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CLEVER AND TALENTED. I TABLES Tire repairs cost more than Tires. Missouri Paoino-L0xlngton Br. A Dliciid Which Lead to Ei WIST aoi'Ni't SAINS. fill No. 71. the Twt Word. WIISOII, ISURANCE. .1 property insured, 00 ; by tenant or owner written in any town in Will com", and make .al inspection, and name pon application. Will anything. Write or on him at office in ton. w. IEAL ESTATE le in Lexington. Farms ..le. Houses to rent. If have any real estate to lace it in his hands no if no sale. Office: in gton. W. WliSOit. LEE WALLACE, jstracter. Loan AKO Insurance Agent and City Property lor isle or rent, I0NEY TO LOAN. ;an money on Improved farm lands A 5 and t per cent interest. ;i front room over Tevta' drug store, LeilnKton, Mo. is, L Mis! Co. CASH ;oduce - Buyers : DRESSED POULTRY. GME i FURS. EGGS UNO BUTTER. )4 DUANE STREET, I NEW YORK. le for Our Present Paying Prices Crvr fellow. Dixon." remarked the fat man, with much heartiness. "Gave up his whole afternoon to do Brokeleigh a good turn. fow, Itroke leiffh is talented, but he's impractical, and consequently impecunious. So that makes Dixon s kindness an me more notable." "Don't think I want to rend you a lecture on diction," said the man with the gold-rimmed spectacles; I don't. I simply cun't help comment ing on the queer uses to which cer tain words are put." "Well, said the fat man, relates the New Yor licrnld. 'Why, you suy Dixon is a clever fellow. Maybe he is. I don't know him, aiid you do, and you are more than occasionally truthful. There fore I accent vour statement as fuct. when whit do I find you bringing for ward in support or your axueruon than a reference to the kindness of heart of said Dixon! You appear to have the Idea that "clever ana gooa natyred' or 'obliging' are of the same menninu-. Well, they are not. 'Clev er means dexterous or capable, and there is no earthly excuse for its American conversion to anotner meaning. 'Then you said something about Ttrnkeleiirh beinir a talented man. Now, in the opinion of many authori ties 'talented' is a naa wora. n is contrary to English analogy. That is one objection. Then, the word is based on a false metaphor. or course, you appreciate that it comes from the Bible story 01 tne man wno was civen a talent to do what he could with. Well, talented, In its last analysis, simply means a man of one talent and" that isn't at all the idea you mean to convey when you speak to-day of a talented man." "All right," ctieerrnuy aRsenieo mm tout man. 'Til have to let you have your way about the 'clever.' But I'll take exception to your ruling out talent.' Yon say it is rormea con trary to English analogy. All right. ThMi how about 'booted?' How about 'unprincipled?' 'Til tell you why 'taientea is gen erally used. It's because there is no adjectival form of 'genius.' and we frequently mix these terms up de spite constant correction, vvc cant snT a 'genlufed man,' so we say a talented' man, and I reckon we're as near right as we'll ever be." LnvcSt. I.oul Airite MHialia Concordia " Aullvllle . " Hliofinxvllle , ' 1'w City " Lexington Mjrik. WnlliUKtoo Waterloo " Napoloon " Independence " Knnhi Cliy... m. josepb tlAlLV .. "::lnHin . . pill . 4:? pm .. 4:tt pin ,. 4::C piu .. 4:47 pin 0:11 pm "i:lil pin . j:M piu .. 6:40 pin . 6:47 pn ... SMS pm .. 7:l.'ipiu I4.8TBOCK0 UaveSt. Joe Kansas City " Iudepudence " Napoloou.......... " Waterloo " Wellington Lexington " Yngo CiTy ' HlKKlnnville Aullvi'le " ConooMia " bedalla Ht Ixmls Special nitiis to Kansas erenltiK'uud Sunday. TRAIHS. No. 74. ... :00 pm ... 5:4" pill .... II: 10 pill 7:08 pm ... 7:14 pin .... pm .. 7:-rtpm ..Tt iNpra 8: lupin .... 8:1 pm ... 8:32 pm .... 8:411 pin ,..-10:00 pm 7:10 am City every rKKlOHTS. Bast . , 8 5"lam....tjeavos texlnirton :4.Miiu.... " PaireUlty 111:0,'. un. ... " H!4ritiville lortOaai ... " Aullvllle 11:00 arc.... " Concordia m.... heaiuu. S:1S p Dullj ly, except Sunday. No. 7i. fl:Z6am tt:M am 7:40 am 7:44 am T :M am 8:08 am 8:IO'itn am 8:87 am 8:47 am B'.OS am lo:0& am :00 pm Saturday WHt 8: Mam 4:60 nm 3 i.'i pm 1 :4) 0111 1 :10 pm IU-.4UU1D RIDE GOODYEAR DETACHABLE TIRES end save the expense. Fit any rim. No cement required. EASY TO REPAIR. EASY to BtY. Every puncture don't mean vulcanizing. