Newspaper Page Text
The Intelligencer. L a NEALE, E4Kr uJ rwfrtetor. Eairre. at tt Lexisft jwrtoftct tcoarf cU c l auUrr. TER.T5, fi.oo PER YEAR. Sjttot. Ami. r:, I Vr. Carese VitfB, of Lrxrgr, . ' tx-f rc-serotisg attorney or iaiaye.. coeaty, sad Mr. Ckas-Keith, of bl s- ' gTii's w1 1, 0 ' ship tbu week. Mr. Yivwawiilreia B I k fie here aad Mr. Keith JI i b at bit Higg;tville o5cf. These geeOeoaea are both well and favora- ; b'j kaewa ib our cotBty. r.w"j ; m reared is tbe eowoly aad has 'praetking law hlggtasville lor lb - r:t tbre year. Mr. ivies t OUR COSTLY ULITAKY ESTAB-Wy hu w'd1, LiHIT. . prosecctieg attorney, ia which crtic With aa army bou: 100,000 men ' be a most excellent record. Tbe ibe United j:m under the present '. trm is urccg out and will look care ad m:a-tr:io a spesdisg more mosey failj after tb intreu of in client, tbsa any one of tbe great nvuiury; Mf Btbck republican'member of power ol Earepe lor ibe njaieteBaace, mJ n,; (fee Hs army. It is dia4 ihtl cob- hocieta dw!tT10j, ln,t tie unifoa parisoo are d ous uJ that they may 1 reawTejt M be, but the truth can nana no o and D0 toBJter ,si pro- tfce people ol tbe United State, bo b sin)p,y .yog tbe cor pay ibe costs of our army can learn ' 0, the .uie pm better by compansoa tban " J ! cn for , Dambet cf yean past. EeMStbeixcobleaCdiiLarran-.lh ro;ect.oB o iQeh overcTOwn extravagance of the present adm-.nis- j u ircn b trntion U tbe larub peering oat of tbe , ifce t0 people', inoaey ia tbeir tflort at im-- .jj whicb TerlaiUm aad in their ped for the ; 1B,MU htTe g.ven tbe re aaiiiiion of territory. Only by corn- q I j The announcement if maae irom Sew York that Frederick P. Fish will lake office Jnly 1 a preiident ot the Americao Pell Telephone Company and American Telephone and Tele graph Company at a aaiary of flOv.M-O ikircr j ! We ku a poaitioo i. ! Iu!y ki ear.kqaak bock . r. Winery attmoca , Vl!s0B fitiled l,ibc. T"1J '. e.,iiT and tonlaitSainnJay. ,e: "V'Vur ! Vr J M. R.44 - CUj 1 L'W t I t ibown. From reliable table reoestly peb liibttJ we learn that tho cost of armj, tary and pension ia the I'cited Stas n 392.'XO,OOC, nhile the lame !e BartmenU co Ureal Britain t;b5.00f',. 000; Franco, f ilO.MO.C'OO; Geiffljny, l.. :..;-ikis. V. Hall and Mi Kt Stoltewew dilator orer tbe FJ.?:o. j lira. Rom Tocker ol ii W.ithW BoJ Taylor, -to ku-ed R:k So'-' t eiUbl-b a brancn mu-ncrj Il w ' " - - I . . can for a change of enoe. Mr. Henry Erdmaa and MiM Ama TbOnFJTerb ben on a big'SlwherU Corder tiuwa e n ine pal wec aid osocn camsc' iutr iai nwi. ba bn done b tbe hick wa:er. Mr Wn. Meef , one oi c- rreidut Ihaa ef Mi ht terptuiog drnggwt. IIiggu- Tba UdtM e tb CbrUUa, ej Friday algtt rt a Mtl a.uJT tailUtd "A Tr1 Aroaad u. " Tkromh Uir eo. rf ImtxioKVcxm ki.k.. -- - -MXT 4;, (U CfcrUUaa cbarcb) M abcu'n w aaiiea ia u rood (hip h4d i boaadiav nr tb bri t ."ft iihtad ha llgau aioot th.' Tillt one dy lat wetk Mr. and Mra. Fred Bray bare moed Tbey form- ...wa th.t K u too boT to meet Prwideal McKinlej at the bordr tk Iiata rcrokaw Epoi;lon j w Mr. Robert Pointer'. comtuwion appotaied by President ly lived near Warerly. McKinley met a' the Swtbern botei 10 . The w trren farm in tna suooioa oi St. Louis Toedy. j the town waa aold lat week and pur- Yeteidaj'aKanfis City pr" "-jchaKd by Mra. Ike Warren of St. oone that like beard of police com- Louis. Caclaad. (air. On. Jobaaoa'.rT " I delayed oar laadJoi bar lor au and th cbtlty wladabUw abors. Wb aooa rel a Uadist, hoW Bad war Mharad lau U ptbc T kiac (Opt, J. q PUiUabo,,) ttt " (klUa Mary Black w. 11) wo rJT KMt sraetoaaly aad tatlud u u bk NfrBbaMis wtla ibDi. Tblawai, d Ib bb aiccaat aaaakM k. loyal aitjct, aad afur t brtal tbs eoaavrT. which wa mm. wb abai-kd acatB aad aaat to., Jtpaa, (kfr.Joba Walbora'a.) aaowaaaoixull ceaBiai, traubte with fiaau, fc on iimm miiain wua ttai( tbtl jn wb Buffered bo lack of BUeatica it 7 bMBUtul kiacdoaa wbr aott Upku ,) abialBt tbroaib aaaay colored tl aad lovely decoratloa. cfearactartaUua the ary haad. Hla taltbfal atUaaunf (Mr. Joha Borden. Uiaae Uaad Ba.