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WINKLER numm i i COMPANY urrinruuut tiuiuu FURNITURE. aa ratraaaa ro aw iu cum or r,. Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Cctfins. &c. A!vay$ on hind. tb9tr-i bii ( cfca? a c arsi Wiskler Furriture Co. Soots b4 N riai iL lc- ftH e. ar ia tt' i..-.ri jt:r JTe! :-pai-st Kiis'e e atS be ic:!adi-3 il I . . 1 txt tB-ir:. lee ou t wet. tec ta iit. tarjr we ti tt eooa.rj ia mzulZ.iie, is prodsrt cf ts oJ Jt m a coaif6C, a eotE!t- It ttj j! tie prospect t. tie pfe.t cf tte e centorj tter na tirrow feciottlj-a of tpiril vxir.ti kit t ion lie tl.j icjrcajd j-rfpri'.j axJ ptfr of it? Aajfcrjcts aai WB'h. The iirTelopEett will be liJtrai Jisl, Ihtrtfcre, iartfcbe. Tfce oor.B asj ev a la dosctct MCtMo of ite l'ak3, fctd the if Ut. Abaiiced farict ind ictt.!J factorks tufy Vo ttre ircta of tbi tteruoo. AricoI:re b v long caxl to pj ia ttse o'.der 6iu. Mtcsfsc tBficg fcv do rx-coxe ccprocuiie u veil, tit Ctore eBterptUing iaA dearer dgbOftd eera E.kBcfaCtnrer fcuten 5d; to Uie 3aBUe of better eocdt boca ia tae wi aad aostk. Taia ia i.ttpiy a kpcal psaje of tit growth of a reai coactrj, eaibriong treU-aigD oLe-h;f tfa world in it territorial wep. Sa'.ore. primarily, attends to aaca iLiog. Iaes&oaitbai maa can do U to work ia barmony with nauro, prolkiDg ly tba operation of ber oocbaogiog lswi. 1; i natcre'j tip that u now Sxia the aUeotion uf inTestor, Bjaaufactcrfr, agricoltoriits aad iaiitigraa; alike upon the foutb aod weal aa t& laud of great?-, t prooiue. To PreTetit Hailiorai. Additional totie; "ill b eecer-a upon the acetylene dwpioy at tbe Faa-Amerbaa Epoii!oa becaase of tbe fact tla; ia France as aorty ne can oon ia oed by tke ioprowrs to prefect 6aj.torai. Tbe ep!o;te ag&t aed ia tbe gun ia s miiiare of ase:yles aod air. aod it i f red by an ec;r:a igniter. Tbe use of acetylene ia tie gnu i. to o'OTate tbe oeoet!'. of keepioj t apply of eipioe material a tad for char:o iba foa Tbe cannon U ooLLeoted wit a 3 cetylest geoerator, aod U tbca aJwajt ready f or oe. It u rated Uat 6i pvuad of carbide aerrea tor aboot 1,000 etarfa, aad will Iaat in mentt. Tbe f alee beta tbe expeioa cbamber and tbe aoaiyleae generator if controlled eiectrlcaJiy, aod the oporttioa of lb gxn otti.aU in clot- i'jg tie gaa.ta.Te circuit far a few oooada, tbea opeckg it aod c:oug tbo ituter circii: to Cre tbe cbarre I: i aa'd tbat a batury of foni may j ! e v a r a Kr area. : a4 b otJ "t'"!.'t fr st kert ix.".cs do gm-at davit?, a ei!c x'.iirw r-a fci o mt to do goe i rt it. Aat f r rmifn. OseraiV tghil'tf, UrawT iiao'd we be f tp-er-d to tate to bi iater- . ib anieaxe eik-a-a at the Paa-AtLerw-aa Ltp-;tkB a peof-;e bo r3r it ci wbere axk . , . . . . , i IB Im itt Coiftt J a a '; hire T,stM f.e OTt-f wiaca ti fi! tf :te i::?T i I cvcttr, at, a to j for f lra wojfc sT ; ii:hrJ. Ts jtssir -G-mt7 vl tfc tg""-e zJ rr It? fat. bf doia a besisr fa:r iti. Hep i: tkj cci-.;ci to pro?pr. Tts tii t::o'. bjird roria- J l fcj t'trtiog M. V. r Tae Odea I'evjfit !a't wk bid j--.e acoi mr'.