Newspaper Page Text
lit PITH AND POINT. . iTZHS TADLEO RANGE. erty insured, oc-'-nanl or owner. ; a in fny town in '.' ,1 com", and make ,. lection, and name pplication: Will , thing. Write or im at office I in Till 11 son li ESTATE ; Lexington. Farms Houses to rent. If any real estate to it in his hands no sale. I Office in t ' Conflict of Authority. "How oniet uncle ihtbismorniug!" "Yes. uiscorn and his rheumatism don't indicate the same kind of weather!" Detroit Jour nal. 'I asked old Monevbncs for the liand of hia daughter fn marriage lust night." "How did vou come out?" "I don't know; it was done 10 quick." Town Topics. Hard on Tana. Fond Mother "All those beautiful ailk dresses, Joliuny, riime from a poor, Insignificant worm. Johnny "Yes, I know, mamma. Papa, is the worm, ain't he?" Moonshine. Itrii'i's "liertler is an ass. tha.fl what he is. He is alwavs on the wronsr aide of every question." Harleigh Hi 1. a sick ih. Hm tliinir Af Tail. .-uw tiw " . . n a I5r-nrrs "Well, and doesn't that prove what I say of him?" Boston Tran script. Well Snunlied. "What assurance ..... i Lave I that vou can aiiDport roy daurh- ter if I let you marry her?" asked the father. "Oh, as for that, sir," reassur ingly replied the young man, "every body has always said that 1 have plen ty of assurance." Soinerville- Jour nal. " ' 'Dearie.' said a Park avenue wom an, making a play for ticket to the' matinee, "when you got nie you got a nwnlmn lewet. didn't vou?" "Yea. in deed," said he, 'I got a gold brick." Being an innocent young thing sua smiled sweetly and seemed so happy. Indianapolis Xew. The Poor Suitor. "Say," said her little brother, "gimme a nickel?" "Why, Tommy," evclaimed her suitor, ; "are you in the habit of asking people ! for nickels?;, "o.v I gener ly asmor a penny, but I heard ma telling sis this afternoon that yon didn't have a penny to your name." Philadelphia Press. ' the mashing plague. Missouri Paciflc-Loslngton Br. Leave St. I mils Arrive tfatiuliii " Concordia... " Aullvillo " HiKirliiHvMe. " Huirn C'llv.... " Leslngton My rick ' Weillimtou... . Waterloo...... " NatHlouD .... liidiiuimliMice WSl-T BIICHPTBAISS. No. 71. . ?:;i:iut . Iti' pin . 4:07 pm . !:' pin . 4 :' pm .. 4:47 pm . 6:11 , ." v'l pm ,. pin ,. :4i I'm . b:lpta .. S:4Apm .. 7:14 pin KrlllhlMI Cltv tit. JuM'pn No. 7S. :!. pin fl.-i'i uui H :i uU) .'.4 UU litSflUUl li:4l BUi (8:t0i i'.Uiiui T:Jm 7:88 am 7 am M;oNnill B:U5sm 1:00 pin OAII.T. BASTSODPD TRMWB. No. 74. Leave 8t. Joe 8:0(pin Kansas my oiwpm liidcpxndeuce s:lipiu ' Nspolcon 7:08 pm ' Walorlno .. P' ' " WclliiisUin 7: pm Myriek 7:Hftpm ' Lexington 7t mpm HiririuavtUe 81 pm " Aullv.Ue K-.a.'pm " Concordia s:4pin Medulla ln:nnni 81 Louis 7:lUara 8pecinl rates to Kansas City every evening; and Sunday. RaHt H 5u am... 9:4.', am... Iil:0.'iaiii .. 10:) am .. 11:00 are... 2:15 pm.. Vksiohts. ' Leuves Lexington PsiroClty " H'lfniiiHvllle.... " Aullvllle.... ... CVneordia Solium Duily, except Sunday. No. li. t:ts am 6:Muul 7:40 am 7:44 am l:!iltiw l:(ilam 8:10am 8:21) am 8:87 am 8:47 am :02atn Hi: OS am 6:U pm Saturday West 8:Sfam i-M pm i.A'i pm 1 :4li pm 1:10 pm 10:40 am Tire repairs cost more than Tires. RIDE - GOODYEAR DETACHABLE TIRES and save the expense ' Fit any rim. No cement required. EASY TO REPAIR. EASY to BUY. Every puncture don't mean i vulcanizing. