Newspaper Page Text
Gablee Old Stand Want of tha Court House. s. Granulated or 2$ lbs. oINew Orleans Sugar for $1.00 each $5.00 cash order of goods at the following prices se coffee, ItctsorSlbsfor.... S5c Mocha ana Java, the very i pounds (or 11.00 Patent Hour, per cwt 1 W r old Country Soap tor c , -A, per pound 10c 1. 1 lba..for c ' tat neat t pounda (or S&c ,t bacon per lb ...12c alcana for ttc T can for Wc X corn I cant (or Sc 1 corn T can (or Wc of beets 10c uaTlpa per can Sac pur gallon 26c ickles per gallon 46c ,cns tuolasses per gallon.... c its, 15 pounds for 25c ifi greens per cab 10c asa, I boxea for etc rden Seeds: a full line in bulk a papers at lowest prices. T-U, per down inc Butterlne, 80c per pouud, I iba for.... (0c North Carolina pine Ur per pint 10c I lb can of mince meat 10c rernlan datea per pound. 10c Oranges per down Sue Imported aardlnea, In pure olive oil, per can ltc California dried peaches, peeled, lb.. 9c Other dried perches. per lotc to 10c Italian prunes. 30 to the lb, S lbs f or .. Be Medium prunes 4 lbs for " Small prunes. 6 lbs for 85c Dried grapes, t lbs for Oc I gallon can of apples. sSc Fancy dried aprleols per lb 16c CaroUna bead rice I lbs for 3c Bulk starch, 8 lbs (or 36c IS lbs sal soda for 25c I big mackerel for 9c White hoop Holland herring per keg. IWc White hoop Mllcners, per keg 11.00 Special rolled herring, S for 10c THE PRODUCT IS THE PROOF, and you are more thiau welcome to test our flower and garden seeds by the output of your gardens, with the very fair proviso, of course, that you follow instructions as to planting and tending. The seeds ' we offer come from the hothouses, nurseries and fields of the most expert sesdsmen in the country, and are bound to Rive food results. Tbone 152. ELLAXEOUS MELANGE. O ' iatordav's Daily.l , W. M. A. Win. teres ting game of baseball od here yesterday between Jewell college, of Liberty, V. M. A. cadets, and resulted ire of 13 to 7 in favor of twell. W. al. A Ardlnger , Ludwigs, Cola Nlokeils Simmons Ilgeofrlti ...Williams, B LINK VP. i c p... i .-iB.. JJB.. B.. , 88.. , R F Btepbeneon . CF Evana LF Padgett t0d . .I umpires. me was a closer one than would indicate and was g from the start, both sides lean ball. Four of the seven Je by Liberty were made in b inning and five of the W. ins wee made in the second nd Ludwigs did the pitching A. A. and that they did good shown by the fact that only 19 were made off of Ludwigs jnnlngs and only four were of Cole Id five innings. us Collins UrtAWOld, M. D. d into bis final rest at New Mo., oa faster morning, 1, Sjlvanus Collins Griswold, ity-ninth year. Is wold 's first wife, whom be while he was a student at Masonic college, of ibis city, ' Lockie Arnold, oldest sister W. G. McCausland. ITe was lent citizen of New Haven I leading physician of the lis son, Ur. E. H. Griswold, surgeon of the Wabash hos Peru, Indiana. fixffold was a schoolmate in onio college of Dr. J. F. Judge John E. Ryland and if that period of the earlier Lexington's history, and his ads here and elsewhere over nty and state will learn with J Lis death. good (arms for rent. .tentur? Apply to 2-10tf. Jane II. Wilson went to this morning on a short visit Dlzabcth Sandford, of Oswego, ! came in this morning to t son at W. M. A. irringe license was Issued yes A Mr. Lloyd Slushcr and Miss Keddeck, both of Corder; Dave Haecker returned yes- evening from a two weeks' 1th relatives and friends at Springs. ansfer company keens a call book tammoth livery stable and one at id Central hotel. .Leave orders at O. 8. CunnlDKham sod wife, 3lo, and Mrs. S. II . Klcox ,tle son, of Cairo, 111., spent J here yesterday with Mrs. owell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey re turned yesterday evening from Dover, where they went on a short visit. . Mrs. E. Trule White, of Kansas City, came down this morning .to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. Johnson. Mrs. W. E. Bard came up from Sedalla yesterday evening for a visit with the family of her father, Mr. J. C. McGrew ' Rev. Thos. M. Cobb arrived last night to visit ' his daughter, Mrs. Bert Taubmao, and to join bis wife who came Wednesday night. Miss Alice Grace, one ot the stu dents at Central .Female, college. went to Knobnostcr this morning to visit friends there for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hamlctt, Misses Maud and Sue Hamlett ac companied by Mr. John Robinson re turned last night from Kansas city. Mr. Robertson, formerly of Boon- vllle, has come to our city to take tbe position of road master's clerk bere for Mr. wm. uannon. Air. v. J. Ilardy, wbo han been occupying this position, gbes to Sweet Springs. Miss Emily Bartons returned yes terday evening from St. Louis, where she ' has been on an extended visit. