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The Lexington intelligencer. [volume] (Lexington, Mo.) 1901-1949, April 27, 1901, Image 3

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Gables DM Stand West of the Court Hons.
o lbs. Granulated or 25 lbs. of New Orleans Sugar for $1. 00
vith each $5.00 cash order of goods at the following prices
4 loose coffee, UcU or S lbs lor. . . . 86c
Man Mocha and Java, the very
st, IH pouuds for 11.00
ilaht Patent flour, per cwt t.W
r of old Country Soap lor Sac -
r lard, per pound 10c
t lard. 3H lbs., for 85c
. salt tat meat I pouudi for 86c
ikfast bacon parlb ' 12c
atoes leans for 85c
.atoeiTcuoa for..... Wc
.dard corns cans tor S5c
idard cora T cant for toe
can of beets..... 10c
aragus Tips per can S5c
ilea per gallon S5c
et pickles per gallon.. 4fic
r Orleans molasses per gal Ion .... 45c
.rl grits, 15 pounds for 25c
on and greens per cab 10c
e grease, B boxes for 25c
t Garden Seeds; a full line In bulk
and In papers at lowest prlrea.
m Saturday's Daily. 1
ral (rood farms for rent. Apply to
'lattenbr; t 2-10tf.
i. J. C, McGrew returned yes
f evening from St. Louis.
u" Leroy Farmer returned yes
if evening from Glasgow, Mo.
i Bert Taubinao lett yesterday
ig to visit her fattier's family
tada, Mo.
Ijulin Spears this morning ac
bicd his ulster, Mrs. George
H, to Wlnton.
C. L. McLaughlin has soot out
h of Walnut logs this week and
'p two more curs today.
Luther Crenshaw returned last
0 St. Louis, after a few days at
jere with his fathei 's family.
is Nellie and Mamie Warren
up from HigginsvlUe last night
i here for the tour around the
a Frances .Smith, ofC. F. C,
to Kansas City yesterday even
where she goes to meet ber
r. '
G. Baker and wife and cbil
eft yesterday evening for Kan
y, where they go to make tbelr
ransfer company keens a call book
aammoth livery stable and one at
ad Central hotel. Leave orders at
aces. tf
er Costello of the Catholic
Ihere, returned yesterday
from Sedalia, where he has
ending a tew days.
1 Florence Neale came dpwn
bi from Kansas City to spend
jays here with the family of
ter, Mr. Lewis Neale.
I. C. Sharp, of St. Louis, who
2ii visiting the family of Hon.
Wallace fr a few days, left
DjiiIiu for his home at St.
J'earl Cog, of Dover, returned
lit from Colorado Springs,
she has been teaching. She
xompanlcd by her little niece,
S Lflia Tidball, who bus been
everal days visiting her sister.
y. (J. McCausland, leftyester
(enlng fur ber home at Fort
f Tcx-
Goo. Clayton and Mrs. Martha
si, relatives of Mr. James Fin
yho have beeu residing In our
ert. last night to make their
it Sodalia.
women with female weakness euf
adtully from the piles in addition'
pother pains. Tbey may be cured
g Tablur's Buckeye File Ointment.
50 cents In bottles, tubes, 75 cents.
by Crenshaw & Young. 4-Oml
I John Donaldson yesterday
400 his way home from Kansas
where be had been to buy cat
s'; stricken with paralysis Ho
farted home from Blackburn,
test reports be is still uncon
I Col. Donaldson has many
I and acquaintances here who
aro with sorrow of his tnls-
Mggs, per dosen llic
Butterlne, SOc per pound, 1 lbs for.... S0c
North C arolina pine tar per pint 10c
I lb can of mince meat- 10c
Persian dates per pound. 10c
Oranges per dosen aoc
Imported sardines. In pure olire oil,
per can isc
California dried peaches, peeled, lb.. 2uc
Otber dried perches. per lb 8c to. 10c
Italian prunes. 30 to the lb, I lbs for.. Sc
Medium prunes 4 lbs for c
Small prunes. 8 lbs for ttc
Dried grape. 3 lbs for Sic
1 gallon can of apples. 23c
Fancy dried apricots per lb l&c
Carolina head rice 3 lbs for SSc
Bulk starch, t lbs for 25c
16 lbs sal soda for 25c
3 big mackerel for...' 25c
White hoop Holland herring per keg. 0c
White hoop Mllchers, per keg 11.00
Special rolled berrlng, 3 for.. 10c
and you are more than welcome to
test our flower and garden seed? by
the output of your gardens, with
tbe ,very fair proviso, of course,
that you follow instructions as to
planting and tending. Tbe seeds
we offer come from Hie hothouses,
nurseries and fields of the most
ezpert seedsmen in- the country,
and are bound to give good results.
