Newspaper Page Text
ARTISAN 11 NO. M In a rod sorrel, two whlto hind feet, star In forehead, IT hands hlth. fine style, good bon and muscle, and la just the norse (or saddle or lislil barnesa. Hired by Artist. Jr., 3:13; he by Artist T5; he by Kin Wil liam. 87: 1st dam by Jewell Denmark; Artist, Jr. by Artist, dam by Lexington. Jewell Denmark was by Washington Denmark, dam the Queen, a fine (addle mare. For ex tended pedlpre see N. t. II. llvgltiU'r. Artisan 2d. No. NtiO will stand at $10. Report of Misnmri EiperiHient Station. The annual upon uf the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station has jusl been issued. The wors of the Missouri Station dunng tbe past year has been chiefly in tbe same lines as heretofore, including field eipenroenia wilb cereals, forage crops, fertiliaers, rotation of crops, etc. ; feeding eiperi menu wilb beef cattle and pigs; field, gTeenboiisw and laboratory experi ment in horticulture; chemical studies in connection with feeding and diges ton experiments, and on the influence of iron salts on tbe composition of tbe leaves and fruit of apples; investiga tion of animal diseases, especially Texas fever; entomological studies, especially on insects affecting fruit; studies on the effect of different crop rotations on tbe productiveness of land; experiments on the reclamation of naturally poor land on which corn has been grown without fertilizers for fifty years; experiments iu the utilization ot corn stover as fodder; tests of the feeding value of timothy bay at differ ent stages of experiments in apple orchards on typical soils in different parts of the state; experiments with commercial fertilisers for forcing winter vegetables; variety and breed ing experiments with fruits, especially apples, grapes, strawberries and per simmons; an experiment in reforesting without cultivation waste bluff land with valuable nut trees; experiments with spraying mixtures, and special studies" of the ticks causing Texas fever, together with experiments in immunizing Northern cattle intended for the Southern market. The above atumits w I make the season of i:t in the I'latteniiurii farm (formeriv : aided irrigation to its Jines of work owned by I'at O'.V alley) two and a h.i'f , . . , ... southeast, uf l.exinrton, neiir the old aid has undertaken griis work in the fairgrounds. .i . :.u . to finding suitable pasture grasses for the Ozark Mountain region and the swamp region of Missouri. The work in vcteiinary science, Marmaduke, Jr. Marmadnke. Jr., Is a beautiful dark bay with black r"l"ts- 16S handa high and will weigh 1600 This Is one of the bust all pur pose horses in the county, as he is a first- class road horse and heavy enough to draw a larger load than any draft stallion In the .ffounty. Ho was sired by Mnrmailuke, No. !e; dam by Rlsmark; lie by Huston. His colts are larae and tine, just the kind to sell on the market at fancy prices or to raise first-class mule mares from, as draft, tuatvs never produce gixid mules. He will siaud at $10. SALAAM. Balaam is a brown jack with Ihtht points. 14' hands Ml'Ii, will wi-ih UM pounds. Is very Ions body aud extra heavy Imne. II is one of the best of breeders, asliisonlts show for themselves; he is n -,ur foal petter and wil! bfi-d with any hie jack In the country. He will stand at fs.OU to insure oelt to stand aiid suck. Care taken to prevent accidents, hut 10 responsibility assumed should any occur. All money doe when mare Is purled with, traded off or removed from tie; iietehltor liood. A lien U retained on thu colt for service money. FRANK FISHER. Some Reasons Why You Should Imirf on favinj EUREKA H1RKESS OIL Uncaualed bv any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness . An eacellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitche kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all l,OClitiea MaaufrctuTS.1 by fUa4ard Otl ?. FLORIDA. ASiiperlor Through Sleepln rr Line Helween St. Louis and Jacksonville: I SEWS Of THE UILWiH. ! The Uk land's proposition forcheap rate excursions to and from CI.hb during this summer aasbecu neraiived by we western PassrDger Association. In consequence otic ' iu served yesterday on lairmau Mcieoa hv fieoerBl Passenper Airetit Hetoastlau that the HiK'k Island will take Independent actKq and put In effect a rate of one faro plu fi for the rsutid trip from tHicao ana hut Biediato points east of the Missouri river to llenver. Colorado 8prlnx, Pueblo, Halt UH City and Ok. Tickets at this raw will be old on Juim) Sl.July and 17 aad Aujustl. t'rom Minnjuri river polnu tbe aam rata will Je msdii on the days followtnf the datsa. Tivkru al this rate also will be sold from Mis souri river natewaya, Kansas City to Omaha, Inclusive, on July 7, 4 and . Four special el .curslonswillslsoberunby tbe Kock Island , fMui Cokradioominn points to Chlcsiro and , Intermediate ststions or Juno fS, July IS and 'SO and August I. The eicursion tickets, ! both eal aud west bound, will be limited for return pssaare to October Jl. Tbe Bock Island announces I's Intention of piscina; In Mrvloa lecial trains for these eXcursioos, lravlot Cbicairo at i p. tu. and makJus" Uie run to Colorado with only one nlvht on the road Chicago Tribune. ' TEE TWICE ! WEEI kFVBLIO. Every Mi o day and Thuradaj a newspa per as eood si a magatioe and better for It contains tbe latest by telegraph as well as Interesting stories It tent to the sub scriber of the "Twlca-a-Week" Republic, which is only a fi a year. Tbe man wbo reads tba "Twloe-a-Week" Hepablio knows all about affairs, political, domestio and foreign eventa; it posted sbout tbs markets and commercial matters generally. Tbe woman who reads the"Twice-a-Week" Republic gathers a bit of valuable Information about household affairs and late fashions and finds recreation in the bright stories that come uoder both the headings ol fact, and fiction. There Is i gossip about new books and a dozen othej aake wan and woman. RUSTIC B. 30763. (UECOUI) 2:22 Bred and owned by Joepli II. Ilnr. nctt, proprieuir Edelield Stock Farm, Lexington, Missouri, will make the season of 1001 at his farm 8 miles southeast of Lexingtou, near Prairie church, at rlo to insure, money due as soon as the fact Is ascertained or mare parted with. A lien is retained on tbe colt for 'service money. So responsibility for accidents. Rustic R. is 7 years old, 16 hands, 2 Inches liiyh; dark bay with black points, good size, weiebs l.aoo pounds, with both style and speed combined; good mane and tail. Rustic fa. was sired by Newcotnb, 2959: he by Nutwood, No. fiOO, record 2:181; Nutwood is the preraierstallion as a sire of speed; he by Belmont, J4o. 64; Newcowib's 1st dam, Maggie Wilkes, dam of three in the list, by George Wilkes, record 2:22; Rustic B.'s 1st dam, Mertrix, by Merchant, No. 599; he by Belmont. No. 64; 2nd dam by Al West, No. 14371; be by Almont, No. 23; 3rd dam by Marma duke, No. 9082; 4lh dam by Idol, No. 177; be by Membrino Chief, No. 11. JOS. R. BAH2TETT, 4-CIO-3 WINKLER TOMB Hi! 1 1 U U P COMPANY aaHrracrcHiRf asdmalsnhs FURNITURE. aai patraatD to do ALL CIMrS Of Toroicf, Hicitg SrrIl hint, lit . WeaisokeepcoiiFtaiitlyoii tacd Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Coffins, &c. Metallic and Wooden Burial Cases . " Always on hand. They rerfctfully ask tbe iituntion of til to he articles of their imiuulacture, pledir'ng tbemwlneti to sell us cheap