-i f ?sr. A Iw fuck combioaoG irtsi v.v t . -wf" i i r- fl5T,500)W aad Bowia, f 200,000,-taJrli cut in Iwdmihi enable theM Giil Britain spend iiJT.CM, TXK) less tbao tbe l'aivfd Stale, and yet Great Britain dm beB maintain ing 200,000 wldiera in South Africa, with heavy co: of transportation and aupplle. The armie cpported by all tbe power are mccb larger tban the army of tbe United State. Lng land force i about 600,(X'0; Rnsna-, 7C1.000; Germany, Ml, 000; France, 661,'XK) aa compared with the United State' 105,000. Ia 1895, btlore our country bad entered upon it mad coarae of con qoeat, the expenditure for army, nary and peniion amounted to f 199,000, 000; but now it ia f 392,000 000. Nearly 1200,000,000 ia tbe cost of tbe folly of imperialism, and the end ia aot yet in sight. This, too, in tbe face of our national conscience whicb baa hitherto had ome qualm at Boarder, rapine and plunder; regard less, too, of tbe teaching of good mora! and regardless of oor past pro- leasion of abhorrence of everything ' smacking of tyrrany aad despotism. Tbe people are paying heavily for tbe folly into which they have bean plunged, bat so skilfally ia tbe money extracted from thir pocketa by a system of indirect taxation that they have not yet realized to what an extent tbey are being robbed. Harrison's j biHIoB dollar congress and McKinley" billion dollar single session axe bot the commencement of tbe reign of extrav agance which the republican party, emboldened by its large majority in congress, bas inaugurated. It remains to be seen bow locg tbe American pet pie will submit to thii financial bleeding before tbey rise up in indignation and crush the party that dare to rob them for tbe purpose of waging an extravagant war of con qaeat against a few feeble countries wboe only ofleuse consists ia their love of home and liberty. Corn hoverio ar'uuml 6i) cents per bushel, is the remit (if the corner which George II. Phillips seems to bare on tbe Chicago corn market and he has been giving ibe hurts'' a lively dance to tbe bigb notes in the wale of price. Go it. Mr. t'billips. and if tbe squeez ing process will enable tbe farmer to' get a few cents more tor fcU corn and j bis hoge and bW rattle, let her cjie-.ii. Since tbe cupiure of Aguinaldo, Secretary Root and President McKio. ley have figured H out tbat this country can get alorg with about 75,000 soldiers. When the people get tired of paying for tba pomp uf war in time of peace tkey will put a man in tbe W bite bouse wbocan get slung with companies .to give the people lower rate for telephone and teiegrapa senricc. Tbe Columbian Minister, Dr. Carlos M.rtinpa Silva. is still hanging anand Washington to see what he can aecom ohsh towaris mak'.cg a deal with Secretary Hay to na'.oad tbe defunct Panama canal on the United States. As tbe matter will have to go through ceagress, we predict that be will have diScnhy ia selling the cartas to Lncle Sam. Tweaty thousand person are wait ing on tbe borders of tbe Kiowa and Wishita reservation to secure home stead wbea tbese lands are opened