'Phone 152.
The W. M. A. cadets with colon
flying and bugle blowing left town
this morning on their first march and
bivouac. They go to Illcklln's lake,
cast of town and remain all day,
each cadet having the regular army
rations for dinner and supper. The
cadets will be instructed In special
field practice by Col. Kellogg and
will also have special target practice
during the day. The field of opera
tions today will be christened Camp
Funstou and several trips will prob
ably be made to the camp before the
close of the term.
C :
(From Monday's Daily. I
Miss Datnron spent yesterday. Iti
Kansas City.
lie v. J. C. Given left this morning
for Pilot Grove, Mo.
Mr.' Fred Marshall returned from
Kansas City last night.
Miss Florence Neale returned yes
terday evening to Kansas City.
Mr. Herbert Sparks, of Kansas
City, came down to Lexington tbis
Messrs. Cbas. Loomls and August
Egle spent tbe day ' iu Kansas City
yesterday. .
Mr. Al Johnson, of the Kansas City
Star, came down last night to see bis
borne folks. .
Dr. Geo. L. Leyburn came in Sat
urday evening for a short visit with
friends here.
Miss TVarl Cox, of Dover, who has
been visiting here for a few days, left
this morning. t
Mr. John M. Price, Jr., went to
to Higginsville Saturday evening for
a short visit. .
Miss Lena McDaniel, of Wiggins
ville, came up Saturday evening to
visit the Misses Venable.
Miss Sallie Craig wont to Hlglns.
ville Saturday evening to remain over
Sunday with friends there.
Mr. Mansliuld McClelland came up
from Sedalia Saturday evening to
spend Sunday here with the home
TKLLIQENCMt want correspondent to
very town in Lafayette county. Write
for panloulara. ,
Miss Mabelle Donaldson, of Kansas
City spent Sunday here with Mrs. T.
C. Butts, and returned home this
Colonists Rates to California-Only f25
from Kansas City, "via most direct line,
Santa Pe Route, every Tuesday to Aprl
30. J. D. KsHtsr, Jr., Agent. .
The Missouri Pacillc work train
starts work on the road west of here
this morning preparing the road bed
for the main line track.
Cbnrcb of Christ Scientist, Bunday
services as follows: 10:30 a. m., Sunday
chool 11:30 a. ui., at Knights of Pythias
ball. All are cordially invited. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Fmnell Blackwell, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, who have been vis
Itlng Mr. and Mrs. Fred II ix for a
few days, left this morning.
Home Monkv to Loan. On good real
estate security. In sums of f OOO and up,
at 7 per cent. No commission, no red
tape. ApplV to J. Q. PJaltenburg. tf
Mr. Arthur W. Wad Jell, wbo has
been spending several months at
home, returned last 11 if lit to St.
Louis. .
A marriage license was issued this
morning to Mr. Eugene P. Gum and
Miss Bessie L.. 'Andrews, both of
Mr. Louis Hays, who has been
spending some time here with the
home folks, left tbis morning fur
Mr. Terrlll Turn pk ins, of Kansas
City, came down yesterday to spend
the day with relatives and friends
near Lexington.
Tbe finest Hot ot cream sod chocolate
candy la towo for 30c per lb; fine new
outs of all kinds; figs, raisins; dates and
Malaga grapes ai J01. L. Long's.
