Newspaper Page Text
CT11E ONE ABOVE ALL ! J)r. Talmafe Soaads Praises f the f Vwld's Redeemer. I ga rta mfre Is tke Pwrvrwlia f i:, and if i never . j Kf.-.r V Tke iccr ' in ii-i. u.rt-r.--- 1 h!' we u it- Wtea we com t rwak of tke porr cf Canst. the CM ,ueror. e are poirg to ("nw c-r :ni'.e fr:n tr:r,3iThil area 11 ora- torio and evervth:rg prard an.i a:: i jvcdeus. Tie' Frecch navy fcsre ; fe by wk:ci tsey give . T... ..o r-rv ?wir e y o ant tS r.v.r kaad. t.i surroir.' a -r r i-j r?ee- .-Vne y irti from 'r to r-.Ter I rV all of r - i t free! r ' r cf death rr-f P "" I .3 'IV' rve? Car :kr-:.-h vt Ya t or ;run :r i I -. , . i- ' I tkose Is '17 fo - oeo-'"" i iiiffrf ct mnsbxation. And I kve to tell too tkat tirse rir,circ cf I tee cross may a.ira i. t"or. i.-tnte nc varenrs r-rrj. i ne (it to :r.g oft ! kile fv.rj to preach r la this d.core IH. J Jeu t ct . y..o w.:i i-e t.uedt Ik pr- the w..ri4' lie- fJlt ; ;H,r;, jrd umin : i r--uro. rtfr nd ru's brforf u the P01" You ou' i to pTtt I ir . 13 r:t cf some f Hi freat o.scipiel i y0,ir sT Txi fj?i.Mi; J'hn -He j j0d,j,4Ii u-J yreirV.d t-i-: Vt mn' k from tve it above ! . ... , .r,.,. rrc.i''. The mi coapicuiu character of' ntJ jo5ln I'r.ntaa rr-ihu V:rst ''." k'i.vrr ivm oiit uiV'D the platform-' v. LrvnrT fT'rtoni'1' ' BThe cpr hch. oansonded i!ji:anard Tajson. V. ar i I pht. po ated doa to H:tn from the janeJ op a:aii.!'! 'he :ie of the pi'- at hea kT or.U a ratification J iT in(j . out v i-.-rje. h Je r a h-!r' it ' it .. Y'-t raet ; . -t at aBy i- arB4 y cr kia v.Vr j.-ar latt .v rb ""ih of t" f eartb- tie : e? fs -sr-im e? rt-Ata :nt - Hi n etrtft.y ! -. fr.'.-r ' arrv f -.h ar.J r -i.e laa hare. Z I I ICIL tl SUAK 1 fr,eT - rest to the ce!r:;a3 ei-j or John f the trrer cf n.theeT. the finsrerof fTLrioiy. ihe fitifvr of ehrouo!opy. the finder of eeots -a.l e finfer Hiat!iip in one direcwoa- Christ it the orertoppiii? are of all time. He f the ox hatr.ana in a I. music, the rarefuleM Ure is all snipttsre. the n.rtt eiquisite tBicflinp ut l rhtsan.l hJe ia all paietinf . the acme of a" e'.'inaies. the dome of all cathedra led fTaenr and the peroration of ail 7ieDd;d UnrJre. The Greek aiphaVt it maile up of J4 letter, acd heo fhrist compared Hiave'.f t the first letter and the last letter, the apha ar.d the omeira. He Plripr'.ated to H:rr.elf all tne f pf n-1 Quicker than e ii.'Tf that yoo can pe'! out wth thve two Setters and a'.! the letter between tketx. "I am the a'.pha and the oraega. the be?iDB!iiy ard the end. the first and the JaM," or. if you prefer the oris cf the text, -abote aH." It BaBS. after yon have p.ied np al' 'p.e and Himalayan altitude, the f'vrj of Christ would have to spread its wieps and descend a thousand ) to touch thus simmit. Peliom. a high mouniaia of Thea!y: tsa, a h:rt monntaln. ad Olympas. hh inourita'.n. but mythfliofy tells hen the fiae'e warred eain?l the jrodt they piiH rep thete three aio'in taint and from the top of them pr oed to cale the hearem. hut the Ytiht ta nut preat encoph. an! there a a compete failure. And after ail the jr'anlt- tsaiah and Pan). ropbeie and apo:olr r-nt: Kapbaet and Virhael Angela, artintir; ckembim and aeraphim and rcharfel,ee'iet?ial giants hare failed to climb to the top of Chrt' frlory tkry may all well ooite in the word of the text and aay: "He that cometh tfrom ahore i a bo re aJl." Virtt. Chrict mutt be abore all else !b our preaeh'nir. There are to many to-kt ou hoBi'letict acattered through the wvrld that all laymen as well at all rierjrynieo hare made up 1keir mifd what termont oopht to ' he. That erni'.u it moat effeetoa! which mott pointedly putt forth Chrift at the pardon