This large number of apparently homeless people would lead us to be lieve that the McKinley prosperity is not so general as Mark and Mack would have os believe. Tht heirs of the Maree estate in Philadelphia are contesting the physi cians bill of 1190,000 for services dur ing the illness of the late Senator Magee. A few such bills as that would b all a pbyaician needed to elevate him to tbe millionaire class Mrs. Botha has takea op the task of arranging pace between her husband and Lord Kitchner. For the sake of humanity and the right it is to be hoped tnat this unholy war may sooa be brongh to a close on honorable terms for botfcpartie. Tbe death of Lieuteaant Thomas M. Cobb Jr. wa a great shock to the people of Lexington and was felt bv many here almost aa a personal Iom, so warm a place did he and bis father's family hold in the hearts of our people. Tbe desertion of First Lieutenant Frank E. Edwards ot tbe twenty-sixtb volunteer infantry to escape court martii Is very much ia tbe line ot jiiniping oat of tbe frying pan itito tbe fire. Tbe former secretary of tbe Tcrki-b legation at Washington declines to return to Cuuttaminople to answer to tbe cLarge of treason, not wishog bis hair cut off under bis chin. rr..ifinTs win rrooaoiv c.u saloons tcere on Sccdsy. The Louisiana rtrchae Exposition Company incorporated yesterday ior $6,000,000, of wbKb ii.WO.O'.'O is subscribed and fOOO.OOO paid in. Fifteen thousand or more Odd Fel low, met in Kansas City yesterdaT to celebrate the eighty-second anniver sary of tbe founding of the order. A terrible explosion was reported in yesterday's papers from Frankfort, Germany. It was in tbe smokeless powder works near there and it is re torted that 150 employees tate bn killed or injured. There will be do Fri-4. of PH parade ia Kansas City this fall but tbe nsoal anneal ball will be giv a. Instead of the parade there will be s carnival of eattrtainmeo's in Conveution hall lasting one wetk. At tbe anona! tceeticg in St. Louis this week ol the Grand Commandery of Miasoun Knight Templar, Horace G. Clark was elected grand com man der and William U. Mayo reflected grand recorder for the twenty-fourth consecutive year. Bea 11. Morse, the man who swind led so many widowa, volontarily went to Jefferson City this week and asked to be put ia the penitentiary. He bad to wait for the neceary papers to come from Kansas City before the warden would take htm in. Two officers were shot by tramps last week at Joplia while the officers were trying to take the tramps, of whom tbere were six, to the jail, feix men snppoed to be the Joplia murder ers were captured in Kansas City in the east bottom near Fleimi brewery J. A. Slatea and O. II. Monroe pleaded guilty before Judge Philips in Kansas City Wednesday and were fined 25 and costs and sentenced to tbe penitentiary for one year and one dav. Burt M. Hawkins, who plead guilty to tbe same charge was granted a stay of sentence on condition that bis father take bim back to Oklahoma. The commission of five delegates of the Cuban contitutional convtniion, Mr. Harmon Wahl who bad hi foot injured in a runaway several weeks ago is now able to get around on crutches in a rather lively manner. Mr. asd Mrs. Allen Harwood left last Wednesday for Idaho where they will reside permanently. Their daugh ter, Mis May, who is teaching in Kansas City will join them later. Mr. a.,.ui rine of Poor's oldest citizens, and he and his family will be missed very much. Mr. Frank Gordon entertained Buaiberof young people last Friday at bis bachelor' hall near