Newspaper Page Text
The Intelligently. -, ! cttdtf given W lt CC.iarrn .ir ..-v- ,-epro. ru.... Me tK- can of bi tempe" fd cra;-New L O- NEALE, Editor aa4 Piofrlelof. k-Merel 1 .t..r prl acd boys -Oatmeal jtacU.i a,'. - urn.. - - a um- to be agreed cpon as tbe food " , m a prr. . nh iprwa c . ! ".--. I . hence- i . . nvhC fe.Hl I eooca riid op angeilC GiTf'""" - ' pT Ctasgl&g iro " TER-nS, $ P YEAR. MrCauslands Price List evil teedeooe " PTe4 " io of Mtain kooi little AibiE now. Aruiealdo adr to b PP' .. . . i atesB to iBCKX-r a aaeCol keart dc ke -m pol1 at, ky Fuooo. from tbe wild of lbe J.oWt$ d lbe -rw of tk preent admlnbirauon. v t k jina'co of a tew week. tfor bi advising bw follower to till warder the Amencaes and lie Aggie of today who now pro claim to bL people "By acknowledging aw. accepting the sovereignty of the r;ud Nate, witboot reservation, I jto Weekly K Tbere i. . 1 Ctj!dn.b..fc- - arrwt f lbe a.oun keeper - rc. 1B Uiiioa l,i , 50a xsr is ft.irlinc prints. v.. .. , v .nli dress pnnis . .. ,clin. ner vara rweoi-.v by Mr. C.rr Nsw B(J for which effenx b wm fi f This look lite riiS P1 tnd wilo:cg sw log- au'.ini If jilting iwti un-fc- steel bou for VeoezoU ate ome of ; tbe ite contracts tken bv a New; York firm. Tnt lbe kiJ l i'T ixuroT' J U aj.ptaraece , ". ...- -r,m four to; Cbanf ia i tk ..blai.kt fbeets i nn m ir I mix vwv Kof5ie. Tbe l5nu.i..iciE hM etaapJ iuj f.vm to five-column quarto. obsolete Ubanoa Tbei . v.. dWlJM IBJUIW'C- i v nitre - panioa that we lite .o e doubt bw appre. ,Ld wben Cuba traotea - k. ,,. rrtJers.loTer j tboot rwerratwn, . ti1 Waitfier;W oT .J-veihatlam serrirg n-J beiovea, , am!"1'' J 4- i1-. C, and ;t,,t a a fl Ml - ,i W- A BWaflA 9 J. This embraces, i ruti, uoh'. oir 4, , and all the best brands. . a . m f rron Muslin the best brands 4c, 4,1 c. 5c and RPadv made pillow cases ana k- r d made bed sheets.. 39C 49C 55C 6:c and ;J 3 at AilIC .... Extra Urge and neav iu-. Linen towels, a large assortment 10c, iz, 15c, 20c. 25c.and::i . 1 i;na - ....I5C JSC. ad 1.. White table linens -25c and nptoS,. I inen napkins uu UP 10 Linen crashes ; 5- . oc and I2j! Dress ginghams, best graaes ana .-;a and i;; Best percales "c . locand,:-; A full line ol wasn iaunts iui "u mu suns. Remember that we are headquarters (or Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Etc. An advance ot two do'.Ur a ton on ateel rail U tir?t b!ood f. tbe biUioB .Toaairr." Ha. . orj,r, 10 ill country, bwobt aboat by takiag h m ia out of . - -tt wet, hocMBR bim wunia ioe w- . . ., . f . n.U and feedini -ftin&B e wai vt k .rri ' " ia, 0B cboxc Axencan beef ana nmir dolIar itw.i lrQSt. Tbe afltaoee 10 -a4 candies and boo boo, tbus prov- ;tlte effect en Miy isl, &ut the bi fel :rtbtnnhof tbe old adsge, that tb',0WSi j j. Hfll and lorp Gouid, w t aio s heart is through bi hjTe glven t llp .cd bare piaced -ach? H o, what an egTegiom orjcrs fore the advance. It is rounder tbe administration a.ail., onij tbe little fellows tbat will suSer waiter Dewty bad walloptd tt i(Qm lne jvaoce :!. in not ndin i .li. I l-.,!;-. .lmn r in"rr becaase argt of prevaion :neau 01 ...P-, r..,5... - . , G..d,ofsoldr.wKhpowd.r nd lead Aruencan trader are drmng I hem ool -lbe Philippine Uld f eo.fc of the grat metropolitan meat marke rr . ........ hfil.l Th home in-crelarv wul itir inbab lants ot oor oeeoieui m-.-L , Tbe UiiLgn j hioh ha herKotore been a nine. 1 L I. A i coiamn folio, ha bveo cLanga j ; ... r n v..! inns ew proprietor, sr. 1. ... hi.h m a vasi 1 nve roiuuiH u-. -- - 1 improvement. Saline Coouty Inaei. Tbe Lenculon ImLUiJKSCEK, no j.. ... ur. Mr. Iaac G. Neale, i ablv edited, and u written along line in accord with tbe histsry of that j solid paper. The Mifsourian wisbea; .occes to Mr. .ea.e ; m, lisoan8. if 1 Ttelv;nn Intrm Ii.i.nci R. one: which wi tntly pnr-i W. G. iWcCAU SLy AND. f WWWVrfA ... .v.. . ,urai m.r Anirwan competition hurt Jubn It u powioie idv mi" .' ki come front the fullneM of AjtRie Baif. fwlingv rwrt tbat eems now to be bobbin ,fc j, ,0 lrJ lhlJ ;f .,,er with ebnllhion. of patriotic devo- cup w UoDchH to h. adopted coonuy and bowrd , & ghe u to ow.-kbwrrowllbe remembrance Ktdy to .oomoch blood and aorv.- and de- j t o(J ffl(jci flTct.on. h read, very Wocb.u.tnelKared coj orotjlnf k speech ol a bad little boy 1a achuol bo , Aaa en coacbeJ ia a nice little. ,.. , ... .. - plogy tor hi bad action and then : The Boer war ha cost Kogland over f... , a 10 make his little tpeecb in fi'.OO.OiO.WiO aod tbe loi of thoataod f . . . ... ... .jji,. 1 of lier best aoioier ana an on account We abould bear in mind alo that of ibe tyrannical policy of forcing a ce bloe pecril cenorbip I atill in weak country to accept a goverBment -vtideoc in Manila and accept wiib thst is repusnanl to their ideaa of .oaie degree of allowance ibis beauH- right. tfui fairy tiry of Aggie conversion 10 ..-a full fledgfd loval American. THE MORAL OF IT. Kansas City is toou to have an eighteen story fky-scrsper on the nnrntr nf Vichlh anil V!nnt lrpfl. I 1 1 1. j. ' ' . . w.m. r- 'Tbe oojiouOi picture of Kngland i;eal estate being high priced, tbe condition as painted by Sir Hicks-' builder proposes to corner a tew acre iieacb, chancellor of the BniUh ex- of air in tbe opper stories. heqoer, inV hi statement made re- . . . .. . . 1 1 Governor lKcseiy gives out a state- nsently to tbe Bntisb paniament, should ' 6 J . 1 meot in Wednesday morning a Times P a warning to America. ' . .... ... rf ,v concerning the police cominnsioner 3 e ee Kngland, hitherto one of the r ,, . ...situation in Kansas City. The gov- vtrewresi nations 01 ioe woriu, uiuugiu .... , fc c - 1 1 eroor knows what he want to say and -almost to toe verge of financial ruin -LM s wai pun m vvmj.v .... w..- Jalntin stales at a cost double that of . tbe Crimean war, should be a lesson it rrmr own counirr. 