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The Intelligencer. L a NEALE. Edit- u4 Propriety. Xzirrei at tit Lti'sfm pn&t l tlAm W i H B,i"rT. TEH.1S, Si.e PER YEAR. Satteiht. Mat 1, Ittl. KaAJ', Jio ptt-p..r the I' uxmios. U acnaiar eoce fn4r4 w ; wwe the safcv (I soe:k ad aor.a, ;a i ladiitioa u i be spins cf puir de- j x k't f i vrs- Xii-c-i:n ii vxioe shews n tie war wkh ipfv( v tret to - eU. iix. k wosJd b I j.-. bOOi iT II lbt j the prrstdetl it ha JtrT throe j its ratty soctkiixd. A -I po'iimJ j 4i icts are 2aJ x.i for li liw ibwtx i dtiww lo tie tkiK-ekJ 'pod ukea ia oor sKitxecctirf, ard oo tny of tbe coctiry titei ta w.:r tcwi ol F::ori, Tvi-s tnn (nvrftc a. Ta Cawr r a warai spM ! -itriif aaamac of tea aatirtl. xrtt: f j aad ik. n ire ti to hive catftt tu sp-ate iatd are iiTrtCitr ic Kci New l art. A Nttii Vj. p.-?:ktr reported . j. a i . a.'Civjt j - . WiraJ. FVfpoai Sorju wecitcu tbe pmideat a asor eetbovisif Locda a brt urn ifxs to &vt L recepiioB liaa U cow b:? tro I be arre&rac of a rlttMrt Unci. ! aim iv tbe a,bie soss it J fiJ dscra- rcTct"d ftc.trt i tvorooc pncea. 'oven. Ttose mlo tte aoaced XIargaalJ All cn ic Joi:f bo,ie to tbe trorJii tratkaaicLa feit iaiHfd Uat predct o griei n?V.ic o( aaar btfer tkitgs tiaa pc-jt wof.l' hiaorj, aad t: itdii tcrea asd Oof ad wttl ttetu cob- a tnempkaJ pracsioa lo tbe i i of lis j-mrttj. I: io tb c4 Ui laiej: asore ia psn-ta.e ofjcsuv aoj hanaoaj tsal preT;I tULejlaud Ltsecf siirp wbjcb i OMjibrocliOct tbt Tal cooiirj aej t4 Grwi Bntait$ Urg si tbjppisg in- j ajr ta other aalioc tae priJe o( Lae KiUiWai. I: u pre::j gaeralW c a-j American i a tts iaKitonots aad SEetiv dtrs-rxKl t&AtKLer let iafonct lia :ol of govT.neat- Not to the mis kro U bt Utta m'o lie cod- I m aa iadiridoal do tbe rsblic do K(Ji-joa tad It this aseaoi ia to b j rerereoce, ba; to tbe c5 wtxa be ta:!t up a jkippicg eoaparj with the ? repreeot. hjgwa toaa-e of aaj coipirj ia tbe I r . . ,. , , wonl. TtM porcfcase h bet aaoibr I , - - . . tp ia tie frti.: nroad aad ara'r tnasporutioa mooopcij lat it briag pl84 aad C4med oat otdrr tbe fosna wiag of tee prmt tmst breeding adsaisij&raxwt, of liciiickj asd Eaaaa. It be rettvesbered laat jat Jtire sunicg on eu uip to Lesion, Mrfan, ia core pi oj witi J J. BUI, tbe gtrti riilrciJ msgnat, id to WasB:Bta to aoe Iliac a and M:Siaf b?o: tn:rf orr 5k taild itgcf tc u'baisa Caaa! to private IK, Mr. Morgan aad Mr. Hill acd otoer fUeat pir.aers beiag it j prirate panie who td to revere ibe fOTeraaea; of all worry ud rponsi. Wiij aboct tie sailer. We aij at t&at uxae tLtt ttere tu aMai;eriB ibe wood pC" tad reoeat cTeats are po.cuig to tbe eorrectoen ol oar utv prcioBi. - Wbes Motgaa and II ill aod tier aamiaiitra'.ioa pels bate boogbt cp all tbe ablpt, tbe bip aabcid bill wLl be pawed ud tbe aabitdr will all go into tbe pocket of I bete great truM tstfaaiea and tbt people fill continue to paj tbe tame or greater freight nu tad tbe aabsidj ia addition. Ibis great trust Anaoooda it gradually stwuueg within iu a!iniT eoilt the Tast oooimercial fabric of tbe land aad cnsthxLg tbe lire oat of free and no- restnaed trade, la tbe Oieaa time we will wich wttB increaaiBg interest tbe cuoidmg of the great greed inspired acbeme. wolf froa tbe door. V.t. Liboactere, editor of Troth, a tbock to tbe Loodon psb'lo by qatstiocirg tbe adriabl7i:T of pariag h:x w aaek. Tbe idea tveest to be gradsally filter ing throopii tbe thick beaded Et!iih popa'.auoc that tb7 are pjir dear far their rojahr wbir-le. A a result of tke eaorxoas propertj and baiD boom in Beaasoot, Texas, it is fail tbu it -re are oaiid- ingt ia the