Mr. Alf F, Rector, prosecuting
attorney of Valine county, is in t he
city today on the Eubanks case,
which Is set for trial today. v
About forty witnesses came up
from Saline county today on the
Eubanks case, . which was brought
here on a change of venue.
Justices of tbe peaceaod notaries public
ean be supplied with chattie mortgages
st this office, at 5 cants per copy. All
kinds of blanks) rrinted to order. tf
Mr. Martin Laker, accompanied by
Miss Lillian Baker, bis daughter,
went to Kansas City yesterday morn
ing to visit relatives for a few days.
Rev. Z. M. Williams left last night
tor New Orleans to attend tbe gen
eral missionary conference of tbe
Methodist church in session there this
Mrs. Minn Mr-Fad in and little
daughter, Miss Fannie McFadiu,
went to Kansas City yesterday morn
ing for a weeks' visit with Mrs. Mc
Fadln's mother.
Mr. M. E. Serat, who spent most
of Ia?t week here superintending the
erection of tho top works at the erat
shaft, went, to Kansas Citv Saturday
evening. Work is progressing nicely
at the shaft.
An ounce of prevention Is worth a
piuad ot cura, 'and s bottle of Ballard's
Uorebound Byrup used In time la worth
a staff of physician! with a drug store or
two Included. Price, 25 and 50 cents.
For sale by l'rasbsff & Young. 4 deal
Misses Gertrude Jefferson and Bes
sie Renlck, from near Napoleon, and
Mr. Carl Jefferson, from Kansas City,
spent ' Sunday hero visiting Miss
Annie Jefferson, one of the students
at Central college.
Mr. Ike llylandacJ wife of Kansas
City, came down Saturday night and
returned yesterday evening. Master
Robert Knlckerbock Ryland, who
came with them, remains for a short
time to visit the family of his grand
father, Judge JthnfE. Ryland.
Owing to tbe mild weather I did not
sell as many overcoats as I anticipated and
have yet over 2O0 ot them on band. In
order to pispoae ot as many of tbem as
possible, I have coooluded to sacrifice my
entire profit, and now offer tbem at prime
cost. U. lnauer. 12-22l(
Mr. II. J. Groves, editor of the
Kansas City Times, accompanied by
his wife, came down from the city
Saturday night to visit Mr. Groves'
mother, Mrs. Jane Groves. Mr.
Groves returned Sunday morning and
bis wife returned this morning.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mr. Dennis Gavin went to Kansas
City yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Farley went
down to Scdal ia last night.
Mrs. Ernest Hays left this morning
for a weeks visit at Independence
and Kansas City. (
Mr. Lee SI usher went to Kansas
City yesterday evening to serve on
the federal Jury.
Hon. Alex Graves went to Kansis
City this morning on legal business
in the federal court.
Miss Josephine Mickle returned
this morning from a visit with ber
sister at Han isunvllle, M(K
Mr. Louis Webb went to Kansas
City yesterday evening to help Mr.
August Ll 111 burg (aKe some horses
through overland.
Mrs. Chits. Weber returned last
night from Council Bluffs, Iowa,
where she has been spending a couple
of weeks visiting tier son.
Col. Sanfortl Sellers left this morn
ing to attend a special meeting of the
Presbyterian synod at Mexico, M6.,
to consider educational matters. . ..
Mr. Sid Looinis' tine Jersey heifer
died about noon yesterday. It was
quite a pet and Mr. Loomls had It
buried with appropriate ceremonies
in the afternoon.
Mrs. W. II.' Loomis started this
morning, in company with her little
son, Albert, for Los Angeles, Cal.,
where she goes to spend most of the
summer witli her father's family.
Mr. Frank L.arkin and Mrs. Fauna
Llewellyn Coon, widow of the late
Allyn J. Coon deceased, who have
been here since Mr. Coon's funeral,
left this morning for Kansas City.
Mr. C. L. McLaughlin went down
to HigginsvlUe this morning with a
crew of men to start theiu to work
on getting walnut logs down there.