Lexington. All who went from here report i o:easant even-ng and praise Mr. Got ....... don very highly for bis hospitality ana the surpwitg neatness of his toase- keener who w uiderstand wi.i arrive later. The little city of Dover bas awaken ed to renew her strength and enlarge her bound aria to tbe extent of several oew residence. It is probably tbe prospect of 1 the new rilran an electric Href plant" or something magnanimous that Mr. Carnegie pro. poses to do. Whatever it is that ha. excited this possible boom," It Is to be trusted that the glimmer ot hope which has been aroosed will not flicker and die. Lewie Bates, Nancy Huston, caT O'Roaka aad Carpeetor, aad Ut. jf Lyoes) arrayed ia tb ehariniat ootnatf. Concordia. Toe number of pupils attending tbe different parochial school here is 326 Peteriug and Lob man shipped a ear load ot hogs to Kansas City, Monday. Editor Sevin. of the Higginsville Thalbote, visited relative here, Sun day. Otto Krease, of Shreveport, La., has been here ibis week visiting bis parents. Mr. John Petering ha ben re engaged to teach tbe Eureka So. 2 school for another term. In a game of bell last Suoday be tween the Stars and Blue tbe or was 42 to 5 ia favor ot ibe Bine. Saturday i market day here and a large number ol people are expected in town that day il the weather is good. ot tbU saaay land. aowd . , eooBtry aad aerved c with tb frtf tea from hi ewa apeciai table, I CenUaaiet oar foaraev w acts oa America, (afr.CiarBBeeiViiu tb land of th tre aad tbs born wa, oraxe, woere uaci ea ir. jobs Ti bibb) was ha viae a aacctal Mitbhtn, hosor of oor arrival. Ha wa a&lj i m cy rroi. eir aaa oiaer was I alahed deliehUal tncs'c aad aant lot special favor ma ay of tatir Ui& aattona! soon, as item ol tbe tin who eaolated la raunaiaiag o wenkJ daatbter S1:m Colanba (M: UriiJ Warres), xaxk Uaaaa (Hr. Low Mor). Agu.oatdo (Mr. Ed. Price), ,! . had Just srriv4 troa H aasia, a tavitfu Iadiaa eaaldea (UiaeOrrti Jatamii! tb ooetum ot tb l?ta eeictv.nn't a;uagaioa ua.oi tecoioait,inM! (U1 leetaa sad KM aa Vqmi Warreel. A tweetleth twalar atilni (MUa Mayase Adrw, ekowednw' tb beaaufBl csuslry aad artr Hjpfv tb sittsu aad taking rvrrewBseati wa eil for Bpalo. (Mr. T.J. BaadoalV We war we joined to this aOnaa eoeatry by tb Ppasieb ISMdeiiSw Mattie 0-eat wo eti Hl!ri paruk ot th hospitality of uWt terued oe over to tb 9path g:fdi Je Laa iTaubsaaa) who ld aod'.eoe with E at FerdiBaad (Mr.Qa I Barroa) aad Qmb Iablla (Hue iw; Bcflmaa) who reootf i o bvjU fr' -ly. Ib oar Uael we hi &3mo (1. : Watur Se4r) wooicg wiU act: ami ; bis coaraiar Jjllrt (! BuJ 9f aoieb Di (Mr. Ert HoSjuD j lag rwet maslc ob his er.aa& ia, ttii Gypsy ataidee (Miss Let Ysaac) tt4 teat to Mil your lortaee, AeoUerW ataldea (Mlaeill kUodoa) alB; lac aa Urcaeh tbU laadwkm lovely fl jwere and tb Beoaieb eaitn, od yellow, eaadea bBifol P vited u to rcrreebBBtaU aad with beet wlabe to OymeJ (Dtl Pay). Hera we were rteeUd with " Abj RbiBi,n saaff by alz liUUQev. aoagaf Ib ooiaae to tt oc mpt. BSMaC Sri th ptMO, B4VM 9J Get ones l Is tb eoraer ( "Oeiehrteetabe" aat Dr. Pall 'a scBacbait (UordoB Grobaiw), wrlUi tea volant work oa bbrw vtritf the (erlur recraeeatisf tbimoer:a wa eorod liroteeaas E e w'i tt Qtrer gmadier (Ert 1 aad prtoaler UeaUoaot voa nkllrr .Tt RnVimulll ot 100 RonsMing 01 ujrotago M-odei tapote WHjnr,,, t,v , fire a)snn ,t Mr. 1'roE. B-'aocvort, INk-l M. I'or. ! I)tniailD Tbe OvU &iube wM a bu , (Jfn3 p9t mei.1. Mi te-l Pyne, yaa ttkadler r oicf n Fred C. M-irr, uoajai'ia-iuuer of mp plies in st. Louh i advertuing to buy sponges, lie ougtit to t a Me to girt i . ntP.r ,.h im,M,rl f.n,-i;.h .m ! eigtioein .