-.e cp of th? adrs:g We ;ue :o r a piper ; town. a tr.. .j to imc 5:3j,uj 4 otT rest bund to po.'ch?e tb Hanaiba! Wtier I eoxpany, or e.-ec: a cew p!ant. Tbe Higjicvii'.e acbool beard met lat weeet aod orgaaiai by e!e:t!D 0. W., present; E. W. Krose, i-preiJeB:; G. A. Ctaiub'.iD, treas orer, acd Situ J Kk'ticbrcidt, secretary . Tel?pboBiu Acrots the Oeean. Yt lib La new mear.) of comaiunicat cg acre, tbe ocean. Dr. Tppio U full in tb ptblic eye. Tbe mere intima tion tbal it will goon bo pouibie to telepBooa acroes to Earop, has aroued great pablic interest, a fact that wil caaoe many to be very careful ia tke study ttey wil! make of tbe Pan American eib'.tua aloog this of pcaibility. It would aeem t though Te.a aod Fupm are aoont to establish new tood of friendnbip bf'.weeo Larop; aad America. TbeGlargow Teiepdonc Eichange is putting ia a io". of new phone and blending their liitee. Glaigow Mi- IEE TIC& WEEI B.UELIS. Etry Moodai aod Thoradij acewsp.. per a rood a a mactiine and better for it coeuia tbe latest by teleeraph u well aa isier tmV.ce ttor'.M la aot to the tub acrlbern' Ihe "Twio-a-Week" Espnblic, wbleb i ocly a 1 a year. Tbe raao who rtada ua "lwica-a-Week" Kepubl.e koowa all aOoDtaOaira, poliiiual, aQmeatio aod fonsieo eranU; 1 Po-xl aboot l& narktu aad 00oairoial rjauera taaerally. Tba xiau who raaoa tb"Two-a Wk" EepaMic (aUera a bit ol ?laabl iBfomtaiioo aboot kotutohold afaira aod late fabibB4 aod ada rcr:loB m tbe br ght atonoa that come nader bo: a iht beadiar of faa aoc fkKJ0. There la fOMipeoooteew book aod aaoaaa othe topo of 4pMtiaJ laternt to lb wtde aaake at aad woaaaa szm m cx,tt2airTi5 ji.iJ oi r the COLO. LaxatiT Brcmo-ia!oiD iableuearea ooid la ooa day Jo co. bo pay. prioa Soaata. Jell-0, tie .Hw Iktrt. ta ail ta family, four tATOrt -ieuoo. crat, rat 5rry ano aVawberry. At your Groen ifccefita TrjrrttOy Whlte'a Vern,i'ajr B0t obi """"'J owiircj worra. It la-' oaU,.aP?rtit,a;diaaaiiLililooand! traaafonsa a frail lotaat Into one ol robaai baltb. Prtae, 64t. For C 1 t. Craoabaw A Yoaa , Col . ... a cyfa r.wb.cbw,:- be fce:d amje. 1' ---rr,3 ' ' ' twos. ! 1. the ' court .rf Ulyette Warr-a y H , -hSr.V".:"Bilt "n"s'- Hartal will ,o;e oo a propotio. ?S r-i 'H i r-r v:lt4 X- r-. p T t I II I ILvJlL.! .. T . - -Itin' .--t i Uf.t n v , .., .... , . . 