of a'.l tin and the cor recio of all eriL individual, social vi::cal. natinnaL There it bo reaton by we thonM rinp the end'ea change few phratea. There are thote whrt thick thai if an exhortation or ditcottrte hare frequent mention of justification, tasetification, eorecant of work and covenant of frace that therefr it ir.vjtt be profoundly evan reHcal, while they are .suspicion of disconrte which prraent the tame trnth, but under different cpy. Now. I tT there ia nothing in n the opulent realm of Anglo-Sat- 3 tie word treasnret that we inherited fmi the Lat'.B aid the Xireek aad the Indo-Eompean bnt we a-.ate a rht : marshal it in relijioot scu.sion. Chritt et the ewmple. His i!!aktrat:oua were from the jrrass. the fewer, the tpif.Je, the ta'.ve. the 'Wsyard fowl, the crystals of talt. t well at from the teat and the ttar. -fid we do st propose, in onrStinJay chool teaching and is our pulpit ad--tJrst to be put on the limit. 1 Know that there ia a (Treat deal said 1 tr day araintt word, at thourh -tbey were nothitt;. They may be tised. bnt they have an imperial f Cveer. Hy are the bridfe between tocl and ol. between Atmhty God and the humaa race. What did God write cpothe tablet of atont Word. What did Chritt it u a .. Cerres. tr ftr fr.n f c-: rc tbr orf Jxiv. t: r h - cferaal n.- A.a. pvr tout. r tter d e . 'he wil n tree 1 and - :at;B. a.oae. uTturea fa the a'r i t.ts for ;tjr t tr'" "d to oa y ir i wnu..i - '"ii.'Ji: "1 w..l e V - . aou luc I'trr aiiu i-.-i . ( nuncry. I - - ., . v. er :te t-e i w-i .vtm. f tn-Mi lor orwhelmed h' ... , . m . . . - i I . . i . , i . .. kn5Uu. a and dream atat tfce .(lr.B prrc- ut. - ..i..ik. as ev on the : ran had aftenpu human will. .. . . m V Krhter tn.m tr.e ir::. irr?-rrj than the fountain, deeper than te j aeas. are these tio.-j-c i '!en!r. hat no melody. Cowe rt. f- see cess, sunset sky has ro color, com pared with these rloriout tbem These harvests of crace ?ripe c? sickie them. Kindiiti? Mi'.ni: with 'heir ere ai-d produ-insr reToin'tou with teir power, liphticjr up dyin beds with their flory. they are the $weete$: thought for the poet, ard they are the most thriilins ii'rustration far the orator, and they offer the ino.t in tense scene for the artist, ani they are to the embassador of tje sky li enthu'fru. Complete pardon for tke direst eniit. 5weetct eoir.fort for phastliest aruy. P.ripbtest ho(- fc-r jrrirjiiiet !.ath. Grandest re.-Tc-tion for darkest sepu'eher. Oh. w:t a Gospel tu preach! Ctrit over all in it. n birth. Hi sofferiap. Hi miracles. Hi par We Hit eat. H tears. Hi blood. Hi atonement. Hi intercession what ploriou theme! TV we exercise faith. CbrUt i it object. Do we have love? 'It fasten on Jesus. Hje w a fondre for the churvh? It lcaue Christ died for it. Have we a hope of Heaven? It is because Jetj went ahead, the herald am' the forerunner. The roval robe of Demetriua wa o costly, so beau'iful. that after h had put it off no one ever dared pat it on. but ihit robe of Christ, richer than that, the poorest and the wan nest and the wortt may wear "Oh, my tins, mv tins." aaid Mar tin Luther to Stanpi;. "at tins, my tins!" The fact i that the brawny German ttudent had foand a Latin Pible that had made him quake, and nothinp else ever did make him quake, and when he found how through Chriat he mat pardoned and saved he wrote to a friend aayinp "Come over and join us. treat and awful tinners aaved by the prace of God. ot teem to he only a Iender tinner, and you don't much esto! the mercy of God. hut we who hare been auoh very awful sinners praite Hit prace the more now that we have been redeemed." Cam it be that yon are to desperately