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0. Simmons Hardware Co., incorporated, St. Louis, Mo. Schmelzer Arms Co., Kansas City, Mo., distributers.; No. 7S. CQ (:1.1pm y2w 6:4aiu If I tirtr tun JF if Jq. b:4 hiu H ir (JiMiiiu 4V1 0:44 aui r ,i 'C4. 8 IOm jit 7:!4m 7;HSara fvt f5'fr 7:4 am JfX B:aui 2 fHt V$-J) NEW SERVICE VIA Jefferson City, Boonville and Lexlnic- um uivi.siou. MIXSD DAILT XXC. SCKPAT. No. 74. U'live. 7:15 am LexiURton g:i5um Myriok.... 8:fx. am nonnrup U:loam W.27 am .... H:Mam ll;3oau. U:aara... . 4 4A pm Read down ni-ivr ..Kdwards..., ..Wuvurly. .. ...Mirh:ill , ...illHlUVlllO. .. Tiptou ... No. 71. Arrive. .. . 6:11 Dm .... 4.4S pm .... 4 1! urn .... 4.00 pm .... pm ... 3: t0 pm ..... 1:16 Dm .... 3:iH) pm .... i ii pm Head up. 1ANTAFI ROUTE. t i .. .l .. a . W,i V, I jtvtnirtfin 1 No. l (dallyl 7:4ft a m Trains leave North Iiexlngton: No. t, Express (dully)....... 1 " nam line imina p mmuhi QOISQ BAST. No. 8, (dally)... swain x. 8. 4. No. 1, " . I " i 6. 19, CaUrorniu Limited.'. ooisavasT. (daily) California Limited.. ..10:00 a m .. 7:6 p in .. 8:ltt p in .. 8:41 a m 8:M a m 1 U:iam U:4ll a 111 6:40 p til 1 ri Ja.. A innt. W J. Black, O. e. A.,Topexa, jvaa. TRON & TAUBMAN, LIX1NQT0N, MO. I ABSTRACiS OF TITLE, k ESTATE INSURANCE, ) M0?Ir TO LOAW t. ..- i. ul nf Ahatraot lord of Title to tna Lands of Lafayette jnt j. FFICE in HMRK BUILDING H. WOHTHISOTOW. 8. N. WttSON lkxinoton, Misaocai. Ffafp I nana and Insurance Agents. AB9TKACT8 OF TTILK MADB. '111 loan money on Improved farm Isnds at , 5 and H P' c8"' mterei )FFICE IN HiERLE BUILDING. Dr.J.W.Meng, 1 Surgeon Oentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. HOUSEHOLD TALKS. Oaa mta f t"f"l lforml f tk Baiy Boaac- wlfe. A young rsbblt will hsve soft sars and paws. Hurd, worn feet and stiff ears with rough edges are sure indica tions of sge and consequent tougiinew, ays the New York Tribune. Any method of cooking employed for thickens may be employed for rabbits, but mnny people preier a sour sauce. When they are inert a snce or iwo oi lemon may be added to the trying pan after the meat is browned, but before it is quite done. If the pan is then cov ered tightly and a'slow cooking fol lows, the meat will be sort ratnertnan criao. If a fricassee is wanted, a table- spoonful of lemon juice or of wine vin egar may be stirred into toe sauce juav 1fore it is served, t or a pie two ran- bits will be needed where a single chicken is generally used. Knglish hares are cooked the same as the na tive wild rabbit. vviW iii.-v that have a fishy odor may be improved by rubbing the breast lightly with a slice of ouiou aim put ting live or six cranberries (uncooked) into the bird before cooking it. The unbaked port wnicn is i-aaeu from the center of patties before they are tilled is better than craeKcr erumnn for the tops of escaHopetl and deviled dishes. The fragments should be dried and rolled. sterni.H of nin or Dtiff paste trimmed from patties or pies niny besprinkled with grated cheese and made into cheese straw. The cold boiled rice left from dinner nr lnnidieon miv be mixed with waffles or muffins, and will moke them lighter. To Kee Away Wrlaklea. A habit of rubbinir a little cold cream about the eyes at night, epe clally at the onter corners, is ad vised as a method of keeping sway wrinkles, ltnbblng with fingera Just a little, moist with cold cream under the chin keeps tho throat fresh and firm. Brushing out tue eyeurnwa after washing will keep them from growing dull and gray. After the morning bath, turn the shoulder to the left, and at the same time the rest of the torso (not moving the feet or the knees) to the right. Then reverse this. Take exercise easily and only do it a few times, but be regular about it. It makes a twist at the waist that positively will keep the waist curve unmenaced by fat. Breathe deeply enough all the time to make the ribs spread. Detroit Free Press. Chicago and Alton Railroad. OOltCO BAST. CP 3 If Is. No, 4V pm - Si MI Blackburn... Alma Oinler HiKKlnsvllle.. MayviuW Udeaaa Dale City... . Oalt O rove.... No. 4? am 10:111 . lo:07 . H:fW . 