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K7 Ft lit"- A ft. tj tr ri:x N- Yoci. wi The Intelligencer. L O. NEALE El ftJ Propo-. - r T v - Tt- cr rvt i ti e k'W-M ' ;w 3i McCauslands Price List Va oorzrti tie X tie tVr.i f ; km. KJ F "Jf v.. j ttt rrt it , ... s -s 10 o vrrcls shirting prir.ts ix j ir-'s drc5pnnl5 fO xx itn 1 - - ----- . 1 - - t. 3iT 4, y I. ' .." f - PIcicbsJ mucins, per u oc, ;c, 1SUE1 OI'tVSriSITV. f Tnts etr.Draces, rru:i. wouuicr, uuls, u; ) and all the best brands. 4. Utiu, rir?t ti?iii Cva- irax:'-'it0 Drown Moslin the best brands 4C. :.,., p;arst Uto oi it i ; ;..v 4 ti . s.-i; ab ik ift- rfn;L if ia rca-'. VCX i - ' - lkft 3 Sworn wcfc;a ti ti-rj kJ reoffTfri ft r1 tfc CftS! X-:e jt-Tersafti 4b pa--?-:- k 39C, 49c. 55c, 6;citf of nslwg tfctir; Aft ftg! Uor:e Si- J?t Kr. r- n BOMer Kt c4 D ir J sd 3.riS5 in- toois sctow xr - n - 4 it t VTkk :fcb i., e-vr bTkr W-KO CTi, NAi lUci. Tuj it eireiifttft'iorbkof pros'. i Wka wen tegte to tte ; 4rfcft tk Jert-l Kwnrtrt'ktr.! tcit H lk S.a to s-xfcf lie ??ri4 cf Kftftsk td akicg tppM prMfctj' :3i ft Z-f -""- -- - Trub prdie lor tk nft -to sdeixrc bft.k whf eiir ft for bia.c?f fted ' .1t tl lb C&M tlO! tftlt lbT . ..i . turr '- . Er. t. I- G:3 c tfcere ..... :. M rtiK tfeta ; t; frsrf o wr Wcusgtoft -fto, J T i I IC4UJ iir!t l Itbez. f Eitra urge anj neaT iuc linen towels, a urjre assonmcui iw-, uj, 15c. 20c, 25c. im Colored table linens 1 5c, 25c, 2iC and cptol I ;n.n r.arkins 5. 75C !-00 anduntnt Linen crashes 5C. c. Sc, ioc ic.j:". Dress pnghams, Desi graces aau mic. ..u., iuc. 12;, Fiest percales loc atd; A fell line oi wasn lacncs tor waists ana lull saiti Remember that we are headquarters for Carpets, Mattings, Rags, Etc, tt. Mr. :b Ira mis tlPl prwvJcBl, W. G. WcCAUSLAND. la ibe Xt oj. . - . - iwWW iftftltf p'a!J -bcft iiy oogbs, -ere p reftisf U vf Ifte dpnrl:io6i ol IW Ja 6j J loig ail ia rteir Prr to bli::!e kt tby -era We dea l k-o- Artiar Ciasilor aa earetic j . 1 r .-T w;ii3Ptoa mmo tfcn thi i t more remanf- ' tfce katit -ha ri "T P: fca !wt o eom-j fcT of Iiteois2 to tnioftiiftit,i:i.a fca hn ort; ' 1 ' ir L!Trrjitj, and; , " tKS tad itl car FaJrtoo ! Tfc LOIIvlOB .e? . u DJ I Prwi4V. W. B. TIVIB Mr WALT1K B.Wiw LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, . . - ;o pror wa ri"- .... 1 l.- 1- .k. ( I rj !e pa'.t-aj i p:" l '" 1 Joi ft -era read to po to pre tte crj of Ire rtoo4l aad iaaeo were ee ro& op lioaa Cfer 1 W th aa ftoar ibe rortor, J wktcb -U Ailfof Arkaotft piftft, -aa; baratd 10 tke groaad. lo Ifte war-' bo mta a boot "A twbf l of coro. j tbe -fceaJ hicg loalod ool jefterdaj. L(M oft Uuieing aiXMit l,4-'. iftfur-j A baitle la CktM ta wbicH 1M lew aboot f.t'. u ca pooitmi . in ruUf,i. - - ' - " tau b oow opening before fter. Tbe; rf CbiBf(4f owortej ti:i on of Aei MeadeaaftH ftd a festOity of b,r ,ae ceruinity of . o fce Ch0 .ere'osrr. ol io-. pople red iho ril- row-iift:s btr borders, Ler woodrr- k-.nohf ! r, l tr,n mt W on cr. Tbei . kl, eftd;!T ,be l, ( Tke Si. UK,a EpoUKt u ker oppor-; eww4n imiJ1 M