1 1 v 1 i i ....... ... Vf. ' . nt.1 ra. a l' ct ' ui .4-. " ; r,..,, ..TTirillVT v . . . i . . i , .vl rr-.- rrr;-.; i FINAL -L-lTLLiSEXT in iri..-. rait :.- t"Vr-: ':;:i4 iT- . .c i2 r-- V tMT i- kit. I HlMt-j V S A ILZS. -!?. A is. -.trt jr. FINAL .SETTLEMENT. Xjy "vvty t t- a erittor ara tis- t.5.i-it.-r w.ii ait. :j t s.iX itl ! -t. f.f :b f . t o jr. d Li.''"t onyr ty. H'.rr. v wet X.!vi t..: It T- '.j'jrt ir., :hv r-ty i f L-.r.t. o. oc ta p--bi.;Aa:u:trt..r. ,JU .'joi jscj ic t. nr'i M t HILTON -' Putua Admiinat:.'. FIN AL iETT'LEMEN T. " arrery c(n Vt ii cr!it.r ao-i "to'T i- rv. u-.xrtei a. Xb rwiatof Jid S. K. L .-k. ii,-A-f-i. tf: t? uiyrfMlrr.-iJ t oirMran ;a a;pl w mf a fSaai afttlf n..t t.f naiit,-; t Uur M of the rryAtc.-)Lr.ff La;eyrt;ciji.3:j.Mi.; jrf. t. t- ljn anJ h-T 1 ,i ihf pr ,b;j( oourt rrrn Ittk city vf U i tvvooa tor Mooit !e vy, F.KCK CA J. RE.VICK. -H Adxicii'.ratril. RUSTIC B. 30763. (RECORD 2:22.) Brel aad ownei by Joseph R. Bar. net;, proprietor RJeSeldS'xi Farm, Lexington, Missouri, will mika the seuoo of 1S01 it his fara ft mile, southeast of Leiintoc, near Prairie churcb, at 115 to icure, moiey due as soon as tbe fact, is ascertain or mire purte-J with. A ltrj is reiioed on the colt for otrtioe u.o:icy. N rcspoDslbilify for a?cli-?nv. H JttiC K. 7 eirs y,ti, !o iijDis. 2 inches hlih; dirlf rij with b!i:k p mil-, it Ad six;, weiir'n- !,3..o po jr, j,, w:t'i both iXi" and cpaMrj'a' Old nian an.-? tiii l:'it:f h. :re-i t Sz)nft be ij N-j'.a-.oi, N j. o. wi ! .i."i;i.iw(33 h th'.- pr-'rieraunioo as vr,. Cf pj; o'o h Iklaoci. No. Nf wcmt l; cs-o. Mai.e Vi;;-.-, dj?:i of tfcr in thd lit, b? Geor Wllke. r-corj :-2; I;us-.1C B. s l,t iira. M.rtr.i. ty Mer:uar, No. by Ie:r3-,tt, No. 64; 2oi dam ly Ai Wc.;, No.; be by Alcior.t, N3. 3i; ::j oi;, fcy Miroii. duke, No. 90S2; ;th daai by Idol No H7; be ay Chief, No. ll! JOS. R. BAHITETT, i at DIL ALVIN V. XOLE PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON Off. ; M-M BaiWiRif. Pbor.a 1 Eit-i..ticw: ltb aid Frakiit. 'i'tMc. s LtXINOTON, a;:iOURl. STEPHEN N. WILSOX, ATTJRNET-A7UW " WIT Qfi VPV1 t t IitiMJK, a S.i7Se.I.T1'w- Ba." Bujdiaf ll "4 kE -. .i ckd r"e Sal ia rrtitJ0B ol ViWJrKU E-ttirtatiKviarj ' tMr -4 ia p.fua. ! a dfrrr and 7 , ;B !W. ,M w.rk V I.. ' Trv" f Ia-c 8 u. aic . Ti f- L-iTtw Uway.TriU .. r, rv nd iwrvrde.J ; Tart?rar. the ixsvextu dat - - II n 'inrrisiiii and ir of lr . .l!Cvl.r-va.r!lMi ,4 ' cf ?.- lir l-ll Wit i.f tin- :r.r It j --' B.3VrE l.'..t.ll r?.).tTjr7- .i . . ia Mjg iv, aa:p CT;' j !. f vur ..iiv f.j j t ',. -o I r'' 3 ,-: ' of w,f ' ir. U'titiir tr- (. f.i. i court u;.sa it ! -.'jm t-rn;.: ..n .-.b Iuim m t4 ts TPai'smrs SALE r.a "JilB-aft : J us.f r.. 0,.v J 4- mry V -. .. . v tr. . uf rrxrt-r of d.