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I INSURING THE WOMEN. OUR NSURANCE. tn property insured, oc 1 by tenant or owner. ; written in ?ny town in y. Will com, and make inspection, and name upon application. , Will )E .anything. Write or on him at office in ngton. Oplaloaa of Mfi I the ltaalaeaa R (ardlaa; th Proportionate KUk la Carry-luff Tkrm, Missouri Pacific-Lexington Br. W. LTIN il REAL ESTATE . ;ale in Lexington. Farms ale. Houses to rent. If have any real estate to place it in his hands no il no sale. Office in ington. IB Abstracter, Loan -AUD Insurance Agent rm sad City Property for eele or rsnt MONEY TO LOAN. ,11 loan money on Improved farm lands at 6 and 61 per cent Interest. Jflloe front room over Tevls' drug store, Lexington, Mo. Woman Is furnishing some fine pres ent day problems for tlie -insurance companies to solve. The question as to whether the Rex should be discrimi nated against In the granting of poli cies is one that is being widely agi tated. Compared with the number of men who are insured, the number of women is small, jet this number is giving- the officials much food for tnought, ays the New York Herald. A prominent insuranre ninn who lias made a careful study of the situation and has delved deep into, the figure" bearing on the subject shews that, while the mortality among uninsured women between the ages of 21) and 45 years is less than among menKthe mor tality of insured women of this period is greater than among men or the same ages. In other words, mere are more deaths among a given number of in sured women than among the same number of Insured men. This startling peculiarity is setting1 the actuaries to hazardingguesses.One expert Is of opinion that the more acute mentality ot the woman serves to give her warning of coming fatality, and that she, is thus enabled to hurry into an insurance which will profit her heirs, whereas a man in the same phys cal condition, but with blunter pereep- tlons, would feel no advance warnings and would neglect the caution that is palpable to his sister. Or, as it is put uv this expert: 'The finer const itntlon of tne nerves of women undoubtedly enables them to feel earlier and before they are per ceptible outwardly those ailments and chancres which may be going on in their systems, and, however indistinct such feeling may be in them, yet they are more impelled by It than men to take precautions against the threatening evil. "Allusion Is often made to a faculty of presaging peculiar to single persons, and attributed In a higher degree to women than to nvn. If such a faculty of presaging really exists it may result from natural causes, but it forms at the same time n sort, of Influence against which lifeinsiiraneecompanln must be on their guard. At all events, these offices cannot te sufficiently cau. tious In insuring women, and are per fectly entitled to demand a higher pre mium from women than frcm men. Then there are others who hold to the view that women when they come to be questioned by the medical mea of the companies are apt to be less lion. est in telling of their physical condition than are men. It is charged that they are prone to "forget" ill health or to argue themselves Into the belief that they have had no ill heolth, and so they "do not consider it worth while" men tioning to the examiners. WBst BOUNOT8A1N8. No.ri. Leave 81. t.olitn MCiiini Arrive tieuulU spiu Coiiwnlia... 4:uJm ' Aullvilie :i.pia " HiifKiiutvllle pra " Vane lluv i ' I'm Lexington 0:11 1" Mynt'k M yiu Wellingt)u. Waterloo. Nhm)Iuoii Independence)., Kansiw I'lty ... HL. Joseph DAILY. Ik'.M iim , 6.4U pin 5:47 pui , U:4."i pill . 7: IS pin kLMisiCo CASHm 'roduce Buyers DRESSED POULTRY. QUE ; FURS. EGGS AND EWER. 04 DUANE STREET, ; NEW YORK. rite for Our Present Paying Prices BAST SOUND TRAINS. No. 74. Leave ft. Joe :impm ' KAnsHSlliy n:u pm Indepndouce 6:10pm Niipuloou 7:04 pin Waterloo ...7:14 pm Wellington 7:W pui " Uyrlck 7:;ispm H:L'8IU 8:87 uin 8:47 am :! am In: 05 am 6:00 nm FdocIhI rules to Kansas City every Saturday evuuing sua Sunday. VICTORIA'S OLD FRIEND. Jane, I.wdy Chnrchlll, Loan In Queen's Service. Died Just . llefure llrr. th No.TS H:l. pm . 6:ue am U:fMtM :4 am' lt:SS am K-41 am 8:l0am i : is am 7 ;ii am :; am 7:4U am -M am 9M am 1:05 pm No. 7. 