yard. -4 Pepperell sheeting, 15c. 9-4 Dover unbleached sheeting, 13c. Straw tickings, 5, 7i and 10c yard. A. C. A. feather proof ticking, 12ic. Windsor percales, 32 inches wide, in me um and dark styles, a Bplendid cloth and ually retailed for 7c We bought a case of ;m very cheap and are selling then, at 5c. AVe do notAhink we ex-urerate one bit when we say that we have tins best practical corset stock in Lexington. We have lately added several numbers of the ''W. B." corsets and a full line of the popular sellers in the well known "American Ladv Corset.'' The num bers we carry in "W. J)." corsets aw very straight fi out, bias cut, gori.l hip. low bust and back, male of fine contila and jean and also in a light weight im portal batiste which makes an ideal summer corset. The Ameri can Lady we have in all the styles straight front, short girdle and also the regular made garments. Price, 9Sc. Ferris Hood Sense waist for children, ages 3 to 10 years, a regular 35c or 38c retailer, we sell them for 25c, any size. We still have some of that special drive in manufacturers samples and seconds of corsets. They come in all sizes from 18 to 30, mostly in white, but some few drabs and blacks among them. If bought in the regular way we would have to get from 49c to 75c for them, but we bought them cheap enoagh so we can sell them at 3i)c for choice. f ' i ??M It Men's Shirts and Furnishings. rRft pring Millinery, The business in this department has in eased more than m any other one depart ed in the house. More people than ever lis spring, are breaking loose from fancied bligations and buying their hats here where hey know they will get new and proper , tyles and at much less prices than are usually asked for high grade millinery. This week we opened a new lot of Mexican atraw hats, just the thing for, children run about wear. The crowns are high but the prices are low, 15c, 25c, 4!)c, 7. and i)8c. Novelties in Belts. It is generally ac cepted as a fact that novelties in belts are first shown in Lexing ton in our store. Patent leather belts, trimmed with gilt braid, black enameled buckles.lOc. Dip front-patent leather lacing belts, 25c. , Straight front Batin tucked belts, 25c. Shield back, tan ooze leather belts, 25c. f Gray suede belts, chenile rosette and ends to match, 25c. : Black velvet L'Aiglon llts, 25c. ) Dip front black velvet L'Aijjlon belts, 49c, Satin tucked L'Aiglon belts with 4 long ends and spikes, 49c. A special purchase of men's colored shirts came in a few days ago consisting of laundried shirts with open front and closed back, and a big lot' of negligee shirts, some with two turn down collars and attached cuffs, others with Boft bodies, lined neck band and separate cuffs and others with soft collars and cuffs attached made of One percales and Madras cloth. A large variety to select from at 45c and 50c. Wilson Bros.' new neckwear for spring, the 50c and 75c klud in most stores, here it is only 45c. - 10 doz teck scarfs for men, made of 50c quality silks, your choice for 25c. Men's gauze undershirts, 15o. Men's bulbriggan shirts and drawers In pink or cream color, fiuiBhed with pearl buttons and French neck, a special value at 25c. Men's blenched drilling drawers, extra well made, at 25c. Men's heavy mixed cotton box at 3 pair for 25c . ' In men's fancy and plain colored hosiery we carry a much more extensive line than any ' furnishing goods house, and the values we offer at 10c, 15c, 25c and 49c are hard to match elsewhere. All the staple and new shapes in men s 4 ply collars, 10c and 12jc. Mohawk Sheets and Tillow Cases. A line of ready made sheets and cases in which quality and price will prove most satis factory to economical housekeepers. 81x90 bleached Bheets, hemmed ready for use, 50c. 42x30 inch pillow cases, 10c each. 45x30 inch pillow cases, I2ic eacn. Ladies' well made nicely finished brocaded . black drees skirts at 08c. Better qualities at 1.25, l.fift, Mis. Astf to see our 2.50 rainy day skirts, nicely made and finished of golf suiting. Finer qualities iu rainy day skirts at2.9S and up to 5.00. We have a splendid line of homespun cheviots, Venetian, covert and pebble cheviot dress skirts in light and dark gray castor, brown and blacks, all wool materials, and finely made in the very latest styles, at from 3!