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lyman Ewing, who comes to visit the family of her father, Dr. Henry Bartens. ; From Monday's l)ally.J Mr. Bias Fredricks spent Sunday bere with friends. Mrs. Minn McFadln returned from Kansas City last night. Mr. Robert Stalling spent Sunday here with his father's family. Mr. rhilip Keller and Mr. Fred Day left last night for Boonvllle. Mr. Maccy VanGuilder, of Kansas City, spent Saturday here on business. Mrs. Zue Bell came down Saturday night to visit Miss Blanche Llewellyn. Miss Kate Gordon came down from Kansas City Saturday night to visit relatives here. Dr. Kice, of Richmond, was here yesterday to attend the funeral of Dr. J. F. Ilassell. Mr. W. II. Stcvenoii left this morning for Hardin, whero he is buy ing corn to ship south. Miss Fannio Sawyer returned home Ratumay night from a six weeks' visit to Jopllu and Independence. The Lexington ball team went to Wellington yesterday and trounced the Snl boys to tnc tune of 30 to 9. Colonials Katei to California Only f26 from Kansas City, via. most direct line, Santa Fe Root, every Tuesday to Aprl 80. J. O. Easter, Jr., Agent. Mr. Luther NIckell, accompanied by bis wife and baby, spent the day bere yesterday visiting his mother and sister at tbe NIckell home. Cyolistf shoold always carry a bottle of Ballard's 8now Liniment, In case of acci dent, If applied Immediately, it will sub due the pain, prevent swelling, and dis coloration, and quickly heal tbe wounds. Prioe, 25 and SO cents. For sale by Oreo thaw ft Young. 6-ml Mr. Chris Klst returned to Kansas City Saturday evening. Mr. W. G. Musgrove came in from Kansas City Saturday night. Mrs. M Williams returned Sat. urday night from Kansas City. I Miss Elizabeth Groves returned from Kansas City Saturday night. Mr. Gus. llaerle left Saturday tilgln for a business trip to St. Louis. Mrs. Ernest Hiys returned Satur day night from a visit to lndcpen i dence. Mr. C. W. Hickllo and wife went to Kansas City Saturday evening to visit relatives. Mrs. Thos. Thomas came up yes. terday evening fronj Higglnsville to visit Mrs. Geo. Dodge. s Mrs. G. It. Alexander returned last night from Kansas City, where she went to visit her daughter. Miss Ilanna Groves, one of Cen tral's students, returned last night from a sbort visit to Kansas City. Mr. D. Bogie and wife, of Higglns ville, came up yesterday 'on their way to Richmond to visit relatives. Misses Ara Smith and Mattic Spease went to Kansas City Saturday evening to visit Mrs. N. G. Tompkins. Mr. Lee Slusher came down Satur day nlgbt from Kansas City, where be has been serving on the federal jury. Mr. Allen Bethel, of the Kansas City World, came down vesterday morning to visit relatives and friends bere. . Mr. B. B. Frazier, of St. Joseph, who has been visiting the family of Mr. B. R. Ireland, left yesterday evening. Mrs. Thomas Stramcke and her mother, Mrs. Smithers, returned Sat urday night from a short visit to Kinsas City, Mr. John Morrison went to Kansas City yesterday morning and Mrs Morrison went to Independence to visit relatives. COBUBrONDEMTfl WANTED The III Tf.ixiotNCKB wants a correspondent to every town la Lafayette county.. .Write for particolars. Mrs. A. Wade, of Higglnsville, came up yesterday afternoon to spend a few hours visiting the family of Mr. Oscar Andreen.r; The finest Hoe of eream and chocolate candy In town for 30c per lb; floe new nuta of all kinds; Age, raisins, datea and Malaga grapes ai Joe. L. Loog'a. Mr. R. C. FInnell, of Hoffman, Johnson county, - Mo., left for home yesterday evening, after a short visit here with his brother, Mr. J. E Finnell. Mr. John M. Foage, wbo came in Saturday night with his wife, (nee Bessie Cobb) to visit relatives bere, left I on bis regular trip yesterday morning. . Mr. Geo. M. Mountjoy returned yesterday morning from St, Louis, wbereibo went to attend a meeting of tbe representatives of the Mutual Life Ins. Co. Juitioee of tbe peace and notaries pobJIo eat be eapplied with chatUe mortgagee at this offloe. at. 6 cents per copy.. All kinds ol blanks printed to order. tl Mr. Al Johnson, of the Kansas City Star, who was bere several days last week in the interests of bis paper, returned to Kansas City yes terday morning. A large number of people attended the funeral of Dr. Ilassell yesterday evening. He was burled with tbe hooors of the Odd Fellows and Masonic orders. Homb MONKV to Loan. On good real estate aeourity. In sums ot $500 and up, at 7 per cent. No commission, no red tape. Apply to J. Q. Plattenburg. tf Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pouge, of Cbllllcotbe, came In Saturday night to visit Mrs. Bert Taubman, Mrs