6:25 am Bi.vtam 7:40 am 7:44 am Ttflam 8:01 uu Lexington 7:1? 8:IO:un FWfe City s: in pm HiKKlnsville BUI pm Aullvi'le H:a ira Concordia : pm IMiiUa 10:0.n)in 8t Louis 7:iuara . Fast R to am.. 9:4.1 am. 10:115 an. . 0I1(U pin. Dally, rKKIOIITS. Leaves Lexinpton ' PrtitetJity " H'lfinsville.... " Aullvill" , " Concordia Bedulut West 8:35 am 2:5' pm i i. pm pm l:ln pm 10:40 am except .Sunday. Jefleron City, Boouville ami Lexiiiir- t4jn Division.. MIXED DAlLf EXC. BUNDAT. No. 72. No. 71. I.iave. Arrive. 7:irHin Lexinirton 5:11 pm 6:t'inra Myrick 4:4o pin S:Viam Norllirup 4 1! pin l):num Dover 4.() pin :2; urn Edwards U:.V pm H:5aru . ...Waverly a:ilO pm ll:;inu n Harstmll l;lspm 'J;i.PHiu RiNJiiville 3:" pm 4 4ft pm . . TipUm 4 4H pm Heaauowu. m-aa op, SANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North teiclmrton : No. -m (dally 7:45 a. m Train leave North Leximrton: No. iU, Express (dully) a m Alain line trams pass bezington juucuou OOINQ CAST. No. H, (dully)... -v- - i' ( ii tiiT ii "1 lflilnil I mm inry " , Whitewashing; in All Colors: Good Enough for Outbuildings. It lias been used for Interior walls instead of paper or paint. Its odor and scales have been endured because they could not be cured. ButMuralo.the Interior Wall Finish, bas driven it out of doors where it belongs. Muralo is Modern, Ready for immediate use when mixed with cold water, and easily applied by anyone. Muralo is unequaled for coating walls aud ceilings. Twenty-three tints and white. You cannot learn about It too soon. : S -.: Sold by Crenshaw & Young. HEW SERnCE VIA TO 1. 4, No, 1, a, 5. I, l. California Liiniled. OOINQ WSHT. (diitlyl 9:l am lo:oo h ui 7:1.1 pm S:a p m a:47 a m " California Limited . . ftM a in Ij'.jnani . ii; to am li:7pm 6:40 p ni J. D. Easter. Jr.. Aittnt. W J, niack.Q, P. A..Tupcka, Kas, Chicago and Alton Railroad. OOINO BAST. n No. 4) am Bliickburn .... HlMU Alma lo:()7 Oordur H:5 HlKirlnsvliln U:M) Muyv'ew ::tH lXUa :i liauisCiiy Dak Grove 8:05 No. 61 pm a. a 8:17 :(if n No" 4 pm K 9 VS. No. Kit Din 1:45 1:S 1:00 H:o5 iu sr r::so 7:47 .... 11.50 7: 10:18 11:10 7:i0 .... 10:08 7:11 .... :) SAM ANTONIO. VIA WACO, 8. A. V A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO AUSTIN. VIA ELGIN AND H. 4T.C. Through Tourist Sleepers CALIFORNIA, Via 6AN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC RACKS & EXASof Effective March JOth, 1901, Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. QOINO WIST. ;flTR0N & TAUBMAN, i i LBX1NOTON, MO. f ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, m ESTATE INSURANCE, l MONKT TO LOAN Havt the only oomplete sot of Abstract eeurd ot Title to toe Lands of LafayetW ountf. OFFICE in HRRE BUILDING J 0. WoRTIIIKOTOIt, 8. N. WlMON LEXINGTON, MTHBOUBI. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. AD8THACT9 OF Til LB MAI)B. Will loan monoir on improTed farm lauds at 6 and 6Vi por cent Interest : OFFICE IN IliERLE BUILDIXO, Only a short time before Tier death Queen Victoria lost a lntly-in-wuit iiiy who had been devoted to her service for 40 years. This was Jane, Lady, Churchill, who died the other dny at her home ear Windsor, says a London paper. Three years apo her honlth be came so feeble that she was com pelled to) forego her usual trips to the continent with the queen and retired to her home at Tver, about seven inileH from Windsor. There she lived until her death. The queen visited her regularly when she was in residence nt Windsor custle., Jane. Lady Churchill, is the "Jane" and "Jane t hurchill"! referred to so frequently in the queen's book of memoirs. She was 74 at the time of her death, but youthful in appear ance, and she used to llutter herself on her resemblance to the princess of Vnlc. She is snid to hnve possessed a more intimate knowledge of court life than any other woman in Kn(j land, but all she knew has died with her, an she was one of the uiost dis creet as well as one of the most Blackburn.... Alma Uurdor Hlptrlnsvtlle:. May view Odessa B.nce Oily.... OakUruve.. . 2 No. 48 f& 4 J '.44 :M t-M 6:20 6:i 6:45 Co E - t o. ji am :M 8:57 7:o7 7:17 7:80 7:45 8:IK1 8:08 . w No. 60 am 1- No. 101 am 8:30 8:00 5:30 9:85 .... 10:2 5:65 11:10 .... 11:N .... 