(X) op to 7.50. Black silk taffeta dress skirts at 7.00, 9.75 and 12.50. Towels and Toweling, Unbleached linen crash toweling, per yd 5c. 20 bolts wide bleached cotton toweliDg, a . special value at 5c. ' 10-inch all linen crash toweling, a regular 10c value at 8ic. Large all cotton towels, each 5c. 22x45 inch bleached cotton towels each 10c. 17x33 inch hemmed buck towels, each 10c. 20x36 inch hemmed huck towels, each 15c. 20 dozen fine quality damask towels with knotted fringe, a regular 35c value, only 25c each. Checked crash linen napkins, fringed and large size at 49c dozen. Spring Wash Fabrics. part wool amng, 40c Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords, We have our last jhipments of Oxfords and are now better equipped than ever before on ' these lines. Ladies' genuine Dongola oxfords, kid tips, new cu'ii toes, at 1.00 pair. Ladies' genuine Dongola strap sandals, narrow or common sense toe, turned soles, at 1.00 pair. Lndies' fine Dongola Oxfords, in plain leather or cloth top,, tans or black, all style toes, C, D and E widths, an especially good value at 1.50. Our line of fine Oxfords at 2.00 is by far the nobbiest and best line we ever offered at the price. All made on new up-to-date lasts with finest q lality silk vesting tops and fine kid 'uppers. You would pay- 2.50 for the same quality at the Bhoe stores. If you want wear, fit and style, just try a pair of our 2.00 fine shoes, kid or patent tip, vesting or kid tops, all sizes and widths; they are regular 2.50 values. Misses' patent leather strap sandals, sizes 1114 to 2, at 1.00. Child's fine kid Southern Tie slippers, turn ed soles, sizes 8i to 11, at 1 .25 pair. - Misses' of same sizes, 11 J to 2, at 1.50. Carpets and Mattings. We carry only the In grain carpets in stock, but along that line we make some interesting prices. Best quality extra su per all wool Ingrain at HOc yd. Extra super cotton chain all wool filling at 48c yard. Extra super unions'. Our sales of imported and domestic wash goods have been more than satisfactory this season.. Our stock, which is every day delighting so many buyers, contains all the new weaves and choice patterns that are out. New Alexandria silks in foulard Datterns. a beauti ful cloth at 29C yard. , Tissue de Soie, a fine sheer silky fabric suitable for evening wear, in the light delicate shades at 40c yard. Irish dimities always in fine dainty patterns you know the cloth at 25c yard. Flue American dimities very good copies of the foreign goods at 15c. 32-inch fine lawns at 10c yard, Navarre dimity, excellent value at 5c. Zephyr style ginghams at 6c, a regular Sic cloth. We are showing a beautiful line of zephvr ginghamB at 10c and 124c. , . : Pillow Covers. We lately received a new lot of pillow cov ers and sojid color denims for fancy work. There are two qualities of the covers 25c and 48c. Some of them have the backs, others with just the top, lots of new patterns. . Heavy fancy cable cord to finish them with at 15c yard. AMERICAN RUGS. An exceptionally fine stock of the best makes in MoqueUe, Smyrna and Nubia Wil tons in all sizes. 18x3tt inch Moquette rugs, 98c. 30x54 inch Moquette rugs, 2.00. 30x72 inch Moquette rugs, 3.50. 30x(iO inch Nubian rngs, 1.38. 21 inch Smyrna rugs, 1.25. 30 inch Smyrna rugs. 1.9S. Chinese mattings, straw warp, regular I2Jc goods, at loc yd. Here is a hard proposition for competitors: 10 rolls fine cotton chain mattings at 15c yd. 20 rolls cotton chain Jap mattingsi the reg ular quarter retailers, we are selling at 20c yd. Extra line quality and exclusive designs in cotton chain Japanese mattings at 35 and 39c yard. For the Boys. Brownie overalls, all sizes from 5 to 14 years, at 25c pair. Boys' knee pants, medium weight, navy blue worsted, at 25c pair. ' , Fine covert wash pants at 25c. - Good qualities all wool knee pants, age 5 to 14 years, at 49c, Boys' negligee shirts, with 2 turn down collars, ut 45c. Boys', white . linen collars in all the new fashlonnble shapes at 10c. Boys' suspenders 5, 10 and 19c a pair. Boys' sweaters, in either the light weight Jersey or heavy ribbed, at 48c, all sizes. Boys' spring'caps, an immense line to select from, at 25 and 48c. Lmle gents' line kid lace shoes, sizes 9 to 12. at 1.25. ' Boys' tine kid lace shoes, sizes 13 to 2, at 1.35. iSame, in sizes 2J to 5, at 1.50. 1 S 1 m 1 i i 1 if A is Ij f i! i :if! I 31 s jf ,- 1 i. t x m i i 1 si 1 fHiiH"'"'""'"' imiiiimtinttm" '" ' ' . INotice. j Wm be gave young meo Id last The funeral or the late Will f 1