ton that Ir'n; in ecocjb reel ic cae awcti to pa the cof. of their eosrtractkK:. If half tbe weili that are cow beio opened prore to be prodacers what it 23ic to becoae ol tbe ra amount of o;! prodacJ BIG FI5AC11L TEAXSACT105S Honda wa a fecord iuaabct ia tbe tale of atoeU on tbe New Tore Stock Exchange, 2,740,000 abaret ctaaging Imai. Toesday bowerer beat Moo day't record, 3,202,190 abaret being ealt in. Eren Loadoa, hitherto look ed upon aa tbe great financial oester of tbe world and accoaiomed to large traasaeuons ia bond and atociu Tiewg ia open mouthed astonuhmeot tbe on precat4d tnnactioni in New York, tbe toul a)ae ot share changing iaada Taedy Deiag ?52o,6t'O.Ot'0. Ibe London stock aad bond market no Iobw controls pnce but New York m vetting tbe ptw for tbr wbule worid. It U cla med by tome that the aciivity ia ttockt u caated by a wDd fcTer of fpecalatSca ttat mi. xar or later gJTe p.aae to a fearful oullp. Other claim that it w caued by Jaige finan cial :ntere tryicg to grt control of eenaia lire of uclu. No ooe can predt wiU cmainty when tbe boom will end acd wbat kind of aa ending it will tae. TKE CHINESE JXDEMS1TY. Irom Pri, nn4er ove l My 1;, cornea tbe it torn, moo that tne Powera kte at Jat apd opoa the amooat ol indemnity ibat tbey will demand ol China and hove fixed iu tarn at iCZMi,000. Just how thi it to be apporjooeJ aaiotg tbe inter ested Chrisrtian (?) powers hat not yet ben decided, li tbe i!y Li Hong Chatg prore a BkiUft.1 a dodder in debt paying mit-rt at tbe Saltan ol Terser, it will probacy if. me time bloM tlwrp i aoj chsnc- f.r a qaam-1 OTer tbe spoil. I.'t nip aur iuck W:g oil in T-xt and tocki in N York a to whiot it (f-:uti? uot'.be tigt-rt boom. An lilinoit tbenfl eartr thit week arretted aeTeral oes near NukTille, ia that tta'.e, far twindling farmers on tha old lightning rod game. The firmer who don't know enooeh in thit day of cheap newspapers to keep oat of the binds of ligttaing rod sharks ought to fatve a guardian appoint Tbe Boera, by blowing oo a railroad in Cape Colony last week, made an effort to capture Cecil Rhodes, bat Cecil sot withing at present to be rosbed hastily into a warmer eli&aie than Sooth Africa wisely got awaT in bis own bide, of which he is ttkicg good care. The young millionaire Cornelios Vanderbilt Is reported to be a member of tH ISO.OiMjOOO cD;i.latKa of mining machinery and engine maon- factorera. Tbe Vaaderbiltt take to combinations and trascs as naturally as cocks take to water. Philips the con king hat made rood his word aad put eora op to 50cta on tie Chioajro market Wednesday. If be can bold up bis dal be will be a great benefactor of the farmer who will be enabled to sell his corn at a good price. It is reported that ex-Gorernor Hogg, of Texas, has recently cleaned op about t3.tt0.0w in oil and rhr rcteresis. Ibis would sacgejt tbe propriety of leaving off one ia ?ilinsr bis name. Ooserror Coiner y lo cjclooc- in tbe horizon of JJiy, wbich would be ctue ot rejoiciag for Missouri if Mr. Conner's foresight in the pa-t bad always proven aa good as our hind. ibt. If experience is worth moch, some of tb ouUidr nm nA, .i i.smiu- IUIU uf of Ttwt lkd ia Bciiie-sl od A bne reatta ; e rwrwS two st ltd tk.N clildrta ibe tld stcry ol a r:ig baud leg in Sw Loils. Tbe oil fT hw :rack Colorado a: 1 oil ?ntf Iroa wksoa oil a. y be kimd tire S-t; dirccrorel nar Largt.j, Rjo ElviJu :aty. Tbe ti ce of Use Elirotf lf"i:tre ki apprc-Ted tbe World's Fair bill lor fsr :te liaos eik;tl; a: tbe Lkj Expoijia- Two gridaue cf Stanltff College at A'ioe. Elisor prcjose to start lm sdatlT after tbej rradaitioa on a trip arcc:4 