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0. Simmons Hardware Co., incorporated, St. Louis, Mo. Schmelzer Arms Co., Kansas City, Mo.', distributers. LlEl'J SERVIC Jefferson City, Boouvllle ami Lcxliit? ton Division. MIXCO DAU.T rXC. BUNDAT. xter. Loan AB . surani e Agent y Property (or ul or rant. EY TO LOAN. ney on improved farm lands 1 5i per cent interest. t rooai over Tevls' drug LexinKton, Mo. L Mill Co. ice Buyers SStD POULTRY. GAMfc i eggs and rana.' OUANE STREET, JEW YORK. 4 Our Present Paying Prices No.7i. I.etive. 7:1.". am Iexln(rtoa S:Hm Mj-rlok ... 8..V) Hia ...Northruii . tt:limm Dtivur... . 11:3; am KJwards.. tc.mii Wavtrly. . ll;:oiain..., Marshnll !:jiiam Uixmvilte 4 4.'i piu .. Tipton Head down. T" No. 71 Arrive. .. . 4:11 pm .... 4.4S pm .... 4-1! pm 4.W inn .... 4:M pm ... 3:W pm pin .... 8:l pm .... 4:45 pm Keao op. ' No. ON & TAUBMAN, 1 LBIlNOTON.vllO. TRACiS OF TITLE, ESTATE insurance, ? MONET TO LOAN ' only complete sst of Abstract : Tltlo to ths Lands of LafajrtitM E in HRE BUILDING r fmNOTOl. 9h ill 8. N. Winos LRXINUTUN, state, Loans and Insurance Agents. ;8TBACTS OP THLE MADB. Dinner on lmprorri farm lands at I and 1 per cent interest S IN HiEBLE BUILDING. .J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. ? in the Meng Building, TJifore learhifr the metropolitan In atnnoes of bad manners- I must touea upon a phase so vicious that It should be suppressed by law, writes John Gil mer Speed in Ainslee's, I allude to tba aireet "mashiiiff" 1 Vnow no other than the slang name for the practice oy men in tnose inoroiiffntares wnera women go io shop'.- This Is the most disgusting form of vile tnauoera that we have, and I vrrlly believa that toe men who do it onenlv In Wroadwav and in. Twenty-third street would have been. hot dead on detection 0 yeara ago. EVery woman has len annoyed ty them, and ull meu aee the thin( goiiiff on. indeed: there are men vno appeaT tn ia nothlnur elae than to try to at tract the nttention of women In tho streets with a sinister and nnmention- Thev eouid easily , ba enotted and driven out of town. They do not belong in New York alone, but flnnrls i in everv larce citv. Faria una the digrne of producing the most fin-, Ished and most persistent or tnesa acoundrcls; but we have thousand of them In our own brave American. They are not all youths by along shot. Many of them are in middle life, some of them are elderly. Last summer I saw a man of middle nge Rtart his game, lie was a rather shabby specimen, frayed nt the trouser bottoms, run down at heel and shiny in the elbows. But he was on very good terms with himself. Walking in front of me wa a good-looking girl, quite slim and nn- Bophistieated-looking. Her dress indi-. cated that she was from some small inlaud pjnee, where the modes of i'aria do not go direct. She was simplicity Itself. Everything about her invited j protection. The man I have alluded to came from the opposite direction. He ; took measure, of the girl with a glance. He turned on his heel and passed her.' looking into her face. Then he dropped, back again, looking at her a she nasised. He ouickened bis pace and passed her ngiiin. having in the mean time, arranged his shabby