aitj. Tkb nagteie; aiidnkir 1. U...min'a HIT mill lrW iWi II i, TODOTlrd fTOOl LOBdet! tkftl Cil sztecUoft t-f eTery atftie ia the I'bwb. ! Rbodn h kis way 10 that cwy to I A3 et Joe wota ta ia mm vat Dime , repori or ce kt i of Wi0ii !e eoopled with -bat ( batioea ia Sooth Africa and to onSer proosiMO lo be the most complete and to ad aace ia the price of diaawod. tBemrfel eBterprb el tbe kind efer Now u aa opportaoe tiae therefore to sdertftkeo. ftl'oori k oettr had y 10 a ?tock of the ahiaer. btloTt ad -UI w kave agio withifl ti eeeet wAtary tbe opportonitT LEXINCTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI. - - $50,Oo! fttitoritD erMaia Doc tmti ft tmf DIRECTORS Bmift!l a rTX9 d - tit a STOCKHOLDERS I w .tra WaaMi NnwaM , -brlnat) BWBTena IB4au iMlljlMd J -i 'Ww wDHukti UttvJo-m MrKk-b fillet ruiKVBvt ft!trWWiov MWtt Hrsrluti H BDvkcConior ft G Totiatr CECftaom tttm Jarkma Erk5f HttrfCaMm llfttiM LOCkota .... -- .1.- . ... ,!.- KJ OCA; op?.L, ice zrrai tiiKit ui on . . .... L . . tnooiphtu. pro-Jocts sbootd be pot befur tbe . wcrid at St. Locii. Ererr ei:y aad of tte forego aiiwti ha aa;a roof t f th te k-yiri wub wbrat' Icanj.'M ftre but re af(fd bj a buctet ; . ' KM t.. T'.j. M--TtA vr St!v I . bir . I , 1 - J -' 1 ' .tMk . W.a-wtw WtthmB 1 ; sai v trw. v. 1 ' it" j Tilofthe:. do u part tbe t au.pp.oe ix.oo Tie CoIoriio wirik4 0fficb,Te'. toward th of Mioun a Uicg for pM. 1 .naeit.T tke repb- l0 opeBcd .: atu worth Wore tbe world acd tbe licaa admiBir.rat.oo b tB getties beaeSU to tbe ate - ill have aeareelj in iu work the ia good uae. t beo w;thtbe eins ol tbe eipoi-, chicazo a. aa oeem port but bnag j 1)De MU;er , daiftoceftfoy' mre. ib w cookp.eie isr use -ioe. ! tbe ftaarleti of tbe world Brer to tbe Harris-Anderson Lumber t GIVES XC TUE Best Grades at Lowest Price SERiHE BUYING SEF J. J. RHODES, M'G'R., LttinZ t .1. w . -i. tv. r,.Vi;'iii it Anopp 1 r in J!Mnn fv . vr - r .kuivugu in w w UUrxuC. IV1 U IA . ill' ; Lull , iMVm k..'..4;.r Ts oii nM wm built in ; Cbioao' eoad lortp.Be a wf.I u txir r- ,.T..k,.. . L.n : 1 1 4fer t'ai wai a new capitol ! do.r of the wet. We rtjo'ice in t , iSJadadd4toift IW. The Jtfet-jowa. a CS-.t Tre aay it wi'.I uke foor ' jiom- to hare hard battrr wuboot ee jTftr? of fit:k-o d 3 year to boild ( a tae ieQ(Dfr crt M Aara Wil 1; Vh all oifsftry deiajt tbe 1 (j. Pre th.ek raa be ready by 1911, for ia B&eeueg of tbe Fort j-S't'.h ' Goerl As-tBVy SloorL ' Couoiy Tribes coataia the fo,'owio j regarding tbia koe:- will beea by aa adrerliefteat ia tki iaae of tbe Trigone tbu tbe St. l.oais Kaa' City k Colors fto rod a g Aug to baild j aaatber fcf'.y bii of tbe road lbi HftBtt whch will take tbe Si. Loo AoKrUft eoefttis'. hare discorered s raaftWe ra tftftt w;'J prereot foot aed BXa'.h dtoa. If tt prosetr: tbe Tte Well iivcii b;rL n biic du:u- uih ran, ..i ,. . ik Mr. ,r,.:,- Uo to Miilr exrj, t dirtftcee of V" I fti it dw IaM, f x cb.ldreo. yoac .r ( J 1 ...4. . .i 1.,, Bjilw wwt oi Lntoa. TteTnbwekui W. G. Musgrove. Sam'l I. Di MUSGROYE & CO., alo wbeo coibiaed wiib black. every rtftJyft to biTe thai Vhii!wn mdaftliua rua thi w eii 10 .... .1.. v..