Foage's sister, and to be with other members of the family. Master Robert Knickerbocker Ry land, who has been spending a week here visiting the family of Judge John E. Ryland, returned Saturday evening to Kansas City. Chnrcb of Christ Scientist, Sunday services as follows: 10:30 . m., Sunday school 11:30 a.m., at Knights of Pytblas ball. All are cordlallv invited. tf Mr. Albert Wulfenkublcr and wife and children came down from Leav enworth Saturday night to visit the family of Mrs. Margaret Wels, and returned borne Sunday evening. Geo. Wltte, the 14-year-old son ot W. W. Witte, who lives at Riverton was accidentally shot through the left arm yesterday with a small riue ball. We understand that the wound Is not serious. Children who are weak, fretful or tronb leaome shoold be given tew doses ol White's Cream Vermifuge. They will then become strong, healthy and active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyea, will be bappy and laughing all tbe day long. Price, 26 oeota. For sale by Crenshaw A Voung. Mr. Wm. Bandon came down from Kansas City to spend Sunday here with bis father's family and bis wife and baby who have been visiting here for several nays, and wiio returned home with him yesterday evening. Misses Gardner, Cliafiln and Jones, nf the Baptist college, went to Kan sas City this morning. They will attend the recital given by Frof. Richter In the auditorium of the Pepper building in Kansas City to ulgbt. Miss Chaffi n will lake part in the programme. Mr.' C. Frauk Ellis, of Baltimore, was the guest Saturday of Mr. C. McLaughlin at the Commercial hotel. He represents tbe firm of Ellis k Ellis, Baltimore, exporters of lumber and logs. Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Dickenson went to Kansas City yesterday. From Tueaday'a Dally.) Dr. G. W. Fredendall spent the day in Kansas City yesterday. Mr. Walter Waddell returned this morning from Kansas City. Mr. August Litnberg returned last night from a business trip to Kansas City. Mr. W. R. Carl, who has been vis iting Mr. Frank Hays, left last night for Clinton, 111. Col. Lee Slusher returned to Kan sas City this morning, where he is serving on the federal Jury. Mr. J. R. Doling left this morning for a westera trip to tbe mining re gions of Colorado and New Mexico. Mr. Cbas. Royle, wbo has been on visit here for a couple of days, re turned this morning to Kansas City. Mr, John Harwood, of tbe Hlggins- vllle Jeffersunian. came up to the county seat on business this morning. Mrs- Miller, sister of Cadet Samp son, wbo has been visiting here for a few . days, returned to St. Louis last night. Miss Nellie Trosper, of the Baptist college, returned last night from a visit to ber home at Breckenrldge, Missouri. Rheumatism ie conceded to have its origin in a poisoned condition of the blood, and to be moat aooeaef oily treated by Herbine, whloh acts upon tbe liver, kidneys and other blood purifying organs, thereby divesting the system of the of fending ageota. Prioe, 50 oeota. For ale by Crenshaw A young., Mml Rev. J. ' H. Glm vllle returned last night from Kansas City, where he preached i Sunday at the Central Methodist church, . Rev. D. Bucbmueller and Mr. Fred Winkler went to St. Louis last night where Mr. Winkler goes for special treatment for his eye. When the liver falls to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded with bilious prop erties, tbe digestion becomes Impaired and tbe bowela constipated. Herbine baa a direct action oa the liver and exoretory organi, and a tew dosee wilt cure any case of biliousness. Prioe 50 cents. For sale ty Crenshaw A Young. 5-4ml . Mrs. Melott, mother of Mr. Peter Melott, returned, yesterday evening to ber borne at! Wellington, after spending a few days bere with ber son. : Miss Ethel Brownlee, one of Cen tral's students, left this morning for her borne at Applcton City, called there on account of her brother's sickness. Don't despair because you have a weak constitution. Tbe vitalizing principle of Herbine will assuredly strengthen it. la every drop of Herbine there is life. There is a stimulating, regenerating power, nneqnaled in the whole rangeof medicinal preparations. Price, 50 cents. For sale by Crenshaw a Young. 