tbe world ia a astoaobile JIscj of ;be b-g sut trokers ia tbe New York sock excia are seffer in? whh co'.o?d ncrres on account of the severe Kraui ttrTEga whb they have been pis:;:?. Tbe $ezja:oaJ featcre of tbe week is the booa in stocks oa the New York .ock euhirge. It bu never been equaled in tbe history of stock cea'iags ;s '.br wjrld. Tbe PivAnericaa Ei?oit:oo open ex! at Buffalo, May 1st, aid tbe big skew is sow on tboogk ajciuii is sash great enterprises eTerrUmg is sot reacy for tkecpesicg diy, Boy 3-sls, kb of a Boone count? farmer kit been sppoicted a cadet to tbe Naval Academy at Aaaspoiis by CocgmsatB C. W. Shackelford. He lea t as oext wetk for hs elimination Dr. J. L. Gartrtll, tbe man who murdered D. B. Dooegaa is known to a great many people la Lexington aad Laiavette coaty. The people of Batler are tilklag ttrocgly of JyBChing CoBcordii. The Usodoiia club rave a social and k cream supper it Brans' hall Thurs day Bight. Everybody is expecting a zoos' time on bermxa Ptoneer day ob the 15th of this moath. Heary Daakers, cf Lexinr.on. came dowa Sunday to visit his mother, acd ba fami!y came with him. Dr. Fraaz Braecklein. one of oor oldest physicians, baa been ouite ill tha week and is hardly expected to iive. Tbe Frauenverem of the Lutheran St. Tad's church met Wednesday anernoon wiin urs. rranz Brackman. near this city. The game of bill Scndav evnin between St. Paal college teim and th- Jacksonville club resulted in favor of tbe college team by a score cf 11 to 7. Th annuil election of oriiors of our are dprtos'. tjk pV- Monday nigat and tbe old orncers who bare done well iu the pm were re-elected. ii? Ltotii W'tlseahorM kal qui: a ncmoer cf fr.enJj to ca'l on hr iion day aftercoca to ja h-r in tbe cele bration of tbe SDoifer.iry of ber bir.fcJsv. Tbe airket last Sa:Urdav vi. ta as well a-tcdH at would have beta a tbe farmers btd not bwn so hue k. . . md whirl of nock .Pcu!.tio; in v.- !. H " Dm&"r ol P0 " York i. wwn aa ir , -.-j, ..y unr mwjn St.iQ,. rrv vaJjable property of the frperience Taneiy. caused by a traaoontibntl a a ueoes. lr. Via. U'alkeofa'irst and Mr liny Bfickoritrr were uiirrd lt tirtd ik. l . .. in BJlUft Ol lfc hnA: AttenCin:.. t. r-lintMrjingtogetl . " K ( r . ultil ju-ciai-a. t Cream Baking Powder. For a third of a century American housewives have found Dr.Price's Bak ing Powder invariably a guarantee of light, sweet, pure and wholesome food. Always makes tie perfect iisczit, cake and bread. net bakimo rewota oo. k Iowa ftic tmt iarensr 4 njssviM to u r We Are Making irst Class Suits From $15.00 To - 850.00 Call while Our Line of Piece Goods is Complete . . , PHILIP KELLER s For One Week Commencing MONDAY, MAY 6 1! H the .re advaac raUroad L , Kocki in New York ,h:i prove la be ' f ' lh;' C"-T" J caused bv iOI.., . .. xt , rurd n aayl provetobear.xKlthicTi,rih. ill rr v., v..77r n:.. " ' i-xicjrtn u g . ! Daio- hied. frk.oJl ,n tt VI Jl aiore gu,fctm m the LBmM. wJ ; The oil excitcrriect in tb 1 -nnyIvai,ii i, t,oi to itb ibe Iri4 k:td. - w:k. , J daj of ' -'Vtwly Waubmaa. J. H. KIEFEU MR. ROBERT SHERMAN, j An j His Bi: Comedy Comjiipy In a Repertoire "cf Keu P!;- t On Monday night they wili rrrct ot. ef Mr. Sberaan's c J piajs, a ot;r Act C ;jtjj. Entitled :My Friend From Arkansas! A PRETTY STORY XICKLY TOLD. A a " . j - pv j ps etcrr one. F,a..n lo ee.hf!i n.uf ro eiw. m,n-, 4, if Jf N-biaka woii 10 v- scale of eivLi.kiA.i, peoxne S4s U r ,11 1. 1. -run -- ibe scale of eiTi.iu,,. LC- tl6-S IC SPSCIiLTIL s -16: Prices. SPECAL-On Moodav if accompanied by a party hoM,n? a p cent paij Itcket. i4 now cn sa!e. Y : ISOfa'S SfjOGRAPlT 9