as such article houKlit. Winkler Furniture Co. whi:b has heretofore been confiucd to Texas fever, ha now been extended to include the intestinal parasites of slieop, with especial reference to the life history of the tapisworra and to suitablo preventives and remedies. The station has recently collected dun trom abytit a thousand -of the most successful feeders of steers ss to the methods followed. Wireles Mecraphy. The successful operation of wireless telegraphy means a great deal to the world. Marconi has done muah to perfect the system since be first dis covertd it. The early idea was carried out by an elaborate set of instruments and apparatus, and ap aerial wire hun from a tall mast. But the aerial wire and the tall masts have been re placed by more modern apparatus, and a cylinder but a few feet high is now employed in the service. Marconi has successfully introduced the duplex telegraphy into his system, a step significant of wonderful ad vancement. Only recently be accom plished a remarkable feat. He had established a station at ttw Lizard, Cornwall, which is 200 miles from St. Catharines, and on tbe first day of tbe reign of King Edward VII., Mr. Jlar succeeded in establishing perlct ciumucicstion between St. Catherines and the Lizard. Since that lime he baa elablifh.jd perfect communication m both direc tions hrid arranged to duplex the line, so that ht couid send two message each way at the same lime. It is "tsted tiiat there is no reason why he phou'd not s-nd 20 rueigeg save the ct of the ins'.ruiuents. j The Marconi system can be used in ,any kind of weather, fog or linf, wet jor dry, in fuel it work, fx-t'.er iu wet i weather thai, on a line day. j lo hundred of thou.and of peo- i-.r lUe , :,. America;) i-xpo,itioo will afford the iirt opportnuitj uf witness ing the op-.ra-ion tbn Marconi system of wlrelv ten-rapby. No one will want to mi it Only fir to California vu S0ta Fe route; every Tuenday to April :0. Tickets zood In toorict sleepers and recllninir Chair can. Take the trip and see ('u. forms at lt preltient. J. 1. LVter Jr CommencinR November 20th the Flo rida Air Line, consisting of the L. E. & St. I Ky, St. lMia to louisville, So. R'y iu Kentucky. Louisville to Lex incton. Queen and Crescent Route. Lexineton to Chattanooga, Southern B y, Chattanooffi to Jestip and l'int System, Jesup to Jacksonville, Fla., will inaugurate for the season the great Through Sleeping Car Route to Flori da. Through sleeping cars will leave ituisiuc i.w ii. iu., ir aiiiwii lo.ou it. m.. reaching Chatanooga -5.50 p. m. Atlanta Rj p. m., and Jacksonville 8 a. m,(second moruiua). Stop-overs allowed. This route is through large cities and interesting country, and is operated over most superior and well established lines of railway. The schedules are fast aud most convenient. Iu adJitipa to the above s;hedu!e leaving St. Louis at night, train leaving St. Louis 0S a. m., will arrive Jack sonville the next night 10.00 p. m., mak ing only one night out from St. Iuis to Jacksonville. This line also affords passengers for Florida trip via Asbeville, N. C. the greatest American allyeararound resort. Correspondence so'icited and infor mation promptly furnished. K. A. OAMl'BKLIi, (ien'l Passenger Agent St. Louts. Mo. This is a!) t!ie Inst line topoiutsln Kentucky, TetineHsee, Ceorgia and North and South Curitona. THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. GREAT TRAINS. "The Burlington - Northern Fae.tic Kxpress," Kansas City. St Joseph or Denver to I'uget Sound, Portland, Mon tana, Washington, entire Northwest. Daily through train of coaches, chair cars, tourist and standard sleepers and dining cars. No. 15; meriting train, Kansas