egotistical that you feel yourself in first-rate spir itual trim and that from the root of the hair to the tip of the toe yon are carles and immaculate What you need is a lookinp plat, and here it it in the Bible. Poor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked from the crown of the head to the ole of the foot, fail of woanit and putrefying tore. Xo health in na. And then take the fact that Chrirt fathered up all the note araiaat on and paid them and then offered t the receipt. i . . . a ao moon we need H m in our of-owt! We are independent of c;r ruuuuiKTi u we nave Hi erace, Why. He nude Paul sin in the don treon. and under that prace St. John from desolate Pa;mot heard the blast oi tne apocalyptic trumpet. After all other caadiet have been snufed . i :lf larreLne otia -1 Wo of heatealy '.:: e ar,-i coce ?'-e tit.-".e-y. vU.r,-'vr. H. '.. fr from home, dying .-' i -hen tempie, sad: O God!" What di-i Try a . . . 25c Box AKMOTJB'S Fine Art Toilet Best lor the Money. CRENSHAW & YOUNG. Of Soaf re br rotvr. h re af ia 'he "t'.lcirr to T d.vW WilV-vrv- say tn his wife. "CocU Ks;Je me and let na talk cf Heaves. I never knew what ha-pin '" fUB;1 Chriit." Wt-: dM Hatnah More mj! -t, to Hejren. thirk what that is! To po to Christ. ho died that I cirbt live! Oh. plorioat praTe! Oh. hat rloriot: thlnr it is to die' Oh. the love of Christ, the love of Christ!"" W: id Xr. Toplady. the r'vat hvmnn-.aker. sy in his last hoi r? "Vh. B)-ure Ike dop'h t;,i,n; tti. tne snn- tjt air ..;!: 1 ua!l toon r -:olj. lu t-te caa live f- !j " r a 'toa baa mir.v-'ri tn n.y s-u. What did tre lijuif Janeway aay? "I eta as eaity die as c'o my eyea or tora try head in sleep. Before few hour have pe.eJ I shall stand on MoitBt in with the one hun dred ad forte-foar thngsaad and with the just men made perfect. and e tlalt ascribe riches and honor and flory and majesty and dominion unto God and the Lamb." I, lay lor. condemned to bjm at the stake, on hi way thither lvke away from the pardmen atd went boundinp an! leapinr and jumpinp toward the tre, elad to po to Jesus and to die for Him. Sir Charles Hare ia hit latt moment had tuch rapturous vi tion ihat be cried: "t'pward. opward. npwardl" Aad so irrcat wa the peace of one of Christ' dis-iple that he put his finder i'n the pulse in hi rit and counted it and observed i:s bahiup heat until hit life had end-i here to becin in Heaven. Hut pran;:.-r than that r the testimony of tb- wofiont m:si'rarr. when in the Mamartice dunpeon he cried: "IJ am now ready to be offered, and the time of mr departure it at hand. I have foupht the pood fitrht. I hav 6nished my course. I hare kept the faith. Henceforward there is Laid op for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Jodpe. will pive me in that day. and not to me only, bat to all them that love Hit appeariap!" Po yon not aee that Christ is above all in dying aiSeeia t'on? Toward the last hoar of our earth ly residence we are speeding. When I see the tprinp blossoms scattered, t say: "Another season pone for ever. When 1 close the liihle on Mount Ov"? Woet ofVa' V' X M ChrUi .tea. tK. v L M S n ' br!-r the perfect day. IJnmination of the universe? Oat of' words. "Let there be Ipht." aad 1 pfct was. Of coarse, thoapht U the e-arpo. and word are ocly the h'p. t bow fast wcVid yoor earpo po on without the ship? What yoti teed, say fnend. in all jour work, ia your fnday school class, in yonr reform atory institution, and what we ail teed is to enlarpe our rocabulary j whea we come to speak about God 1 ad Out.', and Heaven. We ride ' few old words to death when there la rack an illimitable reaoaree. FhVepeare etrp'oyed ll.Qf d:Ser. ' est word for fraantic parpove. V:l-' ind after under the hard hoof of raUmity aH the poo! of wrijly en joyment have been t raffled into Jeep mire at the foot of the rtcrnal rock the Christian, from cap of franite. lily rimmed a4 vie covered pau out the thirst of his ouL A thousand feet tuwierpro';a4. by Spht f torch toilinp in a m:aer' lhaft, a led,.