- ... ;.. V Cltl t ft t-JOB k H I DOM ,h,rdintr of d-:,hi 1 tnaJ rv:" unoa : o, aod bikU.i a hr cia raa t Ofooei ei bj Ke6cl tie k-.t genn. Uba k:rii. the -:u b-r.g tiKked aad ! lhic J eta aared.-Ceaerall .k-b k., MfttiHft kftTe iNeuirlk.K.ed. wr.h eiLMo;dere.i or lace ia-S Manage! EaBewj I VI rV 1 n fa Wkttaw tci k e a a ovr bti aatiag so scb aUoov. tt U to ertjoa act 13 Axzbi becoaae Terr po polar. --iGrocenes, - Provisii ie logo; FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Prof j The railroad cootractor is tbe nciaity j ; ot Gray'a t'reA are rolliBg the bluff i.;ia . cr . i He Baat be ei!y ered or pertap . , k , .t;-. k 1 imodIp drore out to th nrir tut mo u-t-im ix.4 ku r.r. B4Wj wi,ft t3iXeT gO.Si . ' A I 1 - " . ( ' k . . 5 u 11s. iuvoitfro too. The ftge of Cbiradcs h b-j yet r --- . While aod ccored wah . k ,h-1v' 1 titghCSt Market ffJCfl FlKl for CoUDtTV PrOdUCC fba.itf nia ari nm t rifl . nnM 1 a ur 1 tuau 17jui 1 ol.ui in no 1 Lriniir 1 . Aleie Fw Crook of Ckjeftjo, " v1& lbtf ,3. 0 Gray CrwA are rolliBg the bluff Mllllenlx's Old SUnd, COf. 1 6th and FfiaR 1 yrar k tu er kad a girt. , t4 Mdirjf ,lia ttdj Vfaite a nutLlr of Jefleraoa Cut dar aad Moodav to view tke work t . -- r'.r xi r a-ide from tiro to ihrt Joat above the mouth oi Grara Cik locbr deet acd oru foa:iatioB that Ibe bew line of the "rim rooie" tkiri 1 - . t &a be boagbt ia a.l iz. A rcle do up to the blufl sod cootiderftble 0.ld tuxt aad sot wnrd atotk ! tu e"ir l cade of the rt a,aierial b'.atlng had to be done. IVep bole ' are drilled dowa into the bluff aad a 6. McCftrSLAXO. Prw. E. B. IBKUlSO. Ckg. IXi J. lsBU The Traders' Bank, in MiiM ih or&M-tiT fjrtacB : aad ITiXtted ft the il kasteru Texa. There ttay be boom VLaaj of the piraU thi ftoa an nia!l amount of dynamite is touched j an ladtnduajs. cvftoVUoft ia the fact that o2 io of Kriped tilk white color, and . off io the bol to "rprlng'' the hottoo ' .... . . l. .u.i... i..L..i.t Lf...Jik ik:. L.l.:. i.i . ..1 I tUeter IB. : mut lum a.r tiin igg id(ui n mu mcu uin uum is niirq WHO darkihfti The fckt are lur;. aad b.ack powder and touched of! Tbe w tAir X A, fill ''j U.rowa wi4t mlf prompt imuU. U ! KKHAiO FTILO.r am is. . T u-M:t (xiptty twpt lft; boo , , v . ,T. ; . u" " " - - ia vrutt b?.. uil S Mcu each. o.i iiBCaDitaUi Kirn ia the air and rnlW m!o ik. m . . - , mfiJ c - - wv: j-VOTn.r-s..-. A l. nrer to make a aound foundation for 1UUI I 13U11- VV tJIHVVUl llf " ' (rraj. ; LEIINGTOX. - MISSOURI. f&f ilitilrd tb handllnir of Ihn m.t.n.1 cnVr,mnJ nn progn-rt is being made Bt i , - carataaa. i ot tckt are lorg, ana I at powaer ana toucnea on rte, 610. M . CiTEOX " w ' " :; niftreWcrt;eib3:bTwereirv,olt'lb,llODor rofk are broo CHftftTltlD JA.5TAKT H.itn. weiea uu.kpm . .. uu i k-k p"?11 10 ln ir fta rol"'1 ,nl e, --:. tt 4 . iw,; . i ; -e- ... ... ...... . . J&a.. rr ue ua c.s oirt m ltvcm l-r-u ! preheat Jefferson City Prt-M. BOARD OF DIRECTV EJI "WTaa J.MarrVwa. U. luu, I'.&Ktnui. . Catroa. f-i