11 anouiu icaca cbatnibv I. G. Ne. appeared last week in a Se column quarto term. It j U quite an improvement over it Old, for Honuville Herald. Tbe IPiiogtoi lMTti.U'.esert came! ool lut week in a 54lamo quarto; form instead of ibe old 9-colown folie it bae been for thirty year. While it doe not loo familiar at ill U U a great Improveraeut. Fditdr Neale i making a bright newiy paper paper eut of it. Odessa leoiOrat. Iiaac G. Neale has pnrcbaed fromj Lafiyeite Grore that splendid old weekly newspaper, the Islington Is- j TH.t ic.Ksn r, and is now in charge.; The form of tbe pipr has bten j , charged from a nine-column folio to a i WILLIAM D. HASKIS President. W. B.TEVI8 VksePree. WALTEh B.Wiui EU ' Ciahlfr. LEXINGTON SAVINGS DANK, LCXINCTON. PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI. $50,000 Dot a (eeeral baskine butiaeae. - SoUduaeconaU. Liberal aoeoiaaxMtaUflM laetoaeT. DIRECTORS B F NIC HOUHtM W D BASKIX JOHXRBTLAWU WAJ.TIK B waDSHI B HOPFMAM AOTOCSO D W B TBVlg STOCKHOLDERS I Walter B WaJdeU H Oupnan OWRTerl B Huffman Jno B Hjlaod WO Rankin BfuTouo Mr S Beaica ron!e w Bortua Alice W W matte Bettle W Btaltb H B Duke. Curator ' A O Touo C B Caapao Jackson Bradley Henry C WaJtafe B A Wallace WO Mc'ieM t) A Ir Meary HpM B rXh-koM LOCkspoti J. 1'ierpont Morgan bas not been i , heard from in Holland since he pur phuspil hi nnrn and nirtnrp. We will .as ibet even a minor nation when 1 probably bear next of hi buving the L . :. - j... f.... (.nmA AfLfl ; Lr.:.i.w I t. .a mm m ...... f .mi. ..lOflll ua lisv.ll wi mvujv . , i.iiiiu l.iuu w upr: m itsai vi Rims i bbwty, ihedearijsi wish of every heart, aiay cause vast trouble and expense lo -.AAtkin tbat is poweriul both on land .-wisd sea. tegland the tnost successful nation -tt ibe woild In tbe management of --wotrrea, with vat armies and the uw nowertal narv in the wot Id to r i ck ber, bss lost prestige as a juiiV'-ary power and spent money unlil be i now forced to add heavy add'u xaoaal taxe on tbe oecessarica of life to meet lbe drain upon her treasury. The leon to ns a a nation i to tavoid all entangling alliance with foreign nations, ateer clear of colonial -.uaxhnienu, silck to the principle of .fearon and anchor firmly lo tbe Veroe doctrine. With ucb a policy r cation mu.t continue to grew .-rooger in every Hoe, and to be a j'jv'uig exponent of lbe triumph of tbe principle of truth, liberty and justice. Tbe peopleof leadwood are going r invite President McKinley to i atteod tbe quartz centennial in that . 4iw in Jnlv. Tbe invital'ioi U to be 1 e"Taved on a gold elab two and a half vracbe wide and four iucbes long. Tbe rd will be presented at Omaha as JUr. McKinley pases through there mot his western tour, aud it may be altfly aid that Mr. McKinley will .accept the golden invitation. Aguinalddo's change of befctl is not more woaderlul, wben you come to think about it, than McKinley' csr- diacal acrobatic performance oo tbe Porto Kican tariff question. Independence, Mo., is the mecca of tbe Latter 1'av Saints in the I'nited Stale and tbey expect to build there a temple for the second coming of Cbrit. m 1.' . ....... . . nn.Lr oil 1 1 n r ' IlTe-CVItUIIIU UJIUV, auu. uij.j v...'