-e of rock may fail tpo, . and we may die a miaer't death far out at sea. falling from tke e'up sery ratlines and broken on the hai rard. we may die a taiior'a death. n miatioa of it rev in hotpiui amid broken hone nod reekir.e bn; Heating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stoy Cheapest and Best at 0. Fa Tel. 105 Lexington ton employed d ffereut word rrRC fever mt d e a ok for poetic purpose. Sufn Cheste employed over U.flW different words fcr pal parr-3es. brt the most of s k'e less thac l.tH words that w - ' arr "y ran manape. !ess tha WO, actj tiat cakf-s to ttnpid. t ben we cosce to : firth the love , f t-.m!, e are prir.y to take the letcerest plrase-;.ct te,rr antnropttt oa-t fit the fie'.i 0f latt. tervirp our (.vj n4 our v,-. try. lup ,i. lf.4r1i , us. -i I atli. r.-. - St Viet ro- ciay d,e a patr.o; .l tfcere are only t- -artcre. the dea h of irer il! tiyt" This is tbe Jetut whom we preched at Corinth and in Cappa docia and at Antioch and at Jerusa lem." Little rhildren clad In white will ay: "This i the Jeu hotMk ln His arms and blessed as, and when the storms of the world were too cold and loud broupht ns into this bvautiful place." The multitudes of the bereft 111 say: "This is the Jrsu ho com forted n when nr heart broke Many who bad wandered clear off from God and plunped into vapahondism, but were saved by prace. will say: "This ia Jesus ho pardoned us. We ere lost on the mountains, and he broupht ns home. We werepuiity. and He made ut white at snow. Mercy l)ind&, prace eniaralirled." And then, after each one has recited hi pe culiar deliverance and peculiar mereict, recited them a by solo, all the voices will come together in a preat chorus which aha!! make the arches re echu with the eternal reverberation of piadues and peace and triumph. Edward I. u to aoiiou to po to the Holy Land that when he was a boot to expire he bequeathed $: 60.000 to have hi heart after hit decease taken and deposited in the Holy tand, and hi request was complied with. But there are hundreds to-day whose heart are already in the holy land of Heaven. Where yovir treasures are. there are your hearts also. John Ban yan, of whom I spoke at the opening of the discourse, eaupht a plimpt of that place, aal in his quaint way b said: "And 1 heard in nsy dream, and, lo, the bell of the city rang again for joy. and a they opened the gate to 1 - 4 V . 1 I 1- .1. Sabbath nict. I tar: "Another RaM V , ., , , . ,fB' r,th departed." When I burr A' " Xj bn' friend. I tar: "Another earthly mt traet'on pone forever." What nimble feet the years hsve! The roebucks and the lichtningt run not so fast. From decade to decade, from sky to sky. they po at a bound. There it a place for n. whether marked or not. where Tau JBJ I -;) gep the latt sleep, and tbe men are now living who wilL with solemn tread, carry us to our restinc place, brighter thin a ban 'ite ting hl! thronph which the light f.-et of the dancers go np and down to the sound of trumpeters will be tke epnlehr through whose rifu the hcly li-hl of Heaven streameth. (iod will watch you. H will tend Hi angels to guard your tlnmberiap ground until, at Chrit't behest, they that! roil away the stone. So Uo Chriit L all in Heaven. The E.ble ditiac:ly savi that Christ U the rhie f tbrme cf the Celestisl ascrip tion, at! the thrones ftcirp his throne, all the palm waved before Li face, a7. tb crown d owa at hi feet. Cheru b;3i to cherubim, seraphim to S'rarl,;. redeemed spirit to redeemed spirit siall recite the iiavioiir'a earth ly SJ-riBoe. tanJ on tome high hill of Heaven. ti ia t'l the radiant sweep the most rl n .