City, St. Joseph to Nebraska, Denver and l'aciflc Coast, via Scenic Colorado. Weekly California excursions personally conducted. No. 23; latest night train, Kansas City.St Joseph to Denver; night train for Nebraska Omaha, St. Paul. No. 21: noon train, Kansas City, St. Joseph to Omaha, St. Paul; through sleepers. No. 56; famous Chicago Eli; dining and builet library cars, chair cars, sleepers. No. 11; si. Louia ft night express. No. 4.J; fast morning train eaut. Write for descriptive matter, rates and information. R. II. Ckozikk. L. VV. Wakelv. T. 1. a.. c:1 Main St. Gm JVh. n.trr Airt . ha.isa.,, St. Lout,, Mo. Howard Elliott, i"ii'-ral Msimver. St Jf. ph, Mo. TO CUBE A COLD IS OXE DAY Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on ach box. 253. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES via mm From If xington to San Francisco and return only UO.W. Tickets on sale July Otli to lath inclusive, good until August .list 1W1. j From Lexington to Hut Springs and return, via. Wagoner, $27.o); via, St. Louis :i U5. Tickets on suit) daily and good ninety da.vs. From LeTiiigton to Milwaukee and return via. St. Juisaud Chtcagj 1S.00 Tickets ou hvtle July 22 and IB. From Uxington to Little- Hock and return fli.wi. Tirketa on sale May 14th to 16th, good until June 1st. From Ixington to Kansas City and return fl.w, April 2j and 2tl,-cood until 27th. From Islington to Nevada and return fS.tjO, May 15 and 10 good until May 30th. From Iexington to Licoln, Neb., amf return .Uj; May ad to 27d, good until June 4th. From Lexington to San Francisco and intcrwediaU) points only $2i. Tick ets on sale exery Tuesday until April 80, ltJl Lexington to Anaconda, Butte, Gar rison, Helena. Ogden, Salt Lake City. i, ana to Washington points $26.30 iicKets on sale every Tuesday until April 30th, 1901. Through tourist sleepers without change. Home Seekers tickets on sale April 2 and 16. For full information please call on A. S. LOOMIS, Agent. K. I r ii mi d nuar ruatrv 4. lit am -, fllmtil,.riu?lK TiU! county. MiH,ur rlnlu at the nom.J"''' tim niriii..t" ; aii tv.t ll..;.cW,uth.;,.0T,V', of iran,.h. then,."'; ""O Hnl-a-Bur riToa aiL"",; I bram thr,,,., "J,' ko;; tliorof to ih w at h i whlrh .IU UhI f irula t"" llK'nun In i.l ,i .'"V"' I"! not ruaturea JJ"W sail land aim t ho "J it, line of bayment I l .f And whereas tlio , said coupon now C ? pr lU and atlll wnuia .aut s Now therefore, I.i,uS afreaW. will, t th H-H holder aud owner.. t nras aud followu tha u.1 trust. Droceml t.. !? .WrnL. nno belonffls PPut'u hUhest bidder for", ZZlK door In the city of Lr .. ette county, MlaVrt tlTTlVrcn lr luurniv ii, ii, between the honm nf ... t. .k.. j uiuq riy, iuioowiu nu nve ovlik.i. i. f for the purpose of satisfyiM? neas and tbe cot of enseal f OEKN B.TaVTJ Bi t NOTIC County Depositrf Office of the County Clerk, I.af1Kii Missouri. I Not ice Is hereby Rlve th( f Court of a.d eounty and.i farsl day of said torm. .uuiu, day, --.vlve an i ou, n soa,. 1 any ltnk!ii7 IniHirmiriitiiMi i banker In vii,l,r;, ileal re lo of oe leciud n l,ntW f,....i .,f t.. .. mi.u cuuiiiy ior in. u, after x April d, I'.iOI. KKANK TII0C1 Notice to Bridire Con: I will riM-e'.re seale pr,i. noon of TL'KPDAY, AI'UII,, i nrwsi'. witn vwo nim'4 iruu'., mi ou cedar uil.iv, acrim l.lltte nl fret k. iiKm... .v oi neijiiignin. i.otuiM'.vioiinr nHnri ihv rj an)- or all tii.U. , II. D. WBHai.N.tW yiiru iu, jwi. FINAL SliTTliOl Notice U hereby dven to nlher peraoua Interf-aled In an Ktlisn All.'O, d seiisiil, fiul iircl ailniinistraTurwlll app.y ionu ,s iie'i.iiii . saia 'mbim r.: 1 t l'H, of the proli le O'jurt of Ls:v Miauourl, o he berun and hilax e-.urt r-s-w, in tl:' city if Uii Sd-o.iid Mt.nday m May, V.ti. w .c xre M t .ftW8 FINAL SETTLEJID! Notice is hrrehy lven tn tllfK olhtr persons lni.rehled lo tliew kin M. Wetib. d vnah-d. that tat rc-l aJUi.Lisir nor wl.l ai Dlf u,rauii m.