-t,ep am- toe e.ectioo. Australian honors Tbe revival of ratlro.t l builJing in the west and soutbwe-t is aiiother evidence thit ibe roaifiiercial center a well an tbe center of pt'pulation is moving weMwurd. Tbe o-clled eraiv lk-r general, Ie Wet, s-ems to hnve en'iuh go)d com moa wok lrft to kwp tb British guessing as to wber- be will hve his next fit. less. American bounds at tbe L'nioo courniDg park in San Kranc.sco recently I with imMru-0 hogusb and ' hfiund f nrrip J nft lkl Th. n n !,, .1r,". . h..l ... tt... Our fit cousia and bis docs (round m Ttis.4 ir,.l -t.'n it i,i...ti. on tbe othir side of tbe pond are too ' lor a o.l prj-uect ba J:c-ov-tnUb niucb on the it' wngon ity!e. procef -t miikitg oil a&d wtr nut. toondo, llirgo Taniata and Pedro Gooznl-s Llorente, who were sent to Washington bo o nfer with tbe presi dent rcgaiding Cuban reliefs with this country, arrived bre Wednedj ro Toing, tog-tb-T w itb so interpr-tor aod represnititiives ol the Havura prtss. Tb--y were received by tbe piesid-ni TbursdnT. Higginvill,. Fred (inu shipod lour cars of caUle to St. I.'iu'h Monday. Mtk. Mury ls.rj, j.'.-.l ;-. par, i ftill Saturday and broke a rib Dear tbe baevbon. The Iliggin-vile Lead- r is siU'iog an improvement in the el'ctr:c light and ater c)-trnn. 'i'he p'ipili of ro")nj tie, u seven gtve a hu-rary progtaiume la-t Friday niornicg in room sii. Hums who wb arrested Mob. dy at lno-ion, will be tru-d here on the cbarije of a-iult on Mrs t.' ... . , t I Hoeoiter I. lurerd tbe eMO uamaiatiD s oon". i'u u prvej uiwi '.. r I. erf ft kjf- j iM Lr' oo'.j the burning v..t of a chimney. ,ef ffi Ufftf a. ji. Ao iuteresrti.g piorani hi been arraig-'d for Gernan Pioneer T) here May l5tb. ILeie will be a grand picnic during thr day and -a mooo light picnic at cig'it. Tbe eo'.er.aiDUjerit by the Kpwortb l.-sgue "t the M. K. churi-h Tum.isj night at H."it fc;l was a uecf and reil'f.'Mj a oioe saru l-r the church. Tbe t'oncordi orchestra lurnished the mu-ic. ilttlES. D.ed, ia Cofder. Saoav. April It, 1901, Oeorf Ucrh'o, tsj about 78 year. Died djodsj afteroooa, April 21. till, i . a o ciwf. i u i rveiaeoor Iw Blickojrn. v0 , Col. John DoealdsoB. ared aboji M lyears. tie waa burled et Warerly. wBere ki wit I baried, Tu day at 2.30 p. b. Married, at Odresk, Mo. at tb Metb- I Aim FntliHI rh.wh U V D f aad Miee Uee.e Aadrrwe, dtOKbtr ot Jodre Aedrtw. Rei. K. Y. Oam, fBcia Uor. Perfect d. option 1 the oat fnanH.i... Sir, i ... . . . . i. ... - yrirn. nrmiir. in IO04 W rel arte,. w,do. livitg ,aihoty, with..M ln. 6llo1 hlr,. whlr, lB alt-n pt to mp". i.rn t-4, ewT;, mul tad tinea la tb body. Htrbiae quickeaetb appe- i. unuiTMip, oi titr il jm, Wi ou-Uje, gi too sod ior Pyo tb teoecbrr bdM -cherry sUa abend aad loit Dsruk-i l and k5'.' Tbie aded our loaf wb.eb ft enjjyen by all tb r-aeeesrerf ssM'ij bip. Notket The oederetcaew iw.mujiti ' poieted by tbe Itafd d ir LetieeDo. Mo., to -solicit f spocifitaiion lor a aadf ,osl school bulldiac. K w,'s. to the board of edeeatioa el lb lOtn dy ot May lr rjcttoa. liiaftca, Mo., April. B. T. Wf-" Joe. I V - a Dialer ra. aear Corder. Ttorf- he wif ol Mr ffceeard B.r. at Cocordla,ro",'Je 19Qt. to the wit ol Mr. bov. A .i. Ua,'i. BIT, armi u. W. IH01, to Ib wll ol Mr. a rlrl. ,1.' Uoro. ar Ooocjfdie. h,,i a. to tL. wile ol Mr. B"fJ tV- - . . . . i ii. . - - - , iur mum w.-Vi3i c!:r at oor 1:ce ' ' tb 'ee':.t ud iour rood biu. Frtw, oeat. ror Ml by ( traakw A V.'.ft. 4CI Bo to the boy :..- tn V . , . B Vs ol