-as ekject will be Jeso. Mynal rvr-rg trv afterward breaking forth :r ,o awv.a station. The and there wert street of gold, and men walked on them, harps in their hands to sing praise with all, abd fur that thty shut up lha gate. Grand Central Hotel, Reopened axp Newly Furnished Good Mca and best acrvice. Your patronkgo solicited. D. M. FRAZIER. Rropr on iev nm "wawtvnr nor dilarboo f our sv J tf ha ntaosw in our u "Ughiaiag Balaaosd" g Hri( boaght of tb KaaastCtjl' oiapaay. Oar offic beltinJ Sor r coapetlad t iW flrat gatotia eagiaa walcttiJ tvecwoatnf tbevibraiioa tkiJ tna floor - walla of iHesriil which made it almost tHJ atiuag on the toor naaatiha;! wrtu with aay dagraw of suw& Oor asw aaglMU thaaai la town and It now lUwkaJ aid with anew I Mile noU thtw J bort haxd'y know now than agiaa. no twm no goo Wii aat to toll ail oar brultaprJ OTr tho coaauy about h. Mil t8 that if thee hspps kat oar town we trill tsktt. at. J la ahowlag It U them as l trj taka in showing a naw toy. I This new englae addit tvl on thlag il ha log tsawi it the moat coarwaiett aid bwij oSSco in tha cwnnty, aados In tha atatn. Wa hava at 4 aad two smaller aad a r dr press and wa jaet belt tat iu ineaa on to r HUghUlt"ti4ii wseai to know that aha aw an nwIL I It I away to start aad, ml atartad U. joat )t italoatisin the rawt. It kna no apecial m anoor it. Wo imn.'T pat inc torni oi two by foar pieces an navy boar1 toor near that t nawdia tairta with amailopM It that woald b liable U o andiatont and casa delay , ngl M la noaded anoai. Ilasta la U pump lo wear out t4i age, Una making It acoooaa. Millor's Photos Kxce'i ail other in quality, fine finish ai3 art tic lightings. Nice F'hotos tl rdoea and up. Spe cial prkes to c hildreo ou Tuesday in Gir Utto to Sin On aotoaat of tb fact that donbt ptatOD In lb eyllsosr : xptoaion Ukta ptaoa bettvai piatM nanda la lha eesler af ' Ue fall fore to ntlllted i Jarrlag Is peeetalad. Tea, w ar tickled wrt ais aad w doalt min readers ao. le rj::. il. hi lux- irtrc, aij e i l e tke forai-- tie tztr f r the fame throuph which tiy ptii. mm t: "This r Jetus, ' r wV : we died." The apost'.et, aU tk kr?-er for the ship wreck and the -i.i-g thr -h which they it. Ceo. I. D. i. s, VETERINARIAN, Pbone 117 LijTCM,a!o. ARAUE CHANCE. Haviag decided to do out ey hold lariofcows aad belters, some 60 hoat, I o3e for sal oas and nil. My line com prtt banhoras, Angeae Harefcrd aad jrrMV mixed An mr A v t. maryrs. aU j relereec n mtla strain, formerly beiesr ' la ercaaxry bnleeas. 8me Twenty odd wim ia i at hwi ata ms: ts enJee shortly. pTicoaraarlnc froai i to fw per head. Call oa or nddreaa. TsLnor eixrsoit. aprTyeaxl AalirUK Mo. Rnsb-Peak Wedin; A rsry pretty bat qsiet ' aolamailad VadaasaiaT alwrK' o'ciochalU hoaof thtsoi Mr. and Mr. Jama Peak, at! thoir sidasi dtBfbUr. klJtO naitod la avsmin to Vt.t Poraat City, Arkaaaa. D' 't offlclatlag. Th parlors dsworntad wiU poned pM" flowers. Th gro,nttraageru' Lexiogton eiti, bat I horn and reared In oor Bid.1 lo on of oar old and won tf peeled tamllve. She 1H axaelUai enrlatUn eharact''! !iaultiA aad la roaaaated tl " oaalifioatioaa which fit bet W . 1 .lV..kiM.llll wvtfmutvm vi vw ana baa linked her tniar. onotl wihe th coop tH proapetvo Jnaraey tbroM ""j De. aad air, both left '. train Wed next. tar a after Map 15 Ihey will K areat City. Ark. -1