6-4tul Lieutenant ,Fuqua, of the United States army, who is very iH with pneumonia at the Presidio, San Fran cisco, Cal., taken on the return voy age from tbe Philippines, is a son of one of the signers of the Louisiana secession ordinance who was murder ed by federal soldiers. Lieutenant Fuqua has been recommended for the regular army, lie Is a brother of Jos. Scott Fuqua, of St. Louis, who mar rlcd , the daughter of Mrs. Fannie Wilson Baker, formerly a Lexington girl- A Texas Womter. BALL'S QKEAT DISOOvEKT. One small bottle ot Hail's Great Die uovery cures all kidney . and bladder troubles, removea gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all Irregularities of tbe kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladdnr troubles in children.. It not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt o! 1. On small bottle la two month's treatment, will cure any case above mentioned. Dr, E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, St. Louis, formerly Waco, Tessa. Send for te..S monlala. Hold by urensbaw S Young READ THIS. Meiloo, Mo., Jnly 6, 1900. Tbls is to certify that I have used The Texas Won der, Hall's Great Discovery, for Kidney ana oisaaer trouciftt, ana can inuy rec ommeod It to all sufferers from tneeonm plaints. J. K. LUCKIK. Couniy Sews. Rev. E. Y. Ginn organized a junior Epwonb League last Sunday in Odesaa. Mm. Natoao Corder was visiting ber parents last week, judge and Mrs. J. W. Harrison at Odessa. The Odessa school board is having ' numerous applications from teachers for positions to the Odessa schools. Re. Otto of tbe Christian church ill begin a series of meetings at tbe Anllville Christian church Monday, May 6. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gum of Odessa entertained the newly married oouple Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Giiui on Thursday ight of last week. At tbe special election held in Odessa last week, Mr. N. M. Houx was elected mayor and Mr. James E. McCombi, street commissioner. Tbe Shakespearean club of Odessa met last Thursday evemog with Miss Sallio McGlaebery. The subject was 'Ay You Like It" and the evening was both eDj'oyable and instructive. Rev. Meigs of Nankin, China, preached at the Christian church iu Higginsville, Sunday morning and ovening. He is president of the col lege at Nankin. . Scott Griflin met with an accident at the Sewell mine west of Wellington last week. In going down tbe shaft his foot slipped and be fell about twenty feet. He escaped without any broken bones but was cousiderably oaken up and bruised. . President's Party Started. Tbe president left Washington Moo. day for bis long trip to the Pacific coast. Secretary Cortelyoo has sent to eacb member of the president's party a handsomely prepared itinerary of the trip. It is in tbe form of a booklet with a handsomely embossed cover and contains in .addition to a map showing the route to be taken by tha party, the day and hour of arrival and departure at eacb point, the population and elevation above sea level of cities . at which stops will be made, and many other interesting faots, including the names of tbe railroads over which the train will travel.Ube distance between points, etc The longest distance to be traveled without a stop is from San Antonia to- , El Paso, Tex., a distance of 624 miles. The members of the party will be as follows : The President and Mrs. McKioley, Miss Barber, Secretary Hay, Mrs. Hay, Postmaster General Smith, Mrs. Smith, Secretary Long, wbo will join tbe party enroute, Mrs. Long, Secretary- Hitchcock, Miss Hitchcock, Secretary Wilson, Miss Wilson, Rear Admiral George Melville, Secretary Cortelyoo, Mrs. Cortelyoa, Assistant Secretary Barnes, Dr. P. M. Rixey, Mrs: Kixey, Henry Scott of the Union Iron works, San Francisco; Lawrence I. Scott, Charles A. Moore, Mrs. Moore, M. A. Dignan J. Kruttsscbmidt, fourth vice, president of tbe Southern Pacific; L. S. Brown, general agent of tbe South ern railway; six newspaper men, three representatives of three illustrated: weeklies, several white house attaches and stenographers. An Innovation. The Louisville ,& Nashville railroad, together with its connecting lines, has inaugurated the Chicago & Florida Lim ited, which is a dally, solid train, wide vest ibu led, steam heated, avis lighted, with dining car service for all meals en route from Chicago to Tbomasville, Ga.r Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Fla. This train leaves Chicago over the Chi cago & Eastern Illinois tracks at ll:0& a. m., running via Evansville, Nash ville, Birmingham and Montgomery, I'liint system to Jacksonville, and Florida East Coast to St. Augustine, arriving at the latter city 7:30 tbe next evening, making the fastest time ever made between these points. This train has annex sleepers leaving Cincinnati at 11:15 a.m., and St. Louis at 2:15 p. m., which also run through. Mr. C. L. Stone, general passenger agent Louis ville & Nashville R. R., Louisville, will answer all inquiries concerning this train and f uvuish printing matter con cerning it. A. P. Blackwell and family have moved to this oily. ' Mr. Blnckwell is an expert blackeinith whioh business he will conduct in tbe city. Dover Tribune.