-Wi 'r Mr J V'i. v- . Hi t'KWj M.H-,V u; rw.o f fi . t5of 0- t.rt-twenty-. UT, t . f n,.. 8 V V." -. wt.'o ta'w.ty-r..- .i.. ,J- , tbe ..feW ccrr of tm t.;'. vf t.a...cT4T; tr-"iCi';'.,Via."r--'..-.-i . i .. .t . S.? ': W ,b " ' -TtTtt e" 8ol--ta? fM at thp DLU tf t. iMunr, Tli F TM AV i.f MAY, J-ta.i ts, fc,,i;r, of r . . ai ... 1 ta et of e,,,,;. 1U trL.i ORtM u TAfT. Trw,v I.' t.'i t . . . . . . ORDER OF PUBLICATION. M .:ay, atwa lith. A D.. 1' -- ' auua w ;,iT .1 dun 0 u,.o,t w i. Wi-..n.V,,Ki , adm: M'x. Iwetije pmy.u, for a. om,t f.. ,,c, i f Uf r: eui.- of u . ( J in ub 1 0t by aaK.a.-Ab, ao l yrt ueV,, want of lut , a.v oapnlI?t. tft V0mnt. anil J7-.7..pTf r law lnucbfM. 1 Pv Oafiwa.ivawa tbfi( it u ordrrd tau til Ptrfi, lovfffated tn aaid uur n V? tanaapUBM aforeTa IX d ojmru to be bon t ..-VrtTwaVTb it's ' :o.tyr a. ronunit lout "i'a pro- . An,! It m l.ntrt oni.jwd 1, mll.. I tMAnd Wi aaid ....... .. .... -Prr owJtwy bafure ta roomie . V: . wit t rot f tkw rrv a wva oopv , w r li -n l a raj aw-. wb M ofVat VaT?a5: totTi a prarjp. prom jtaor, nfj,c ib;o, ln ,M dWcr t.Tfuv.ifr.4 Ai.J wtfr-vj prtn-ifl' t note tr.turi J.0l;r, la t rj j. mi r.oniii r"tT-' u-r..-.. - ' 1 ::z.:y, k t urt. tai ata eayot r.- :o;;,rn.',i "' l' t. -t t fVacty Ooart of Ul n:.-:;-;:;; ----r " J urJ.lonVu'at tf' " t..:rrV. of Adjnink.trr WW I h i.-.-.-. . :iV' f r I WJJ Acoeiea- I it cji.n. atta,.ar- . . ij. ,-1 on t. .,. Bi.k a (Vf 1 SlMTifi 5l ia p. J Jo V lfl U Ui. IraKk LaaL:4 brr ka,. RachH 'kttUWIii. a , r-, iff h.r aat Aa U.Lya. M ! anl lItr.r. "urtr,i"l' " T J ,r of . O. rrU. . i' i trexm UolW of la, 'CT'u Xht atT atH-rf 7"r- Monday, April tb, iW brWrW tbe boun n .... . . ' U..t day. tw fr.l of thA u.,rv, in th.utf of L(iy,u, Th hatf of ke v1K.- l,.y.uOJ P8,, itm audrr Bit band ti . SHERIFFS SALE. Tradfn Bank, PUlctiff. C 0 Kinkead. T C. U-ia-i-. tiiog. IVtro-iaou. i B Tirtu of an e.-utioc . o t Ue cWk .,f tbf cinv7r Ulavftte count,, Mwvt. laV J Irmifra Bauk aad a.a, r " T. C. LawtfUlp aoj g gj air-cud and rvturuablf t . .? ' 11. at Learnt of uud coart. 1, fc WOSDAT, APRIHi, '., bftwel tbe boura of o'cio-k in no aod t oci-ica in to- a'wrB, s day. in front of toe cumkT"1' Cy of UitDctoo. dur.n irfad! c:rcu oxin. sell pubjc T J " th ayrW bwlJw ror V.a ,n il'jr' r.irrx one, intftwt, eiaim a-wi L S-t,C H lawUtU, E Md. deffodaot. in uid , Xfiu , tolbef jUtwibj drwiol reaiefj' iy:ne aii beia to tfce ocMy'cf Lv' anl te cf tn. uvwiv i',' U-Jfk -t.- bat City. J! .. js-' OiTec uodcr ty hjcd tiui i;t t Mrva..,.. tK'AHi Sir; 5otk- w Bridge lontnKion I "111 kt to the towe&i aad be-t bic it, , nfrssAY.AritrLsoiuL t Watdeu beat bridre fnr, tatrtT l.r :c-t :w:C. t. t r.:eA;ot-.Ka. aaitt a.