9:60 , :: . : 36 , SiU 8:06 No. 61 pm i.'U 8:17 S'.ue 8:06 7: 7: 7:40 7:11 10:18 II No. 101 nm 1:46 1:25 l:uo 12:80 1 1 .Ml 11:10 10:08 9M San antonio, VIA WACO, 6. A. 4 A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO Austin. VIA ELGIN AND H.AT.C, Through Tourist Sleepers CALIFORNIA. Via AN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best tine to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" St. Louis. Chicago, Kansas City f r RACKS EXASt Effective March 10th, J 901 f the Announces the Opening of its Red Rivef Divisioa wTOm Denison and Sherman, Texas. j Through Train Service will shortly be csUbUshed from St. Louis sod Kansas Ctty ovtf the rf J . , Shortest Line to Texas ,' ALL THAlNa HAVC rRCC KATY CHAIR CARS and BUfFET SLEEPERS. OOtSO WB8T. Co Blackburn Alma Cordor. HUrsinsville May view OdeaM,. Bates City '.. OakOrore ? u No. o. 48 J2 pn am 4.W S:M 4 A 6:67 .44 7:07 :68 7:17 1:06 l-JO 5:20 7:45 6:36 8:00 6:46 8:08 LBJII WTL SALZEEl'S SEEDS I, . iss WILL S1SIKB lull niwn WfflOfZ Thll U d.rln, rttmi, trollVO. '.'W'M&M'iMili bw It out awr 4laia. i 'ST' oS8Sit5:willprtMT, 1 l ' nvlutlonlieotacnwua. n Billion Dolta Oraatral bwttT U toluol k: trapatx tie 60 KWteTiTlt DtUJX CalletUa, Fob SaLH I bavs lor sale a good paj ln ooalowa, ahont two thousand caah reqolred. For fall psnlcolsrs call on P. L Wallsos, agent, Lealogton, Mo. 4-27 Trains No. 101 and IM dally esoept Sunday A lot lerirainBuaii. 0,,,-. Kxourslon tickets sold t"-Kn8,cit';1u.C dav evenlnirs, Sunday momlnirm and ouuday i r... r.,m ti,a vminn inn. anniu . eTrn'".P. " ?E inV. rn Mondar morn-! lor ri'iui u '"-fhrouS'lfoket and checks to all point Bound trip tourist llcketaon sale to all tourist Telephone No. 60. i QEEAT NEWSPAPER. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a marvel ofjmodern news paper enterprise. The organization of iU news service is world-wide, complete in every department; in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section Is illustrated in iiaintiivitlnted colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section coutalnB more high class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in nutural colors are especially v.tluable to the ladiea. Tho enlniwl flflmifl SOCtlOIl is a i wmiine laush-maker. The Ifunny car toons are br tho best artists. The humorous stories aro high class, b authors of national reputation. Sheet music, a high-class, popular song, is furnished free every sunuay h Ti,a ..riott of tbA Siin.luv Henublic bv r,,,.ii An vhar is S2.00. For sale by all newsdealers. What Shall We Bave tor DeHorti ' ti.i. nnnaUnn aristw In tits family every ... r.u, ... anar It toav. Try Jell-O. a delicious desort. Prepared in two mlnutos. No baking I add hot water and et to cool. flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry ana sira berry. At your a rooers. woenm. rnnRBBPOKDENTS WASTED Tb IN TBLLIOENCEB wants a correspondent in every town in Lafayette county, Write or particulars. i!Tr4 parson. nf!lrii'-tH mm 1 rn too. itampi la49niiMiA)tal,U.WrikiatarsaMrk H tioKn Urn WHfrllW.UW S3 lH)RW:fj ;(L.S' ou --fHk- ftp iaK13s93f. fV Y flalr .SISBBBBMSBBBaT p CORicETABLET? ' . J....HL ituuiiHiirnoirF maue wiin pui e jrwwiiuwmvi. VJiaUrpaSsCQ iBromonwMiM-vwuoi airl r- II Tl i A f r. -i: ... . "" I rup an iruuoi mictuun .... --10 and 25 BOXES- So d by Orugqibtievervwhere or sent 2r -piPid ort receipt ol price ey&y&J'j 663 Broxtway NtwYoRK rn isiui rr iVm a !. . i . "! ji flirt. ,fl . 1 si T-H-E N E W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D THRICE-A-WEEK Edition. Almost a Daly at the Price ol a Weekly. The nresidential campaliru is over but the world 0x18 on just the same and it is full of news. To learu this news, just as it ia-proruptly and impartially all that you have to do is to look in the columns of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World which unmes to the subscriber 151 times a year. The Thrioe-a-Week worm's auiKence as a publisher of first news lias Riven it circulation wherever the JknsitHn Jan unacre is spoken and you want it. The Tlmce-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only 51.00 per year. We offer this iiuequaled neweppnper and the Intklliukncku together one year for SMB. The regular subscription price of tht two papers Is $2.00. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD IK awsis isisisiiaii PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO ft: JMUMW inVa-nfUi lili " lJ' -' ' --" AND POINTS IN , w ?n t r n V1:f..;:l I AND TERRITORY BEVOND. W. 8, LYON3. Pawowrer and Tleket Agcnt-HldglnsTllVe, Mo 0 to. J. CiiAKLTOM, (i. P. T. A., Chicago, 111.