attire by nnllinir downtlns short cuffs and twist- . ing his mustache. Now, he evidently thought he was an all-conquering Don I Jnnn. He aaraln passed the girl, who paid not' the slightest attention, though he Mailed, or rather leered, into her face. Surely he will give it up, I said to myself. Not he. He tried again and nirnin on the snme tack. Hy this time ; my interest hud changed into angry disgust. My arm fairly ached to smash , ilm over the head with my walking j MrV. That, however, would have been . assault and battery, nnd I should have , lind to stand trial for felony. So I concluded to risk committing a mis-' demeanor. As'the scoundrel ndvnnced ( t nut out inv stick and tinned his straw hat from behind so that it fell over his face and to the sidewalk, flood- tiess, how quickly he collapsed! He went all to pieces ami ran acrots ino street ns though Old Nick' were aftor llm. I fancy It was many weeks ne- fore he resumed his mashing proclivi ties. ' . SANTA PE ROUTE. e : mi h I Avlnolrin f trains Hrnvrj m numi Mvmpwi No. (dally) 7:46 a m Trains leavo Norm Izinfrton: No.iCl,Hipresstdally) 7:Ma m H4in II tie trains pass bexinKinn OOlTtQ BAST. (daily) No. S. ill. i. a, . a. . . w j CaufoVnia i.linltod... ooi NO WSST. (dsiiy) (Jallfornla Llmlled... 9:19 a ni lii:W a m 7:15 pm HM p ni :4f a m . S:54 a m ll:m . : W a m , ! IS:..7pm , ; 6:48 p in J. I. KASTia, J a., Afeut , Black, 0, P. A., TopeSa, Kaa, Chicago nd Alton Railroad, uoiao asst. "1 11 h $ il li l! lllitckhurn Alma Cordiir.... ....... HIiriTiiisvtllu May view (mofwa HstesCity Oak G rove NO. 47 am , 10:13 . 10:07 . 9 -..19 . 9:M . V-M . 9:JT . 9:11 9:0A No. SI pm o.iS 8:17 H:H No. 49 pm No. lul Din l:4S 1:28 1:110 VIA TO SAM ANTONIO, VIA WACO, 8. A. & A. P. and SOU. PAC. ANOTO AUSTIN. VIA ELGIN AND H. AT. C. Through Tourist Sleepers CALIFORNIA, Vi SAN ANTONIO AND SOU. PAC QuIokMt and But Un to MEXICO. I RACKS A Q.s .' EXASr "KATY FLYER" ' TO r- ... St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas Citv ALL TRlr4 HAVC ' FREE KATY CHAIR CARS an . eurrET sleepers. r Effective March 10th, J?01, the AnoQunca the Ojxning of its j Rei River Division Denison and Sherman, Texas. j j ' Throusfa Train Service will shortly be fitaHisM from St. Louis and Kaotu City ovef the J J ' ' ..J L ft- , Shortest line to Texas 8 01 10 6Mi:B0 7:47 ... 11JW 7:H5 itt:IS 11:10 7:J .... 10:04 7:11 .... 9: QOIMQ WSST. e. ? Blackburn aimik CorJcr UlaglusvlUe.... May view Odessa BiitcsOitjr OakOrore No. 48 DO Y 4 A .44 :68 5:00 5:l b:SS 1:46 t o. H am 6:.M fl:57 7:07 7:17 7:ao T:4 8:l 8:08 CSS Bi- No. to ara 8:80 .... 9:00 5:30 9:85 .... 10:3 5:5511:10 .... 11:H .... 12:20 as. No. 60 am Trains No. 101 and 101 dally except Sunday All other trains dally. a,,,-! Excursion tickets sold to KansasClty Sahir day evenins, Sunday niorninfis, and Sunday evenlnts atone fare for the round up.i rood for rwturn up to and Including- Monday morning-following. Throuirh tickets and checks to nil points. Round trip tourist tlckoUon sale to all tourist "ror'further Information rail on or address: W. 8. LYONS, Tlckoi Anant, Telephone No. 50. "SALZER'S SEEDS -will nsse iuu itiun- TklaladArln( UMmanl.biitSal. 