--rttt4 r 1 t--r f.i ti. tj-ii-.t.ii)t- :,r,t ' ,'l f.aa w.-.i t.te .itc at irij.f 3CUC J ra i:J';j.t-irir i l.n ar. I sic .11 kil n .l te -. T i atcar.c brl t a ttr l.w i rt -j it.t..r iiUlia it D. .KEai BOND CALL Hi.Mt r f.f Wanbioct -o t n.:p. U!. ,r h-trbr ivtir-d tb! (jott !waiVr-. ili'.fd Aartt I. U, of IV tirn s ca V &i Vai.tii.-r 1 Can iJ tvr tn:h 4y of April I. 1)TIjC' Court cf LtftTTtt piiAb f r: ora f t.- e t6t Tr vary "f ' .- Uf aal i:f ii it-.t.-rft Uff ; lv or jrcf tei'onttrOe3flff Urr. ."ut:;. t..;ii ta.aia y ' Vfcs PRANK TK JW Cri cl the Coaaty lart :.f U.i;rf C-icty. M v BOND CAU. ?i .urr. cf fto!--Bir Towaaiip Ia'iik! ' iir.:. If ivjurl. Be f per efa:tiuiri T. ! :Kicd Uxit boalas!3tprrr4uti i'.'J Acfa.,t I. WU, ot tb vnocju-j.i s v rac&. tiTf o f n aeciart3 uw tJ b oo the team Car cl Atx.L "juntr Ociirx cf utd Lafafftir 0i f-.j it at tae oSce ot U Cwt.t j Tth. (t Lf a,ftt focntf, at Lxififtfa, l x;r oa wtich day aAd dole ailnw U;-rfOn w.U cctK. By ordr of the Cnoty Court of Ufi; Cwuaty, Htaaoiui.taiaaday of kr.i T7USK TGOR-f TOi Ofrk of the fVfcnty Cocrt of Itfiwl voiy. sisoarv BOND CALL Foideraof Ler'srtoa Towsabt ?i Lafijn CvKii.'.y, M.ourt. ire til per cent botar i-cifcj it (cat Duca tttwrsi ll 17. U aad 14. taW aofuat t, id. OI l . ta. :'ird aue kdj riyibieoo tsc trrltli' Apr.i. by tbeCovnty OoartMUi4 ;it:t C.taiy. fyUe at the oZjt "- .t.t i-rrr oi uiTie inn 5 Lxtituti. LjARirtoii whbdymo?. i .-.-: la' rr-Q w'M ceaae. ! 3t cr Jrr ot the nocutT Coart Lu"f tiik ritiic to 16 ij',.r!, tb : Oi.. ut Mmvi. tM. b tae trl r" b, cur tii.taoajnuaM fd "i " H rv-ir to i.t Ji. ci to tt J yar aft. r itn ct .if this o" ar -A'f b pre-1,J a,y trv6l r-f mr k3J if r kia. be emae thibli4 a:1-' rir fr.. it, ptHjo!ao uf tii rfcf'1' I 1 I r barrel Tt it,, ot brury, r?i A j' U Aa" PIBLIC ADMISIs-IiUTOli SOTICU M tf. if 12 crVr of the pt uai cw wf ta 'ca c' JjAh K iti-rv rfi,. Ail Br" aa..tL ulm muu: ad artvi;-ri OrxijtTl taMD f Jf ajc'iS' th A,1 -r r wrL.v witatn vkr afut. Jateo ioImvn oetty awiyoer- rials be t.-t w.ta.a two y?!IE " Cam cf Mud iaowra taev will e will t tw" oarra. Thia fcl day cf lu W-l 14 PUBUCADMOISTRATV'S l'(Tirl By T'rtja of aa of-T cf U prt of Lafa.ftt. county. M '.aaourt. d " Xarrb ti, ln, laaetaacaarrev!'c ol Madvoo li;ta.lcad Mtate are rtoalrrd to aiBiMt ttra f aocn to ti ad tern pernor w.ia:o r aftr tb l il of Irf.'r or ttf c'. fnra any bfoSt ? od If cJtr, Ur tw "t- ''T.w t? )mti from ta oatt cf aai w'u t barrad. '" m til.,ioa,. dar,MTZJ aiaartftotb blrvt t. t . Ai all thr r-.,ht. t;?.'' 0-f. .i,aiv of. U aadW it Vi 71J w. .tt. a.tu i. 'v 1 i ja r.CHi,? rMfcU Jud TaiXdayof Harb.Unl. a-.bU lubb( AacJo-'- f the 1 or