-rit of said estate, at tbe a, l'l, of the probate court r,f La .;- cjurt rjom, in tbe o.ty of lxw- second Mornlar in Mav. KOliERTU'if S-1JW A.1BJI? The Caifornia Limited. Nhw fft,ur.s this seaxon Ually service and tttenslon U. Sao K'anciwH). l) Pullmans, riuffet Bmoktng lar(with bir bcrshop), Hsrvey Dining Cr, Oljservslian Car (with ladl' parlor. FIN;AL SETTLEMEXT Notice la hrety alven t) t'cv otbor perm interested in ttw John Capellle, deceasl. tfi it tir sirnea aitirluistrntnr wiil a(t,ij final settlement of said ekUf, c term, lwil. of the Dnitat c.;rto( county. Mlouil, to te item t the pr-rbete omrt ro"m. in tt on thn tr.,1 at.til.iff ill V M.fl .M -13t4 Public Adaii-i FINAL SETTLKMEX! Notice is hereby ir.ven to all other (h rsotn inter'",l i ii Carrie t. Allen, deveased. riv:iel a'imu Mirt..r wiii irtb : nn. 11, .f the priUitu -"urt ii'iiuiy. .v'.HMHin, to ie rviio it),;.. i-,nirt ll". ,n tr.' lnirt.,n. on tJi -nriil K'.ii'la IIKNlLlli W 4-l:l A.lIJilA" Agtnt Nejralirlc pains, rlietniHlisin. j'"1 ''"'tic pains, ykid tothejieoeira. iojiuoc,!. or BsliarJ Know LI !neoi. rrice, , and GO cents 8 k T. REDUCED RilEa ISISDU TLRKIT0KT. Evr since the connructloQ 0 the M "rough the Iodian Terrltor. I lis local pseueer r.le between stations I io the Indian Tprritory i,s, e 0n the I ba;s of Ure cent, a mile. Xh customary rate of pisseajer fares (,n rt:lrotit , cpt in sp.rrei, etlled couatry, is three (Mntsamile. Tne population of tr. IB. , diaa WraorydariOif u,f ,t U ye,r, ! ha. pr.)Wn riDirtj. Uj(jre larte iLcrtane iu paaoenr traffl; on this account, and tie K.ty i.tEcial. recoDr-' OU the W,nu , kQrl Justice of bOQuiog, have voluntarily r. 1 oVY ,,: le '0ril vn'- te PHYSIC AN toabailsof tbr com. ., .. -r,. i oue'ion will la ie nlar. n r ' yoic-; fc iijii.iinc; Tlione W -nber,!,,. ,hw - Hi. ain.n.. . ; . 1 if ri-JlUi-Uf. :,,o- t) the M. K. A !. Wlde-vasiibuiert, electric liehted and loiuriously equip- Bglonltg early ln December, rtsily betwen Chicago Lo Angele and Hsa Krsonlsco. 5anta Fe Route. Por illustrated pamphlets, ad drrn J D. EABTfilt, JU., Agent. FINAL SKTTLEMKN' V rtite is hereby itivei. U ml 'f elhtr l"rsous iub r.UrJ ln'rr-'' W MulltnU. (leeeaiwl. ttw '' aitiniDitralor will app'jr to r ij' niei.i uf k,14 . iate. Hi ' I l. i f tne probate l.l-it Mis.otirl, lo im l liUO :inU In 'O ' conn r,K in. In the eity t I."''1' n e. ..nJ Mouday In Ma. h ' . FINAL JiETTLKMEN' ! S..lloe Is heiehy (riven I" !l rfKt other tT n lnlertel Cair.lllUH lUriiett, ileeen...). Hu' . Mim,d:uliiitu!-'tiulrill al"'1) , M'ltienietH of'l eel..U, " 'tertn, laol.of the probate cm ',' u I count, Mlsviurl. to lie ra-aina'' ph.baie court room, in lb" ' ill ''( ou the iuoinI Monday In M.. l'Ia Pu.le AA'- 4-)!t ioe of Dli. ALVIN V. COLE AND - SURGEON OjlMinr: -phoni l.esld'n.-e lit'i auo Vr.u.iilin to....... ... 1. 1 :niton micim;ui. ! ! FINAL SETTLbMEXM ! N-ilic, te hereby Klven t'" !ll olh,.r .w.. r.. lr,....u,.J In lil,' I -' 'H. Keiuek. iie.!.io,ed. thai U.;U" , iiiii.ixtruirt. will applv to Ini- sr rt!e I' ll-O, the .New ,.. II it 1 1 f i-, It. Mil. STEPHEN N. WILSON, A ."."Hts-M-.AM.AW. '' MkmhiH. ' Hu. i! . !.'ue-, lluil-l.tig. ' iiicnt-irsai-leNtalMtlhe af'- l.nil.ate.oiirt of IjifajMlecmi"1,'-: ' - he li.-.niit i.e. I h..l.l ..I .he l.rt l,:-1' Ill the fit v Of U-IIIKtoll.MI III- 111 Ma). IV il. , Hfs , OL HP- I t J. I"" 11 HI ' A-iiuiB'' WILSON & KCKli Hiirifil) IlentlKt. olficf I Kti veuth aiid Main HtH i s-'ur.. L ).-ar.;. t I 4 :'.;",iaa T ' I ' " ri, . - , m - ...J X el i