. Nealu's ajanai aitnt, we predict many i impr-ivement in the In nil .i;:c:k. ; Cly lUunty Dciuocrai. Tbe Lexington iNTti.LU.fcNCKK bas i d scarded the old blanket sheet and came to our desk ll week a nobby five-column qoarto. It's a change tbat will certainly be appreciated by tbe readers and it surely is an improve. ; mest so far as the appearance af the paper is concerned. We congratulate ; our friend Neale upon the change. I . . ' : I . I .Missouri iuger. j The old lxlngton lvrr.i.i.iGKSct.B: . has recently changed it form from a ' " c i nine-column folio, to a five-columo ; quarto. This leave Bob While's I Mexico Irtger the lai sorvivor of tbe ; old-tirue blanket sheet weeklies. Thei lstTtuihss k i now owned and, edited bv Ike Neale. a Dractical m a paper man and an experienced ucisn. e wisu mm sucej County Post. Harris-Anderson Lumber 0 iIVtS VOL" THE Best Grades at Lowest Prices KEFOUE BrYING SEE ' J. J. RHODES, M'G'R., Le W. W. CORSE, M'G'R., Wellington, Mo. MCSGROVE. Sam'l I. Dr MUSGROVE & CO., SIGroceries, - Provisio FRESH AND SALT MEATS. (ireat I'.riilain borrowing fOli,0"0, A l l. i in lit. Ir.l....4 LI . I n. ..iin.l 1 .' j III IDC LII'ICU I'LllI ILLCUUJ .hows tne mceeiu-ing importance ol this country in tbe national family. So enthusiastic are tbe oil specula tors in Beaumont, Texas, that they bare started to boring prarpecl boles ia lbe streets of lbe town. Tbe damming ol tbe Nile will make the crocodiles below the dam imagine that Carrie Mation bas struck Egypt. England u making a tweet mees of it by pitting a tax oo Molasses to help pay the expense of tbe Boer war. The discovery of gold near Pana, 111., is causing some txcltetnirot ia tbat section of the country. A Texas oil atnke is a stn.e that result ia striking bratius to tbe striker. in lllmll iitiiin The Louisville ,V Nashville railroad, j tosf-ther with its connertinir ltnr. lias I inaugurated tbe Chicago Florida Lim- ited. wiuch is daily, solid train, wide ! Highest Market Price Paid lor Country Produce. .uhl,.U l.o-.L 111. ..j i with dinins c-r .wice for ail meals en Mullenix's Old Stand, cor. l6th and FranU route from Chicago to Tl)onias-ille. Ga.. jaCKsonvui aou m. Aujrusune. Ma. j This train leaves fhii-aim ovpr the I'M. f 0.MeCAC3LJD. Pre. B. B. IRELAND. Caakler. caj?i has! era Illinois tracks at 11 :ft . a. ai mooing via LvaiuviLe. Nash ville, Ilirminil.aru and Montgomery. M a. . a a. t i ... a riar.i system 10 jiCKnvi:ie. ana Florida Kaat CcslA to St. Augustine.' arriving at the latter city 7:: the next ! evinnt mkKinir uie iitHt t m w.r m r 1 a 11. A.ti ll.autt i . . I . TV ; ,H;n ' . . . .. .. . ... ..... MiracOf has annex s!eefrs leaving CiccinuaU ' aV"ui toUeotwo wui nourm pnmpt at. Lnrj i at 1 1 ta a. m., ana ?u isux at ..l") p. .. L ' L .... . ... 1 . . . dj., uicu .so run iuiousii. iir. t". IX5J.8LCSBU The Traders' Bank, ZalSSZXTOTOZT. S20. PAID Xir CiU'XTiiXa WiV'i rxinu oi Liberal UJ. WIUIU t3U I UU kUIUUll( till . . kr I Stone. Rvneral passenger aveut Uuis-i KlcHAED FIELD'r"" t. v. v ii - n ii . : 1 1 ... J . . 8. 1 ADR,, ville& Naehville R. IL, Louisville, CHABTXRID JA5CAKT rs.ifTJ. Paid Up CwP't1-'0 ,) -lisaer all inquiries couoeminz th's' min aiwl funitfb pnntieg matter coc-' cernmg it. CHARTXRCD JA5UAKT tV.lrTJ. Paid Up Morrison-Wentworth Banl t rvivr-Twr trcATTOV Tbtr.o...rcomDaBvfeMaeall w.a W,U 6"' B"kl Ul Aeroa.Uo-. anoe ja.aniiDouiivervtianie.ana o at BOARD OF DIBBCT0B4: k. IIh 4 1 Ik... I f I . . i lU.U.MIMLTHWII .WWI. iMf VIWll l gm p.aca. 'Vnr1 a:bPlt. fJ.Asdrew OiarlM Lyons, JfTBs. ' Cairo. a.m 14w. Mark. W. H. tumtos,