He also starts a crew at Bates City
In the Eubanks case in the crim
inal court here yesterday before
special Judge Jarrett both sides an
nounced ready for trial and a jury
was ordered for this morning at nine
Nearly every person neeas a tonlo med-
ioioe at tbis time of lbs year to braes
op and invigorate the nervous system, to
cleanse tbe bowels, liver and kidneys.
Hsrblne is the best and safest remedy to
do tbts, as It will cure constipation, regu
late tbe liver and enrich tbe blood.
Price, 60 cents. For sals by Crenshaw A
Young. t-6ml
Messrs Oscar Andreen, Chris Walk
and II. W, Winsar went to St. Louis
last night to attend the meeting of
the grand commandery and the grand
chapter, which meet-there Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. They
are the delegates elected to represent
De Molay Commandery No. 3 and
Lexington Chapter Ho. 10.
11 a
High School Class, 1901.
At a meeting of the board of edu
cation Friday night the Issuing of
diplomas to the class of 1901 was
authorized. Tbe following are the
names of the class members, and the
diplomas will be awarded at the
graduating exercises of the High
school to be held at the Rew Grand
opera house Tuesday evening, April
Slegel Mott Hainkel, William Ed
gar Goodloe, Gordon Wentworth
Graham, Charles Herbert Mayer,
James Mynos Spurlock, Mary Vir
ginia Shouse, Nannie Shelby Chlnn,
Estelle Louise .Wilker, Elizabeth
Davis, William Thomas Yates, John
Marshall Price, Jr., William Calvin
Nicholsou, Sarah Edith Powell, Jen
nie Irene Curreo, Firman Buford
White. '
Our Exchanges.
The Sweet Springs base ball club
bag been organized and is now ready
to accept challenges from any amateur
club. Sweet Springs Herald.
Notices are posted fer a special
school election to be held May 2nd, for
the purpose ot voting an additional GO
oent levy to meet requirements of the
school district. Buukuur Slur
Geo. W. Bates, of Lexington, Mo.,
ex-county collector of Lafayette coun
ty, and representing1 the Kquitable Life
Insurance company was here Monday
In tho interest of his company. Sweet
Springs Herald.
Tbe school board met Wednesday
night and selected J. E. Hagland to
take the suhool enumeration. , The
board pays tweoty dollars for the work.
Superintendent Sebring was granted a
leave of absence from the schools for
next Thursday and Friday. Higgins
ville Jeffersonian. ' ' "
Joel F. Chiles, this week had re
corded a deed for real estate which
was made by bis father, Joel F. Chiles,
Sr. In 1835, the deed bears the names
of K. B. Chiles and Isaac Drake. It
bad remained all these years un
recorded. Buckner Star.
Col: Paul B. Moore, private secre
tary to Gov.. Stephens during bis ad
ministration, has engaged In tbe news
paper business, having bought the
Charleston Express.' Success to the
Enterprise. Mexico Intelligencer.
At a meeting of tbe board of trus
tees of tbe Synodical college of the
Missouri Presbytery, ltcv. Dr. 'J. X.
Spencer, of the St. Louis People's
Presbyterian church, formally accepted
tbe presidency of the college to suc
ceed Rev. Walton, resigned. Mexico
We understand that Prof. J. R. Mc
Cbesney will have charge of tbe Ham
burg, Arkansas schools for another
year and that nnder bis management
the schools have improved and the en
rollment increased until extra teachers
teaubers have had to be employed. Wo
congratulate both l'ruf. McChesney
and the town. Odessa Democrat.
Married, at 7 p) m., Wednesday,
April 17, 1901, at the home of the
bride's paronts, near Glasgow, Mr.
Robert N. Farmer and Miss Maggie
Wright, Rev. A. B. Culberlson otli-
cutting. 1 be ceremony took place 111
the presence of a few intimate friends
nnd near relatives. The bride was
attired in a handsome gray cloth suit,
and looked particularly charming,
while the groom looked his best in the
conventional black. Among thoae who
attended the wedding from a distance
a ere Miss Mattia Richardson bud Jits.
Lee, of Gilliam; Mr. and Mrs. Ieroy
Farmer, of Lexington. Glasgow Mis-
Orer the State.