'ar'iKKXla Imm It out ri Um. Q-jfL Orw.iootnon earth, willporttlwly U yjV WTulutlonUB corn growing v,irw Billion uonpryirn. Hmwil mrTo tb fv 'fv lsoMolhrprCT. tint yiiij-. crop tlx wmIm iter sowli L9?S MJt.i I. Il mu is ii ti OstajorMjMl. rsa ioo sTmn L . .S. SuapMahcluxalm, .U. ' SmIU . V A.) Oata, fbiA Vmtnl ft A.) Rv. m s--n rrp SsHlTI M.fAj W liilD. k. IaMrt. H mmmmv MaaaaaBBBaap Workmen Iraw th Color Line Jackaon. Ml-, April 18.-Brieklay. era from Cblcajro nnd other northern cltie have tied np buildinff operations on the nevr atatehmise, by striking because of the presence of negro bricklayers on the work. The north ern men demanded the neproen bo diHel.urjfed. and when the foreman refuse,! to lot them go the white men quit work. A OK EAT HEW8PAPEK. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a marvel of .modern news paper enterprise. The ornani7.ation of its news service Is world-wide, complete in every department:, in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustrated in daiutily tlnted colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section contains more high class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural oolors are especially valuable to the ladies. The colored comic section Is a gi-nulne laugu-uiaker. The ifunny car toons are by the best artists. The humorous stories aro high class, by authors of national reputation. . Sheet music, a high-class, popular song, is furnished free every Sunday ir The Republic. ti.. a! Iho Hnndav Kennhlit' h llv v ".' -J - r , mail one year is $2.00. For sale by all newsdealers. . What Shall We Have for Desert Tiii nuMUon arises In tM family every day. Let us answer it Unlay. Try Joll O. a delicious desert. Prepare In two mlnuum. No lklnrl add hot water and set to oool KlaTors: Lemonramfo, raspberry and straw berry. At your frocera. looents. 6 COBBE9PONDESTS WASTED Tb IN- TELxiaaNCBU wants a correspondent in I every town in Lafayette county. Write i or particulars. CM ICORICETABLET? l-..,.iL (atiANKH 1 irnDirF Unsuroassed forcureofCOUGrlS'COLDi 5 " 10 PACKAGES. "V fhn all TKrnM Aff?r.tion, r ,, , 10 and 25 BOXES. . . Sod by Drugqibt,everywhere op ert prepaid on receipt of price IHI '.y. t.rt v , ,,,l,t'i.; T-H-E N E W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D Thrice-a-Week EDITION. Almost a Da ly at the Price oi a Weekly. The urwiidential campaign is over but the world goes on just the same and it is full of news. To learn this news, uist as it is-prooaptly and impartially all that vou have to .do is to look in the columns of the Turice-a-Week edition of the New York World which comes to the subscriber 1GB tiirres a year. Th Thrica-a- Week Workl a diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the JMignsn ian ff'iasre is spoken and you waut it. The Thnce-a-Week World's regular Hiihscriotion crice is only tl.00 per year We offer this unequaled newsppaper and the Intkluokncek together one year for f l.o5. The regular suliscription price of tht two pajwrs is $2.00. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD Wt.Wv"ajBp i i -MM-aiiiataaMwailOTIariWTir i i1 ft ft PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO . - AND POINTS IH ,r AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LYONS. PiiHsi uiror and Ticket Agont.rtlB(rinsv1lle, Va Oto. J. Charlton, Q. P. T. A., Chloaro, nv!n -v m A i p rni 1 rl