13:20 Trslns No. '01 and 101 dally except Sunday A II irtSwr ruiim djiilv. t Excursion tickets soul to KansnsCity Satur- dav eveninits. Siimlny morninirs, ana nunnay evening at ono fare tnr the round trip, good for return np to and Including Monday morn InK folldWinir. ' ihronirh tinknbi and ehpoks to till cnlnts. ' Round trip tourist tickeison sale to all tourist points. .. ,. For furtlier Information call on or address: , W. 8. LVOXH, Tlekot Apnt, 1 Telephone No. 50. A 0B CAT NEWSPAPER. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis republic is a marvel of - modern news paper enterprise. The organization of its news service is world-wide, complete in every department; in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustrated in daintily tinted colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section contains more nigh class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural dolors are faithful of her majesty's ladies-in-waiting. She was tall and slight, her dark hnir was streaked with gray, and she waa always noted for her strictness n lil... nn nil fitl.titlnn. ftt flennrf1. .... She w. In a measure the especially vnluable to the ladies. .. i..n.. i,. n,..n wifi. The colored comio section is a the. news of all that happened in the genuine laugh-maker. The Ifunn'y car nutiri world, and frenuentlv acted toonB "kre by the best artists. The for her when the sovereign desired humorous stories aro high class, bv to do some courtesy or show Borne kindness not altogether compatible with her rsnk. I She remained in the queen's serv ice until the time of her death, al though for the previous two years she had been compelled to give up some of her duties. Her son, Lord Churchill, began as a puge and h now a lord-iu-waiting. Tree. Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. rcc .L. a n,.:i,l: eherrv-tree story?' Venice m wic ivicuii .,,; peaehl" shouted Billy Barlow. Lexington, tyissouri. Puck. .. Another Sort, of "Now, children," said the pretty achoolmarm. after relating the affect ing tale of Washington and his little lmrry Vutehel. "what (10 VOU UUI1K oi iui authors ot national reputation. Sheet music, a high-class, , popular song, is furnished free every Sunday ir The Republic. o The price of the Sunday ltepubllc bv mail one vear is $2.00. ior sale by all news dealers. What Shall We Have lor Desert? This Question arises In the family every dav. Let us answer It toJuy. Try Jell-O, a delicious desert. Prepared lo two minutes. No bakingl add hot water and set to cool Flavors: Lemon, oranKO, rasplierrv aud straa At your irrocers. 10 rents. o This offloe dues all kinds ot prlntlo at reasonable prices, and the quality oftbe work cannot be beaten anywhere. "KATY FLYER" St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAIfta HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. Announces the Opening of its a Red River Division mTOm Denison and Sherman, ... Texas, a Through Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Kansas City over the J J J Shortest Line to Texas AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO 1'.; MinHRB?' AND POINTS IN frt(nVfL tttif 'fiti- AND TERRITORY BEVOND. t?T" " rty . , , PiisnuKor and Ticket Af""- Hiitif Insvllle, Mo. Wnl rm, ' .. Jl Oso.J.CiiABl.ToN.W. P.T.A..CIileHifo, llli " " r-r ' " " lW 'T n B Tl j:ui B l 1 i j si . a I rfcTrI ETC Vmw,tKrv,re SPANISH LICORICE Unburpasbee tor cure orujuuns-vLua fop all Throat A.ffectiors -IOandZ5V BOXES- Sold by Druqqibl everywhere or ent Jy -Prepaid on receipt of price e7kufo'if 663 Broadway 'NwYoRK' m -MKua n -on es jxit -w ui)Of ll yl -mot) v W 9 oi f s Jt vAM IdHVll 'O0I iu fill CP Curert by Cllnuix Salvn. I ILLO or price roruuueu. HHll,f:ii' All drUKglaw. 11 l I HJHl ? 1 .aw muz.? r mm B IjHVlt -QU MJ . Xijl wiiinin HXr7vai Ull IUM (wi ouj jo injuria iiuo jP 'A;y sstUpjtinoo uoiiiib VJjI'Sfl 31OlJI iuoooinion"oM VL7 (If I (IIM'lHJ"""',"n'J! . --ri eUOIH flO A 3XTW TnK-" 6Q33S S.U3Z1VS,, Get all the news in the Intelligencer. -v, " v i V 1 I --aVN j ivlae b gave young men lo last ;u tho i..hs wook't DBoer. He said; Th m.n I been .ea " to de,ena tlSTf assume msanlty, however, It is safe l(, aav . bat in ' ni I r:'' - A k I Ni.ll " .r... ne "Pp?"nen-, prepared tot The funeral or the Into