Centraha, Mo-, wants a utw eil
hall to cost about $5,000.
Mexico had tbe distinguished xttJV
Geo. R. Wendling, last week.
The Miami High school bad H
annual alumnae banquet' last I'ritk-a
Some of the Mexico, Mo., chunk
are putting In pipe organs and tka
no pipe dream.
Marshall has had tbe Passion VJay
illustrating the touobiog Incidents- iae
the life of Christ.
Mr. N. M. Hoox of Odessa ba
oounced himself ai a candidate tvs
mayor of that city.
Slater is expanding and wilf sr--
vote on a proposition to enlarge a-
electric light plant.
Fishing is the order of tbe day
Waverly, several gooa" catches aavj
been made already.
Fifty-two members were rectrr
added to tbe Cumberland FreabyterSatv
cburoh at Warrensburg, Mo.
Farmers in Richmond are signiBg p
contracts this week to furnish tountleot-?-to
the new canning factory.
The Mexico Intelligencer favors
municipal ownership of the electrk
light plant as soon as practical.
Rev. Father Brennon, of PhiladeV
pbia, is conducting a mission tbia week;
at the Catholic church in Richmond
A little child of Henry Porter llvinr
at mine No. 1 near Camden, Mo. was
burned to death last Wednesday after
noon. Warrensburg is to have a crrcHs
April 29th and tbe small boy and h
father have their facei wreathed
perpetual smiles.
A new switch board to handle Hi
phones has been put up in the Lafay
ette County .Telephone Company "
station at HigginsvlUe.
The C. & A. R. R. at Marshall is.
bustling tbe merchants there w- trav
loading cars by charging deuiurrag -
for every day over the limit.
Nevada's city council is having aw
addition to its calaboose built for t he
use of its fire department, and it wilLX
have all the necessary convenience 1
The Methodists of HigglnsviHe bafr.i
made arrangements to-have a new
church and have arranged with- tw
Sedalia architect to draw tbe plans-.
At tbe district meeting of the- Mis
souri Medical Association bold at Mar
shall last weelc. Dr. Braecklem of
HIgginsville was elected president et.
tbe district.
The county seat war in Montgomery ;
county goes merrily on notwithstand
ing tbe fact that the court houses.
Danville, that county, burned dw a,
short time ago.
Dr. Geo. L. Leyburn, evangeftet foi -tbe
Synod of Missouri conducted Mr- -vices
at the Presbyterian church- at'
Higginsville last Sunday at U av m: .
and participated in the installation) et
the new pastor, Rev. W. E. Beatti, jr
tbe afternoon.
Vandalin, Mo., is having a mad dogr .;
scare. A dog killed a few days ago as- -reported
to have bitten a number of
other dogs before be was killed. When, -people
in tbe country now meet a dog: . -in
tbe road they mount the fenea or -climb
a tree. .
The retail clerks association and tbe -merchants
of Richmond met last wsefe -and
ngreed to closing the stores- at
5:3Q p. m. except .Saturdays and tne -seven
days preceeding and including '
Christmas. It was also agreed to close-
tbe stores on the Fourth of July acA u
Sundays except in case of sickness. .
A Texas wonder.
One small bottle of Hall's Grent. Dt
covery cures all kldnev and bladder-
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetm,
seminal emissions, weak and lame backs,- .
rheumatism and all Irregularities nf th
kidneys and bladder in hotb men and'.'
women, regulates bladder troubles in -
children. It not sold by yourdru2Hitr,
will be sent by mull on receipt of $1. One
sraall bottle is two month's treatment-
wiH core any cbe above mentioned. Dr.
E. W. Hall, noIh matm'acturer, St. Lonle, ,
formerly Waco, Teis. Send for testi--
,n..iu1u O , , ,4 K, f -........ I V
St. Louis, Mo., feb. 27, 1900. I am
using tbe Texas Winder, Hall's Greitt
Discovery, and I urn jrre.Uly benefitted, ,
od cheerfully reenmireud it to tbn
public. J. H. LEE, -
Lindell Barber Ph-ip, 615 Vnsbiogton A

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